Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I Canon
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Please read this manual before operating this scanner . Instructions.
2 Connecting the Scann er to a Computer Connect the CR-190i t o a computer as follows. Ma ke sure to inst all the software before connectin g the scanner to a computer. • If you connect the computer and turn ON the CR-19 0i before installing the softwar e, the following wizard screen appears.
4 FCC REGULATIONS (For 120V model) Check Reader, Model M111021 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the f ollowing two conditio ns: (1) This device may not cause harmful interferen ce, and (2) this device mu st accept any interference received, including inte rference that may cause undesired operation.
5 Tradem arks • Canon and the Canon logo are registered trademarks, of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be trademarks or registered trademarks in other countries.
6 INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the Cano n Check Reader CR-190i. Please read this manua l thoroughly before using th e machine in order to familiarize yourself with its capab ilities, and to make the most of its many functions. Manuals for the CR-190i The following manuals are provided with t he CR-190i.
7 Table of Contents Connecting the Scanner to a Compu ter.......... ............. ........... ............. 2 INTRODUCTION ....... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ................ ...... 6 Manuals for the CR-190i ...... ......
8 Maintenanc e ..... ........... .......... ............. ........... .......... ........... ......... 51 Replacing t he Ink C artridge . .......... ........... ............. .......... ....... 51 Replacing t he Ink D isposal T ank ........ ..........
9 Important Safety Instructions Handling WARNING ■ Never install and operate the scanner near flammable substa nces, such as alcohol, paint t hinner, benzene, or any other t ype of volatile solution. ■ Never damage or modify the power cord, and never place heavy objects on the power cord.
10 ■ Keep the area around the power outlet clear of all obstacles so you can disconnect the power cord easily at all times. ■ Never spill water or volatile solutions (alcohol, benzene, paint thinner) into the scanner . Doing so may cause a fire or ele ctrical shock.
11 • Places subject to rapid changes in temperature or humidity Condensation occurring inside the sc anner may impair image quality. Place the scanner in a roo m that is within the following range: Room temperature: 50°F t o 90.
12 Introduction to the CR-190i This chapter describes the features of the CR-190 i scanner, what comes packaged in the box, an d the names and functions o f parts on the scanner.
13 Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection a nd Double Feed Detec t OFF Button (Scanning Utility for CR-190i) The scanner detects double-fed d ocuments using ultrasonic, and can turn OFF the function with the Function Button. Drop-Out Color This function enables drop-out scanning of a specific col or in the document.
14 This section describes the names and functions of each part. Be fore you connect the CR-190i, fa miliarize yourself with its part s and their functions. Front View Part Names Power Switch Front Maintenance Cover Open this cover to clear paper jams or to clean the scanner.
15 Back Maintenance Cover Open this cover to clear paper jams or to clean the scanner. Separation OFF Mode Button Use this button when you want to scan the following documents (See “Separation OFF Mode,” on p.
16 Rear View CAUTION To avoid overheating and causing a fire, never block the air vents on the back of the scanner. Connector Units: inches (units in parenthe sis are millimeters) Ink Disposal Tank Pocket Connector Air Vent Power Cord Connector Connect the power cord provided with the scanner to this connector.
17 Preparation Before Use This chapter describes how to prepare the scanner to sc an documents. Perform the following steps to set up the CR-190i. Refer to the section for each step f or details about t hat step. A Check your oper ating envir onment. (S ee “Checking Y our Operatin g Environ ment,” on p .
18 The following computer system re quirements are recommended for using the CR-190i. Operating Systems: • Microsoft Windows XP (32bit) SP3 or later • Microsoft Windows XP (64bit) SP2 or later • Microsoft Windows Vista (32/64bit) SP1 or later • Microsoft Windows 7 (32/64bit) Specifications: • CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 3.
19 The following software applications are provided on the setup disc that is packaged with th e scanner. Make su re to open a nd read the Readme.txt file on th e setup disc before installing the softwar e.
20 D Click [Acces sories], an d then clic k [Run]. E Enter “D:SU1 90iset up.exe” i n the [Open] fi elds, and then click [OK]. Installation starts. F Follow the instr uctions on the s creen to complete the installatio n. IMPORTANT The computer may need to be restarted, after the installation, depending on the operating system.
21 Connecting the Power Cord Connect the power cord. Make sure to use only the power cord provided with the scann er. WARNING When connecting the power cord, follow these precautions. Failure to do so may cause a fire or electrical shock. • Never grasp the power plug when your hands are wet.
22 B Turn ON your compute r. C Windows reco gnizes the CR- 190i as new hardw are, and installatio n starts automat ically. NOTE The CR-190i will be registered as “CANON CR-190i USB” in the Imaging Device directory. Turning OFF the Power A Turn OFF your compu ter.
23 This section describes how to prepare the ink cartridge so that you can use the imprinter to print text or a bitmap on scann ed documents. About the Ink Cartridge The ink cartridge is not included with the scanner. Purchase an ink cartridge separa tely, as sho wn below.
24 C Place the ink cartridge shown in the diagra m below. CAUTION Do not touch the electrical contact on the carriage. Doing so may cause a malfunction. NOTE Do not use more than one cartridge by rotation. If you do so, application s cannot check the ink level precisely.
25 Software This chapter describes how to use the Scanning Utility and the Ranger. This section describes how to start u p the Scanning Utility so tha t you can use the scanner. Read the Help files for the Scanni ng Utility for information on ho w to use it.
26 NOTE The basic operation of the Scanning Utility is noted in the Scanning Utility help file. On the [Help] menu, click [Help] to view the explanation. D Select [Scanner Setting] from the [File] men u. The Settings dialog box appear s. E Set the scan cond itions and cli ck [OK].
27 F Select th e scanning method fr om the [ File] menu and star t scanning. G When scanni ng is finished , click [Exit] on the [File] men u to quit the Scanning Utility.
28 C Click [Start], and then click [All Programs]. The procedure in Windows XP/7 is different from the on es described in this manual. Refer to the Windows XP/7 “Help an d Support Center” to select [Run]. D Click [Acces sories], an d then clic k [Run].
29 This section describes how to uninstall the Scanning Uti lity and the Ranger . IMPORTANT • Be sure to log on as the Administrator. • The procedure in Windows XP/7 is different from the ones described in this manual. Refer to the Windows XP/7 “Help and Support Center” to uninstall the software.
30 IMPORTANT • If you uninstall the “Scanning Utility for CR-190i” you also need to uninstall the “Canon Driver for CR-190i.” • If you uninstall the Ranger, select the “Ranger for CR-190i.” D The [Confir m File Delet ion] dialog box appea rs.
31 Document Feedi ng and Scanning This chapter describes precautions regarding docume nts that can be handled on this sc anner and scanning opera tions. This section describes the types of documents that can be used and how to place them. CAUTION Treat the documents carefully.
32 NOTE • Note that mixing documents of different thickness may cause a malfunction during feeding. • Curled, wrinkled, or folded documents may cause an error. If this happens, straighten out the curls, or reduce the number of documents loaded. Envelope You can also scan the envelope.
33 Using Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection The double feed detection function t hat the scanner is equipped with uses the penetration of ultrasonic waves to dete ct when two or more documents are fed at the same time. If false detections h appen too often, disable the double feed detection function.
34 Placing Documents Note the following poin ts when placing docu ments on the scanner. • Place the front of the document toward you. • Do not exceed the Load Limit Mark when placing documents in the document tray. This may cause feedin g errors or paper jams.
35 This section describes how to load and scan documents. CAUTION • Avoid wearing loose fitting clo thing, dangling jewe lry, long ties, or long hair that could become entangled with moving parts, especially the rollers that feed paper through the scanner.
36 IMPORTANT • If you press the JOG Button when a batch of documents of various sizes are loaded, the alignment will be incomplete, and the documents will not be scanned in the order loaded. If you are scanning documents of various sizes , align the leading edges of all the documents with the entry point of feeding.
37 • When Using the Accompanying Scanning Utility for CR-190i: Scanning is suspended and a message is displayed when the Eject Pocket becomes full of documents. Scanning resumes when the documents are removed from the Eject Pocket (Eject Pocket full detection).
38 Troubleshooting This chapter describes the problems that might occur in the CR-190i, and how to remedy them. The following causes and r emedies describe why your computer may not recognize the scanner. If paper has jammed, open the Maintenance Cover and remove the jammed paper.
39 B Press and hold the START Button . The jammed document is ejected into the Eject Pocket . If the above procedure does not clear th e paper jam, perform t he following to remove the jammed document. C Pull the Open But ton, and pull the Front Maint enance Cover open to the right and left.
40 G Close the Fron t Maintena nce Cover in t he order shown in the diagram below ..
41 If the document is not fe d properly or the detection functions do not work properly, remedy the problem by checking the following conditions. Feeding Trouble Condition A paper jam has occurred.
42 If there is a problem with the scanned imag e (the image is not sharp or stripes appear), one of the fol lowing conditions may be a probable cause. Check th e following conditions, a nd take the appropriate action. The scanning glass or rollers are dirty.
43 Maintenance This chapter describes how to clean and maintain the scanner. To ensure high-quality image scanni ng, regularly clean your CR-190i as described below. CAUTION • Before you clean the scanner, turn OFF the scanner and computer, and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.
44 B Press the Open But ton, and pu sh the Bac k Maintena nce Cover op en to the b ack. C Wipe the fe ed path wi th a firml y wrung cl oth, moisten ed slightly with wa ter or mild deterg ent. Then, wipe off with a clean, dry clot h. D Close the Back Ma intenanc e Cover.
45 Cleaning the Scanning Glass and Rollers If stripes appear on scanned images o r if dirt appears on scan ned documents, clean the scanning glass and rollers. Clea n the scanning glass and rollers regularly. A Remove the Top Cover. B Pull the Open But ton, and pull the Front Maint enance Cover open to the right and left.
46 E Spin the rolle rs while wipi ng them clean with a firmly wrung cloth damp ened with wate r or a mild de tergent. There are 26 roller positions, as shown in the diagram below. NOTE • Use cotton swabs to clean the rollers in locations that are too narrow for your fingers.
47 H Close the Fron t Maintena nce Cover in t he order shown in the diagram below . I Replace the Roller Cover. J Carefully rep lace the To p Cover. IMPORTANT If paper jams and double feeds (two papers being fed at the same time) still occur after cleaning the rollers, the rollers may be worn.
48 Cleaning the Magnetic Heads If the magnetic heads are dirty, then MICR characters cannot be scanned correctly. Periodical ly, clean the magnetic heads with a commercially available audio head cle aner. A Pull the Open But ton, and pull the Front Maint enance Cover open to the right and left.
49 Cleaning the Ink Jet Nozzles Ink that collects around the ink jet nozzle s may stain your documents or cause the text or bitmap to appears as scra tched. Clean the area around the ink jet nozzles periodically. Cleani ng the ink jet nozzles is also efficient action when the print ed text or bitmap becomes faint.
50 Cleaning with the Cleaning Cards (U.S.A. Only ) If a black stri pe appears on the back-side of scanned images or if dirt appears on the paper documents up on sc anning or for prevent ative measures, we recomme nd that you cl ean your Canon CR-Serie s scanner as needed with a cleaning card.
51 Make the following a djustments to mainta in scanning qual ity. Replacing the Ink Cartridge The ink cartridge needs to be replaced if the print ed text becomes scratchy or faint even if you hav e cleaned the ink jet nozzle. Replace the ink cartridge a ccording to the f ollowing procedure bel ow.
52 E Carefully repl ace the Top Cover. Replacing the Ink Disposal Tank When the following conditions appear, you have to replace the ink disposal tank according to the following procedure. • When t he ink ca rtridge is repl aced. • When clumpy ink appears on the ink disposal tank as shown below.
53 NOTE • Be careful not to get dirty with ink. • When you discard the ink disposal tank, put it in the plastic bag in the box of the ink disposal tank. C Attach the in k disposal tank. D Close the Ink Disp osal Tank Po cket. Replacing the Rollers When rollers are worn, paper jams and double feeds tend to occu r.
54 C Open the Fe ed Suppor ter to the left . D Pinch the Sep aration Roll er at the ri m and the fixi ng lever, an d then remove it wi th pressing the Se paration OFF Mod e Button. NOTE If the Separation Roller is not removed easily because of the fixing lever position, turn the Pickup Roller in anticlockwise direction by hand.
55 F Pinch the Pick up Roller at t he rim and the fi xing lever, and then remove it. NOTE If the Pickup Roller is not removed easily because of the fixing lever position, turn the Pickup Roller by hand. G Attach the Pi ckup Roller. H Attach the Feed Roller.
56 J Close the Feed Su pporter t o the right. K Replace the Roller Cover. L Carefully rep lace the To p Cover..
57 Adjusting the Separation Roller Gap If double feed should occur too often, adjust the Separation Roller gap according to the following procedure. A Slide the Ad justment Dial Cover to the left. B Adjust the Adju stment Dial. Turn the Adjustment Dial to th e right 3 clicks.
58 Scanner Specifications ■ Use the recommended operat ing environment for t he ink cartridge when using the imprinter. ■ You can use the functions noted above if your software supports them. ■ These functioins may not work dependi ng on your computer’s capabilities and the software you are using.
59 Index A Adjusting the Print Position .............................................. 23 Adjustment Dial .......................................................... 15, 57 Adjustment Dial Cover ..................................................... 15 Air Vent .
60 O Operating Environment .............................................. ...... 18 Operation Buttons ...................................................... ...... 14 P Power Cord ........................................... ..................... 13, 21 Power Cord Connector .
An important point after buying a device Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center