Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FAX L290 Canon
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Canon FAX-L290 Canon FAX-L290 Printer Driver for Windows Software User’s Guide.
ii Pref ace Copyright © 2002 by Canon, Inc. All rights rese rved. This manual may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or part, without the prio r written cons ent of Canon, Inc. Trademark Acknowledgments Canon is a registered tra demark of Canon, Inc.
Conte nts iii Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ................ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ...... 1-1 Printer Driver: an Overview ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ..
iv C o n t e n t s Chapter 4 Frequently Aske d Questions... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... . 4-1 Printer Cannot Be Initialized. ............... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... . 4-2 Installation Is Displaying Unexpected Behavior .
Chap ter 1 Introd uct ion 1-1 Intro ducti on Chapter 1 1 Intro ducti on Welc ome an d cong ratu lat ions on y our pu rch ase of the C ano n FAX -L290 (also referred to in this guide as the printer) and its acco mpanyin g printer driver software. Contents of this chapter: ❏ Printer Driver: an Over view .
1-2 Introduc tion Chapter 1 Printer Driver: an Overview 1 The printer driver is software that enables the prin ter to communicate with your computer. You can use the prin ter as the default printer in any Windo ws a ppli cati on t hat suppo rts prin ti ng.
Chap ter 1 Introd uct ion 1-3 Intro ducti on ❏ Mem or y • Win dows 98/Me: 32 meg abytes (MB) of RAM. 64 MB of RAM or more is recommended. • Windows 200 0/XP: 64 MB of RAM.
1-4 Introduc tion Chapter 1 Conventions Used in This G uide 1 The follow ing types o f formatting identify s pecific types of inf ormation provided in this guide. Italicized text Used to stress the importance of a word or phrase, or to refer to the title of another guide.
Chap ter 1 Introd uct ion 1-5 Intro ducti on Other U ser As sistance 1 In additio n to this guide, the f ollow ing informat ion an d instructio ns are ava il abl e. ❏ Print er Driv er Onl ine Help The online help in cludes context- sensitive he lp about a win dow or dialog box and step-by-step instructions f or performing tasks.
1-6 Introduc tion Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Insta lling the Printer Driver 2 -1 Installing the Printer Driver Chapter 2 2 Inst alling the Print er Drive r Contents of this chapter: ❏ Before You Begin the Installation: a Checklist ................... ............ ..... 2-2 ❏ Installing the Software .
2-2 Installing the Pr inter Driver Chapter 2 Before You Begin the Installat ion: a Checklist 2 To ensure a smooth and successf ul installatio n, take some time before you begin to plan and prepare for the installation process. ❏ Do not connect. Do n ot con nec t the printer cable to the port on your computer at this time.
Chapter 2 Insta lling the Printer Driver 2 -3 Installing the Printer Driver If your current printer purchase is replacing a MultiPASS pr inter, you must remov e the MultiPA SS software in stalled on you r system befo re installing the new printer.
2-4 Installing the Pr inter Driver Chapter 2 If installati on does not sta rt autom atically: • On the Windows desktop, click Start, and then click Run. • In the Run dial og box, type the f ollow ing comman d and click OK (where D: is your dis k drive contai ning the insta llation disk).
Chapter 2 Insta lling the Printer Driver 2 -5 Installing the Printer Driver 5. The system displays messages indicating that the driver for your printer is being install ed. For Window s 98/Me: Wait for the sy stem to comp lete the installa tion of the printer driver.
2-6 Installing the Pr inter Driver Chapter 2 For Window s XP • Select Install the software au tomatically ( Recommended). 7. When the setup is finished, if prompted, restart Windows. The installa tion program determin es whether Wind ows needs to be re star te d on y our sy stem .
Chapter 2 Insta lling the Printer Driver 2 -7 Installing the Printer Driver If you choose to share the use of your printer, your computer acts as the host system or server to the other computers (also referred to as remote or client sys tems). To use your printer, the client systems must have the printer driver software installed on them.
2-8 Installing the Pr inter Driver Chapter 2 5. In the Sh are Name box (Windows 98/M e/XP) or Shared As bo x (Windows 2000), type a name you want to assign to the shared printer. If available, you may al so want to a ssign a password, whi ch would then be required by the client system when using the printer.
Chapter 2 Insta lling the Printer Driver 2 -9 Installing the Printer Driver Removing the Printer Driver 2 As needed, you can remove the printer driver from your system.
2-10 I nstalli ng th e Prin ter D river Chap ter 2.
Chap ter 3 Prin ting 3 -1 Printin g Chapter 3 3 Printing Contents of this chapter: ❏ Printing a Document ................. ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ..... 3-2 ❏ Defining Print Settings: an Overview..............
3-2 Printi ng Chapter 3 Printing a Document 3 Once you h ave insta lled the s oftware, you are ready to print a docu ment, from any Windows application that supports printin g, such as Word for Window s. Predefined printer set tings are initiall y insta lled, enabling you to prin t immediately.
Chap ter 3 Prin ting 3 -3 Printin g You can change a n umber of print settings, such as the paper size, page layout, resolu tion, an d halftoning method. If you use certa in print settings often, yo u can save the settings as a print profile and reuse the profile as needed.
3-4 Printi ng Chapter 3 4. To accept the chan ges and close the dialog box, click OK. To accept the ch anges and leave the dialog box open, click Apply. To cancel th e changes and return to th e default sett ings, click R estore Defau lts. To close the dialo g box without a ccepting any cha nges, click Ca ncel.
Chap ter 3 Prin ting 3 -5 Printin g 4. To accept the ch anges, close the dialog box, and print the document, click OK. If ava ilab le, to acc ept the c hang es and leav e the dial og b ox ope n, c lick Apply. To cancel th e changes and return to th e default sett ings, click R estore Defau lts.
3-6 Printi ng Chapter 3 Defining Pag e Setting s 3 Page settings determine the follo wing print results , as defined on the Page Setup tab . ❏ Page Size Click the size of the page you want to use for your printed document.
Chap ter 3 Prin ting 3 -7 Printin g ❏ Orientat ion Click Portrait or La ndscape to determi ne how yo ur document is oriented on th e page when printed. Port rait print s the conten t of you r document across the narrower dimension of a rectan gular sheet of paper.
3-8 Printi ng Chapter 3 2. In the Custom Paper Size Se tting dialog box, under Custom Paper List, click an existing form name. 3. If you want to assign a new name to the custom-sized f orm you are defining, type a name in the Name bo x. 4. Click the unit of measure by wh ich you want to de fine the size of your paper.
Chap ter 3 Prin ting 3 -9 Printin g Meeting Si ze Requirements When defining th e custom form, the size a nd printer area margi ns you set must meet certain requirements. When sett ing the custom size: The widt h an d he igh t mus t mee t th e fo llo win g mini mum and maxi mum measurements: ❏ Width: 7.
3-10 Pr inting Chapter 3 Defining and Assigning the Custom Form First, you need to define the custom-sized form to make it available o n your system. Next, you assign the new ly defined f orm as an available setting in you r printer driver. To define a custom form on your system: 1.
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 11 Printin g 6. In the Paper Size boxes, type the width and heigh t of your form. 7. In the Printer Area Margins boxes, type th e appropriate margins for your form. 8. Click Save Form , and then click Clos e to close the dia log box.
3-12 Pr inting Chapter 3 6. In the Chan ge Forms dia log box, in the Avai lable Forms lis t, click the custom-sized form to want to ass ign. You can click th e preferred unit of measure for revi ewing the size o f the selected form.
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 13 Printin g The custom-sized form becomes av ailable in your printer driver and can be selected in the Page Size and Output Size boxes on the Page Setup tab. Defining a Print Overlay 3 You can print your document with an image in the foreground or backgrou nd.
3-14 Pr inting Chapter 3 2. In the Overlay dialog box, do one of the following: • In the File Name list, click an existing o verlay ima ge. • To select a new overlay image file, click Brow se. In the Select File dialog box, type or cli ck the path and fil e name for the image tha t you want to use, and then click OK (in Windows XP, click Open).
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 15 Printin g When you type, rather than click, the actual values, the pre view illustration of the overlay image does not automa tically reflect th e changes. 8. To save you r overlay settin gs, click OK . To return the position a nd size settings to their origina l values, click Rest ore Def aults.
3-16 Pr inting Chapter 3 ❏ Resolution Click the resolution , in dots per inch (dpi) for your printed document. Usually, the higher the resol ution, the sharper the appea rance of the document.
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 17 Printin g 2. In the More Optio ns dialog box, click Ton er Saver. 3. To save you r setting, click O K. To return the setting to its default val ue, click Restore Defaults .
3-18 Pr inting Chapter 3 2. In the Add Profile dialo g box, enter a name for th e new print profile in the Name box. 3. In the Icon bo x, click an icon to associa te your new prin t profile. 4. In the Comment bo x, type an internal descriptio n of the print prof ile.
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 19 Printin g Editing a Prin t Profile 3 After adding print profiles, you can edit a print profile to accompli sh one of the fol low ing: ❏ Change in formatio n abou t a prin.
3-20 Pr inting Chapter 3 Changing Inform ation About a Print Profile 3 For easi er reference, you ma y want to assign a dif ferent name or ico n to a print profi le, or record additional co mments a bout t he intend ed use of the print prof ile. To chang e infor mation a bout a print pr ofile: 1.
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 21 Printin g Expo rtin g a Print Pr ofil e 3 To keep the number of print profiles to a m inimum, you can export a print profile as a file (wit h the file name extension .cfg) . Once a print profile is exported, you can delete the print profile from the list.
3-22 Pr inting Chapter 3 Importing a Print Pro file 3 If you have a print profile that you exported to a file and then deleted, you can impo rt the file to use the prin t profile again. To re tr ieve a p rin t p rof ile fro m a f ile : 1. In the Edit P rofile dialog box, in the Profile Lis t box, click Import .
Chap ter 3 P ri nting 3- 23 Printin g Deletin g a Pr int Pr ofil e 3 When you d ecide th at you no longer n eed a pri nt profile, you ca n delete i t (for example, after exporting the prin t profile). To dele te a pr int profi le: 1. In the Edit P rofile dialog box, in the Profile Lis t box, click the print profile that you wan t to delete.
3-24 Pr inting Chapter 3 4. In the Properties dialog box (Windows 98/Me), Printing Preferences dialog box (Windo ws 2000), Properties dialog box o r Print ing Preferences dialog box (Windows XP), on the Page Setu p and Quality tabs, specify your cha nges an d click OK.
Chap ter 4 Fre quent ly Ask ed Q uest ions 4 -1 Frequently Asked Questions Chapter 4 4 Frequen tly Asked Quest ions Contents of this chapter: ❏ Printer Cannot Be Initialized. ........ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... 4-2 ❏ Installation Is Displaying Unexpected Behavior.
4-2 Freq uent ly Ask ed Q uesti ons Chapt er 4 Printer Cannot Be In itialized . 4 ❏ Is the operation panel blank? You migh t have a p ower problem . Check tha t the power co rd is plug ged securely into the printer, and that your electrical source is OK.
Chap ter 4 Fre quent ly Ask ed Q uest ions 4 -3 Frequently Asked Questions To remove the device: Click Start, poin t to Settings and th en click Control Pan el (in Win dows XP , click Start, and th en click Cont rol Panel).
4-4 Freq uent ly Ask ed Q uesti ons Chapt er 4 3. Disconnect your printer cable from the port. 4. Start the install ation process a gain. For ins tructions, see Chapt er 2, “Install ing t he Prin ter Driver.” Documents Are Not Printing Correctly. 4 ❏ Is the operation panel blank? You might have a power problem.
Chap ter 4 Fre quent ly Ask ed Q uest ions 4 -5 Frequently Asked Questions ❏ Is the d ocument printing with u ndesirable results ? You ma y experience und esirable resu lts wh en printi ng a documen.
4-6 Freq uent ly Ask ed Q uesti ons Chapt er 4 ❏ Are you unable to print to a shared printer? If you are using a client s ystem that is set up to use a shared prin ter, yet you are unable to print t.
Chap ter 4 Fre quent ly Ask ed Q uest ions 4 -7 Frequently Asked Questions ❏ Does some of the documen t content not fit on the page? Make sure paper is aligned correctly in the multi-purpose tra y. Check that margins and paper size are set correctly in your printing a pplication.
4-8 Freq uent ly Ask ed Q uesti ons Chapt er 4.
Appendix A Sharing You r Printer Cr oss-Platform in Windows 2000/XP A-1 Shar ing You r Pri nte r Cross-Plat form in Windows 2000/XP Append ix A A Sharing Your Printer Cr oss-Plat form in Windo ws 2000 /XP If your system (server) is Wi ndows 2 000/X P sharing w ith Wind ows 98/ Me client systems, you may need to se t up an alternate driver.
A- 2 Sharing Y our Printer Cross-P latform in Windows 2 000/XP Appendix A • When prompted for an .inf file, browse your printer driver installa tion disk for the followi ng folder: SETUPENGLISHWINBJ.
Appendix B Installing fr om a Local or Network Drive B-1 Installing from a Local or Network Drive Append ix B B Installing fr om a Local or Netwo rk Driv e If the printer driver software h as been pla.
B- 2 Installing from a Local or Networ k Drive Appendix B 3. Follow the on -screen in struction s to co mplete the ins talla tion proc ess. During insta llation, foll ow these gu idelines: • Click Next to move from one dial og box to the next. • Make sure you click Next or OK on the current dialog box.
Appendix B Installing fr om a Local or Network Drive B-3 Installing from a Local or Network Drive For Windows 2000/ XP: See Step 6. 6. For W indows 200 0/X P: When the Found New Hardware Wizard appear.
B- 4 Installing from a Local or Networ k Drive Appendix B 7. When the setup is finished, if prompted, restart Windows. The installa tion program determin es whether Wind ows needs to be re star te d on y our sy stem .
Glossary G-1 Glossary G Glos sary A applicatio n Software prepared f or a specific function or set of functions. Exam ples of an application program include word processing programs. Developers who mak e application progra ms include dr ivers that support d ifferent types of pri nters.
G- 2 Glossary F form A custom paper size , with width an d heigh t dimension s defined by the user. G graphic A written, printed, or electron ically dis played symb ol or drawing. Also , characters or text that h ave been generated by a computer graphics applica tion prog ram.
Glossary G-3 Glossary N network A group of computer s connected by cables or other mean s and using software that enables them to s hare equipment (such as printers) an d exch an ge in fo rma tio n.
G- 4 Glossary S scaling Enlarging o r reducing the printed imag e. U USB Universal Seria l Bus. A connectivity specificatio n for attach ing peripherals to computers. It eliminates the need to install cards into dedicated computer slots and reconfigure the system.
Index I- 1 Index Index I A about displayin g printer driver information 3-23 B brig ht nes s setting 3-16 C cable system requirement 1-3 change por t overview 2- 9 computer processor system requiremen.
I- 2 Index M manual scaling setting 3-7 memory system requirement 1-3 monitor system requirement 1-3 N net wor k dr ive installin g from B-1 O operating system system requirement 1-2 orientation setti.
Index I- 3 Index Q quality settings defini ng 3-1 5 R reducing the prin t size setting ma nually 3-7 remove pr inter dr iver procedure 2-9 resolution setting 3-16 S save to ner setting 3-16 share the .
I- 4 Index.
An important point after buying a device Canon FAX L290 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon FAX L290 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon FAX L290 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon FAX L290 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon FAX L290 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon FAX L290, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon FAX L290.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon FAX L290. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon FAX L290 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center