Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3045 Canon
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Read this guide first. Please read this guide before operating this product. After you finish reading this guide, store it in a safe place for future reference.
imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 Reference Guide 0 Ot¯.
The manuals f or this machine are di vided as follo ws. Please ref er to them f or detailed inf ormation. The manuals supplied with optional equipment are included in the list belo w . Depending on the system configuration and produc t purchased, some manual s ma y not be needed.
• UFR II Printer Driver Installation and Instructions UFR II Driver Guide CD-ROM • Mac OS X PS Printer Driver Installation and Instructions Mac PS Driver Guide CD-ROM • Mac OS X UFR II Printer D.
Chapter 1 Before Y ou Start Using This Machine Chapter 2 Basic Operations Chapter 3 Optional Equipment Chapter 4 Customizing Settings Chapter 5 Checking Job and Device Status Chapter 6 System Manager .
v Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv How T o Use This Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Symbols Used in This Manual .
vi Handling Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 P arts and Their Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 External View . . . .
vii Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39 Multifunctional Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-51 A vailable P aper Stock . . . . .
viii Checking and Printing Counter Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 Clearing Page T otals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 Accepting Print and Scan Jobs with Unknow n IDs .
ix Limiting Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-55 Returning the Common Settings to Their Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56 Timer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x Accepting Print and Scan Jobs with Unknown ID s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 Remote UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Device Inf ormation Settings . . .
xi Setting to Receive Only Encrypted Secured Pr int Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-63 Specifying Settings for All User Inbo xes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-64 Setting the Time until Documents Are A utoma tically Erased .
xii Screens Indicating the Locations of P aper Jams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4 Fixing Unit (Inside the Main Unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11 Duple xing Unit (Inside the Main Unit) . .
xiii De vice Information Delivery Destination List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5 De vice Information Communication Log Repor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiv Thank you f or purchasing the Canon imageR UNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025. Please read this manual thoroughly bef ore operating the ma chine to familiarize y ourself with its capabilities, and to mak e the most of its many fu nctions. After reading this manual, store it in a saf e place f or future reference .
xv Keys Used in This Manual The f ollowing symbols and k ey names are a f ew e xamples of how ke ys to be pressed are e xpressed in this manual: Displays Used in This Manual Screen shots of the touch .
xvi Illustrations Used in This Manual Illustrations used in this manual are those displa yed when the imageR UNNER 3045 has the f ollowing optional equipment attac hed to it: the Finisher-S1, Additional Finisher T ra y -B1, and Cassette F eeding Unit-Y3.
xvii This machine makes eff ective use of memory to perform pr int operations efficiently . F or e xample, as soon as the machine has scanned the original that you want to cop y , it can immediately scan the ne xt person's original. Y ou can also print from this machine, using a function other than the Co p y function.
xviii Printing data scanned from an original, followed by finishing options, such as stapling. Copying.
xix Product Name Saf ety regulations require the product's na me to be registered. In some regions where this product is sold, the f ollowing na me(s) in ( ) ma y be registered instead.
xx Laser Safety This product complies with 21 CFR Chapter 1 Subchapter J as a Class I laser product under the U .S. Depar tment of Health and Human Ser vices (DHHS) Radiation P erformance Standard according to the Radiation Control f or Health and Saf ety Act of 1968.
xxi Abbreviations Used in This Manual In this manual, product names and model names are abbre viated as follo ws: International Energy Star Program Nov ell NetWare ® : NetW are As an ® P ar tner , Canon USA, Inc. has deter mined that this machine meets the ® Program guidelines f or energ y efficiency .
xxii T rademarks Canon, the Canon logo , imageRUNNER, MEAP , and NetSpot are registered trademarks, and the MEAP logo and imageW ARE are trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and ma y also be trademar ks or registered trademarks in other countries.
xxiii Copyright Cop yright 2006 by Canon Inc. All rights reser ved. No par t of this publication ma y be reproduc ed or transmitted in any f or m or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocop ying and recording, or by any inf or mation storage or retriev al system without the prior wr itten per mission of Canon Inc.
xxiv Legal Limitations on the Usage of Y our Product and the Use of Images Using your product to scan, print or otherwise reproduce cer tain documents, and the use of such images as scanned, pr inted or otherwise reproduced by y our product, ma y be prohibited by la w and may resu lt in criminal and/or civil liability .
xxv Please read these "Impor tant Safety Inst ructions" thoroughly bef ore operating the machine. As these instructions are intended to pre vent injury to the user or other persons or destruction of proper ty , alwa ys pa y attention to these instructions.
xxvi CA UTION • Do not install the machine in unstable lo cations, suc h as unsteady platforms or inclined floor s, or in locations subject to excessive vibrations, as this ma y cause the machine to fall or tip ov er , resulting in personal injury .
xxvii Power Supply WA R N I N G • Do not damage or modify the power co r d. Also, do not place heavy objects on the power cor d , or pull on or excessivel y bend it , as this could cause electrical damage and result in a fire or electrical shock.
xxviii Handling WA R N I N G • Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the machine. There are high-temperature and high-v oltage components inside the ma chine which ma y result in a fire or electrical shock.
xxix CA UTION • Do not place heavy objects on the machine, as the y may tip o ver or fall resulting in personal injury . • Close the feeder/platen co ver gently to av oi d catching your hands, as this ma y result in personal injury .
xxx • Do not remove the f ollowing caution labels which are attached to the machine. • If the laser beam escapes from the mac hin e, exposure may cause serious dama ge to your e yes.
xxxi Maintenance and Inspections WA R N I N G • When cleaning the mac hine, first turn O FF the main power s witch, then disconnect the power cor d. Failure to observe these steps may result in a fire or electrical shoc k.
xxxii • When loading paper or removing jammed origin als or paper , take care not to cut y our hands on the edges of the originals or paper . • When removing a used toner cartridge, remo ve the cartridg e carefully to prevent the toner from scattering and getting into y our eyes or mouth.
xxxiii This machine has a breaker that detects e x cess current or leakage current. Be sure to test the breaker once or twice a month using the follo wing procedure. IMPOR T ANT • Make sure that the m ain power is turn ed OFF , bef ore inspecti ng the breaker .
xxxiv 2 Confirm that the breaker lever is s witched to the OFF (" " side) position. IMPOR T ANT • Do not use the test button to tur n the power ON and OFF . • If the breaker le ver does not s witch to th e OFF (" " side) position, repeat step 1.
xxxv 5 Fill in the chec k sheet, located on the next page, to document y our periodic inspections of the breaker ..
xxxvi Cop y this page f or future use, and store it in a saf e place near the machine to document your periodic inspections of the break er . ■ How to Inspect the Breaker P eriodically F ollow the procedure described in "P er iodic In spection of the Breake r," on p .
1-1 CHAPTER Before Y ou Start Using This Machine This chapter describes what you should know bef ore using this machin e, such as par ts and their functions, and ho w to tur n ON the main power . Installation Location and Handling . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation Location and Handling 1-2 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Installation Location and Handling This section describes precautions for installation location and handling. W e recommend that you read this secti on prior to using this machine.
Installation Location and Handling 1-3 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ■ A void poorl y ventilated locations. This machine generates a slight amount of ozone during norm al use. Although sensitivity to ozone ma y var y , this amount is not har m ful.
Installation Location and Handling 1-4 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ■ A void e xposing the machine to rapid changes in temperature. If the room in which the machine is installe d is cold but r apidly heated, water droplets (condensation) ma y form inside the machine.
Installation Location and Handling 1-5 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Select a Safe Power Supply ■ Plug the machine into a 120 V A C outlet.
Installation Location and Handling 1-6 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Provide Adequate Installation Space ■ Pro vide enough space on each side of the machine for unrestricted operation. No option is attached. The optional Feeder (D ADF-N1), Finisher-S1, and P aper Deck-Q1 are attached.
Installation Location and Handling 1-7 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Moving the Machine ■ If yo u intend to move the mach ine, even to a location on the same floor of yo ur building, contact y our local aut horized Canon dealer beforehand.
Installation Location and Handling 1-8 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ■ Some parts inside the machine ar e subject to high-volta g es and temperatures. T a ke adequate precaution s when inspecting the inside of the machine. Do not carry out any inspections not described in this manual.
Installation Location and Handling 1-9 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ■ Do not turn the main power s witch OF F or open the front cover s while the machine is in operation. This might result in paper jams. ■ Do not use flammable spra ys, such as spray glue, near the machine.
Installation Location and Handling 1-10 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ■ Use a modular cable that is shorter than three meters. CA UTION Canon recommends that data stored on the product's har d disk drive be duplicated or backed up to pre vent its lo ss in the event of failure or other malfunction of the hard disk drive.
Parts and Their Functions 1-11 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Parts and Their Functions This section provides y o u with the name s and functions of all the par ts on the outside and inside of the main unit, contro l panel, and the touch panel display .
Parts and Their Functions 1-12 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine a Feeder (D ADF-N1) (Optional) Originals placed in the feeder are automatically fed sheet b y sheet to the platen glass for scanning. The feeder also automatically turns ov er two-sided originals to make two or one sided copies.
Parts and Their Functions 1-13 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Internal View a Platen Glass Use the platen glass when scanning books, thic k originals, thin originals, transparencies, etc. b Fixing Unit's Upper Cover Open this cov er to clear a paper jam in the fixing unit.
Parts and Their Functions 1-14 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Control Panel Parts and Functions a Control P anel Po wer Switch (Sub Po wer Supply) Press to turn the control panel ON or OFF . When the control panel power s witch is held for more than three seconds, it initiates the Shutdo wn mode.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-15 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Main Power and Control Panel Power The machine is provided with tw o power s witches, a main pow er sw itch and a control panel pow er switch, as w ell as a breaker that detects e xcess current or leakage current.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-16 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine 3 The screens shown belo w are display ed while the system software is loading.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-17 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine NO TE • Once the message <Reser vation copies can be made.> appears on the touch panel displa y , you can specify setting s, and cop ying or pr inting begins automatically as soon as the machine finishes warming up.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-18 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ● If login authentication by a login service (SDL or SSO) is not set, and MEAP is selected as the initial fu nction in Common Settings (from the Additional Functions screen): ❑ The Star t Up screen is display ed unt il the machine is ready to scan.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-19 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine ● If login authentication by a login service (SDL or SSO) is set: ❑ The Star t Up screen is display ed unt il the machine is ready to scan.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-20 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine 4 If y ou are using a login service , log in using the procedure f or the login service you are using. NO TE • If you are using Department ID Management with the optional Card Reader-C1, see "Procedure bef ore Using the Machine," on p .
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-21 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine Shutting Down the Machine If there are any jobs currently being pr ocessed, or a MEAP application is running when the Shutdown mode is activ ated, the machine asks you to confirm and cancel any e xisting jobs, and then access to the hard disk is restricted.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-22 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine 2 Confirm the jobs currently being pr ocessed or waiting to be processed ➞ press [Start]. Jobs continue to be proce ssed until [Start] is pressed. T o cancel the Shutdown mode, press [Cancel].
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-23 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine 3 Confirm the message display ed ➞ press [Y es]. If There Are Jobs Currently Being Pr ocessed or W aiting to Be Proce.
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-24 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine 4 When the follo wing screen appears, wait for the mac hine to complete the shutdown pr ocess. If you need to immediately operate th e machine after starting the shutdown process, pr ess [Restart] ➞ [Y es].
Main Power and Control Panel Power 1-25 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine 5 Confirm the contents of the shutdown screen ➞ turn the main power s witch of the machine OFF (" " side). IMPOR T ANT The machine ma y continue to operate during or after the shutdo wn process.
System Settings 1-26 1 Bef ore Y ou Star t Using This Machine System Settings It is necessar y to set up the machine befor e using it on a netw or k, as a pr inter , or with the F ax function.
2-1 CHAPTER Basic Operations This chapter describes the main features and basic operations of the machine . What This Machine Can Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Overview of the imageR UNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 .
What This Machine Can Do 2-2 2 Basic Operations What This Machine Can Do All the elements y ou will ever need in a digital m ultitasking machine. Copying See the Copy ing and Mail Box Guide In additio.
What This Machine Can Do 2-3 2 Basic Operations Sending Function* See the Sending and Facsimile Guide The Send function enables y ou to send scanned image or document data to file ser vers , or send it by e-mail or I-f ax.
What This Machine Can Do 2-4 2 Basic Operations Using the Remote User Interface See the Remote UI Guide Y ou can control functions, such as confirming the status of the machine, job operations, and printing instructions for data sav ed in inbox es, all from your PC's W eb browser .
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-5 2 Basic Operations Over view of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/ 3025 Most operations on this machine are e x ecuted from the touch panel displa y . By pressing the ke ys according to the instr u ctions on the touch panel displa y , you can utilize almost all of the functions of this machine .
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-6 2 Basic Operations ■ Ke ys Display ed on the T ouc h Panel Displa y The Cop y Basic Features screen is shown as an e xample below . a Copy Press this ke y to access the machine's copying functions.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-7 2 Basic Operations Various T ouch Panel Display Screens The top of the touch panel displa y may diff er according to the optional equipment attached to the machine. Adding New Functions This machine is compliant with MEAP (Multifunctional Embedded Application Platf or m).
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-8 2 Basic Operations ■ User Management and Restriction Using a Login Service A login ser vice manages data relating to us ers using the machine.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-9 2 Basic Operations Specifying Settings The Additional Functions screen appears when you press (Additional Functions). The Additional Functions scr een enables y ou to make common settings related to many functions of the machine , as well as customize specific functions to suit y our needs.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-10 2 Basic Operations Functions That Conser ve Power Y ou can conser ve po wer efficiently when the machine is not being used by using the f ollowing modes . NO TE • The touch panel displa y turns OFF when the machine enters one of the energy sa ving modes.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-11 2 Basic Operations Checking, Changing, and Canceling Print Jobs The System Monitor screen enables y ou to c heck the status of the machine, cancel print jobs, or specify the printing pr iority . On the Print Job screen, you can confirm, cancel, or change the pr ior ity of print jobs.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-12 2 Basic Operations NO TE • F or instructions on checking the status of Cop y , F ax, and Send jobs, see Chapter 5, "Checking Job and De vice Status," in this manual, and Chapter 8, "Chec king/Changing the Send/Receiv e Status," in the Sending and F acsimile Guide .
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-13 2 Basic Operations Displaying a Help Screen Pressing (Help) br ings up a guidance screen with information about the various f eatures that are av ailable with y our mach ine. F ollow the instructions on the screen to select the operation y ou want to perf or m.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-14 2 Basic Operations ■ Explanation Screen Displa ys a detailed explan ation of the function selected on the list screen. Press [T r y It] to jump to the scre en f or setting the selected function. Press [Displa y more detailed settings.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-15 2 Basic Operations Reading Messages from the System Manager The System Manager uses t he Message Board f eature of the machine to conv ey messages to the users of this machin e. The messages are sent through the Remote User Interf ace and displa yed on t he touch panel displa y .
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-16 2 Basic Operations ■ A Message Board Where the Messa g e Appears in the Job/Print Status Display Area Other Useful Functions Other useful functio.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-17 2 Basic Operations ■ P aper Supply Indicator The paper supply indicator shows the remaining amount of paper in ea ch paper dra wer on the P aper Select screen, and on the screen that appears when paper in a paper draw er has run out dur ing printing.
Overview of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 2-18 2 Basic Operations ■ A uto Orientation Using inf or mation, such as the size of the original and zoom ra tio , the machine automatically rotates the image to the most suitable orientation f or the selected paper size .
Using the Touch Panel Display 2-19 2 Basic Operations Using the T ouch Panel Display This section describes the ke ys that are frequently used on the touch panel display. Inf or mation on how to adjust the bright ness of the touch panel displa y is also provided.
Using the Touch Panel Display 2-20 2 Basic Operations T ouch Panel Key Display When you press a k ey on the touch panel di spla y , that ke y is highlighted, and the corresponding mode is set. When you set certain modes, the characters on some ke ys may become gr ay ed out.
Using the Touch Panel Display 2-21 2 Basic Operations ■ Ke ys That Display a Drop-Do wn List Pressing a ke y that has a down triangle ( ▼ ) to the right of the name of the selection, displa ys a drop-down list containing other setting options.
Entering Characters from the Touch Panel Display 2-22 2 Basic Operations Entering Characters from the T ouch Panel Display F or screens that require alphanumeric ent ries, enter characters using the ke ys displa yed on the touch panel displa y , as shown below .
Entering Characters from the Touch Panel Display 2-23 2 Basic Operations NO TE • If you mak e a mistake when entering charac ters, press [ ] or [ ] to position the cursor ➞ press [Backspace] to delete the characters ➞ enter the correct characters.
Entering the Department ID and Password 2-24 2 Basic Operations Entering the Department ID and Password If Depar tment ID Management has been set, the Depar tment ID and pass word must be entered bef ore using this machine. NO TE • F or instructions on setting the Depar tme nt ID and pass word, see "Department ID Management," on p .
Entering the Department ID and Password 2-25 2 Basic Operations NO TE If you mak e a mistake when entering th e Depar t ment ID or pass word, press (Clear) ➞ enter the correct va lues. 2 Press (Log In/Out). The Basic F eatures screen of the select ed function appears on the touch panel displa y .
Entering the Department ID and Password 2-26 2 Basic Operations 3 When y our operations are complete, press (Log In/Out) on the control panel. If you are using a contr ol card, r emove the control car d, and take it with you. (See "Card Reader -C1," on p.
Using a Login Service 2-27 2 Basic Operations Using a Login Ser vice If you are managing the machine with a logi n service, such as SDL (Simple Device Login) or SSO (Single Sign-On), enter the user name and pass word bef ore using this machine. NO TE • SDL and SSO are used as e xamples to explai n the procedure.
Using a Login Service 2-28 2 Basic Operations IMPOR T ANT • T o use the Domain Authentication user authentication system of SSO (including when perf or ming Domain A uthentication with the Domain A .
Using a Login Service 2-29 2 Basic Operations 3 Press [P assw ord]. 4 Enter the passw ord ➞ press [OK]. NO TE • If you are using the Domain A uthenticati on user authentication system of SSO (incl.
Using a Login Service 2-30 2 Basic Operations 5 Press [Log In]. Y ou can also press (Log In/Out) instead of [Log In] to log on. The Basic F eatures screen of the sele cted function (or the MEAP application screen) appears on the touch panel displa y .
Placing Originals 2-31 2 Basic Operations Placing Originals Place your originals on the platen glass or into the f eeder , depending on the size and type of the original, and the copy modes that y ou want to use. NO TE If the original has too many pages to be placed in the feeder all at once, use the Job Build mode on the Special F eatures screen.
Placing Originals 2-32 2 Basic Operations Orientation Y ou can place an or iginal either vertically or hor izontally . Always align the top edge of your original with the bac k edge of th e platen glass (by the arro w in the top left cor ner) or the back edge of the f eeder .
Placing Originals 2-33 2 Basic Operations Platen Glass Y ou should use the platen glass when co pying bound originals (such as books and magazines), heavy or lightw eight origi nals, and transparencies.
Placing Originals 2-34 2 Basic Operations 2 Place y our originals face down. The surface of the original that you want to copy must be placed face down. Align the top edge of your original with the back edge of the platen glass (by the arrow in the top left corner).
Placing Originals 2-35 2 Basic Operations CA UTION • Close the feeder/platen co ver gently to av oid catching your hands, as this may result in per sonal injury . • Do not press down har d on the feeder /platen cover when using the platen glass to make copies of thick books.
Placing Originals 2-36 2 Basic Operations Feeder Y ou should use the feeder when y ou want to cop y sev eral originals at the same time. Place the originals into the f eed er and press (Star t). The machine automatically f eeds the originals to t he platen glass and scans them.
Placing Originals 2-37 2 Basic Operations 2 Neatly place y our originals with th e side to be copied face up into the original supply tra y . Place your originals as far into the feeder as they wil l go, until the Original Set indicator is lit.
Placing Originals 2-38 2 Basic Operations IMPOR T ANT • Do not add or remov e or iginal s while they are being scanned. • When scanning is complete, remov e the or ig inals from the original output area to av oi d paper jams.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-39 2 Basic Operations Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass If you are making prints on tracing p aper , labels, tr ansparencies, nonstandard paper size stoc k, or envelopes , load t he paper stock into the stac k bypass.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-40 2 Basic Operations • If you select [F ree Size] f or pr inting documents stored in an inbox, y ou cannot use the Finishing, 2-Sided, Cov er/Sheet Inser tio n, Cov er/Job Separator , Booklet, Form Composition, Pg/Copy Set Numbering, or W a termar k/Pr int Date mode.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-41 2 Basic Operations 1 Open the stack b ypass. NO TE If the paper size y ou are going to load into the stack b ypass is different from the paper size stored in Stac k Bypass Standard Settings , set Stack Bypass Standard Settings to 'Off' in Common Se ttings (from the Additional Functions screen).
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-42 2 Basic Operations 2 Adjust the slide guides to match the size of the paper . If you are feeding large size pape r , pull out the auxiliary tray. 3 Load the paper into the stack b ypass. Make sure that the height of the paper stack does not exceed the loading limit mark ( ).
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-43 2 Basic Operations When you use the stack bypass to make copies, straighten out curled paper prior to use, as shown below . Cu rled paper may cause a paper jam. T o print on the back side of preprinted paper , load the preprinted paper face up into the stack bypass, as show n in the illustration below .
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-44 2 Basic Operations NO TE • If there are instructions on the paper package about wh ich side of the paper to load, follo w those instructions. • When the paper is loaded into the stack b ypass, the side f acing down is the one printed on.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-45 2 Basic Operations If you are using ISO-B5, ISO-C5, CO M10 No.10, Monar ch: Catalog Glove No.8, or DL envelopes, hold down the f our corners of the envelopes fir mly , so that they and the sealed or glued portion stay flat.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-46 2 Basic Operations IMPOR T ANT • The stack b ypass can hold five env elopes at a time. • If the env elopes do not pass through the machine properly even if the procedures up to this point hav e been follo wed, repe at the procedures b y feeding one env elope at a time.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-47 2 Basic Operations ● If you want to select an en velope size: ❑ Press [Env elope]. ❑ Select the env elope type ➞ press [OK]. The displa y retur ns to the paper size selection screen. IMPOR T ANT If the env elope type is not selected correctly , a paper jam will occur.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-48 2 Basic Operations ❑ Press [OK] ➞ proceed to step 6. If the following screen is displayed, pr ess [OK] ➞ adjust the width of the slide guides ➞ specify the desired envelope size.
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-49 2 Basic Operations 5 Select the desired paper type ➞ press [OK]. If you are using a paper type that is not listed, pr ess [Detailed Settings] ➞ select the paper type ➞ press [OK]. If you are printing on the ba ck side of a pr eviously prin ted sheet, press [2nd Side of 2-Sided Page].
Making Prints Using the Stack Bypass 2-50 2 Basic Operations 6 Press [Done]. If you press [Stack Bypass Settings], foll ow the pr ocedures and screens in steps 4 and 5 to reset the paper size and type settings. 7 If the Copy function is selected, place y our originals ➞ select the desired copy settings.
Multifunctional Operations 2-51 2 Basic Operations Multifunctional Operations The imageR UNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 offers t he user man y functions, such as printing, scanning, copying, and sendi ng, which can be used together . The f ollowing tab le provides y ou with the details of multifunctional operations.
Multifunctional Operations 2-52 2 Basic Operations : A vailable : Unav ailable : A vailable , but with conditions *1 This is the operation of receiving the follo wing data types via a network: - E-mai.
Multifunctional Operations 2-53 2 Basic Operations NO TE • The machine's perf or mance may be aff ected if sev eral network send and receive jobs are being carried out at the same time. • The operation of printing data from an inbox is included in "Print Data" under "Print" in the table .
Available Paper Stock 2-54 2 Basic Operations A vailable Paper Stock The paper types that can be used with th is machine are shown in the f ollowing table . Icons indicating the type of paper loaded in each paper dra wer can be displa yed on the paper selection screen if y ou store that information in the machine bef orehand.
Available Paper Stock 2-55 2 Basic Operations : A vailab le : Una vailab le *1 If the optional Env elope Feeder Attachment-C2 is a ttached to P a per Draw er 1, env e lopes can be loaded. NO TE • F or instructions on loading paper, see the f ollowing sections: - P aper Drawers: "Loading P aper," on p .
Available Paper Stock 2-56 2 Basic Operations.
3-1 CHAPTER Optional Equipment This chapter describes the uses of option al equipment, and th eir special functions. System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Optional Equipment .
3-2 3. Optional Equipment 3 Optional Equipment Procedure after Using the Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 46 Depar tment ID Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Configuration 3-3 3 Optional Equipment System Configuration This section provides y ou with illustrations of all the optional equipment that can be attached to the machine, and sho ws you e xamples of different system configurations.
System Configuration 3-4 3 Optional Equipment a Platen Cover T ype H The Platen Cov e r T ype H secures the originals placed on the platen glass. b Feeder (D ADF-N1) Originals placed in the feeder are automatically fed sheet b y sheet onto the platen glass for scanning.
System Configuration 3-5 3 Optional Equipment q Saddle Finisher -AE2 The Saddle Finisher-AE2 is equipped with the follo wing modes: Collate, Group, Offset, and Staple (Corner, Doub le, and Saddle Stitch). NO TE • Only one optional finisher can be a ttached to the main unit at a time .
System Configuration 3-6 3 Optional Equipment System Options By installing system related optional accessories, the user can e xpand the functionality of the machine.
System Configuration 3-7 3 Optional Equipment ■ Expansion Bus The Expansion Bus is necessar y to inst all the USB Application Interface Board. ■ USB Application Interface Board The USB (Unive rsal Serial Bus) Applicati on Interface Board is necessary to use the machine as a USB host.
System Configuration 3-8 3 Optional Equipment ■ Universal Send PDF Security Feature Set The Universal Send PDF Security F eature Se t improves the perf or mance of PDF files created on the machine. It enab les you to encrypt the PDF files and set a passw ord to send them saf ely to a file se rver or e-mail address.
System Configuration 3-9 3 Optional Equipment ■ W eb Access Software The W eb Access Software enables the user to vie w Web pages from the touch panel displa y of the machine. NO TE • T o pr int Web pages and PDF files using th e W eb Access Software, the optional PS Printer Kit must be activated.
System Configuration 3-10 3 Optional Equipment A vailable Combination of Options This table describes the optional equipment that is needed to use each function, the av ailable combination of options t hat can be installed simultaneously , and the limitations when installing optional equipment.
System Configuration 3-11 3 Optional Equipment Machine Function Optional Equipment Needed Simultaneous Installation Required Limitations Send Function Universal Send PDF Security F eature Set Universa.
System Configuration 3-12 3 Optional Equipment Machine Function Optional Equipment Needed Simultaneous Installation Required Limitations Additional Co py T ray Right Side Output T ray Cop y T ra y-J1 - The Cop y T ra y-J1 cannot be used with the Finisher-AE1 or Saddle Finisher-AE2.
System Configuration 3-13 3 Optional Equipment *1 If the Finisher-S1 is attached, the Buff er Pass Unit-E2 is not necessary . *2 The Depar tment ID Management function is a standard function in this mach ine.
System Configuration 3-14 3 Optional Equipment Utilities Use the f ollowing utilities to manage v ar i ous settings for Canon de vices connected to a network on your computer . ■ NetSpot Device Installer NetSpot De vice Installer is a utility fo r spec ifying the initial settings of Canon devices connected to a network.
System Configuration 3-15 3 Optional Equipment ■ imageW ARE Access Management System imageW ARE Access Management Sy stem is a system that cont rols the usage restr ictions of the de vice. By allocating inf orm ation about usage restrict ion to users and user groups, you can restrict the use of the de vice's functions.
Cassette Feeding Unit-Y3 3-16 3 Optional Equipment Cassette Feeding Unit-Y3 If you attach the Cassette F eeding Unit-Y3 to the machine, y ou hav e two additional paper sources f or print jobs. Up to 550 sheets of paper (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 )) can be loaded into each dra wer of the cassette f eeding unit.
Cassette Feeding Unit-Y3 3-17 3 Optional Equipment Optional Accessories ■ FL Cassette-Y1 This cassette can be adjusted to hold vari ous paper siz es.
Paper Deck-Q1 3-18 3 Optional Equipment Paper Deck-Q1 If you attach the P aper Deck-Q1 to the ma chine , you ha ve one additional source of paper f or print jobs.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 3-19 3 Optional Equipment Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 The f ollowing six types of en ve lopes can be loaded into the env elope feeder attachment: • COM 10 No .10: 4 1/8" x 9 1/2" (104.7 mm x 241.3 mm) • Monarch: Catalog Glov e No.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 3-20 3 Optional Equipment Parts and Their Functions The Env elope Feeder Attachment-C2 can on ly be attached to P aper Dra wer 1.
Feeder (DADF-N1) 3-21 3 Optional Equipment Feeder (DADF-N1) Originals placed in the feeder are automat ically f ed sheet by sheet to the platen glass f or scanning. The f eeder also automati cally tur ns ov er two-sided originals to make one or tw o-sided copies.
Feeder (DADF-N1) 3-22 3 Optional Equipment Parts and Their Functions a Feeder Cover Open this cov er to remov e jammed or iginals. b Slide Guides Adjust the slide guides to match the width of the original. c Original Supply T ray Originals placed here are automatically fed sheet by sheet to the platen glass .
Platen Cover Type H 3-23 3 Optional Equipment Platen Cover T ype H The Platen Cov er T ype H secures originals th at are placed on the platen glass f or cop ying. Parts and Their Functions a Platen Cover Close the platen cov e r to secure originals that hav e been placed on the platen glass.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-24 3 Optional Equipment Finisher -S1/Puncher Unit-R1 The Finisher-S1 is equipped with the f o llowing finishing modes: Collate , Group , Offset, and Staple. (See "Fin ishing Modes," on p . 3-26.) The Puncher Unit-R1 is equipped with the Hole Punch mode.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-25 3 Optional Equipment Parts and Their Functions a A uxiliary T ray If you are printing on large size paper , such as 11" x 17", LGL, or L TRR, pull out the auxiliar y tra y .
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-26 3 Optional Equipment Finishing Modes The Finisher-S1 is equipped with the f ollowing finishing modes . NO TE If the Collate or Group mode is set, the output tra y mov e s downward as the stac k of paper that is output increases in quantity and thickn ess .
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-27 3 Optional Equipment ■ Staple Mode The prints are automatically collated into se ts arranged in page orde r and stapled.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-28 3 Optional Equipment • Do not place your hands into the open spaces ar ound the moving finisher trays. Doing so may result in per sonal injury or damage to the finisher . • Do not place objects or lean against the finisher unit when it is extended.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-29 3 Optional Equipment NO TE • The maximum number of sheets , including cove r sheets , that can be stapled together is 30 sheets of 11" x 17", LGL, or L T R paper , and 50 sheets of L TR paper . • If the machine stops while stap ling and the message <Load st aples.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 3-30 3 Optional Equipment IMPOR T ANT • The Hole Punch mode is av ailable only if the Puncher Unit-R1 is attached. • Only the f ollowing paper sizes can be hole punched: 11" x 17", LGL, L TR, or L TRR. • Holes cannot be punched in transparencies, env elopes, pre-punched paper , tracing paper , or labels.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Fini sher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-31 3 Optional Equipment Finisher -AE1/Saddle Finisher -AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 The Finisher-AE1 and Saddle Finishe r-AE2 are equipped with the fo llowing finishing modes: Collate, Group , Offset, and Staple.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-32 3 Optional Equipment a T op Co ver of the Finisher Open this cov er to remov e jammed paper . (See "Inside the T op Cov er of the Finisher-AE1/ Saddle Finisher-AE2 (Opt ional)," on p . 8-53.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Fini sher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-33 3 Optional Equipment Finishing Modes The Finisher-AE1 and Saddle Finishe r-AE2 are equipped with the fo llowing finishing modes. CA UTION • Do not place anything other than output pa per in the tra ys of the finisher , as doing so may dama ge the trays.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-34 3 Optional Equipment NO TE If you press [Offset] when either the Collate or Group mode is set, each set of prints is shifted appro ximately 1 1/4" (30 mm) before it is delivered to the output tra y .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Fini sher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-35 3 Optional Equipment CA UTION If a finisher is attached to the machine, do not place y our hand in the par t of the tray where stapling is perf ormed or wher e the roller s are located, as this may result in personal injury .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-36 3 Optional Equipment ■ Saddle Stitch Mode The Saddle Stitch mode enables y ou to ma ke booklets, consisti ng of pages f olded and stapled in the center . IMPOR T ANT • The Saddle Stitch mode is av ailable only if the Saddle Finish er-AE2 is attached.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Fini sher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-37 3 Optional Equipment ■ Hole Punch Mode The Hole Punch mode punches two or three ho les (depending on th e paper siz e) in the printed sheets. NO TE • The hole punched areas are show n in th e illustration belo w .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 3-38 3 Optional Equipment NO TE The f ollowing are paper sizes that can be ou tput to the output tr a ys of the machine.
Inner 2 Way Tray-D1 3-39 3 Optional Equipment Inner 2 W ay T ray-D1 If you attach the Inner 2 W a y T ra y -D1 to the machine, prints can be deliv ered to both the main tra y and the Inner 2 Wa y T ray -D1.
Inner 2 Way Tray-D1 3-40 3 Optional Equipment Parts and Their Functions a Inner 2 W ay T ra y Prints are output to this tray . b Output P aper T ra y Guide Tilt up the output paper tra y guide to catch the printouts. c P aper Output Unit Pull out the P aper Output Unit to remov e jammed paper .
Inner 2 Way Tray-D1 3-41 3 Optional Equipment NO TE The f ollowing are paper sizes that can be ou tput to the output tr ays of the machine . Howe ver , some paper sizes ma y not be output, depending on the set functions.
Copy Tray-J1 3-42 3 Optional Equipment Copy T ray-J1 If the Cop y T ra y-J1 is attached to the ma chine, the f ollowing finishing modes are ava il a bl e : ■ Collate Mode The prints are automatically collated into sets arranged in page order bef ore they are delivered to the output tr ay .
Copy Tray-J1 3-43 3 Optional Equipment NO TE The f ollowing are paper sizes that can be ou tput to the output tr ays of the machine . Howe ver , some paper sizes ma y not be output, depending on the set functions. : A vailable : Unav ailable Pap er S i z e Output T ra y 11" x 17" LGL LT R LT R R STMTR EXEC Env elope COM10 No .
Card Reader-C1 3-44 3 Optional Equipment Card Reader -C1 If the Card Reader-C1 is attached to the machine, y ou must inser t a control card to operate it.
Card Reader-C1 3-45 3 Optional Equipment Procedure before Using the Machine 1 Insert the control card into the car d slot, making sure that it is facing in the correct direction. The Basic F eatures screen of the select ed function appears on the touch panel displa y .
Card Reader-C1 3-46 3 Optional Equipment Procedure after Using the Machine 1 After y ou finish using the machine, remove the contr ol card. The touch panel displa y retur ns to the screen f or inser ting the control card. IMPOR T ANT Once you ha ve remov ed the control card, you cannot operate the machine until the control card is inser ted again.
Card Reader-C1 3-47 3 Optional Equipment 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings]. If the System Manager ID an d System Password have b een set, enter the System Manager ID and System Passwor d using - (numeric keys) ➞ pr ess (Log In/Out).
Card Reader-C1 3-48 3 Optional Equipment 3 Select the desired mode. 4 Specify the desired mode ➞ press [OK]. 5 Press [Done] repeatedly unt il the Basic Features screen appears.
Card Reader-C1 3-49 3 Optional Equipment Changing the Password and Page Limit 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Dept. ID Management]. 2 Press [Register Dept. ID/P asswor d]. 3 Press [ ▼ ] or [ ▲ ] to display the department whose passw ord y ou want to change ➞ select the depar tment ➞ press [Edit].
Card Reader-C1 3-50 3 Optional Equipment 4 Enter the new pass word (up to se ven digits) using - (numeric ke ys). ❑ Press [P assword]. ❑ Press [P assword] ➞ enter the desired pass word. ❑ Press [Confirm] ➞ enter the same number to confirm the pass word ➞ press [OK].
Card Reader-C1 3-51 3 Optional Equipment ❑ Press [ ] (P age Limit) next to [On]/[Off] of the desired function(s) ➞ enter the page limit restriction using - (numeric ke ys). IMPOR T ANT • The machine stops sending a f ax if the Scan Limit is reached while faxing a document either from memor y or directly to the recipient.
Card Reader-C1 3-52 3 Optional Equipment 9 Press [Done] ➞ [OK]. If the page limit setting is set to 'On', the remaining number of pages that can be printed (page limit minus the current page count) is displayed on the scr een, as shown below .
Card Reader-C1 3-53 3 Optional Equipment Print Screen The icon that is displayed on th e Print screen is displayed below . Send Screen The icon that is displayed on th e Send screen is explained below: NO TE • Only the page limits f or functions that are set to 'On' are displa yed.
Card Reader-C1 3-54 3 Optional Equipment Checking the Page Counts on a Control Card Y ou can check the page counts on the c ontrol card y ou are currently using. 1 Press [System Monitor]. 2 Press [Pg Ct Check]. 3 Check the pa g e counts ➞ press [Done] ➞ [Done].
Card Reader-C1 3-55 3 Optional Equipment 3 Check or print the pa g e total count. The print page totals that belong to print jobs without a Department ID (left blank) are the number of prints fr om computers that do not correspond with a r egistered Department ID.
Card Reader-C1 3-56 3 Optional Equipment Clearing Page T otals Y ou can clear the page totals made for all departments or for specific depar tments. 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Dept. ID Management]. 2 Press [P age T otals].
Card Reader-C1 3-57 3 Optional Equipment Accepting Print and Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs Y ou can specify whether to accept or re ject print and networ k scan jobs from computers that do not correspond with a registered Depar tment ID .
Card Reader-C1 3-58 3 Optional Equipment.
4-1 CHAPTER Customizing Settings This chapter e xplains how to change the mach ine's Common Settings, and customizing them to suit your needs . What Are Additional Functions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-2 4. Customizing Settings 4 Customizing Settings Timer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-57 Current Time Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What Are Additional Functions? 4-3 4 Customizing Settings What Are Additional Functions? Additional Functions enable y ou to cu stomize the machine's various settings.
What Are Additional Functions? 4-4 4 Customizing Settings 3 Press a mode key to specify its settings. For an overview of all the settings you ca n change from the Additional Functions screen, see "Additional Functions Settings T able," on p.
What Are Additional Functions? 4-5 4 Customizing Settings 5 Press [Done] repeatedly until the Basic Features screen appears..
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-6 4 Customizing Settings Additional Functions Settings T able The f ollowing settings can be selected or stored from the Additional Functions screen. (*1 indicates the def ault setting.) F o r more information, consult the follo wing guides.
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-7 4 Customizing Settings ■ Common Settings Item Settings Delivered Applicable Pag e Function Displa y Settings No p .
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-8 4 Customizing Settings Energ y Consumption in Sleep Mode Low *1 , High Y es p. 4-36 T ray Designation *2 If the Optional Cop y T ray-J1 Is Attached Ye s *3 p .
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-9 4 Customizing Settings T ray Designation *2 If the Optional Finisher-S1, Cop y T ray-J1, and Additional Finisher T ray-B1 Are Attached Ye s *3 p .
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-10 4 Customizing Settings Standard Local Print Settings No p . 4-49 P aper Select All Paper Sources , Au to *1 Copies 1 *1 to 9,999 sets Finishing If No Finisher .
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-11 4 Customizing Settings *1 Indicates the default setting. *2 Indicates items that appear only when the appropriate op tional equipment is attached. *3 Indicates information that is deliv ered only if the number of output tra ys in the host machine and client machines is the same.
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-12 4 Customizing Settings ■ Timer Settings *1 Indicates the default setting. ■ Adjustment/Cleaning *1 Indicates the default setting. *2 Indicates items that appear only when th e appropriate optional equipment is attached.
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-13 4 Customizing Settings *4 Indicates items that appe ar only when the appropriat e optional equipment is at tached to the imageR UNNER 3030/3025. For the imageR UNNER 3045/3035, these items are display ed by def ault.
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-14 4 Customizing Settings ■ System Settings Item Settings Delivered Applicable Pag e System Manager Settings Ye s p .
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-15 4 Customizing Settings Print MDN/DSN on Receipt On, Off *1 Ye s Sending and F acsimile Guide Alwa ys send notice for RX errors On *1 , Off Use Send Via Ser ve.
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-16 4 Customizing Settings Restrict the Send Function *2 Sending and F acsimile Guide Address Book Pa s sw o r d Sev en digit number Y es Access Number Management .
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-17 4 Customizing Settings Date & Time Settings Date and Time Setting (12 digit numbe r) Time Zone: GMT -12:00 to GMT +12:00; GMT -05:00 *1 Da ylight Saving Time: On *1 , Off No p . 6-23 License Registration 24 characters maximum No p .
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-18 4 Customizing Settings Item Settings Delivered Applicable Pag e Device Inf ormation Delivery Settings p . 6-39 Register Destinations Auto Search/Register , Register , Details, Erase , Pr int List p . 6-42 A uto Delivery Settings Everyday , Select Days , Off *1 p .
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-19 4 Customizing Settings *1 Indicates the default setting. *2 Indicates items that appear only when the appropriate op tional equipment is attached. *5 Indicates items that are not deliv ered as device inf or mation.
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-20 4 Customizing Settings ■ Copy Settings *1 Indicates the default setting. *4 Indicates items that appear only when the appropriate optional equipm ent is attached to the imageR UNNER 3030/3025. For the imageR UNNER 3045/3035, these items are display ed by default.
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-21 4 Customizing Settings ■ Communications Settings *2 Item Settings Delivered Applicable Pag e Common Settings: TX Settings Sending and F acsimile Guide Sende.
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-22 4 Customizing Settings Common Settings: RX Settings Sending and Fa c s i m i l e Guide 2-Sided Print On, Off *1 Ye s Select Dra wer Switch A: On *1 , Off Switc.
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-23 4 Customizing Settings *1 Indicates the default setting. *2 Indicates items that appear only when the appropriate op tional equipment is attached.
Additional Functions Settings Table 4-24 4 Customizing Settings ■ Mail Bo x Settings *1 Indicates the default setting. *2 Indicates items that appear only when th e appropriate optional equipment is attached. *5 Indicates items that are not deliv ered as devi ce information.
Additional Functi ons Settings Table 4-25 4 Customizing Settings IMPOR T ANT • If you are perf or ming user authentication usin g the SDL or SSO login ser vice, you cannot change the Additional Functions settings of th e machine if you are logged in as a general user .
Specifying Common Settings 4-26 4 Customizing Settings Specifying Common Settings Y ou can specify the settings that are comm on to the Copy , Mail Box, Send, and F ax functions. Initial Function at Power ON Y ou can specify the screen that is display e d when you turn ON the main power , or after the A uto Clear mode initiates.
Specifying Common Settings 4-27 4 Customizing Settings ❑ Press [Up] or [Down] to mo ve the function 's k ey to the desired position or group ➞ press [Next]. The function keys are divided into the following gr oups: ❑ Select a function group .
Specifying Common Settings 4-28 4 Customizing Settings ● If you want to set the displa y for the Copy Basic Features screen: ❑ Press [Settings] fo r <Copy Screen Displa y Settings>. ❑ Press [Regular Cop y Only], [Regular and Express Cop y], or [Express Copy Only] ➞ press [OK].
Specifying Common Settings 4-29 4 Customizing Settings Default Display after Auto Clear Y ou can set whether the screen specified as the Initial Function is display ed after the A uto Clear mode initiates. NO TE The time necessar y for the A uto Clear mode to initiate can be se t.
Specifying Common Settings 4-30 4 Customizing Settings T one Settings Y ou can set whether to sound audible to nes. The f ollowing tones sound at the fo l l o w i n g t i m e s : 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Common Settings] ➞ [A udible T ones].
Specifying Common Settings 4-31 4 Customizing Settings Inch Entr y Specifying this setting ensures that the ke y for entering values in inches is displa yed on the v ar ious numeric entr y screens.
Specifying Common Settings 4-32 4 Customizing Settings 2 Select [Copy], [Printer], [Mail Bo x], [Receive/Fax], or [Other]. [Printer] appears only if the optional UF R II/PCL Printer Kit or PS Printer Kit is activated.
Specifying Common Settings 4-33 4 Customizing Settings NO TE • Regardless of the stack b y pass setting, you cannot select 'Off' f or all of the paper sources at the same time. At least one of the paper sources , besides the stack bypass m ust be set to 'On'.
Specifying Common Settings 4-34 4 Customizing Settings Identifying the T ype of Paper in a Paper Source This setting enables y ou to specify the paper type loaded in each paper source. IMPOR T ANT Be sure to correctly set the pa per type . If the type of paper is not set correctly , it could adversely aff ect the quality of the image.
Specifying Common Settings 4-35 4 Customizing Settings NO TE • F or more information on paper types, see "A vailab le P aper Stock," on p . 2-54. • Y ou can register a paper type that is not listed in [Detailed Settings] in the Stack Bypass Settings: Selecting th e P aper T ype screen.
Specifying Common Settings 4-36 4 Customizing Settings Energy Consumption in the Sleep Mode Y ou can set the amount of energy that the machine consumes when it is in the Sleep mode. NO TE • The machine may not enter the Sleep mode completely , depending on the status and type of installed MEAP applications (e.
Specifying Common Settings 4-37 4 Customizing Settings 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Common Settings] ➞ [Energ y Consumption in Sleep Mode]. 2 Select [Low] or [High] ➞ press [OK].
Specifying Common Settings 4-38 4 Customizing Settings NO TE The same output tra y can be designated fo r m ultiple functions . 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Common Settings] ➞ [T ra y Designation].
Specifying Common Settings 4-39 4 Customizing Settings 2 Select the functions for whic h to designate output T ra ys A, B, and C ➞ press [OK]. The optional Saddle Fini sher-AE2 is attached. [Printer] appears only if the optional UF R II/PCL Printer Kit or PS Printer Kit is activated.
Specifying Common Settings 4-40 4 Customizing Settings ● If you want to select the tra y ho me position (when the optional Finisher-AE1, Sad dle Finisher-AE2, or Finisher -S1 and Additional Finisher.
Specifying Common Settings 4-41 4 Customizing Settings NO TE If the same printing pr iority has been specif ied for m ultiple functions, printing starts with the first processed print job. Image Form Y ou can store image forms and superimpos e them on the output using the Form Composition mode in the Cop y and Mail Bo x functions .
Specifying Common Settings 4-42 4 Customizing Settings 4 Select [Entire Image Composition] or [T ransparent Image] ➞ press [Next]. ● If [T ransparent Image] is selected: ❑ Press [-] or [+] to adjust the halftone density ➞ press [Next]. 5 Set the desired scan settings.
Specifying Common Settings 4-43 4 Customizing Settings NO TE • F or instructions on enter ing characters, see "Entering Characters from the T ouch P anel Display," on p .
Specifying Common Settings 4-44 4 Customizing Settings Erasing an Image Form 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Common Settings] ➞ [Register Form for Form Composition].
Specifying Common Settings 4-45 4 Customizing Settings Editing User -Defined T ext 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Common Settings] ➞ [Register Characters f or Page No./W atermark]. 2 Select the text to edit ➞ press [Edit]. 3 Enter the new te xt ➞ press [OK].
Specifying Common Settings 4-46 4 Customizing Settings Standard Paper for the Stack Bypass Y ou can set the paper size and type that the stack b ypass uses beforehand. This setting is useful if you alw ays load the same paper size and type into the stac k bypass .
Specifying Common Settings 4-47 4 Customizing Settings ● If you want to select an en velope size: ❑ Press [Env elope]. ❑ Select the env elope type ➞ press [OK]. IMPOR T ANT If the env elope type is not selected correctly , a paper jam will occur.
Specifying Common Settings 4-48 4 Customizing Settings 2 Select [Speed Priority] or [Print Side Priority] for eac h paper source ➞ press [OK]. Details of each item are shown below .
Specifying Common Settings 4-49 4 Customizing Settings Standard Local Print Settings Y ou can set the standard pr int settings f o r the machine. The Standard Local Print Settings are used in the f ol.
Specifying Common Settings 4-50 4 Customizing Settings Changing the Language Shown on the T ouch Panel Display Y ou can select the language displa y ed on the touch panel display . NO TE • If Language Switch is se t to 'On', some characters are re stricted and cannot be entered.
Specifying Common Settings 4-51 4 Customizing Settings Reversing the Contrast of the T ouch Panel Display Y ou can rev erse the contrast on the t ouch panel display f or better viewing. The Re versed Displa y mode re verses the li ght and dark areas on the touch panel displa y .
Specifying Common Settings 4-52 4 Customizing Settings Inserting a Job Separation Sheet between Print Jobs This mode enables y ou to inser t blank p ages bef ore the first page of each pr int job from a selected paper dra wer . This is us eful when you w ant to separate one pr int job from another when printing multiple jobs.
Specifying Common Settings 4-53 4 Customizing Settings Inserting a Job Separation Sheet between Copy Sets If you are using the Collate , Offset Collate , or Staple mode, y ou can inser t blank pages from a selected paper dra wer to se parate a specified n umber of copies.
Specifying Common Settings 4-54 4 Customizing Settings Job Duration Display If the Job Duration Displa y mode is set to 'On', the remaining time that it takes to complete an operation is displa yed in minutes on the touch panel displa y .
Specifying Common Settings 4-55 4 Customizing Settings NO TE • Even if y ou set Di ff erent P aper Sizes f or the Output T ray to 'Off', different paper sizes are output to the same output.
Specifying Common Settings 4-56 4 Customizing Settings NO TE [Limited Functions Mode] is display ed only if an optional finisher is attached. 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Common Settings] ➞ [Limited Functions Mode]. 2 Select [On] or [Off] ➞ press [OK].
Timer Settings 4-57 4 Customizing Settings T imer Settings Y ou can make v arious timer related settings for the machine , such as adjusting the current time, and specifying the time it ta k es f or the machine to enter into the Sleep mode or Low-P ow e r mode.
Timer Settings 4-58 4 Customizing Settings Auto Sleep T ime If the machine is idle f or a cer tain per iod of time (after the last print job or key operation is perf or med), the control panel po wer s witch automatically switches OFF to sav e power .
Timer Settings 4-59 4 Customizing Settings Daily T imer Settings Y ou can set the time that the machine automatically enters the Sleep mode each da y of the week. NO TE If the A uto Sleep Time and Daily Timer modes are both set, the A uto Sleep Time setti ng has prior ity .
Adjusting the Machine 4-60 4 Customizing Settings Adjusting the Machine This section describes how you can mak e fi ne adjustments to the settings of the machine, such as making a fine adjustm ent to the printed image and the page number or watermark position.
Adjusting the Machine 4-61 4 Customizing Settings NO TE • Saddle stitch staple reposi tioning can be perf or med only if the optional Saddle Finisher-AE2 is attached. • P aper that is required for the saddle stitch staple repositioning procedure is automatically f ed to the saddle stitcher unit by the machine .
Adjusting the Machine 4-62 4 Customizing Settings Exposure Recalibration Y ou can recalibrate the e xposure adjustment scale if diff erences between the image on the original and the pr int occur . 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Adjustment/Cleaning] ➞ [Exposure Recalibration].
Adjusting the Machine 4-63 4 Customizing Settings 2 Press [Sample Print] ➞ [Y es]. The setting range for the Relative Contra st V alue will differ , depending on the Standard V alue Settings you have set.
Adjusting the Machine 4-64 4 Customizing Settings 3 Refer to the sample print and set the contrast v alue indicated for an ima g e where the hidden text is difficult to see using [ ▼ ] or [ ▲ ]. ● If there is no image where th e text is difficult to see: ❑ Press [Standard V alue Settings] ➞ [Sample Pr int] ➞ [Y es].
Adjusting the Machine 4-65 4 Customizing Settings Automatic Feeder Cleaning If your originals hav e blac k streaks or appear dir ty after scanning them through the f eeder , clean the rollers of the feeder .
Adjusting the Machine 4-66 4 Customizing Settings.
5-1 CHAPTER Checking Job and Device Status This chapter e xplains how to ch ec k the counter , and how to us e the System Monitor screen to change or check the status of print and cop y jobs. Checking the Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Checking the Counter 5-2 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Checking the Counter Y ou can check the machine's cop y and pr int page counts. Y ou can also check print and scan page co unts that are perf or med by users who log on to MEAP applications using a login ser vice.
Checking the Counter 5-3 5 Checking Job and De vice Status ● T o check the MEAP counter: ❑ Press [MEAP Counter]. ❑ Press the Application Name drop-down list ➞ select the desired application. T o check the version information of an application, the MEAP Contents version information, etc.
Checking Job Status 5-4 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Checking Job Status If you press [System Monitor], the System Monitor screen appears, enab ling you to check and change the status of Cop y , Se nd, F ax, Pr int, and Receive jobs .
Checking Job Status 5-5 5 Checking Job and De vice Status NO TE • If Depar tment ID Management or a login se r vice (such as SSO or SDL) is set and Displa y Status Before A uthentication in S ystem .
Checking Job Status 5-6 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Checking Job Status from the System Monitor Screen 1 Press [System Monitor]. T o cancel remote or cascade copy jobs fr om the machine that is scanning the original, press [Copy] on the System Monitor Scr een.
Checking Job Status 5-7 5 Checking Job and De vice Status NO TE F or instructions on checking the status of Send, F ax, or Receive jobs , see Chapter 8, "Checking/Changing the Se nd/Receiv e Status," in the Sending and F acsimile Guide . ❑ Press [Log] to check the jobs t hat ha ve already been processed.
Checking Job Status 5-8 5 Checking Job and De vice Status • The most recent 100 cop y , fax, or print jobs, and a total of the most recent 100 send and receive jobs are displa yed in the log. ● If [Device] is selected: ❑ Check the current machine status .
Checking Job Status 5-9 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Checking Job Status from the Print Job Screen 1 Press [Print Job]. 2 Check the status of the print jobs. ❑ Press [Status] to check th e jobs currently being proc essed or w aiting to be processed.
Checking Job Status 5-10 5 Checking Job and De vice Status ❑ Press [Log] to check the jobs t hat ha ve already been processed. ❑ Press the Select T ype drop-down list ➞ select the type of job whose log you want to chec k.
Job Details 5-11 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Job Details Y ou can check the details of cop y and pr int jobs, such as the date and time the machine received and processed th e jobs , and the number of pages.
Job Details 5-12 5 Checking Job and De vice Status 2 Press [Status] or [Log] ➞ select the job whose details you want to chec k ➞ press [Details]. 3 Check the detailed inf ormation ➞ press [Done] repeatedly until the Basic Features screen appears.
Job Details 5-13 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Printing the Copy/Print Log Printing Copy/Print Log from the System Monitor Screen 1 Press [System Monitor] ➞ select the job type ([Copy] or [Print]). If necessary , see the screen shot in st ep 1 of "Checking Job Status fr om the System Monitor Screen," on p.
Job Details 5-14 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Printing the Copy/Print Log from the Print Job Screen 1 Press [Print Job] ➞ [Log]. 2 Press the Select T ype dr op-down list ➞ select the type of job whose log y ou want to print ➞ press [Print List].
Priority Printing 5-15 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Priority Printing Y ou can change the pr inting prior ity of a jo b , so that it is pr inted r ight after the current job is complete. Selecting the Job for Priority Printing from the System Monitor Screen 1 Press [System Monitor] ➞ [Print].
Priority Printing 5-16 5 Checking Job and De vice Status Selecting the Job for Priority Printing from the Print Job Screen 1 Press [Print Job] ➞ [Status].
6-1 CHAPTER System Manager Settings This chapter describes the settings that can be made by the person in charge of the machine's operation, such as the System Manager . Specifying the System Manager Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6-2 6. System Manager Settings 6 System Manager Settings Using a USB Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38 Specifying De vice Information Delivery Settings . . .
Specifying the System Manager Settings 6-3 6 System Manager Settings Specifying the System Manager Settings Y ou can set an ID and a passw ord for the System Manager. Once the System Manager ID/pass word is set, restrictions can be placed on storing or changing the System Settings.
Specifying the System Manager Settings 6-4 6 System Manager Settings 2 Specify the desired settings ➞ press [OK]. [System Manager ID]: Press [System Manager ID] ➞ enter a number (up to seven digits) using - (numeric keys). Y ou must set a System Manager ID in or der to manage the operations of the machine.
Department ID Management 6-5 6 System Manager Settings Department ID Management Y ou can register a Depar tment ID and pa ss word for each depar tment, and manage the machine by limiting its use to only th ose who enter the correct Department ID and pass word.
Department ID Management 6-6 6 System Manager Settings IMPOR T ANT • Optional imageW ARE Accounti ng Manager so ftware is necessary to use the Domain A uthentication system of SSO (including when pe.
Department ID Management 6-7 6 System Manager Settings Registering the Department ID, Password, and Page Limit 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Dept. ID Management]. 2 Press [On] ➞ [Register Dept. ID/Pass wor d]. If you do not want to store a Department ID, password, or page limit r e striction, proceed to step 10.
Department ID Management 6-8 6 System Manager Settings 4 Use - (numeric ke ys) to enter the Depar tment ID and passw ord. ❑ Press [Dept. ID] ➞ enter the Depar tment ID . ❑ Press [P assword]. ❑ Press [P assword] ➞ enter the desired pass word.
Department ID Management 6-9 6 System Manager Settings ❑ Press [ ] (P age Limit) next to [On]/[Off] of the desired function(s) ➞ enter the page limit restriction using - (numeric ke ys). IMPOR T ANT • The machine stops sending a f ax if the Scan Limit is reached while faxing a document either from memor y or directly to the recipient.
Department ID Management 6-10 6 System Manager Settings [Send] appears if the Univer sal Send Kit is activated, and the optional Super G3 F AX Board or Super G3 Multi-Line F AX Board is installed, or if only the Universal Send Kit is activated. If only the opti onal Super G3 F AX Board or Super G3 Multi-Line F AX Board is installed, [Fax] appears.
Department ID Management 6-11 6 System Manager Settings 4 Enter the new pass word (up to se ven digits) using - (numeric ke ys). ❑ Press [P assword]. ❑ Press [P assword] ➞ enter the desired passw ord using - (numeric keys). ❑ Press [Confirm] ➞ enter the same number to confirm the pass word using - (numeric keys) ➞ press [OK].
Department ID Management 6-12 6 System Manager Settings 7 Press [Done] ➞ [OK]. NO TE If you selected [O n] in step 2, pressing [OK] activates Department ID Management. Erasing the Department ID and Password Y ou can erase the Depar tment ID a nd passw ord that you ha ve registered.
Department ID Management 6-13 6 System Manager Settings 5 Press [Done] ➞ [OK]. NO TE If you selected [On] in step 2, pressing [OK] activates Department ID Management. Checking and Printing Counter Information Y ou can display and print a list of how m u ch paper was used b y each depar tment.
Department ID Management 6-14 6 System Manager Settings NO TE Press and hold down [ ▼ ] or [ ▲ ] to quickly and contin uo usly scroll through the av ailable Depar tment ID pages. Continuo us scrolling is useful when a large number of Depart ment IDs are registered.
Department ID Management 6-15 6 System Manager Settings 4 Press [Y es]. 5 Press [Done] ➞ [OK]. NO TE If you selected [On] in step 2, pressing [OK] activates Department ID Management.
Department ID Management 6-16 6 System Manager Settings Allow Remote Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs NO TE If you selected [On] in step 2, pressing [OK] activ ates Depar tment ID Management. [On]: The machine accepts network scan jobs from computers that do not correspond with a r egistered Department ID.
Remote UI 6-17 6 System Manager Settings Remote UI Y ou can set whether to enable the Remote UI (User Interf ace) to operate the machine and change settings. NO TE F or more information on the Remote UI, see the Remote UI Guide . 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Remote UI].
Remote UI 6-18 6 System Manager Settings NO TE • Bef ore setting <Use SSL> to 'On', it is necessary to set a default k ey in Network Settings (from the Additional Functions screen). (See Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/IP Network," in the Network Guide .
Device Information Settings 6-19 6 System Manager Settings Device Information Settings De vice Information Settings enables y ou to set a name for the machine, and enter inf or mation regarding its location. 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Device Inf ormation Settings].
Clearing the Message Board 6-20 6 System Manager Settings Clearing the Message Board The Message Board is a function used by the System Manager to displa y messages f or users on the touch panel di spla y . Message board settings are made from the Remote UI, but can be cleared from the main unit.
Auto Online/Offline 6-21 6 System Manager Settings Auto Online/Offline T o use the optional Network Scan function , the machine must be connected to a network, and must be separately s witched online to the networ k. This section e xplains how to s witch the machine onli ne and offline to use the Network Scan function.
Auto Online/Offline 6-22 6 System Manager Settings Auto Offline If the machine is connected to a network that is online, scanning is not possib le with the Cop y or Mail Bo x function. By sett ing Auto Offline to 'On', the machine automatically goes offline when the A uto Clear mode initiates.
Current Date and Time 6-23 6 System Manager Settings Current Date and T ime Setting the current date and time is v er y impor tant. The current date and time settings are used as standard timer sett ings for functions that require them.
Current Date and Time 6-24 6 System Manager Settings Enter all four digits of the year , and the time in 24-hour notati on, as four digits (including zeros) without a space. NO TE If you mak e a mistake when ente ring values, press (Clear) ➞ enter the values again, star ting wi th the month.
License Registration 6-25 6 System Manager Settings License Registration Y ou must register a license ke y to enable optional modes and functions . Each optional mode and function requires th eir own license k ey to be registered. There is no limit to the number of licen se k eys that can be registered in the machine.
License Registration 6-26 6 System Manager Settings 2 Enter the license key using - (numeric keys) ➞ press [Start]. Details of each item are shown below .
License Registration 6-27 6 System Manager Settings 3 Press [OK]..
Setting System Monitor Screen Restrictions 6-28 6 System Manager Settings Setting System Monitor Screen Restrictions Y ou can set restr ictions relating to the System Monitor screen. Restricting Access to the System Monitor Screen If you are using a login service, you c an restrict access to the System Monitor screen.
Setting System Monitor Screen Restrictions 6-29 6 System Manager Settings Setting to Allow Secured Printing from the System Monitor Screen Y ou can set whether to allo w secured printing from the System Monitor screen.
Setting System Monitor Screen Restrictions 6-30 6 System Manager Settings ● If you select [Off]: ❑ Select [P er mit] or [Do Not Allow] f o r <Obtain Job Log F rom Management Software> ➞ press [OK]. Obtain Job Log From Management Softwar e [Permit]: Per mits collection of jo b logs using management software.
MEAP Settings 6-31 6 System Manager Settings MEAP Settings Y ou can pr int inf or mation about installed MEAP applications. Use HTTP Ser ver Set Use HTTP to 'On' to access this ma chine from a W eb browser , and utilize the installed MEAP applications.
MEAP Settings 6-32 6 System Manager Settings ● If you select [On]: ❑ Select [On] or [Off] f or <Use SSL> ➞ press [OK]. Use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) ● If you select [Off]: ❑ Press [OK].
MEAP Settings 6-33 6 System Manager Settings 2 Press [Y es]. Items printed for each a pplication are as follows: • MEAP Specifications: Prints inform ation regarding the MEAP function. • MEAP Contents: Prints the MEAP version. • Application Name: Prints th e name of the application.
MEAP Settings 6-34 6 System Manager Settings • Maximum Memory Usage: Prints the ma ximum amount of memor y that can be used by each application. The Maximum Memory Usage number is printed in kilobytes (KB). • Registered Service: Prints the service r egistered on the MEAP framework from the application.
Copy Set Numbering Options 6-35 6 System Manager Settings Copy Set Numbering Options Y ou can specify the detailed settings of the Copy Set Numbering mode f or both the Cop ying and Mail Bo x functions.
Copy Set Numbering Options 6-36 6 System Manager Settings ● If you select [On]: ❑ Select [On] or [Off] f or each of the items ➞ press [Next]. ID/User Name Date Characters ❑ If you select [On] f or <Date>, select the date format ➞ press [Ne xt].
Displaying the Current D epartment ID/User Name 6-37 6 System Manager Settings Displaying the Current Department ID/User Name If you are using a login service, you can displa y the Depar tment ID or user name which is currently being used to log on to the machine in the Job/Print Status Displa y Area.
USB Settings 6-38 6 System Manager Settings USB Settings This mode enables y ou to specify the USB settings. NO TE Changes are only effe ctive after y ou restar t th e machine (the main power s witch is tur ned OFF , and then back ON).
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-39 6 System Manager Settings Specifying Device Information Deliver y Settings Registering device inf or mation in your ma chine enab les you to set the machine to deliv er the same device inf or mation to ot her machines that are connected to the same network.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-40 6 System Manager Settings The f ollowing de vice information can be delivered: Delivered Information Contents Notes Address Book The Address Book, .
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-41 6 System Manager Settings CA UTION Preparing for delivery and updating the in formation after it is received ma y take several minutes. Do not turn the main power OFF until these operations are complete.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-42 6 System Manager Settings Registering/Deleting/Printing Deliver y Destinations Y ou can register , confir m, and delete delivery destinations. NO TE The maximum number of destinat ions you can register is 100.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-43 6 System Manager Settings NO TE • F or instructions on enter ing characters, see "Entering Characters from the T ouch P anel Display," on p .
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-44 6 System Manager Settings NO TE • Y ou can cancel a selection by selecting the destination again. • T o cancel all destinations, press [Clear Selection]. ([Clear Sele ction] changes to [Select All].
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-45 6 System Manager Settings Deleting a Delivery Destination 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Device Inf ormation Deliver y Settings] ➞ [Register Destinations] under <T ransmitting Settings>.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-46 6 System Manager Settings Printing the Delivery Destinations 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Device Inf ormation Deliver y Settings] ➞ [Register Destinations] under <T ransmitting Settings>.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-47 6 System Manager Settings Setting Automatic Deliver y Y ou can set to automatically deliver de vice information at a specified time.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-48 6 System Manager Settings Y ou can store up to five differ ent star t times. Enter all four digits of the time (i ncluding zeros), using 24-hour notation. If you make a mistake when entering th e time, press (Cle ar) to clear your entry ➞ enter another four digit number .
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-49 6 System Manager Settings 3 Select which de vice information y ou want to deliver ➞ press [Next]. Details of each item are shown below . <Network Settings>: Available when [On] is selected for <Add.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-50 6 System Manager Settings Setting Manual Deliver y Y ou can set to manually deliv er device inf or mation.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-51 6 System Manager Settings 3 Select the destinations ➞ press [Manual delivery Start]. NO TE Even if y ou press [Cancel] on the deli very in progress screen, deliv er y will not be canceled f or machines to wh ich information has already been deliv ered.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-52 6 System Manager Settings Restoring Device Information Y ou can restore device inf or mation to what it was bef ore it was updated. This is useful when you ha ve accidentally updated the de vice information.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-53 6 System Manager Settings Restricting the T ype of Information That Is Updated Y ou can restr ict the type of de vice information that is received and updated. IMPOR T ANT While receiving and updating device inf or matio n, the screen indicating that the settings are being updated is display ed.
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-54 6 System Manager Settings NO TE • Bef ore setting <Add. Functions Settings V a lue>, <Dept. ID>, or <Address Book> to 'Off', it is necessary to set a default k ey in Netw ork Settings (from the Addi tional Functions screen).
Specifying Device Information Delivery Settings 6-55 6 System Manager Settings 2 Press [Print List]. If you want to print the list automati cally at a specified time, press [Report Settings]. ● If you select [Report Settings]: ❑ Specify the desired print settings ➞ press [OK].
Initializing All Data/Settings 6-56 6 System Manager Settings Initializing All Data/Settings This mode enables y ou to erase the follo wi ng data stored in the machine. It is not normally necessar y to use this mode, b u t it is useful to erase personal or confidential inf or mation when return ing or disposing of the machine.
Initializing All Data/Settings 6-57 6 System Manager Settings IMPOR T ANT • T o prev ent other users from a ccidentally erasing all the data on the hard disk, it is recommended to register a Sy stem Manager ID and System P assw ord so that only the System Manager can perform this procedure.
Initializing All Data/Settings 6-58 6 System Manager Settings 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [Initialize All Data/Settings]. 2 Press [Y es]. It may take more than 30 minu tes to initialize the har d disk. IMPOR T ANT If there are any current jobs being proces sed, the y will be canceled, and then erased.
Setting the Display Method When Entering a Password 6-59 6 System Manager Settings Setting the Display Method When Entering a Password Y ou can set whether to display asterisks when entering confidential information, such as a pass word.
Forced Secure Watermark Mode 6-60 6 System Manager Settings Forced Secure W atermark Mode The F orced Secure W ater mar k mode enable s y ou to set the machine to alwa ys print the specified hidden water mark on pr in ts and copies.
Forced Secure Watermark Mode 6-61 6 System Manager Settings NO TE F or instructions on enter ing characters, see "Entering Characters from the T ouch P anel Display," on p . 2-22. ● If you select [Date]: ❑ Select the date f or mat ➞ press [Next].
Forced Secure Watermark Mode 6-62 6 System Manager Settings NO TE The serial number that is display ed in th e Job/Print Status Display Area when y ou press (Counter Check) on the control panel is printed. ● If you select [ID/User Name]: ❑ Press [Ne xt].
Specifying Encrypted Secured Printing Settings 6-63 6 System Manager Settings Specifying Encr ypted Secured Printing Settings Y ou can specify settings relating to encr ypted secured pr inting. NO TE Encr ypted Print Settings can be set only if the Encr ypte d Secure Print Software is activated.
Specifying Settings for All User Inboxes 6-64 6 System Manager Settings Specifying Settings for All User Inboxes Y ou can specify settings for the time until documents in all of the user inbo xes are erased automatically , as well as whether to print upon stor ing from the pr inter driver .
Specifying Settings for All User Inboxes 6-65 6 System Manager Settings Printing upon Storing from the Printer Driver When storing documents from a computer in to a user inbo x, you can set whether to print the result of the stor ing proces s. Select [On] to print the results.
Storing/Editing Irregular Paper Types 6-66 6 System Manager Settings Storing/Editing Irregular Paper T ypes Y ou can register up to 200 paper type s with new names other than the def ault paper types registered in the machine. Y ou c an register a paper type by editing the name after duplicating the closest paper type from a registered paper type.
Storing/Editing Irregular Paper Types 6-67 6 System Manager Settings 3 Enter a name ➞ press [OK]. Editing Irregular Paper T ypes 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [P aper T ype Management Settings]. 2 Select a paper type that y ou have registered fr om the list ➞ press [Details/Edit].
Storing/Editing Irregular Paper Types 6-68 6 System Manager Settings IMPOR T ANT If you change the name of i rregular paper types that are currently loaded in a paper source, y ou must re-register the paper type for paper dr awers , stack bypass , and paper decks .
Storing/Editing Irregular Paper Types 6-69 6 System Manager Settings Erasing Irregular Paper T ypes 1 Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [System Settings] ➞ [P aper T ype Management Settings]. 2 Select a paper type that y ou have registered fr om the list ➞ press [Erase].
Storing/Editing Irregular Paper Types 6-70 6 System Manager Settings.
7-1 CHAPTER Routine Maintenance This chapter describes how to load paper , pe rform routine cleaning operations, and replace consumables , such as toner and staple car tr idges. P aper Drawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paper Drawers 7-2 7 Routine Maintenance Paper Drawers This section describes how to load paper into the paper dra wers. NO TE • The follo wing paper si zes can be loaded into P aper Draw ers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Paper Drawers 7-3 7 Routine Maintenance IMPOR T ANT • A screen prompting you to load paper also ap pears if the selected paper dra wer is not fully inser ted into the machine. Make sure that the paper dra wer is proper ly in place. • Do not load nonstand ard paper siz es into the paper draw ers.
Paper Drawers 7-4 7 Routine Maintenance 1 Press and release the button on the paper dra wer in which y ou want to load paper . 2 Grip the handle, and pull out the paper drawer until it stops. 3 Open a packa g e of paper , and remove the paper stac k. CA UTION When loading paper , take care not to cut your hands on the edges of the paper .
Paper Drawers 7-5 7 Routine Maintenance IMPOR T ANT Rewr ap any remaining paper in its original package, and store it in a dry place, aw ay from direct sunlight. NO TE • F or high-quality pr intouts, use paper recommended by Canon. • Bef ore loading paper , always f an the sheets sev eral times, and align the edges to f acilitate feeding.
Paper Drawers 7-6 7 Routine Maintenance NO TE • Each paper dra wer holds appro ximatel y 550 sheets of pa per (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 )). • If there are instructions on the package of paper about wh ich side of the paper to load, follo w those instructions.
Paper Drawers 7-7 7 Routine Maintenance Adjusting a Paper Drawer to Hold a Different Paper Size If you w ant to load a different paper size into a paper dr aw er , follo w the procedure described below to adjust the paper dra wer guides. IMPOR T ANT Only L TR transparencies can be used.
Paper Drawers 7-8 7 Routine Maintenance 3 Squeeze the lever on the front guide, as sho wn below . Without releasing the lever , slide the front guide to align it with the mark for the desired paper size. IMPOR T ANT Adjust the guides corre ctly to av oid causing a paper ja m, dir t y prints, or making the inside of the machine dir ty .
Paper Drawers 7-9 7 Routine Maintenance 6 Change the paper drawer's size sticker to matc h the new paper size . 7 Gently push the paper dra wer back into the machine until it clic ks into place in the closed position.
Paper Deck-Q1 (Optional) 7-10 7 Routine Maintenance Paper Deck-Q1 (Optional) If you attach the optional P aper Deck-Q 1 to the machine, y ou hav e one additional source of paper f or printing jobs. The P aper Deck-Q1 holds up to 2,700 sheets of paper (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 )).
Paper Deck-Q1 (Optional) 7-11 7 Routine Maintenance NO TE If a message prompting you to load paper appe ars during printing, the remaining pr ints are automatically made after you load the correct paper . If y ou select another paper source, the remaining prints ar e made after you press [OK].
Paper Deck-Q1 (Optional) 7-12 7 Routine Maintenance IMPOR T ANT • Rewr ap any remaining paper in its original package, and store it in a dry place, aw ay from direct sunlight. • Do not load the f ollowing ty pes of paper into the paper dec k. Doing so may cause a paper jam.
Paper Deck-Q1 (Optional) 7-13 7 Routine Maintenance NO TE • The paper deck holds appro ximately 2,700 sheets of paper (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 )). • Load the paper stack in stages , addi ng app ro ximately 500 sheets of paper (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 )) at a time.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-14 7 Routine Maintenance Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) This section e xplains how to use t he optional En velope F eeder Attachment-C2. IMPOR T ANT The optional Env elope Feeder Attachment-C2 can only be attached to P a per Dra wer 1.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-15 7 Routine Maintenance - Env elopes that are self-sticking, which use in k, glue, or other substances that can melt, burn, vaporize , or emi t smells under the he at of a fixing unit (appro ximately 418 ).
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-16 7 Routine Maintenance Preparing the Envelopes This section e xplains how to prepare the en velopes bef ore loading them into the paper dra wer . IMPOR T ANT Using curled, creased, or folded en velopes ma y cause paper jams.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-17 7 Routine Maintenance If you are using ISO-B5, ISO-C5, COM10 No.10, Monarch: Catalog Glove No.8, or DL envelopes, hold down the four corner s of the envelopes fir mly , so that they and the sealed or glued portion stay flat.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-18 7 Routine Maintenance Loading Envelopes This section e xplains how to load en velopes into P aper Dra wer 1. 1 Press and release the button on P aper Drawer 1. 2 Grip the handle, and pull out the paper drawer until it stops.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-19 7 Routine Maintenance Load the envelopes, as shown below . Align the leading edges of the envelopes, and make sure that they ar e held in place under the claw . IMPOR T ANT • Env elopes which have been rolled or curled must be straightened out prior to use .
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-20 7 Routine Maintenance 4 Gently push the paper dra wer back into the machine until it clic ks into place in the closed position. CA UTION When returning the paper drawer to its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this ma y result in personal injury .
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-21 7 Routine Maintenance 2 Grip the handle, and pull out the paper drawer until it stops. 3 Pull and lift the paper drawer out of the mac hine by holding its left and right sides with both hands. 4 Remove all of the en velopes that are loaded in the paper drawer (se veral envelopes at a time).
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-22 7 Routine Maintenance 5 Remove the left guide of the en velope feeder attac hment, and insert the left guide into the appropriate slot for the desired en velope size . T o remove the left guide, ti lt the left guide to the righ t, and then pull it up.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-23 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Fix the front width guide in place with the scre ws. 9 Move the bac k width guide of the en velope feeder attachment in accordance with steps 6 to 8. 10 Load 10 en velopes at a time with the side you want to print on face up.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-24 7 Routine Maintenance Load the envelopes, as shown below . Align the leading edges of the envelopes, and make sure that they ar e held in place under the claw . IMPOR T ANT • Env elopes which have been rolled or curled must be str aightened out prior to use.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-25 7 Routine Maintenance 11 T urn the paper size dial on the right side of the paper drawer , so that the arro w points to 'ENV .'. Then, set the size switch to 'ENV .1' or 'ENV .2'.
Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 (Optional) 7-26 7 Routine Maintenance NO TE If output has been stopped du e to an insufficient number of en velopes, load more env elopes, and follo w the instr uctions on the touch panel display .
Feeder (DADF-N1) (Optional) 7-27 7 Routine Maintenance Feeder (DADF-N1) (Optional) Originals sent by f ax or the Send func tion via the feeder, can be stamped to indicate that they ha ve been sent. Repl ace the stamp car tr idge when this mark is f aint or no longer visible .
Feeder (DADF-N1) (Optional) 7-28 7 Routine Maintenance 3 Push in the new stamp cartridge until it clicks, using tweezer s. IMPOR T ANT • Make sure that the stamp cartr idge is not protruding from the surface . • Inser t the stamp car t ridge prop er ly , or paper jams may occur .
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-29 7 Routine Maintenance Finisher -S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) This section describes the procedure fo r replacing the staple cartr idge in the optional Finisher-S1, and removing p unch w aste from the optional Puncher Unit-R1.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-30 7 Routine Maintenance 2 Lift the handle of the finisher unit up, and then pull it out to the left. CA UTION Do not place any objects on the finisher unit, or lean on it, as doing so ma y damage the machine, or cause the machine to fall o ver , resulting in personal injury .
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-31 7 Routine Maintenance 5 Insert the new staple car tridge . Press the spring-loaded case do wn until it clicks into place.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-32 7 Routine Maintenance 7 Gently push the staple case bac k into the finisher until it is securely in place. 8 Lift the handle of the finisher unit up, and then return the finisher unit to its original position.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-33 7 Routine Maintenance CA UTION When closing the fr ont cover of the finisher , be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-34 7 Routine Maintenance 2 Pull out the punch waste tra y . 3 Discard the punc h waste. NO TE Make sure that the punch w ast e tra y is completely emptied. 4 Return the punch waste tra y to its original position.
Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) 7-35 7 Routine Maintenance 5 Close the front co ver of the finisher . CA UTION When closing the fr ont cover of the finisher , be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-36 7 Routine Maintenance Finisher -AE1/Saddle Finisher -AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) This section describes the procedure for replacing .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-37 7 Routine Maintenance 1 Open the front co ver of the finisher . 2 Lift and pull out the staple case from the stapler unit, holding it by the green tab. 3 Place the staple case, as shown below , press the area indicated by PUSH, and then pull out the staple cartridge .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-38 7 Routine Maintenance 4 Insert the new staple car tridge . Press the spring-loaded case do wn until it clicks into place. IMPOR T ANT • Use only staple car tr idges intended for use with this machine.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-39 7 Routine Maintenance 6 Gently push the staple case into the stapler unit, until it is securely in place.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-40 7 Routine Maintenance Replacing the Staple Cartridge in the Saddle Stitcher Unit When the saddle stitcher unit of the optional Saddle F.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-41 7 Routine Maintenance 2 Grip the saddle stitcher unit b y it s handle, and pull it out of the finisher until it stops. 3 Pull the stapler unit of the saddle stitcher unit to wards y ou, and then push it up.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-42 7 Routine Maintenance 5 Insert the new staple car tridge . NO TE Only one staple car tr idge ca n be inser ted at a time. 6 Pull the stapler unit of the saddle stitcher unit to wards y ou, and then push it down into its original position.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-43 7 Routine Maintenance 8 Close the front co ver of the finisher . CA UTION When closing the fr ont cover of the finisher , be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-44 7 Routine Maintenance 1 Open the front co ver of the punch waste tray . 2 Pull out the punch waste tra y . 3 Discard the punc h waste. NO TE Make sure that the punch w ast e tra y is completely emptied.
Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2/Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) 7-45 7 Routine Maintenance 4 Return the punch waste tra y to its original position. NO TE If the punch waste tra y is not securely in pl ace, you cannot mak e pr ints in the Hole Punch mode. 5 Close the front co ver of the punch waste tray .
Replacing the Toner Cartridge 7-46 7 Routine Maintenance Replacing the T oner Cartridge When there is only a small amount of t oner remaining inside the machine, the f ollowing message appears on the touch panel displa y . Y ou can continue printing, but at this time y ou should purchase a new toner car tr idge to hav e it av ailable when needed.
Replacing the Toner Cartridge 7-47 7 Routine Maintenance CA UTION • Keep toner out of the reach of small c h ildren. If toner is ingested, consult a physician immediatel y . • T ake care not to allow tone r to come into contact with y our hands or clothing.
Replacing the Toner Cartridge 7-48 7 Routine Maintenance 2 Lift up the locking le ver until it becomes ver tical. IMPOR T ANT Make sure that the ▼ (down arro w) on the lockin g lev er is aligned with the ▲ (up arrow) of the (Unlock) icon position bef ore proceeding.
Replacing the Toner Cartridge 7-49 7 Routine Maintenance 4 T wist the red pr otective cap of the new toner cartridge in the direction of the arro w (countercloc kwise) to remo ve it. CA UTION Do not touch the tip of the toner cartri dge or subject it to shock by hitting it.
Replacing the Toner Cartridge 7-50 7 Routine Maintenance IMPOR T ANT Make sure that the ▼ (down arro w) on the locking le ve r is aligned with the (right arrow) of the (Loc k) icon position. NO TE If you insert a toner car trid ge intended for use in a diff erent machine, the locking le ver will not mov e.
Routine Cleaning 7-51 7 Routine Maintenance Routine Cleaning If the original is not copied clear ly , clean the f ollowing par ts of the machine. For high-quality printouts, we recommend cl eaning these par ts once or twice a month.
Routine Cleaning 7-52 7 Routine Maintenance Platen Glass and Cover Clean the platen glass and the underside of the optional platen cov er by f ollowing the procedure below .
Routine Cleaning 7-53 7 Routine Maintenance Manual Feeder Cleaning If originals that hav e been f ed through the f eeder hav e streaks or appear dir ty , clean the f eeder's rollers. CA UTION Do not dampen the cloth too m uch, as this may damage the original or break the machine.
Routine Cleaning 7-54 7 Routine Maintenance 3 Open the inner cover , holding it by its fr ont tab. 4 Clean the roller s (a total of three places) inside the inner cover with a cloth dampened with water . Then, wipe the area with a soft, dry cloth. 5 Clean the transparent plastic part of the inner cover with a cloth dampened with water .
Routine Cleaning 7-55 7 Routine Maintenance 6 Close the inner cover . CA UTION When closing the inner co ver , be care ful not to g et your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injury .
Routine Cleaning 7-56 7 Routine Maintenance 9 Clean the feeder scanning area with a c loth dampened with water . Then, wipe the area with a soft, dry cloth. 10 Clean the metal part located next to the rubber roller with a cloth dampened with water . Then, wipe the area with a soft, dry cloth.
Routine Cleaning 7-57 7 Routine Maintenance Automatic Feeder Cleaning If your originals hav e blac k streaks or appear dir ty after scanning them through the f eeder , clean the rollers of the feeder . IMPOR T ANT This procedure is necessar y only if the op tional F eeder (D ADF-N1) (standard-equipped for the imageR UNNER 3045/3035) is attached.
Consumables 7-58 7 Routine Maintenance Consumables The f ollowing consumab les are av ailable from Canon. F or more information, contact your local authorized Canon dealer . W e recommend that you order paper stoc k and toner from your local authorized Canon dealer bef ore your stoc k r uns out.
Consumables 7-59 7 Routine Maintenance ■ To n e r If a message prompting you to replace the t oner cartr idge appears on the touch panel displa y , replace the used tone r car tr idge with a new one. Use only toner car tri dges inte nded f or use with this machine.
Consumables 7-60 7 Routine Maintenance ■ Genuine Supplies Canon has de veloped and man ufactured T oner, P a r ts, and Supplies specifically f or use in this machine. F or optimal pr int quality and for optimal machine perf or mance and productivity , we recommend that you use Ge nuine Canon T oner , Parts, and Supplies.
8-1 CHAPTER T roubleshooting This chapter e xplains what to do in response to a paper jam in the main unit, optional units, and an error message displa y . Reducing the F requency of Paper J ams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8-2 8. Troubleshooting 8 T roubleshooting Ser vice Call Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-100 Contacting Y our Local Authorized Canon Dealer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reducing the Frequency of Paper Jams 8-3 8 T roubleshooting Reducing the Frequency of Paper Jams If paper jams occur frequently , e ven though there is no apparent prob lem with the machine, either one of the f ollowing tw o reasons ma y be the cause.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-4 8 T roubleshooting Clearing Paper Jams If a paper jam occurs, the f ollowing sc reens appear on the touch panel displa y . Screens Indicating the Locations of Paper Jams The screen indicating the location of the pap er jam and instructions on how to clear the paper jam appear on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-5 8 T roubleshooting ■ Example of a Screen Indicatin g How to Clear the P aper Jam WA R N I N G There are some areas inside the machine which are subject to high-v oltages.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-6 8 T roubleshooting 1 Inspect all paper jam locations indicated on the touch panel display , and remove an y jammed paper . See the appropriate pages below for instructions on finding and r emoving jammed paper . Or , you can follow the instructions on the touch panel display .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-7 8 T roubleshooting 2 If a paper jam occurs inside an optional unit, see the instructions on the follo wing pag es. ● Cassette Feeding Unit-Y3 ❑ See "Cassette F eeding Unit-Y3 (Optional)," on p . 8-27. ● Pa p e r D e ck - Q 1 ❑ See "P aper Deck-Q1 (Optional)," on p .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-8 8 T roubleshooting ● Finisher-S1 ❑ See "Finisher-S1 (Optional)," on p . 8-38. ❑ See "Finisher-S1/Puncher Unit-R 1 (Optional)," on p . 8-43. ❑ See "Inside the T ransfer Co ver of the Finisher-S1 (Optional)," on p .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-9 8 T roubleshooting ● Finisher-AE1 ❑ See "Inside the T op Cover of the Finisher-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2 (Optional)," on p . 8-53. ❑ See "Inside the Buff er Pass Unit-E2 of the Finis her-AE1/Saddle Finisher-AE2 (Optional)," on p .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-10 8 T roubleshooting ● Puncher Unit-M1 ❑ See "Puncher Unit-M1 (Opt ional)," on p . 8-65. 3 After y ou have remo ved all of the jammed paper in the locations indicated on the touch panel displa y , restore all lever s and cover s to their original positions.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-11 8 T roubleshooting Fixing Unit (Inside the Main Unit) If a paper jam occurs in the fixing unit area, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-12 8 T roubleshooting 2 Pull down the upper co ver of the fixing unit by its tab, and remove an y jammed paper . If there is paper jammed in the lower part of the fixi ng unit, proceed to step 3. CA UTION The fixing unit and its surroundings are subject to high-temperatures.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-13 8 T roubleshooting 4 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position. If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 was moved away from the main unit, r econnect it to the main unit.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-14 8 T roubleshooting Duplexing Unit (Inside the Main Unit) If a paper jam occurs inside the duple xin g unit, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-15 8 T roubleshooting 2 Remove an y jammed paper . 3 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-16 8 T roubleshooting Stack Bypass If a paper jam occurs inside the stack b y pass, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-17 8 T roubleshooting 3 Press the button on the right co ver of the main unit, and open the right cover . If the optional Paper Deck-Z1 is attached to the main unit, move the paper deck away from the main unit befor e proc eeding with this procedur e.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-18 8 T roubleshooting 5 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position. If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 was moved away from the main unit, r econnect it to the main unit.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-19 8 T roubleshooting Paper Drawer 1 If a paper jam occurs inside P aper Draw er 1, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-20 8 T roubleshooting 2 Remove an y jammed paper . 3 Open the paper drawer's right co ver . 4 Remove an y jammed paper ..
Clearing Paper Jams 8-21 8 T roubleshooting 5 Press and release the button on P aper Drawer 1. 6 Grip the handle, and pull out the paper drawer until it stops.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-22 8 T roubleshooting 8 Gently push P aper Drawer 1 bac k into the machine until it clic ks into place in the closed position. CA UTION When returning the paper drawer to its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this ma y result in personal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-23 8 T roubleshooting 10 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position. If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 was moved away from the main unit, r econnect it to the main unit.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-24 8 T roubleshooting Paper Drawer 2 If a paper jam occurs inside P aper Drawer 2, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-25 8 T roubleshooting 3 Press and release the button on P aper Drawer 2. 4 Grip the handle, and pull out the paper drawer until it stops.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-26 8 T roubleshooting 6 Gently push P aper Drawer 2 bac k into the machine until it clic ks into place in the closed position. CA UTION When returning the paper drawer to its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this ma y result in personal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-27 8 T roubleshooting Cassette Feeding Unit-Y3 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the optional Ca ssette Feeding Unit-Y3, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touc h panel display .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-28 8 T roubleshooting 2 Remove an y jammed paper . 3 Press and release the button on the paper dra wer indicated on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-29 8 T roubleshooting 5 Remove an y jammed paper . 6 Gently push the paper dra wer back into the machine until it clic ks into place in the closed position. CA UTION When returning the paper drawer to its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this ma y result in personal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-30 8 T roubleshooting CA UTION When closing the lo wer right cover of the cassette feeding unit, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as th is ma y result in personal injury . 8 Follow the instructions on the touc h panel display .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-31 8 T roubleshooting 1 Press the release button, and mo ve the paper deck awa y from the main unit. 2 Pull down the le ver on the side of the paper deck that attac hes to the main unit, and remove an y jammed paper from the feeding area.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-32 8 T roubleshooting 3 Reconnect the paper deck to the main unit. If the screen indicating the paper jam is no longer displayed after r econnecting the paper deck to the main unit, proceed to step 7.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-33 8 T roubleshooting 5 Remove an y jammed paper . Look carefully , as jammed pa per may be difficult to see. 6 Close the paper deck. CA UTION When closing the paper dec k, be careful not to g et your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-34 8 T roubleshooting Feeder (DADF-N1) (Optional) If a paper jam occurs in the optional F eeder (D ADF-N1), a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel disp la y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-35 8 T roubleshooting 2 Remove an y jammed originals. 3 Open the inner cover , holding it by its fr ont tab. 4 T urn the feed dial, and remo ve any jammed originals.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-36 8 T roubleshooting 5 Close the inner cover . CA UTION When closing the inner co ver , be careful not to g et your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-37 8 T roubleshooting 8 Close the feeder . CA UTION When closing the f eeder , be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-38 8 T roubleshooting Finisher -S1 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs in the optional Finisher-S1, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-39 8 T roubleshooting 1 Open the front co ver of the finisher . If the optional Puncher Unit -R1 is not attached, this procedur e is not necessar y . Proceed to step 4. 2 Align the pointed notch on the knob with the shaded region ( ).
Clearing Paper Jams 8-40 8 T roubleshooting 4 Press the button on the right co ver of the main unit, and open the right cover . If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 is attached to the main unit, move the paper deck away from the main unit befor e proc eeding with this procedure.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-41 8 T roubleshooting IMPOR T ANT If it is impossible to lo wer one of the four inner guides , tr y another inner guide. Do not attempt to low er the inner guide to o f orcefully , as th is ma y break it. 7 Push the paper output unit back into its original position.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-42 8 T roubleshooting 9 If there is any jammed paper pr otruding from the lower part of the fixing unit, remove the jammed paper . 10 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-43 8 T roubleshooting Finisher -S1/Puncher Unit-R1 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs in the optional Finisher-S1 and Puncher Unit-R1, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-44 8 T roubleshooting 1 Open the front co ver of the finisher . 2 Align the pointed notch of the knob with the shaded region ( ).
Clearing Paper Jams 8-45 8 T roubleshooting 4 Press the button on the right co ver of the main unit, and open the right cover . If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 is attached to the main unit, move the paper deck away from the main unit befor e proc eeding with this procedur e.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-46 8 T roubleshooting 6 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position. If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 was moved away from the main unit, r econnect it to the main unit.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-47 8 T roubleshooting 8 Pull down the punc her unit, and then remove an y jammed paper . 9 Return the puncher unit to its original position. 10 Lift the handle of the finisher unit up, and then return the finisher unit to its original position.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-48 8 T roubleshooting 11 Return the pointed notch on the knob bac k to its original position. 12 Close the front co ver of the finisher . CA UTION When closing the fr ont cover of the fi nisher , be careful not to g et your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-49 8 T roubleshooting Inside the T ransfer Cover of the Finisher -S1 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the transf er co ver of the optional Finisher-S1, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-50 8 T roubleshooting 1 Remove an y jammed paper protruding fr om the output tray . 2 Open the front co ver of the finisher . 3 Lift the handle of the finisher unit up, and then pull it out to the left.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-51 8 T roubleshooting 4 Open the transfer co ver , and then remo ve any jammed paper . 5 Close the transfer co ver . CA UTION When closing the transf er cover , be careful not to get y our fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-52 8 T roubleshooting CA UTION When returning the finisher unit to it s original position, do not place your fingers or hands under the finisher , as they ma y g et caught, resulting in personal injury . 7 Close the front co ver of the finisher .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-53 8 T roubleshooting Inside the T op Cover of the Finisher -AE1/Saddle Finisher -AE2 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the top cov er of the optional Finisher-AE1 or optional Saddle Finisher-AE2, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-54 8 T roubleshooting 1 Open the output slot on the outside of the finisher , and remove an y jammed paper that is visible. If you cannot see any jammed paper , check if any jamm ed paper is stuck inside the output area of the finisher .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-55 8 T roubleshooting 3 Close the top cover of the finisher . CA UTION When closing the top co ver of the fi nisher , be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y . 4 Follow the instructions on the touc h panel display .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-56 8 T roubleshooting Inside the Buffer Pass Unit-E2 of the Finisher -AE1/Saddle Finisher -AE2 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the buff er pa ss unit of the optional Finisher-AE1 or optional Saddle Finisher-AE2, a screen si milar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-57 8 T roubleshooting 1 Open the buff er pass unit, and remove an y jammed paper . 2 Close the buff er pass unit. CA UTION When closing the b uffer pass unit, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-58 8 T roubleshooting Inside the Front Cover of the Saddle Finisher -AE2 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the front co v er of the optional Saddle Finisher-AE2, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appe ars on the touch panel display .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-59 8 T roubleshooting 1 Open the front co ver of the finisher . 2 Tilt the upper delivery guide to the right, and remove an y jammed paper. Springs are attached to the upper delivery guide, so it returns to its original position when released.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-60 8 T roubleshooting 3 Tilt the lower delivery guide to the right, and remove an y jammed paper . T ur n the lever on the lower delivery guide to the right until it stops, and then tilt the lower delivery guide to the right. 4 Return the lower delivery guide to its original position.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-61 8 T roubleshooting 6 Follow the instructions on the touc h panel display . NO TE The screen indicating the location of the paper jam repeatedly appears on the touch panel displa y un til the paper jam is entirely cl eared. F or more information, see "Screens Indicating the Locati ons of P aper Jams," on p .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-62 8 T roubleshooting CA UTION • When removing jammed paper , take care not to cut y our hands on the edg es of the paper . • When removing paper whic h has become jammed inside the machine, take care not to cut your hands or injure y ourself on the inside of the machine.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-63 8 T roubleshooting 3 While pushing in the knob on the left, turn it in the direction of the arro w (clock wise). 4 Remove an y jammed paper protruding fr om the saddle stitcher unit. 5 Tilt the lower delivery guide to the right, and remo ve any jammed paper .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-64 8 T roubleshooting 6 Return the lower delivery guide to its original position. 7 Close the front co ver of the finisher . CA UTION When closing the fr ont cover of the fi nisher , be careful not to g et your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-65 8 T roubleshooting Puncher Unit-M1 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the optional Puncher Unit-M1, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-66 8 T roubleshooting 3 Open the top cover of the punc her unit. 4 Remove an y jammed paper . 5 Close the top cover of the punc her unit. CA UTION When closing the top co ver of the punche r unit, be careful not to ge t your fingers caught, as this may result in per sonal injur y .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-67 8 T roubleshooting 6 Close the front co ver of the punch waste tray . CA UTION When closing the fr ont cover of the punc h waste tray , be careful not to get your finger s caught, as this may result in personal injury . 7 Follow the instructions on the touc h panel display .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-68 8 T roubleshooting WA R N I N G There are some areas inside the machine which are subject to high-v oltages. When removing jammed paper or when in specting the inside of the m.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-69 8 T roubleshooting 2 Pull out the paper output unit. 3 Remove an y jammed paper . 4 Push the paper output unit back into its original position. CA UTION When pushing the paper output unit back into its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this ma y result in personal injury .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-70 8 T roubleshooting 5 Remove an y jammed paper from the inside of the main unit's right cover . 6 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-71 8 T roubleshooting Copy T ray-J1 (Optional) If a paper jam occurs inside the optional Co p y T ra y-J1, a screen similar to the one shown belo w appears on the touch panel disp lay .
Clearing Paper Jams 8-72 8 T roubleshooting 1 Press the button on the right co ver of the main unit, and open the right cover . If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 is attached to the main unit, move the paper deck away from the main unit befor e proc eeding with this procedure.
Clearing Paper Jams 8-73 8 T roubleshooting 3 Place y our hand where the hand symbol ( ) is located on the right cover of the main unit, and then gentl y close the right cover until it c licks into place in the c losed position. If the optional Paper Deck-Q1 was moved away from the main unit, r econnect it to the main unit.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-74 8 T roubleshooting Clearing Staple Jams If a staple jam occurs, f ollow the procedure described below to remov e the jammed staples. Finisher -S1 (Optional) If a staple jam occurs in the optional Fini sher-S1, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Staple Jams 8-75 8 T roubleshooting 2 Lift the handle of the finisher unit up, and then pull it out to the left. CA UTION Do not place any objects on the finisher unit, or lean on it, as doing so ma y damage the machine, or cause the machine to fall ov er , resulting in personal injury .
Clearing Staple Jams 8-76 8 T roubleshooting 5 Remove all of the staples that slide fr om the staple case . 6 Return the tab on the staple case to its original position. 7 Gently push the staple case bac k into the finisher until it is securely in place.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-77 8 T roubleshooting 8 Lift the handle of the finisher unit up, and then return the finisher unit to its original position. CA UTION When returning the finisher unit to its original position, do not place your fingers or hands under the finisher , as they ma y g et caught, resulting in personal injury .
Clearing Staple Jams 8-78 8 T roubleshooting Finisher -AE1/Saddle Finisher -AE2 (Optional) If a staple jam occurs in the stapler unit of the optional Finisher-AE1 or optional Saddle Finisher-AE2, a screen similar to the one shown below appears on the touch panel displa y .
Clearing Staple Jams 8-79 8 T roubleshooting 2 Lift and pull out the staple case from the stapler unit, holding it by the green tab. 3 Push down the tab on the staple case.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-80 8 T roubleshooting 5 Return the tab on the staple case to its original position. 6 Gently push the staple case bac k into the stapler unit until it is securely in place.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-81 8 T roubleshooting NO TE If there are no staples ready for stapling a fter the co ver is closed, the stapler unit automatically performs a "dr y" stapling operation to repo sition the staples.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-82 8 T roubleshooting 2 Grip the saddle stitch er unit by its handle, and pull it out of the finisher until it stops. 3 Pull the stapler unit of the saddle stitcher unit to wards y ou, and then push it up. 4 Pull out the staple cartridg e containing the jammed staples, holding it by its left and right sides.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-83 8 T roubleshooting 5 On the staple case, push down P ar t A, and push up Part B. 6 Remove an y jammed staples, and return Part B to its original position.
Clearing Staple Jams 8-84 8 T roubleshooting 8 Pull the stapler unit of the saddle stitcher unit to wards y ou, and then push it down into its original position. 9 Gently push the sad dle stitcher unit bac k into its original position. 10 Close the front co ver of the finisher .
Clearing Staple Jams 8-85 8 T roubleshooting IMPOR T ANT When you ha ve cleared the staple jam, be sure to manually reposition the staples in the saddle stitcher unit.
List of Error Messages 8-86 8 T roubleshooting List of Error Messages This section e xplains the various messages that appear on the touch panel displa y , along with possible causes and remedies . F or e xplanations of messages t hat are not listed here, see the Sending and F acsimile Guide , and the Network Guide .
List of Error Messages 8-87 8 T roubleshooting Load L TR size paper . Cause The optimum paper size selected b y the A utomatic P aper Selection mode is not avai l a bl e in t h e ma c h i n e. Remedy 1 Load the indicated pape r siz e into the machine.
List of Error Messages 8-88 8 T roubleshooting Remov e the paper from the booklet tray . Cause Pr ints from the pre vious job remain in the Booklet tra y of the optional Saddle Finisher-AE2. Remedy Remove the prints remaining in t he Booklet tra y . Pr inting automatically resumes.
List of Error Messages 8-89 8 T roubleshooting List of Error Codes without Messages If a job or operation does not complete successfully , check the error code, and perf or m the necessar y operations accordi ng to the error code displa yed. Y ou can check the error code on the Details scre en when y ou press [Log] on the System Monitor screen.
List of Error Messages 8-90 8 T roubleshooting # 099 Cause Cop ying/printi ng was interrupted. Remedy T r y copying/printing again. # 701 Cause 1 The specified Depar tment ID does not e xist, or the password has changed. Remedy Enter the correct Depar tment ID or pass word using - (numeric ke ys) on the control panel, and tr y again.
List of Error Messages 8-91 8 T roubleshooting # 749 Cause Y ou could not ex ecute the job beca use a ser vice call message is being displa yed. Remedy T ur n the main power OFF , wait f or 10 or more seconds, and turn the main power back ON.
List of Error Messages 8-92 8 T roubleshooting # 825 Cause 1 The Depar tment ID and pass word se t on the host machine do not match those registered in the remote cop y printers. Remedy 1 Register your Depar tment ID and passw ord in the remote cop y printers.
List of Error Messages 8-93 8 T roubleshooting Cause 3 The scanned document cannot be stored because there are more than 2,000 documents in the specified inbo x. Remedy If there are a large number of docume nts, delete the unnecessar y ones from the specified inbo x.
List of Error Messages 8-94 8 T roubleshooting # 854 Cause Device inf or mation could not be del ivered because the client machine has Restrictions for Receiving De vice Info . in Device Inf or mation Delivery Settings in System Settings (from the Addition al Functions screen) set to 'On'.
List of Error Messages 8-95 8 T roubleshooting # 860 Cause 1 A paper jam occurred dur ing printing. Remedy T r y printing again. Cause 2 Recovery printing was not performed. Remedy T r y printing again. Cause 3 Y ou tr ied to print on a trans parency sheet made f or color copies.
List of Error Messages 8-96 8 T roubleshooting # 865 Cause The Mail Box function is restricted. Remedy Contact your System Manager ..
If Memory Becomes Full during Scanning 8-97 8 T roubleshooting If Memor y Becomes Full during Scanning If memor y becomes full during the scanni ng of or iginals, the f o llowing screens appear on the touch panel displa y . NO TE The machine's memor y can store approxim atel y 8,200 pages of scanned images.
If Memory Becomes Full during Scanning 8-98 8 T roubleshooting Details of each item are shown below . The Basic F eatures screen of the selected function appears. ● If the screen shown belo w appears: ❑ Select [Cancel] or [Another Function]. [Y es]: The pages scanned into memory are printed.
If Memory Becomes Full during Scanning 8-99 8 T roubleshooting Details of each item are shown below . [Cancel]: The current job is cancel ed, and the display r eturns to the Basic Features scr een.
Service Call Message 8-100 8 T roubleshooting Ser vice Call Message If a malfunction occurs and the machine cannot operate nor mally , a screen like the one shown belo w is displa yed. F ollow the instructions that appear on the touch panel displa y .
Service Call Message 8-101 8 T roubleshooting 2 T urn OFF the main power s witch. W ait at least 10 seconds before turning the main po wer switch bac k ON. 3 If the machine still does not operate normall y , follow the procedure belo w , and then contact your local authorized Canon dealer .
Service Call Message 8-102 8 T roubleshooting Setting the Limited Functions Mode from the Ser vice Call Message Screen If the Ser vice Call Message screen appears indicating a malfunction of a Finisher mode, y ou can clear it by tur ning the Li mited Functions Mode 'On' to temporarily limit the use of the finishing modes.
Service Call Message 8-103 8 T roubleshooting 2 Press [Y es]. A message prompting you press [Shutdo wn] and to turn the main power s witch OFF and ON appears. 3 Press [Shutdown] to turn the main po wer switc h OFF . 4 W ait at least 10 seconds before turning the main po wer switc h back ON.
When the Power Does Not Turn ON 8-104 8 T roubleshooting When the Power Does Not T urn ON If you cannot oper ate the machine, e v en though the main pow er s witch and the control panel pow er switch are both turned ON, alwa ys check that the breaker is not in the OFF position.
9-1 CHAPTER Appendix This chapter provides the specifications of the main unit, optional equi pment, and other useful inf or mation. Sample Repor ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9-2 9. Appendix 9 Appendix Changing the Mail Box Settings in th e System Management Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-39.
Sample Reports 9-3 9 Appendix Sample Reports Copy Log List The cop y log list contains inf or mation about past cop y jobs. Y ou can print a copy log list from the System Monitor screen. (See "P rinting the Copy/Print Log," on p . 5-13.) ■ DEPT .
Sample Reports 9-4 9 Appendix ■ DEVICE NAME Prints the name of the devi ce that perf or med the copy . Prints "LOCAL COPY" if the copy job was perf or med on this machine, "CASCADE COPY" if the job was a cascade cop y jo b, or the name of the output destination if the job w as a remote cop y job .
Sample Reports 9-5 9 Appendix ■ JOB NAME Prints the name of the pr inted do cument, or the type of print job . ■ USER Prints the name of the user who sent the print job to the machine. ■ SHEET x COPIE Prints the number of pages in each co py set and the number of sets made.
Sample Reports 9-6 9 Appendix ■ AU T O D E L I V E RY "On" is printed if Auto Deliv er y Settings in T ransmitting Settings in Device Inf or mation Delive r y Settings in System Settings (from the Additional Functions sc reen) are set for the registered destination.
Sample Reports 9-7 9 Appendix ■ CONTENT Prints the device inf or mation that was delive red/received. ■ RESUL T Prints "OK" if the communication was complete d successfully , or "NG" (No Good) if there was a communication error .
Specifications 9-8 9 Appendix Specifications Specifications are subject to change wi thout notice f or product improv ement or future release. Main Unit Item Specification Name Canon imageR UNNER 3045.
Specifications 9-9 9 Appendix W arm-Up Time After P owering ON: 30 seconds maximum (when no optional equipment is attached) Returning from the Sleep mode: Appro ximately 10 seconds Activation time ma y vary depending on the environment and conditions under which th e machine is being used.
Specifications 9-10 9 Appendix Feeder (DADF-N1) P aper Feeding System/ Capacity Pa p e r D r aw e r s : 550 sheets x 2 cassettes (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 )) Stack Bypass: 50 sheets (20 lb bond (80 g/m 2 .
Specifications 9-11 9 Appendix Cassette Feeding Unit-Y3 Paper Deck-Q1 Item Specification Pap er S i z e s 11" x 17", LGL, L TR, L TRR, STMTR, or EXEC P aper Drawers Capacity 550 sheets x 2 c.
Specifications 9-12 9 Appendix Envelope Feeder Attachment-C2 Finisher -S1 Item Specifications Acceptable En velopes COM10 No.10, Monarch: Cata log Glov e No.8, DL, ISO-B5, ISO-C5, Y ougata 4 Capacity 50 sheets (or 30 mm in height) Copy Speed imageR UNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 3045/3035/3030 3025 COM10 No .
Specifications 9-13 9 Appendix Capacity P er T ra y No Collating, Coll ate, Group mode: LT R , S T M T R : 1,000 sheets (or 5 1/8" (130 mm) in height) 11" x 17", LGL, L TRR: 500 sheets .
Specifications 9-14 9 Appendix Finisher -AE1 Dimensions (H x W x D)/ W e ight 12 3/8" x 23 1/2" x 21 3/4" (315 mm x 598 mm x 552 mm) (when the auxiliar y tra y is e xtended) Appro ximately 26.
Specifications 9-15 9 Appendix Saddle Finisher -AE2 Dimensions (H x W x D)/ W e ight 40 7/8" x 25 3/8" x 25 7/8" (1,037 mm x 643 mm x 657 mm) (when the auxiliar y tra y is extended)/ Appro ximately 95.
Specifications 9-16 9 Appendix Puncher Unit-M1 Max. Stapling Capacity/ A vailable Staple Size L TR, EXEC: 50 sheets (17 to 20 lb bond (64 to 80 g/m 2 )) 11" x 17", LGL, L TRR: 30 sheets (17 .
Specifications 9-17 9 Appendix Puncher Unit-R1 Item Specifications P aper Size/Weight/T ype Size: 11" x 17", LGL, L TR, L TRR W eight: 17 to 32 lb bond (64 to 128 g/m 2 ) Punch Hole Quantity.
Specifications 9-18 9 Appendix Additional Finisher T ray-B1 Item Specifications P aper Size/Weight/T ype Size: 11" x 17", LGL, L TR, L TRR, STMTR, EXEC, F ree size (3 7/8" x 5 7/8" to 11 3/4" x 17" (99 mm x 148 mm to 297 mm x 432 mm)), Env elopes (COM10: No.
Specifications 9-19 9 Appendix Inner 2 W ay T ray-D1 Copy T ray-J1 Item Specifications P aper Size/Weight/T ype Size: 11" x 17", LGL, L TR, L TRR, S T MT R , E X EC, Free s ize ( 3 7/8" x 5 7/8" to 11 3/4" x 17" (99 mm x 148 mm to 297 mm x 432 mm)), Env elopes (COM10 No.
Specifications 9-20 9 Appendix Card Reader -C1 Item Specifications A vailable Cards Optical Card Readout Method Optical readout Magnetic Card Reading Direction Fa c e u p Store/Replay Repla y P ower Source F rom the main unit Dimensions (H x W x D)/ W e ight 1 1/4" x 3 1/2" x 4" ( 32 mm x 88 mm x 100 mm) Appro ximately 10.
Number of Enterable Characters and Capacity of Various Functions 9-21 9 Appendix Number of Enterable Characters and Capacity of V arious Functions Number of Enterable Characters Additional Functions Common Settings Register Form for Form Composition F or m Name 24 characters maximum Register Characters f or Pag e N o .
Number of Enterable Characters and Capacity of Various Functions 9-22 9 Appendix *One-touch Button Name can be entered only when you are setting the One-touch Buttons .
Number of Enterable Characters and Capacity of Various Functions 9-23 9 Appendix Capacity of V arious Functions Copy Functions Color Balance Register Name 10 characters maximum Mode Memory Register Na.
Number of Enterable Characters and Capacity of Various Functions 9-24 9 Appendix Address Book Settings Address Book P asswor d 7 digits maxim um Address Book Capacity 1600 destinations One-touch Butto.
Relationship between Original Orientat ion and Preprinted Paper Output Chart 9-25 9 Appendix Relationship between Original Orientation and Preprinted Paper Output Chart Please use this char t when pr inting on prep rinted paper (i.e., paper with logos or letterheads).
Relationship between Original Orientat ion and Preprinted Paper Output Chart 9-26 9 Appendix ■ If Y ou W ant to Set Left Side Stapling: Corner: Top Left Double: Left Corner: Top Left Double: Left Co.
Relationship between Original Orientat ion and Preprinted Paper Output Chart 9-27 9 Appendix ■ If Y ou Do Not W ant to Set the Staple Mode: LTR Confidential Either On or Off Either On or Off 11".
Index 9-28 9 Appendix Index A Additional Finisher T ray-B1 About Additional Finisher T ray-B1, 3-4 Specifications, 9-18 Additional Functions Address Book Settings, 4-24 Adjustment/Cleaning, 4-12 Commo.
Index 9-29 9 Appendix Clear ke y, 1-14 Common Settings About Common Settings, 4-7, 4-26 Alternating the pr int out put (offset jobs), 4-51 A uto P aper Selection/Auto Dra wer Switching, 4-31 Changing .
Index 9-30 9 Appendix Displa y contrast dial, 1-14 Displa y ID/User Name, 6-37 Displa y Remaining P aper Message, 4-30 Displa y Status Before A uthentication, 6-28 Displa ys used in this manual, xv E .
Index 9-31 9 Appendix iR 256MB Expansion RAM, 3-7 J Job details Checking cop y/pr int job details, 5-11 Printing copy/print log, 5-13 Job Duration Displa y, 2-16, 4-54 Job Log Displa y, 6-29 Job Separ.
Index 9-32 9 Appendix Finisher-S1, 3-4, 3-24 Inner 2 W ay T ray-D1, 3-4, 3-39 P aper Deck-Q1, 3-4, 3-18 Puncher Unit-M1, 3-31 Puncher Unit-R1, 3-24 Saddle Finisher-AE2, 3-5, 3-31 Output tra y designat.
Index 9-33 9 Appendix Safe ty instructions Consumables, xxxii Handling, xxviii Impor tant safety instructions, xxv Installation, xxv Maintenance and inspections, xxxi Other warnings, xxxii P ower supp.
Index 9-34 9 Appendix USB Settings, 6-38 Use Asterisks to Enter Access No./P ass words, 6-59 System Settings screen, 2-9 T T est button, 1-12 Timer Settings About Timer Settings, 4-12, 4-57 A uto Clea.
System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 9-35 ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ 9 Appendix System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/ 3035/3030/3025 The f ollowing pages describe the use and operations of the System Management mode. The y should be cut out of this ma nual, and stored b y the Super visor or System Manager of this machine.
System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 9-36 ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ 9 Appendix If Department ID Management Is Enabled 1 Enter the System Manager ID and System P a ssw ord using - (numeric ke ys). ❑ Press [Dept. ID] ➞ enter the System Manager ID .
System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 9-37 ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ 9 Appendix 2 Press [System Settings]. 3 Enter the System Manager ID and System P asswor d using - (numeric ke ys). ❑ Press [System Manager ID] ➞ enter the System Manager ID .
System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 9-38 ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ 9 Appendix Canceling the System Management Mode 1 Press (Log In/Out). The System Management mode is cancel ed. The System Management mode is also canceled when the A u to Clear mode initiates.
System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 9-39 ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ 9 Appendix 3 Operate the Mail Bo x function. NO TE F or instructions on using the Mail Box function, see the Cop ying and Mail Box Guide .
System Management of the imageRUNNER 3045/3035/3030/3025 9-40 ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ 9 Appendix.
CANON INC. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan CANON U.S.A., INC. One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042, U.S.A. CANON CANADA INC. 6390 Dixie Road Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1P7, Canada CANON EUROPA N.V. Bovenkerkerweg 59-61 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands CANON FRANCE S.
An important point after buying a device Canon 3045 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon 3045 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon 3045 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon 3045 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon 3045 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon 3045, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon 3045.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon 3045. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon 3045 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center