Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2000U/P UMAX Technologies
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Astra 2000U/P OWNER’S GUIDE.
2 Trademarks UMAX is a tradem ark of UMAX Tec hnologies, I nc. As tra is a tra dem ark of UMAX T echnolog ies. IBM PC/AT is a tradem ark of Interna tional Busi ness Machines Corpora tion. MS-Win dows , Window s, a nd MS-DO S are tra dem ark s of Micr osoft C orporatio n.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 3 Table of Content s CHAPTER 1. GETTING STA RTED .............................. 9 Introduction............................................................................................... 9 Unpacking the Scanner...
4 Scanner Inf ormation ............................................................................. 34 VistaScan Beginn er Window Features ................................................. 35 VistaScan Adv anced Features .............................
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 5 Contacting Technical Support ............................................................. 103 Maintenance .......................................................................................... 104 Static Electricity Precautions .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 7 ABO U T THI S M A NU A L This is the Owner’s Guid e for th e UMA X Astra 2000U and the Astra 2000P scanner s. It will provide inform atio n you will nee d to operate your scanner , as well as show you how to use the sof tware that comes with it .
8 Chapter 5. How to Get Help Chapter 5 cont ains in form ation you can refer to wh en you need assistance with the sc anner or the bundled software. The inform ation inc lude s: how to access the onl ine m anua ls for all the bundled so ftware, tro ubleshoo ting g uidelines, and how to conta ct the manufa cturer for add itional assis tance.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 9 CHA PTER 1. Getting Started Introduct ion Thank y ou for purchasing the UMAX Astra 2000U or As tra 2000P scanner. These ver satile un its are pe rfec t for th e home or o ffice. Use these scanners to add var iety and flai r to y our document s, or to help you sh are im ages with o thers.
10 Astra 2000U Package Content s • UMAX Astra 2000U F latbed scann er • USB Interface Cable • Quick Start Gui de and Ow ner’s Manu al • Power Adapter • Adobe ® PhotoDeluxe ® Ho me Editio n 3.0 CD- ROM (PC ver si on) • Adobe ® PhotoDeluxe ® 2.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 11 Getti ng to Know Your Sc anner To gain a com ple te understa nding of the in formati on contained in this m anual, it is importan t that y ou becom e fam iliar wit h your scanner. The graph ics below ide ntify the k ey scann er com ponents.
12 Astra 2000P Backpanel There are two parall el por ts on the Ast ra 2000P scanne r. This allows your pr inter and your scan ner to c omm unicate with your computer us ing the paralle l connector. The first parallel por t is used to connec t the scanne r to y our compute r.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 13 Macintosh Requirement s • iMac or USB- com patible Macin tosh • Macintosh OS 8.1 or higher • USB inte rface conne ctor • At least 16 MB RAM m emory (32 MB.
14 If your com puter has a USB po rt, you m ust m ake sure th at th is port is enabled i n the sy stem BI OS. Please refer to the troubl eshoot ing section to learn m ore abou t enab ling th e USB por t. Paralle l Po rt C onne ctors Another com m on communicati on inte rface is the par allel por t.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 15 CAUTION: Make s ure the surface i s flat. Ope rating y our scanner on an unev en surface c an damag e the interna l components. • Turn your com puter of f. Unplug the computer ’s power cabl e from the e lectr ical o utlet.
16 3. Plug the o ther end of this cable into the port located on t he back panel of the scanner. Macintosh Connection 1. Turn off y our com puter and unp lug the p ower cord. 2. Locate the USB cab le tha t is prov ided. Plug one end of it firm ly into one o f the USB ports.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 17 NOTE: If you have a prin ter conn ected to y our com puter’s parallel p ort, di sconnect th e prin ter and p lug it in to the “To Printer” po rt loc ated on the back of the scann er. Plug the scanner c able into the parall el port.
18 Installin g the S oft ware Now that you hav e made the physical connection b etween the As tra 2000U/P scanner and your com puter, t he next step is to install the software that allows t he two dev ices to com municat e with one another.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 19 6. Fill in the user info rm ation. 7. Click Next in the Start Copy ing Fil es window to begin installing PhotoDeluxe Hom e Edition 3.0, Adob e Acrobat Reader 3.01, Adobe A TM 4.0 and M icrosof t Interne t Explorer 4.
20 3. An Adobe ReadMe file appea rs. After reading the tex t, click Continue. 4. A PhotoDeluxe I nstaller win dow appear s. Click the I nstall button. Follow the onsc reen in struction s. 5. Complete th e produc t registr ation form and cli ck Next . Click the Insta ll No w button.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 21 CHA PTER 2. Your Fi rst Scan Before you beg in your f irst scan, y ou m ust instal l the sc anner an d the bundled so ftware. R efer t o the Quick Start Guide for instal latio n and scanner t est in structio ns. You can perf orm a bas ic scan using any of the sof tware applications bu ndled with th is sc anner.
22 NOTE: You only need to select the device driv er once in PhotoDeluxe and y our select ion will be saved. 8. Click the Choose Scanne r icon. Click on the VistaScan, and click OK . Cli ck the Mode tab. C lick th e Custom icon. The VistaScan w indow opens.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 23 Scanning an I mage From the P C 1. Select an i tem y ou would like to sc an (a pictu re, a drawing , etc.). 2. Lift the doc ument cov er and pl ace the it em facedown so it aligns with the ar row ( ∇ ) at the back edge of the obje ct gla ss.
24 For exam ple, if you a re scanning a color photograph, ch oose “Color Photo.” To scan te xt or a bla ck and white d rawing, choose “Tex t/Line art”.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 25 4. Click the Get P hot o button. 5. Click the Get P hot o tab. 6. Click the Scanner bu tton to display a m enu of av ailable input sources. S elect U MAX VistaSc an , then click OK . The VistaScan B eginner w indow appears.
26 You can chang e the v iew size o f the Prev iew im age befor e scanning the final im age using the “Zoom Tool,” or se lect a region to sc an using the “Fram e Selection Tool.” To find out more about how to use these to ols, click on the us er tips text that appear s when your cursor p auses ov er the too l.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 27 Turning the Sc a nner La mp On a nd Off For PC Users Only: You can turn the scanne r lam p on and off using the Ast ra 2000’s bui lt-in Power Saving utility. The l amp remains on w henev er the scann er has pow er, u nless y ou turn it off using the UMAX P ower Sav ing utili ty.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 29 CHA PTER 3. Scanning Basics VistaScan is the prim ary prog ram or "driv er" that y ou will use to scan with y our Astra 200 0 scanne r.
30 Color Mat ching/Correction Color Match ing all ows you to fine- tune the colors of scann ed imag es so that th ey em ulate the co lors o f your or igina l source documents a s closely as possib le. This is accom plished us ing MagicMatc h. When you c lick on the MagicM atch check box (so a c heckm ark appears) th e Profile L ist displ ays.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 31 Sho w Rule r The Show Ruler co mmand displ ays or h ides the ru lers that border the top an d left sides of the P review window. These ru lers correspond to the ru lers on y our sca nner' s object gla ss. Click ing on the Show Ruler checkbox turns of f (rem oves the c heckm ark) and hides th e ruler.
32 File To set the lo cation for your sto red images: 1. Click on t he Fi le icon, the fil e prefe ren ces appe ar to the rig ht of the Scan To icon set. 2. Enter the di rectory in which y ou want to s tore the sc anned imag e file, in t he File D irectory text box.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 33 E-mail To specify whi ch e-mail appli cation to u se when you e-ma il scanned images: 1. Click on t he E-mail icon, the e- mail pr eferences appear to the right o f the Sc an To icon set. 2. Click on the bu tton nex t to the e- m ail software y ou are using (Microsof t Exchang e or Lotu s cc:M ail).
34 A pplicatio n 1. Click on t he Appl icatio n ico n, the ap plication pr eferences appear to th e rig ht of the S can To ic on set. 2. Enter the app lication name to whi ch you want to s end the scanned im age fil es (such as P resto! PageMa nager) in the Application Name text box.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 35 The inform ation i ncludes : • Scanner M anufactur er • Scanner Mo del • Firmware Ve rsion • Vista Scan Ve rs io n • Maximu m Scan Wid th and Length • Ma x imu m Re s o lu ti o n VistaScan Beginne r Window Features The VistaScan Beg inner window app ears when you ope n VistaS can.
36 Scanning an i tem using the Beginner wi ndow options co nsists of just a fe w step s: 1. Perform a preview s can of th e item to be scanned by clicking on the Prev iew butt on. The it em is qui ckly scanned at low- resolution, and is d isplayed i n the Prev iew window (on t he left side of the VistaScan Beginne r window).
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 37 There are th ree Prev iew tools i n the VistaScan Beg inner window. Zoom tool – Lets you enl arge or red uce the v iew o f the im ag e in the Preview wind ow. To use th e Zoom tool: Once the prev iew im age appears in the Prev iew window, c lick on the Magnify ing Glass icon.
38 Move tool – Lets you m ov e an image in th e Preview window so you can see portions that are not visib le bec ause the im ag e is too large to display comp letely. Cl ick on th e Move tool. P ut the cursor inside the P review window (w hich chang es the cu rsor sh ape to a hand).
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 39 Defining the Type of Image y our are Going to Scan The Beginner window p rovide s you with pre- defin ed scanning options so y ou can quick ly and easi ly scan an.
40 VistaScan Advanced Features The VistaScan Adv anced window giv es you the abi lity to adjus t the scan setti ng indiv idually so you can cu stom ize the se tting s for th e type of do cument y ou are going to scan .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 41 You can choose f rom the follow ing set tings: Flatbed Reflec tive : Scans pape r orig inals (non-tran sparenc ies) e.
42 True Color, CMY K: Conv erts RGB (vide o) colo r data into CMYK (pr inted) col or data using a specia l colo r transform ation process. When scanning is com pleted t he CMYK im age is r eady fo r printing on a CMY K color pri nter. NOTE: Most ink jet prin ters use R GB ra ther th an CMYK p rinting .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 43 Changing the Resolution Settin g Scanning reso lution is m easu red in dots p er inch (DPI). Resolu tion determ ines the am ount of in form ation the scanner w ill ca pture in a scanned im age. The higher t he resolu tion, the fin er the im age detai l, and the larg er the file s izes.
44 The table below giv es you an ide a of the file siz es you can exp ect based on th e origina l imag e size and the res olutio n sett ing y ou specify . These values are based on scanning imag es in 24- bit, True Color RGB mode. I mage siz es shown below are g iven in MegaBy tes.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 45.
46 Using Custom Reso lution Sett ings You can also spe cify custom reso lution setting s that you can use when you scan. The maxim um custom resolut ion setting you can define is 240 0 dpi. To define the custom resolu tion sett ings: 1. Choose the Custom … option from the Re solution dr op down menu.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 47 Changing the Descreen Feature The Descree n option hel ps elim inate the patter ns that can appear when you scan p rinted im ages found in mag azines, brochur es, catalogues, etc.
48 Art pri nt — Specifies 175 lines p er inch. Sm oothes t he fine dot pattern found in high qua lity art print s. Custom – Opens th e Custom Descreen window, which allows you to spec ify a cu stom line screen v alue.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 49 VistaScan provide s the fo llowing fi lter opt ions: No Filter – Use this option wh en you do no t want to sha rpen or blur the imag e. Sharpen – Use th is option to sharpen l ines that m ay be fuz zy or not clean in the orig inal im age.
50 You can sca le the im ag e using any of the scale f actors lis ted below : • 200% • 150% • 100% • 50% • 25% • 10% • Custom You can also spe cify a cus tom scale factor by choosing the Cu stom option from the Scaling drop down menu.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 51 2. Enter the des ired scal e facto r in either the Wi dth or Heig ht text box. These a re dynam ic fields, upd ating one field au tomati cally changes the o ther fiel d. 3. To change th e unit o f measur e, click on the d own arrow next to Height and /or Width text boxes to disp lay the possible s ettings.
52 Using the Scan Control Unit The Scan Control unit co ntains the Preview and Scan butto ns, and the Scan To o ptions. Selecting th e Scan to Dev ice or Applica tion To specify the dev ice or appl ication to which you want t o send the scanned item : 1.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 53 Applica tion – sends the scanned item to the applica tions specified in the Vi st aScan Pre fer enc es. E-mail – send s the scann ed item as a graphic file to y our Microsoft Exchang e or Lotus c c:Mail e-m ail applicat ion.
54 To selec t one of the frames y ou creat ed, double- click on the desire d frame. The f rame bord er of th e activ e frame chang es to a marquis style fram e (dotte d lines). Onc e a fram e is se lected, double- click on a fram e to display the Job I nform ation wind ow for th at im age, which cont ains th e im age info rmation.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 55 Adjusting Image Brightness, Cont rast, Highlights and Shadows When you c lick on the B rightne ss/Contras t tab from the Co lor Adjustm ent panel a ser ies of sl ide bars app ear. You ad just the associated tones by dragg ing the slide r in one of the bars to the left or the r ight.
56 Highlig ht Bar This s etting define s the lig htest (whites t) ton es in th e scann ed imag e. If you broade n the ra nge that in cludes the hig hlig ht points, the pixels w ith in the n ewly spec ified rang e are be remapped allowing you to se e more det ails in a color/g ray im age.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 57 A djust i ng t he Image Tones The Curve com mand is a nother way to mak e precise adjus tments in the high light, m idtones, o r shadow lev els in y our im ages. Using this featu re correc ts the g ray/co lor value s in an im age.
58 When you c lick in the whee l the im age tones are sh ifted to the particula r hue th at is represe nted in that are a. Click the Reset button to cancel the changes and ret urns the value to defau lt sett ing.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 59 The follow ing li sts the possib le rotate and flip s elections : • Flip/R otate Horiz ontally – flips th e im age horiz ontally and rotates i t 90 deg rees coun ter clock wise. • Flip Ho rizontal – flip s the im ag e horizontal ly.
60 • Copy Utility • Scanner Test • Power Saving On/Off Control • Find/Ref resh Scann er • Help • Exit 3. Click on on e of the li sted ap plicatio ns or ut ilitie s to launch the software. 4. Click the Find/Re fresh Scanner option to re- init ializ e the scanner.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 61 Using VistaShuttle The VistaShu ttle is a PC- based applic ation tha t prov ides an easy way for y ou to create g reeting cards, wallpap er for y our com puter desktop, a screen sav er for y our com puter, e- cards (e- m ail greeting cards), and more.
62 4. Click Previe w to pr eview th e scanned i tem. You can ed it the Preview im ag e before scann ing the final imag e using the “Zoom Tool” and the “Frame Selectio n Tool.” To find out more about how to use these to ols, click on the us er tips text that appear s when your cursor p auses ov er the too l.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 63 8. Choose the Add tex t comm and from the Text m enu (or cl ick on the Text bu tton from the left- hand colum n).
64 To use the copy u tility : 1. Click on t he Start bar. Cl ick on the Progr ams option. When the Prog rams pop- up menu appears, c lick on the VistaS can option. The Vis taScan pop- up menu appear s. Click on th e UMAX Copy Utility sel ection to op en the p rogram .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 65 Origina l Imag e: Lets y ou specify the ty pe of im age to be co pied — Color, Gray or B/W. The Si ngle Pho to option au tom atically crops unneces sary whi te space aro und the imag e (no matter whe re the im age is plac ed), red ucing m em ory storage sp ace and s peeding up the scanning .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 67 CHA PTER 4. Sca nni n g Projects The UMAX Astra 2000 sc anners inc lude bundled software to help you with a v ariety of tasks. I n this chap ter, we wil l show you how to mak e a personal ized calend ar, cre ate Web- ready imag es, and even turn a page of te xt into an online text docum ent tha t you can edit.
68 2. The VistaScan Beg inner window app ears. Lift the sc anner’s document cov er and place your docum ent fac edown in th e center of t he scann er’s objec t glass.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 69 Using VistaSc an to S can a P hoto to E-mail Scanning an im ag e to e-m ail is alm ost the sam e procedu re as describ ed in the U sing Vis taScan to Scan and Print Im ages sect ion earlier in this g uide.
70 Using Vist a Scan with Phot oDeluxe to Create W eb-re ady Imag es Add flair to y our Web pages by im porting scanned phot os. The version of P hotoDeluxe is differ ent for PC and Macin tosh users. Follow the approp riate set o f inst ructio ns based on th e type of system you are us ing.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 71 3. Click the Scanners… option. Th e VistaS can sof tware opens display ing the Beginn er window. 4. Select an im age y ou want to scan to be pos ted on a web si te (i.
72 If you choo se the G IF format: a. An Export Options w indow appears n otifying you it will conv ert th e photo to the GI F form at. Click OK . b. An Export GIF window ap pears. Go to the next numbered st ep. If you choo se the JPEG fo rmat: a. A Save window appea rs.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 73 Refe r to Chapter 2. Yo ur First Sca n for in structi ons on how to start PhotoDe luxe. 2. Place th e item y ou would like t o scan (a pi cture, a br ochure, etc.) faced own so it alig ns with the arrow ( ∇ ) at the back edg e of the ob ject glas s.
74 11. Click the Send bu tton. 12. Click the To the I nter net tab. 13. Click the Web Page button. A new wi ndow appears allow ing you to alter the im ag e. • Click the 1Trim tab to select the por tio n of the im ag e you want to use. Click OK wh en finish ed.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 75 Using Pres to! PageMana ge r to Sca n a Form and Edit it w ith PageT ype NOTE: Presto ! PageType i s not a M acintosh c om patible application. The fo llowing procedure is for PC us ers only. 1. Click on t he Start bar in the bot tom- left corne r of the sc reen.
76 7. Lift the doc ument cov er and pl ace the form y ou want to sca n facedown in the cen ter of the ob ject glass of the scanner. 8. Click the Prev iew bu tton. 9. Click on t he Tex t/Linear t icon in the Clic k to Scan area to begin the sca n. 10. When the scan is com plete, click Exit at the bottom of the window.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 77 19. Select Pr es to! Pa geT y pe . Th e Presto! PageType window appears. 20. Choose Open from the File menu. Enter the name of the image y ou saved. The image appears in the client space. Fill in the for m text desired using the PageType tools.
78 NOTE: The PhotoDelux e CD must be l oaded in the CD- ROM drive to access the calend ar tem plates. 2. Open PhotoDelu xe (re fer to Chapte r 2. Your Firs t Scan fo r instruct ions on how to s tart PhotoDeluxe ). 3. The PhotoDeluxe win dow appear s. 4.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 79 6. Follow the onsc reen in structio ns throug h step 5, th en click the Add tab and ch oose the sc anner icon. The VistaSc an Beginner window opens au tomatic ally. 7. Click the Prev iew bu tton to pe rform a low resolu tion scan.
80 For Macin tosh Users: 1. Insert the P hotoD eluxe CD in your CD- ROM driv e. NOTE: The PhotoDelux e CD must be l oaded in the CD- ROM drive to access the calend ar tem plates. 2. Open PhotoDelu xe (re fer to Chapte r 2. Your Firs t Scan fo r instruct ions on how to s tart PhotoDeluxe ).
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 81 NOTE: By default the imag e is saved a s “untitl ed - #” in the Acquire section o f the floa ting g allery window. You can also choos e to sav e the im age in th e hard d rive or on the desk top by click ing on th e arrow to th e rig ht of the My Photos box at t he top of th is window.
82 For Macin tosh Users: 1. Double-click the Hard Dr ive icon. 2. Double-click OmniPage LE . 3. Double-click the OmniPage LE icon. An Om niPage toolbar appears. (I f this toolbar does not app ear, click on the Windo w menu and sel ect Show Toolbar ). 4.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 83 Converting Scanned Text w ith OmniPage LE 1. Position th e im age y ou want to scan face down on the scanner’s object glass. 2. From the Om niPage LE window, cl ick the Scanne r icon and select F latbed. Cli ck Done .
84 Crea ting a n A lbum w it h Pres t o! Photo A lbum A variety of tem plates are included in P resto! PhotoAlbum that you can use for a lbums. You can also sav e an album you create and use it later as a templa te for creat ing another album s. This proces s differs fo r PC and Ma cinto sh users.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 85 Creating a Photo Album 1. Click on t he Create button, and then click on the Templa te button. 2. Choose an album tem plate categ ory by select ing one o f the category icons in t he colum n on the left. 3. Display the availab le tem plate ou tlines by click ing on the template thum bnail.
86 4. When you hav e chosen a t emplate, click OK . Af te r a mo me n t the template appear s. 5. Click on t he Command icon in the upper- left corn er of t he floating Photo Br owser window. I f this window i s not display ed, click on the Photo B rowser bu tton, lo cated on th e left side o f the row of three icon s on the b ottom of the sc reen.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 87 14. Repeat this p rocess by scann ing m ore photos and inse rting them in th e blank cell photo fram es until y ou have fi lled the whole album. 15. Choose the Save As comm and from the Album m enu. Enter the file nam e and dir ectory loc ation in wh ich you want to store the album .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 89 CHA PTER 5. Ho w to Get Hel p The Astra 2000 se ries s canners hav e been des igned to be reliab le, easy- to-install, and easy- to-use. I f you encoun ter any prob lem s while insta lling or us ing your sca nner, pl ease foll ow the so lutions outlined below.
90 For Macin tosh Users: If the Vi staScan app licat ion is al ready open, y ou can loca te the manual by clicking on the ? icon lo cated in th e upper right c orner. If VistaScan is not open, follow the ins truct ions bel ow. 1. Double-click the Hard Dr ive icon o n the de sktop.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 91 Accessing the Pre sto! PageM anager Online Manual For PC Users: 1. Click Start. 2. Click Programs . 3. Click Presto ! PageManage r Delux e. 4. Click PageManager Use r’s Manua l. For Macin tosh Users: 1. Double-click the Hard Dr ive icon o n the de sktop.
92 3. Double-click OmniPage Ltd .pdf . (I f you receiv e an error, please ins tall Adobe Acro bat Reade r 3.01. See “I nstalling Acrobat Reader ” below fo r instruc tions.) Installing Acrobat Reader for M acintosh Users To read th e OmniPag e LE online m anual you nee d to use Ado be Acrobat Read er.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 93 Prob lem: The scanne r text fa iled. The scanner text u tility is a PC- based utility. Macintosh u sers will not encou nter thi s problem .
94 4. Click the + besid e the Un iversa l Seria l Bus Con trol lers entry . Two item s display, (y our chipset) PCI to USB Open Hos t Controller and Root Hub. If a y ellow exclam ation poin t appears, o r if one or bo th of them are not present, please contact y our com puter m anufacturer.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 95 If you see th ese it ems as l isted abov e, IRQ Steer ing is en abled. I f you do not s ee the info rmation, contac t your com puter manufactu rer. USB will no t function p roperly without I RQ Steering . Prob lem: Scanner is no t presen t in the D evice Manag er.
96 Prob lem: Your system reso urces are low. Your system resource s are the amount of f ree resour ces your system can call on at a giv en tim e. This should be at 90% o r abov e to run a scann er. Anything under 60% will cau se system freez es or link fails when y ou attem pt to access the scann er.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 97 Astra 2000U (M acintosh version) Problems and Solutions Prob lem: When I daisy chain the s canner w ith othe r USB cap able dev ices, I get a sca nner erro r. Solution: Many Macin tosh com puters hav e at least two USB ports .
98 Prob lem: Your system goes to t he Finder when y ou try to ac quire the scanner. Solution: Plug the scann er int o its own power o utle t. If still d oes the same thing, pleas e call UMAX Technical Su pport.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 99 Re-instal l the softwa re driv er from the VistaSca n CD-R OM. Make sure the extension is load ed and on. Prob lem: The follow ing err or m essage app eared: "Sc anner no t found " or "Unable t o contro l scanner " Solution: Follow th is proced ure : 1.
100 3. If you are us ing a Ma cintosh computer other than th e iMac, do not run the s canner o ff the key board. The k eyboard has two ports. Thos e ports ar e for rig ht or le ft- handed peop le so th ey can plug the mouse in where i t is bett er for them.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 101 4. Highlig ht all item s in the Clo se Prog ram s window other th an the EXPLORER and SYSTRAY and click the End Task Button. 5. Now that all o f the back ground prog ram s (including Anti-Virus applicati ons) are c losed, re- install Vi staScan Prob lem: Your paralle l port m ode is set i ncorre ctly.
102 If you are no t famil iar with ed iting y our BIOS setting s, contac t your computer m anufac turer for mo re inform ation. Prob lem: Your prin ter dr iver is conflic ting with the sc anner.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 103 Contact ing Technica l Support If the abov e solut ions have not resolv ed your probl em, please contact your dea ler or call the UMAX Techn ica l Suppor t departm ent during reg ular bu siness hours, Mo nday- Friday, at (510 ) 492-5827.
104 Maintena nce With the ex ceptio n of per iodic c leaning or lamp replacem ent, the scanner is virtua lly m aintenance- free. Please re ad the fo llowing section to learn how to prope rly m aintain t he scanner. Static E lectr icity P recaution s Static ele ctrici ty is a cons tant dang er to com puter sy stem s.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 105 Cleanin g Regu la rl y cle ani ng t he obj ect glas s wil l e nsur e t hat di rt or s mudges will not reduce the qual ity of y our scanned imag es. Before you clean th e glass, m ak e sure the scanne r is tu rned off and t he power cord is unplugg ed.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 107 Appendix A . Technical Specifications The fo llowing table d efines the techn ical sp ecifica tions fo r the Astra 2000 S eries Scann ers.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 109 Glossary Additive Primary Colors - Red, Gre en, and Blue l ight th at produce white when m ixed togethe r. A color m onitor o r color sca nner is an example of an addi tive co lor device.
110 Continuous Tone -An im age that has enough to nal rang e so th at the human ey e can' t detect obvious "jumps" or "steps " betwee n gray or color lev els. A pho tograph is an exam ple of a con tone im age. A computeriz ed contone im age can only be represen ted as a bitm ap imag e.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 111 Highli ght - The br ightes t part o f an im age that stil l has deta il. Setting a highl ight po int in a n imag e is arg uably the m ost im portan t step to achi eving a good scan. Histogram- A bar cha rt tha t repr esen ts the pix el count of an imag e.
112 PMT (Pho to Mu ltip lier Tub e)- The method of light and im ag e capture used by drum scanners. This m ethod is cons ider ed to be superior to CCD tech nology and usually has a higher Dy nam ic Range than CCD’s. UMAX CCD technology is m oving closer an d closer to PM T techno logy every day.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 113 Shadow -Th e dark est par t of an imag e that sti ll has deta il. Set ting the shadow po int is al so an im portant aspect to achiev ing a g ood scan. Subtractive Primary Colors -Cy an (C), M agenta (M ), and Y ellow (Y).
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 115 FCC Declaration of C onformity Declares that the products : Product Name: C olor Scann er M odel No.: A stra 2000U Astra 2000 P FCC Rules: Tested to com ply with.
116 Warranty One Y ear L imite d War ranty UMA X Te chnolo gie s, Inc. ( UMA X) w arr ants this hardw are pro duct ag ains t def ects in mater ial a nd w orkma nshi p for a per iod o f ON E (1) Y EA R fr om the orig inal date o f purch ase.
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 117 Index A accessin g o nline manual s , 89 Acroba t reader, insta llation, 92 adjusting brig htness, to ne, col or, 55 Adv anced w indow , 40 album , crea ting w i.
118 Frame Sel ect ion t ool, 37 frame se lection, remov al, 54 G General P references tab, 2 9 getting to know your sc anner, 11 gloss ary, 109 grayscale adj ustment , 51 H hardwa re installation, 13 .
UMAX Astra 2000U/P Owner’s Guide 119 PhotoA lbum , crea ting an al bum with, 84 PhotoDe luxe ins tallati on, 18 PhotoDe luxe o nline m anual, accessin g, 9 0 Photo Del uxe, creatin g a calend ar, 77.
120 T testing the sc anner, 22 Tips H elp, 31 tone adj ustm ent, 54 tools, V istaSc an Beg inner w ind ow, 37 troubles hooting , 92 turning the sca nner lam p on and of f, 27 U UMA X Technic al Suppor.
An important point after buying a device UMAX Technologies 2000U/P (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought UMAX Technologies 2000U/P yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data UMAX Technologies 2000U/P - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, UMAX Technologies 2000U/P you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get UMAX Technologies 2000U/P will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of UMAX Technologies 2000U/P, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime UMAX Technologies 2000U/P.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with UMAX Technologies 2000U/P. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device UMAX Technologies 2000U/P along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center