Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Virtual DJ 7 Atomix
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3 Virtu al DJ offers a fe w diff erent p latforms o f choi ce to f i t a DJ‘s needs. Let us take a loo k at each platform and what each provide s in funct i o na lity.
4 Before beginning to use V irtualD J, it is important to f amiliarize yourse l f with the controls and ―zones‖ of the software. Up o n openi ng VirtualDJ for the first t ime, your scr een resolution is evaluated and o ne of the included multiple re s olution skins a re s elected a nd d is played for you au toma t ically.
5 The B rows er Zone a r e a is where you n avigate and organize files stored on a local, external, or net wo rk hard disk. The Browser zo n e is divid ed into panels. 1. Fil e System / Folder Structur e 2. Fil e / Se arch Res ult s 3. Aut o mix Playlist 4.
6 History – provide s acc e ss to data s tored about each session use o f VirtualDJ. Th e data is stor e d as .m3u playlist f iles and it is st ore d in the M y Documents -> Virt ualDJ Tr acklistin g folder. History data is sa ved on the f ly in o rder to provide running h istory of playe d tracks f o r ea ch 24hr timeframe o f use.
7 Panel 2: File / Search Results VirtualDJ pro vi d es several elements of informatio n a b out each track. T h e informati on is a combination of VirtualDJ def i n ed data fields and su pport ed f ile tag data.
8 The browser are a is determi ned by the skin d esigner on how much space it will us e as part of the s kin. However, you c a n use t he Browser Zo o m button to maximize the browser a rea t o consume the entir e skin area. The Browser Zo om button is th e dual mo n itor gra phic found to the f ar right of t he Search b o x.
9 VirtualDJ su p ports ID 3 T ag s of M P3 audio f iles and MP4 and M OV tag s of video f iles. VirtualDJ has always provided the fastest i nf ormatio n acce s s about one‘s collecti on b y using VirtualDJ‘s datab ase. Adding direct t ag a ccess to every file consider ably slows applicatio ns ability for timely browsing and searching.
10 Under each f ield with the up -arrow button ca n be read f rom the tag and import the inform ation into VirtualDJ‘s database. Click on the b utton to co py the data i n to the Virtua lDJ data f i eld. Using the right-arrow button f ound u nder a field is used to wr ite the V irtualDJ data f ield in f ormatio n into the files tag.
11 Displaying Virt ualDJ data field colu mns In th e f il e browser or p laylist panels, right click o n any column title and t he list of available fie lds is displayed. Select a f ield title to place a check ne xt to the name to have it included in the disp la y.
12 Data F ields Loaded On – shows t h e deck that t h e track is curr ently loaded on Titl e – Title o f the track A rtist – A rtist o f the track BPM – B eats per M inu te as .
13 The databas e managem e nt system c omes wit h a dditional tools fo und o n the Config -> Brows e r tab. Save ‗On t he Fly‘ during each sessio n use Automatic ch eck o f datab ase in.
14 VirtualDJ provides an intuitive on the fly search capability. Adding files to the global search is quite easy and can b e done i n two ways. First is by setting the ‗Search D atabase‘ property in the Con f iguration‘s Browser tab to ‗ Add automatically‘.
15 UN DERST A NDING THE RESU LTS Once you h ave entered the search term, V irt u alDJ‘ s ce nter browser sectio n displays t he results that match your search s tring.
16 W ith the N e tSearch options selected, V irt u alDJ will also search the NetSearc h se rvices fo r results matching th e search criteria. VirtualDJ wil l only pr o duce results where the Artist and/or Title o f th e track match the s earch criteria .
17 The BPM E ngine analyzes the audio to determi n e the temp o of the track. Analyzing a track can be performed 2 ways – Lo a d the track to a deck or right -click on the track i n t h e Brow e r p anel and select BPM -> Re -Analyze.
18 EDIT GRID tab Alternatively, an anchor method c an be u sed. First tap - out the beat using the "Manual Beat Tap" button while the track playing. Second, pause t he track and move the tra ck to the f irst do w nbeat ( f irst beat), and click on "Fir st anchor".
19 The Aut o mix fe ature works fro m a single deck. By defa u lt i t is Deck 1; however, p ri o r t o starti n g th e Automix if Deck 2 is select e d as the a ctive deck t h en Deck 2 is us ed. B y utilizing 1 d eck t his f rees the opposite deck for s taging the first so ng to be used onc e you d ecide to stop th e Automix pr oce ss.
20 Playli st & A utomix M anagement Using the Pl aylist m anagement m enu by clickin g on t he [ + ] i con and choose f r o m the avail able op ti ons for how the a utomix will function and tracks are managed in t he playlist.
21 Deck Waveform Di splay – Mi x Point Markers W hen automix is active, the d eck be ing used f or aut omix play will sho w both the cur rent t rack ( t op) playing and the next tr ack (bottom) t o be played. Th e currently playing tr ack will display an EXI T mix point marker.
22 Even w ith the mix p oint markers ava ilable for on -the-fly adjust s, th e mi x p oints for a track c an b e set prior t o usin g that track as p art o f a a utomix playl ist. The adjusted mix points ar e o nly utilize d whe n using the SM ART a utomix ty pe.
23 VirtualDJ incorporat e s its own versio n of a waitlist ca lled the Sideli st. The Sid elist panel (4) can be used to ho l d tracks that you know will play ed so metim e du rin g your session. It also provides a lo c ation for VirtualDJ to m o ved tracks that were loade d bu t never played because a n ew tra ck was loaded t o t he deck.
24 In orde r t o simpli f y browsi ng and provid e better an d robust f ile managem e nt capability, VirtualD J provides thre e (3) methods for the u ser to organiz e the database.
25 A highly dynamic an d creative way to or ganiz e a collecti o n of tracks is to a pp ly co nditions that automatically f ilter (search) the database for tracks that match the criteria outlined. VirtualDJ calls these types of fo lder FilterFol de rs.
26 Filter Folder Examples FILT ER Expected Result isscan ned=0 o r isscanned=1 Local Databa s e top 100 nbplay top 100 list top 100 firstseen recently added top 100 la s tplay recently played bpm >.
27 Depending on the le vel of com plexity of using Favorite, Fi lter, or V i rtual fol ders; you may n eed to group the fo lde rs together into one or m ultiple folders. Or , creat e a fol der w i th a m ixture of these types for quick access to key track types in your collection.
28 Virtu alDJ‘s standa r d i nterface pr ovides access to two virtual ―decks‖. To load a track to a deck, drag and drop files into each of the decks sp inni ng virtual platters. The two decks are equipped with the follow ing control s and d isplays: 1.
29 4. Waveform display for currently - Thi s vi ew sh ows th e visu al waveform of the enti re track, allows for viewing the rem a inin g dur a tion of the audio , as w el l as what h as already b een p l ayed .
30 9. Pitch slider / Pitch buttons Controls the speed/pitch of the track w hen m o ving the s li der. Moving it downw ard the speed of th e music speeds up. By m o ving upw ard the speed slows dow n. T he ―Zero‖ button lets you sm oothl y bring the p i tch b ack t o 1 00%.
31 Virtu alDJ also support more th an t he t raditional 2 deck se tup by us ing sk ins th at have m ul tiple decks defined for use. The basic transport (CUE, PAUSE, PLAY , S YNC) controls all func tio n the sam e as de scribed in the prior section for each ind ependent deck .
32 With t he 6 deck skin all of VirtualDJ‘s standard controls are still the sam e , ho wever; the [A] and [B] opti ons on the i ndividual decks ident i fy which deck is assigned to the L eft or R i ght FULL deck. If Deck 1 is set to A then a ll the controls from the LEFT d eck for l oop, effe cts, a nd transport controls will act upon Deck 1.
33 Virtu alDJ featur es an internal m ixer section a s par t of the Mixer pane l . It can be used just like a regu lar DJ m i xer. The con tro l s on the m ixer i nclude: 1. Panel selection buttons 2. Master and Headp hone Cu e volum e knobs 3. Channel Gain This knob sets the gain level for the corresp ond i ng channel (deck) .
34 With the multi -deck skins the fundam en tals of m ixer h ave n ot ch anged. But depending on w hich skin i s used the controls do act d iff erent ly on the individual d ecks. With the 4 d eck skin, you w ill find th at eac h d eck h as gain, eq, volum e and P FL c ontrols.
35 PC Version Mac Version ZOOM LEFT ZOOM RIGHT Item s f ound on t he toolbars – 1. VirtualDJ Logo 2. CPU – usage graph o f the CPU 3. 4/4 CBG Bea tkeeper 4. Clock – Displays current t ime. Depending on the skin, a left click will change th e displ ay to a co unter or different t ime formats of 12hr/24hr.
36 Above the playe rs, a window po sts curves co rres p onding t o the tw o rates/r h ythms of the music. These curves are r epresented in a w aveform, a llowin g you to s ee your music. The p e aks in the c u rve represent b eats. In o rder to synchro n ize the mus ic, these peaks sh ould occur at the same time .
37 VirtualDJ is desig n ed to be v ery simple a n d easy to us e yet it is also f ully customiz ab le to matc h your preferred system p erforma n ce. To m ake changes to Vir tualDJ‘s configurati o n, cli ck on th e (CONFI G) button. This will b ring you t o the ―Settings‖ d ial og.
38 The Options set tings control the multiple f eature s an d actions to a cc ommodate yo ur style for using VirtualDJ. Cross fade r – T his o ption all ows you to sel e ct th e cross fader c urv e. There a re fo ur differ e nt opti o ns including: Full, C u t, Scratch, and Smo oth.
39 M S N – W hen a c tivated, this option will allow yo ur W i ndows LIVE M essenger to show the music you are playing. T o take advantage of this fe atur e , yo u n eed to mak e su r e th a t t h e ―w hat I am listenin g‖ op ti on is on in your M S N M e ssenger.
40 Dis e ngage Beatl ock – Once engaged, the Bea tlock fea ture will keep t he deck loc ked to th e b eat on the o ther d eck, no mat t er i f y ou are s cratching o r ch anging the p itc h o n t h e other deck.
41 VirtualDJ Performance S ettings tab is for o ptimiz in g per f ormance to the ca pabilities of the computer . Depending o n the system‘s r e sources , some s ettings will work better than others .
42 Master Tempo Pur e Scratch (no Master T empo) – Don't use ti mestretch, but focus on ge tting a pure scratching sound. This option can be used when you w ant VirtualDJ to act like traditional turntable s and f o cus on providing a quality scr a tch sound.
43 VirtualDJ, PRO plat form; pro vi d es a very powerful mapping cap ability to s upport almost any exte rna l controller on the market to day. Utilizing device defin iti o n and mapp ing f iles nativ.
44 Mapper Op tions – to the rig ht of the Connected Devices drop -down, click o n the bu tton for accessi ng the v arious mapper options. Rescan for New Devices – when selected V irtu alDJ scans for any dev i ces connected Toggle On/Off th e use of these various type of devices.
45 A ssign a Key and Actio n using Key-Learn + Action-Learn The faste st and m ost li kely the easiest is using t he Key-Learn i n combination with the Act ion- Learn skin se l ection options. 1. Selec t your controller from the de v ices drop- down 2.
46 A ctions and Parameters ( VDJScript) There are a l arge nu m ber o f a ction s th at hav e vari ous t ypes of parameters that can be added to gi ve va rious levels of control when the act ion is applied. The standard for us ing th e act i on w ith the param ete r is - <action verb> <action param eter > .
47 VirtualDJ allows y o u to choose be tween sever a l different i n terfac e designs c alled ―skins‖. By d efault, VirtualDJ provi des you wit h sever a l skin options at in stall. Installed ski n o ptions inclu de a traditional 2 deck layout, o r you can select b etween 4 or 6 de ck designs; all in multiple resolution options.
48 VirtualDJ can now ta ke advan tage of many feat u res w hile con nected to the Int ernet. T hese features (M usicGrou ps, NetSearch, etc...) r equire you to have an active M e mbership on the VirtualDJ website, and to provid e your login and passw ord on this tab.
49 VirtualDJ is able t o decod e s eve ral f ormats n ative ly with its audio and vi deo de cod e rs. Th e Codec t ab identi f ies wha t file types ( b y extensio n ) use w hat speci f ic deco der for play in Vir tualDJ. At install, VirtualDJ i ncludes the some of t he common sound and video f ile extensions.
50 ENA BLE / DIS A BLE – P rovides the ab ility to h a ve the a pplicatio n‘s vid eo engine enabled o r d is abled. By disa bling the video engine A LL vid eo fe atures o f th e applicati on are not u s able a nd may incr ease performance f or DJ‘s using on ly the AUDIO f eatures of the a p plication.
51 Decode in mul t i-thread – De cod e the video streams using all available CPUs/G PUs ( f aster, but o n some computers it can sometim es fail to load th e video) Keep ra ti o (crop) – K eep the.
52 VirtualDJ features a power f u l s ampler, which provi de s the a bility to record, load, save and play samp les on the f ly. The sampler can b e a ccessed by clicking on the ―Sampler‖ tab in the lower window and features 12 slo ts for sam ples which are availabl e to use at any given point in time .
53 Samples can be playe d from the skin‘s interfac e . The sampler is found just b elow the ‗Effects‘ int er face on the ski n . Simply select the sample f r o m the p ull -down menu, and t hen click on the sample title t o begin play. The f r ame around the t itle w ill light up duri ng p l ayback.
54 VirtualDJ features a comprehensiv e se t of audio and vid eo effects and tr a nsitions w hich ca n be accesse d by clickin g th e ― Effects‖ tab. Th e e ffe cts list is display e d on t he l eft side . E ach of the e f fects can be activat ed f or both decks.
55 In additio n to mixin g tradi t ional a udio, Vir tualDJ makes it p o ssi b le to mix vid e o cont e nt with the e ase and famil iarity of a DJ in terface. I n stead of audio files (.m p3, . wma, . m4a, et c.), vi deo f iles (.avi, .mpg, .wmv, . vob, etc.
56 Video Files in the Browser Video f iles are distinguished in the B rows er wi t h a small, blue ―V‖ on their icon . And, audio f iles with linked videos are distinguish ed in the Browser with a sma ll, blue ―L‖ on their icon . W hen playing a video /linked audio file, a vid eo window w ill open in VirtualDJ.
57 In addition to being able to play music and o ther vid eo content, Virt ualDJ allows provides su pport to play and mix k a raoke fil es. VirtualDJ is comp atible wit h MP3+G, W AV+G, W M A+G, OG G+G, and .ZI P files. The tracks will ap pear with a ―K‖ in its icon .
58 Between Songs o Show Bitmap – a Bitmap can b e used to display a background in between e ach song played o Show T ext – use to show informati on about specials o r next song/singer between the songs. Use the X a n d Y co o rdinat es for w he re to display the text.
59 VirtualDJ provi d es a n addition al ability to record or broadcast th e outp u t. To a cc ess the rec o rding and broadcastin g features cli ck on the ― Record‖ tab.
60 Spli t i n multiple fil e s – che cked will split th e session as separ at e tracks, i n stead o f o ne lar ge audio f ile. W hen splittin g to separate tracks, a ―Cut‖ butt on a ppears ne xt to the ―St art Recording‖ button to demarc ate tracks.
61 Broadcast ing to the Internet (“Broad cast”) wi th BROADCA ST ER, PRO BA SIC, or PRO FULL platf orms VirtualDJ provid es a method f o r broadcasti n g the session in real t ime on the I nternet as a ―we bcast.‖. This way peo ple around th e world c an listen to t h e mix sessio n .
62 Record Mov ie Click on ―Con f ig‖ to access t he con figuration se ttings for vid eo recording . Record From – A uto-Start – checking this box will a utoma tically begin the recordi n g when the f irst track b egins playing.
63 http://w ww.atomixproduct i ons . co m http://w ww.virt ua l m A tomix Productions Inc. Los Angeles CA 90036, USA VirtualDJ Co pyright: Copyrigh t 1997-20 10 Ato mix Prod uct ions All Rights Res erv ed Number IDDN.FR . 001.04 0012.01.R.C.20 00.
EULA SUMMA RY: - This licens e gives y ou the right to install and use the s oftware o n a maxim um of tw o compu ters , by one perso n. - It does not give yo u the right t o rent or sell computer syste ms, on whic h the softwar e is install ed, or to re nt or sell the s oftware or par t of it.
2 Copyright © 2009 wr itten by Chri stopher J . Stoll.
An important point after buying a device Atomix Virtual DJ 7 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Atomix Virtual DJ 7 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Atomix Virtual DJ 7 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Atomix Virtual DJ 7 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Atomix Virtual DJ 7 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Atomix Virtual DJ 7, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Atomix Virtual DJ 7.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Atomix Virtual DJ 7. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Atomix Virtual DJ 7 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center