Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product series x5100 Lexmark
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Le xmark X5100 All-In-One Series User’ s Guide.
Safety information • Use only the power supply provided with this product or t he manuf acturer’ s authorized replaceme nt power supply . • Connect the pow e r cord to a n electrical o utlet that is near the product and easily accessible .
iii Contents This boo k is for Windows u sers. Macin tosh us ers can c lick the Help button on any scre en to acces s the M acintos h User’ s Guide and Help. Y ou can do this after inst alling your Al l-In -One an d rem oving the ins talla tion CD f rom the compu ter .
iv Mainte nance ....... .............. .............. .............. .............. ...... 38 Replaci ng the p rint cartri dges ........ ............. ............. ............. ...... 38 Alig ning the p rint cartr idges ........... ............. ...
1 Learn ing abo ut y our All-In-O ne Y ou can use th e Le xma r k X51 00 Ser ies to do a v a riety of things. A coupl e of imp or tan t thing s to note: • Yo u do n ot need to attac h your All-In- One to a co mputer to make copie s. • Yo u do need to att ach your All-In- One to a compu ter to send fax es.
2 Understa n ding the A ll-In-One par ts The t ab le o n p age 3 descr ibes ea ch par t. USB cable P ower supply Displa y Operator panel (see page 3) P aper sup por t P aper guide P aper exit tra y T .
3 Understa n ding the o perator panel The opera tor pa nel buttons hel p you scan, c op y , f ax , and c ustom ize docum ents. A light indic ates whether or not th e All -In-One is on, a nd a display f e atures th e All-I n-One s tatus, messa ges, and m enus.
4 Po w e r Star t F ax Sta rt Scan Photo Cop y Black Cop y Copy Qualit y Reduce/ Enla rge Number of Copies Options Left arrow (-) Right arrow (+) Selec t Color Cop y Photo Options E-mail, File , Softw.
5 Press: W hen y ou want to: Black Copy Mak e a b lac k and whi te cop y using the curren t cop y set tings. For he lp , see pag e 20. Co lor C opy Mak e a col or cop y of a co lor image using the c urrent cop y settin gs. F or help , see pa ge 20. Copy Quality Sele ct a cop y quality: Q uick, Nor mal, Bett er, or Best.
6 Operator panel men us When you pre ss Photo Options , and then th e ri ght arrow button repeatedl y , the f ollowing menu headin gs appear : When you pre ss Options , and the n the r ight a rrow b ut ton repea tedly , the menu head ings below appea r .
7 Note: Th e option cu rrently selec ted has an a ster isk (*) b eside it o n the di splay . IR ON-ON/MI RROR Print a mir ror image of the scanne d image. CAR TRIDGES Select: • Ink L evels to d ispla y the prin t car tr idge ink le v els . • Chang e to see i nstructions on how to change the print c ar tridges .
8 Understa nding the A ll-In-One softwa re The All -In-One s oftware inc ludes the : • Le xm ar k X5100 Ser ies A ll-In- One Ce nter - h elps you p erf o rm v ar iou s scan a nd copy operations and m anage your s a ved ima ges. • Pr int Pr oper ties - help s you adju st pr in ting se ttings.
9 Y ou can use th e Le xma r k All- In-One C enter to: • Select a scan desti nation . • Select a co p y q uantity and col or . • Scan, cop y , pr int, and do crea tive tasks. • Acce ss trou b l eshoo ting an d main tena nce infor mation . • Previe w image s you want to prin t.
10 The Pr in t Proper ti es scree n appea rs. Th e I W ant T o... me nu tells you what A ll-I n-One s ettin gs to sele ct to prin t a variety of thi ngs suc h as photo s, banner s , a nd env el opes.
11 The Phot o Edit or app ears: Using t h e Le xmark X5100 Se ries Soluti on Center The Lexmar k X51 00 Ser ies S olution Ce nter (LS C) is a guide y ou can refer to f or All-I n-One h elp and to che ck the curr ent Al l-In -One s tatus.
12 The follo w ing tabl e descr ibes the LSC tabs. Fr om this tab: Y ou can: How T o • Receiv e inf or mation abo ut basic fea tures. • Receiv e scan, cop y , f ax, and p r int instructi ons. • Receiv e proj ect inf ormation. • Go o nline to vie w more ideas .
13 Understa nding the paper type sensor Y our A ll-In-On e has a paper type sensor that de tects these paper typ es: • Plain paper • Coated p aper • Glossy /photo paper • T ra nsparen cies If .
14 The pape r type s ensor is o n unle ss you tur n it o ff. If y ou want to tur n i t off: 1 With your doc ument open, c lick File Pr int. 2 In the P rint dialo g box, click Pr oper ties , Preferen ces , Options , or Setup (depend ing on your operating sys tem).
15 8 Clic k OK . Note: T o tem porari ly ov err id e the pa per type sens or f or a par ticu lar pr int job , s pecify a paper type in t he GUI (graphic al user inter f a ce ) unde r Speci al ty paper .
16 Using y o ur All-In-One Placing y our document on the scanner glass 1 Open t he top cover . 2 Place th e item you want to co p y f ac e down on th e sca nner glas s. Make sure the upper le ft cor ne r of th e front of t he item align s with the arrow .
17 Loading paper F ollow the se gui delin es when lo ading plain and sp ecia lty pa per in th e paper suppo r t. Y ou ca n load up to: Make sure: 100 s heets of pla in paper Th e paper is de signed f or use with inkjet printers . 10 en v elopes • The en v elopes a re loaded v er tically ag ainst the r ight side of the paper s uppor t.
18 T o load most type s of pa per (s ee page 28 f o r banner paper) : 1 Place the paper again st the r i ght side o f the paper su ppor t wi th the prin t side f aci ng you and t he top o f the pap er f eeding into the paper suppor t. 2 Squeeze a nd slide the pap er guide to the l eft edge of the p aper.
19 Note: Do no t f or ce the pap er in to the A ll-In-On e. Bef o re you begin c op y ing (pag e 2 0), scan ning (pa ge 2 2), pr inti ng (page 26) , or sen ding fax es (pag e 2 6), ref er to the in f or mati on below abo ut how much pape r the All- In-One exit tra y can hold.
20 Copying using the operator panel 1 Make sure your All -In-One i s on. 2 Open t he top cover . 3 Place th e item you want to co p y f ac e down on th e sca nner glas s. Make sure the upper le ft cor ne r of th e front of t he item align s with the arrow at th e bottom rig ht of the scanner .
21 6 Press Number of Copie s repeatedl y until the num ber (any number 1-99) of copi es you want to make ap pears. Note: Y ou c an also u se the r ig ht and left arrows to mov e thr ough the number list. 7 Press Color Copy to create a col or cop y of your docum ent or pres s Black Copy to create a blac k and whit e copy of your docum ent.
22 3 Place th e item you want to co p y f ac e down on th e sca nner glas s. Make sure the upper le ft cor ne r of th e front of t he item align s with the arrow at th e bottom rig ht of the scanner . 4 Close the top cov er . 5 F ro m your desktop, double-click the Lexm ark X5100 Series All-In-One Center icon.
23 2 Open t he top cover . 3 Place th e it em y o u want to scan f a ce down on the sc anner glass. Make sure the upper le ft cor ne r of th e front of t he item align s with the arrow at th e bottom rig ht of the scanner . 4 Close the top cov er . 5 Press E-mail , File, Softwa re .
24 Scanning using the All-In-One software Y ou can use your Al l-In-One software t o sca n in ma ny wa ys. Y ou c an: • Repeat i mages ( scan to p r int). For help , see page 34. • A utof it (scan to pr int). • Multi-up - An All-In -One software opti on that lets you pr int multiple pages of a doc ument on a si ngle sheet o f paper .
25 3 Place th e it em y o u want to scan f a ce down on the sc anner glass. Make sure the upper le ft cor ne r of th e front of t he item align s with the arrow at th e bottom rig ht of the scanner . 4 Close the top cov er . 5 F ro m your desktop, double-click the Lexm ark X5100 Series All-In-One Center icon.
26 Prin ti ng 1 With your doc ument open, c lick File Pr int. 2 T o chan ge the All -In-One s etting s, clic k P ro pertie s, Opt ions, Setup or Pr efer ence s (d ependi ng on th e program or ope rating syste m).
27 4 T y pe the telephone number t o which you want to s end a f ax. 5 F ollow the direc tions on your compute r scr een to s end your f a x. Sending a fax using the All-In- One softwar e 1 Make sure your All -In-One i s attache d to a c ompute r with a m odem.
28 Note: Load paper in the All-In -One before you begin your proje ct. For help , s ee page 17 . Print a banner 1 Place th e stack of bann er pa per on the top cov er , and feed in the first s heet. 2 Click Star t Programs Le xm ar k X5100 Ser ies Lexmar k X5100 Seri es S olutio n Center .
29 Note: On ce the All-In- One beg ins pr in ting, wait until you can see the le ading e dge of t he bann er e x i ting th e All- In-One, and th en ca refully unfold the p aper down to the fl oor in f ront o f the Al l-In-One .
30 2 Place th e item you want to co p y f ac e down on th e sca nner glas s. Make sure the upper le ft cor ne r of th e front of t he item align s with the arrow at th e bottom rig ht of the scanner . 3 Close the top cov er . 4 F ro m your desktop, double-click the Lexm ark X5100 Series All-In-One Center icon.
31 10 Wri te a not e to accompa ny the a ttached photograph. 11 Clic k S end. Enlar ge or reduce needlepoint or w oodw orking patterns Y ou can enlarge or redu ce patt er ns or photos using t he opera tor panel or the Al l-In-One Center on your comp uter .
32 4 F ro m your desktop, double-click the Lexm ark X5100 Series All-In-One Center icon. The All -In-One M ain P ag e appea rs. 5 F ro m the Crea tive T a sks menu, c lick Enlarge o r redu ce an imag e . 6 Clic k Pre view N ow to see your scanne d image.
33 Note: Y ou ar e promp ted to pu t the next item on the sc anner glas s afte r the f irst o ne scan s. Print a poster Y ou can pri nt a pos ter of an im age that y ou w a nt to en large and e x t end ov er multiple pag es.
34 Using the All-I n-One soft ware 1 Open t he top cover . 2 Place th e item you want to pr int as a poster f ac e down on th e scann er glas s . M ake sure the upp er left c or ner o f the fr ont of th e item al igns wit h the ar row at the bottom r igh t of the s canner .
35 on how ma ny images you want to pr int per page, the All- In-One re duces the m to fit on the page. 5 Press Sel ect . 6 Press Color Copy or Black Cop y t o begin copying. 7 After your imag e pr ints, pres s Stop/Clear to retu rn to Nor ma l Qua lit y .
36 Print mirr or images and iron-on transfer s T o print out a m irror image of y our ori ginal , use t he f ol l owi ng ste ps. Using the operator panel 1 Open t he top cover .
37 T o create a fabric co llage, you can repeat the se st eps us ing th e same p icture mul tiple times or usi ng many di ff er ent pictur es. Use Optical Character Recognition Optical Character Recogni tion is a so ftware f ea ture th at tur ns a scanne d image into ed itable te x t within a word pr ocessi ng program.
38 Mainten ance Replacing the print car tridges The Lexmar k X5100 Ser ies us es th e f oll owing car tr idges : Note: For inf or mation about o rder ing s uppli es , see pa ge 45. 1 Make sure the All-In -One is on . 2 Lift the scan ner unit until the scann er s uppor t keeps it ope n.
39 3 Squeeze th e tabs on the car t ridg e lids, an d then l ift the lids. 4 Remov e t he old car tr idges. Stor e them in an a ir-tigh t conta iner or dispo se of them . 5 If you are ins talling n e w car tr idges, remove the f oa m, sti c k ers, and transparent ta pe f rom the bo ttom of t he car tr idges.
40 6 Inser t the n e w car tr idges, and then snap the li ds clos ed . 7 Lift the scan ner un it and push t he scann er su ppor t back whil e low e r ing the sca nner unit unt il it is compl etely closed .
41 8 Load pa per into the pape r su ppor t. 9 Questio ns app ear on the disp lay . Use the buttons o n the op erator panel t o answ er the q uestio ns: a If the c olor ca r t rid ge you instal led is New (nev er bee n use d), press Sel ect. If it is o ld, pr ess t he ri ght arr ow b utto n once, and then pr ess Select .
42 Aligning the print car trid g es There a re two in stanc es when you wil l align your pri nt car tr id ges, after insta lling c ar tri dges a nd to im prov e pr in t quality . After installing cart ridges After y ou instal l new pri nt car tr idg es , a mess age ap pears on the ope rator panel.
43 Y ou can use th e operator panel or the Lexmar k X5100 Ser ies S olution Center to clean the noz zles. Using the operator panel 1 Load pa per in th e All-In -One. For help , see pa ge 1 6. 2 Press Options until Cartridges appea rs on th e disp la y .
44 7 T o fur ther impr ov e pr int qua lity , tr y wip ing the pr i nt car tr idge no zzle s and co ntacts ( see page 44), a nd then prin t your docume nt agai n. 8 If pri nt qual ity h as not impr ov e d, tr y cleani ng the pr int c ar tr i dge nozzles up to t wo more ti mes.
45 5 Let the n ozzles and c ontacts d r y complete ly . 6 Reinst all th e pri nt car tr idges, and then pr i nt y o ur do cument again . 7 If the pr int q uality has not impr ov ed , tr y cleani ng the prin t car tr idge nozzles up to t wo more ti mes.
46 T r oubleshoo ting Setup troubleshooting If you e xper ie nce pro b l ems whil e setting up your All- In-One , make sure: • Y ou unlock the scan ner bed . F or help lo cating the scanner lock, see the pic ture of th e All-I n-One o n page 2 . • Y ou sel ect your languag e and d efault paper size an d pre ss Sel ect on the o perator pan el.
47 If your All- In-One is no t attac hed to a compu ter , ma ke sure: • Y ou rea d and follow any scr olling text Help mess ages o n the displ a y . • The p ow er supply is p lugged into your Al l-In-O ne and an ele ctri cal outlet.
48 P aper misfeeds or multiple sheets feed Make sure: • Y ou use a paper r ecom mended f or ink jet pr inte rs. • Y ou do no t f orce the pap er into th e All-I n-One. • Y ou do no t load too much p aper in the A ll-In-O ne. F or help, see page 16 .
49 • The fa x driver you w a nt to us e is the d ef ault f ax dr iver in the All-In- One Cent er . Note: DSL ( digi tal subs cri ber l ine) and cable mode ms ar e not sup por t ed. T ransparencies or glossy p hoto papers stic k together • Remov e e ach p age as it e xit s t he pr int er and le t it dr y c omple tely bef or e stacking.
50 • Pri nt a tes t page: 1 Click Star t Programs Le xm ar k X5100 Ser ies Le xm ar k X5 100 Se r ies Sol ution C enter . 2 Click the Maintenanc e tab . 3 F r om the M ainten ance tab, clic k Prin t a test pa ge . Document prints slo wly • Close app li cat ion s not in use.
51 • T e st the car tr idge a lignm ent. For help, see page 42 . • Clean th e nozz les. F or help, see page 42. Characte r s are missing or unexpec ted Make sure the scanner glass is cle an: 1 Dampen a clean, l int-fre e cloth. 2 Gently w ipe the scan ner glas s.
52 • To p m a r g i n : 1.7 mm (0. 067 in.) • Bo ttom marg in: 16.51 m m (0.65 i n.) Color s are faded or not pri nting completel y • Use a d iff er ent c olor set tin g. • Use a d iff er ent brand of pap er . Ever y p aper b rand acce pts in k diff er ently and p r ints w ith sl ight col or varia tions.
53 3 Use the rig ht arrow button to s croll t hrough the list of langua ges. 4 When your pref e rred l anguag e appe ars on the dis pla y , pres s Sele ct to sa ve that language as the default. All-In-One or scanner is not comm unicating with computer • Disconne ct, and then r econn ect both e nds of the USB cable .
54 4 Click the Sc an tab. 5 Under the C olo r depth dr op down me nu, selec t Gra y . 6 Clic k OK . If y ou are scanning or cop ying fr om a printe d sour ce, and y our cop y has a chec kerboar d patt.
55 T o cl ean the scanner glass: 1 Dampen a clean, l int-fre e cloth. 2 Gently w ipe the scan ner glas s. Note: Make sure all i nk or c orrective fluid on the docum ent is dr y bef or e pla cing the d ocume nt on th e sca nner gla ss.
56 2 Under Sc an... c lick Se e More S can Sett ings. 3 Clic k Display Advanced Sca n Settin gs . 4 Click the Sc an tab. 5 Selec t A uto-cr op the scanned item .
57 Note: Whe n autocr op is on, the obj ect (wher e ver it is pl aced on th e glass) will be pr inted i n the up per left c or ner of the page. This mi ght mak e y ou r cop y lo ok different from the or ig inal.
58 T o fix this : 1 F ro m your desktop, double-click the Lexm ark X5100 Series All-In-One Center icon. 2 F rom the Copy ... ar ea, se lect Color Document or Black and Whit e Document (these settin gs hav e auto cro p tur ned o ff).
59 Y ou receiv e an err or messa ge Use this section to unders tand Al l-In-O ne software error message s on your compu ter scr een an d mes sages on the dis play of your All- In-One . P aper Jam messa ge Y our A ll-In-On e has a paper j am. T o c lear a pa per j am: 1 Press Po w e r to tur n the All-In- One off.
60 2 Low e r the s canner unit to close i t. 3 Press Po w e r to tur n the All- In-One o n, and then se nd your docum ent to pr int. Co ver Open messa g e The C ov er open message appears when th e scanne r uni t is open. Note: The op erator pan el buttons do not fun ction whi le the scann er unit i s open .
61 Ink Low message A pr in t car tr idge is r unnin g out of ink. Re place the car tr idge in your All-In- One wit h a n e w one. F or help, see page 38 . • On the operator p anel: An Ink Low message ( Color Ink Low , Black Ink Low , or bo th of thes e messag es) appears on the d ispl a y when o ne of your car tr idges is 25% fu ll or le ss.
62 Unloc k Scanner m essage The sc anner is lock ed. T o un lock it: 1 Press Po w e r to tur n the All-In- One off. 2 Use bot h hands to li ft the sca nner uni t until the sc anner s uppor t holds it open. T o the le ft and b eside the sc anner suppor t i s the sc anner lock.
63 Check the table below f or sp ecifi c inst ruc tions: 1 Press Po w e r to tur n the All -In-One o ff . 2 Use bot h hands to li ft the sca nner uni t until the sc anner s uppor t holds it open. 3 T u r n the A ll-In-On e on. The pr int car tr idge c arr ier moves and stops at the loadi ng pos ition unless t he All -In-O ne is busy .
64 5 Low e r the s canner unit u ntil it is com pletel y closed. If the erro r mess age appe ars agai n, rep lace the black car tri dge wi th a new b la ck car tr idge. If the error message doe s not appe ar , rep eat steps 1- 3 and then go to step 6.
65 1 F ro m your deskt op , click S tar t P rograms Le xm ar k X5100 Ser ies Lexmark X5 100 Se r ies Un insta ll. 2 F ollow the instr ucti ons on your comput er scr een to u ninstall the All-In- O ne software. 3 Restar t your comp uter before reinst alling th e All-I n-One soft ware.
66 Notices Fede r a l Comm unicat ions Commission (FCC) compliance information statement The Lexmark X5100 Ser ies has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules .
67 The EP A ENE RG Y ST AR Office Equipment program is a par tnership effor t with office equipment manuf acturers t o promote the introduction of energ y- efficient products and to reduce air pollution caused by pow er generation. Companies par t icipating in this progr am introduce products that pow er down when they are not bein g used.
68 Statemen t of Limited W arranty Le xm ar k Inte r national, Inc. Le xingt on, KY This limited warrant y app lies to the Unit ed States. F or custome rs outside the U .S., ref e r to the c ountr y-specific warranty inf or m ation that came with your produc t.
70 Inde x A ali gni ng pr int car tri dges 42 All -In- One Cen ter 8 All -In- One ov er vie w 1 B bann er paper 18 loadi ng 27, 28 printi ng 28 Blac k Copy 5 blac k prin t cartridge part nu mber 38 bu.
71 index cards loadi ng 17 Ink Lo w 61 instal ling print car tridg es 38 iron-on tran sfe rs loadi ng 18 L left arro w 5 Lexma rk All-I n-O ne Center 8 Lexma rk Solu tio n Cent er tabs Ad vanc ed 12 C.
72 mirror images 36 poste rs 33 repea ted im age s 34 projec ts banne r 28 colo r copies 29 creat ing 27 enlar ging or red ucing pattern s 31 mirror images and iron-on transfers 36 Optica l Character .
www.lex Le xm ark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Le x mark Inter national, Inc., registered in the United States and/ or ot her countr ies.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark series x5100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark series x5100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark series x5100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark series x5100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark series x5100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark series x5100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark series x5100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark series x5100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark series x5100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center