Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 952DTE Lexmark
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C950, X950d e, X952de, X95 2dte, X954d e, X95 4dhe Technical Refe rence Novem ber 2011 www.lex Lexmark and Lexmark with di amond design are trademarks of Lexmar k Int ernational, Inc., register ed in the United States and/or o th er cou ntries.
Edition notice November 2011 The followin g parag raph does not a pply to a ny country where suc h provi sions are inc onsistent wi th local law: LE XMA RK IN TERN AT IO NAL , IN C.
Cont ents Edi tion notice ...... ... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .... ........ .... ....2 Intro ducti on..... ... ........ .... ......... .... ....... .... ......... .... ........ ... ......... .... ...
App endix B: PJL s uppor t........ ......... ..... ......... ..... .......... .... .......... .... .......... ...32 Commo n va riable s f or bot h printer lang uag es.. .... ....... .... .... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... .... ... ........ .
Introduction Overview This editio n of the Te ch nica l Refe re nc e contain s inform ation a bout the fo llowing print ers o r mul tifunct ion printers (MFP s): C950 d e X9 50d e X9 52d te X9 52d te .
Acro nym Me an i n g ni network and ImageQuick tn network and additional tray 1 Duplex pr inting (two ‑ sided pri nting) usi ng an opt ional dupl ex unit or an i nternal duplex unit base d on the pr oduct. 2 T he additio nal tray is part of a drawe r.
Learning about the printer Find in g inf orma tion a bout t he pri nt er Wh at are you lo oking for? Fi nd i t here In itial se tup i nstr uct ions: • Connecting the printer • Instal ling t he pri.
Wh at are you lo oking for? Fi nd i t here Latest supplemental i nformation, updates, and customer support: • Document ation • Driver d ownloads • Live chat support • E ‑ ma il suppo rt • Voice s upport Lexmark S upport Web site— http : / /s up por t.
Printer Contr ol Language (PCL) page formatting For more information on PCL, see the Pri nte r Lan guage s and Int erfac es Te chnic al Refe renc e . I t contains a c om plete listi ng with des cript ions of P CL com mands . To det ermin e which PC L com mands your printe r suppo rts, s ee “A ppendix A: PCL sup port ” on pa ge 23.
Suppo r ted pape r an d enve lope dim ensi ons The foll owi ng tabl e lists t he page sizes and p rint area dimens ions for a ll suppo rte d pape r and en velope siz es. F or mo re inform ation a bout the pri ntable are as and logical pag es f or PCL em ulat ion, se e “Pri ntable ar eas” o n page 9.
Selec tion Pape r/e nve lop e di me ns ions Dimen sions b y ar ea (pels ) 1 Page siz e para m ete rs 2 Na me mm inches A B C D E F G H I Env elo pe 80 7 3/4 En vel ope 98. 4 x 190 .5 3.875 x 7 .5 2324 4500 20 24 4260 150 120 0 100 100 81 10 En vel ope 104.
Printer Job Langu age (P J L) PJL co m man ds in form at ion Your pr inter suppor ts c ompl ete PJL comma nds, in cluding cert ain com mands that caus e the prin ter to ent er PC L emul ation, Post Scr ipt emula tion, and Persona l P rinter Data St ream (PPDS).
PostScript (PS) emula tion Your pr inter suppor ts c ompl ete PostS cript e mulat ion s upplemen tal opera tors. For full descript ions in d etai l for t hese oper ators , re fe r to t he Post Scri pt emulat io n ch apter i n th e Pr inter Langua ges and Inte rfaces Techni cal R efere nce .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Paper si zes Pri nter mo d els Si ze Li ter a l na m e Si ze (mm) S ize (i nche s) Size (poi nts) C 950 X950, X952, X954 Custo m custom 297 x 431 .8 11.7 x 17 842 x 122 4 Custo m custom 320 x 559 12.6 x 22 90 8 x 158 4 XX Custo m custom 297 x 914 11.
When these oper ators are used , it is equi valent t o execut ing the follow ing Post Script e mulat ion sequence: << /Pa ge Size [ x y]/ Imag in gBBox nul l /Pol ic ies << /Pag eSiz e 0> > >> setp ag edevi ce where x y are the PageSize in points.
Envelope sizes supporte d = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Enve lop e s iz es Prin ter model s Si ze n am e Liter a l na m e Size (mm) Si ze ( in c h es ) Size (points) C950 X95 0, X952, X954 7 3/4 3.875x 7.5 envelope 98.4 x 190 .5 3.875 x 7 .5 279 x 540 Commer cial 9 3.
• If the requested size and the size loaded in the active source do not match, th en the sourc es are searched in the order d efined by t he Priori ty arr ay in the Inp utAtt ributes dictionar y in t he pagedev ice dic tionar y.
P r int e r sp ec i f ic a t io ns Airfl ow requ irem ent The roo m sho uld m eet A SHR AE 62 — 1989 st anda rds. Noise emissio n levels The fol low ing measur ement s we re m ade in acc orda nce with I SO 7 779 and rep orted i n co nformanc e wi th ISO 92 96.
Electrical specificati ons Prin ter model Ele ct ric al s peci f ica tio n C950 SF P lo w ‑ voltag e m odel s 100– 127 V at 5 0–60Hz, nom inal 90–137 V, extreme C950 SF P hi gh ‑ volt ag e m.
Phys ica l spe cific ati ons Lexmark C950 dim ensions Hei ght Width Dep th Weight with ca rtridge (u np ac ka ge d) C950 565 mm ( 22.24 i n.) 6 40 mm (25. 20 in .) 685 m m (26 .97 i n. ) 95 .0 kg (209 .5 lb ) Lexmark X95x dime nsions Hei ght Wid th De pth Weight with cartridge (unp acka ged) X950de , X952d e, X954d e 762.
Lex mar k X95 x Ser ies Mode l Le f t s ide Righ t si de Front Rea r Top X950, X952 , X9 54 374.65 m m (14. 75 in. ) 307.3 4 m m ( 12.1 i n. ) 444. 5 m m ( 17.
Alt itude an d atmo sph eri c pressur e sp ecific ati ons Altit ude s pecifica tions Al ti tu de (a bo ve se a le vel) Prin ter model Ope rat ing val ue Ship ping and sto rag e value C950 0–250 0 m .
Appendix A: PCL support PCL em ul at ion co mm an ds = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 ESC E Pr i nt e r Res et ESC Y Display FunctionsOn ES.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 ESC &f#W S et U niver sal C usto m Name ESC &f#S Push / P op C urs o r ESC &f#X Macr o C o nt .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 ESC &p#S Select Palette ESC &p#X [dat a] Transparent P rint Data ESC &r#F Flush All Pages ESC .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 ESC *b#M Set Rast er Co mpr ess io n Mo de ESC *b#V[data] Tr ansf er R aste r Dat a (Pl an e) ESC *b#W[dat.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 ESC *m#W[data] D own l o ad D i the r Ma tr i x ESC *o#M(b) Prin t Qua lity XX ESC *o#Q Mechanical Print Q.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 ESC *g#W Set Ras ter Configuration XX ESC *v#A Col or Com pon ent One ESC *v#B Col or Com po nen t Two ESC.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 AT Arc Abso lute Thr ee Poi nt BR Be z i er R el ati v e BZ B ezier Abs olute CF Char act er Fill CI Circ .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 IR Input Relative P1 and P2 IW Input Window LA Line A ttributes LB Labe l, Defaul t Termi nator = '03.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command Fun ctio n C950 X950, X952, X954 SD D ef ine Stan dard Font SI Absolute C haracter Size SL Charac ter Slant SM Symbo l Mode SP Selec t P en.
Appendix B : PJL support Co mmo n var iab les f or b oth p rin te r la ng uage s = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X952 , X954 AUTOCO NT AUTOSE LE CT .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X952 , X954 INT RA Y1 SIZ E INT RA Y2 SIZ E INT RA Y3 SIZ E INT RA Y4 SIZ E INT RA Y5 SIZ E IOBUFFE R XX IOS I ZE XX.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X952 , X954 RE P EAT JUS T TI M EO U T RE P RI NT RE SE RV E J OB T I ME OU T RE SO LU T IO N RE SO U R CES AVE R ES.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LBO N DTE XT U R E LBO ND WEI GH T XX LBOT TOMMARGINO FFSET XX LBW LO CK XX LC ANC E L LC ARD STOCK L E.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LC USTO MTY P E2L ENG TH XX LC USTO M TY PE 2L OA DIN G LCU STOMTYPE2ME DIA LCU STOMTYPE2NA ME LC USTO .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LC USTO MTY P E6L ENG TH XX LC USTO M TY PE 6L OA DIN G LCU STOMTYPE6ME DIA LCU STOMTYPE6NA ME LC USTO .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LG LOSS YOUTP U TBI N LG LOSS YTEX TUR E LG LOS S YWE IG HT XX LHE AV YG LO SS YL OA D ING LH EAVYGL OS.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LLA BEL SL EN GT H XX LLA BEL SL O AD IN G XX LLA BEL SO U TBI N LLAB EL ST EXTU RE LLAB EL SW EI GHT X.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LM PFEEDE RPAPE RT YPE L MFEE DER REN UMB ER LMU L TI PA GE BOR D ER LMU L TI PA GE ORD ER LMU L TI PA .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LPPDS LPPDS FORM LINE S LPPDS LIN ESP ERINCH LPR EP R INT ED LEN G TH XX LPRE PRIN TEDLOADI NG LPR EP R.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LRO U GHE NV EL O PE TE XT UR E LRO U GHE NV EL OPE WE IG H T XX LROU GHPA PERLOADI NG LROU GHPA PEROUT.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo d el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X 952, X954 LTRA Y5A U TOSI ZE LT RA Y1 PA PERT Y P E LT RA Y2 PA PERT Y P E LT RA Y3 PA PERT Y P E LT RA Y4 PA PER.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X952 , X954 PI TC H PT SI ZE SYMSE T Pr inter ‑ unique v a ria bles fo r PC L em ulat ion = Su ppor ted X = No t s.
Common v ari able s for Po stScri pt emul atio n = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X952 , X954 JAMR EC OVE RY PRTP SERRS ADOBE MBT XX Pr inter ‑ uni.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Va ri a bl e n a me C950 X950, X952 , X954 Ustatus Ustatusoff UST ATU S uns o li cit ed sta t us v ari abl es = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri ng C950 X950, X952, X954 Intervention Required - In suffici ent Coll ati on Area 30016 37 Insuf ficient memory t .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri ng C950 X950, X952, X954 Intervention Required - Standard Serial Disabled 30018 56 Sta ndard Ser ial Disabled XX .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri ng C950 X950, X952, X954 Intervention Required - Unformatted Flash 30036 53 Unfor matted Flash XX Intervention Re.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri ng C950 X950, X952, X954 Intervention Required - Prim ing F ailed 30107 Pr iming Failed , Retry.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri ng C950 X950, X952, X954 Intervention required - Too Many Bins Attached 32030 58 Too m any bi ns attached XX Inte.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage Stat us co de Return stri ng C950 X950, X952, X954 Intervention Required - Belt Exhausted 40038 80 Belt Exhaus ted XX Intervention Required.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - 30 CM YK* Pr int U ni t Mi s si n g 40010 3 0 CMYK * Print .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Clo se D oo r Ins e rt Cart ridg e 40021 C lose do or or in.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - In valid Ref ill 40021 3 0 Inval id Refill Change Cartridg .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Tray Si z e Sen se Err or 40021 4 0 Tray <x> Size Sen.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Check Finisher Ins t al lat i on 40029 C heck Fi nisher Ins.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Replace Oi l Coating R oll 40038 R eplace Oil Coating Roll .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Tone r L ow 40038 8 8 Toner Low XX Intervention Required - .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - STMSG 40049 S TM SG m essag e XX Intervention Required - PJ.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Install Dup lex or Cancel Job 40095 I nstall duple x XX Int.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Cart ridg e L ow 40201 8 8.xx cy an cartridg e low Intervention Required - Cart ridg e N ear ly L ow 40201 8 8.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Photoconducto r L ow 40204 84 Photocon ducto r low XX Intervention Required - Photoconducto r Nearly Low 40204 8 4.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Ca rtr idge Part Numb er Unsupported 40309 3 2.xx bl ack cartridg e par t number unsuppor ted b y device Intervention Required - Replace unsupported c artri dge 40309 3 2.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - Replace unsupported c artri dge 40312 3 2.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - [Color] Photocon ductor Mi s si n g 40406 8 4.41 Cy an photoco nducto r missing XX Intervention Required - [Color] PC Unit Mi ssing 40407 8 4.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pri nter mo de l Me ssage S tat us co de R eturn stri ng C950 X950, X952 , X954 Intervention Required - M issing or Defect ive Cart ridg e 40411 3 1.41 Missing or defectiv e magenta cartridg e XX Intervention Required - To ner Car tridg e Miss ing 40412 3 0.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tatus code Ret urn st ring C95 0 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Wrong Pap er Size Manual Feed 30034 3 4 Wron g Pape r Size.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tatus code Ret urn st ring C95 0 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Load [s rc] [Custom T ype Name] 41xyy L oad [s rc] with [C.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Pr in ter mode l Me ssage S tatus code Ret urn st ring C95 0 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Change Request Change <src> to <type> <size.
PJL mess a ges f or paper j ams = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4200x XX Intervention Required .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4211x XX Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4220x XX Interven.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4242z XX Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4243w XX Interven.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4253w XX Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4254w y XX Interv.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4272 XX Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4272z XX Intervent.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4284x XX Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4284z XX Interven.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter model Me ssage S tat us code C950 X950 , X95 2, X9 54 Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4294 XX Intervention Required - Pap er J a m 4295 XX w indicates this message inc ludes a letter indicating a door or cover that needs to b e opened.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Command C950 X950 , X952, X954 LPO RT R OT A T E LPR IN T te s tp ag e • LPRIN TDIRECT ORY • LPRIN TTEST PAGE • LPRINT MENUS • LPRIN TPCL F.
Appendix C: PostScript support Supplemen t al operators = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Ope rat or na me C950 X950, X952 , X954 appletalktype buildtime byteorder che c kp a s sw o.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Ope rat or na me C950 X950, X952 , X954 dosysstart duplexer duplexmode en gi n e sy n c f ile f ilenam eforal l f ilepos ition fi rs ts id e fontno.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Ope rat or na me C950 X950, X952 , X954 ram si ze rea l fo rm at ren am e f ile res o lut i on rev i si on sc cb a tch scci nte ra ctiv e setc ov e.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Ope rat or na me C950 X950, X952 , X954 setquiet setr e solu ti on set sccbat ch setsccinteractive setsoftwareiomode settumble setuniversalsize set.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 • Ton erSa ver • Pictur eGrade XX • ImageEnhancement XX • ImageEnhancementType XX • PrintD arkness • Aut oM .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 • 1 - Tr ay 2 • 2 - Envelope Feeder • 3 - Tr ay 3 • 4 - Multipurpose F eeder • 5 - Tr ay 4 • 6 - Tr ay 5 ‑.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 • Or ie nt atio n • Border • Order • Typ e • LandscapeOverride OutputAttributes • 0 - Standard Bi n • 1 - .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 PostRenderingEnhanceDetails XX • REValu e XX • Typ e XX Pow er S av e ProcessCol orModel XX Punch SlipS heet SlipShe.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key Defau lt C950 X950 , X952, X954 JobNa me ( ) JobTimeout JobTimeout system parameter MaxDictStack 255 MaxExecStac k 10015 MaxFontI tem 1250 0 Ma.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Cur For mCa che CurInputDevice CurOutlineCache CurOutputDevice Cu rPa ttern Cach e CurScr eenStorage Cu rSou rceLis t Cu.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Ma x Fo n tC ach e Ma x Fo r mC ach e Ma x Im a g eBu ffe r MaxOutlineCache MaxPatternCache MaxPermanentVM Ma x R as te .
Devices support e d = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Devi ce C950 X950 , X952, X954 %AppSocketA% %AppSocketB% %AppSocketC% %AppSocketD% %EthernetPhysicalA% %EthernetPhysicalB% %Eth.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Devi ce C950 X950 , X952, X954 %LocalTalkD% %LPR_A% %LPR_B % %LPR_C% %LPR_D % %ParallelA% %ParallelB% %ParallelC% %ParallelD% %P rintS erv erA% %P .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Devi ce C950 X950 , X952, X954 %TokenTalkD% XX %USB_ A % %USB_ B% %USB_ C% %USB_ D% Devic e par ameters = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin t.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 DataBits DelayedOutputClose Enab le d Filter in g FlowCont rol HasNames HonorDSR In terpre ter On Par i ty PC LSm a rt S.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 PC LSm a rt Sw i tc h Por t Lo c at ion PSSmartSwitch Type Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmuni cation D evice % EtherTa.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Por t Lo c at ion XX PSSmartSwitch XX Type XX Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmuni cation Dev ice %USB%, %USB _A%, %US B.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Zon e XX Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmuni cation D evice %Ap pSocket% , %A ppS oc ke tA% , %A pp Soc ke t B%, %A pp .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 On Por t Lo c at ion Type Device Paramet ers for t he Co mmuni cation Dev ice %LPR%, %LPR_A%, %L PR_B %, %L PR_C% , %LPR.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Type Device Paramet ers for the Communic ation Devic e %Eth ernetPhysical% , %E the rne t Ph y si cal A %, %E th e rnet .
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Mo n t h Run ning Seco nd Type Year Da t eT i me DayOfW eekLong DayOfW eekNum DayOfW eekShort Device P arameters fo r th.
= Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mod el Key C950 X950, X952 , X954 Lo gic alSize Mounted Phy s i cal Si ze Rem o v ab l e Searchable SearchOr der Type Write abl e Device Paramet ers for t.
Post Script messag e keys c ommands = Su ppor ted X = No t su p po rte d Prin ter mode l Key C 950 X950, X952, X 954 job statu s sour ce Appendix C: PostSc rip t support 101.
Index A air temperature ranges 21 ai rflow re qui re men t 1 8 altitude s peci fications 22 atmo spheri c pre ssure 22 C clearan ce r equirem ent s 2 0 comm ands PJL, file and devic e protection 78 PJ.
paper jam s 71 PostS cript devic e para meters 9 2 devic es sup porte d 90 oper ators, env elope s ize s 15 page dev ice par amet ers 82 supplement al operators 7 9 sup ported pape r s izes 13 tray op.
An important point after buying a device Lexmark 952DTE (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lexmark 952DTE yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lexmark 952DTE - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lexmark 952DTE you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lexmark 952DTE will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lexmark 952DTE, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lexmark 952DTE.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lexmark 952DTE. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lexmark 952DTE along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center