Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LDD030 Lanier
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your document m ana gement pa r tne r O p er a t or Guide LDD 030 D igi t a l Duplica t or.
Introdu ction This manu al conta ins det ailed instruc tions o n the o peration and mai ntenanc e of t his machi ne. To get maximum v ersatil ity fro m this machine all oper ators s hould c arefully read a nd fol low the in structi ons in this manu al.
Note to users in the U nited Stat es of America Notice: This equipm ent has been t ested and found to comply wi th the lim its for a Clas s B digita l device, pursu- ant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Th ese limit s are desi gned to p rovide rea sonable p rotectio n against harmful in terferenc e in a reside ntial insta llati on.
i Safety Information When using th is machine, t he following safety precauti ons should always be fol- lowed. Safety Duri ng Operati on In th is ma nual, the follow ing imp ortant symbo ls are u sed:.
ii R CAUT ION: • Protect the machine from dampness or wet weather, suc h as rain, snow. • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the machine. While moving the machine, you should take care that the power cord wil l not be damag ed under the machine.
iii How to Read this Manual Symb ols In th is manual, the followi ng symbols are used: R WARNING: This symbol ind icates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious i njury when you misuse th e machine without fol lowing the in- struc tions under thi s symb ol.
iv What You Can Do with t his Machine Bel ow is a q uick sum mary of th is m a- chine's features and wher e to look in fo r more info rma tio n. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Standar d Prin ting See p.13 “S ta ndar d Pri nti ng” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting the Print Image Position See p.
v ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Class Mode See p.34 “ Class Mode ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Memory Mod e See p.36 “ Mem ory Mod e ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Combin ing Ori ginals See p.39 “ Co mbi ning Or igin als ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Skip Fee d Pr inting See p.41 “ Skip Fe ed Print ing ” .
vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Machi ne Ex terior ... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... ... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... ... 1 Machi ne In teri or ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... ...... ... .... .... ...... ..
vii Comb inin g Origi nals .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... ...... ... .... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... . 3 9 Skip Fe ed Pr intin g ...... .... ...... .... .... .... .... ...... .... ... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .
viii 5. Troub leshooting Machin e Op erati on Pr oblems ..... ...... .... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... 71 Prin ting P robl ems. .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ...... .... ....
1 Machin e Exterior 1. Front door Open for acc ess to th e insid e of the ma- chine. 2. Oper ati on pane l Operator controls and indicators ar e lo- cated here. See p.4 “ Operation Panel ” . 3. Exposure glass cover or d ocument feeder (option) Lower this cover over an original before printin g.
2 Machin e Interior 1. Paper align ment wings Lift or lower t he wings dependin g on the type of pa per bei ng used. 2. Paper de livery s ide pla tes Use to align the prints on the pape r deliv- ery tray. 3. Paper de livery end plate Use to align th e leading edge o f prints.
3 Optio ns ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Document feeder 1. Document feeder ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Exposure glass cover 1. Exposure glass cover Note ❒ Othe r options: • A3, 11" × 17" Color Drum • A4, 8 1 / 2 " × 11" Bla ck Drum • Tape Dispenser • Key Counter Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM.
4 Operation Panel Keys 1. { { { { Secur ity } } } } key Press to ma ke prints of conf idential do c- uments. See p.44 “ Sec urity Mode ” . 2. { { { { Tint/Economy } } } } key Pres s to mak e halfton e prin ts. See p .21 “ Tint Mod e ” . P r e s s t o s a v e i n k .
5 15. { { { { Combine } } } } key Pres s to co mbine orig inals o nto 1 prin t. See p.39 “ Combining Origina ls ” . 16. { { { { Type of O riginal } } } } key Press to select Letter, Photo, or Let - ter/Photo mod e. See p.31 “ Select ing Original Typ e ” .
6 Indicators 1. Magnification indicators Show the preset magnification that is se- lected. See p.25 “ Preset Reduce/En- large ” . 2. Zoom counter Shows the re producti on rati o in zoom mode. See p .27 “ Zoom ” . 3. Error in dicators Light to inform yo u of the status of the machine.
7 1. Operation Print Pa per The follow ing limitations ap ply: Non-r ecomm ended pa per: • Roughly cut pa per • Paper of different thickness in th e same stack • Envelopes heavier than 85g/m 2 , 22 lb.
Operation 8 1 If you print on rough g rained paper, th e copy image might be blurred. You can use A3 (297 × 420mm) o r 11" × 17" original s or print ing pape r.
Origin als 9 1 Origina ls • The maximum original size you can place on the exposure glass is 304.8 × 432mm, 12" × 17" . • If you use original s that have bold lette rs or solid im ages at t he leading ed ges, you might get prints with dirty edges.
Operation 10 1 Preparation for Printing Loading Paper A A A A Carefully open the paper feed tray. B B B B Shift the paper feed side plate lock lev er fo rward. A djus t the side plates to matc h the paper size. 1: Paper feed side plate loc k lever C C C C Load paper on the pap er feed tray.
Preparat ion for Pri nting 11 1 Setting Up the Pape r Delivery Tra y A A A A Raise the paper delivery t ray slightly, and then gently lower it. B B B B Lift th e pa per deli ver y si de pl at es and adjust them to the paper size. C C C C Lift the pape r de live ry end p late and move it to match the print pa- per size.
Operation 12 1 E E E E Turn on the main switch. Referen ce When th e pri nts are not del iv- ered in a n eat stack, see p.90 “ When the Prin ts are Thrown Over the Paper Delivery Tray ” .
Standard Pri nting 13 1 Standard Printing The op erations are differ ent depend - ing on w hethe r you us e Auto Cycle mode or not. With th is mo de, th e ma- chin e can proc ess mast ers and make prints at one s troke. The defa ult set- ting of th is mode is o n.
Operation 14 1 Note ❒ Up to 999 9 prints ca n be en- tered at one time . ❒ To change the number en - tered, pre ss the { { { { Clear/S top } } } } key and ent er the n ew num - ber. C Press th e { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Printing s tarts au toma tically a f- ter t rial prin t is de liv ered .
Standard Pri nting 15 1 Note ❒ If the image po sition is not correct, ad just it using the { { { { Image Positi on } } } } keys or the fine adjustment dial.
Operation 16 1 Restoring Pape r Feed and Paper De liver y Trays A A A A Remove the p aper fro m the pap er feed t ray. The paper feed tray will lower . B B B B Turn off the main switch. C C C C Close the paper feed tra y. D D D D Move t he pape r del ive ry end plate until the plate handle is flush with the end of the tray.
Energy Saver Mode 17 1 Ener gy S aver Mode If you do not operate the machine for a certain period after printing, or when you press and hold the { { { { Clear Mo des/ Ener gy S ave r } } } } key fo r thr ee seco nds, t he pa nel display turns off and the machine enters Energy Saver mod e.
Operation 18 1 Adjusting the Print Image Position After m aster m aking, yo u can adj ust the pr int i mage p ositi on to suit yo ur needs. T here are two ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Forward o r Backward Use t he { { { { Image Pos ition } } } } keys. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Right or Left Use the side tray fine adjusting di- al.
Adjusting the Pr int Image Positi on 19 1 Right or Le ft * Paper feed di recti on A A A A Turn the side tray fine adjustin g dial as shown in the illustrations. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting the image to the right ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting the image to the left Note ❒ The image posit ion can be shift- e d u p t o 1 0 m m , 0 .
Operation 20 1 Adjusting the Print Image Density You can ad just the pr int im age densi- ty to suit your needs. T here are two ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Before Making a Master Use t he { { { { Image Dens ity } } } } key. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ After Making a Master Use t he { { { {W W W W} } } } or { { { {V V V V} } } } key.
Tint Mode 21 1 Tint Mode Use th is func tion to make halfto ne prints. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Tint/Eco nomy } } } } key to light the up per indi cator. B B B B Place your originals on the expo- sure glass or in the optional docu- ment feeder. C C C C Enter the number of prints with the numb er keys.
Operation 22 1 Fine Mode Use this function to make c lear prints . A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Fine } } } } key. B B B B Place your originals on the expo- sure glass or in the optional docu- ment feeder. C C C C Enter the number of prints with the numb er keys.
Changing t he Pri nting Sp eed 23 1 Changing the Pri nting Speed Use the { { { {W W W W} } } } or { { { {V V V V} } } } key to adjust the speed of the m achine with the i mage density and p rinting paper. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { {V V V V} } } } key to increase the speed and press the { { { {W W W W} } } } key to re- duce th e speed .
Operation 24 1 Stopping a Mult i-print Run Stopping a Multi-print Run to Print Another Origina l A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key. B B B B Place the new ori ginal on the ex- posure glass or in the optional document f eeder. C C C C Enter the number of prints and pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key.
Preset Redu ce/Enlarge 25 1 Preset Reduce/Enlarge Use this function to have origi nals re- duced o r enla rge d by a pr eset rati o. A total of 7 rati os are available (3 en- larg emen t ratio s, 4 red ucti on rat ios). Note ❒ The leading edge of the print im- age does not shift w hen a print im- age is made wi th this functi on.
Operation 26 1 C C C C Place your originals on the expo- sure glass or in the optional docu- ment feeder. D D D D Enter the number of prints with the numb er keys. E E E E Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Printing sta rts automatically a fter trial pri nt is delivere d.
Zoom 27 1 Zoom Use this functi on to fine-tune the re- produc tion ra tio in 1% step s. Note ❒ The range in which you can select a ratio is 50 – 2 00% A A A A Select the desired re production ratio with the { { { {} } } } or { { { {} } } } key. The ra tio is di splayed on the zoom counte r.
Operation 28 1 Edge Erase Use this function t o erase all four marg ins of th e or igina l i mage. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Using Edge Erase mode ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When not using Edge Erase mode When prin ting from t hick books, or sim ilar origin als, the b inding margin at the ed ges might appear on prin ts.
Edge Erase 29 1 D D D D Place your original on the expo- sure glass or in the optional docu- ment feeder. E E E E Enter the number of prints with the numb er keys. F F F F Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Printing sta rts automatically a fter trial pri nt is delivere d.
Operation 30 1 Printing o n Thick or Th in Paper W h e n y o u m a k e p ri n t s o n th i c k ( 1 2 7 . 9 to 209.3 g/m 2 , 34.0 to 55. 6 lb), stan- dard ( 52.3 to 127 .9g/m 2 , 13.9 to 34. 0 lb) or thin (4 7.1 to 52.3 g/m 2 , 12.5 t o 13.9 lb) paper, per form the following steps.
Sele ctin g Or igin al Ty pe 31 1 Select ing Original Type Select one of t he foll owing three type s to matc h your orig inals: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Letter mode Select when orig inals co ntain on ly let te rs (no pic tur es ). ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Lett er/Ph oto mod e Sele ct when orig inal s conta in pho - tographs or pictures with letters.
Operation 32 1 Note ❒ If you want to c heck the print image, p ress the { { { { Auto Cyc le } } } } key to turn off Auto Cyc le mode before pressin g the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. For deta ils, see p.14 “ When Auto Cyc le is off ” . Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM.
Economy Mode 33 1 Econom y Mode Use this function when you want to save ink. Note ❒ Prints will c ome out light er. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Tint/Eco nomy } } } } key to light the lower in dicator. B B B B Place your originals on the expo- sure glass or in the optional docu- ment feeder.
Operation 34 1 Class Mo de Use this functi on to make sets of prints from the same original. The same n umber of print s is made f or each set. Note ❒ U p t o 9 9 s e t s o f p r i n t s c a n b e s e l e c t - ed for one o riginal. A A A A Pres s th e { { { { Memory/Class } } } } key t o light the class indicator.
Class Mode 35 1 F F F F If you use the optional tape dis- penser, tur n on the tape dispense r powe r swit ch. Note ❒ The op tional ta pe dispen ser a u- tomaticall y feeds out str ips of pape r whi ch se par ate th e pr int - ing grou ps on the pa per d eliv- ery tray.
Operation 36 1 Memory M ode Use this functi on to make sets of prints from different originals. Referenc e For details about how to use the optional doc ument feeder with this func tion, s ee p.48 “ Memo ry Mode Usi ng the Docu ment Feed- er ” . A A A A Pres s th e { { { { Memory/Class } } } } key t o light the memory indicator.
Memory Mode 37 1 E E E E Pre ss th e { { { { q q q q } } } } key again. The memory ret urns to memo ry 1. Note ❒ If you stor e the nu mber of pr ints for 25 o riginals, th e mem ory number return s to 1. It is not necessary to press the { { { { q q q q } } } } key.
Operation 38 1 I I I I After the first print is completed, place the second original on the exposure glas s, and then press the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Combining Ori ginals 39 1 Combining Orig inals Use this function to pr int 2 separa te original s on a single sh eet of paper. 1, 2: 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K or 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " K . 3: 11" × 17" L , 8 1 / 2 " × 14" L , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" L or 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " L .
Operation 40 1 A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Combine } } } } key. B B B B Check the print pape r size, and then selec t the desire d reprod uc- tion ratio. C C C C Place the first original face down. Note ❒ The fir st or iginal wi ll be p rinte d on t he l eft s ide of t he pa per.
Skip Fe ed Print ing 41 1 Skip Fe ed Pr inting If the backs of prints are dirty, you can incre ase th e tim e betw een p rint s using the { { { { Skip Feed } } } } k e y .
Operation 42 1 Program You can sto re up to 9 freq uently used prin t job sett ing s in m achi ne me mor y, and recall them for future use . Note ❒ The stored progra ms are not cleared when you t urn off the main switch. ❒ The st ore d progr ams cannot be de - leted.
Program 43 1 D D D D Place your originals on the expo- sure glass or in the optional docu- ment feeder. E E E E Enter the number of prints with the numb er keys. F F F F Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Printing sta rts automatically a fter trial pri nt is delivere d.
Operation 44 1 Secur ity Mode This fun ction prevents other s from making p rints of confi dential d ocu- ments from th e mast er. Fo r exa mpl e, if you pr int some do cument s with se nsit ive info rma tion , u se th is fu nc - tion afte r ma king your prints s o that nobody can ac cess that master again.
45 2. Optiona l Functions Optional Document Feeder Insert a stack o f originals in th e docu- ment fe eder. They will be fed au to- matic al ly. Originals Placing t he follow ing origi nals in t he document feeder mi ght cause mis- feeds or dama ge to the original s.
Optional Fu nctions 46 2 Placing Ori ginals in the Docu ment Fee der A A A A Adjust the guide to the original size. B B B B Insert the aligned originals face up in the document feeder u ntil they stop. Lim ita tion ❒ Approxim ately 50 origi nals (80g/m 2 , 21 lb) can be inserted at on e time in the do cume nt feeder.
Optiona l Document Feede r 47 2 Combining Originals Using the Docu ment Fee der Referenc e For details about Com bining Orig- inals, see p.39 “ Comb ining Or igi- nals ” . A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Combine } } } } key. B B B B Check the print pape r size, and then selec t the desire d reprod uc- tion ratio.
Optional Fu nctions 48 2 Memory Mode Using the Docu ment Fee der Referenc e For de tail s abou t Memo ry m ode, see p.36 “ Me mor y Mod e ” . A A A A Pres s th e { { { { Memory/Class } } } } key t o light the memory indicator. B B B B With the number keys, en ter the desired number of prints for the first original.
Optiona l Document Feede r 49 2 F F F F Insert or iginals fac e up in th e doc- ument feed er. Note ❒ To prevent origin al misfeeds, do not place origin als of differ- ent sizes. G G G G If you use the optional tape dis- penser, tur n on the tape dispense r powe r swit ch.
Optional Fu nctions 50 2 Color Pr inting Usi ng the Option al Color Drum A3, 11" × 17" color dr um units (red, blue, g reen, brown, yellow, pu rple, navy, maroon, orange, teal and gray) are availabl e as options in addition to the standard black unit.
Color Print ing Using th e Optional Col or Drum 51 2 C C C C Pull out the drum unit handle. Note ❒ If you cannot p ull out the drum unit, push the drum unit ha n- dle, then pull out the dr um unit. D D D D Hold the rail on the drum and slide out th e drum while pu lling the releas e toward s you.
Optional Fu nctions 52 2 Printing in Two Colors After printi ng in one colo r, you can print in anoth er color on the same side of the pri nt. Important ❒ Let th e ink on t he prints dry for a while b efore printing o n them again. ❒ If the prints are no t dry, the pape r feed roll er migh t beco me dir ty.
Color Print ing Using th e Optional Col or Drum 53 2 D D D D Remove the prints from t he paper delive ry tray an d place them on the paper feed tray again as shown in the illustration. E E E E Change the drum unit. Referen ce See p. 50 “ Changing the Color Drum Unit ” .
Optional Fu nctions 54 2 Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM. book Pag e 54 T uesday , Septemb er 11, 2001 6:31 PM.
55 3. Use r Tools Accessi ng the User Tool s The user tool s allow you to custo mize vari ous def ault se tti ngs. Th is s ect ion is intended for the machine adminis- trat or. Referenc e For the user tool menu, see p.57 “ User Tools Menu ” . A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Clear Modes/ Energy S av- er } } } } key.
User Tool s 56 3 D D D D Pre ss th e { { { { q q q q } } } } key . The numb er on th e Memory/Cla ss counter is fixed , and the numb er on the co unter is blinki ng. Note ❒ If you enter the wrong number, press the { { { { Clear Modes/ Energy Saver } } } } key.
User To ols Menu 57 3 User T ools Menu No. Mod e Func tion 1 Resettable Master Count The t ota l nu mber of m aster s i s dis pla yed. T o cl ear it, h old down the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key for at least 3 seconds. 2 Resettable Pr int Count The total number of pri nts is displayed.
User Tool s 58 3 8 Buzzer On You can select wh ether the bu zzer sounds when yo u press a key. Note ❒ Defaul t: oFF ❒ Adjustment v alue: • 0: oFF • 1: on 9 Image Density You can select the image density at power on.
User To ols Menu 59 3 12 Economy M ode You can select w hether economy mode is selected at power on. Note ❒ Defaul t: oFF ❒ Adjustment v alue: • 0: oFF • 1: on 13 Margi n Erase Area You can adjust the erase edge ma rgin wid th in Edge Erase. Note ❒ Defaul t: • Metric Ver sion: 2mm • Inch V ersion : 0.
User Tool s 60 3 17 Original Size Detect (Docume nt feeder) When you set originals in the optional document feeder, the machine dete cts the size. Note ❒ Defaul t: on ❒ Adjustment v alue: • 0: oFF • 1: on 18 Photo Background When you make prints in Photo or Letter/Photo mode, the background of the prints migh t become dirty.
User To ols Menu 61 3 21 Canc el Combin e You can s elect wh ether Combi ning Or iginals mod e is cleared after finishing th e print job. Note ❒ Defaul t: oFF ❒ Adjustable value: • 0: oFF • 1:.
User Tool s 62 3 25 Quality Start Number You can select how many ti mes the drum unit idles af ter the following tim e periods have p assed. When you set th e Quality Start func tion, the bold lett er or solid images might be light.
63 4. Replenishing Supplies Loading Paper on the Paper Fee d Tray The load pape r indicato r ( B ) lights when the paper feed tray runs out of paper. Replenish ing Paper A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key. Note ❒ This step is nece ssary only if you want to pause a print run to replen ish paper.
Replenish ing Suppli es 64 4 Changing the Paper Size A A A A Remove the p aper fro m the pap er feed t ray. The paper feed tray will lower . B B B B Shift the paper feed side plate lock lever forward. Adjust the pa- per feed s ide plates to match the pape r si ze.
When the Add Ink In dicator ( j ) Lights 65 4 When the Add Ink Indicat or ( j j j j ) Lig hts The ad d ink indica tor ( j ) lights when i t is time to supply ink. R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: A A A A Open the front door. B B B B Pull out the ink holder.
Replenish ing Suppli es 66 4 C C C C Rem ove th e us ed i nk car trid ge. D D D D Remove the cap of the new ink cartridge. E E E E Insert the new cartridge into the ink holder.
When the Add Ink In dicator ( j ) Lights 67 4 F F F F Return the ink holder to its original position until it clicks. Note ❒ Always supply ink of the same color. ❒ Make sure to firmly insert the part ind icate d by the arrow mark into the guide. G G G G Close the front d oor.
Replenish ing Suppli es 68 4 Master Ro ll Replacement The master end indicator ( C ) is lit wh en it is tim e to re plac e the mas ter roll. A A A A Pull out the master tray. B B B B Open the plotter cover. C C C C Remove the used master roll and pull out both spools.
Mast er R oll Re plac em ent 69 4 F F F F Close the plotter cover. G G G G Push in the master tray. Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM. book Pag e 69 T uesday , Septemb er 11, 2001 6:31 PM.
Replenish ing Suppli es 70 4 Placing a New Roll of Tape in the Tape Dispense r (Option) Note ❒ Make sur e that the m ain swit ch is turned on and the pow er switch of the tap e disp enser is off. A A A A Open the cover of the tape dis- pens er. B B B B As shown, put the roll in the dis- pens er.
71 5. Troubleshooting Machine Ope ration Pr oblems If a m alf uncti on or a mis feed occu rs wit hin t he ma ch ine, th e fo llow ing indic ator s will li ght.
Troublesh ooting 72 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the open cover/ unit indicator ( M M M M ) lights ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the supply/exch ange indicators li ght ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When othe r indicato rs light Indicator Meaning Page M Close the front door. ⇒ p.
Printing Pr oblems 73 5 Printing Prob lems Combining Originals Mode Pro blem C ause Acti on When you try to set se veral functions at a time, you can- no t se t s ome fu nc tio ns . Some functions cannot be used together. ⇒ p.105 “ Combination Chart ” Parts of the image are not printed in Edge Erase mode.
Troublesh ooting 74 5 x x x x Clearing Misfee ds The machine indic ator shows the area where jams occur. Important ❒ When clearing misfeed s, do not turn off the main switch. If you do, your print settings are cleared. - - - - After clearing misfeeds Press the { { { { Clear M odes/Ener gy Save r } } } } key to cle ar the error in dicator s.
x Clearing Mis feeds 75 5 When “ x x x x ” and “P” light Original misfeeds oc cur when using the o ptional document feeder. Note ❒ These indicator s will light w hen the machi ne is equipp ed with the opti onal docum ent feeder. A A A A Open the document feeder cover .
Troublesh ooting 76 5 F F F F Close the document feeder cover until it clicks in position. - - - - To prevent origin al misfeeds : Place the following kinds of originals on the exp osure glass. • Originals heavier than 128g/m 2 , 34 lb • Originals l ighter than 52g/m 2 , 14 lb • Originals smaller than 148mm × 210mm, 5.
x Clearing Mis feeds 77 5 When “ x x x x ” and “ A ” light Paper misfeeds occur in the paper feed section. R CAUTIO N: A A A A Slowly but firmly pull out the paper. Note ❒ If the i ndicato rs still light, o pen the fron t cover and close it comp letely .
Troublesh ooting 78 5 C C C C Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, and then lower the drum unit lock lever. D D D D Close the front d oor. Referen ce See p.79 “ To preven t paper misf eeds: ” When “ x x x x ” and “ C ” light Paper misfeeds oc cur in the paper delivery secti on.
x Clearing Mis feeds 79 5 B B B B If the paper is co mpletely wrapped around t he drum, pull out the drum unit and re move the m isfed pape r from th e drum. C C C C Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, and then lower the drum unit lock lever.
Troublesh ooting 80 5 • Whe n yo u can not co rre ct the pap er cu rl, s tac k the pape r wi th the curl fac e dow n or fa ce u p as shown in the il lustr ation .
x Clearing Mis feeds 81 5 When “ x x x x ” and “ D ” light Master misfeeds occur in the master feed sectio n. A A A A Pull out the master tray.
Troublesh ooting 82 5 D D D D Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, and then lower the drum unit lock lever. E E E E Close the front c over. Note ❒ If the orig inal misfeeds in the optional docume nt feeder, se e p.75 “ When “ x ” and “ P ” light ” .
x Clearing Mis feeds 83 5 B Remove the misfed mast er. Note ❒ Be careful not to stain yo ur hands with ink when you touch used mas- ters. C Return the master eject b ox to its original position. When a master misfeed occurs on the drum A Lift the lever to unlock the drum unit, and then pull out the unit.
Troublesh ooting 84 5 B Remove the master from the drum. C Pull the master out of the master clamp. D Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, and the n lower the drum un it lo ck l ev er.
When the Open Cover /Unit Indi cator ( M ) Li ghts 85 5 When the Open Co ver/Unit Indicator ( M M M M ) Ligh ts Make sure th at the following door/units are c losed. The machine in dicator shows the place where the do or/units are not closed. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ M M M M : Fron t door Close t he front do or com pletely.
Troublesh ooting 86 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ M M M M and M: Dr um un it Insert the drum unit unti l it l ocks in posi tion, and the n lower t he drum uni t lock leve r. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ M M M M and D: Master tray A Make sure that t he plotte r cover i nside of th e master tr ay is cl osed.
When the Open Cover /Unit Indi cator ( M ) Li ghts 87 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ M M M M and E: Master eject box Push in the box until it touches the inside bracket.
Troublesh ooting 88 5 When the Maste r Eject Indicator ( k k k k ) Lig hts The master eject ind icator ( k ) lights when it is time to empty master eject box or wh en you need t o set the master eject box. A A A A Pull out the master eject box an d remove the used masters.
When Other Indic ators Light 89 5 When Other Indic ators Light u Set the key co unter The key c ounter (option ) is not set. Insert th e key counter . Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM.
Troublesh ooting 90 5 When th e Prints are T hrown O ver the Pape r Delive ry Tray A A A A Reduc e the print ing spee d by pres sing the { { { {W W W W} } } } key. Note ❒ If a j am oc curs with th e curr ent pri ntin g speed , reduc e the paper delive ry speed.
Poor Printi ng 91 5 Poor P rinting Dirt on the Back Side of Paper Note ❒ When you use paper sm aller than the or iginal, selec t the proper red uction ra- tio. Otherwi se, you might get dirty background p rints. ❒ When you use postcards, the back ground might be dirty because postcards do not absorb i nk well.
Troublesh ooting 92 5 B B B B Pull out the drum unit. Referen ce For details about how to remove the drum unit, se e p.50 “ Changing th e Color Drum Unit ” . C C C C Clean the pressu re roller with a cl ean cloth. D D D D With a clean cloth, remove any ink that has accumulated on the trailing edge of the drum unit.
Poor Printi ng 93 5 E E E E Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, and then lower the drum unit lock lever. F F F F Close the front d oor. G G G G Turn on the main switch.
Troublesh ooting 94 5 Dirt on the Front Side of Paper (Black Line/Stain) Note ❒ If there is no ma rgin or if there is a solid image area near the leading edge of the original, make a margin of at least 5mm, 0.2" at the leading edge. Other- wise, the paper exit pawl mi ght become dirty and cause black lines on prints.
Poor Printi ng 95 5 When you get w hite or incompl ete prints even if you chec k the items above, per- form th e following procedure. A A A A Pull out the drum unit. Referen ce For details about how to remove the drum unit, se e p.50 “ Changing th e Color Drum Unit ” .
Troublesh ooting 96 5 D D D D Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, and then lower the drum unit lock lever. E E E E Close the front d oor. Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM.
97 6. Remarks Operatio n Notes General Cautions • Whil e prin tin g, do not tu rn off the m ain s witc h. • While printin g, do not open t he door or co vers. • Whil e prin tin g, do not un plu g the p ower cord . • Whil e printin g, do not mo ve the mach ine.
Remarks 98 6 • If the ma chine is n ot used for a long period, the image d ensity might d ecrease because the ink on the drum might dry. Make extra prints until t he image density reco vers. • When the mach ine is used in low temperature cond itions, the image density might decr ease.
Operation Not es 99 6 • When yo u make a lot of pri nts from a smal l im age, ink m ight ooz e out from the edg es of the master, especially under hig h temperature and w hen print- ing in two or more colors. In this case, make a new master. • Use ink made within one year.
Remarks 100 6 • Under the fol lowing conditions, the machine might no t detect t he original on the exposure glass. If yo u press the { { { { Start } } } } key again, the machine will start making a master anyway: • When you set a dark or iginal on th e exposure gl ass.
Where to Put the Machine 101 6 Where to Put the Machi ne Your machin e's location should be care fully chosen because environ mental con- diti ons g reat ly aff ect its per formanc e.
Remarks 102 6 Power Connect ion R WARNING: R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Main Fram e • Make sure th e plug is firm ly inserte d in the outl et. Access t o Machine Place the machine near the power source, provi ding clearance as shown. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Main Fram e 1.
Mainta ining the Mach ine 103 6 Maintaini ng the Machine To maintain high print quality, clean the foll owing pa rts and units regul ar- ly. Main Frame Exposure Glass A A A A Lift the exposure glas s cover or optional document feeder. B B B B Clean the expos ure glass with a damp cl oth and wip e it wi th a dr y clot h.
Remarks 104 6 Optional Document Feeder Cleaning the Sheet A A A A Lift the document feeder. B B B B Clean the sheet w ith a damp cl oth and wipe it wit h a dry clot h. Note ❒ If you do not c lean the sheet, marks on the sheet w ill be print- ed. AM1D600 Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM.
Combinat ion Chart 105 6 Combination C hart This combinat ion char t shows whic h modes can be used to gether . Blank means that these modes ca n be used together.
Remarks 106 6 Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM. book Pag e 106 Tuesda y, Sept ember 11 , 2001 6:31 PM.
107 7. Specification Main Frame ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Confi gur atio n: Floor standing ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Printing Process: Full automa tic one drum syst em ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orig inal Ty pe: Sheet/Boo k ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Origin al Size: Maximum 304.8mm × 432mm, 12.
Specificat ion 108 7 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Leading E dge Margin: 5mm ± 2mm, 0.2" ± 0. 08" ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Print Paper Weight : 47.1g/m 2 to 209 .3g/m 2 , 12.5 lb to 55.6 lb ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Print Speed: 60 – 120r pm (5 st eps) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ First Copy Time (Master Proc ess Time): Less than 23.
Main Frame 109 7 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Weight: • Main Frame: 80kg, 176.6 lb • Main Frame with optional document feeder: 89kg, 19 6.5 lb ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Noise Emission *1 Sound Powe r Level Sound Pr ess ure Leve l *2 *1 The abov e measu remen t made in ac cordan ce with ISO 7779 are ac tual v alue.
Specificat ion 110 7 Document Feeder ( Option) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orig inal Ty pe: Sheet ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orig inal We igh t: 52.3g/m 2 to 127 .9g/m 2 , 13.9 lb to 34 lb ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Origin al Size: Max. 297mm × 864mm, 11.7" × 34.0" Min. 149mm × 210mm, 5.
Cons um able s 111 7 Consumables Note ❒ Specifica tion s are subject to change without noti ce. Name Size Remarks Master: Length: 125m, 410ft/roll Width: 320mm, 12.
112 INDEX A Access to machine , 102 Auto Cycle , 13 { Auto Cycl e } } } } key , 4 B Behind cover , 1 C Check indi cator , 4 Class in dicator , 6 , 34 Class mo de , 34 { Clear Mode s/Energ y Saver } } .
113 M Machi ne exte rior , 1 Mach ine in dica tor , 6 Misf eed , 74 Open cover/u nit , 85 Mach ine in terio r , 2 Magnif ication in dicators , 6 Main fr ame Cleaning , 103 Specifica tion , 107 Main sw.
114 S Safety I nform ation , i { Scroll } } } } key , 4 { Securi ty } } } } key , 4 , 44 Security mo de , 44 Side tray fine adjust ing dial , 1 , 19 { Skip F eed } } } } key , 4 , 41 Skip fe ed prin t.
115 MEMO Pink Gold-F_ V4_FM. book Pag e 115 Tuesda y, Sept ember 11 , 2001 6:31 PM.
Custom er V ision® _ our commitmen t to your complete s atisfact ion Lanier Worldwid e, Inc. | 2300 Parklake Drive, N.E. | Atlanta, GA USA 30345 www.lanie r .
An important point after buying a device Lanier LDD030 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lanier LDD030 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lanier LDD030 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lanier LDD030 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lanier LDD030 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lanier LDD030, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lanier LDD030.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lanier LDD030. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lanier LDD030 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center