Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CC494A#ABA HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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COL OR L A SERJET ENTERP RISE CP4020/CP4520 SERIES PRINTER CP40 2 5n CP40 2 5dn CP4 5 2 5n CP4 5 2 5dn CP4 5 2 5xh Service Manual.
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020- CP4520 Series Printers Service Manua l.
Copyright and License © 2009 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development C ompany, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as a llowed under the copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Conventions u sed in this g uide TIP: Tips provi de he lpful hints or sh or tcu t s. NOT E: Notes prov ide impo rtant inform ation to explain a c oncept or t o complete a task. CAUTION: Cauti ons indicat e procedur es that you should foll ow to av oid losing data or dam aging the prod uct.
iv Conve ntions used in this gu ide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Theor y of operat ion Basic opera tio n .......... ....... ..... ...... ....... ..... .................. ....... ....... .................. ..... ....... ......... ................ ...... 2 Sequence o f operation ....... ..........
Step 6: Secondary transfer ...... ...................... ............... ................ ............... ..... 26 Step 7: Separation ...... ........ ....... ........... ....... ........ .......... ........ ....... ........ ........... . 27 Step 8: Fusing .
Before performi ng service ....... ........... .......... .............. .......... ........... .............. .......... ........... ... ............. 70 After perform ing servic e ...... ... .... ... ........... ... .... .......... .... ... ........
Cassette feed guide ....... .............. .............. .................. .............. ............. ................... ...... 1 18 Secondary t ransfer assembly ... ......... ......... ............ ......... ......... ........... ......... .....
Lifter-drive asse mb ly ........... ....... ................. ..... ...... ................. ..... ....... ................. ..... ....... 173 Remove the lifte r-drive as sembl y ..... ........ .. ... ....... ... . ........ .. ........ .. ... ....... .
Lifter-d ri ve assemb ly (op tio nal pape r fe ede r) ........ .. ... .. ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ... ....... ... 230 Remove the li fter - driv e ass em bl y (o pti onal pape r fee der ) .. .................. .......... 23 0 Pickup motor assemb ly (option al paper f eeder) .
S Tray 3 paper present sens or ....... .......... ....... ........ .......... ....... ...... 26 5 T Tray 3 fee d sensor ... ........ ....... ...... ...... ........ ....... ...... ........ ...... ..... 26 5 U Tr ay 3 pa per sur fac e 1 an d 2 se nsor s .
Repetitive defe cts rule r .... .. .. ... .. ........ .. .. ....... ... .. ........ .. ....... .. ... ....... .. ... ....... .. .. . 312 Calibrate the produ ct ..... ... ..... .... .... .... ............ .... ..... ............ .... .... .............
Envelopes ja m or will not feed in the p roduct ....... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ 405 Output is curled or wrinkled .......... ......... ... ... ......... ... ... .......... .. .......... .. .... ......... ... ... .
Internal compo nent s (7 of 7) ............ .... ............. ..... .... ............. .... ..... ............. .... ..... .......... 450 Cassettes 2-5 ........... ...... ..... .................. ..... ....... ................. ..... ...... .........
Return and recycling i nstructions ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. 50 8 United S tates and Puert o Rico ......... ............. ........... ........... ................ ........... . 508 Multiple returns (more tha n one cartridg e) .
xvi ENWW.
List of tables Table 1-1 Sequence of op er atio n ...... ..... .... ..... .... ............. ..... .... ............. .... ..... ............ ..... .......... ... .................. ... 3 Table 1-2 Solenoid s ....... ........... ... ... ........... ..
Table 3-17 Causes and solutions for fus er delivery del ay jams ...... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ....... .... 39 4 Table 3-18 Causes and solutions for wrapp ing jams .... ....... ......... ........ ........ ........ ....
Table B-2 Produ ct dim ensi ons, with all doors an d trays fully op ened ....... ... ......... .... .......... ......... ........... ...... . 50 2 Table B-3 Power requiremen ts ....... ....... ...... ....... .................... ....... ...... .......
xx ENWW.
List of figures Figure 1- 1 Relationship between the m ain product systems .... ....... ....... ....... ...... ......... ...... ....... ...... ....... .... .. ..... 2 Figure 1- 2 Engine-control system ...... ............. ......... .......... ........
Figure 1-3 5 Cassette li ft mechanism .... .................... ............... ................ .................... ............... . .............. ....... 43 Figure 1-3 6 Multiple-feed prevention .... ........................... ..................
Figure 2- 27 Remove the tran sfer roller (2 of 3) .......... ................ ............ ........... ............ ................ .. .......... .... ... 90 Figure 2- 28 Remove the tran sfer roller (3 of 3) .......... ................ ............ .
Figure 2-7 1 Remove the sec ondary transfer as sembly (1 of 3 ) .......... ........ ........... ........ ......... ......... ........... . .. 119 Figure 2-7 2 Remove the sec ondary transfer as sembly (2 of 3 ) .......... ........ ........... ........ .
Figure 2 -115 Remove t he delivery a ssembly (3 of 7) ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ........ ....... ...... ....... ..... ... 146 Figure 2 -116 Remove t he delivery a ssembly (4 of 7) ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..
Figure 2-1 59 Reinstall th e lifter base assembly (1 of 2) .. ............ .......... ................ .......... ............ ........ ... ........ 176 Figure 2-1 60 Reinstall th e lifter base assembly (2 of 2) .. ............ .......... ............
Figure 2- 203 Reinstall t he main-drive a ssembly (2 of 7) ............ ............... .............. ............. .............. ... ......... 207 Figure 2- 204 Reinstall t he main-drive a ssembly (3 of 7) ............ ............... .............
Figure 3-6 Test the loo p sensors ............ .......................... .................... ................... ................................. ...... 248 Figure 3-7 Test the fuser del ivery sensor (1 o f 2) ....... ........ ........... ........ .
Figure 3- 50 Yellow compar ison page ..................... ................ ............... ............... ..................... .... ........... ...... 303 Figure 3-51 Black pr in t-qual ity troubl es hoo ting page ....... .... .... ........... ....
xxx ENWW.
1 Theory of operation ● Basi c o per ati on ● Eng ine- cont rol sys tem ● Laser/scan ner system ● Image-for ma tio n s yst em ● Pickup, fee d, and deli very system ● Jam detecti on ● Opt.
Basic operation The prod uct route s all high -level pr ocesses th rough the formatter, which s tores font informati on, process es the prin t imag e, and co mm uni cat es with the host co mpu ter.
Sequence of operation The DC controller P CA control s the opera ting sequ ence, as de scribed i n the followi ng table . Table 1-1 Sequ ence of o peration Peri od Duration Description Waiting From th.
Engine-control system The en gine-con trol syst em rece ives comm ands fro m the for matter and i nteracts with th e other main system s to coor dinate all p roduct f unctions.
DC controll er The DC controller c ontrols th e operati onal sequen ce of th e product. Figure 1-3 DC c ontro ller block diagr am Fuser High-volt age power supply T ITB unit AC input Low-voltage power.
Clutches Component abbreviation Component name CL1 Duplex re-pickup clutch (HP Color LaserJet CP4525dn, HP Color LaserJet CP4025dn, and HP Color LaserJe t CP4525xh only) Switches Table 1-3 Sw itches C.
Sensors Table 1-4 Se nsors Compo nent a b brev iation Componen t name NPLED Media sensor SR1 Yellow drum home position sensor SR2 Magenta drum home position sensor SR3 Cyan drum home pos ition sensor .
Motors The product has 13 motors. The motor s drive the co mpo nents in the pape r- fee d and imag e- for mat ion system s. Table 1-5 M otors Abbreviation Name Purpose Failure dete ction M1 ITB mo tor.
The DC controller d etermine s if a motor has faile d and notifie s the for matter when it encounter s the foll owi ng con ditions: ● Startup f ailure: the motor doe s not reac h a specifi ed speed wi thin a sp ecified tim e from when the motor s tarts.
High-voltage power supply The DC controller controls the high-v oltage pow er supply to genera te biases. The high- voltage pow er supply delivers the high-v oltage bias es to the following c omponent.
Circuit Description Primary-transfer-bias generation The primary transfer bias transfers th e toner from each photosensit ive drum onto the ITB. The primary transfer b ias circuit in the high-voltage power supply generates the biases f or each color.
Low-voltage power supply The low-v oltage power- supply circui t convert s the AC power from the wall receptacl e into the DC voltag e that the p roduct comp onents use. T he product h as two low -voltage powe r-supplies f or 110 Vo lt or 220 Volt in put.
Main DC vo ltage Sub-voltage Behavior +24 VB Interrupted when the front door or right door open +5 V +5 VB Constantly supplied +5 VC Interrupted when the front door or right door open +3.
Fuser control The fus er heater-c ontrol circuit a nd the fus er heater saf ety circui t control t he fuser te mperatur e according to command s fr om the DC co ntr oll er.
Fuser temperature control The fuse r temp er atur e co ntr ol ma inta ins the tar get su rfa ce temperat ure of the fuser sleeve. Figure 1-7 Fus er tempera ture-contr ol circuit FSR TH3 FSR TH2 FSR TH.
◦ Current de tec tio n ci rcuit ◦ Therm oswitch ● DC controller : The DC contro ll er monit or s the dete cte d temp er atur e of the mai n ther mi sto r an d sub ther mistors.
turned on, or if the det ected temperatu re of the thermistors doe s not rise to a specified tempe rature for a sp ecified tim e after th e fuser motor is t urned on.
Laser/sca nn er system The lase r/s c anne r sy s tem for ms the lat ent el ec tro sta tic ima ge on th e photo sensitive dr um s ac co rd ing to the V IDEO signa ls sent fr om the forma tter. The p roduct has two laser/s canners: o ne for yel low and magenta and the ot her for cyan and bl ack.
Laser/scanner failure The DC controller d etermine s that a las er/scanner h as failed wh en any of the follo wing con ditions occurs: ● Laser fa ilu re : The dete cte d las er inten sity does not mat ch a spe cifie d value when the produc t init ializes.
Figure 1-9 Prote ctive-glas s cleaner s (PGC s) 20 Chapt er 1 Theo ry of oper ation ENWW.
Image-form atio n system The i mage-format ion system c reates the p rinted imag e on the p aper. The system co nsists of the followi ng c om pon ents: ● Print ca rtri dges ● ITB ● Secon dary tr.
Figure 1-11 Image- formation dr ive system Fuser motor M2 ITB motor M1 M3 Developing rolle r Y drum motor M4 M drum motor M5 C drum motor M6 Bk drum motor Primary charging rolle r Developing rolle r P.
Image-formation process The imag e-for mat ion system consists of ten s teps div id ed in to si x fun cti ona l blo ck s. Figure 1-12 Image-form ati on pr oc ess : Step : Block : Direction of drum rotation : Media path ITB cleaning 9. ITB cleaning Developing 4.
Step 1: P re-ex posur e Ligh t from the p re-exposure LE D strike s the surface of th e photosensi tive drum to remo ve any resi dual electr ical ch arges from the dr um surfac e.
Step 3: Laser -beam e xposur e The l aser beam strikes th e surface of the phot osensitive drum in th e areas whe re the im age will fo rm. The negat iv e char ge neutr ali ze s in tho se ar eas , whic h ar e then read y to accept tone r.
Step 5: Primary tra nsfer The posi tiv el y charg ed prima ry-trans fer roll er s co ntac t the ITB, giving the ITB a positi ve char ge . The ITB attra cts the nega tively charg ed tone r fro m the su rfa ce of each photosens it iv e dru m, an d the comple te toner ima ge tra ns fer s onto t he ITB.
Step 7: S eparati on The s tiffness of the paper c auses it to separate from the ITB as the ITB bends. The s tatic-char ge elimin ator remov es excess charge from the paper t o make sur e that the toner fus es correctl y.
Step 9: ITB clean i ng The c leaning bla de scrapes the resid ual toner o ff the surfac e of the ITB. The residu al toner f eed scre w deposit s residual toner in the ton er col lecti on box .
The DC controller r otates the d rum motor to drive the photose nsitive dr um, deve loping rol ler, and th e prim ary- charg ing roll er. Figure 1-23 Pri nt-cart ridge sys tem Primary charging roller .
The DC controller determine s a memory tag error a nd notifie s the forma tter when it fails to ei ther read from or write to the memory ta g. ● Cartridg e presence detection: T he DC co ntroller detec ts the pr esence of the cartri dges by monitori ng the mem ory tag.
The deve lop ing-rol ler enga gem ent and disengagem en t cont ro l operat es as foll ows : Wh en the product is turn ed on and whe n each print job i s completed, al l four of the devel oping units are disengaged fro m the pho tosens iti ve dr ums .
Primary-tr a nsf er-r oller e ngage ment and disengagement The s equence of t he prim ary-transfer-rol ler engage ment and disengag ement contr ol is as follows: 1. The fuse r motor tur ns on the primary- transfer d isengagement solenoid and rotates the prim ary- transf er-r ol ler di sen gagement c am .
Figure 1-26 Three states of pr ima ry- tra ns fer -r ol ler eng agement and di sen gag eme nt M2 SL1 IT B DC controller Fuser motor Primary transfer disengagement solenoid SR9: Primary transfer diseng.
ITB cleaning The c leaning blade in t he ITB clea ner scrape s the resi dual toner off the ITB surface . The re sidual toner feed sc rew deposi ts the resi dual tone r to the residual to ner feed unit. The ITB motor and the residu al toner feed m otor drive the screw.
Color-misregistration control Interna l variation s in the lase r/scanne rs can cause the toner ima ges to become misaligne d. The col or- misregi strati on c ontr ol corre cts the fo ll owi ng pr ob .
Environm ent al changes or deter iorat ion of the photosen si tiv e drums and toner can cause v ari ati ons in the im age dens ity. The i mage-stabi lization c ontrol red uces these fluctuat ions.
Pickup, fee d, and delivery s ystem The pi ckup, feed, and deli very system uses a se ries of r ollers to m ove the pape r through the pro duct. Figure 1-29 Paper path Duplex model only Duplex media p.
Figure 1-30 Switc hes and sen sors for the pickup, feed , and del ivery sys tem Duplex model only Media sensor SW4 SR25 SR24 SR23 SR22 SR20 SR14 SR15 SR5 SR6 SR8 Table 1-12 Sw itches and sen sors for .
Figure 1-31 Mot ors and so lenoids for the picku p, feed, an d delive ry system SL4 SL3 CL1 M2 M1 1 M1 M13 M7 Duplex model only SL2 Duplex flapper Lifter Pickup arm Table 1-13 M otors and sol enoids f.
The pi ckup, feed, and deliver y system is divide d into th e following three bloc ks: ● Pickup- and-feed block: From each pi ckup sour ce to the fuser i nlet ● Fuser-and -delive ry block: F rom t.
Pickup-and-feed unit The pic kup-and-feed un it picks an in dividual she et of paper from the multipur pose tray or th e cas settes, carries it through the seco ndary-tra nsfer unit, and feeds it into th e fuser.
7. As the p ickup arm lo wers, the c assette pic kup roller touc hes the sur face of the paper stac k. 8. One sheet o f paper f eeds into the pr oduct.
Cassett e lift o pera tion and cas sette paper-prese nce d et ectio n The pr oduct ke eps the paper s tack surf ace at the correct pi ckup positi on. The cass ette lift-u p operation is perform ed und.
The lo w friction force between t he sheets we akens the dri ving force from the cassette feed rolle r. There fore, the separation roller is driven by its ow n drivi ng force an d holds back any m ultiple- fed sheets from the cassette.
The M P-tray me dia-presence sensor ( SR8) detects w hether pa per is pres ent in t he MP tray . Figure 1-37 Multipur pose tra y pickup me ch ani sm Lifting plate MP tray pickup roller MP tray separat.
The DC con troller noti fies the formatte r of a paper size mismatch error when the paper length detected by the TOP sensor do es not m atch the pape r size specified by the form atter.
Skew-fee d p re ven tio n The produc t can str ai ght en the pap er wi thou t slow ing the feed oper ati on. 1. The lead ing edge of paper strik es the re gistration shutter, and the leadin g edge is al igned with t he shutter. 2. As the fe ed roll ers keep p ushin g the paper, the paper warps.
glossy film, o r overhead tr anspare ncy) and swi tches to the correc t print mode. The DC con troller determi nes a medi a mismatch error and notifies the formatte r under the follow ing cond ition: Simplex printing ● The spe cified print m ode is o verhead trans parency (O HT), but th e media sensor detec ts another paper type.
The fac e-down tray me dia full sensor on th e output bin detect s whether the tray is full of printed pages. The DC controller n otifies t he formatter when the se nsor is o n for a s pecified ti me.
sensor 2 is fo r heavy media. The DC c ontroller slows the fuser motor when the sensor is off and speeds up the s ensor when the sensor is on. Figure 1-41 Loop-contr ol me ch ani sm Pressure roller Th.
Pressure-roller pressuriza ti on control To prev ent excess ive wear o n the pr essure roll er and hel p with j am-clearing procedures, the pre ssure roller pre ssurizes only duri ng pr int ing and stan dby . Th e DC co ntr oll er rever se s the fuse r motor.
Duplexing unit (HP Color LaserJet CP 4525dn, HP Color LaserJet CP4025dn, and HP Color LaserJet CP4525xh only) For suppo rted model s, the duple xing unit rever ses the paper and fee ds it through t he paper path to print the second side.
5. The dupl ex reverse motor and th e duplex fee d clutch s top, and th e paper feed operat ion paus es. 6. After a spe cifie d period of time, the duplex rev erse motor rotates , and the dup lex feed clutch is turned on . The paper is then pi cked up ag ain.
The form atter speci fies the duplex-medi a-feed mode for each tw o-sided pr int job. D uplex prin table media size (A4, Letter, B5, Legal and Exec utive) and designated p rint mode ( Auto, Norma l, H.
Jam dete ctio n The prod uct uses th e followi ng sensors to detect th e paper as it move s through the paper path and to repor t to the DC co ntroller i f the paper h as jamm ed.
Table 1-16 J ams that the p roduct detects Jam Description Pickup delay jam The TOP sens or does not detect t he leading edge of the paper within a specified time (inc luding two retries) af ter the pickup operat ion from the cassette, multipurpose tray, or optional paper feeder starts.
Optional paper feed er The 1 x 5 00-sheet pape r feeder i s optionally ins talled at bo ttom of the produc t. The paper fee der picks up the pr int media an d feeds it to the product. There are two types of paper feeders: 1 x 50 0-sheet paper feede r and 3 x 500-sh eet paper fe eder.
Figure 1-47 3 x 5 00-sheet opt ional pap er feeder PD feed roller PD pickup roller PD separation roller Figure 1-48 Signal s for the p aper feed er Paper deck controller Motor Solenoid Photointerrupter DC controller Switch +24V Paper deck +3.
Table 1-17 Electrical com ponents for the paper fee der Compone nt type Abbreviation Component name Motors M1 PD lift er mot or 1 M2 PD pickup motor M3 PD lifter motor 2 (3 x 500-sheet paper feeder on.
Compone nt Drive s Failure detectio n PD lifter motor 3 ( 3 x 500-sheet p aper feeder only) M4 Lifter of the lower cassette No PD pickup motor M2 PD pickup roller, PD feed roller, and PD separation roller No Paper-feeder pickup and feed operation The pa per feeder picks up o ne sheet from the pap er-feeder cassette an d feeds i t to the p roduct.
Compone nt SR3 Tray 3 paper presence sensor SR4 Tray 3 paper present sensor SW2 Tray 3 paper size switches SL1 SL2 SL3 SR4 SW2 M2 M1 Pickup arm SR3 SR1 SR2 SR7 SW3 M3 SR6 SR5 SR8 SR10 SW4 M4 SR1 1 SR1.
SR5 Tray 4 paper surface sensor 1 (3 x 500-sheet paper feeder only) SR6 Tray 4 paper surface sensor 2 (3 x 500-sheet paper feeder only) SR7 Tray 4 feed sens or (3 x 500-sheet paper feeder only) SR8 Tr.
Paper-feeder cassette lift operation The pape r feeder keeps the paper stack surface at the co rrect picku p position. The cass ette lift operati on occurs un der the fol low ing cond iti ons : ● The produ ct is turned on. ● The cass et te is inse rte d.
Paper feeder jam detection The 1 x 500-sheet pap er feeder u ses the tray 3 paper presence sen sor (SR4) to detect the prese nce of paper and to ch eck wheth er paper has ja mm ed.
Figure 1-52 Ja m detection (3 x 50 0-sheet pape r feeder) SR4 SR7 SR10 The 3 x 500-s he et pape r feed er detec ts the fo llowing jam s: ● 3 x 500 -sheet P D pickup delay jam: One of the tr ay feed se nsors does not detect th e leading edge of paper wit hin a speci fie d time (includi ng two retries ) afte r the pic kup oper at ion starts .
66 Chapt er 1 Theo ry of oper ation ENWW.
2 Removal and replacement ● Introductio n ● Removal an d rep lac em ent st ra teg y ● Electrostatic d is charg e ● Required tools ● Before p erformin g service ● After p er for mi ng s er .
Introd uction This ch apte r des cri bes the remov al and re pla cement of fiel d- re placeabl e uni ts ( FR Us) onl y. Replaci ng FRUs i s generall y the rev erse of rem oval. O ccasionally, notes and tips are incl uded to pr ovide direc tion s for diffic ult or criti cal replac eme nt procedu re s.
Electr os tatic disch arge CAUTION: Som e parts are sensitive to electros tatic disc harge (ESD) . Look fo r the ESD reminder when removing pr oduct par ts. Always p erform se rvice work at an ESD-prot ected worksta tion or mat, o r use a n ESD strap.
Before pe rforming s ervice ● Remove all med ia fr om the produ ct. ● Turn off the power using the power sw itch. ● Unplug the power cabl e and int erface cabl e or cables . ● Place the product on an ESD w orkstation or mat, or use an ESD strap (if one is ava ilable).
Post-service tes t Perfor m the follo wing test to verify that the r epair or replacement was s uccessf ul. Print-quality test 1. Verify that you have compl eted t he nec es sa ry rea ss em bly ste ps. 2. Make su re that th e tray con tains cl ean, unma rked paper .
Parts remo val order Figure 2-2 Parts removal or der (1 of 2) 72 Chapt er 2 Remov al and rep lacement ENWW.
Figure 2-3 Par ts remo val order (2 of 2) DCCA HVPS-upper DCCA HVPS-upper DCCA DCCA HVPS-upper 2T assembly DCCA HVPS-upper DCCA HVPS-upper ENWW Parts remo va l order 73.
Customer self repair (CSR) components Print cartridges CAUTION: If t oner gets on yo ur cloth ing, wipe it off with a dry cloth and wash c lothing i n cold water. Hot w ater sets toner i nto fabric . 1. Open the front doo r. Make su re that the door is compl etel y ope n.
2. Grasp the print -car tr idg e handl e and pu ll out to re move. CAUTION: Do n ot touch the gr een roller. Do ing so can damage the cartridge. Do not expose t he cartri dge to stron g light. C over the c artridge wi th a sheet o f paper to protect it from light.
Toner-collection unit NOT E: The toner-c oll ec tion unit is desi gne d for a sin gle use. Do not try to em pty t he tone r- c oll ectio n unit and reuse it. Doing so could cause toner to spill i nside the pr oduct and re sult in r educed pri nt quality.
3. To preven t toner spi lls, place the blue cap (callout 1) over the b lue opening at the top of the unit (callou t 2). Figure 2-8 Remove t he toner- collect ion unit (3 of 4) 1 2 Figure 2-9 Remove t.
Formatter PC A CAUTION: ESD sens iti ve comp one nt. 1. Turn the product of f and disco nnect the pow er and i nterface ca ble or in terface ca bles. 2. Unscrew the f ormatter thumb screws, and then firm ly pull the forma tter from the produ ct. Place the formatter on a clean , flat, grou nded surfac e.
Hard drive Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form att e r PC A. See Formatter PCA on page 78 . Remove the hard drive CAUTION: ESD sensitive c omponent. 1. Disconne ct two co nnec tor s . Figure 2-11 Remove the hard driv e (1 of 3) 2.
3. Rotate t he hard drive assembly away from the formatter until the s lots in the hinges are aligne d with the e longated hing e pins, and then slide the hard dr ive assembly off the h inge pins.
Memory DIMM Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form att e r PC A. See Formatter PCA on page 78 . Remove the memory DIMM CAUTION: ESD sensitive c omponent. NOT E: See En able me mory on page 82 after installin g a new m emory DI MM.
2. Lift the DIMM up at an a ngle, and pul l it out. Reinstallation tip Hold the DIM M by the edges. Al ign the notch on the DIMM with the bar in the DIMM slot at an ang le and firmly pres s the DIMM in to the slot until it is fully seated. Wh en installed correc tly, the metal co ntacts are not vis ible.
Windows 7 1. Click St art . 2. Click Devi ces and Printers . 3. Right-click the product driver icon, and then select Printer p r operti es . 4. Click the Device Se ttings tab. 5. Expand the area for Installable Options . 6. Next to Automatic Configuration , select Up date Now .
Tray NOT E: Use this pr ocedure to remove Tray 2 an d the optiona l Trays 3, 4, and 5. 1. Pull the tray st raight out of the prod uct until i t stops. Figu re 2 -16 R emove the tray (1 of 2) 2. Carefully lift up on the tray to re lea se it, and then re move the tray.
Fuser CAUTION: The fuser might be hot. Allow eno ugh time after turni ng off the product powe r for the fuser to cool . NOT E: The produ ct detects a new fuse r using a fusible lin k that bl ows after 10 0 pages have been printe d. If a new fuser is inst alled for troub leshootin g purposes, be sure to remove it before pr inting 100 page s.
Feed and separation rollers (Trays 2-5) CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy rol ler surface u nless you are repla cing the rol ler. Skin oils on the roller c an cause paper pic kup proble ms. 1. Locate the feed and separation rollers f or the tray. TIP: Y ou do not hav e to separate the produc t from the fee der to remo ve these r ollers.
Pickup roller (Tray 1) CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy rol ler surfac e unless you are replaci ng the roller . Skin oils on t he rolle r can cau se pa per pic ku p pr obl ems . 1. Open Tray 1. Figure 2-21 Remove t he pickup rol ler (Tray 1) (1 of 5) 2.
3. Open the right-do or assemb ly, and t hen remove the co ver. Figu re 2 -23 Remove the pic kup roller (Tray 1) (3 of 5) 4. Release the two blu e tabs .
5. Rotate the r oller body a way from the p roduct to remo ve it. Figure 2-25 Remove t he pickup rol ler (Tray 1) (5 of 5) ENWW Custo mer self r epair (C SR) com ponents 89.
Secondary transfer roller CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy rol ler surface u nless you are repla cing the rol ler. Skin oils on the roller c an cause image q uality proble ms. 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y. Figu re 2 -26 Remove th e transfer roller ( 1 of 3) 2.
3. Grasp the roller sh aft colla rs, and lift the t ransfer r oller off o f the pr oduct. Figure 2-28 Remove the transfer roller (3 of 3 ) Reinstall the transf er roller When you reinstall the transfer roller, mak e sure tha t the pins on th e shaft col lars align with the holes in the mounti ng ass em bly .
Intermediate transfer belt (ITB) CAUTION: Do not touch the black-plas tic belt. Skin oils an d finger prints on th e belt can cause pr int- quality problems. Always plac e the ITB o n a flat surf ace in a s afe and pr otected locatio n. 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y.
3. Grasp the small ha ndles on the ITB and the n pull the IT B out of the product until two lar ge handles expand al ong the right- and left-side of the ITB .
4. Grasp the l arge handles on the ITB and then pull the IT B straigh t out of th e product to remove it. CAUTION: The ITB is a se nsitive co mponent. Be c areful when handling the ITB so th at it is not damaged. Alw ays plac e the ITB in a saf e and protected loca tio n.
Exte rn al panels , covers , an d doo rs Identification an d location Figure 2-34 Exter nal panels , covers, and doors; identifi cation and location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Item Description Item De.
Upper-left cover 1. Open the fron t-d oor ass em bly . Figu re 2 -35 Remove the u pper-left cover (1 of 3) 2. Remove on e screw. Figu re 2 -36 Remove the u pper-left cover (2 of 3) 96 Chapt er 2 Remov.
3. Release two tabs, sl ightly p ush the cov er upward and toward t he rear of the produc t, pull out ward on the re ar corner , and then r emove the u pper-le ft cover.
Power-supply cover ▲ Remove one sc rew (callou t 1), release one tab ( callout 2), and then remove the powe r-supply cov er (callou t 3). Figu re 2 -38 Remove t he power-supp ly cover 2 1 3 98 Chapt.
Left cover Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 . Remove the left cover 1. Open the front- door assem bl y. 2. Remove four screw s.
Front-top cover Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . Remove the front-top cover 1. Open the fron t-d oor ass em bly . 2. Remo ve thre e scre ws. Figu re 2 -41 R emove the fron t-top cover (1 of 3) 3.
4. Remov e the co ver. Figure 2-43 Remove th e front-top cover (3 of 3) ENWW Externa l pan els , co ver s , and do or s 101.
Rear-top cover Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Front-t op cov er . Se e Front-top cover on page 100 . Remove the rear-top cove r 1. Remove two s crews. Figu re 2 -44 Remove th e rear-top cover (1 of 2) 2.
Right-front cover Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Front-top co ver. See Fron t-t op cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top cover. See Rear -top cover on page 102 . Remove th e right-fr ont cover NOT E: Be care ful.
2. Release t wo tabs, a nd then remo ve the r ight-front cover. Figu re 2 -48 Remov e the rig ht-fr ont co ve r (3 of 3) Reinstall the po wer button Snap th e power butto n into the holders on the cover . Make sure t hat the sp ring is c orrectly installed.
Control-panel assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Front-top co ver. See Fron t-t op cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top cover. See Rear -top cover on page 102 . ● Right-front cover.
2. Disconne ct one conne ct or, and then remov e the contr ol -p ane l ass em bly . Figu re 2 -51 Remove t he contr ol-panel as sembly (2 of 2) 106 C hapter 2 Removal and replac ement ENWW.
Front-door assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Front-top co ver. See Fron t-t op cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top cover. See Rear -top cover on page 102 ● Right-front cover.
3. Squeeze th e tab on the left l ink arm usin g needle nose plier s to release it from t he front door assembl y. NOTE: Hold the link arm firmly when r eleasing t o prevent i t from snap ping agai nst the front of the product . Figu re 2 -53 Remove the f ront-door a ssembly (2 of 5) 4.
5. Remo ve two scre ws. Figure 2-55 Remov e the fro nt- doo r ass em bl y (4 of 5) 6. Remove the fr ont-do or assembly . Figure 2-56 Remov e the fro nt- doo r ass em bl y (5 of 5) ENWW Externa l pan e.
Right-rear cover Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Front-t op cov er . Se e Front-top cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top co ver. See Rear- top c ov er on page 102 . Remove the rig ht-rear co ver 1.
3. Lift the c over to remove. Figure 2-58 Remove t he right-rear cover (2 o f 2) ENWW Externa l pan els , co ver s , and do or s 111.
Rear cover Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 , ● Front-t op cov er . Se e Front-top cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top co ver.
Right-door assembly 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y. Figure 2-60 Remove the right-do or assemb ly (1 of 9) 2. Carefully rem ov e the hi nge c ove r ( ca llo ut 1) .
3. Remo ve thre e scre ws. Figu re 2 -62 Remove t he right-do or assembl y (3 of 9) 4. Remove th e hinge assembly. Reinstallat io n tip Whe n the hing e is reins talled, make sure that the tab ( callout 1) is corre ctly positione d on the door.
5. Release one pin, and then rele ase the lin k arm (call out 1). CAUTION: The l ink arm is spring load ed. Hold t he arm s ecurely (as shown) to pr event the spring from abrup t ly re tr act ing . Figure 2-64 Remove the right-do or assemb ly (5 of 9) 1 6.
7. Disconne ct two con nec tor s . Figu re 2 -66 Remove t he right-do or assembl y (7 of 9) 8. Lift two link arms to r elease. Figu re 2 -67 Remove t he right-do or assembl y (8 of 9) 116 C hapter 2 R.
9. Slide the rig ht-doo r assembl y toward the front of the produ ct and remov e. Figure 2-68 Remove the right -door assemb ly (9 of 9) ENWW Externa l pan els , co ver s , and do or s 117.
Interna l ass emblie s TIP: For clar ity, so me photos i n this chap ter show co mponents removed that woul d not be re moved to service the prod uct. If neces s ary, rem ove the compo nent s lis ted at the begi nni ng of a pr oc edu re before proc eedi ng to servi ce the pro duc t.
Secondary transfer assembly The second ary transfer ass em bl y inc lu des the trans fer ro lle r. 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y. Figure 2-71 Remove the secondar y transfer a ssembly (1 of 3) 2. Release one tab and carefu lly remove the st opp er.
3. Remove the se condary tran sfer as sembly. CAUTION: Do not dama ge the bl ue rel ease lev er when remo vi ng the as se mbl y. Figu re 2 -73 Remove t he secondar y transfer a ssembly ( 3 of 3) Reinst all the second ary tran sfer asse mbly Press a nd hold th e blue rele ase lever wh en you reinstall the assemb ly.
Separation pad (T ray 1) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Pickup ro ll er . See P ickup rol ler (Tr ay 1) on pa ge 87 . ● Right door assembly. S ee Right-do or as sem bl y o n page 113 . Remove the separation pad (Tray 1) 1.
3. Release t wo tabs ( callout 1) an d slide the locking cap and s ub roller toward the edge of the tray. Figu re 2 -77 R emove the separa tion pad (3 of 6) 1 4. Release t wo tabs ( callout 1) an d slide the locking cap and s ub roller toward the edge of the tray.
5. Release one tab (callo ut 1) and slide t he pick up- ro ll er hol der towar d the edge of the tray. CAUTION: Do not d amage the flag (callout 2). Figure 2-79 Remove th e separatio n pad (5 of 6) 1 2 6. Release one tab (cal lout 1) and remove the separatio n pad.
Registration den sity (RD) sensor assembly Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Intermedi ate tr ansfer belt (I TB ). See Int ermediate tran sfe r be lt (I TB) on page 92 . ● Secondar y tr ansfer ass em bly . Se e Sec ond ar y tr an sfe r a ss emb ly on page 119 .
2. Release one tab , and then re mo ve the wire-h ar nes s c ove r. TIP: Open the fron t door to make i t easier to remove the cover. Figure 2-83 Remove the RD sensor assembly (3 of 7) 3.
4. Remove two s crews. Figu re 2 -85 R emove the RD sens or asse mbly (5 of 7) 5. Slide the s hutter toward th e back side of th e product. Keep the shutter in t his position f or the following s tep .
6. Carefully remove t he assembly from the product. CAUTION: Do n ot damage the shutter as it pass es through the chassi s. Figure 2-87 Remove the RD sensor assembly (7 of 7) ENWW Internal assem bl ie.
Registration assembly Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Intermedi ate tr ansfer belt (I TB ). See Int ermediate tran sfe r be lt (I TB) on page 92 . ● Secondar y tr ansfer ass em bly . Se e Sec ond ar y tr an sfe r a ss emb ly on page 119 .
Remove the regi s trati o n assembl y NOT E: If a replacement re gis tr ati on as sem bl y is insta ll ed, yo u must use the con tro l- pan el m enus to reset the registrati on-roller c ount and input the media sens or value. See Serv ice me nu on page 420 and Service m enu on pa ge 420 .
2. Release one tab, and then remove the wi re -harnes s co ve r. TIP: T o make the cove r easier to remove, open the fr ont-door assem bly to close the RD-s ensor shutter. Figu re 2 -90 Remov e the re gistrati on assem bly (3 of 8) 3. Disconne ct two con nec tor s .
4. Remove tw o screws (c allout 1), and then rem ove the casse tte feed guide (callout 2). Figure 2-92 Remov e the re gis tr ati on as sem bl y (5 of 8) 1 2 5.
6. Release tw o pins and the front of the assem bly. Figu re 2 -94 Remov e the re gistrati on assem bly (7 of 8) 7. Remove th e assembly from the product. Reinstallat io n tip Wh e n you re in sta ll the registra ti on as se mbl y, ma ke s ur e that it is co rr ec tly positione d in the pr oduct.
Residual-toner-feed motor Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Intermedi ate tr ans fer belt (ITB ). See Intermed iate transfer be lt (ITB) on page 92 .
Residual-toner duct and feed assembly Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Toner-col le cti on un it. Se e Toner -colle cti on unit o n page 76 . ● Intermedi ate tr ansfer belt (I TB ). See Int ermediate tran sfe r be lt (I TB) on page 92 .
2. Release one tab, and then re mov e the was te tone r duc t. Figure 2-98 Remove the residua l-toner duct and feed assembly (2 of 4) 3. Remove o ne screw.
4. Push the resid ual-toner feed assembly int o the produc t and then remove th rough the print car tridge cavit y. CAUTION: The wa ste toner fe ed assembly contain s toner.
Cartridge fan and environmental sensor Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 . ● Left c over. Se e Left cover on page 99 .
2. Release one spring . TIP: C los e the fro nt- doo r as se mbl y to red uc e tension in the spring. Figu re 2 -10 2 Remo ve the cart ridge fan and envir onmental sensor (2 of 7) 3. Release on e tab and then slide the fan asse mbly towar d the back of th e product.
4. Pull the fan asse mbly out of the prod uct, and t hen disconn ect two con nectors. TIP: One conn ector is b elow the sp onge. Figure 2-10 4 Remove the cart ridge fan a nd environm ental se nsor (4 of 7) 5. Release two tabs (c allout 1), a nd then remo ve the cov er (callo ut 2).
6. Disconne ct one conne ct or (c al lou t 1), and then rem ov e t he fan (call out 2) . Figu re 2 -10 6 Remo ve the cart ridge fan and envir onmental sensor (6 of 7) 1 2 7. Carefully releas e one tab , and t hen remo ve the environm en tal sensor. CAUTION: ESD-sen si tiv e part.
Toner-collection senso r and scanner-thermistor assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Toner-co lle cti on un it. S ee T oner -co lle ction un it on page 76 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover.
2. Open the front-do or as se mbl y, and then re mov e one screw . Figu re 2 -10 9 Remo ve the toner -collection s ensor and scanner-ther mistor as sembly (2 of 3) 3. Disconne ct two conn ectors (cal lout 1), and then remov e the tone r-collect ion sensor and scanne r- thermist or assemb ly (callout 2).
Delivery fan Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Front-top co ver. See Fron t-t op cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top cover. See Rear -top cover on page 102 . Remove the de livery fan 1.
2. Release one tab (c al lo ut 1), and then rem ove t he del iv ery fan ( cal lo ut 2). Figu re 2 -11 2 Remove th e delive ry fan (2 of 2) 2 1 144 C hapter 2 Removal and replac ement ENWW.
Delivery assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Fuser. S ee Fuser on page 85 . ● Intermedi ate tr ans fer belt (ITB ). See Intermed iate transfer be lt (ITB) on page 92 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 .
2. Remove tw o screws (callout 1) , and the n remove th e paper gui de (callou t 2). NOTE: Duplex models on ly: press t he duple x solen oid (call out 3) to c reate enoug h clearance to remove the pap er guide (call out 2) . TIP: T he fuser d elivery s ensor is installed o n the re ar of the paper guid e.
4. Remo ve two scre ws. Figure 2-11 6 Remove the del iv er y as sem bl y (4 of 7) 5. Pull one tab out, and then push the tab dow n to release the bushin g.
6. Remove two s crews. Figu re 2 -11 8 Remove the deliver y ass em bl y (6 of 7) 7. Remove th e assem bly. Figu re 2 -11 9 Remove the deliver y ass em bl y (7 of 7) 148 C hapter 2 Removal and replac e.
Reinsta ll the delive ry as sembly NOT E: For duple x models, the solenoid pl unger must b e removed from the discar ded assembl y, and then installed on the replacem ent assembly . For all mode ls, the output- bin full sens or must be rem oved from t he discard ed assembl y, and then i nstalled on the re placemen t assembly.
b. Hold the del ivery ass embly with the diverter ( callout 1) in the depress ed position to mo ve the sensor flag (call out 2) away from the s ensor. Rele ase one tab (callout 3).
Duplex-drive assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Fuser. S ee Fuser on page 85 . ● Intermedi ate tr ans fer belt (ITB ). See Intermed iate transfer be lt (ITB) on page 92 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 .
Power-supply fan Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 . ● Front-t op cov er . Se e Front-top cover on page 100 .
Interc onn ect boar d (ICB) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 .
2. Carefully rotate and sl id e the ICB up and away from the ch as si s, disc onne ct one connector, and then remove the ICB . Figu re 2 -12 7 Remove the ICB (2 of 2) 154 C hapter 2 Removal and replac.
DC con troller PC A only NOT E: Use the followi ng pr ocedu re to replace only th e DC control ler PCA. T o access components behind the DC co ntroller, rem ove the PCA and the sheet-metal backing tr ay. See DC contro ll er PCA and tray on page 161 . Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover.
2. Remove fo ur screws (callout 1) , and then remove the DC control ler PCA. Figu re 2 -12 9 Remove th e DC controller PCA only (2 of 2) 156 C hapter 2 Removal and replac ement ENWW.
Low-voltage power supply (LVPS) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 .
2. Disconne ct five con nectors, an d then re lease th e wire har nesses fr om the g uides as necessary . NOTE: To locate DC controller c onnector loc ations, see DC con troller connect or locati ons on page 28 1 . Figu re 2 -13 1 Remove the low-vol tage power s upply (1 o f 6) 3.
4. Remo ve thre e scre ws. Figure 2-13 3 Remove the low-vol tage power s upply (3 of 6) 5. Remo ve thre e scre ws. Reinstallation tip When t he low-volt age power s upply is r einstalled, make sur e the tab o n the mounting bracket beh ind the bott om screw (c allout 1) , is insert ed in the sl ot in the prod uct chass is.
6. Slide the bottom of t he assembly away from the product, tip the top of the assembly aw ay from the product, and then remov e the as se mbl y. Figu re 2 -13 5 Remove the low-vol tage power s upply (5 o f 6) 1 2 7. Place th e assembly on a fla t surface.
DC controller PCA an d tray Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 . ● Front-top co ver. See Fron t-t op cover on page 100 .
2. Remove two s crews. Figu re 2 -13 8 Remove th e DC control ler PCA and tray (2 of 3) 3. Disengage three tabs ( two along the left edge of the PC A and one at the top- right co rner of the PCA).
High-voltage power supply lower (HVPS-D) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 .
2. Remo ve thre e scre ws. Figu re 2 -14 1 R emove the hi gh-vol tage po wer s upp ly lo wer (2 o f 7) 164 C hapter 2 Removal and replac ement ENWW.
3. Release fou r lo ck ing cli ps . NOTE: Squeez e each locking cl ip to r emo ve . Figure 2-14 2 Remove the hi gh-vo ltage power su ppl y low er (3 of 7) Figure 2-14 3 Remove the hi gh-vo ltage power.
4. Release f ive tabs. Figu re 2 -14 4 R emove the hi gh-vol tage po wer s upp ly lo wer (5 o f 7) 5. Rotate the t op of the power suppl y away from the chassi s, and then dis connect two conne ctors on the back of the power supply. NOTE: Remove the FFC ( callout 1) with the h igh-voltage power supp ly PCA.
6. Disconne ct one FFC (call out 1) . Rel eas e onl y the wire har nes se s fro m the gui de (c al lou t 2) and then rem ove the p ower suppl y. NOTE: Remo ve the FFC (callout 1) and guide (callout 2) with the PCA. Replaceme nt high-volta ge power s upply PC As have the FFC and guide in stalled.
Developing-disengagement motor Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Form at te r. See Fo rmatt e r PC A on pa ge 78 . ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 .
Exhaust fan and fan duct Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 .
2. Release f ive tabs ( callout 1) and remove the cover ( callout 2) . Figu re 2 -15 0 Remove th e exhaust fan and fan duc t (2 of 3) 1 2 3. Disconne ct one conne ct or, and then remove the fan from the duct.
Reinstall the exhaust fan and fan duct Be sure that the toroid (c allout 1) is corr ectly aligned in the FFC cab le guide before attempt ing to reinstal l the exh aust f an and duct.
Pickup motor Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Form at te r. See Fo rmatt e r PC A on pa ge 78 . ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 . ● Left cove r.
Lifter-drive assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Intermedi ate tr ans fer belt (ITB ). See Intermed iate transfer be lt (ITB) on page 92 . ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 .
2. Disconne ct one conne ct or (c al lou t 1), and then rem ov e two s crews (c all ou t 2). Figu re 2 -15 5 Remove the lifter-drive assemb ly (2 of 3) 2 1 3. Remove the lifte r- dr ive as sem bl y fr om the produc t. CAUTION: The sp ring on the ass embly is not capti ve.
Lifter base assembly Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 . ● Left c over.
2. From inside the Tray 2 cavity , remove four screw s, and then rem ove the lifter b ase assembly. NOTE: Pull the a ssembly str aight from t he produc t without tip ping to prev ent the sprin g from falling f rom the as se mbl y.
2. Place th e spring i n the lif ter before ins talling t he assembly on the p roduct. Figure 2-16 0 Reinstall the lifter b ase assembly (2 o f 2) ENWW Internal assem bl ies 177.
Tray-pickup drive assembly Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Form at te r. See Fo rmatt e r PC A on pa ge 78 . ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 .
2. Remove t wo scre ws (callo ut 1), dis connect one connecto r (callou t 2), and t hen remov e the pick up motor ( callout 35 ). Figure 2-16 2 Remove the tray -pickup d rive asse mbly (2 of 3) 1 2 3 3. Remove th ree screw s, and then remove the tray-pic kup drive assembly.
Tray-pickup assembly Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Form at te r. See Fo rmatt e r PC A on pa ge 78 . ● Secondar y tr ansfer ass em bly . Se e Sec ond ar y tr an sfe r a ss emb ly on page 119 . ● Intermedi ate tr ansfer belt (I TB ).
2. From the f ront of th e product, rem ove one screw (call out 1), a nd then remo ve one tray rail (callou t 2). Figure 2-16 5 Remove the tray-pickup a ssembly (2 of 1 1) 1 2 3. From the r ight side of the pr oduct, remov e two scre ws (callo ut 1) and on e cover (c allout 2).
4. Close the right-door a ssembly. Pus h in and the n push up on the stop per to releas e. Figu re 2 -16 7 Remo ve the tray-pickup assembly (4 o f 11) 5. Open the right-do or assembly . Lift the two link arms (callout 1) to release from th e product, and then remo ve the pa per guide (callout 2).
6. Close the right-do or assembl y. Push the two tabs towa rd each other , and then push u p to release the feed guide. Figure 2-16 9 Remove the tray-pickup a ssembly (6 of 1 1) 7.
8. Remove tw o screws (callout 1) , and the n remove tw o brackets ( callout 2). Figu re 2 -17 1 Remo ve the tray-pickup assembly (8 o f 11) 1 2 9. Release o ne tab (cal lout 1), and then sli de the feed g uide (call out 2) towar d the fro nt of the p roduct to remove.
10. Remove one screw. Figure 2-17 3 Remove the tray-p ickup a ssembly (10 of 11) 11. Re move t he tr ay-p icku p asse mbly. Figure 2-17 4 Remove the tray-p ickup a ssembly (11 of 11) ENWW Internal ass.
Laser/scanner assembly (Y/M) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Toner collectio n unit. See Tone r-co lle ction uni t on page 76 . ● Intermedi ate tr ansfer belt (I TB ). See Int ermediate tran sfe r be lt (I TB) on page 92 . ● Upper-le ft cover.
Remove the l aser/sca nner assembly (Y/M ) NOT E: After ins talling a n ew laser/sc anner assem bly, be sure to ca librate the pro duct. See Cal ibrate the produ ct on page 313 . 1. Release one sprin g. CAUTION: The s pring is no t captive. D o not lose t he spring w hen it is removed.
3. Release o ne spring (callou t 1), and the n disconnec t one FFC (callou t 2). Reinstal lation tip When r einstall ed, the toro id (call out 3) must be correct ly positioned on the wire guide (in the provide d slots) so tha t the fan duc t will fully s eat in the produ ct when it is reinstalle d.
4. Rotate the front of t he laser /s can ner assem bly down (c al lou t 1), and then slide it tow ard the right (callout 2 ). Lower the left corner, and then rotate the left corner out of th e product (call out 3).
Laser/scanner assembly (C/Bk) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Toner collectio n unit. See Tone r-co lle ction uni t on page 76 . ● Intermedi ate tr ansfer belt (I TB ). See Int ermediate tran sfe r be lt (I TB) on page 92 .
Remove the l aser/sca nner assembly (C/ Bk) NOT E: After ins talling a n ew laser/sc anner assem bly, be sure to ca librate the pro duct. See Cal ibrate the produ ct on page 313 . 1. Release one sp ri ng (c al lou t 1), and then disconne ct one FFC (cal lo ut 2) .
3. Remove fi ve screws ( callout 1) , and then r emove the cover (c allout 2). CAUTION: Be car eful. The PGC actu ators are easi ly dislodge d when the cov er is removed. Se e Figure 2- 185 Reinstall the PGC actuat ors (1 of 5) on page 193 . To reinstall the actuato rs, see Reinst all the pro tective gla ss cleaner (PGC) a ctuators on page 193 .
5. Rotate the c orner of the assembly away from the produ ct until yo u can se e the PCA, and then remove the as se mbly from the prod uct. Reinstallation tip When the laser/scan ner is cor rectly pos.
2. Remove the actu ator and sp ri ng fro m the pr oduc t. Inst al l the spr i ng on the actua tor. Figu re 2 -18 6 Reinstall the PGC act uato rs (2 of 5) 3. Before proceedin g, take no te of the fo llowing: ● Callout 1 : The pin on the actuato r wil l be ins tal led into the slot in the chas si s.
4. Place the end of the actuator in to the PGC rod, and then use a s mall flat b lade screw driver to fasten the end of the spri ng on the tab on the chassis. Figure 2-18 8 Reinstal l the PG C ac tuato rs (4 of 5) 5. Push down o n the actuato r to seat it into plac e.
High-voltage power supply upper (HVPS-T) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Form at te r. See Fo rmatt e r PC A on pa ge 78 . ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 .
2. Remove th ree screws ( callout 1), r elease four tabs (callo ut 2), and then r emove the pow er supply. Figure 2-19 1 Remove the high-v oltage pow er supply upper (2 o f 2) 2 1 ENWW Internal assem .
Reinstall the high -voltage pow er supply upper When y ou reinstal l the pow er supply, look throu gh the holes in the PC A and mak e sure that the high- voltage contact springs a re correctl y seate d against t he PCA.
Yellow, magenta, cyan, and black drum motors Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Upper-left cover. See Upper-lef t co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. See Power- suppl y cover on pag e 98 . ● Left c over. Se e Left cover on page 99 .
Fuser motor Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Form at te r. See Fo rmatt e r PC A on pa ge 78 . ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 . ● Left cove r.
Remove the fuser motor Remo ve three screws (c all out 1), dis con nect one co nnector (cal lou t 2), and then remove the motor (call out 3). Figure 2-194 Remove th e fuser mot or 1 2 3 ENWW Internal .
ITB motor Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Upper-le ft cover. S ee Upper- left co ver on pa ge 96 . ● Powe r- suppl y cover. Se e Power-s upply co ver on page 98 . ● Front-t op cov er . Se e Front-top cover on page 100 . ● Rear-top co ver.
Main-drive assembly NOT E: Removin g the main-d rive as sembly ty pically requ ires more than 2 hours to complete . Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Intermedi ate tr ans fer belt (ITB ).
Remove the main -drive assemb ly 1. Remove ei ght conne ctors (call out 1), a nd then rele ase the w ire harness es from th e guides (callou t 2). NOTE: Leave th e wire harnes ses wit h the pr oduct. Figu re 2 -19 6 R emove t he m ain-dri ve as sembl y (1 of 6) 1 2 2.
3. Remove o ne scre w (callout 1) , and then remove the wire gu ide from the main-d rive ass embly (callou t 2). NOTE: Leave t he wire harnesses co nnected to the wire g uide and attached to th e product f or easier re inst allat ion . Figure 2-19 8 Remove the ma in- dr ive ass em bly (3 of 6) 1 2 4.
5. Separate the main- dr ive as se mbl y from the product. Figu re 2 -20 0 R emove t he m ain-dri ve as sembl y (5 of 6) 6. Release the wir e har ness (callo ut 1) fr om the gui des, and the n remove the m ain -dr i ve asse mbly from the produ ct.
Reinsta ll the mai n-drive assemb ly 1. Locate the cams (call out 1) o n the back side of the assembly. Figure 2-20 2 Rein stall the main -drive as sembly (1 of 7) 1 2. Slowly ro tate the shaft nea r the bl ack cam. WARNING! Do not touch the pl ast ic gears or ca ms.
3. Continu e to rotate t he shaft unti l the hol es in the bl ack-cam gear align as shown below. When cor rectly aligned, th e bottom-mo st hole in the gear is aligned with a hole in the sheet-m etal chas sis. NOTE: The holes in the o ther cam ge ars have a different al ignment.
4. Ver ify th at th e cams ( callo ut 1) align co rrec tly. TIP: The seco nd cam in from the rig ht (the wh ite cam to t he left of the black cam), shou ld have the se cond hole aligne d with the hole in the sheet -metal cha ssis . The third cam in from the right, should have the third hole aligned with the hole in the shee t-metal chas sis.
6. When placi ng the as sem bl y on the ch ass is, ali gn the hol es in the assem bly with the holes in the chas sis. Reinstallat io n tip If the upper-left c orner of the ass embly is diffi cult to sea t, you might ne ed to rotate the ITB motor to align the gear shaft with the hole in the chassi s.
Fuser-drive assembly NOT E: Removin g the f use r- dr ive ass em bly typic all y re qui re s more than 2 hou rs to com pl ete. Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Form atter. See Fo rm at te r PCA o n page 78 . ● Fuser. S ee Fuser on page 85 .
Remove the f user-drive a ssembly 1. Remove on e screw ( callout 1) , and then remove the cover (callout 2). Figu re 2 -20 9 Remove the fuser-drive ass embly (1 of 7) 1 2 2.
3. Remove tw o screws (callout 1) , one static wire (c allout 2), a nd one switc h (callo ut 3). Figure 2-21 1 Remove the fuser-drive assembly (3 o f 7) 2 1 3 4. Release one tab , and then slide the wir e harness holde r (callout 1) to re lease it from the fuser- drive assembl y.
5. Disconne ct two con nec tor s . Figu re 2 -21 3 Remove the fuser-drive ass embly (5 of 7) 6. Remo ve thre e scre ws. Figu re 2 -21 4 Remove the fuser-drive ass embly (6 of 7) 214 C hapter 2 Removal.
7. Carefully re mov e the assembly . Figure 2-21 5 Remove the fuser-drive assembly (7 o f 7) Reinsta ll the f us er-d riv e ass emb ly Rotat e the moto r unti l the gea rs alig n, and the asse mbl y is flat aga ins t the ch ass is.
Optional pape r fee der assemblies (1 x 500-sh eet and 3 x 500-sheet) NOT E: For infor mation ab out remo ving the Tr ay 3, 4, or 5 feed a nd separati on rolle rs, see Feed and separ ation rol lers (T rays 2-5) on page 86 . For inform ati on abou t removing the Tray 3, 4, or 5 cass ettes , see Tray on page 84 .
2. Release the link ar m (callou t 1), and then remov e the front d oor (callout 2). Figure 2-21 8 Remove the fr ont doo r (o ptio nal paper feede r) (2 of 2) 1 2 ENWW Optiona l pape r feeder asse mbl.
Rear cover (optional p aper feeder) ▲ Remove tw o screws (callout 1) , and the n remove th e rear cover (callou t 2). Figu re 2 -21 9 Remo ve the rear cover (opti onal paper feeder) 1 2 218 C hapter.
Right-front cover (opt ional paper feeder) ▲ Open the front and right door s, remo ve one screw ( callo ut 1), and then lif t the right-fr on t cov er (ca llo ut 2) to remo ve.
Right door (optional paper feeder) 1. Open the right do or, releas e one tab (callout 1) , and then r emove the s topper (c allout 2 ) Figu re 2 -22 1 Remove the right door (o pti ona l paper feeder ) (1 of 3) 2 1 2. Close the righ t door sli ghtl y, and then rel eas e the upp er link arm.
3. Slide th e door to release the l ower lin k arm, and then rem ove the right door. Figure 2-22 3 Remove the right do or (optiona l paper feeder) (3 of 3) ENWW Optiona l pape r feeder asse mbl ie s (.
Left cover (optional pap er feeder) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Front door (optional paper fe eder). See Front door (optiona l paper feede r) on page 216 . ● Right-fro nt cov er (opt ion al pa per feed er ). Se e Rig ht- fr ont c ove r ( opti ona l pap er feede r) on page 21 9 .
2. 1 x 500 p aper fee der only: Rem ove three s crews (cal lout 1), and then rem ove the storag e box (callou t 2). Figure 2-22 5 Remove the left cov er (optional paper fee der) (2 of 3) 1 2 3. Release five tabs ( callout 1) , and then remove the left cover (callout 2) .
Right cover (optional paper feeder) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Right door (optional paper feeder ). See Right door ( optional pa per feede r) on page 220 .
Rear-right cover (optio nal paper feeder) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Right door (optional paper fe eder). See Right door (optional paper feed er) on page 220 . Remove the rear-right cover (opti onal paper feeder) ▲ Remove o ne screw ( callout 1) , and then li ft the re ar-right cov er (callo ut 2) to remove.
Pickup assembly (optional paper feeder) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Paper feeder right fro nt cover. See Right-fr ont cover (optional paper fee der) on page 219 . ● Pape r feed er re ar cov er. Se e Rear c over (op tional paper feeder) on p age 218 .
2. 1 x 500-sheet o ptio nal p aper f eeder only: Remo ve three screws (call out 1), dis connect on e connecto r (c all ou t 2), and then rem ov e the moto r as se mb ly (call out 3) . Figure 2-23 0 Remove the pick up asse mbly (opti onal pape r feeder) (2 of 5) 2 1 3 3.
4. Remove on e screw ( callout 1), an d then di sconnect three conne ctors (c allout 2). Figu re 2 -23 2 Remove the pickup as se mbl y (optional paper feede r) (4 of 5) 1 2 5. Remove on e screw ( callout 1) , and then remove the pickup assembly (callout 2).
Lifter assembly (optional paper feeder) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Rear cover (op tion al pap er feeder). See Rear cover (op tional pa per feeder ) on page 21 8 . Remove the lifter as sembly (optional paper feed er) 1. Disconne ct on e con nec tor (c al lou t 1).
Lifter-drive assembly (optional paper feeder) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Rear cover (optional paper fee der). See Re ar cover (optional paper f eeder) on pa ge 218 . Remove the lifter-drive a ssembly ( optional paper f eeder) 1.
Pickup motor assembly (optional p aper feeder) Before proceeding, remove t he following component s: ● Rear cover (op tion al pap er feeder). See Rear cover (op tional pa per feeder ) on page 21 8 . Remove the pickup motor (optional paper feeder) assembly 1.
Controller PCA (optiona l paper feeder) Before proc eeding, remove the following c omponents: ● Rear cover (optional paper fee der). See Re ar cover (optional paper f eeder) on pa ge 218 .
3 Solve problems To use the info rm ati on in thi s ch apte r, yo u need to have a basi c und er sta ndi ng of the HP LaserJ et printi ng process. Ex planation s of each mechanical as sembly, the printer syst ems, and the basic theor y of o peration are c ontained i n Theory of operation on page 1 .
Solve p ro blem s checklist If the product is not responding co rrectly, comple te the steps in the foll owing checkli st, in order. If the produc t does not pass a step, follow the correspond ing troubles hooting sugges tions. If a step res olves the pro blem, yo u can stop without per forming the other steps on the c hecklist.
8. Verify that you have instal led the H P Colo r La se rJ et E nter pr ise CP 4020 -CP45 20 Se ri es pri nter driver. Ch eck the program to make sure that you are using the HP Color LaserJe t Enterp rise CP4020 -C P45 20 Se ries pri nte r dr iv er. 9.
Menu map Prin t a men u ma p 1. Press the OK butto n to open t he menus. 2. Use the arrow but tons to naviga te to the INFORMATION su bmenu, and t hen press the OK button. 3. Us e the a rrow but tons to na vig ate to the PRIN T MENU MAP subm enu, and th en pr ess t he OK button to print the men u struc tur e.
Troubles hooting proc ess Determine the problem source When t he produ ct malfuncti ons or encounters an unexpec ted situation , the prod uct contr ol panel ale rts you to the situatio n. This se ction co ntains a pre- troublesho oting ch ecklist to fi lter ou t many pos sible causes o f the pro blem.
Input trays ● Is the amount of media in the tray within specifications? ● Is the media correctly placed in the tray? ● Are the paper guides aligned with the stack? ● Is the paper tray correctl.
Troubleshooting f lowchart This flowc hart highligh ts the genera l processes that y ou can follow to quic kly isolate and s olve product hardw are p robl ems. Each row depicts a major trou bleshooti ng step. A “ yes” ans wer to a que stion allow s you to proceed t o the ne xt major ste p.
Power subsystem Power-on chec ks The bas ic product functions should start up whe n the product is plu gged into an el ectrical ou tlet and the power s witch is pushed t o the on po sition. If the product do es not st art, use the i nformati on in this s ection to isol ate and sol ve the problem .
● 00:36 sec onds; HP lo go appear s on the control-pa nel displa y ● 00:60 sec onds; en gine noises stop (you can run en gine tes t at this p oint) ● 00:83 se con ds ; Ini t ial iz in g co ntin .
Tools f or troubl eshooti ng The sect ion desc ri bes the tool s that can help you solve pr obl ems with your dev ic e. Individual component diagnostics LED diagnostics LED, engine , and in div id ual diag nostic s c an id enti fy and tro ubl es hoo t pro duct pro blems.
4. Press the dow n arr ow to highlig ht the EMB EDD ED JETDIR EC T ME NU opti on, and then press the OK button. 5. Press the dow n arr ow to highlig ht the LINK SP EED menu, and then press the OK button. 6. Select t he approp riate link speed, and then press the OK bu tton.
3. Insert a f olded piece of paper into each slot at the same time until the produ ct is in a Read y sta te. Figu re 3 -2 Di agnostic te st (2 of 2) Disable car tr id ge ch eck Use this diagnostic test to print interna l pages or send an ex ternal job to the pr oduct when one or more print c artridges a re removed o r exchanged.
horiz onta l lin es . The test page can use only Tray 2 as the paper source , so make sure that paper is loaded in T ray 2. Figure 3-3 Engine -test button Paper-path test This di agnostic test genera tes one or more test p ages that you can us e to isolate the cause of jams.
Manual sensor test (spe cial-mode test) Use t his diagnost ic test to manu ally test the p roduct sens ors and swit ches. Each s ensor is repr esented by a letter and num ber on the contr ol pan el di sp lay. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the dow n arr ow to highligh t the DIAGNOSTICS m enu, and th en press t he OK button.
A TOP (top of page ) s e nso r 1. Open the right door . 2. Insert a piece of pa per to acti vate the TOP sensor. Figure 3-4 Test the TOP sensor (1 o f 2) NOTE: Open the reg istration shutter to verify the pape r activates the sensor. Figure 3-5 Test the TOP sensor (2 o f 2) 3.
B and C loop sensors 1. Open the right door . 2. Lower the second ary transfer ass em bly . 3. Slowly i nsert a piec e of paper at the ent rance of the fuser to activate th e B and C l oop sensor s underneath the fus er. Figu re 3 -6 Test the loop se nso rs 4.
D fuser delive ry se nsor 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y. 2. Lower th e secon dar y tr ansfer as sem bl y. 3. Remove th e fuser, and then verify that the sens or flag on th e fuser m oves freely . If the sensor fl ag does not move fr eel y, re pla ce the fuser .
E duplex r e-pickup sensor 1. Open the right door . 2. Lift th e se co ndary-t ransfe r a ssembly . 3. Press the flag to acti vate the senso r. Figu re 3 -9 Tes t th e d upl ex r e-pi ckup se nsor 4. Check th e contr ol-panel di splay for sensor respons e.
F output bin full sensor NOT E: The front-top , rear- top, and right-fr ont cover s hav e bee n re mov ed for cl ar ity. 1. Lift th e flapper on the delive ry assemb ly to move the output- bin full s ensor fla g. Figure 3-10 Test the output-bin-f ull sensor 2.
I developer alie na tion This sens or is located inside the main- drive asse mbly and cannot be accessed for direct manual tes ting. To test th is sensor, do t he follow ing. 1. Access the manu al- sens or test men u and sel ec t sen so r test I. 2. Locate conne cto r J1 12 on the DC con t r oll er PCA .
J fuser pres sure- re lea se sensor 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y. 2. Lower th e secon dar y tr ansfer as sem bl y. 3. Remove th e fuser. 4. Insert a piece of pa per to acti vate the fuser pr essure-rele ase sensor. Figure 3-11 Test the fuser pre ssure-relea se sensor 5.
K primary tr ansf er- rolle r- di seng ageme nt se nsor NOT E: The front-top , rear -t op, and right- fr ont cove rs have bee n rem oved for cl ar ity . 1. Open the rig ht- doo r as se mbl y. 2. Lower the seconda ry transfe r assembly, and then rem ove the fuser and ITB.
4. From ins ide the ITB cavity, pres s up on the primary- transfer-rolle r-dise ngagement fla g to activa te the sensor. Figure 3-14 Test the p rimary tran sfer-roll er-disengage ment sens or (3 of 4) 5. Check the co ntr ol- pa nel d ispla y for senso r re sp ons e.
L media sensor 1. You canno t test this sen sor with a manua l sensor test. T est using the pa per-path sen sors test. See Paper-p ath s ens or s te st o n page 27 3 . Figu re 3 -16 Media s ensor 2. Access the pap er-path se ns or s tes t. 3. Print a confi gur ati on pa ge.
M front- door switch 1. Open the front-do or asse mbl y to dise ngage the front -d oor swi tch . Figure 3-17 Test the f ront-door swi tch 2. Close the front-d oor assembly , and then check the control pan el on the product f or sensor resp onse.
N right-door s witch 1. Open the right-do or assembly to diseng age the rig ht-door switch. Figu re 3 -18 Test the righ t door switch 2. Close the r ight-door a ssembly, or us e your finger to depress the s witch flag , and check the control panel on the produ ct for se nsor resp ons e.
Manual sensor test 2 (spec ial-mode test) Use this test to test pap er-path sen sors and the p aper-size swi tches manuall y. The followi ng illustrat ions and tabl e show t he locations of these sensors. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the dow n arr ow to highlig ht the DIAGNOSTIC S menu, and t hen press the OK button.
Table 3-6 Default state of bits Label O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d B i t 1 111 101 11 011 101 1 ● Test ea ch switch i ndi vi dua lly. 260 C h apt er 3 Solve probl ems ENWW.
O Tray 1 paper present sensor 1. Open Tray 1. 2. Toggle the Tray 1 pape r-present sens or f lag . Figure 3-19 Test the T ray 1 media -present sen sor 3. Check the co ntr ol- pa nel d ispla y for senso r re sp ons e. 4. If there is no resp ons e, re place Tray 1.
P Tray 2 paper pre sent sensor 1. Remove Tray 2. 2. Toggle the tra y 2 pape r- pres ent sensor flag. Figu re 3 -20 Test th e tray 2 pa per-pre sent se nsor 3. Check th e contr ol-panel di splay for sensor respons e. 4. If there is no resp onse, rep lace the casset te- pick up as se mbl y.
Q Tray 2 paper surface 1 and 2 sensors 1. Remove th e tray. 2. In the tra y cavi ty, press the tray-clos ed tab to r elease th e flag, and th en toggle the flag. Figure 3-21 Tray 2 pa per surface 1 and 2 3. Check the co ntr ol- pa nel d ispla y for senso r re sp ons e.
R Tray 2 paper size switches NOT E: These switc hes also detec t cassette prese nce. If these swit ches fail, the messa ge TRAY <X> OPEN could a ppear on the con trol-panel display . 1. Remove th e tray. From inside the tray cavi ty, push any of the t hree butto ns.
S Tray 3 paper present sens or See P Tra y 2 pape r pr es ent sens or on page 26 2 . T Tray 3 feed senso r 1. Remove th e tray. 2. Insert a piece of pa per between the rolle rs to acti vate the f eed sensor . TIP: Use st iff paper wh en performing this test (for exampl e a busi ness card or index card).
Z Tray 4 paper size switches See R Tr ay 2 pape r si ze switc he s on page 264 . a Tray 5 paper p res en t se ns or See P T ray 2 pap er present s ensor on pa ge 262 . b Tray 5 feed senso r See T Tray 3 feed sensor on page 265 . c Tray 5 paper surfa ce 1 and 2 sensors See Q Tray 2 paper surface 1 and 2 sen sors on page 263 .
5V l a s er a nd 24 V int erl ock a nd log ic swi tch es ( an d po wer sw it ch) Location a nd testing 1. Press the p ower switch to turn the product off then on to test the sw itch functio n. 2. Remove the rig ht-front cover. See R igh t-front cov er on p age 103 .
4. Open and close the doors to ma ke sure that the interlock switches are corr ectly func tioning. Th e following fi gures show the interlock switc h position with the front and right do ors open and closed. Defeating ● Front-d oor saf ety switch ◦ Fold a s tiff piec e of paper, for example a business card or ind ex card, in to a 10 mm ( .
● Front-door lo gic sw itch ◦ Fold a st iff piece of paper, for exam ple a bus iness card or index card , into a 10 m m (.375 in) strip w ith a bend a t the end, and insert the stri p into the op ening at the front of t he produc t.
● Right-doo r logic sw itc h ◦ Use mas king tape to keep the s witch flag d epressed. TIP: You might ha ve to use two pi eces of tape to overcome the tens ion return spring on the flag.
New ITB sensor NOT E: This sen sor cannot be tested, bu t you ca n inspect t he sensor, actuator, an d the flag on the ITB fo r damage . 1. Remove the e xisting ITB. 2. Inspect t he new ITB sensor. Pr ess the ac tuator on th e sensor to ward the cy an print c artridge to verify tha t the actuator moves.
Tray 3, 4, and 5 right door switch NOT E: There is no manua l sensor t est for thi s sensor . 1. Open the paper fee der right door . Check the control-pan el displ ay for the CLOSE LOWER RIGHT DOOR message . If the m essage does not displ ay, open the door and inspect the f lag for da mage (callou t 1).
Paper-path sensors tes t This test dis plays the statu s of each paper-path se nsor and allows viewing of sensor stat us while printi ng inte rn al pa ges . 1. Press the Hom e button. 2. Press the dow n arr ow to highlig ht the DIAGNOSTIC S , menu and then press the OK button.
When t he timer trips, the control pane l display show s the message PRINTING ST OPPED To cont inu e press OK . Pressing Hom e will print the pr eviously selected j ob. If you do not want t he previous job to print, p ress Stop first, and then press Me nu .
Comp onent test Motor or solenoi d number Com men ts YELLO W LASER SCANNER M9 Activates the yellow/magenta scanner mo tor for 10 se conds. FUSER MOTOR M2 Acti v ate the fus e r mot or at a specified speed for 10 seconds. FUSER PRESSURE RELEASE MOTOR M2 reverse R everses the fuse r motor and pressuri zes or depress urizes the fuser.
Compone n t test Mot or o r sole no id numb er Comments DUPLEX REFEE D CLUTCH SOLENOID SL2: duplex rever se solenoid Activates the duplex flapper solenoid for 10 seconds causing the switch-back diverter t o move. REPEAT Allows you t o specify the number of times the product sequences.
Diagrams Block diagrams Figure 3-27 Product c ross secti on 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 Item Description Ite m Description 1 ITB 12 Media sens or 2 Primary transfer r olle.
Figure 3-28 Optional paper feede r (1 x 50 0- she et) 1 2 3 4 5 Item Description 1 Pickup roller 2 Feed roller 3 Separation roller 4 Storage s pace 5 Cassette 278 C h apt er 3 Solve probl ems ENWW.
Figure 3-29 Optio nal paper fe eder (3 x 500-sh eet) 1 2 3 4 Item Description 1 Pickup roller 2 Feed roller 3 Separation roller 4 Cassette ENWW Tools for troub lesho oting 27 9.
Plug/jack loc ations 1 2 3 4 1 Hi-speed USB 2. 0 printing port 2 Local area net work (LAN) ethernet ( RJ-45) networ k port 3 EIO interface expansion slot 4 Slot for a cable-type security lock Figure 3.
Location of connectors DC controller connector locations NOT E: The DC controll er has 36 con nec tor s : Five are for F FCs, 27 ar e for wire har ne ss es , and fou r are n ot use d.
J106 : not used J123 : fuser motor (M2) J151 : L VP S J107 : Tray 3, 4, and 5 lifter mo tors (M7), and cassette paper size switch (SW4) J126 : memory tag co nnect or J152 : 5V interl ock sw itch (SW1).
Controller PCA (1 x 500- shee t an d 3 x 500-shee t optional paper feeder s) Figure 3-32 Controll er PC A conne cto rs J404 J409 J407 J403 J402 J401 J410 J408 J406 J405 Table 3-11 C ontroller PCA co n.
Locations of major components Figure 3-33 Exter nal compon ent locatio ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Item Description Item Descri ption 1 Rear-top cover 7 Power-supply cov er 2 Right-door assembly 8 R.
Figure 3-34 Major component loc ati ons (1 of 3) 1 5 6 2 3 4 Item Description 1 Main drive assembly 2 Fuser 3 Registration assembly 4 Toner collection unit 5 Laser/scanner assembly (C/Bk) 6 Laser/scan.
Figure 3-35 Major c omponent loc ations (2 of 3 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Item Description Item Description 1 Duplex-drive as sembly 6 Deli ver y f an 2 MP tray asse mbly 7 Cartridg e fan 3 Delivery ass emb.
Figure 3-36 Major component loc ati ons (3 of 3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Description 1 Fuser-drive as sembly 2 Tray-pickup drive as sembly 3 Secondary tra nsfer assembly 4 ITB 5 Lifter-drive assembly 6 Lifte.
Figure 3-37 Motors, fans, and ro ll ers co mponent loc atio ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 13 14 15 Ite m Description Item Description 1 Fuser mot or 9 Tray 2 feed roller 2 Pickup motor 10 Tray 2 se.
Figure 3-38 PCA c omponent locations 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Description Item Description 1 Interconnect board (ICB) 4 H igh-voltage power supply upper (HVPS-T) 2 DC controller PC A 5 High-voltage power supp.
Figure 3-39 Optio nal paper fe eder (1 x 500-she et) compone nt locations (1 of 2) 1 2 3 5 6 8 4 7 Item Description Item Description 1 Rear-right c over 5 Rear cover 2 Right door 6 Right front cover 3.
Figure 3-40 Optio nal paper fe eder (1 x 500-she et) compone nt locations (2 of 2) 1 2 3 5 4 Item Description Item Description 1 Lifter-drive assembly 4 C ontroller PCA 2 Pickup m otor 5 Lifter base a.
Figure 3-41 Optio nal paper fe eder (3 x 500-she et) compone nt locations (1 of 2) 1 2 3 5 6 4 7 Item Description Item Description 1 Rear r ight cover 5 Rear cover 2 Right door 6 Right front cover 3 R.
Figure 3-42 Optio nal paper fe eder (3 x 500-she et) compone nt locations (2 of 2) 1 2 3 5 4 Item Description Item Description 1 Lifter-drive assembly (Trays 3, 4, and 5) 4 Controller PCA 2 Pickup m o.
General timing c hart Figure 3-43 General timing chart STBY STBY Operation PRINT INTR LSTR 1 Cassette pickup solenoid 2 TOP sensor 3 Fixing delivery sensor Print command 9 C drum motor 10 K drum motor.
Circuit diagrams Figure 3-44 General circuit dia gr am (1 of 2) 6 4 5 TAG (Bk) TAG (C) T AG (M) TAG (Y) SL SL 23 M M MM 29 29 21 21 M 23 23 23 M A4 B5 +5VB +5VB SGND +3.3V DUP_SL +5V +5V +5V +5V RD-SNS 1TR1S 1TR2S HVTCL K 2TRS 2TRCNT DUPSL DEVHP SGND 3.
Figure 3-45 General circuit d iagram (1 of 2) A 3 32 B C D MM TP M 35 CL B7 A5 B7 A5 SL M M M M SL MEDIA-SNS HEA TER1 N L +5VB +5VB +5VB +5VB +24VB FP 0 FPCLK /FPCS SGND PGND +24V A LED_O N PREEXP1 MEDIA-SNS PREEXP4 PREEXP3 PREEXP2 PGND PGND +24VA +24VA +24VA +24VA PGND PGND +24VA +24VA PGND PGND +24VB +24VB PGND PGND 3.
Figure 3-46 Pa per feeder circuit diagram ( 1 X 500 -sheet) A 65 4 3 2 1 B C D SL M M B5 A4 DCC I/F GND T3_PSNS T3_PL VL_P T3_PL VL_A GND T3_P ATHS +24V T3_PICK_SL HRD_TMG +3.3V GND +24V GND CLK STS CMD GND T3_SIZE2 T3_SIZE1 T3_SIZE3 T3_LIFT_MTR +24V AOUT1 AOUT2 BOUT2 BOUT1 +3.
Figure 3-47 Paper feeder circ uit diagram (3 X 500 -sheet) A 65 4 3 2 1 B C D SL M M M SL A4 B5 M SL J24DH DCC I/F +24V GND GND GND T3_PSNS T3_PLVL_P T3_PLVL_A GND T3_PA THS +24V T3_PICK_SL J150DH T3_.
HP Easy Printer Care Open the HP Easy Printer Ca re softwa re Use one of the fol lowing method s to open the HP E asy Printer Care softwa re: ● On the Start menu, select Progra ms , select Hewlet t-Pac kard , select HP Easy Pri nter Care , and then cl ick Start HP Easy Printer Care .
Section Option s Support tab Provides links to s upport information ● Device Status section: This section shows product -identification information and the product s tatus. It indicates product -alert conditions, such as a print cartridge that is at its esti mated end of life.
Section Options Alert Settings link NOTE: This item is available from the Overview and Support tabs. Click Al ert Sett ings to open the Alert Settings window, in which you can configure alerts for each product. ● Alerting is on or off: Activates or deactivates the alerts feature.
Internal pri nt-qual ity test pages Print-quality-troubleshooting p ages Use the buil t- in pr in t-q ual ity - tro ubl es hoot ing pages to help dia gno se an d sol ve print- qua li ty pr obl em s. 1. Press the Hom e button. 2. Press the dow n arr ow to highligh t DIAGNOSTICS , and th en press the OK button.
Figure 3-49 Yellow print -q ual ity trou ble sh ooti ng pa ge Ye l l o w Gr een Figure 3-50 Ye llow compar ison page Gr een Y ello w Yellow cannot be e asily seen unless c ombined w ith cyan, s o half of each page i s yellow a nd the othe r half is an ampl ified vers ion of y ellow probl ems (gree n half).
Figure 3-51 Black prin t-q ual ity tro ubl esh ooti ng pa ge 1 3 2 1. Grids The grids are in inches and m illimeters. They are label with letters and numbers so that defects can be described by position and b y distance between rep eats.
Diagnostics page Use the diagnostic s page to ev aluate prob lems wit h color plane registra tion, EP parameter s, and pr int qual ity. 1. Press the Hom e button.
Cleaning page Create and use th e cl ean ing page 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the up arrow or down arrow / to highli ght the CONFIGURE DE VICE menu, and th en press the OK button. 3. Press the up arrow or down arrow / to high light the PRINT QUALITY menu, and then press the OK button.
Configuration page Depe nding on the m odel, up to three pages print when y ou select PR INT CONFIGURATION . In additi on to th e main conf iguration pa ge, an em bedded Jetd irect conf iguration page pri nts.
5 Memor y 6 Event log 7 Secur ity 8 Paper trays an d options 308 C h apt er 3 Solve probl ems ENWW.
HP embedded Jetdirect page The second confi gur ati on pag e is the HP embed ded Jetdire ct pag e, whi ch cont ain s the fo llo win g infor matio n: Figure 3-53 HP embedded Jet dir ect page HP Color L.
Embedded pr otocol page The em bedded proto col page c ontains the followin g inform ation: Figure 3-54 Embedded protocol page HP Color LaserJet CP 3525 Printers Embedded Protocol P age Pag e 1 2 1 4 .
Finding important information on the configur ation pages Certain informatio n, such as the firm war e date codes , the IP add re ss , and the e- mai l gate way s, i s especi al ly helpfu l whi le servicing the product. This info rm ation is on the variou s co nfigurati on pa ges .
Print-quality troubleshooting tools Repetitive defects ruler If defe cts repeat at reg ular interv als on the page, use this ruler to iden tify the cause of the de fect. Place the top o f the rul er at the fi rst defect. The marking that is b eside the ne xt occurr ence of the defect indica tes whic h com pone nt nee ds to be rep laced.
Calibrate the product Calibr ati on is a produ ct functi on that opt imizes prin t qual ity . If you experience an y im age -quality proble ms , cal ibrat e the pr odu ct. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the dow n arr ow to highlig ht the CON FIGU RE DEVICE m enu, and the n press the OK button.
Control panel menus Control panel menus You can con tro l t he pro duc t by ch ang ing setti ngs in the menu s on the produ ct control pan el. Use the contro l panel t o access f eatures not supporte d by the pr inter driver or softwa re applica tion, and to configu re trays for paper si ze an d typ e.
Item Sub- item Su b-item Description ALL JOBS (WITH P IN) PRINT PRINT AND DELETE ● COPI ES ● JOB ● CUST O M VA LUE DELETE This message appears if a user has two or more stored jobs that require a PIN. If PRINT or PRINT A ND DELE TE is selected then the P IN will be request ed.
Item Sub-item Sub-item Description ALL JOBS (NO PIN) PRINT PRINT AND DELETE ● COPIES ● JOB ● CUSTO M VAL UE DELETE This message appears if a user has two or more s tored jobs that do not require a PIN. Either the PRINT option or the PRINT AND DELETE option displays, depending on the type of jobs listed.
Information menu Use the INFORMATION menu to access and print specific p roduct inf ormation. To display: Press t he Home button , and then select the INFORMATION menu. Item Description PRINT ME NU MAP Prints the contro l-panel menu map, which s hows the layout and current settings of the control-panel menu items.
Menu item Val ue Description TRA Y 1 SIZE A list of available sizes appears. Allows you to configure the paper size for Tray 1. The defa ult is ANY SIZE . See the product user guide for a complete list of available sizes. TRA Y 1 TYPE A list of available types appears.
Menu it em Sub-menu it em Value s Description COLOR CARTRIDGES STOP PROMPT T O CONTINU E * CONTINUE PRINT IN B LACK Select what the product should do when the print cartridge is very near the end of its estimated life. STOP : T he product stops until you replace the cartridge.
Menu i tem Sub-menu item Values Descripti on USER DEFINED LOW YELLOW CARTRID G E MAGENTA CARTRIDG E CYAN CARTRIDGE BLACK CARTRIDGE Range from 0–100% Use the arrow buttons to enter the percentage of estimated cartridge life at which you want the product to alert you that the cartridge is low.
Menu it em Sub-menu it em Value s Description RESTRI CT COLOR USE ENABLE C OLOR * COLOR IF ALLOWED DISABLE COLOR This menu item controls the authorization of color printing. DISABLE COLOR : All jobs sent to the product print only in monochrome. ENABLE COLOR : All color pages sent to the product print in color.
Menu item Sub -menu ite m Valu es Description COPIES Range : 1 - 32000 Allows you to set the def ault number of copies for print jobs. The default number is 1 . DEFAULT PAPE R SIZ E A list of available sizes appears. Allows y ou to set the default paper size.
PCL sub-menu This me nu con fig ures settin gs for the printer co ntrol la nguage. To display: Press t he Home button , select the CONF IGUR E D EVIC E menu, se lect the PR INTING menu, an d then se lect the PCL menu . NOT E: Values that have an asteris k (*) ar e the factor y-default v alues.
Print Quality menu To display: Press the Home button , selec t the CON FIGURE DEV ICE me nu, and th en select th e PRINT QUALITY menu. NOT E: Values that have an as ter is k (* ) are t he fac tor y- def aul t valu es . Some menu it ems hav e no defa ult .
Item Su b-item S ub-item Val ues Description X1 SHIF T Y1 S HIFT X2 S HIFT Y2 S HIFT Range: -5 m m to +5 mm The scan direction is referred to as X. X1 is the scan direc tion for a single-s ided page or for the second side of a two-sided page. X2 is the scan direction for the first side of a two-sided page.
Item Su b-item S ub-item Val ues Description ADJUST PAP ER TYPES A list of paper type s displa ys. PRINT MODE RESISTANCE MODE HUMIDITY MODE PRE-ROT ATION MODE FUSER T EMP MODE PAPER CURL MODE A list of p rint modes displays. Configure the print mode that is associated w ith each media type.
Item Su b-item S ub-item Val ues Description EDGE CONTROL OFF LIGHT NORMAL * MAXIM UM The Edge Control setting determines how edges are rendered. Edge control has two components: adaptive halftoning and trapping. Adaptive half toning increases edge sharpness .
Item Su b-item S ub-item Val ues Description CREATE CLEANING PAGE Prints a page of instructions f or cleaning excess toner off the pressure roller in the fuse r. NOTE: This option is available only for the HP Co lor LaserJet CP4025n printer and the HP Color LaserJet C P4525n printer.
System setup menu Use t he SYST EM SE TUP menu to change pr oduct-configur ation defaults such as sleep mode, pro duct perso nal ity (la ngu age) , and jam recover y . To display: Press t he Home button , select the CONF IGUR E D EVIC E menu, an d then se lect the SYSTEM S ETUP menu.
Item Sub- item Values D escription USE REQUESTED TRAY EXC LUSIV ELY * FIRST USE REQUES TED TRAY handles jobs that have specified a specific input tray. Two options are available: ● EXCLUSIV ELY : The produ ct never selects a differ ent tray when the us er has indicated that a specific t ray should be used, even if that tray is empty.
Item Su b-item Values Description USE ANOTHER TRAY ENABLED * DISABLED This option turns on or off the control-panel prompt to select another tray when the specified tray is empty.
Item Sub- item Values D escription WAKE TIME <DAY O F T H E W EEK > OFF * CUSTOM Select the CUSTOM option to configure the daily wake time for the product to avoid warm-up or calibration time. S elect a day of the week, set the wak e time for that day, and t hen choose whether the wake time should be applied to all days of the week.
Item Su b-item Values Description AUTO CONTINUE OF F ON * Determines product behavior when the sys tem generates an Auto Continuable error. ● ON : Allows the product to continue printing. ● OFF : Stops the product from printing until the error is cleared by the user.
I/O menu Items on the I/O (input/output) me nu affect the communi cation betwe en the product and the compu ter. If the pr oduct contai ns an HP Jetdir ect print se rver, you ca n configure ba sic networkin g parameters by using th is submenu. Y ou can also co nfigure these and other param eters through HP Web Jetadmin or the embe dded Web s erver.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description IPV4 SETTING S CONFIG METHOD BOOTP DHCP * AUTO IP MANUAL Specifies the method that TCP/IPv4 parameters will be configured on the HP J etdire ct print server . Use BOOTP (Bootstrap Proto col) for automatic c onfiguration from a BootP server.
Item Sub- item Su b-item Sub-item Descripti on DHCP RENEW NO * YES This menu appears if CONFIG METHOD is set to DHC P and a DHCP lease for the print server ex ists. NO : The print server does not request t o renew the DHCP lease. YES : The print server req uests to renew the current DH CP lease.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description PROXY SE RVER Specifies the proxy server to be used by embedded applications in the product. A proxy server is typically used by network clients for Internet access. It caches Web pages, and provides a degree o f Internet secur ity, for thos e cl ients .
Item Sub- item Su b-item Sub-item Descripti on IPSE C KEEP DISABLE * Specify the IPSec status on the print serv er. KEEP : IPSec status remains the same as currently config ured. DIS ABLE : IPSec operation on the print server is disabled. 802.1X RESET KEEP * Specify whether the 802.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description SN MP T EST YES NO * This test checks operation of SNMP communications by access ing predefine d SNMP obje cts on the product .
Item Sub- item Su b-item Sub-item Descripti on PR INT RES ULTS YE S NO * If the ping test was not set for continuous operation, you c an choose to print t he test results. S elect YES to pri n t res ults. If you selec t NO , results are not printed. EXECUTE YES NO * Specify whether to initiate the ping test.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description REFRES H YES NO * When viewing the ping test results, this item updates the ping test data with current results. S elect YES to update the data, or NO to maintain the existing data. H owever, a refresh automatically occurs when the menu times out or you manually return to the main menu.
Resets menu The RESETS menu all ows you to re set factor y setti ngs , and dis ab le or enabl e sle ep mo de. To display: Press the Home button , selec t the CON FIGURE DEV ICE me nu, and th en select th e RESE TS menu. NOT E: Values that have an as ter is k (* ) are t he fac tor y- def aul t valu es .
Item Su b-item Values Description PAPER PAT H SE NSORS Performs a test on each of t he product’s sensors to determine if they are working correctly and displays the status of each sensor. PAPER PAT H TEST Tests the pa per-handling features of the product, such as the configuration of t he trays.
Item Sub- item Values Description COLOR BAND TEST PRINT TEST PA GE Prints a color band t est page that is used to identify arcing in the high- voltage power s upply. COPIES Range is 1 to 30. The default value is 1. Specify how many copies of the internal page are printed.
Interpret control-panel messages Contr ol-pan el mess age ty pes Four ty pes of contr ol-panel m essages can indicate the status o f or probl ems with t he produ ct. Message type Description Status messages Status messages ref lect the current state of the product .
Description Recommended acti on 11.XX Internal clock error To continue press OK The product real-t ime clock has experienced an error. ● XX = 01; clock battery failed ● XX = 02; real time clock failed Whenever the product is turned off and then turned on again, set the time and date at the control panel.
Description Recommen ded acti on 22 EMBEDDED I /O BUFFER OVERF LO W To continue press OK Too much dat a was sent to th e embedded HP Jetd i r ec t print se rver. Press the OK button to print the transferred data. (Some data might be lost.) Check the host configuration.
Description Recommended acti on 49.XX XX E RRO R To continue turn off then on A firm wa re er ro r has oc cu rr ed. This error can be caused by corrupt ed print jobs, software applications issues, non.
Description Recommen ded acti on 50.3 FUSER ERROR High fuser temperat ure Reinsta ll the fuser. Check connec tor J50 between the fuse r and the product. If either is damaged, replace the connector or fuser. See Fus er on page 85 . If the error persists, replace the low-voltage power supply.
Description Recommended acti on 50.9 FUSER ERR OR High fuser temperature. Reinstall the fuser. Check the connector J5 0 between the fuser and the product. If either is damaged, replace the connector or fuser. See Fus er on page 85 . If the error persists, replace the low-voltage power supply.
Description Recommen ded acti on 56.X ERROR To continue t urn of f then on A temporary printing error has occurred (XX = 01; illegal input ). Turn the product off, and then turn the product o n. 57.03 ERROR To continue t urn of f then on Cartridge fan (FM2) is defective.
Description Recommended acti on 59.20 ERROR Motor rotation err or. P erf orm the motor com ponent test s in the DIAGNOSTICS menu. 59.30 ERROR Fuser motor start up error Reconnec t the connector J1 3 of the fuser motor and the connector J123 o n the DC controller PCA.
Description Recommen ded acti on 59.63 ERROR Yellow image drum motor rotation error Perform the drum-motors component test in the DIAG NOS TIC S menu. If the m essage persists, replace the yellow drum motor. See Yellow, magenta, cyan, and black drum motors on page 199 .
Description Recommended acti on 59.F0 ERROR Transfer alienation failure 1. Verify that the ITB is installed. 2. Reconnect the primary-trans fer disengagement sensor J19, and connector J128 on the DC c ontroller PCA . 3. Run the sensor test in the sensor monitor mode to v erify that the pr imary transfer disengagement sensor is functioning properly.
Description Recommen ded acti on 60.04 ERROR Tray 4 is not lifting correctly. 1. Reconnec t connector J406 on the paper deck controller PCA and the intermediate connector J21. 2. Run the s ensor test in sensor monitor mode to verify that the cassette media stack surfac e sensor is functioning properly.
Description Recommended acti on 68.X PERMA NENT ST ORAG E WRIT E FAI L To continue press OK The product NV RAM is failing to wr ite. Printing can continue, but some unexpected functions might occur if an error occurred in permanent storage. X value s ● 0 = Internal memor y ● 1 = Removable disk Press the OK button t o clear the message.
Description Recommen ded acti on Ba d S ignat ure Upgrade cancelled The firmware upgrade code does not match the product signature. Download the correct firmware upgrade f ile for this product, and then reinstall the upgrade. See the produ ct user guide for more information.
Description Recommended acti on CARD SLOT DEVIC E FAIL URE To clear press OK The specified devic e has failed. Press the OK button to clear. CARD SLOT FILE OPER AT ION FA ILED To clear press OK A PJL file s ystem command at tempted to perform an illogical oper ation.
Description Recommen ded acti on CLOSE LOWER RI GHT DOOR 3 x 500 optional paper feeder only The right door on the optional paper feeder is open. Close the door. If the message appears when the door is closed: 1. Reconnect connec tor J19 of the PD right door switch and connec tor J147 on the controller PCA.
Description Recommended acti on CYAN CARTRIDG E VERY LOW The pr oduct indicates when a supply level is very low. Actual pr int cartridge life might vary. Consider having a replacement print cartridge available to install when print quality is no longer acceptable.
Description Recommen ded acti on EIO I S WRIT E PRO TECTED To clear press OK The file system device is protected and no new files can be written to it. Press the OK button to clear. EIO NOT INITIA LIZED This file-storage component must be initialized before use.
Description Recommended acti on Incorrect The PIN is incorrect. U se the up arrow and down arrow buttons to enter the correct PIN. Initia lizin g The product is starting. N o action is necessary. Please wait until the Ready message appears on the display.
Description Recommen ded acti on LOAD TRAY 1 [TYPE ] [SIZE] To continue press OK The indicated tray is loaded and configured for a type and size other th an the one specified in the job. 1. If the correct paper is loaded, press the OK button. 2. Otherwise, remove the incorrect paper and load the tray with the specified paper.
Description Recommended acti on LOADING PROGRAM <XX> Do no t powe r off Programs and fonts can be stored on the product’s file system and are loaded into RAM when the product is turned on. The number XX specifies a sequence number indicating the current program being loaded.
Description Recommen ded acti on MANUALLY F EED OUTPUT STACK Then press OK to print second side The product has printed the first side of a manual duplex job and is waiting for t he user to insert the output stack to print the second side . 1. Maintaining the sam e orientation, remove document from the output bin.
Description Recommended acti on Processing... The pr oduct is currently processing a job but is not yet pick ing pages. When paper motion begins, this message will be replaced by a message that indicates which tray the job is being printed from. No action is necessary.
Description Recommen ded acti on REM OVE S HIPPI NG SH EET The transfer unit shipping sheet was not removed bef ore you turned t he product on. 1. Open t he right door. 2. Remove the s hipping sheet. 3. Close the r ight door. REPLACE <COL OR> CARTRIDGE The product indicates when a supply level is at its estimated end of life.
Description Recommended acti on REPLACE SUP PL Y Printing bl ack only At least one print cartridge has reached the very low con dition and you have s et the COLOR CARTRIDGES items to the PRINT IN BLACK opt ion. The supply lif e remaining is used to determine if a s upply is very low.
Description Recommen ded acti on ROM DISK FILE OPERATIO N FAILED To clear press OK A PJL file syst em co mmand attempt ed to perform an illogical ope ration. Press the OK button to c lear. RO M D IS K FILE SYS TEM IS FU L L To clear press OK A PJL file s ystem command c ould not store something on the file system because the file system was f u ll.
Description Recommended acti on SUPP LIES LO W This message appears when at least two supplies ha ve reached the low thre shold. The actual supply life r emaining might vary. You do not need to replace the supplies at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable.
Description Recommen ded acti on TONER COLLECTION UNIT LOW The toner collection unit is alm ost full. The actual supply life remaining might vary. You do not need to replace the toner collection unit at this time unless print quality is no longer accepta ble.
Description Recommended acti on TRAY <X> [TYPE] [ SIZE] To change size or type press OK To accept settings press This message states the c urrent type and size configuration of the tray. To change size or type press the OK button. To accept settings press the back arro w .
Description Recommen ded acti on UNSU PPO R T E D DRI V E INST ALL E D A non-supported hard dr ive has been installed. Turn off the product, remove the hard drive, and then turn on the product. UNSU PPO R T E D SUP P L Y IN US E For help press A non-supported supply has been installed.
Description Recommended acti on WAIT FOR PRINTER TO REINITIALIZE This message can appear for a variety of reasons: ● The RAM DI SK settings changed before the product has restarted. ● The product is restarting after c hanging external device modes.
Description Recommen ded acti on YELLOW CARTRIDGE VE RY L OW The product indicates when a supply level is very low. Actual print c artridge life might vary. Consider having a replacement print cartridge available to install wh en print quality is no longer acceptable.
Event log messages This secti on des c ri bes mess ag es that only appea r in th e event log. Fo r add iti ona l num er ic messag es , see the control -p ane l mes sa ge sec ti on in thi s manual . See Co ntr ol- pa nel me ss ag es on p age 345 . Print an event log Use the event lo g to help di agnose an d solve prod uct proble ms.
Sample event log Figure 3-56 Sam ple event l og hp color LaserJet CP 4520 Series Event Log P age 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Product information 2 Event number 3 Date and time 4 Engine cycles 5 Event log code 6 Fi rm wa re ve rs ion num b er 7 Description of personality Clear th e event log Use the SERVICE menu to cle ar the ev ent log.
Event log me ssage table Event log message Description Comments 10.XX.00 Black toner cartr i dge 10.XX.01 Cyan toner cartridge 10.XX.02 Magenta toner cartridge 10.XX.03 Yellow toner cartridge 10.XX.04 Drum cartridge 10.XX.05 Black drum cartr i dge 10.
Event log message Description Comments 13.13.00 DUPLEX PA TH, PAPER STOPPED JAM 13.1C.00 FUSER ACCORDION JAM 13.20.00 PRINTER COULD NOT AUTOMA TI CALLY EJ ECT PA PER 13.21.00 DOOR OPEN JAM 13.30.00 PAPER FEE D 1, PAPER LA TE JAM 41.XX.00 ● X=11 Yellow laser scanner ● X=12 Magenta laser scanner ● X=13 Cyan laser scanner ● X=14.
Event log message Description Comments 54.0B.XX The density sensor is out of range. ● XX = 00 Blac k ● XX = 01 Cyan ● XX = 02 Magenta ● XX = 03 Yellow 54.0C.XX Halftone calibration error. ● XX = 00: Black Dhalf warning ● XX = 01: Cy an Dhalf warning ● XX = 02: M agenta Dhalf warning ● XX = 03: Yellow Dhalf warning 54.
Event log message Description Comments 54.1E.XX Halftone calibration error ● XX = 00 B ad internal data ● XX = 01 B ad external data ● XX = 02 M emory allocation ● XX = 03 No def ault tables ● XX = 04 B ad parameters ● XX = 05 Cyan data is out of range.
Event log message Description Comments 68 8X05 The permanent storage date does match the engine. Disk error: either the numbe r does not match or the wr ite failed 74.00 New registration roller 8x7345 The disk was successfully cleaned and sanitized. x = slot number 8x7346 The hard disk or compact flash disk cleaning or sa nitizing failed.
Clear paper jams Common causes o f jams The product is jammed. Cause Soluti on The paper does not meet specifications. Use only paper that meets HP s pecifications. See the product user guide. A component is installed incorrectly. Verify that the transfer belt and transfer roller are correctly installed.
The pr o duct i s ja mmed . Cause Soluti on Not all product packing material was removed. Verify that the packing tape, car dboard, and plastic shipping locks have been removed fr om the prod uct. The HP postcard media insert is installed in Tray 2, and you are not printing on 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in) paper.
Item Description Item Description X SR7 (PDU) Tray 4 feed sensor F SR6 Delivery tray media full sensor b SR10 (PDU) Tray 5 feed sensor X-1 Registration stop position A SR20 Top-of-Page sensor (TOP) X-.
Jam locations Use this illustrat ion to iden tify locatio ns of jams. In addition, instructions appear on the c ontrol panel to direc t you to the l ocation o f jammed paper and h ow to clear it. NOT E: Internal areas of th e product th at might need to be opened to c lear jams have green handles or green labe ls.
Type of jam Procedure 13.XX.YY JAM IN TRAY 1 See Clear jams in Tray 1 on p age 390 . 13.XX.YY JAM IN TRAY 2 See Clear jams in Tray 2 or optional Trays 3, 4, or 5 on page 392 . 13.XX.YY JAM IN OPTIONAL TRAYS See Clear jams in Tray 2 or optional Trays 3, 4, or 5 on page 392 .
3. If paper i s visible en tering the bottom of the fuser, gently pull downward to remove it . CAUTION: Do not touch the ro ll er s on the transfe r ro lle r. Contaminants can affec t pr int quality . 4. If paper is jamm ed as it enter s the outp ut bin , remove the fuse r and gently pull th e paper downward to remove it.
7. Open the j am-access door . If paper is jammed inside the fuser, gently pu ll it st raight up t o remov e it. If the p aper tears, remove all paper fragme nts. CAUTION: Even if the body of the fus er has cooled , the roller s that are inside could st ill be hot.
Clear jams in the output b in area 1. If pap er is visib le from the out put bin, gras p the leading edge and remove it . Clear jams in Tray 1 1. If jamm ed pape r is visibl e in Tray 1, clear the jam by gently pul ling the p aper strai ght out. Pres s the OK button to c lear the mess age.
3. Gently pull the pa per out o f the pick up area. 4. Close the ri ght door. ENWW Clear paper jam s 391.
Clear jams in Tray 2 or optional Trays 3, 4, or 5 CAUTION: Open ing a tray when paper i s jammed c an cause th e paper to tear a nd leave pi eces of paper in the tr ay, which m ight cause another jam . Be sure t o clear ja ms before o pening th e tray.
Clear jam s in the lower ri ght door (Tray 3, 4, or 5) 1. Open t he lower right d oor. 2. If pa per is vi sible, gently pull the jammed paper up or down to remove it.
Jam causes and solutions For loca tions o f jam sens ors, se e Jam d etecti on on page 55 . Jams in the output bin Table 3-16 C auses and so lutions for d elivery delay j am Cause Solu tion The output-bin full sensor flag is damaged. Rep lace the paper delivery assembly.
Cause Soluti on The output bin full sensor on the face-down tray has a poor connection. Re connect connector (J47) on the output bin full sensor an d (J128) on the DC controller PCA. The output bin full s ensor is defective . Run th e manual sensor test to verify the output bin full sensor is functioning properly.
Table 3-20 C auses and sol utions for resid ual medi a jams Cause Solu tion The sensor detecting a residual media jam is not working. One of the four sensors is reporting a residual jam. Test each sensor using the manual sensor test. See Manua l sensor test (special- mode test) on p age 246 for information.
Cause Soluti on The pickup so lenoid is defective. Run the solenoid drive test in the actuator drive mode to verify that the pickup solenoid is functio ning properly. If it is not, replace t he tray-pickup drive assembly. See Tray-pickup drive as sembly on page 178 .
Cause Solu tion Poor contact of the duplex re-pickup sensor connector Reconnect the intermediate connec tor (J74) and connector (J145) on the DC controll er PC A. The duplex re-pickup sensor (SR22) is defective. Run the ma nual sensor test t o verify that th e duplex re-pick up sensor (SR22) is functioning properly.
Cause Soluti on The spring of the duplex repickup s ensor lever is unhooked. Ch eck the spring and place it in the correct position. The sensor is located in the right d oor behind the cover close to the eng ine side. The duplex pickup sensor lever is damaged.
Table 3-27 Caus es and solutio ns for picku p stationary jams Cause Solu tion Multiple feed of media Replace an y worn or def ormed parts (tray separation pad, tray feed roller, MP tray pickup roller or MP tray s eparation pad). If replacing the MP tray separation pad, you must replace the right door assembly.
Cause Soluti on The paper-feeder p ickup solenoid is defect ive. Run the solenoid dr ive test in the actuator drive mode to verify that the paper- feeder pickup solenoid is functioning proper ly. If it is not, replace the pickup assembly of t he specific tray.
Change jam recovery This produ ct pr ov ide s a jam re co ver y featur e that re pr int s jammed pag es. The foll owin g opti ons ar e avail able: ● AUTO — The product attem pts to repr int jammed pages wh en enough mem ory is av ailable. T his is the de fault settin g.
Solve pa per-handl ing proble ms Product feeds multiple sheets Product feeds multiple sheets Cause Soluti on The input tray is overfilled. Open the tray and verif y that the paper stack is below the maximum stack height mark. Remove excess pap er from the input tray.
Product pulls from incorrect tray Cause Soluti on The paper size is not configured correctly for the input tray. Print a configuration page or use the control panel to determi ne the paper size for which the tray is configured. The guides in the tray are not against the paper .
Paper does not feed from Tray 2, 3, 4, or 5 Cause Soluti on None of the optional trays appear as input tray options. The optional trays only display as available if they are installed. Verify that any opt ional trays are corre ctly installed. Verify that the printer driver h as been configured to recognize the optional trays.
Envel opes ja m or wi ll not feed i n the prod uct Cause Soluti on Envelopes are se aling because the moisture content is to o high. Try using different env elopes. Store envelopes in a controlled environment. Envelope orientation is incorrect. Verify that the envelope is loaded c orrectly.
Product will not duplex (print 2-sided jobs) or duplexes incorrectly Cause Soluti on The product model does not support automatic 2-sided printing. The HP Color Laser Jet CP4525 and HP Color LaserJ et CP4525n models do not support automatic 2-sided printing.
Use ma nu al print mo des Try the fol low ing multi -p ur pos e (M P) mode s t o see if the y so lv e the im age -q ual ity proble ms . Thes e options can be found in the ADJUST P APER TY PES and OPTIMIZE submenu s under the PRINT QUALITY menu on the contr ol panel.
FUSER TEMP MODE If you are seeing a faint image of the page repeated at the bottom of the page or on the following page, first make sure the Paper Type and Print Mode settings ar e correct for the type of paper you are using. If y ou continue t o see ghost images on your print jobs, set the Fuser Temp feature to one of the Alternate settings .
Solve i mage-quality problems This se ction hel ps you defi ne print-q uality problem s and wh at to do t o correct t hem. Ofte n print-qu ality proble ms can be hand led easil y by making sur e that the produ ct is main tained, using paper that meets HP speci fic ati ons, or r unni ng a clea nin g page.
Probl em Sampl e Ca use Solution The page is all blac k or a solid color . Poor contact exists in the primary char ging bias or developing bias contac ts between the print cartridge and the p roduct. Clean each contact of the color that produces the all black or solid color.
Probl em Sam ple Cause Soluti on Vertical white lines appear in a particular col or. The laser beam window is dirty. Clean the window and remove any foreign substances . Scratches are present on the circumference o f the developing cylinder or photosensitive drum.
Probl em Sampl e Ca use Solution Image in a particular color does not print in t he correct color. Poor contact exists in the primary char ging bias or developing bias contac ts between the print cartridge and the p roduct. Clean each contact of the color that produces the missing color.
Probl em Sam ple Cause Soluti on Some color is misregistered. The product is incorrectly calibrated. Calibrate the product. The ITB unit is defective. If the ITB does not rotate s moothly or a cleaning malfunction occur s (ITB is dirty), replace the ITB.
Probl em Sampl e Ca use Solution The printed page contains wrinkles or creases. The roller or media feed guide is dirty. Clean any dirty components. A feed ro ller is deformed or has deteriora ted. Replace any deforme d or deteriorated ro llers. The paper feed guide is damaged.
Clean the prod uct Over time, par ti cl es of tone r and paper accumu lat e inside the produ ct. This can ca use pri nt-qua lity proble ms duri ng pr inti ng.
Solve pe rformance problems Proble m Cause Solut ion Pages print but a re totally blank. The document might contain blank pages. Check the document that you are printing to see if cont ent appears on all of the pages. The product might be malfunctioning.
Solve c onnecti vity p roblems Solve direct-connect problems If you have con nec ted the product directly to a compute r, ch ec k the cabl e. ● Verify that the cable is co nnec ted to the comp ute r and to the produ ct. ● Verify that the cabl e is not longer than 2 meters (6 feet ).
Check your sys tem for pr ope r net work oper atin g sy st em se tup. 8. Is your pro toc ol en abl ed? Check the st atus of your p rotocol on the C onfiguration p age. You can also use the emb edded Web server to check the status o f other pr otocols.
Servic e mo de fun ctions Service menu The SERVI CE menu is PIN-prote cte d for add ed sec ur it y. Only auth or iz ed se rv ice peo ple have acces s to the SE RVICE menu. When yo u sel ec t SERVICE from the list of menu s, the prod uct prom pts you to enter an ei ght-digit PIN num ber.
REFURBISH PA GE COUNT The number of pages a produ ct is set to print when it is refurbished. The count is ke pt for legal purposes. If it become s necessary to refurbish a product, you must be able to set the page count so that it represents the age of the print engine when it was refurbished.
SERVIC E ID Use this item to show the date t hat the product was first used on the control panel. This eliminates the need for users to keep paper receipts for proof of warranty. Restore the servi ce ID If you replace the f ormatter, the date is lost.
Product resets Restore factory-set defaults The RESETS me nu allows y ou to re set factory settings, a nd disable or enable s leep mode. To display: Press t he Home button , select the CONF IGUR E D EVIC E menu, an d then se lect the RESE TS menu. Select RESTOR E FA CTORY SE TTINGS from the su bmenu, and th en press t he OK button.
Prod u c t cold re set Before beginning , print a confi guration page and supplies status page. Use these pages to veri fy resets have oc cu rr ed. 1. Press the Hom e button. 2. Press the dow n arr ow to highligh t the CONF IGUR E D EVI CE menu, and the n press the OK button.
4 Parts and diagrams ● Order pa rts , ac ces s or ies , and sup pli es ● Part nu mb ers ● Screws ● How to use the parts li sts and dia gr ams ● External covers , panels, and doo rs ● Right.
Order par ts, a ccessories, a nd supp lies You ca n obtain the following items dir ectly from HP: ● Replacement p arts: To o rder replacement p arts in the U.S., go to www.h go/hppa rts/ . Outside the United States, ord er parts b y contactin g your l ocal aut horized HP service cen ter.
Part numbers The fol lowing list of acc essories wa s current at the tim e of printin g. Ordering info rmation and ava ilability of the a ccessories might chang e during the life of the product.
Customer self repair (CSR) parts Produc t name Prod uct numb er Part n umber Self-repair level Formatter assembly kit CC493-69001 1A HP postcard media insert replacement CC497-6 7902 1A Feed and separ.
Uni que com po n ent s Use the followin g tables as a quick r eference to identify component p art numbers by prod uct voltage , or functi on (sim pl ex or dup lex ).
Screws NOT E: The scre w illust rations in the fol lowing ta ble are for referen ce only. S crews mi ght var y in siz e and appear anc e fro m thos e sho wn in thi s tab le.
How to u se the p arts list s and di agra ms The fi gures in t his chapter s how the m ajor subas semblies i n the produc t and their component parts. A parts list tabl e follows e ach explode d view assem bly diagra m. Each table lists the item n umber, the associat ed part num ber, and the des cription of e ach part.
External cov e rs , pa ne ls , and doors Figure 4-1 External covers, p anels, a nd doors Front door assembly See Figure 4-3 Right door assembly See Figure 4-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 15 15 16.
Table 4-5 Ex ternal covers, panels, a nd doors; Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Grip, left front RC2-4268-000CN 1 2 Grip, left rear RC2-4269-000CN 1 3 Cover, left upper RC2-4270-000CN 1 4 Cover, rig.
Right door a ssembly Figure 4-2 Right do or assembly 2 1 3 *A01 *A02 *A03 *A04 *A05 *A06 *A06 *A06 *A06 *A06 *A07 *A08 *A09 *A09 434 C h apt er 4 Parts and diagr am s ENWW.
Table 4-6 Right door assemb ly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Right door assembly RM1-5509-000CN 1 3 Cover, M.P. crossm embe r R RC2-474 7-000CN 1 ENWW Right door assembly 435.
Front door a ssembly Figure 4-3 Front do or assemb ly 1 *A01 *A01 *A02 *A19 *A03 *A05 *A06 *A07 *A07 *A08 *A09 *A10 *A1 1 *A12 *A13 *A14 *A15 *A16 *A17 *A17 *A18 *A18 *A18 436 C h apt er 4 Parts and d.
Table 4-7 Fr ont door assemb ly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Front door assembly RM1-5506-000C N 1 ENWW Front door assembly 437.
Intern al co mponents Internal components (1 of 7) Figure 4-4 Internal co mponents 1 o f 7 DUPLEX MODEL (FM3) (J62) (SR5) (J48) SIMPLEX MODEL 1 22 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 8 438 C h apt er 4 Parts and diagr am s.
Table 4-8 Inter nal componen ts (1 of 7) Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Paper delivery f an assembly RM1-5501-000C N 1 2 Guide, paper feed, simplex RC2-456 6-000CN 1 2 Duplexing guide assembly, dup.
Internal components (2 of 7) Figure 4-5 Internal co mponents 2 o f 7 A A PCA See Figure 4-18 PCA See Figure 4-18 (J1) (J68) (J2) (J3) (J4) 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.
Table 4-9 Inter nal componen ts (2 of 7) Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Bushing RC2-9719-000CN 4 3 Lever, CR G. lock RC2-3986-000CN 4 4 Tray, waste toner catch RC2-4218-000CN 1 5 Spring, torsion RU.
Internal components (3 of 7) Figure 4-6 Internal co mponents 3 o f 7 Tr a y See Figure 4-1 1 (SW2) (FT1) (SW5) (J45) (SW3) (J84) (SW1) (FT2) (SR7) (J46) (J60) (J66) (J82) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 .
Table 4-10 In ternal compone nts (3 of 7) Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Hinge, front door RC2-4291-000CN 1 2 Hinge, front door RC2-4292-000CN 1 3 Cover RC2-4308-000CN 1 5 Lever, shutter RC2-4415-0.
Internal components (4 of 7) Figure 4-7 Internal co mponents 4 o f 7 Paper delivery assembly See Figure 4-16 Fuser assembly See Figure 4-17 (FM2) (J65) (SR9) (J19) (SR6) (J47) (J78) (J63) 1 2 3 4 5 6 .
Table 4-11 In ternal compone nts (4 of 7) Ref Description Part number Qty 4 Spring, tension RU6-2235-000CN 4 5 Spring, tension RU6-2376-000CN 1 6 Cartridge fan assembly RM1-5499-000CN 1 8 Waste toner motor assembly RM1-5605-000CN 1 9 Laser scanner kit (includes inst ruct io ns and one scanner assy.
Internal components (5 of 7) Figure 4-8 Internal co mponents 5 o f 7 Right door assembly See Figure 4-2 Registration assembly See Figure 4-14 Secondary transfer assembly See Figure 4-15 Paper pickup a.
Table 4-12 In ternal compone nts (5 of 7) Ref Description Part number Qty 2 Cover, inner RC2-3981-000CN 1 3 Shaft support (included in secondary transfer kit; se e Figure 4– 15) RC2-4162-000CN 1 4 S.
Internal components (6 of 7) Figure 4-9 Internal co mponents 6 o f 7 DUPLEX MODEL SIMPLEX MODEL DUPLEX MODEL (J79) (FM4) (J39) (M1 1) (J37) (M13) (J14) (M1) (J38) (M10) (J13) (M2) (J13) (M2) (J69) (SL.
Table 4-13 In ternal compone nts 6 of 7 Ref Description Part number Qty 3 Duplexing drive assembly RM1-5546-000CN 1 5 Spring, tension RU6-2468-000CN 1 6A Cartridge f an RK2-2 418-000CN 1 7 Flexible fl.
Internal components (7 of 7) Figure 4-10 Internal c omponents 7 of 7 A A PCA See Figure 4-18 PCA See Figure 4-18 PCA See Figure 4-18 PCA See Figure 4-18 (J130) (J145) (J131) (J148) (J74) (J83) (J77) (.
Table 4-14 In ternal compone nts 7 of 7 Ref Description Part number Qty 4 Fan RK2-2577-000CN 1 5 Cable, flexible f lat, H.V.T. RK2-2603-000CN 1 7 Contact assembly RM1-5502-000CN 1 8 Fan cable assembly RM1-5821-000CN 1 9 H.
Cassettes 2-5 Figure 4-11 Cassettes 2-5 *A02 *A05 *A05 *A03 *A15 *A25 *A17 *A09 *A12 *A09 * A19 *A23 *A1 1 *A20 *A16 *A08 *A07 *A18 *A22 *A24 *A06 *A13 *A21 *A26 *A27 *A04 *A25 *A09 *A17 *A09 *A10 *A0.
Table 4-15 Cassette Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Cassette RM1-5928-000CN 1 ENWW Internal compon ent s 45 3.
Paper pickup assembly Figure 4-12 Paper pickup as sembly (SL4) (J59) (J58) 1 2 2 3 3 *A01 *A02 *A03 *A04 *A05 *A06 *A07 *A08 *A09 *A10 *A1 1 *A12 *A13 *A14 *A15 *A15 *A17 *A28 *A18 *A19 *A20 *A22 *A21.
Table 4-16 Pap er pickup assembly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Roller, paper pickup RL1-2099-000CN 1 2 Paper feed roller RM1-0037-020CN 2 3 Paper pickup as sembly RM1-5919-000CN 1 ENWW Internal c.
Tray 1 paper pickup assembly Figure 4-13 Tray 1 paper pic kup assembly (SL3) (J52) (J75) (J22) (J22) (SR8) 1 2 *A01 *A01 *A02 *A03 *A04 *A05 *A06 *A07 *A28 *A08 *A10 *A1 1 *A12 *A13 *A14 *A15 *A20 *A2.
Table 4-17 Tr ay 1 paper pickup asse mbly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Pickup roller (Tray 1) kit (includes instructions) CC493–679 06 1 2 Separation pad (Tray 1) RL1-1937-000CN 1 ENWW Internal.
Registration assembly Figure 4-14 Regist ration a ssembly (J53) (J23) (J27) (J74) (J77) (J21) (J20) DUPLEX MODEL SIMPLEX MODEL (J53) (CL1) 1 *A13 *A01 *A02 *A03 *A04 *A05 *A05 *A05 *A05 *A06 *A07 *A08.
Table 4-18 Registration ass embly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Registration assembly kit, simplex (inc lud es instr uctions ) CC493-6 7916 1 1 Registration assembly kit, duple x (includes inst ru.
Secondary transfer assembly Figure 4-15 Seco ndary tran sfer asse mbly DUPLEX MODEL DUPLEX MODEL DUPLEX MODEL 1 2 *A23 *A08 *A03 *A15 *A16 *A17 *A18 *A21 *A14 *A04 *A20 *A05 *A12 *A13 *A07 *A06 *A01 *.
Table 4-19 Secondary Tr ansfer as sembly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Secondary transfer roller asse mbly kit (includes inst ruct ions) CC493-67908 1 2 Secondary transfer assembly, duplex kit (in.
Delivery assembly Figure 4-16 De livery ass embly DUPLEX MODEL DUPLEX MODEL 1 *A10 *A1 1 *A23 *A07 *A06 *A27 *A26 *A13 *A16 *A24 *A22 *A09 *A05 *A02 *A03 *A07 *A16 *A08 *A21 *A27 *A19 *A27 *A17 *A20 *.
Table 4-20 D elivery assembly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Simplex delivery assembly kit CC493-67918 1 1 Duplex delivery assembly kit CC493-67919 1 ENWW Internal compon ent s 46 3.
Fuser assembly Figure 4-17 Fuser as se mbl y 1 464 C h apt er 4 Parts and diagr am s ENWW.
Table 4-21 F user assemb ly Ref Description Part number Qty 1 Fuser 110 V assembly kit (i ncludes instructions) CC493-6 7911 1 1 Fuser 220 V assembly kit (i ncludes instructions) CC493-6 7912 1 ENWW I.
PCAs Figure 4-18 PCAs 1 2 3 4 7 7 7 7 9 6 8 466 C h apt er 4 Parts and diagr am s ENWW.
Table 4-22 PCAs Ref Description Part number Qty 1 DC controller P CA assembly RM1-5758-000CN 1 2 Low voltage power supply PCA assembly, 110V RM1-5763-000CN 1 2 Low voltage power supply PCA assembly, 2.
Assesso ries Paper feeders Figure 4-19 Paper feeders 1x500 3x500 Cassette 3 Cassette 3 Cassette 4 Cassette 5 468 C h apt er 4 Parts and diagr am s ENWW.
Table 4-23 Paper feeders Ref Description Part number Qty NA Cassette RM1-5928-000CN NA ENWW A ssess orie s 469.
Paper feeder external covers, panels, and do ors Figure 4-20 Paper feeder e xternal co vers, p anels, a nd doors 3x500 1x500 1x500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 17 16 15 15 14 *A01 *A01 *A03 *A01.
Table 4-24 Paper feeder exte rnal covers, panels, a nd doors Ref Description Part number Qty 4 Cover, rear low er RC2-5378-000CN 1 5 Cover, rear RC2-5379-000CN 1 7 Cover, left RC2-5393-000CN 1 8 Cover.
1 X 500 paper feeder main bod y Figure 4-21 1 X 500 paper feeder main b ody (J410) (J10) (J15) (J14) (M2) Cassette See Figure 4-1 1 (J408) (J409) (J407) (J18) (J14) (J15) (J13) (J17) (J1 1) 1 2 5 6 7 .
Table 4-25 1 X 500 paper feeder main body Ref Description Part number Qty 3 Lifter base a ssembly RM1-5913-000C N 1 4 Lifter assem bly RM1- 5914-000CN 1 7 Paper pickup driv e assembly, 1x5 00 RM1-5934.
3 X 500 paper feeder main bod y Figure 4-22 3 X 500 paper feeder main b ody (J410) (J10) (J402) (J403) (J35) (J34) (J32) (J30) (J31) (J21) (J406) (J405) (J25) (J15) (J24) (J34) (J24) (J22) (J20) Casse.
Table 4-26 3 X 500 paper feeder main body Ref Description Part number Qty 2 Lifter base a ssembly RM1-5913-000C N 1 3 Lifter assem bly RM1- 5914-000CN 1 6 Paper pickup driv e assembly 3x500 RM1-5935-0.
Alphab etic al par ts list Table 4-27 A lphabetical p arts list Description Part number Ta ble a nd page Arm, door link support ing, right RC2 -4055-000CN Internal comp onents (5 of 7) on page 447 Bus.
Description Part n umbe r Table and page Cover, inner RM1-5520-000CN Externa l covers, panels, and doors; on page 433 Cover, inner RC2-3981-000CN Int ernal components (5 of 7) on page 447 Cover, left .
Description Part number Ta ble a nd page Density detect assembly RM1-5641-000CN Internal comp onents (5 of 7) on page 447 Developing disengaging motor RK 2-2415-000CN Internal components 6 of 7 on pag.
Description Part n umbe r Table and page Fuser drive assembly, simplex RM1-6702-000CN Internal components 6 of 7 on page 449 Grip , l e ft front RC 2-4268-000CN External cove rs, panels, and doors; on.
Description Part number Ta ble a nd page Lever, shutter RC2-4415-000 CN Internal components (3 of 7) on page 443 Lifter assembly RM1-5914-000CN Internal components 6 of 7 on page 449 Lifter assembly R.
Description Part n umbe r Table and page Photo interrupter WG8-5696-000CN Internal com ponents (3 of 7) on page 443 Photo interrupter WG8-5696-000CN Internal com ponents (4 of 7) on page 445 Photo int.
Description Part number Ta ble a nd page Shutter arm assembly RM1-5585-000CN Internal components (2 of 7 ) on page 441 Shutter arm assembly RM1-5586-000CN Internal components (2 of 7 ) on page 441 Shu.
Description Part n umbe r Table and page Upper main cable assembly RM 1-5800-000CN Internal components 7 of 7 on page 451 Waste toner collection kit (includes instructions and wipe) CC493-67913 Intern.
Numerical par ts list Table 4-28 N umerical parts list Part number Description Ta ble and page CC493-67901 Secondar y transfer assembly, duplex kit (includes shaft-supp ort clip; # 3 F igure 4–8) Se.
Part num ber Descripti on Tab le and page RC2-4218-000CN Tray , waste toner cat ch Internal components ( 2 of 7) on page 441 RC2-4268-000CN Gr ip, le ft front Ex terna l cove rs, panels, and doors; on.
Part number Description Ta ble and page RC2-4741-000CN Guide, c assette option Internal components (5 of 7) on page 447 RC2-4747-000CN Co ver, M.P. cros smember R Right door assembly on page 435 RC2-5.
Part num ber Descripti on Tab le and page RK2-2604-000CN Flat flexible cable (DCC to HVPS lower) Internal components 6 of 7 on page 449 RL1-1937-000CN Separat ion pad (Tray 1) Tray 1 paper pickup asse.
Part number Description Ta ble and page RM1-5520-000CN C over, inner External covers, panels, and doors; on page 433 RM1-5521-000CN Main DC motor asse m bly Internal components 6 of 7 on page 449 RM1-.
Part num ber Descripti on Tab le and page RM1-5781-000CN H i gh voltage power supply, upper PCAs on page 467 RM1-5786-000CN C ontrol-panel assembly Externa l covers, panels, and doors; on page 433 RM1.
Part number Description Ta ble and page RM1-5928-000CN C assette Paper feeders on page 469 RM1-5929-000CN Paper pickup ass embly 1 X 500 paper feeder main body on page 473 RM1-5929-000CN Paper pickup .
Part num ber Descripti on Tab le and page WC2-5637-000CN Switch, push Internal components 7 of 7 on page 451 WC4-5303-000CN Switch Internal components (3 of 7) on page 443 WG8-5696-000CN Photo interru.
492 C h apt er 4 Parts and diagr am s ENWW.
A Service and support ● Hewlett -Pac kard li mi ted wa rr ant y s t ate men t ● HP's Premi um Pr ot ect ion Warranty : Laser Je t pri nt ca rtr id ge li mi ted wa rr an ty st atement ● HP C.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP Color LaserJet CP4025n, CP4025dn, CP4525n, CP4525dn, CP4525xh One-year on-si te warranty HP war rants to y ou, the.
HP's Premi um Pr otec tion W arran ty: La ser Jet prin t cartridge limited wa rr anty statement This HP product is warranted to be fr ee from defec ts in mater ials and workmansh ip.
HP Color La se rJet Fuser Kit L i mited Warran ty State ment This HP product is warranted to be fre e from defec ts in m aterials and w orkmanship until t he printer provi des a low -life indi cat or on the contr ol pa nel .
End User Li cense Agr eem en t PLEASE REA D CAREFULLY BEFORE USING T HIS SOFT WARE PRODUCT: This E nd-User License Agreem ent (“EULA” ) is a c ontract betw een (a) y ou (eithe r an indiv idual or .
Software wi ll agree t o this EULA. Up on transfer of the HP Softw are, your licen se is auto matically termin ated. b. Re strictio ns. You ma y not ren t , l ease or lend the HP Soft ware or Use the HP Softw are for c ommerci al timesha ring or bureau use.
Cust omer self -repa ir war ranty se rvice HP produc ts are desig ned wi th many Cus tome r Self Repair (CSR ) par ts to mini mize re pair time and allow fo r greater fle xibility in performing d efective part s replacement.
Customer supp ort Get telephone support, free during your warranty period, for your country/region Have the pr oduct name, serial num ber, date of purchase , and problem description read y. Country/region phone num bers are on the flyer t hat was in the box with your product or at www.
B Prod uct specifications ● Physic al spec ifica tions ● Perfo rmance sp ecifi cation s ● Electri cal sp ecifi cation s ● Acousti c speci ficati on s ● Env iro nment al sp ecif icat ions ●.
Physical sp ecifica tions Table B-1 Product d imensions Produc t Height Depth Width Weight HP Color LaserJet CP4025n 420 mm (16.5 in) 522 mm (20.6 in) 54 0 mm (21.3 in) 38. 5 kg (84.6 lb) HP Color LaserJet CP4025dn 420 mm (16.5 in) 522 mm (20.6 in) 540 mm ( 21.
Table B-3 Power requirements Specification 110-volt models 220-volt mode ls Power requirements 100 to 127 volts (± 10%) 50/60 Hz (± 2 Hz) 220 to 240 volts (± 10%) 50/60 Hz ( ± 2 Hz) Rated current 8.
Skew spec ifications Table B-6 Media registration and image place ment accu racy Cut sheet simplex and automatic duplex 1 Envelopes and postcards Skew - vert ical ≤ 1.5 mm / 260 mm 2 ≤ 3.3 mm / 220 m m First line / leading edge pos ition 5.0 mm ± 2.
C Regulatory information ● FCC regul ati ons ● Environ mental pro duc t s tewa rds hi p pr ogram ● Decl ara tion of Conf ormi ty ● Safety stateme nts ENWW 505.
FCC regulations This equ ipment has been tested and found to comply wi th the limits for a Class A digital d evice, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These li mits are designed to pr ovide reason able protectio n against harmfu l interfe rence in a residen tial instal lation.
Environm en tal pr oduct stewards hip program Protecting the enviro nment Hewlett- Packard C ompany is committed to providing quality products in an env ironmental ly sound manner . This produc t has been designed with several attributes to m inimize im pacts on our environme nt.
Return and recycling instru ctions Unit ed S tates and Puerto Ri co The en closed l abel in th e HP Lase rJet toner cartrid ge box is fo r the re turn and rec ycling of o ne or more HP Laser Jet print car tri dge s afte r us e. Pl eas e fol low the app lic ab le in structions belo w.
Material restrictions This HP prod uct does not contain added m ercur y . This HP product contains a ba ttery that might requ ire special handling at end-of- life.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Materi al Safety Data S heets (MSDS) for supplie s containing chem ical substan ces (for exampl e, toner) can be o btained by a ccessing the HP Web site at www.hp .com/ go/ msds or hpi nfo/ commu nity/environmen t/productinfo/s afety .
Declarati on of Conformity Declaration of Conformity according to ISO/ IEC 17050–1 and EN 1 7050–1, DoC#: BOISB-0806-00- rel.1.0 Manufact ure r's Name : Hewlett-Packard Company Manufacturer&a.
Safety statement s Laser safety The Center for Devices and Radiologica l Health (CDRH) of t he U.S. Food and Drug Adminis tration has implem ente d reg ula tio ns for las er produ cts manufact ured since August 1, 19 76. Com pl ian ce is mand atory for pro ducts mark eted in the United Stat es.
EMC statement (China) EMC statement (Korea) EMI statement (Taiw an) Laser statement for Finland Luokan 1 lase rlaite Klass 1 Lase r Apparat HP Col or LaserJ et CP4025n, CP 4025dn, C P4525n, CP4 525dn, CP 4525xh, las erkirjoitin on käyttäj än kannal ta tur va lli ne n luok an 1 lase rl ai te.
Mikäli ki rj oitt imen su oja kot elo ava taan, ole t al ttii na nä ky mä ttömällel ase rsäteil yl le l aitt een o llessa toiminn assa. Älä katso sä teeseen. VARNING ! Om laserpr in ter ns skydds hö lje öppna s då ap paraten är i funk tion , utsä ttas anv änd ar en för osynl ig laser strål nin g.
Index Symbols/Numeri cs 500-she e t pape r and heav y me dia tra y specif icati ons, phys ical 5 01 A AC to DC conversi on 12 access ories ordering 42 6 part numbers 427 scre ws 430 access orie s inst.
PCA l ocatio ns xxviii pickup, fee d, and deli ve ry 37 print c artridg e 28 protection for 1 3, 15 configur ati on p age 242 configur ati on p age s informat ion 311 pri nti ng 307 configur e dev ic .
drive c irc uit power-s upp ly fr equ enc y range 17 drum cl eani ng 28 duplex p ri nti ng (do uble-sided) Show Me Ho w menu 314 duplexe r specif icati ons, phys ical 5 01 duplexi ng un it componen ts.
I I/O (inpu t/out put) men u 33 4 I/O menu 33 4 image p lacement a ccuracy xix image quality issues ex am ple s and solu tion s 239 image sta bilization c ontr ol s 35 image-fo rmati on proce ss devel.
main -dri ve assem bly remo ving 203 manage sup plies menu 31 8 manual p rint mo des 4 08 material restrictions 509 Material Safe ty Data Sheet (MSDS) 5 10 media Show Me Ho w menu 314 media re gistrat.
lifter-d ri ve as s emb ly , removi ng 230 motor c ont rol 59 mu ltif eed pr even tion 43 optional 1 x 500-sh eet 57 optional 3 x 500-sh eet 57 paper d etec tio n 4 7 pickup and fee d ope rat ion 60 p.
Q qualit y. See print quality R recycli ng HP printi ng supplies returns a nd envi ro nme ntal pr og ram 508 reform at produc t har d di sk 42 3 registr at ion assembl y remo ving 128 registr at ion r.
secu rity settin gs 334 security setti ng s informa tion 309 secu ri ty slo t lo cating 28 0 sensor tests man ual 5V laser and 24V inte rlock and logic sw itches 267 developer al ien ati on s ens or (.
TCP/IP settings 334 tech nical suppo rt online 5 00 temp erat ure control for fuser 15 thresholds fo r fuser compon ents 1 5, 16 val ues, prin ted 305 temperat ur e r equ ir em ents 5 03 tests color b.
Material Sa fety Data Sh eet (MSDS) 5 10 ordering s upp lie s 426 white spots , tr oub les hoo tin g 4 11 wrinkl es, trouble sho oti ng 4 15 524 In dex ENWW.
© 20 1 0 Hew lett-P ack ar d Dev elopment C ompan y , L.P . www *CC489-90936* *CC489-90936* CC489-9093 6.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC494A#ABA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center