Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CC490A HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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COL OR L A SERJET ENTERP RISE CP4020/CP4520 SERIES PRINTER CP40 2 5n CP40 2 5dn CP4 5 2 5n CP4 5 2 5dn CP4 5 2 5xh Us er Guide.
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020-CP4520 Series Printer User Gu ide.
Copyright and License © 2009 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development C ompany, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as a llowed under the copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Conventions u sed in this g uide TIP: Tips provi de helpful hi nts or shortcu ts. NOT E: Notes prov ide impo rtant inform ation to explain a c oncept or t o complete a task. CAUTION: Cauti ons indicat e procedur es that you should foll ow to av oid losing data or dam aging the prod uct.
iv Conve ntions used in this gui de ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product basics Product com parison ....... ............ .......... .......... ............ .......... .......... ......... ............. .......... ..... ....... .......... 2 Environmen tal features ....... .......... .......... ..
Priority for print settings ............. .................. ................... ....................... ................... ....... ................... 4 8 Change pr inter-driver setting s for Windows ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Install the product on a wired net work ....... ........ ......... ........... ......... ........ ........ ............ ....... 71 Configure th e IP address .. ....... ....... .......... ....... ....... ......... ....... ....... ........ ......... .. 71 Install the softwa re .
Use a prin ting shortcut with Windows ..... ........... .............. .......... ........... .......... 10 5 Create printi ng shortcuts .. .......... ............. .......... .......... ............ .......... .......... .... 106 Improve print quali ty with Windows .
8 Color Adjust color .................. .................. ................... ....................... ................... ................. .............. ....... 140 Automatic ..... ........... .......... ............. ........... .......... .......
Manage suppl ies and accessories ....... .......... ............. .......... .......... ............. ......... .......... .......... ... .... 162 Print when a cartridge reaches estimated end of life ... ............... ........... ........... .......
Transpar encies or glossy paper wil l not feed ..... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ... 220 Envelopes ja m or will not feed in the p roduct .... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... ........... ....... ...... 22 1 Output is curled or wrinkled .
Appendix D Regulatory information FCC regula tions ......... ................. ............ ............. ............. ................. ............ ............ ...... ............... . 250 Environment al product stewardship pro gram ..............
1 Product basics ● Product com parison ● Env iro nment al fe atur es ● Product f eatures ● Product v iews ● Contro l-panel lay out ENWW 1.
Product compa rison Model Featu res HP Color LaserJet CP4025n HP Color LaserJet CP4525n ● 100-sheet multipurpose input tray (Tray 1) ● 500-sheet input tray (Tray 2) ● 500-sheet, face-d own output bin ● Hi-speed USB 2.
Environm ental features Duplex Save paper by using duplex printing as your default print setting. Print multiple pages per sheet Save paper by printing two or more pages of a document side-by-side on one sheet of paper. Access this feature through the printer driver.
Product fea tures Speed and through put HP Color LaserJet CP4025 models ● Print up to 35 pages per minute (ppm ) on letter-size paper and 35 ppm on A4-size paper.
Languages and fonts ● HP Printer Control Language PCL 5, PCL 6, and HP postscript level 3 emulation ● Direct PDF ● 93 scalable TrueType PS typefaces Print cartridges ● For information regarding print cartridges, see go/ learnaboutsupplies .
Self-help ● Show-m e-how pages that yo u can print from t he control panel ● Job aids for specific tasks available from suppor t/cljcp4025 or s upport/cljcp4525 . ● Animations and help o n the control panel Accessibility ● The online user guide is compatible with text screen-readers.
Product views Front view 1 3 4 5 6 9 7 8 10 11 2 1 Front door (ac cess to print cartridges and toner collection unit) 2 Standard o utput bin 3 Control panel 4 Right door ( access for clearing jams) 5 .
Back view 1 2 1 Interface ports 2 Power connection 8 Chapte r 1 Produc t basics ENWW.
Interface ports 1 2 3 4 1 Hi-speed USB 2. 0 printing port 2 Local area net work (LAN) Ethernet (RJ-45) network port 3 EIO interface expansion slot 4 Slot for a cable-type security lock Serial number and mod el number location The m odel number and seria l number ar e listed o n an iden tification l abel located on the ba ck of the produc t.
Contro l-panel l ayout The con trol panel in cludes a co lor, graphica l and text disp lay, job-con trol butt ons, and three ligh t-emittin g diode ( LED) statu s lights. 1 3 5 4 2 6 7 8 10 9 1 Control panel display Shows status inf ormation, menus, help inf ormation, and error m essages.
2 Control panel menus ● Cont rol pan el menu s ENWW 11.
Contro l panel menus You can con trol the produc t by changing setti ngs in the menus on the produ ct control panel. Use the contro l panel t o access f eatures not supporte d by the pr inter driver or softwa re applica tion, and to configu re trays for paper size and type.
Item Sub-item Sub-item Sub-ite m Description ALL JOBS (WITH PIN) PR INT PRINT A ND DELE TE DELE TE This message appears if a user has two or more stored jobs that require a PIN. If PRINT or P RINT AND DELETE is selected then the PIN will be requested.
Item Sub-item Sub-item Sub-item Description COPI ES JOB CUSTOM VALU E When PRINT or PRINT AND DELET E is selected, the COPI ES option allows you to specify the number of copies of the job to print.
Item Description PRINT S UPPLIES STATUS PAG E Prints the approximate remaining life for the supplies; reports statistics o n total number of pages and jobs processed, serial number, page counts, and maintenance information. HP provides approximations of the remaining life for t he supplies as a customer convenience.
Menu item Val ue Description TRAY <X> SIZ E X = 2 or optional 3, 4, or 5 A list of available sizes appears. Allows you to configure the paper size for Tray 2 or optional Tray 3, 4, or 5. These trays can detect the paper size by the guides in the tray.
Menu it em Sub-me nu item Values Descri ption COLOR CARTRIDGES STOP PROMPT T O CONTINU E * CONTINUE PRINT IN B LACK Select what the product should do when the print cartridge is very near the end of its estimated life. STOP : T he product stops until you replace the cartridge.
Menu i tem Sub-me nu item Values Description USER DEFINED LOW YELLOW CARTRIDGE MAGENTA CARTRIDG E CYAN CARTRIDGE BLACK CARTRIDGE Range from 0–100% Use the arrow buttons to enter the percentage of estimated cartridge life at which you want the product to alert you that the cartridge is low.
Menu it em Sub-me nu item Values Descri ption RESTRI CT COLOR USE ENABLE C OLOR * COLOR IF ALLOWED DISABLE COLOR This menu item controls the authorization of color printing. DISABLE COLOR : All jobs sent to the product print only in monochrome. ENABLE COLOR : All color pages sent to the product print in color.
Menu item Sub -menu ite m Valu es Description COPIES Range : 1 - 32000 Allows you to s et the default number of copies for print jobs. The default number is 1 . DEFAULT PAPE R SIZE A list of available sizes appears. See Supported paper sizes on page 83 .
Menu ite m Sub-menu item Val ues Description PRINT PS E RRORS OFF * ON Allo ws yo u to se lect to print PS error pages. PRINT PD F ERRO RS OFF * ON Allows you to selec t to print PDF error pages. PCL sub-menu This me nu configur es settings for the printer co ntrol language .
Item Valu es Description SUPPRESS BLANK P AGES NO * YES When generating y our own PCL, extra form feeds are included that would cause a blank page to be printed.
Print Qualit y menu To display: Press t he Home button , select the CONF IGUR E D EVI CE menu, an d then selec t the PRINT QUALITY menu. NOT E: Values that have an asteris k (*) ar e the factor y-default v alues.
Item Sub-item Sub-item Va lues Description X1 SHIFT Y1 SHIFT X2 SHIFT Y2 SHIFT Range: -5 mm to +5 mm The scan direction is referred to as X. X1 is the scan direction for a single-sided page or for the second side of a two-sided page. X2 is the scan direction for the fi rst side of a two- sided page.
Item Sub- item Sub-item Values Descri ption ADJU ST PAPER TYPES A list of paper types displays. PRINT MO DE RESISTANC E MODE HUMIDITY MODE PRE-ROT ATION MODE FUSE R TEMP MODE PAPER CURL MODE A list of pr int modes displ ays. Configure the print mode that is associated with each media type.
Item Sub-item Sub-item Va lues Description EDGE CONT ROL OFF LIGHT NORMAL * MAXIM UM The Edge Control setting determines how edges are re ndered. Edge control has two components: adaptive halftoning and trapping. Adaptive half toning increases edge sh arpness.
Syste m setup menu Use t he SYST EM SE TUP menu to change pr oduct-confi guration defau lts such as sleep mod e, product perso nality (langu age), and jam recovery . To display: Press t he Home button , select the CONF IGUR E D EVI CE menu, an d then selec t the SYSTEM S ETUP menu.
Item Sub- item Values D escription USE REQUESTED TRAY EXCLU SIVELY * FIRST USE REQUES TED TRAY handles jobs that have specified a specific input tray. Two options are available: ● EXCLUSIV ELY : The produ ct never selects a differ ent tray when the us er has indicated that a specific t ray should be used, even if that tray is empty.
Item Su b-item Values Description USE ANOTHER TRAY ENABLED * DISABLED This option turns on or off the control-panel prompt to select another tray when the specified tray is empty.
Item Sub- item Values D escription WAKE TIME <DAY O F THE WEEK> OFF * CUSTOM Select the CUSTOM option to configure the daily wake time for the product to avoid warm-up or calibration time. S elect a day of the week, set the wak e time for that day, and t hen choose whether the wake time should be applied to all days of the week.
Item Su b-item Values Description AUTO CONTINUE OF F ON * Determines product behavior when the sys tem generates an Auto Continuable error. ● ON : Allows the product to continue printing. ● OFF : Stops the product from printing until the error is cleared by the user.
I/O menu Items on the I/O (input/output) me nu affect the communi cation betwe en the product and the compu ter. If the pr oduct contai ns an HP Jetdir ect print se rver, you ca n configure ba sic networkin g parameters by using th is submenu. Y ou can also co nfigure these and other param eters through HP Web Jetadmin or the embe dded Web s erver.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description IPV4 SETTING S CONFIG METHOD BOOTP DHCP * AUTO IP MANUAL Specifies the method that TCP/IPv4 parameters will be configured on the HP J etdire ct print server . Use BOOTP (Bootstrap Proto col) for automatic c onfiguration from a BootP server.
Item Sub- item Su b-item Sub-item Descripti on DHCP REN EW NO * YES This menu appears if CONFIG METHOD is set to DHCP and a DHCP lease for the print server ex ists. NO : The print server does not request t o renew the DHCP lease. YES : The print server req uests to renew the current DH CP lease.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description PROXY SE RVER S pecifies the proxy server to be used by embedded applications in the product. A proxy server is typically used by network clients for Internet access. It caches Web pages, and provides a degree o f Internet secur ity, for thos e clients .
Item Sub- item Su b-item Sub-item Descripti on IPSE C KEEP DISABLE * Specify the IPSec status on the print serv er. KEEP : IPSec status remains the same as currently config ured. DIS ABLE : IPSec operation on the print server is disabled. 802.1X RESET KEEP * Specify whether the 802.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description SNMP T EST YES NO * This test checks operation of SNMP communications by access ing predefined SNMP obje cts on the product .
Item Sub- item Su b-item Sub-item Descripti on PRINT R ESULTS YES NO * If the ping test was not set for continuous operation, you c an choose to print t he test results. S elect YES to pri nt results. If you selec t NO , results are not printed. EXEC UTE YES NO * Specify whether to initiate the ping test.
Item Sub- item Sub- item Sub-i tem Description AUTO * The print server uses auto-negotiation to configure itself with the highest link speed and communication mode allowed. If aut o- negotiation fails, either 100TX HALF or 10T HAL F is set depending on the detected link speed of the hub/switch port.
Resets menu The RESETS menu all ows you to reset factor y settings, and disab le or enable sleep mode. To display: Press the Home button , select the CONFIGURE DEVI CE menu, and then selec t the RESE TS menu. NOT E: Values that have an asterisk (* ) are the factory- default values .
Item Su b-item Values Description PAPER PAT H SENSORS Per forms a test on each of the product’s sensors to determine if they are working correctly and displays the status of each sensor. PAPER PAT H TEST Tests the pa per-handling features of the product, such as the configuration of t he trays.
Item Sub- item Values Description COLOR BAND TEST PRINT TES T PAGE Prints a color band test page t hat is used to identify arcing in the high- voltage power s upply. COPIES Range is 1 to 30. The default value is 1. Specify how many copies of the internal page are printed.
3 Software for Windows ● Supporte d operating system s for Windows ● Supporte d printer driv ers for Windo ws ● Select t he corr ect printer driver fo r Windows ● Priority for print settings .
Supported o peratin g systems for Wi ndows The prod uct support s the followin g Windows op erating syst ems: ● Windows XP (32-bit and 64-b it) ● Windows Se rver 2003 (32- bit and 64-bit) ● Wind.
Supported printer driv ers for Windows ● HP PC L 6 (this i s the defaul t printer dr iver) ● HP postscrip t emulation Univer sal Print Driver (HP UPD PS) ● HP PCL 5 Universal Print Driv er (HP U.
Select the correc t printer driver for Windows Printe r drivers provid e access to the pr oduct features and allow the computer to communicate with the produc t (using a pr inter langu age). The following printer drivers ar e availabl e at www.h go/ cljcp 4025_sof tware or www.
UPD installation modes Traditional mode ● Us e this mode if you are inst alling the driver from a CD for a single computer. ● When installed from the CD that comes with the product, UPD operates like traditional printer driver s. It operates with a specific product.
Priority for print settings Chang es to print settings are prior itized dependi ng on where the changes ar e made: NOT E: The name s of command s and dia log boxes mi ght vary depending on your soft ware program .
Change prin ter-dri ver setti ngs for W indows Change the setting s for all print jobs until the software program is closed 1. On the File menu in the so ftware program , click Print . 2. Select the drive r, and th en click Properties or P ref erenc es .
Remove software for Windows Windows X P 1. Click Start , Contro l Panel , and then Add or Remove Progra ms . 2. Find and select the product from the lis t. 3. Click the Chang e/Re move button to remove the softw are. Windows V ista 1. Click Start , Contro l Panel , and then Prog rams and Features .
Supported ut ilities for Windows HP Web Jetadmin HP We b Jetadm in is a simple prin t and ima ging periph eral manage ment softw are tool that helps op timize produc t use, control colo r costs, se cu.
Supported operating systems ● Microsoft Windows XP, Se rvice Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit ) ● Microsoft Windows S erver 2003, Servic e Pack 1 (32-bit and 64-bit) ● Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32.
Software for oth er operatin g systems OS Software UNIX For HP-UX and Solaris networks, go to go/ jetdirectunix_software to inst all model scripts using the HP Jetdirect printer installer (HPPI) for UNIX. For the lates t mod el scrip ts, go to www.
54 Chapter 3 Software for Wind ows ENWW.
4 Use the product with Mac ● Software for Mac ● Print with Mac ENWW 55.
Software for Mac Supported operating systems for Mac The pr oduct s upports the following Mac o perating s ystems: ● Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, and later NOT E: For Mac OS X 10.
Prio rity for pr int setti ngs for Mac Chan ges to prin t settings are prioritiz ed depending on where the cha nges are made: NOT E: The nam es of comman ds and dialog boxes migh t vary de pending on yo ur softwar e program.
Software for Mac comput ers HP Utility for Mac Use the HP Utility to set up product fea tures that a re not avai lable in the printer dri ver. You ca n use the HP Utility wh en the produc t uses a un iversal ser ial bus (US B) cable or i s connected to a TCP/ IP-b ased netwo rk.
Menu It em Description Protect Direct Ports Disables printing over USB or parallel ports. Addi tiona l Settin gs Provides access to the embedded Web server. Supported util ities for Mac HP Embedded Web Serve r The prod uct is equi pped with an embedded Web serv er, which p rovides acc ess to in formation a bout produc t and netw ork activiti es.
Print wit h Mac Create and use printing presets with Mac Use pr inting pres ets to save th e current printer d river settin gs for reuse. Create a prin ting preset 1. On the File menu , click the Print option. 2. Select t he driver . 3. Select the p rint settings that you want to save for reuse .
3. Open the Cove r Page menu, a nd then selec t where to pri nt the cover pa ge. Click eith er the Before Document button or th e Aft er Do cum ent button. 4. In the C over P age Type men u, select the message th at you want t o print on t he cover page.
Print on both sid es of the page (d uplex printi ng) with Mac Use automatic dup lex printing 1. Insert en ough paper into one of th e trays to accommodate the print job. 2. On the File menu , click the Print option. 3. Open the Layout menu. 4. From the Two-Sided menu, se lect a binding option .
4. To use a custom user name or job name, clic k the Custom button, and the n enter the us er name or the jo b name. Select whic h option to use if anothe r stored job al ready has that name . Use Job Name + (1 - 99) Append a unique number to the end of the job nam e.
64 Chapter 4 Use the pr oduct wit h Mac ENWW.
5 Connect the product ● Supporte d network operating s ystems ● Connect w ith USB ● Connect to a network ENWW 65.
Supported n etwork ope rating systems The fo llowing operating s ystems s upport ne twork printi ng: ● Windows 7 (32 -bit and 64-bit) ● Win dows Vis ta (3 2-bi t an d 64-b it) ● Windows Se rver .
Connect with USB This p roduct support s a USB 2.0 c onnection. Yo u must use an A-to-B type USB cable that is no longer than 2 m (6.5 ft). CAUTION: Do no t connect the USB ca ble until th e install ation softwar e prompts you to c onnect it. CD instal lation Windows 1.
4. When the s oftware p rompts you , connect th e USB cabl e to the p roduct and t he computer . 5. To configure the pr oduct software to reco gnize the ins talled accesso ries, complete the se steps: Mac OS X 10 .4 1. From the Apple menu , click the System Preferences menu a nd then click the Print & Fa x icon.
Table 5-1 Printing Service name Description port9100 (Direct M ode) Printing service Line printer daemo n (LPD) Printing service Advanced LPD (custom LPD queues) Protocol and program s associated with line-printer spooling services installed on TCP/IP syst ems.
Service name Descripti on BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) For automatic IP address assignment. The BOOTP server provides the product with an IP address. Requires the administrator to input a product's MAC hardware address on the BOOTP server f or the product to obt ain an IP address from that server.
Install th e product on a wired network Configure the IP addre ss 1. Connect the network cabl e to the p roduct and to the network . 2. Wait for 60 seconds before co ntinuing. Dur ing this ti me, the ne twork recogni zes the product a nd assigns an IP addr ess or host name for the produc t.
Install th e softwa re Windows 1. Quit all programs on the com puter. 2. Install th e software from the C D. 3. Follow the on screen in structions . 4. When pr ompted, sel ect the Conne cted via the Netw ork opti on, and then click the Install button.
Mac OS X 10 .4 1. From the Apple menu , click the Syste m Preferences menu and then click the Print & Fax ic on. 2. Click the Printer S etup button. 3. Click the Installable Options menu. Mac OS X 10. 5 and 10.6 1. From the Apple m enu , click the System Preferences menu and then click the Print & Fax ic on.
Configure n etwork sett ings View or change network settings Use the embed ded Web server to view or change IP configur ation settings . 1. Print a configur ation page, a nd locate the IP add ress. ● If you ar e using IP v4, the IP address contains on ly digits.
Manually configure IPv4 TCP/IP pa rameters from the control panel Use the control-p anel menus to manual ly set an I Pv4 address, subnet m ask, and de fault gate way. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Open eac h of the foll owing men us. Press the down arro w to highlig ht it and then press the OK button to select it.
Manually configure IPv6 TCP/IP pa ra meters from the control pane l Use the co ntrol-panel menu s to manually set a n IPv6 address . 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Open eac h of the foll owing men us. Press the down ar row to hi ghlight it and then pr ess the OK button t o select it.
Link speed and duplex settings The lin k speed and com munication mod e of the print server m ust match the net work. For most sit uations, leave the product in automa tic mode . Incorrect c hanges to the link spee d and du plex settin gs might preve nt the produ ct from communicati ng with ot her network devices.
78 Chapter 5 Connect th e product ENWW.
6 Paper and print media ● Understa nd paper use ● Change the printer dr iver to m atch the pape r type a nd size ● Supporte d paper sizes ● Supporte d paper types ● Tray and bin cap acity .
Understand paper use This pr oduct suppor ts a variet y of paper an d other prin t media in a ccordance w ith the guideli nes in this user gui de. Paper or print media tha t does not meet these guideline s might cause poor pri nt quality, incre ased jams, and prematur e wear on the product.
Media t ype Do Do not Heavy paper ● Use only heavy paper that is approved for use in laser printers and meets the weight specifications for this produc t. ● Do not use paper that is heavier than the recom mended media specification for this product unless it is HP paper that has been approved for use in this product.
Change t he printer driv er to match the paper typ e and size Change the paper si ze and ty pe (Windows) 1. On the File menu in the so ftware program, cli ck Pr int . 2. Select the p roduct, and then click the Properties or P reference s button. 3. Click the P aper/Quality tab.
Supported pape r sizes NOT E: To obtai n best resul ts, select the correc t paper size and type in t he printer driv er before pri nting. Table 6 -1 Supported pa per and print media si zes Size and dime nsions T ray 1 Tray 2 Optional Trays 3, 4, and 5 Automatic duplex printing Lette r 216 x 279 m m (8.
Size and dime nsion s Tr ay 1 Tray 2 Optional Trays 3, 4, and 5 Automatic duplex printing B6 ( JIS) 128 x 182 mm (5.03 x 7.16 in) 16K 195 x 270 mm (7.67 x 10.62 in) 184 x 260 mm (7.24 x 10.23 in) 197 x 273 mm (7.75 x 10.74 in) Postc ard (JIS) 100 x 148 mm (3.
Supported pape r types Paper ty pe Tray 1 Tray 2 Optional Trays 3, 4, and 5 Automatic duplex prin ting Plain Paper HP Matte (105 g/m 2 ) HP Matte (120 g/m 2 ) HP Matte (160 g/m 2 ) 1 1 2 HP Matte (200.
Tray and bin ca pacit y Tray or bi n Pape r type Specifications Quantity Tray 1 Paper Range: 60 g/m 2 (16 lb) bond to 216 g/m 2 (58 lb) bond Maximum stack height: 10 mm (0.39 in) Equivalent to 100 sheets of 75 g/ m 2 (20 lb) bond Envelopes Less than 60 g/m 2 (16 lb) bond to 90 g/m 2 (24 lb) bond Up to 10 enve lopes Labels Maximum 0.
Paper or ientatio n for loading trays If you are using paper tha t requires a specific orientatio n, load i t according to the info rmation in the followi ng tables. NOT E: The ALTERN ATIVE LETTERHEAD MODE and IMAGE R OTATION settings affe ct the way you lo ad letterh ead or preprin ted paper.
Paper type Image orientation Duplex mode H ow to loa d paper Prepunched P ortrait or landscape 1- or 2-sided printing Holes toward the back of the product Envelopes Short edge of the envelope feeding .
Paper orientation for loading Tray 2 or optional Trays 3, 4, a nd 5 Paper ty pe Image orientation Duple x mode How to loa d paper Preprinted or let terhead Por tra it 1-sided printing Face up Top edge.
Load paper trays Load Tray 1 1. Open Tray 1. 2. Fold out the tray extension to suppo rt the paper and set the side guides to t he correc t width. 90 Chapter 6 Paper an d print med ia ENWW.
3. Load pa per in the t ray. 4. Make sure th e stack fits under the tabs on the guides and does no t exceed t he load- level indic ators. 5. Adjust the side gui des so that they light ly touch the paper stack but do not bend it.
Load Tray 2 and optional Trays 3, 4, and 5 with standard-size paper 1. Open the tray. NOTE: Do not open the tray while it is in use. 2. Adjust the pape r-length a nd paper -width guides by squeezi ng the a djustmen t latches and slidi ng the guides to the size of the pape r bei ng used .
4. Close the tra y. 5. The c ontrol panel s hows the tray’s pa per type and size . If the configuration is not correct, follow the ins tructions on the control panel to change the size o r type. Load Tray 2 and optional Trays 3, 4, and 5 with custom-size paper 1.
3. Load pape r into t he tray. Che ck the paper to verify the gu ides lightly touch the stac k, but do not be nd i t. 4. Close t he tray. 5. The contr ol panel pr ompts you to set the pap er size a nd type. Sele ct the CUSTOM s etting, and then co nfigure th e X and Y dimensions of the custom paper size.
Load Tray 2 with 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in ) size paper 1. Open t he tray. 2. Adjust the pap er-lengt h and paper -width guides by squeez ing the adj ustment l atches and adjus ting the guides to the fully opened posit ion. 3. Fit th e HP po stcar d medi a inse rt int o Tra y 2 an d then sl ide the insert to the right u ntil it snaps into pl ace.
4. Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in) pa per into the tray. 5. Adjust the pape r-length a nd paper -width guides by squeezi ng the a djustmen t latches and adjust ing the guides to the fully closed positi on. 6. Close t he tray. 7. The contr ol panel pr ompts you to set the pap er size a nd type.
Configure tray s The prod uct autom atically prom pts you to configure a tray for type and size in t he follow ing situati ons: ● When yo u load pa per into the tray ● When yo u specif y a part ic.
5. Press the OK butt on to sav e your se lection. 6. Press the Hom e button to exit the m enus. Automatic paper sensing (auto-sense mode) The a utomatic me dia type sensor funct ions whe n that tray is configu red to t he ANY TYPE or plain type setting.
● To print by type or size, sele c t the typ e or size from the Pa ge Setup dia log box, t he Pri nt dialog box, or the Print Properties dialog box , dependin g on the software pr ogram. ● If you oft en print on a certa in type or size of paper, con figure a tray for that type or si ze.
100 Ch apter 6 Pap er and pri nt media EN WW.
7 Print tasks ● Canc el a p rint jo b ● Print with Windows ENWW 101.
Cancel a pr int job 1. Press th e stop button on the control panel. 2. Pres s the do wn arr ow to highl ight the CANCEL CURRENT JOB opti on, and th en pre ss the OK button. NOTE: It can tak e some time for all printin g to clea r after you have c anceled a pr int job.
Print with Wind ows Open the printer driver with Windows 1. On the Fil e men u in th e sof twar e pr ogram , clic k Print . 2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button.
Get help for any printing option with Wi ndows 1. Click the Help button to open the onl ine Help. Change th e number o f print copies with Wind ows 1. On the File menu in the so ftware program, cli ck Pr int . 2. Select th e product, a nd then sel ect the nu mber of co pies.
Save custom print settings for reuse with Windows Use a printing shortcut with Windows 1. On the Fil e men u in th e sof twar e pr ogram , clic k Print .
3. Click the Printing Shor tcuts tab. 4. Select one of the shortcuts, a nd then clic k the OK button. NOTE: When you select a short cut, th e corresp onding settings change on the other tabs in the printer driver. Create printing shortcuts 1. On the Fil e menu in th e software prog ram, click Print .
2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button. 3. Click t he Printin g Shortcuts tab. 4. Select an existin g shortcut as a base . NOT E: Alwa ys s elect a shor tcut b efore adjusti ng any of t he settings o n the right si de of the sc reen.
5. Select the print o ptions for t he new s hortcut. 6. Click the Save As butt on. 7. Type a name for t he shortcut , and click the OK button. 108 Ch apter 7 Pr int tasks ENWW.
Improve prin t quality with Win dows Select the page size with Windows 1. On the File menu in the so ftware program , click Print . 2. Select t he produc t, and then c lick the Properties or Prefe rences butt on. 3. Click the P aper/Quality tab. 4. Select a size from the Paper size drop-do wn list.
Print on preprinted l etterhead or forms with Wi ndows 1. On the Fil e menu in th e software prog ram, click Print . 2. Select the prod uct, and t hen clic k the Properties or Prefer ences butto n.
4. From the Paper t ype drop-d own l ist, cl ick th e More ... opt ion . 5. Expand the list of Type is: op tion s. ENWW Print with Windows 111.
6. Expand the list of Other options. 7. Select the option for the typ e of paper you are using, and click the OK button. Print on special paper, labels, or transparencies 1.
2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button. 3. Click t he Paper/Quality tab. 4. From the Paper t ype drop-d own l ist, cl ick th e More .
5. Expand the list of Type is: op tions. 6. Expa nd the ca tego ry of pa per types t hat be st desc ribes your paper. NOTE: Labels and tra nsparencie s are in the list o f Other options. 7. Select the option for the typ e of paper you are using, and click the OK button.
Print the first or last page on diffe rent pape r wit h Window s 1. On the Fil e men u in th e sof twar e pr ogram , clic k Print . 2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button.
4. In the Special page s area, click the Print pages on d ifferent pa per option, and then click t he Settings button. 5. In the Pages in document area , sele ct eit her the First or Last option. 6. Select the correct options from th e Paper sou rce and Pape r type drop-do wn list s.
7. If you are printin g bo th the first an d last pages on diffe rent pape r, repea t steps 5 an d 6, selec ting the optio ns for t he other pag e. 8. Click t he OK button. Scale a document to fit p age size 1. On the Fil e men u in th e sof twar e pr ogram , clic k Print .
2. Select the prod uct, and t hen clic k the Properties or Prefer ences butto n. 3. Click the Effect s tab. 4. Selec t the P rint document o n option, and then select a size from the drop-do wn list.
Add a watermark to a document w ith Windows 1. On the File menu in the so ftware program , click Print . 2. Select t he produc t, and then c lick the Properties or Prefe rences butt on. 3. Click the Effects tab. 4. Select a waterm ark from the Wate rmarks dr op-do wn list .
Print on both sid es (duplex) with Wind ows NOT E: See Pape r orientat ion for loadi ng trays on pa ge 87 for i nformation about the corre ct way to load p aper. Manually print on both sides with Windows NOT E: This infor mation appl ies only t o products that do no t have a n automatic duplexer.
4. Select the Print on both sides (manually) check bo x. Clic k the OK button to prin t the first side o f the job. 5. Retriev e the print ed stack fr om the outpu t bin, and place it with the printed-si de facing up in Tray 1. 6. On the control pa nel, press the OK button to prin t the s econd side of the jo b.
2. Select the prod uct, and t hen clic k the Properties or Prefer ences butto n. 3. Click the Finishing tab. 4. Selec t th e Print on both sides check box .
Create a booklet with Windows 1. On the Fil e men u in th e sof twar e pr ogram , clic k Print . 2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button.
4. Selec t th e Print on both sides check box . 5. In the Booklet layout drop-d own l ist, cl ick th e Lef t bi nding or Right binding option. The Pages pe r sheet option automaticall y changes to 2 pa ges per sheet . Print on 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in) paper with Windows 1.
Print multip le pages per sh eet with Windo ws 1. On the Fil e men u in th e sof twar e pr ogram , clic k Print . 2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button.
4. Select the numb er of pages per sheet from the Pages per sh eet drop-down li st. 5. Select the correct Print page border s , Page order , and Orientation options. Select page orientation with Windows 1. On the Fil e menu in th e software prog ram, click Print .
2. Select the produc t, and then click th e Properties or Prefer ences button. 3. Click t he Finishing tab. 4. In the Orientation area, select the Port rait or Landscape option. To print the page image up side down, s elect the Rotat e by 180 degrees opti on.
Use job storag e features with Windows The fo llowing job- storage mo des are a vailable fo r prin t jobs: ● Proof and Hold : This featu re provides a quick way to print a nd proof one copy of a job and t hen print more copies.
3. Click t he Job Stor age tab. 4. Selec t a Job Storage Mode op ti on. Prin t a stor ed job 1. Pres s the Ho me button . 2. Pres s the dow n arrow to highligh t the RETRIEVE JOB me nu, and the n press the OK button. 3. Pres s the dow n arrow to highl ight your user name, an d then pr ess the OK butto n.
4. Pres s the dow n arr ow to hi ghlight a job name, and then press t he OK button. The PRIN T or PRINT AND DELETE opt ion is highli ghted. NOTE: If you hav e stored m ore than one job on the pr oduct, you have the opt ion to pr int or delete al l of them at the same time.
NOTE: If you us e the up ar row or the down ar row to enter the P IN, press the OK button after each digit. 7. Press the OK butto n to confirm tha t you want to delete th e job. Set job storage options with Windows Print one copy for proof befor e printing all the copies 1.
3. Click the J o b Storage tab. 4. In the Job Storage Mode area, clic k the Sto red Job option. Make a p ermanently stored job pri vate so tha t anyone who t ries to print it must p rovide a PI N NOT E: This option is avail able if the optiona l hard disk is installed in the product .
4. Select th e job sto rage mode t hat you wa nt. 5. To autom atically gener ate the job name ass ociated wit h the stored document, i n the Job Name area, clic k the Automatic opti on.
3. Click the Color tab. 4. Click the HP Easy Color check bo x to cl ear it. 134 Ch apter 7 Pr int tasks ENWW.
5. In the Color Options area, clic k the Manual option, and then cli ck the Settings button. 6. Adjust the general settings fo r Edge Control, and se ttings for text, g raphics, and photogr aphs.
HP glossy paper product Product cod e P roduct siz e C ontro l panel and pri nt driver settings HP Laser Presentation Paper, Glossy Q2546A Letter HP glossy 130g HP Laser Presentation Paper, Glossy Q25.
Set t he duple x alig nment For doc uments t hat are print ed on bot h sides, s uch as br ochures, set the regi stration for th e tray befor e printi ng to ensur e that the front and back of the page are alig ned. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the dow n arrow to highl ight the CONFIGURE DEVICE m enu, and the n press the OK button.
138 Ch apter 7 Pr int tasks ENWW.
8C o l o r ● Adjust color ● Match col ors ● Adv anced co lor us e ENWW 139.
Adjust color Manage col or by changing the se ttings on the Color tab (Win dows ) or the Color Opt ions or Color/ Quality Options menu (M ac) in the printer dri ver. Automatic Setting color options to t he default or Automatic setting ty pically p roduces th e best poss ible print quality for col or documents.
Manual color adjustment Manuall y set the color optio ns to adjust the neutral-g ray color treatm ent, halftones , and edge enhance ments for te xt, graph ics, and photo graphs.
Use the HP EasyColor op tion for Windows If yo u are using the HP PCL 6 pr inter dri ver for Windows , the HP EasyColor tech nology auto matically improves mixed-conte nt documents that are printed from Micr osoft Office progr ams. This techno logy scans documents and automa tically adjus ts photographi c images in .
Match colors The p rocess of matching p roduct outp ut color t o your com puter scre en is quite complex bec ause print ers and computer mo nitors u se different methods o f produci ng color.
vary d epending on pape r type and the software prog ram used. For more details on how to use the co lor sample s, go to sup port/cl jcp4025 or s upport/cljc p4525 . Use the following procedure to print col or sampl es at the pr oduct usin g the contr ol panel: 1.
Advan ced color u se The pro duct provide s automatic co lor feature s that gener ate excellent c olor resu lts. Carefully designed and tested color tables provide s mooth, accu rate co lor rendi tion of a ll pri ntable colo rs. The produc t also provide s sophisticat ed tools for the exper ienced professi onal.
the Wor ld Wide Web, and mos t office soft ware. The s RGB standa rd repres ents the ty pical Win dows monitor and is the conv ergence standa rd for high- definitio n television. NOT E: Factors suc h as the type of monitor you use and the room lighting can affect the appearance of col ors on your sc reen .
9 Manage and maintain ● Print i nformation pages ● Use the H P Easy Printer Care s oftware ● Use the H P Embedded Web Serve r ● Use HP Web Jetadmin software ● Product s ecurity featur es ●.
Print inf ormation pages Informa tion pages p rovide deta ils about th e product and its curr ent configur ation. Use the foll owing proced ure to print the infor mation page s: 1. Press the Hom e button. 2. Press the dow n arrow to highl ight the INFO RMA TIO N menu, an d then pres s the OK button.
Use the HP Easy Pr inter Car e softwa re Open the HP E asy Printer Care software NOT E: HP Easy Pr inter Care is no t compatible with Mac OS . Use one of the fol lowing method s to open the HP E asy P.
Section Option s Support tab Provides links to s upport information ● Device Status section: This section shows product -identification information and the product s tatus. It indicates product -alert conditions, such as a print cartridge that is at its esti mated end of life.
Section Options Alert Settings link NOTE: This item is available from the Overview and Support tabs. Click Al ert Settings to open the Alert Settings window, in which you can configure alerts for each product. ● Alerting is on or off: Activates or deactivates the alerts feature.
Use the HP Embedd ed Web Server Use the HP Embedde d Web Se rver to view product status, con figure pr oduct networ k settings, a nd to manage p rinting func tions fro m your compute r instead of from the prod uct control panel.
Features Tab or section Option s Description Info rmat ion tab Provides pr oduct, status, a nd configuration information Device Status Shows the product s tatus and shows t he estimated life remaining of HP supplies. The page also shows the type and size of print paper set for each tray.
Tab or section Option s Description AutoSend Configure the product to send automated e-mails regarding product configuration and supplies to specific e-mail addresses. Security Set a password for access to the Settin gs and Networki ng tabs as well as portions of the product's control panel and HP Jetdirect networking.
Use HP Web Jeta dmin software HP Web Jeta dmin is a Web-based sof tware solution for remotely inst alling, monito ring, and troubl eshooting ne twork-connected pe ripheral s. Management i s proactive, allowing netwo rk admini strators th e ability t o resolve issues be fore users are affec ted.
Product security featu res Security statements The prod uct support s security standar ds and recomme nded protoc ols that help you ke ep the product secure, pr otect critical information on your networ k, and simplify th e way you m onitor and maint ain the prod uct.
For info rmation about order ing this a ccessory, see Supplies an d accessori es on page 23 5 . Secure stored jobs You ca n protect jo bs that ar e stored o n the produc t by assi gning a PIN to them. A nyone who tr ies to print thes e protected jobs must fir st enter the PIN at the product con trol panel.
● The DIAGNOS TICS menu is locked. ● The MANAGE S UPPL IES menu is locked. 5. Click the Apply button. Lock the formatter The forma tter area, on the back o f the produc t, has a sl ot that you c an use to a ttach a sec urity cable. Lockin g the formatter prevent s someone fro m removing val uable comp onents from it.
Economy se ttings Optimize speed or energ y usage The op timum speed or energy usage featu re control s the fuser c ool down behavior. The follo wing setting s are availab le: FAST ER FIRST PAG E The fuser maintains power and t he first page processes f aster for any new job that is sent to the product.
3. Press th e up arrow or down ar row / to select the ON or OFF settin g, and then p ress the OK button. 4. Press the Hom e button . Set sleep delay 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Open eac h of the foll owing men us. Press the down ar row to hi ghlight it and then pr ess the OK button t o select it.
Set the time 1. From the DATE/TIME menu, highlight and select the TIME menu. 2. Press the up arrow or down arrow / to select the hour, minute, and AM/PM setting. Press the OK button after eac h selection. Set the ti me for mat 1. From the DATE /TIME menu, highlight and selec t the TIME F ORMAT menu.
Manage sup plies and accesso ries Print when a cartridge reaches estimated e nd of life When a pr int cartridge r eaches the end of i ts estimated us eful life, the co ntrol pane l displays a <C OLOR > CARTRIDGE VERY LOW m essage. You do not need to repla ce the supp ly at this time unle ss print quality is no longe r acceptable .
Recycl e supp lies Informa tion about recyc ling used pr int cartr idges is on the print-c artridge box. See Return and re cyclin g instruct ions on page 252 . Cartridge memory tag The HP print cartr idges used with this p roduct cont ain a mem ory tag tha t assists in product operation .
Replacem ent instr uctions Replace print cartridges The pr oduct us es four co lors and h as a dif ferent pr int cart ridge for e ach col or: black (K), ma genta (M ), cyan (C), an d yellow (Y) . CAUTION: If tone r gets o n clothing, w ipe it off with a dr y cloth and wa sh the clo thes in cold w ater.
4. Remo ve the new p rint cartridg e from it s protec tive bag. NOT E: Be caref ul not to damag e the memory tag on t he print cartridge . 5. Grasp b oth sides o f the pri nt cartrid ge and distri bute the t oner by gen tly rock ing the pri nt cartridge.
7. Align the print cartridge with its slot and insert the print cart ridge until it clic ks into place. NOTE: The pr int cartri dges go in at a sl igh t angle.
Replace the toner collection unit Replac e the toner c ollection unit when the control panel prom pts you. NOT E: The toner colle ction unit is designed for a single use.
4. Remove the new toner c ollection unit from its pac kagi ng. 5. Insert t he bottom of the new unit into the produc t first and then pus h the top of the unit unti l it clic ks int o plac e. 6. Close the fro nt door. NOTE: If the toner col lection unit is not install ed correctl y, the front door does not close comple tely .
Install m emory DIMMs You ca n install m ore memor y for the p roduct by a dding a dual inline mem ory modul e (DIMM). CAUTION: Stati c electricit y can damage e lectronic parts .
4. Unscrew the thumb sc rews and th en pull the formatter board from the pr oduct. Plac e the formatter board on a clean, flat, grounded surfac e. 5. To repla ce a DIMM t hat is cur rently instal led, spread the latc hes apart on each side of the DIM M slot, lift the DIMM up at an angle, and pull i t out.
7. Holding th e DIMM by the e dges, align t he notch on the DIMM with th e bar in the DIMM sl ot at an angle and firmly press the DIM M into th e slot un til it is fully seated .
10. Reconnect the power cabl e and in terface cab les, and turn t he produ ct on. Enable memory Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, an d Windows Vista 1. Click Star t . 2. Click Se ttings . 3. Click Printe rs and Faxes (using the default Start menu view) or click Printer s (using the Cla ssic Start menu view).
Mac OS X 10.4 1. From the Apple menu , click the System Preferences m enu and then click the Print & Fax icon. 2. Select the product in the left side of the window. 3. Click the Printer Setu p butto n. 4. Click the Installable Options menu. Mac OS X 10.
Install external I/O cards This pr oduct is equi pped with an e xternal I/O (EIO) sl ot. You can install an add itional HP Je tdirect pri nt serve r card or external EIO hard d rive in th e availabl e EIO slot. NOT E: This exam ple shows installi ng an HP J etdirect p rint serv er card.
4. Firmly insert th e HP Jetdirect print server card into the EIO slot. 5. Insert and tighten the retai ning screws that came wi th the print server card. 6. Reconnec t the power c able and r emaining in terface cab les, and tur n the prod uct on. 7. Print a c onfiguration page.
If it does not print , turn the produc t off, and then uninst all and reinsta ll the print server card to ens ure that it is comple tely seated in the slot. 8. Perform one of th ese step s: ● Choose th e correct port. Se e the comput er or oper ating sys tem documen tation for inst ructi ons.
Product u pdates To down load the most recent fi rmware upgrade for the produc t, go to www.hp. com/ go/ cljcp4 025_fi rmware or www. go/cljc p4525_fi rmware .
178 Ch apter 9 Man age and m aintain ENWW.
10 Solve problems ● Solve g eneral problems ● Resto re fa ctory settin gs ● Interp ret contro l-panel messages ● Clear j ams ● Solve pap er-handl ing problem s ● Solve im age-quali ty prob.
Solve ge neral prob lems If the product is not responding co rrectly, comple te the steps in the foll owing checkli st, in order. If the produc t does not pass a step, follow the correspond ing troubles hooting sugges tions. If a step res olves the pro blem, yo u can stop without per forming the other steps on the c hecklist.
8. Verify that you have instal led the pri nter driver for this produ ct. Check th e program to make sure that you are usin g the pr inter driver for this pr oduct. 9. Print a sho rt document fro m a different program that has w orked in the past. If this soluti on works, then the pr oblem is with the prog ram you are using .
Restore facto ry settings Use the RESET S menu to restore facto ry setting s. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the dow n arrow to highl ight the CONF IGUR E D EVIC E menu, and then press th e OK button. 3. Press the dow n arrow to highl ight the RESETS menu, and then press the OK button.
Interp ret control -panel mes sages Control-panel message types Four ty pes of contr ol-panel m essages can indicate the status o f or probl ems with t he produ ct. Message type Description Status messages Status messag es reflect the current stat e of the product.
Description Recommended acti on 11.XX Internal clock error To continue press OK The product real-t ime clock has experienced an error. Whenever the product is turned off and then turned on again, set the time and date at the control panel. See System setup menu on page 27 .
Description Recommen ded action 22 EMBEDDED I /O BUFFER OVERFLOW To continue press OK Too much dat a was sent to th e embedded HP Jetd irect pri nt server. Press the OK button to print the transferred data. (Some data might be lost.) Check the host configuration.
Description Recommended acti on 49.XX XX ERROR To continue turn off then on A firm wa re er ror ha s oc curr ed. This error can be caused by corrupted print jobs, software applications issues, non- pr.
Description Recommen ded action 56.X ERROR To continue t urn off then on A temporary printing error has occur red. Turn the product off, and then turn the product o n. If the m essage persist s, contact HP support. See Customer support on page 246 . 57.
Description Recommended acti on 68.X PER MANE NT ST ORAG E W RITE F AIL To continue press OK The product NV RAM is failing to wr ite. Printing can continue, but some unexpected functions might occur if an error occurred in permanent storage. X value s ● 0 = Internal memor y ● 1 = Removable disk Press the OK button t o clear the message.
Description Recommen ded action BLACK CA RTRIDGE LOW The product indicates when a supply level is low. Actual print cartridge life might vary. You do not need to replace the print cartridge at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable. If print quality is no longer accept able, replace the print cart ridge.
Description Recommended acti on CARD SLO T FILE SYSTEM I S FULL To clear press OK A PJL file system command could not s tore something on the file system because th e file system was fu ll. Press the OK button to clear. CARD SLO T IS WRITE PROTECT ED To clear press OK The file syste m device is prot ected and no new files can be written to it .
Description Recommen ded action CYAN CARTRIDGE LOW The product indicates when a supply level is low. Actual print cartridge life might vary. You do not need to replace the print cartridge at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable. If print quality is no longer accept able, replace the print cart ridge.
Description Recommended acti on EIO <X> DISK SPINNING UP EIO disk device in slot <X> is spinning up its platter. Jobs t hat require disk access must wait. No action is necessary. EIO D EVIC E FA ILURE To clear press OK The specified devic e has failed.
Description Recommen ded action INCOMPATIBLE FUS ER The incorrect fuser was installed. C AUTION: The fuser can be hot while the product is in use. Wait for the fuser to cool before handling it. 1. Open the right door. 2. Remove the inc ompatible fuser.
Description Recommended acti on LOAD TRAY 1 [T YPE] [SIZE] For help press Tray 1 is empty. Load Tray 1 with the requested paper. If the paper is already in the Tray 1, press the help button , and then press the OK button to print . To use another tray, remove paper from Tray 1, and th en press the OK but ton to continue.
Description Recommen ded action LOADING PROGRAM <XX> Do not po wer off Programs and fonts can be stored on the product’s file system and are loaded into RAM when the product is turned on. The number XX specifies a sequence number indicating the current program being loaded.
Description Recommended acti on MANUALLY FEED OUTPU T STACK The n pre ss OK to print secon d side The product has printed the first side of a manual duplex job and is waiting for the user to insert the output stack to print the second side. 1. Maintaining the same orientation, remove document f rom the output b in.
Description Recommen ded action Processing... The product is currently processing a job but is not yet picking pages. When paper motion begins, this message will be replac ed by a message that indicates which tray the job is being printed from . No action is necessary.
Description Recommended acti on REMOVE SH IPPIN G SHEET The transfer unit shipping sheet was not removed bef ore you turned the pr oduct on. 1. Open the right d oor. 2. Remove the s hipping sheet. 3. Close the r ight door. REPLACE <COLOR> C ARTRIDGE The product indicates when a supply level is at its estimated end of life.
Description Recommen ded action REPLACE SUPPLY Printing black only At least one print cartridge has reached the very low condition and you have set the COLOR CARTRIDGES items to the PR INT IN BLACK option. The supply life remaining is used to determine if a supply is very low.
Description Recommended acti on ROM DISK FILE OPERATION FAILED To clear press OK A PJL file s ystem command at tempted to perform an illogical oper ation. Press the OK button to clear. ROM DI SK FI LE SYS TEM IS FULL To clear press OK A PJL file system command could not s tore something on the file system because th e file system was fu ll.
Description Recommen ded action SUPP LIES LO W This message appears when at least two supplies have reached the low threshold. The actual supply life remaining might vary. You do not need to replace the supplies at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable.
Description Recommended acti on TONER C OLLECTION UNIT LOW The toner collect ion unit is almost full. The actual supply life r emaining might vary. You do not need to replace the toner collection unit at this time u nless print quality is no longer acceptable.
Description Recommen ded action TRAY <X> [TYPE] [SIZE] To change size o r type press OK To accept settings press This message states the current type and size configuration of the tray. To change size or type press the OK button. To accept settings press the back arrow .
Description Recommended acti on USB ACCES SORY NOT FUNCTIONAL A USB accessory is not working correctly. 1. Turn product off. 2. Disconnect the USB accessory , and replace with a new USB accessory. USB ACCES SORY UNAVAILABLE To clear press OK The USB acc essory is cu rrently unavailable.
Description Recommen ded action YELLOW CARTRIDGE LOW The product indicates when a supply level is low. Actual print cartridge life might vary. You do not need to replace the print cartridge at this time unless print quality is no longer acceptable. If print quality is no longer accept able, replace the print cart ridge.
Clear jams Common causes of jams The pr oduct i s jam med. Cause Soluti on The paper does not meet specifications. Use only paper that meets HP specifications . See Supported paper sizes on page 83 . A component is ins talled incorrectly. Verify that the transfer belt and transfer roller are correctly installed.
Jam locations Use thi s illustra tion to iden tify locatio ns of jams. I n addition, ins tructions appear on the control panel to direct y ou to the loc ation of jamm ed paper an d how to cle ar it. NOT E: Internal areas of th e product that might nee d to be opene d to clear jams have green handl es or gree n labels.
Type of jam Procedure 13.XX.YY JAM IN TRAY 1 See Clear jams in Tray 1 on pag e 213 . 13.XX.YY JAM IN TRAY 2 See Clear jams in Tray 2 or optional Trays 3, 4, or 5 on page 215 . 13.XX.YY JAM IN OPTIONAL TRAYS See Clear jams in Tray 2 or optional Tr ays 3, 4, or 5 on page 215 .
Clear jams in the rig ht door CAUTION: The fuser can be hot whil e the produc t is in us e. Wait for t he fuse r to cool b efore handli ng it. 1. Open t he right do or. 2. Gent ly pu ll th e pap er out of the pick up ar ea. 3. If paper i s visible en tering the bottom of the fuser, gen tly pull do wnward to remo ve it.
4. If paper is jamm ed as it enters the output bin , remove the fuse r and gently pull th e paper downward to remove it. 5. Paper cou ld be jammed insi de the fuser where it would not be v isible. Rem ove the fuse r to check for jammed p aper insid e.
8. Close the jam-access doo r, and push the fuser comple tely into the product. 9. Close the ri ght door. ENWW Clear jams 21 1.
Clear jams in the output b in area 1. If pap er is visib le from the out put bin, gras p the leading edge and remove it . 212 Ch apter 10 Solve pr oblems ENWW.
Clear jams in Tray 1 1. If ja mmed paper is visib le in Tray 1 , clear th e jam by gently pul ling the paper st raight o ut. Pres s the OK button to clear the message. 2. If you canno t remove the paper , or if no jammed pape r is visible in Tray 1, clos e Tray 1 and open the ri ght door.
3. Gently pull the pap er out of the pick u p area. 4. Close the ri ght door. 214 Ch apter 10 Solve pr oblems ENWW.
Clear jams in Tray 2 or optional Trays 3, 4, o r 5 CAUTION: Open ing a tra y when paper i s jamme d can cause t he paper to tear and leave pi eces of paper in the tr ay, which m ight cause another jam . Be sure to c lear jams before open ing the tray .
Clear jams in the lower right doo r (Tray 3, 4, or 5) 1. Open th e lower ri ght door . 2. If pap er is visible, gently pu ll the jammed paper up or down to remove it.
Change jam recovery This produ ct provide s a jam reco very featu re that repr ints jammed page s. 1. Pres s the Ho me button . 2. Pres s the dow n arrow to highligh t the CONFIGURE DEV ICE menu, and then pre ss the OK bu tton. 3. Pres s the dow n arrow to highligh t the SYSTE M SETUP menu , and then press the OK button.
Solve pa per-handl ing proble ms Use onl y paper tha t meets t he specific ations outl ined in th e HP LaserJet Printe r Family Pr int Media Guide . Always co nfigure the p aper typ e on the con trol pan el to match the type o f paper that is load ed in the tray.
Product pulls from incorrect tray Produc t pulls from inc orrect tray Cause Soluti on You are using a driver for a different product. Use a driver for this product. The specified tray is em pty. Load paper in the specified tray. You did not specify the tray for the print job.
Paper does not feed from Tray 2, 3, 4, or 5 Paper does not fe ed from Tray 2, 3, 4 , or 5 Cause Soluti on The correct size paper is not loaded. Load t he correct size paper. The input tray is empty. Load paper in the input t ray. The correct paper type for the input tray is not selected in the product control panel.
Envelopes jam or will no t feed in the product Envelopes jam or will not feed in the product Cause Soluti on Envelopes are loaded in an unsupported tray. Only Tray 1 can feed envelopes. Load envelopes into Tray 1. Envelopes are c urled or damaged. Try using dif ferent envelopes.
Product does no t duplex or duplexes incorrectly Product does not duplex (print 2-sided jobs) or duplexes incorrectly Cause Soluti on You are trying to duplex on unsupported paper. V erify that the paper is supported for duplex printing. The printer driver is not set up for duplex printing.
Solve image -quality probl ems You ca n prevent m ost pri nt-quality problem s by foll owing the se guideli nes. ● Configu re the trays for the cor rect paper -type setti ng. See Configure tr ays on page 97 . ● Use paper that mee ts HP specifi cations.
Repetitive defects ruler If defe cts repeat at reg ular interv als on the page, use this ruler to iden tify the cause of the de fect. Place the top o f the rul er at the fi rst defect. The marking that is b eside the ne xt occurr ence of the defect indica tes which compone nt needs to be replaced.
Optimize and impr ove image quality Internal print-qualit y-test pa ges Use the bui lt-in print- quality-troubl eshooting pages to help diagno se and solve pri nt-qualit y problems. 1. Press the Hom e button . 2. Press the dow n arrow to highl ight the DIAGNOSTICS menu, an d then pres s the OK button.
Set th e image r egistrat ion If yo u are havin g problems wi th text al igning on the page, use the SET RE GIST RATI ON menu to set the image re gistratio n.
Solve pe rformance problems Proble m Cause Solut ion Pages print but a re totally blank. The document might contain blank pages. Check the document that you are printing to see if cont ent appears on all of the pages. The product might be malfunctioning.
Solve c onnecti vity probl ems Solve direct-connect problems If you have con nected the product directly to a computer, ch eck the cable. ● Verify that the cable is connected to the comp uter and to the product. ● Verify th at the cable is not longer than 2 m (6.
Product s oftwa re problems Probl em Solu tion A printer driver for the product is not visible in the Print er folder Reinstall the product software. NOTE: Close any applications that are r unning. To close an application that has an icon in the sys tem tray, right-click the icon, and select Clo se or Disable .
Solve c ommon Win dows probl ems Error message: “(Name of the program, for example, Internet Explorer) has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience” Cause Soluti on Close all software programs, restart Windows, and try again.
Solve co mmon Mac pro blems The printer driver is not listed in the Printer Setup Utility or the Print & Fax list. Cau se Solution The product s oftware might not have been installed or w as installed incor rect ly. Make sure that t he product .GZ file is in the following ha rd-drive folder: ● Mac OS X 10.
The printer driver does not automatically set up your selected product in the Printer Setup Utility or the Print & Fax list. Cause Soluti on The product so ftware might not have been installed or was installed incorrect ly. Make sure that the product PPD is in the following hard-drive folder: ● Mac OS X 10.
When connected with a USB cable, the product does not appear in the Printer Setup Utility or the Print & F ax list after the dri ver is selected. Cau se Solution This problem is caused by ei ther a sof tware or a hardw are component. Software troubleshooting ● Check that your Macintosh suppor ts USB.
234 Ch apter 10 Solve pr oblems ENWW.
A Supplies and accessories ● Order pa rts, access ories, and sup plies ● Part nu mbers ENWW 235.
Order par ts, accessories , and supp lies Order supplies and paper go/suresupply Order genuine HP p arts or accessor ies buy/parts Order through service or support providers Contact an HP-authorized service or support provider .
Part numbers Orderin g informati on and availability mi ght change dur ing the life of the produ ct. Accessories Item Description Part n umber HP Color LaserJet 1 x 500 Paper Feeder and stand 500-sheet paper tray. CE422A HP Color LaserJet 3 x 500 Paper Feeder and stand 1500-sheet paper tray.
Cables and interfaces Item Description Part nu mber Enhanced I/O (EIO) card HP Jetdirect 635n IPv6/IPsec Print Server J7961G USB cable 2-m eter standard USB-compatible device connect or C6518A Mainten.
B Service and support ● Hewlett -Packard limited wa rranty st atement ● HP's Premi um Protect ion Warranty: Laser Jet print cartr idge limited wa rranty st atement ● Color La serJet Fuser K.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP Color LaserJet CP4025n, CP4025dn, CP4525n, CP4525dn, CP4525xh One-year on-site warranty HP war rants to y ou, the .
HP's Premi um Pr otec tion W arran ty: La ser Jet prin t cartridge limited wa rranty statement This HP product is warranted to be fr ee from defec ts in mater ials and workmansh ip.
Color LaserJ et Fu ser Ki t, Tr ansfer Kit, and Roller Kit Limited Warr anty Statement This HP product is warranted to be fre e from defec ts in m aterials and w orkmanship until t he printer provi des a low-life indicat or on the contr ol panel.
End User Li cense Agr eem ent PLEASE REA D CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFT WARE PR ODUCT: This E nd-User License Agreem ent (“EULA” ) is a c ontract betw een (a) y ou (eithe r an indiv idual or the entity y ou repres ent) and (b) Hewl ett-Packard C ompany (“HP”) that governs you r use of the software pro duct (“Softwa re”).
Software wi ll agree t o this EULA. Up on transfer of the HP Softw are, your licen se is auto matically termin ated. b. Re stricti ons . You may no t rent, leas e or lend the HP Soft ware or U se th e HP S oftw are fo r co mmerci al timesha ring or bureau use.
Cust omer self -repa ir war ranty se rvice HP produc ts are designed with many Customer Self Repa ir (CSR) parts to minimize repai r time and allow fo r greater fle xibility in performing d efective part s replacement.
Customer supp ort Get telephone support, free during your warranty period, for your country/region Have the pr oduct name, serial num ber, date of purchase , and problem description read y. Country/region phone num bers are on the flyer t hat was in the box with your product or at www.
C Prod uct specifications ● Physic al specifica tions ● Power con sumption, elec trical spec ifications, a nd acoustic em issions ● Env iro nment al sp ecif icat ions ENWW 247.
Physical sp ecifications Table C-1 Product d imensions Produc t Height Depth Width Weight HP Color LaserJet CP4025n 420 mm (16.5 in) 522 mm (20.6 in) 540 mm (21.3 in) 38.5 kg (84.6 lb) HP Color LaserJet CP4025dn 420 mm (16.5 in) 522 mm (20.6 in) 540 mm (21.
D Regulatory information ● FCC regul ations ● Environ mental pro duct stewards hip program ● Decl ara tion of Conf ormi ty ● Safety stateme nts ENWW 249.
FCC regulations This equ ipment has been tested and found to comply wi th the limits for a Class A digital d evice, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These li mits are designed to pr ovide reason able protectio n against harmfu l interfe rence in a residen tial instal lation.
Environm ental product stewar dship program Protecting the enviro nment Hewlett- Packard C ompany is committed to providing quality products in an env ironmental ly sound manner . This produc t has been designed with several attributes to m inimize im pacts on our environme nt.
Return and recycling instru ctions Unit ed States an d Puerto Rico The en closed l abel in th e HP Lase rJet toner cartrid ge box is fo r the re turn and rec ycling of o ne or more HP Laser Jet print cartridge s after use. Pleas e follow the app licable instruc tions belo w.
Material restrictions This HP prod uct does not conta in added mercury . This HP product contains a ba ttery that might requ ire special handling at end-of- life.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Materi al Safety Data S heets (MSDS) for supplie s containing chem ical substan ces (for exampl e, toner) can be o btained by a ccessing the HP Web site at www.hp .com/ go/ msds or hpi nfo/ commu nity/environmen t/productinfo/s afety .
Declarati on of Conformity Declaration of Conformity according to ISO/ IEC 17050–1 and EN 1 7050–1, DoC#: BOISB-0806-00- rel.1.0 Manufact urer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Comp any Manufacturer&ap.
Safety statement s Laser safety The Center for Devices and Radiologica l Health (CDRH) of t he U.S. Food and Drug Adminis tration has implem ented regulatio ns for laser produ cts manufactured since August 1, 19 76. Compliance is mand atory for pro ducts mark eted in the United Stat es.
EMC statement (China) EMC statement (Korea) EMI statement (Taiw an) Laser statement for Finland Luokan 1 lase rlaite Klass 1 Laser Appar at HP Col or LaserJ et CP4025n, CP 4025dn, C P4525n, CP4 525dn, CP 4525xh, las erkirjoitin on käyttäj än kannal ta turvalline n luokan 1 laserl aite.
Mikäli kirjoitt imen suoja kotelo ava taan, olet al ttiina näky mättömällel asersäte ilylle laitt een olless a toiminn assa. Älä katso sä teeseen. VARNING ! Om laserpr interns skydds hölje öppnas då ap paraten är i funk tion, utsättas anv ändaren för osy nlig laser strålning.
Index Symbols/Numeri cs 10 x 15 cm paper print ing (Window s) 124 4 x 6 i n paper print ing (Window s) 124 A access ibility fe atures 6 access ories ordering 23 6 part numbers 237 acousti c specificat.
settin gs 48, 57 Show Me Ho w menu 12 control -panel menus manage s upplies 16 retri eve jo b 12 control ling print jobs 98 conventi ons, docu ment iii copies changing num ber of (Windo ws) 104 count .
glossy paper, s upported 13 5 graphic al and text displ ay, control panel 10 graphic s, busi ness pri nting 13 5 gray scal e print ing (Window s) 104 grayscal e printing 140 H hard disks encrypt ed 15.
last pa ge printing on di fferent paper (Windo ws) 115 letterhead printing (W indows) 110 licens e, software 2 43 lights contro l panel 10 link s peed settin gs 38, 77 Linux so ftware 53 loading loadi.
opening pr inter driver s (Win dows) 103 operatin g enviro nment spec ificati ons 2 48 operatin g system s supported 44, 56 operatin g systems , networks 6 6 optimiz e speed or energy usag e 159 order.
printing menu 19 printing on both sides se ttin gs (Wi ndow s) 120 priori ty, sett ings 48, 57 private jobs storing p ermanently (Windo ws) 132 problem -solv ing e-mail al erts 58 messages, typ es of .
set ting us er n ame s (Windo ws) 132 specif ying names (Windo ws) 132 stori ng print ca rtridges 1 62 storing jobs permanen t copies (Windo ws) 131 permanen t private copies (Windo ws) 132 proof and .
user n ames setting for stored jo bs (Windo ws) 132 W wake time ch anging 16 0 setting 1 60 warning s iii warranty custom er self repai r 245 li cense 243 print cartrid ges 241 product 24 0 waterma rk.
© 2009 He wlett-P ackar d De velopment C ompan y , L.P . www *CC489-90901* *CC489-90901* CC4 8 9-909 0 1.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) CC490A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center