Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C9H70UT#ABA HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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ser v ice hp hp L as e rJet 4 200 L as e rJet 4 3 00 4 200n 4 200tn 4 200dtn 4 3 00n 4 300tn 4 3 00dtn 4 300dtns 4 300dtnsl 4 200dtns 4 200dtnsl.
hp LaserJet 42 00/4300 Series Printers Ser vice.
ii Q2431- 90912 Copyright I nformation © Copyright Hewlett-P ac kard Company 2002 All Rights Reser ved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior wr itten perm ission is prohibited, except as allowed under the cop yright laws.
Q2431-909 12 T able of co ntents iii T ab le of contents List of figures List of tables 1 Printer description Printer con figurati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Model an d serial numbe rs .
iv Table of contents Q2431-909 12 3 Printer operation Using the control pa nel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Control-pa nel layo ut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Q2431- 90912 T able of contents v Image-fo rmation sy stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 18 Electrostati c latent-i mage formati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Formatter s ystem .
vi Table of contents Q2431-909 12 Paper-pi ckup assembl y, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Main dr ive assemb ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Power supp ly .
Q2431- 90912 T able of co ntents vii Image-fo rmation troubl eshootin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Print qual ity proble ms associate d with media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Overhead transparenc y defects .
viii Table o f contents Q2431-909 12.
Q2431- 90912 List of figures ix List of figures Figure 1. Printer p hysical di mensi ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 2. Sample cl eanin g page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x List of figures Q2431-909 12 Figure 54 . Transferri ng the image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Figure 55 . Fusi ng the image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Q2431- 90912 List of figures xi Figure 11 8. L aser/scanne r (2 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 73 Figure 11 9. L aser/scanne r (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii List of fi gures Q2431-909 12 Figure 18 2. 1,50 0-sheet fe eder rol ler (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Figure 18 3. 1,50 0-sheet fe eder do or (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Q2431- 90912 List of figu res xiii Figure 24 6. T ray 2 lifter driver assemb ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 1 Figure 24 7. Pa per pick up assem bly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiv List of figures Q2431-909 12.
Q2431- 90912 List of tables xv List of tab les Table 1. Product config urations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table 2. Printer wei ghts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvi List of tables Q2431-909 12 Table 54 . Print qual ity imag e defe cts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Table 55 . Ligh t print (parti al page) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Q2431-909 12 List of tables xvi i Table 11 5. Stacker and stapl er/stacke r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 Table 11 6. St acker and stapler/s tacker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xviii Lis t of tables Q2431-909 12.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 1 Printer des cription 1 1 Pr inter descr iption Conte nts Printer con figurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Model an d serial numbe rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Print er descripti on Q2431-909 12 Environm ental produc t stewardsh ip program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 Protec ting the envi ronment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Energy co nsumptio n . . . . . . . .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 1 Printer descr iption 3 Printer configur atio ns The HP LaserJe t 4200/4 300 ser ies pr inter is av ailable in a total of 12 model s.
4 Print er descripti on Q2431-909 12 Model and serial numbe r s The mod el number a nd pr inter se rial numb er are list ed on an i dentificati on label located u nder the top cover on the right s ide of the prin ter . The model number is al phanumer ic, such as Q2431A f or the HP LaserJet 4200/43 00 produ cts.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 1 Printer descr iption 5 Site requirements The following environment al speci fication s must be main tained to ensure the c orrect op eration of the pr inter . Consid er the following poin ts before instal ling the p rint er : ● Install in a well-ventilate d, dust -free area .
6 Print er descripti on Q2431-909 12 Physi cal dimensions Figure 1. Printer physical dimensions 547 mm (21.5 inches) 1,045 mm (41.1 inches) 412 mm (16.2 inches) HP Laser Jet 4200/4200 n/4300/ 4300n (top c ov er open) HP Laser Jet 4200 /4200n/4200 tn/ 4200dtn/420 0dtns/420 0dtnsL HP Laser Jet 4300 /4300n/4300 tn/ 4300dtn/430 0dtnsL 740 mm (29.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 1 Printer descr iption 7 Printer weights (without print cartridge) En vironmental specifications CA UTION P ower requirement s are based on the c ountr y/regi on in which the pr inter is sold. Do not co n v ert operating v oltages.
8 Print er descripti on Q2431-909 12 V alue s are subject to change. See http://www .hp .com/suppor t/lj4200 or http://www .h p .com/suppor t/lj4300 for current inf orma tion.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 1 Printer descr iption 9 P aper specifications HP Las erJet 4 200/4300 printe rs pro duce excellent pr int qu ality . This pr inter accepts a var iety of pri nt media, such as cu t-sheet p aper (inc luding r ecycled p aper), envelopes, labels, transpar encies, and cus tom-size pap er .
10 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 Suppor ted sizes and weights of m edia Note The pr inter al wa y s pri nts at hal f speed from tra y 1. The pr inter al so pri nts at half s peed from all other trays when pr inting on media si zes other than l etter , legal, and A 4.
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 11 Label s Minimum : 76 by 1 27 mm (3 by 5 inc hes) Maximum: 216 by 356 mm (8.5 by 14 in ches ) Thic knes s: 0.12 7 to 0.229 mm (0.005 to 0 .009 i nch) 50 labe ls 1. The printer suppor ts a wide range of siz es.
12 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 T able 10. Duplex acce ssory med ia specif ications Size Dimens ions W eight Letter 216 b y 279 mm (8.5 by 11 inches ) 60 to 120 g/m 2 ( 1 6t o3 2l b ) A4 210 by 297 mm (8.3 by 11.7 inc hes) Executi ve 184 by 267 m m (7.
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 13 Note The sta ck er and stapl er/stacker do not supp or t card stock. Do not use the stapl er/stacker to staple labe ls, card st ock, or transparenci es. T ab le 12. Stac ker or s t apl er/ stac ker acc ess ory Size Dimensions 1 1.
14 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 Suppor ted types of media The pr inter s uppor ts the f ollowing ty pes of pa per and o ther pri nt media: Guidelines f or using paper F or best results, use conv entional 75- to 90-g/m 2 (20 - to 24 -lb) paper .
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 15 P aper weight equiv alence table Use the following table to deter mine approximate equivalent points in weight spec ificati ons other than U .S. bond weight. F or e xample, to deter mine the equi valent of 20-lb U .
16 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 Labels Use tray 1 to pri nt labels. Lab els are multiple-layer media that ty picall y consi sts of a face sh eet (the pr intable su rf ace), pre ssure-sens itive adhesive, and a line r (a ca rrier s heet coate d with a releas e agent).
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 17 En velopes En velope construction Env elope co nstruc tion is c ritic al. Envelope f old lin es can var y consi derably , not on ly betwee n man uf acturer s, b u t al so w ithin a bo x from th e same man uf acturer .
18 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 En v elope mar gins The following table gives typ ical addre ss marg ins for a Commerc ial #1 0 or DL envelope. Hint F or the b est pri nt quality , posi tion mar gins no c loser than 15 mm ( 0.6 inc h) from the e dges of the env elope.
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 19 T ypes of print me dia to av oid The fol lowing ch aracteristi cs can affe ct the per formance of the HP L aserJet 42 00/4300 printer unless the paper or other pri nt media u sed is spec ifically designe d to work wit h HP Laser Jet printers .
20 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 Safety inf ormation Print cartridge and toner saf ety Handling and storage F or informa tion about handling and st oring to ner , see section 7 in the ma teria l safety data sheet (MSDS) at the http://www .hp .com/go/msds website .
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 21 EMI stateme nt (K orea) VCCI statement (Japan).
22 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 Laser statement (Finla nd) Luokan 1 laserlaite Klass 1 Laser Apparat HP Las erJet 4200 ser ies, 4300 ser ies la serki rjoitin on k ä ytt ä j ä n kan nalta tur vallinen luo kan 1 lase rlaite.
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 23 Regulator y inf ormation FCC regu lations This equi pment has been test ed and found to comp ly with the l imits for a Class B digital device, pursua nt to P ar t 15 o f the FCC r ules.
24 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 En vironmental pr oduct stewar dship pr ogram Pr otect ing the e n vironm ent Hewlett-P ackard Company is committe d to providing quality p roducts in an environm entally sound manner . This produ ct has be en desig ned wit h se v er al attr ibutes to mi nimize impac ts on our environmen t.
Q2431- 90912 Chap ter 1 Pr inter de scrip tion 25 Material restri ctions This HP p roduct does not conta in added mer cur y . This H P product con tains lea d in sol der that migh t require s pecial han dling at e nd-of-life. This HP p roduct does not conta in batter ies.
26 Printer d escripti on Q2431-909 12 Declarations of Conformity Canadian DOC regulations Complies with Canad ian EMC Clas s B req uirements. Conf orme à la clas se B des nor mes c anadiennes de comp atibilit é é lectro magn é t i que (CEM).
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 2 Ser vice app roach 27 2 Ser vice approach Conte nts Service app roach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Parts and supplie s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
28 Servic e appr o ach Q2431-909 12 Service approach Repair o f the pr inter nor mally begins with the use o f the pr inter ’ s inter nal diagnosti cs in conjunc tion with t he troubleshooti ng procedur es that are descr ibed in c hapter 7.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 2 Ser vice app roach 29 HP provides free telep hone supp or t dur ing the p roduct warranty per iod. When you call, you will be conne cted to a respons iv e team waiting to help you. F or the number you should cal l in your countr y /region, see the suppo r t shee t that came in the box with your pr inter.
30 Servic e appr o ach Q2431-909 12 W orld wide service and support offices ● F or the U.S ., call (1) (208) 3 23-2551 M onda y through F riday from 6 A . M . to 6 P . M ., Mounta in tim e. ● F or Canad a, call (1) (90 5) 206-466 3 or (1) (80 0) 387-3 867 Monday through F riday from 8 A .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 2 Ser vice app roach 31 Print- cartridge inf ormat ion The pri nt car tr idge is de signed to simpl ify replac ement of the majo r consumable par ts . The pri nt car tr idge co ntains th e printi ng dr um and a supp ly of tone r .
32 Servic e appr o ach Q2431-909 12 Hewlett-P ac kar d limited warranty statem ent 1. HP warrants to you, the e nd-user cus tomer , that HP hard w are and acces sories will be fr ee from defects in mater ials and wor kmanshi p after th e date of purc hase, f or the p eriod s pecified ab ov e .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 2 Ser vice app roach 33 Limited wa rranty f or toner car tridg e life Note The warranty be low applies to the pr int car tridge th at came wi th this pr inter .
34 Servic e appr o ach Q2431-909 12.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 35 3 Pr inter operation Conte nts Using th e control pa nel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Control-p anel layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
36 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 Using the con tr ol panel Contr ol-panel lay out The pr inter c ontrol panel consists of the following features: Figure 2. Contr ol-panel la you t Contr ol-panel lights The con trol-panel lights pr ovide informati on about pr inter s tatus.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 37 Control-panel b uttons The following table explains the fu nction of each button on th e pri nter co ntrol panel. Using the printer H elp system This pr inter f eatures a Hel p system a t the contr ol panel tha t provides instru ctions for resolvi ng most pr inter err ors.
38 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 Settings and defaults The pr inter ma kes most pr inting dec isions ba sed on ei ther temp orary settings o r per manen t defaults.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 39 Control-panel menus Overvie w Most ro utine pr inting tasks per f or med by the pri nter co me from a computer using an ap plicatio n program or a p rinte r driver . These two met hods are the most convenient wa y to co ntrol the pri nter , and they ov errid e the pr inter control- panel se ttings.
40 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 T o c hange a contr ol-panel setting 1. Press t he S EL EC T ( ) button to open the me nus. 2. Use the U P A RROW ( ) button or the D OW N A RROW ( ) button to scro ll to the menu that you want, and the n press the S ELECT ( ) button.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 41 Retrie ve Job men u This me nu supplies a li st of the jobs stored in the printer and provides acc ess to the Job Sto rage feature.
42 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 P aper Handling menu If paper- handlin g settings are correctl y config ured at th e printe r contr ol panel, you can pri nt by sele cting the typ e and size o f paper in the software p rogram or the p rinte r driver .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 43 TRAY [N ] TYP E ANY *PLAIN PREPRIN TED LETTERH EAD TRANSPA RENCY PREPUNC HED LABELS BOND RECYCLE D COLOR CARDSTO CK > 164 g/ m 2 ROUGH A utomatic ally det ects the s tandard me dia siz e current ly loaded in the s pecifi ed tr ay , where [ N ] is th e number o f the tra y .
44 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 Configure Device menu This m enu contains a dministra tive functions in the following submenu s:. ● Pri nti ng su bme nu • PCL submenu ● Pri nt qualit y submenu.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 45 PCL sub-submenu (a submen u in the printing submen u) The following s ection l ists the se ttings and their po ssible values in the PCL submenu. Th e default value f or each s etting is the one th at has an aster isk (*) next to it.
46 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 Print Quality submen u Some item s on t his menu are available in the software pro gr am or the pr inter dr iver (if the appropr iate dr iver is instal led). Program and pr inter-dr iver settings ov erride con trol-pa nel settings.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 47 FUSER M ODES PLAIN PREPRIN TED LETTERH EAD TRANSPA RENCY PREPUNC HED LABELS BOND RECYCLE D COLOR CARDSTO CK>164 G/M2 ROUGH [Paper T ype]= NORMAL LOW HIGH1 HIGH2 ENVELOPE RESTORE MODES Use thi s item to configure s the fuser mode assoc iated with e ach m edia type .
48 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 RET OFF LIGHT * MEDIU M DARK Use t he Reso lution Enhancem ent tec hnolog y (REt) setting to prod uce p rint with sm ooth an gles , curves , and edges . REt doe s not aff ect print qual ity if the print resol ution is set to F astRes 1 200.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 49 System Setup submenu Items on this me nu aff ect pr inter be havior . Configure the printer accordi ng to your pr inting needs. The following se ction li sts the s ettings an d their po ssible values in t he System Set up submenu.
50 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 CLEARAB LE WAR NINGS * JOB ON The amoun t of ti me that a clea ra b le w arning is sho w n o n the printer cont rol -pan el dis pl a y . JOB : The clea rab le w arning message appea rs unti l the end of the jo b that gene rated the mes sage.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 3 Printe r operatio n 51 Stapler/st ac k er submen u This sub menu allows you to s elect se ttings for the optio nal sta pler/sta ck er , if one is installed . Some ite ms on thi s menu are available in the so ftware program or the pr inte r driver (if the appropr iate driver is ins talled).
52 Printer operation Q243 1-90912 I/O subm enu Items on t he I/O (inpu t/output ) menu affect the communic ation bet ween the pr inter a nd the comput er . T he conten ts of the I/ O subme nu depend on wh ich EIO card is i nstalled. The following sect ion lis ts the set tings and their pos sible values in the I/O submenu.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 4 Pri nter main tenance 53 4 Pr inter maintenance Conte nts Cleaning the prin ter and acces sories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Cleaning the fuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
54 Printer maintena nce Q2431-909 12 Cleaning the printer and accessories T o main tain supe rior p rint quality and performa nce, thorough ly clean th e pri nter and the p aper- handling access ori es: ● ev er y time you ch ange the pr int car tridg e.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 4 Pri nter main tenance 55 Cleaning the fuser Run the pr inter c leaning pag e to keep the fus er free of to ner and pape r par ticl es that can sometim es accu mulate. Accumula tion of ton er and par t icles can cause s pecks to appear on the front or back side of your pr int jo bs.
56 Printer maintena nce Q2431-909 12 Running the cleaning page m anuall y In order for the cl eaning pa ge to wor k proper ly , print the page on c opier-grade pa per (not bon d, heavy , o r rough pap er). Hint If you hav e an option al duplex er instal led, this cleanin g method i s the only one you can use.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 4 Pri nter main tenance 57 Running the cleaning page automatically Use the following pr ocedure to set the p rint er to pr int cleani ng pages automatic ally at an inter val that you sele ct.
58 Printer maintena nce Q2431-909 12 P erf ormi ng pr e ven tati ve ma inte nanc e Y ou sho uld replac e cer tain par ts when the PERFORM PRINTER MAINTENANCE mess age app ear s on the pr inter control- panel displ ay . This hel ps your pr inter ma intain opt imum perfor mance.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 4 Pri nter main tenance 59 Expected lif e of components The following table shows th e e xpected lif e of cer t ain co mponents in the pr inter . T o ord er par ts, see ch apt e r 8. Note If an HP LaserJet 4200/43 00 pr inter comp onent is n ot listed in table 28, the componen t should last f or the life of the printe r .
60 Printer maintena nce Q2431-909 12 Maintaining t he stapler unit Remo ving and replacin g the staple r uni t Use this procedure to repla ce a defective stapler u nit in the optiona l staple r/stacker . T o remove and replace the sta pler unit 1. Locate the stapler un it on the r ight side of th e stapler/s tac k er .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 4 Pri nter main tenance 61 6. Remov e the new stap ler unit fr om its packaging. 7. Connect th e cable on the ne w stapl er unit to the stapler /stack er .
62 Printer maintena nce Q2431-909 12 Loading staples Load stap les if the printe r control panel dis pla y prompts you with a STAPLER LOW ON STAPLES message (the sta ple car tr idge contains fewer than 70 stapl es) or a STAPLER OUT OF STAPLES message (the sta ple car tr idge contains 15 or fe wer staples ).
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 4 Pri nter main tenance 63 Downloading a remote f irmware update Note Not all HP Lase rJet 420 0/4300 pr inters suppor t remote fir mware u pdates. A remot e fir mware update (RF U) can be downlo aded from http://w ww fir mware or http://w ww .
64 Printer maintena nce Q2431-909 12.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 65 5 Theor y of operation Conte nts Introducti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Basic ope ration of the printer . . . . . . . . . . . . .
66 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Envelop e feeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Envelop e feeder pic kup and f eeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 Envelop e feeder jam detectio n .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 67 Introduction This ch apter pr esents an over view of the rel ationshi ps between ma jor compon ents in the pr inter .
68 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Control system over view The con trol sys tem consis ts of the power s upply and the DC contro ller PC A. It control s the pickup and feed, laser/sc anner , and image for mation s ystems. The m icroproces sor on t he DC control ler PCA co ntrols the operating s equence o f the pr inter .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 69 General descriptions This sec tion des cribe s individu al compo nents found in t he print er . Inf orma tion i s provided abo ut the following com ponents. DC contr oller PCA The DC cont roller PCA controls the operation o f the pr inter and i ts comp onents.
70 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Motor and fan control The HP LaserJet 4200 pr inter ha s three d c br ushless m otors. The main motor , the lifter dr iver motor ( inside of the lifter d river assembly), and a fan motor .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 71 P ower supp l y The power supply con sists of the fuser-control circuit, the high-voltage circui t, and the l ow- voltage circui t. The fu ser-control and high -v oltage cir cuits cont rol the tempe rature of th e fuser and genera te high-voltage ac cording to signals fr om the DC c ontroller PCA.
72 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Fuser o ver -temperature pr otection The fus ing heater s af ety c ircuit is located on the power su pply and constantly monitor s the fusi ng temperature.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 73 High-v oltage circuit The hig h-voltage circui t produces the voltage biases that are app lied to th e pri mar y cha rging roller , the dev eloping cylinder , the transfer chargi ng roller , and the pressure roller .
74 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 The dev eloping voltage (bi as) caus es the ton er to adhere to the elec trostatic im age that the lase r/scanner as sembly create d on the photosensi tive drum. Th ere are two types of d e v eloping biases. The d e v eloping dc negative bias and the dev eloping ac bias.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 75 Overcurrent/o verv olta ge protection If a shor t-circuit or other p roblem on the loa d side c auses an excess ive current flow or ge nerates abnor mal voltag e, the ov ercurrent/overvoltage protection systems automati cally cut off the output voltage to protect the power supply circ uit.
76 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Laser/scanner ass embl y The la ser/scann er produc es the l atent electr ostatic i mage on t he phot osensitive dr um in the pri nt car tr idge.The main component s of th e laser/ scanner assembly are the laser dr iver PCA, the scanner motor , v arious mir rors, and the focusing le nses.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 77 Laser/scanner contr ol The las er/scann er control circuit on th e laser dr iver PCA tur ns th e laser di odes on an off accordin g to im age data s ignals recei v ed from the DC con troller P CA.
78 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 P aper pic ku p system The pape r pickup and feed system consists of various k inds of pickup and feed roll ers that a re dri v en by the pr inter ’ s motor(s). The prin ter uses tray 1 (the manual feeding tray) and a cas sette in tray 2 as media s ources.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 79 The pap er pickup and feed system is d ivided into two bloc ks. The paper pi ckup/f eed bloc k, and the fuser /deliver y block.
80 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Printing from tra y 1 The prese nce of pap er in tray 1 is detect ed by the tra y 1 pape r sensor (PS105). When the D C control ler PCA r eceives the pr int comman d, the p rinter star ts the initi al rotation phase.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 81 Figure 17. Tray 1 pickup Separ ation pad Lifter Cam T ra y 1 pic k up solen oid T ra y 1 pic k up roll er.
82 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Printing from tra y 2 When the D C control ler PCA r eceives print c ommand, t he main mo tor (M101) an d scanne r motor st ar t rot ation. Whe n the main motor re aches its prescr ibed sp eed, the f eed roll er clutch (CL101) and tra y 2 pickup solenoid (SL101) ar e activated.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 83 T ray 2, 50 0-, 1, 500-she et f eeder m edia size dete ction Media s ize in the casset te are dete cted by three switches. The switches are active after the cassette i s place d in the tray 2 f eeder . (this als o applie s to the op tional 500 - and 1,50 0-sheet feeder).
84 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Lifter- driver operation The lif ter dri v er keeps the m edia stack surface at a sp ecific level in order to hav e a stabili zed pickup operation regar dless of th e size of the media in the tra y 2 cass ette. The DC contr oller PCA operate s the lifter driver motor (M103) for 50 second s.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 85 Media ske w pre vention The pr inter us es a regis tration shutte r on the r egistration assembly to pr e v ent media from enter ing the pri nter ske wed (without de creasi ng the through put speed).
86 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Fixing/deliver y block The pape r pickup and feed system is divide d into two blocks. The paper pickup tra y to the fuser bloc k, and th e fuser t o output bi n block.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 87 Printe r jam det ection The pr inter use s the f ollowing se nsors to d etect the prese nce of media and to verify if the media is bein g fed proper ly or has j ammed. For inform ation about the lo cation of these senso rs, see “ Print er s w i tch es an d se nsor s ” on page 33 6 .
88 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Printer delivery wrap jam when feeding regular media Regula r size media is define d as A4, lett er , legal, B 5, e x ec utive or A5.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 89 Printer door open jam If the t op door is o pened (this will activate the top door open s witch; S W101) du ring a p rint operation, the microp rocess or on the DC c ontroll er PCA deter mi nes there i s door open jam.
90 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Printing fr om the 500-sheet f eeder Note The HP L aserJet 42 00/4300 se ries p rinte rs suppor t up to two op tional 500 -sheet feeders. The pape r-f eeder dr iver controls the operation seque nces of the 5 00-sheet feeder .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 91 The pickup roller, activ ated by the sole noid, rotates once, picking up the m edia ins ide the 50 0- sheet tray . Th e separation r oller re mov es any unneces sar y sheets and the m edia trav els to the pre-feed sensor (PS102).
92 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Printing fr om the 1,500-sheet feeder The pape r-f eeder dr iver controls the operation sequenc es of the 1 ,500-sheet feeder . An 8-bit microp rocessor in the pa per-feeder dr iver controls the 1,500-s heet feeder sequen ces and the communica tion with t he DC co ntroller PC A.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 93 Figure 25. 1,500-she et feeder pickup an d feed dia gram.
94 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 1,500 - s heet feed er lift i ng mechanis m The lif ting mech anism ma intain s the medi a stack surface at a spec ific po sition i nside the 1,500- sheet f eeder . This allows the feeder to perform a st abilized pi ck up operation regardless of the size of the m edia load ed in the feeder .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 95 En velope feeder The envelope-f eeder d river controls the operatio n sequences of the envelope feeder . An 8-bit micropr ocessor in th e env elope feeder dr iver controls the env elope-f eeder sequen ce and the communicati on with the DC controlle r PCA.
96 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 En vel ope feeder pic kup and feedi ng In the e n v elope f eeder , th e env elope sensor (PS901) de tects the pr esence of env elopes and the env elope-size se nsor (PS903 ) detects th e width of th e env elope. The envelope pickup motor (M901) drives all of th e rolle rs in the env elope feeder .
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 97 En velope feeder jam detection The envelope feeder uses the envelope multip le f eed sen sor (PS902) along wi th sensors in the pri nter to de tect the pres ence of m edia and t o deter mine whether the me dia is feeding pr oper ly or is jammin g.
98 Theory of operatio n Q2431-909 12 Duplexe r The dupl e x er driver co ntrols the o peration of the d uplex er . A n 8-bit micro processor i n the duplex er driver contr ols the dup lex er sequence a nd the communication with the DC c ontroller PCA.
Q2431- 90912 Chapter 5 Theor y of op eration 99 Rever sing and duple xer pick up The dup le x er has two ste pping moto rs: the rev ersing m otor (M701 ) and the d uplex f eed motor (M702). T he duplex er dr iver controls forward and rev erse rotatio ns of the m otor .
100 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Duplexe r jam detection The following paper s ensors det ect whet her or not t he pr int media is presen t and is feeding nor mally .
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 101 Stacker and stapler/stac ker The sta ck er delivers media from the prin ter to the stacker delivery b in. The s tapler/ stacker staples the media together , and then delivers it to t he staple r/stacker delivery b in.
102 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 The following diagram illus trates the power-on seq uence f or the sta ck er and stapler stack er . Figure 32. Power-on sequence for the st acker and stapler/s ta.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 103 Stac ker The DC c ontroller PCA cont rols the st ack er and send s signa ls to the s tacker driver PCA. The stacker driver PCA then con trols the operation of the sta ck er components l ike the stacker motor , solenoi d, and se nsors.
104 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Stacker feed a nd d eliver y The sta ck e r feed and deliver y system consis ts of sev eral f eed rollers and guide s that the stacker motor and solenoi ds dri v e. Sensors a long the stacker paper path detect the arr ival and passing of media an d confir m th e positio n of the jog ger guide.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 105 Stac ker jam detection The stacker uses the following sens ors to dete ct the presenc e of media an d to verify whethe r the media is f eedi ng correc tly or is jammi ng.
106 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Stapler/s tac ker The DC c ontroller PCA control s the sta pler stacker by sending sig nals to th e stapler/s tack er dri v er PCA. T he staple r/stacker PCA cont rols the st apler/s tack er motor , solenoids, s ensors, and the stapl er unit.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 107 Stapler/st ac ker fe ed and deli very The stap ler/stacker f eed and deli v er y system c onsists of sever al f eed roll ers and guide s that are dri v en by the stapler/stacker motors and solen oids.
108 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Figure 36. Stapler/stacker motors, solenoids, and sensors block diagram.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 109 Staple mode feed and delivery In this m ode, two to fifteen p ages of me dia are s tapled i nto one se t and the s tacks are then delivered to the deliver y bin.
110 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 The jog ger guid e motor (M1 101) moves the jo gger guides to the waitin g positio n, and the staple r/ stacker driver PCA ag ain activates the paddle mot or (M11 01) counter clockwise to e ngage the upper an d lower deliver y roller s.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 111 At a spec ific time a fter the pap er inlet sensor (P S1101) dete cts the traili ng edge of th e media, th e stapler/s tack er dr iver PCA activates the c lamp soleno id (SL1102) . The cla mp keeps the page from bei ng pushed ou t of positi on by the pages th at follo w .
112 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 After the pages are s tapled, th e stapler /stack er dr iver PCA act iv ates the feed motor (M1103; count erclockwise) to again engage the upper and lower deliver y rollers. The stapled s tack is mov ed all of the wa y out onto th e jogger guides.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 113 Stapler unit The maj or compone nts of the s tapler uni t are the s tapler moto r (M104 ), the staple car tr idge, the staple- detectio n s witch, and the staple -module home-positi on s witch. T he staple car tridge ho lds a maximum of 1,000 st aples.
114 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Stapler unit operation The stap ler unit uses the s tapler u nit motor (M 104), sta ple ca m, staple p ress head p lates, staple ar m, and su ppor t ba se to stap le media together . The stapl e mode is enabled by using the pri nter ’ s settings ( see “ Stap ler/s tacker subme nu ” on pa ge 51 ).
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 115 As stap le cam 1 rotates, it raises the staple press head plate 1. This form s the flat s taple into a “ u ” shape. Whil e this is h appening, the staple ar m raises the s wing gui de. Figure 47. Staple operation ( 2 of 3) As stap le cam 2 rotates, it rais es stapl e press hea d plate 2.
116 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Staple l e vel detect ion The sta pler/sta ck er driver PCA us es the st aple-det ection switch to dete ct the pr esence and number of s taples in th e stapler unit. A s pring on the stap le-detecti on switch holds the staple- detection flag in th e raised pos ition.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 117 Stapler /st ac ke r ja m detecti on The following sensor s detect the presence of media i n the stapl er/stack er and deter min e whethe r the media i s f eeding p roperly or jammi ng.
118 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Image-formation system The ima ge-formation system is the ma in system in the pr inter. It consists of fiv e stages : ● Electros tatic lat ent (poten tial) im a.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 119 Figure 50. Image formation block diagram.
120 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Electr ost atic latent-i ma ge f ormation F or ming the electrost atic late nt image o n the photos ensitive dr um requi res apply ing a unifor m negative charge ( bias) to the sur f ace of the d rum an d then the exposing it to the laser bea m.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 121 Writing the image The las er/scann er contains two diodes in the las er unit. Dur ing th e writin g proce ss, the modulate d laser diodes p roject two beam s onto the rotating si x-sided sca nning mi rror .
122 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Developing the i mage The dev eloping pr ocess makes t he latent el ectrostatic image a v isible image on the dr um. The dev e lopin g unit co nsists of a metall ic cylin der that rota tes arou nd a fixed magnetic core in side the tone r cavity .
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 123 T ransferring t he im age Duri ng the transferring process the toner image on th e dr um surface is transf erred to the pape r .
124 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Fusing the image The ima ge is only h eld in pl ace by electrosta tic attraction when it is transferred from th e drum to the media. T he lightest touc h will smea r it. During the fusing proc ess, heat and pressu re fuse the image to th e media to produce a perm anent image.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 125 Cleaning the transfer charging r oll er and photosensitive drum Residua l (left ov er) toner is cleaned off of the trans f er chargin g roller and photosensi tive drum so that sub sequent i mages a re cris p and c lear .
126 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 Print ca rtridge memory chip The pr int car tridge memor y chip is a non -v olatile mem or y device built into th e print c ar tr idge.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 127 Formatter system The form atter is r esponsible for the following procedur es: ● Controll ing the Po werSav e mode ● Receiving and proc essing pr i.
128 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 EconoMode The Econo Mode setti ng uses up to 50 perc ent less toner tha n standard m ode pr inting by reducing t he dot dens ity . Ho we v er , EconoMode doe s not extend the l if e of toner ca r tr idge componen ts.
Q2431-909 12 Chapt er 5 Theor y of operation 129 Printe r memory If the p rinter encounters difficu lty manag ing av ailable memor y , a clearable war ning m essage appears on the co ntrol panel .
130 Theory o f operation Q2431-909 12 PJL o vervi e w Pri nter job la nguage (P JL) is an integral par t o f configu ration, in a ddition to the standa rd pri nter command langua ge (PCL).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 131 6 Remo ving and replacing par ts Conte nts Removal and replaceme nt strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 Required to ols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
132 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Tray 1 pa per-pickup assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Paper fe ed assembl y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Registrati on assembly .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 133 Remov al an d replacement strategy This chapte r descri bes how to remove, replace, and reassem ble the major ass emblies of the pri nter .
134 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Scre ws used in the pr in ter This ta b le descr ibes th e screws used in t he pr inter and provides gui delines to h elp det ermi ne where eac h type of screw is used. T he screws can var y in length d epending on the th ickness of the mater ial th at is being f astened.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 135 P a rts-re mo v a l tree Use the following diagram to deter mine the or der in which par ts must be removed. Print car tridge Not e Some com ponents in the par ts- remov al tree hav e a superscr ipt num ber listed ne xt to the component name (f or example, “ Right-side c ov er 1 ” ).
136 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Printer in put tra y , an d cabinet wheel locks When the p rin ter and in put trays are placed on the ca binet stand, t he pr inter and tra ys must be locked together to pr e v ent them from tipping over .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 137 User-replaceable parts Print cartridg e 1. Open the control -panel d oor . Figure 59. Print cartridge (1 of 2) 2. Fir mly grasp the prin t car tr idge and pull it u p and out of the pr inter .
138 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 T ra nsfer rolle r 1. Open the control -panel door and tray 1. CA UTION Do not touch the b lack rubber on t he rolle r . S kin oils o n the roll er can caus e print -quality problems. The use of disposa b le glov es is recomm ended w hen you remov e the transfer roller.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 139 T ra y 1 pi c kup r oll er Note If the o ptional e n v elope f eeder access or y is ins talled, p ress the rel ease button that is on the left side an d remov e it. Th en proceed to step 2. 1.
140 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 T ray 1 separation pad Note If the opti onal envelope f eeder access or y is ins talled, pres s the rele ase button that i s on the left side and remove it. Then proce ed to step 2. 1. Remov e the fr ont accessor y c ov er (not shown).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 141 T ray 2 feed r oller s 1. Remov e tray 2 and place it on a le vel work s urface . Loc ate and o pen the cov er (ar row) that is next to the roll er in tray 2. Figure 65. Tray 2 feed rollers (1 of 4) 2.
142 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 W ARNING! Do n ot allow the front of the pr inter to extend beyond the edge o f the wor k surface. The printer can be come unba lanced an d f a ll, which can caus e damage to the pr inter or per sonal in jur y to the ser vic e technic ian.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 143 Co vers, tr a y 1, an d the rear output bin Accessory cover s and the tra y 2 extension door Note Accesso r y covers will not be i n place if any installe d acces sories (for e xample, the optio nal stapler/s tack er) have been removed to ser vice the p rint er .
144 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 3. Grasp the rear acces sor y cover (the mou nting positi on for the optiona l duplex er) and pul l it straight o ut of the pr inter. Figure 71. Accessor y covers ( 3 of 4) 4. Rotate the tray 2 extension door to the hor izontal posi tion.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 145 Formatter co ver 1. Grasp the for matter cover . 2. Pull the cov er straight back and away from th e printe r .
146 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 T op cover Note If the optional stapler /stack er or stacker accessor y is i nstalled, lift it straight up an d off of the pr inter to remove it. Then pr oceed to step 2. 1. Remov e the top accessor y cover .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 147 4. Use needl e-nose pliers to release the prin t-car tridge d rive-ar m (cal lout 3). Hint Push the drive-ar m back into the printer to av oid damagin g it when you remove the top c ov er . Figure 76.
148 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 6. Disconn ect the co ntrol-pane l wire-har n ess (callou t 5) from the DC c ontroller PCA. R emov e the top cover . Figure 78. Top cover (5 of 5) CA UTION When the top cover is re-inst alled, make su re that the wir e-har nesses ar e proper ly rout ed through the cable guid es.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 149 Right-side co ver 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● F or matter cov er . See “ For m at t er c ove r ” on pa ge 145 . ● T op cover . See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 . 2. Release the upper right-si de cover-locking tab near th e formatter (callout 1).
150 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Locate the arrow (callout 2) tha t is embo ssed on the p ickup gear cover near the opti onal env elope feeder power connect or (not shown; op en tra y 1 to loc ate this ar row). Use a sma ll flat-blade scr ewdriver to push in on the locking tab to relea se it Figure 81.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 151 Left-side co ver 1. Remov e the top cov er . S ee “ To p c o v e r ” on pa ge 146 . 2. Release the upper (callout 1 ) and fr ont left-sid e cov er-locking tab s. Figure 83. Left -si de cove r ( 1 of 2) 3.
152 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Tr a y 1 1. Open tray 1. Use your fingers to gently pr y the paper-gu ide slide -pin hinges out o f the hinge slo ts on the t r a y 1 d oor t o rel eas e th e pi ns . Figure 85. Tray 1 ( 1 of 6 ) 2. Slide th e tra y 1 door to the r ight and r emov e it.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 153 3. Fir mly pul l both s ides of th e tra y 1 sensor arm cov er down to rele ase it fr om the sh aft. Figure 87. Tray 1 (3 of 6) Reinstall note W hen the tray 1 sens or cov er is ins talled, verify that the se nsor ar ms m ov e freely .
154 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 5. Rotate the paper guide down a nd aw a y from th e pr inter t o release the left paper-gui de hing e. Figure 89. Tray 1 ( 5 of 6 ) 6. Slide th e paper gu ide to the left to re mov e it. Figure 90. Tray 1 ( 6 of 6 ) Hint T ape the retur n spri ng in pla ce on tray 1 so that y ou will not lose i t.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 155 Rear output bin Note If the optiona l duplex er accessor y is installe d, lift it up sligh tly and pull it a wa y from the pri nter to remo v e it. 1. Open the rea r output bi n. Use your finger to squee ze the hinge pi n (f orm atter side) out o f its mounting hole.
156 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Cont r ol-panel disp la y Contr ol-panel overlay 1. Use a sm all flat-blade s crewdriver to careful ly pr y the top of th e control-pan el overlay (circled; c allout 1 ) aw a y from the p rint er . 2. Remov e the overlay .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 157 Control-panel assemb l y CA UTION Al w a y s remove the top cover bef ore attempt ing to remove the control pa nel. If you drop any of the con trol-pa nel moun ting screws into the printer when you rem ov e the con trol pa nel, they mi ght be diffic ult to recover .
158 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Raise the top cov er so that the pr int car tridge doo r begins to open. This allows the door- open flag (c allout 2) on the pr int car tr idge door to cle ar the openi ng (callou t 3) in th e top cover .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 159 CA UTION The product contains c omponents that are se nsitive to elec trostatic discharge (ESD).
160 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Internal comp onents Firmwar e DIMM CA UTION The product con tains co mponents that are sens itive to electro static dis charge (E SD). Al wa y s perform ser vice work at an ESD-prote cted wor kstation.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 161 Formatter a ssembl y Hint If possi ble , pr int a menu ma p and a co nfiguration page. See “ Menu map ” o n page 240 and “ Configurati on page ” on pa ge 241 .
162 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Fuser W ARNING! The f user is ver y hot. A fter tur ning the printer power off , allow the fu ser to cool for at lea st 30 minute s before removing it. 1. Remov e the re ar output bin . See “ Rear output bin ” on p age 155 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 163 Output delivery assembly 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op cover . See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 . ● Rear outp ut bin. Se e “ Re ar ou tpu t bi n ” on page 1 55 . 2.
164 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 CA UTION The rear f ac e-down output-bi n-sensor (callout 1) wire is ro uted through a n otch (call out 2) on th e output delivery s ystem at the g ear end o f the ass embly . W hen you remove the assembly , make sure tha t this wir e-har ness is carefully remov ed from the notch and is no t damaged.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 165 Duplexing pendulum assembl y Note The dup le xing pendulum assembly is p ar t of the paper-p ath switching me chani sm when the optio nal duplex er access or y is ins talled. It also dr ives the output delivery assembly .
166 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 CA UTION The gears in thi s assembly are not capti v e when the assem b ly is removed. They can easily s lide off of the shafts. Handle the as sembly carefull y and place it gear- side up on your workstati on to prev ent the gears from coming off of the s hafts.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 167 T ray 2 media-size sensor 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op and rig ht-side cov ers. See “ To p c o v e r ” o n page 146 and “ Righ t-si de cover ” on page 149 . ● F or matter assembly .
168 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Main cooling fan (left side) 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● T op cover . Se e “ To p c o v e r ” on page 14 6 . ● Left-side c ov er . See “ Left-side c ov er ” on page 151 . 2. Remov e two screws (call out 1).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 169 4. Remov e one s crew (callout 5) . Slide th e ther mistor sensor bar (callou t 6) to the righ t to release i t. Remove the ther mistor sen sor bar . Figure 110. Main cooling fan (3 of 4) 5. Release the two fan-locking tabs ( callout 7 ).
170 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Cooling fan (ri ght side; HP LaserJet 4300 series pri nter onl y) Note This fan is no t install ed in the H P Las erJet 42 00 ser ies pr inter . 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● T op cover . Se e “ To p c o v e r ” on page 14 6 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 171 4. Unplug the fan connector from the DC con troller PCA (loc ation J78 ; callout 3) and un wea v e it from the har ness gu ide (ca llout 4) .
172 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 6. If it is n ecessar y to remove the f an duct (f or example, if the main dri v e asse mbly is going to be removed), unweav e the rem aining wire -har ness (ca llout 6) from the har nes s guide (callout 7).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 173 Laser/scanne r asse mb l y 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op cover . See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 . ● Right-sid e cov er . See “ Righ t- si de cover ” on pag e 149 .
174 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Remov e f our scr ews (callout 4) . Do not tur n the laser/s canner adj ustment s crew (circled). Figure 119. Laser/sc anner (3 of 4) Reinstall note The t wo front m ounting scr ews ha ve grounding clips that are not captive when the screws are removed.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 175 Print-cartridg e motor (HP L aserJet 4300 series printer o nl y) Note This moto r is not install ed on the HP LaserJ et 4200 serie s prin ter . 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op cover .
176 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 3. Slip the toroid (c allout 3) off of its retainer cli p . Suppor t the motor and remov e three s crews (callout 4).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 177 Main motor 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op cover . See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 .
178 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Remov e three sc re ws (callout 4) . Remove the main motor . Figure 125. Main motor ( 3 of 3) 3 4.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 179 T ray 2 lifter - drive assemb l y 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op cover . See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 . ● Right-sid e cov er . See “ Righ t- si de cover ” on pag e 149 .
180 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 3. Unhook the ten sion spr ing (callout 3). Remove one screw (callout 4). R emov e the lifter-dr ive assembly . Hint It might be necessar y to remove some wire gui des to ea sily remove the lifter- driver assembly .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 181 DC controller PCA 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op and rig ht-side cov ers. See “ T op co ver ” on page 14 6 and “ Right- side co v er ” on page 149 . ● F or matter assembly .
182 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 3. Remov e the t wo screws (callout 4) that fasten the formatter connector brac ket to the chas sis. Unweav e the f or matter con nector wire- harne ss from the wire gui des (callou t 5).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 183 P aper- pic k up assem bl y , 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T op cover . See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 . ● Right-sid e cov er . See “ Righ t- si de cover ” on pag e 149 .
184 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Unplug the paper- pickup gear assembly soleno id (callo ut 4) con nector f rom the DC cont roller PCA (loca tion J 92; call out 5) . Unweav e the solen oid wire-h arnes s from the wire guide and the cable clips (callo ut 6).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 185 6. Remov e the pap er- pickup gear ass embly . Figure 135. Paper-pickup as sembly (5 of 5) Reinstall note W hen you install the tra y 2 dr i.
186 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Main drive assemb l y 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● T op and righ t-side covers. See “ To p c o v e r ” on p age 146 and “ Right- si de cover ” on page 149 . ● Right-s ide fan (HP LaserJ et 4300 serie s only) an d fan duct.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 187 3. Remov e five screws (callout 3). Remove the main drive assem b ly . Figure 138. Main driv e assembly ( 2 of 2) 3 3.
188 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 P ower supply 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● Rear outp ut bin. See “ Rear output bi n ” on page 15 5 . ● Rear acces sor y cov er and tra y 2 extension doo r . See “ Acce ssor y covers and the tra y 2 extension do or ” on page 143 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 189 3. Remov e two scr ews (callout 4). Depres s the tra y 2 right- side guide l ock (callout 5) and sli de the guide (callo ut 6) toward the ba ck of the chassis to release it. Remove the guide.
190 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 5. F eed the two r ibbon cables and t he wire- harn ess thro ugh the hole i n the r ight si de of the chassi s (callo ut 9) u nder the pow er sup ply . Pull down on the power-s witch con nector ba r (callout 10) to slide it out of its mounting b rac ket, and remove it.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 191 P aper -f eed belt assembl y 1. Remov e the power su pply . See “ Pow e r s u p p l y ” on page 1 88 .
192 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 T ray 1 paper-pic kup assem b l y 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● T op , righ t-side, and left -side covers. See “ To p c o v e r ” on page 146 thr ough “ Left-s ide cov er ” on pag e 151 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 193 3. Remov e three screws (callout 3). Depres s the pickup-gea r-cov er upper re tainer tab (callout 4) to releas e it. Lift u p on the cover to release th e lower retaining t ab (not shown) an d re mo ve t h e c o ve r.
194 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 CA UTION Carefully thread the so lenoid wire -har ness thr ough the hole provided i n the cha ssis. When you remove the pickup assembly , a void pinching t he pickup solenoi d wire-har ne ss between th e assembly an d the chas sis.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 195 P aper f eed ass embl y 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● T ray 1 . See “ Tr a y 1 ” on p age 15 2 . ● T ray 1 pickup assembly . S ee “ T ra y 1 p aper- pickup asse mbly ” on page 192 .
196 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 3. F eed the p aper-feed assembly wi re-har ness through t he hole in the chas sis (cal lout 2 ). Remov e three screws (callout 3).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 197 Reinstall note W hen the pap er feed assembly is installe d, the se nsor-flag spr ing must be correctly position ed for the flag to operate.
198 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Registration assembl y 1. Remov e the mai n dr ive assembly . See “ M ain dr ive assembly ” on page 186 . 2. Remov e one e- clip retai ner (callou t 1) a nd one screw (cal lout 1). Re mov e the reg istration roller dr ive gear (c allout 2 ).
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 199 CA UTION Do not remove the screw (ca llout 4) that hold s the registratio n-roller pl ate retu rn sprin g in pla ce. It is not necessar y to remov e this spr ing. 4. Use the gre en handle (located at the r ight edge of th e regist ration plate) to raise the regist ration-roller plate.
200 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 T ransfer assemb l y 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● Output deli ver y assem bly . See “ Outpu t deliver y assem bly ” on page 1 63 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 201 3. Remov e the tray 2 left- side guide mounting s crew (callout 3). Depres s the tray 2 left-si de guide lo cking tab (cal lout 4). S lide the guide out of the chass is to remove it. Figure 158.
202 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Push the paper-feed and tra nsf er assem b ly wire- harn esses through the ho le in the chassi s (callo ut 5). Reinstall note The p lastic clip (callo ut 5) that lines the hole in the cha ssis protec ts the wire- har nesses f rom chaffing o n an exposed edg e of the shee t-metal c hassis.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 203 6. Suppor t the transfer assembly and carefully separate th e left side o f the chas sis from t he lase r/scanner shelf and the chassi s bottom p anel. Sli de the transfer assem b ly awa y from the rig ht side of the chassi s and remove it.
204 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 Accessories 500-sheet fee der assemb l y 500-s heet f eed r oller s Note The removal proce dure for the two pape r-f eed roll ers locat ed up ins ide of the 5 00-sheet feeder is the s ame as the procedure for the tray 2 feed rollers.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 205 2. Use a fla t-blade screwdriver to rele ase the r ight-s ide cov er front l oc king tab . Figure 164. 500-sheet feeder r ight-side co ver (2 of 5) 3. Depress th e edge of the cov er and release the three ce nter locking ta bs.
206 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 4. Use flat-blade s crewdriver to releas e the rear locking tab. Figure 166. 500-sheet feeder r ight-side co ver (4 o f 5) 5. Rotate the to p of the cov er aw a y from the tray assembly and li ft it up to remov e it.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 207 500-she et f eeder contr ol PCA CA UTION The product contains c omponents that are se nsitive to elec trostatic discharge (ESD). Al wa ys perform ser vice wor k at an ESD-prote cted work station.
208 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 500-s heet f eeder media-size se nsor 1. Remov e the 500 -sheet feeder PC A. See “ 500 -sheet feeder control PCA ” on page 207 . 2. Remov e two scr e ws (callou t 1). Figure 169. 500-sheet f eeder media- size sensor (1 of 2) 3.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 209 500-she et f eeder l ifter- d rive asse mbl y 1. Remov e the 500 -sheet feeder r ight-sid e cov er . See “ 500-she et feeder right- side cover ” on page 204 . 2. Unplug the lifter-dr ive har ness con nector from the asse mbly PCA (l ocation J80 3; callo ut 1).
210 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 500-s heet f eeder paper-pic kup dri ve assemb l y 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● 500-she et f eeder r ight-sid e cov er . See “ 500-shee t f eeder r ight-side cov er ” on page 204 . ● 500-she et f eeder tray lifter-dr ive assembly .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 211 4. Unplug the accessor y- connector wire-har ness fr om the PCA (callout 4). Figure 175. 500-sheet feeder pa per-pick up drive ass embly (3 o f 7) 5. Remov e 8 sc rews (callouts 5, 6, a nd 7) .
212 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 6. Remov e one e-clip and the s haft coll ar (callo ut 9). Figure 177. 500-sheet feeder pape r-pickup d rive ass embly (5 o f 7) 7.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 213 CA UTION Some gears are n ot captive when the paper-picku p ass embly is removed. They can easi ly slide off of the sha fts and be lost. Also, the sole noid is no t captive whe n the paper -pickup asse mbly is remo v ed.
214 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 1,500-sheet f eeder assemb l y 1,500 -shee t fe ed er feed r oller s Note The removal procedure for the two paper-feed rollers tha t are located up in side of the 1,500 -sheet f eeder is the same as the proc edure for the tra y 2 feed rolle rs.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 215 1,500- sheet feede r door 1. Remov e one s crew (callout 1) and remove the door-stop p late (call out 2). Figure 183. 1,500-sheet fee de r door (1 of 3) 2. Open the 1,5 00-sheet feeder door ab out halfwa y .
216 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 3. Lift the do or straight u p and of f of the door h inge pins. Figure 185. 1,500-shee t feeder door (3 of 3) Hint The door h inge pins are not cap tive when the door is removed.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 217 1,500- sheet feede r r ear co v er 1. Locate th e upper r ear-cover locking tabs ( callout 1 ) on eac h side of the rear cover (they are mar ked with arrows; ca llout 2) . Use a flat -blade screwdriver to re lease the se tabs.
218 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 1,500 -shee t fe ed er righ t-sid e cover 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● Door . Se e “ 1,500-sheet feeder door ” on page 21 5 . ● Rear cover . See “ 1,5 00-shee t f eeder rear c ov er ” on page 2 17 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 219 4. Rotate the t op of the cov er aw a y from the c hassis an d then lift it up and re mov e it.
220 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 1,500- s heet feed er control PCA 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies ● Door . Se e “ 1,500-sheet feeder door ” on page 21 5 . ● Rear and right- side covers . See “ 1,500-sh eet feeder rear cover ” on page 21 7 and “ 1,500-sh eet feeder right -side c ov er ” on page 218 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 221 1,500- sheet f eeder media-si ze sensor 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● Door . See “ 1,500-sheet feeder door ” on page 2 15 .
222 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 1,500- sheet f ee der li fter- dri ve as semb l y 1. Remov e the f ollowing as semblies: ● Door . Se e “ 1,500-sheet feeder door ” on page 21 5 .
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 223 4. Remov e sev en screws (cal lout 4) an d then rem ov e the brack et (callout 5). 5. Slide th e spri ng-gear as sembly (call out 6) awa y from the chassis until the g ear shaf t clears the hole in th e chassi s.
224 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912 7. Slide the l ifter-dri v e ass embly a wa y from the chassis until th e lifter-dr ive gear-shaft cl ears the correspo nding hol e in the bracket.
Q2431- 90912 Chapt er 6 Removing an d replacin g par ts 225 1,500- sheet f eeder paper-pic kup drive as semb l y 1. Remove the following assem blies: ● Door .
226 Removin g and replac ing par ts Q2431- 90912.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 227 7 T roub leshooting Contents Introducti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Troublesho oting proce ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
228 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Display- message tr oubleshootin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Status me ssages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Warnin g messages . .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 229 Accessory c omponent l ocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 500-sheet feeder ma in parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 500-sh eet feeder switche s, sensors, s olenoid s, and PCAs .
230 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Introduction In order to use the in f or mation in this cha pter , y ou should hav e a basic understandi ng of the LaserJet p rint ing proc ess. Explanat ions of ea ch mech anical a ssembly , the printe r systems, an d the basic theor y o f operation ar e contain ed in chapter 5 of t his manual.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 231 T r oubleshooting process When the prin ter malfu nctions or encounter s an unexpected si tuation, i nformation on the pr inter control pa nel aler ts you to the situati on. Thi s section con tains an initial t roubleshooting c hecklist that he lps to elim inate many pos sible causes of the problem.
232 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Initial t roubleshootin g checklist The following checklist cont ains basi c questio ns that you can ask the cus tomer to hel p define the problem(s) q uickly .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 233 Miscellaneous ● Are any non-HP c ompo nents ins talled ? Chec k f or an y non-H P compo nents ( print cartridges, mem ory modules , and EIO ca rds) install ed in the printer and remo v e them. He wle tt-P ac kard recomm ends the us e of HP compon ents i n its p rinters .
234 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T roub leshooting flowc hart The flowcha r t on these two pages highligh ts the gene ral proces ses you can use to isolate a nd solve pr inter hardwa re problems qui ck ly . Each heading d epicts a maj or troubleshoo ting step.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 235 T roubleshooting flo wchart (continued) Figure 200. Troubleshooting flowcha rt (2 of 2) Inform ation pa ges Can you p ri nt a configur a tion pa ge? Configuration p age Print an e v ent l og.
236 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 P ower -on chec ks The bas ic prin ter function s should star t up a s soon as the p rint er is plugge d into an electr ical wall recepta cle and the power switch is p ushed to t he on position. Overvie w T ur n on the p rint er power .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 237 T able 38. P ower-on defect or blank di splay Problem Action The po w er cor d is n ot plugged into t he w all recepta cle an d con nected to the printer . Mak e sure that the po wer co rd is firmly plugged into th e w all recept acle a nd co nnecte d to the pri nter .
238 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 The f an wor ks, but the contr o l-pa nel di splay is blank . 1. Print an e ngine tes t. “ En gine t est pa ge ” on page 254 2. If the engin e test is succ essf ul, perf or m the f ollowing step s in or der . ● Reseat t he con trol pan el and f or matter conn ector .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 239 T r oubleshooting tools Pres s the S ELEC T ( ) button to open the me nus. Use the U P A RRO W ( ) button or the D OW N A RROW ( ) button to sc roll thro ugh the menus that appea r . For more in f or mation abo ut contro l panel me nus, see “ Control-p anel menus ” on pa ge 39 .
240 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Menu map Use the me nu map to help navigate the p rinte r submenus a nd select c onfiguration s ettings. Pri nting a me nu map is ver y helpf ul when you are c hanging nume rous pr inter sett ings. 1. Press t he S EL EC T ( ) button to open the menus.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 241 Configuration page Use the confi guration page to view curren t print er settings, to help troublesh oot pri nter problems, or to verify i nstallati on of optiona l accesso ries, suc h as memo ry (DIMMs) , tra ys, and prin ter language s.
242 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Supplies status page Use the s upplies status pa ge to obtai n information about the p rint car tr idge ins talled in the pri nter , the amount of lif e left in th e pri nt car tr idge, and th e number of page s and job s that have been pro cessed.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 243 Embedd ed W eb server When the pr inter is directly connected to a co mputer , the embedded Web ser ver is suppor ted f or Windows 95 and later .
244 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Inf or ma ti o n ta b The Information tab contains th e f ollowing pages. ● Device Status. S hows the pri nter stat us and the li f e that rema ins in HP suppli es (0 pe rcent repres ents that a supply is empty). T his page al so shows the type and size of pr int media set for each tray .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 245 Other links This sec tion of th e embedded Web ser v er co ntains link s that co nnect you to the Inter net.
246 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T o select st atus m es sage s 1. Open Pr inter S tatus and Aler ts i n one of the se wa ys: • Doub le -cli c k the Printer Statu s and Aler ts tray icon, whic h is near t he clock in the T ra y Manager .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 247 Control-panel menus Use the c ontrol-pan el menus to control variou s pr inter fun ctions. For e xample, you can use the Resets submenu to quickly rese t and restor e most o f the f actor y def ault pr inter s ettings.
248 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Diagnost ics menu Adminis trators can use this me nu to isolat e par ts and to troublesho ot jam and print- quality issues. The following sect ion lis ts the set tings and their pos sible values in the D iagnos tics menu.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 249 Service men u (service PI N codes) A uthor ized HP se rvi ce techn icians ca n use thi s menu to gain a ccess to p rinte r settin gs that are reser ved f or se r vice person nel. The ser vice m enu is protec ted by use of a pe rsonal identificat ion num ber ( PI N).
250 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Service ID This infor matio n appears on the confi guration pa ge (see “ Co nfiguration pag e ” on page 241 ), which el iminates the need for custom ers to keep paper receipts for proof of the warranty .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 251 Printe r re sets and po wer- on mo des Cold rese t A cold reset un locks menus that have been previously l ock ed and se ts all contr ol panel menu items ( including EIO sett ings) ba ck to the f actor y d ef aults.
252 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Hard-disk initiali za ti on CA UTION A hard-disk i nitializa tion erases and reforma ts the printer hard disk . P erf orm a hard d isk initial ization o nly if an er ror code on the con trol pane l indicates an EIO disk er ror .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 253 Self test 1. T ur n the p rin ter power off . 2. Hold down the S ELE CT ( ) button, and then tur n the prin ter power on. Continue h olding down the S ELECT ( ) button until all thr ee print er contr ol panel lights f lash once an d then remain on.
254 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T est pag es Pri nting test pa ges helps y ou deter mine wheth er or not th e printe r engine and the formatte r are functioning .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 255 Interface tr oubleshooting Comm unications ch ec ks Note Communicat ion problems are nor mally the cus tomer ’ s responsibil ity . Time spent attem pting to resolve these p roblems might not be cov ered by the Hewlett-P ackard product warranty .
256 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Jetdirect pag e Figure 205. Jetdirect page A. HP J etd irec t C on figur ation If the EIO Jetdirec t card properly i nstalled and th e printer c ompletes its internal diagn ostic s, the I/O C ARD RE ADY st atus m essage prints.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 257 Displa y-message tr oubleshooting The following tables explain the m essages tha t might app ear on th e control- panel disp lay or in the ev ent log.
258 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Alphabetical pr inter messages Note Not all mes sages are des cribe d in the tables; the mes sages that are not listed are self-e xplanator y .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 259 CLOSE T OP COV ER For hel p pres s The top c ov e r is open or the t op cov e r s witc h (SW101) is def e ctiv e . 1. Pres s the H ELP ( ) button for inf o rmation. 2. Close th e top c ov er . 3. Repl ace th e top cover s witch (SW101).
260 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 EIO DI SK X NOT FU NCTION AL For he lp pre ss The EIO disk in s lot X is not working correc tly . 1. Remo v e the EIO disk from the ind icated slot an d rein stall it. 2. If the error p ersists , rep lace the EI O dis k driv e ENVELO PE FEE DER EM PTY The en v el ope f e eder is em pty .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 261 INSERT OR CLO SE TRAY XX For hel p pres s Tr a y XX must be inse rted or closed bef ore the cu rrent jo b can be printed . 1. Pres s the H ELP ( ) button f or detai led in f ormation. 2. Press th e U P A RRO W () butt on and the D OWN A RROW ( ) button to step thro ugh the instructi ons .
262 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 INSTAL L FUSE R For he lp pre ss The fuse r is ei ther no t inst alled or not corre ctly ins talled in the printer . 1. The f user is n ot full y seat ed or ha s been remov ed and mus t be rei nstall ed f or pri ntin g to co ntinue.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 263 LOAD TR AY XX: <TYPE> <SIZE> For hel p pres s Tr a y XX is ei ther em pty ( bas ed on the oper ation of the paper s ensor) or config ured f o r a typ e and siz e other than that s pecifi ed in the job .
264 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 NON HP CARTR IDGE DETECT ED The printer ha s dete cted th at an HP print ca r tr idge is c urrently inst alled. If a ne w HP cartridge has bee n inst alled, this mes sage appear s f or abou t 20 seconds and th en is replaced b y the REA DY me ss age .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 265 OUTPUT BIN 1 FULL REMOVE ALL PA PER FROM BI N Note : The stac k er or stapl er/stac k er LED b lin ks in ambe r . The stac k er or s taple r/stac k er output bin is fu ll and mu st be emptied in orde r to contin ue printing.
266 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 RAM DI SK DEV ICE FAILUR E alternates with READY For me nus pr ess The RAM disk had a critical f ailure and can no lon ger be used. 1. T urn the printer power off , and t hen on ag ain. 2. If this erro r persists , a defective DRA M D IMM mig ht be inst alled in the printer (on the f ormatter).
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 267 REPLACE CARTRID GE alternates with For hel p pres s No toner remains in the prin t car t ri dge. Pr inti ng can conti nue until the toner s upply is depl eted. 1. Replac e the print cartridge to contin ue printin g.
268 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 SIZE M ISMATC H TRAY X X=<SIZ E> For he lp pre ss alternates with READY For me nus pr ess The tr a y is loade d with m edia that is long er or sh or ter in the f eed directio n than the si ze se tting f or the tra y .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 269 STAPLER LOW O N STA PLES For hel p pres s Note : The stap ler/sta ck er LED is contin uously il luminated green (t his error appl ies to the stapl er/stac k er only ). F ew er t han 70 staples remain in the op tion al stap ler/st acker staple car t ri dge.
270 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 TRAY X X CONT AINS UNKNOW N MEDI A The med ia typ e or siz e in the specifi ed tr a y cann ot be determined. 1. T o change the media type , pres s the S ELECT () but ton. Use the U P A RRO W ( ) b utton and the D OWN A RROW () but ton to s croll to the type , and then press the S ELECT ( ) bu tton to selec t it.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 271 TRAY XX SIZE= <XXXX S IZE> For hel p pres s A tra y wa s ins talled with the stand ard/cu stom s witch set to “ cust om ” , o r with the pape r guides in a non-s tanda rd conf igur ation.
272 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 TRAY X X <TYPE> <SIZE > TO CHA NGE TY PE PRESS alternates with TRAY X X <TYPE> <SIZE > SIZE D ETECTE D BY T RAY The printer is reporting the current confi gurat ion of tray XX. The tra y s witch i s in t he “ sta ndard ” positio n.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 273 TRAY XX <TYPE> <SIZE> SIZE SP ECIFIE D BY USER alternates with TRAY XX <TYPE> <SIZE> TO CHAN GE TYP E PRESS The printer is repo r ting th e current configur a tion of tra y XX . The tr a y s witch i s in the “ custom ” pos ition .
274 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Numeri cal printe r mess ages T able 42. Numerical printer mess ages Message Descri ption Action 10.00. 00 SUPPLI ES MEM ORY ER ROR or 10.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 275 13.XX.Y Y JAM For hel p pres s A jam ex is ts in the me dia path. 1. Pr ess th e H ELP ( ) b utton for detailed inf ormation about clearing the jam. 2. Press th e U P A RRO W () butt on and the D OWN A RROW ( ) button to step thro ugh the instructi ons .
276 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 13.01. 00. or 13.03. 00 JAM IN TRAY X For he lp pre ss or 13.03. 00 PAPER JAM OP EN INP UT TR AYS THEN O PEN AN D CLOS E TOP COVER A page is jamm ed in tra y X . A 13.01.00 error mes sage indicat es tha t the m edia d id not arrive at the pre-f ee d sensor (PS102) with in the specifi ed time .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 277 CONTINUED 13.01.0 0. or 13.03. 00 JAM IN TRAY X For hel p pres s or 13.03.0 0 PAPER J AM OPE N INP UT TRA YS THEN OP EN AND CLOS E TOP COVER CONTINUED CONTINUED 11. V erify that the top-of- page sensor (PS103) is oper atin g correctly and th at the s ensor flag can free ly mo v e .
278 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 13.06. 00 and 13 .12.00 JAM IN SIDE R EAR DO OR For he lp pre ss A page is jamm ed near th e rear output do or . 1. Press the H ELP ( ) but to n fo r deta iled i nform ation abo ut clear ing the ja m. 2. Press the U P A RROW () but ton and the D OWN A RROW ( ) b utton to step thro ugh th e inst ructions .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 279 13.12.0 7 JAM IN STAPLE R Note : The stap ler/sta ck er LED b links i n amber (th is error ap plies to t he stapler/ stac k er only). There i s a jam in the staple r cartr idge (the stapler did not fini sh stapl ing b ut its motor w as ab le to return to its home position).
280 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 13.12. 10 JAM IN OUTPU T DEVI CE For he lp pre ss The e v ent log records t his error messa ge as 13.12.0A Note : The sta c k er or st apler/stac k er LED bl inks in am ber . A page di d not a rrive at the st acke r o r s ta p l e/ st a cke r inlet se nsor i n the s pecified time .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 281 13.98.0 0 OPEN INPUT TRAYS THEN OPEN A ND CLOSE T OP COV ER ● The f ace -up tr a y w as op ened when t he printer w as a ttempt ing to send a page to the duple xer . ● A page sh orter than 200 mm (7.87 inches) w as se nt to the duple x er .
282 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 40 EIO X BAD TR ANSMIS SION To con tinue press A connectio n with th e card in EIO slot X has been br ok en abnormally .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 283 49.XXXX PRINTER ERROR To cont inue t urn o ff the n on A critical firmware e rror has occurred that c aused the proc esso r on the f or mat ter t o abort the opera tion. This type of err or can be caus ed by i n v alid print c ommands , corrupt da ta, or in v al id opera tions .
284 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Continue d 49.XXX X PRINTE R ERRO R Continued C ontinu ed 11. Replac e the DIMM or EIO device caused the erro r mess age. 12. Re me mbe r to rec on nec t al l of the cab les th at con nect t he printer to t he netw ork or comp uter .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 285 51.XY PRINTER ERROR For hel p pres s alternates with 51.XY PRINTER ERROR To cont inue t urn o ff the n on A printer error ha s occurred. X Descrip tion 1 beam-detect error 2 laser error 1. Press t he S ELECT ( ) button to conti nue .
286 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 55.X PRINTE R ERRO R For he lp pre ss alternates with 55.X PRINTE R ERRO R To con tinue press The DC c ontroll er is not commun icating with t he f ormatter . The pr ob lem cou ld be c ause d b y a timin g error or an inte rmittent connec tion.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 287 57.X PRINTER ERROR To cont inue t urn o ff the n on or 57.3 EP FAN FAILUR E or 57.4 MAIN FA N FAIL URE A printer f an i s not func tionin g. X Descrip tion 3 EP c ar tr idge f an, r igh t side (LJ 4300 only) 4 Main cooling f an, left side T ur n the printe r off and then on.
288 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 58.X PRINTE R ERRO R For he lp pre ss alternates with 58.X PRINTE R ERRO R To con tinue turn o ff th en on A memory error has b een detected . X Descri ption 2 air- tempera ture se nsor 3 DC c ontroller 4p o w e r s u p p l y 1.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 289 59.XY PRINTER ERROR For hel p pres s alternates with 59.XY PRINTER ERROR To cont inue t urn o ff the n on A printer-motor error has occurred .
290 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 59.4 EP MOTOR ROTATION ERROR (LJ 4300 only) The print-cartridge drive motor (LJ 4300 only) is no t function ing prop er ly . 1. T urn the pr inter off and then on. 2. Replac e the print car tridge . 3. Reconn ect the EP-motor wire-harness on the DC controller P CA (locatio n J86).
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 291 60.4 TRAY 4 LIFTER MOTOR FAILURE The tra y 4 lifter-motor i s not function ing. T ra y 4 can be a 500-sh eet f e eder or 1,500-s heet f eeder accessory . 1. T urn the printer off an d then on. 2. If the erro r persi sts.
292 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 66.12. XX OUTPUT DEVIC E FAIL URE For he lp pre ss Note : The sta c k er or st apler/stac k er LED is con tinu ously illu minate d in ambe r . A stac ke r or staple r/stac ke r error has occurre d. XX Description 01 output-lift rolle r or pad dle motor error 02 jogger-motor error 03 stapler-motor error 1.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 293 68.X PERMANE NT STO RAGE FULL For hel p pres s alternates with 68.X PERMANE NT STO RAGE FULL To cont inue p ress A non v olati le sto rage de vi ce is full. Pressin g the S ELECT () button shoul d clear the m essage.
294 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 79.XXX X PRINTE R ERRO R To con tinue turn o ff th en on A critical hardw are e rror has occur red. 1. T u rn the printer off and then on. 2. If the prob lem pe rsists, res eat the firmware DIMM. 3. Reseat the f ormatter .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 295 P aper-path troubleshooting Overvie w If a jam m essage a ppears o n the pr inter co ntrol-panel display , look f or jammed paper or other pri nt media in th e locati ons that are indicated i n the following figure.
296 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 P aper-jam recovery This p rint er can au tomatica lly provide p aper-jam r ecovery . Y ou can use t he jam-recover y to automa tically repr int j ammed pag es. Select w hether or not you want the pr inter to attempt to r eprint jammed pag es.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 297 A v oiding paper jams Use this table to help av oid sp ecific typ es of pape r jams T able 43. Common causes of paper jams Cause Solution The p rint me dia does not meet HP re comm end ed media stora ge and use s pecific ations .
298 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 P ersist ent jams If jams o ccur repeated ly , use the infor mation in this secti on to diag nose the r oot cause o f the problem. The tables in this sec tion list p ossible cause s and recom mended s olutions f or jams in each ar ea of the pa per path.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 299 General paper-path troubl eshooting Use the following inform ation to is olate the cause of the problem. When you hav e identifie d the cause, use the tables that follow to find a rec ommended solution .
300 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 P aper-path test This te st generates o ne or more test pages that can be u sed to is olate the cau se of jam s. T o isola te a jam, you can spe cify whic h input tray to use, which output bin to use, spe cify wh ether to use the du ple x path, and the num ber of pages to print .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 301 Jams in tra y 1 Jams in tra y 2 T able 44. Causes of tray 1 jams Cause Solution The pic k up roll er is dirty , w orn, or damage d. Clean the pic k up rol ler . If it is dirty after cl eaning, o r if it is worn or da maged, re place the pi ck up rol ler .
302 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Jams in tray 3 and/or tray 4 T able 46. Caus es of tray 3 and or tray 4 jams Cause Solution The feed or sep arati on rol lers are di r ty , wor n , or damaged. C l ean the rol lers . If the y are dirty after cl ean ing , or if the y are w orn or damag ed, rep lace the ro llers .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 303 Jams in the paper path Note A void using od d-sized media. Odd- sized media might not tr anspor t properly between the transfer roller a nd the fuse r without getting ja mmed. A void using shor t-grained paper .
304 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Media transpor t problems If media i s f eeding i ncorrectly , use th e informat ion in thi s section to identify and resol v e the problem. Multip le pa ges f ee d P aper is w rinkled or folded T able 49. Caus es for m ultiple p ages feeding Cause Solution The tr a y 1 separati on pad is w orn.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 305 Pa p e r i s s k e w e d T able 52. Caus es for skewed paper Cause Solution P a per dust or di rt has accumula ted on the tra y f ee d roller or separ at ion roller . Clean or re place the rollers . The t ra y f e ed roll er and s epar ation roll er are w orn irregula rly .
306 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Image-formation tr oubleshooting The ima ge f orm ation sy stem is the cen tral hub of t he print er . During image formati on, an imag e of toner i s f orm ed and then fused ont o the pa per .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 307 Ov erhe ad tr an spar ency d efect s Overhead transpa rencies m ay displa y any of the image qua lity pr oblems that any othe r type of media wi ll, as well as defects specif ic to pr inting on transparenc ies.
308 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Image defect s Overvie w This sec tion help s you define pr int-q uality pro b lems and wh at to do to correct the m. Often pri nt-quality problems ca n be handl ed easily by ma king sure that the pr inter is proper ly maintain ed, using prin t media th at meets HP specific ations, or r unning a cleanin g page.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 309 Chec k the pr int ca rtridge Image-for mation de f ects are ofte n the res ult of problems with the pr int car tridge. If you sus pect that the pr int car tridg e is the sou rce of the pr oblem, replace the pri nt car tr idge before troubleshoo ting image def ects.
310 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Half sel f- t es t func ti ona l c hec k The ele ctrophotographi c process can be sub divided into the following sta ges: ● Cleaning (remov es excess toner f rom th.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 311 Image defect tab les T able 54. Print quality image d efects See “ Light print (par tial page) ” on page 313 Se e “ Light print (entire page) ” on p.
312 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 See “ Black page ” on page 322 . See “ Blank (or white) page ” on page 323 . See “ Dark print ” on page 324 .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 313 T able 55. Ligh t print (par tial page) P oss ible cause Recommended action(s) The p rint cartridge is not insta lled correctly . ● Remov e and th en rei nstall the print c ar tridge . The t op co v er should comp letely clos e when t he cartridge is f ully s eated .
314 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T able 57. Spe cks or dots P ossib le cause Recommended action Specks Speck s mi ght appear on a page afte r a jam has been c leared. Prin t two t o three more pa ges a nd see if they dis ap pea r . There is d irt in the printer .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 315 T able 58. Dr op outs and char acter v oids P oss ible cause Recommended action(s) Printing on t he wro ng si de of th e paper .
316 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T able 59. Lines P ossib le cause Recommended action(s) V ertical lines (in the paper path direction) The print cartridge is no t seate d correct ly . ● Remov e th e print ca r tridge and the rei nstall it. The top c ov er should be ab le to co mplete ly cl ose whe n the p rint cartridge is fully seat e d.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 317 T able 6 0. Gre y bac kgrou nd P oss ible cause Recommended action(s) The med ia do es not m eet speci ficati ons or is no t store d prope rly . 1. T urn ove r the s tac k of me dia in the tr a y . Also try rotating the media 1 80 degrees .
318 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T able 62. Repe ating defects and repeat ing images P ossib le cause Recommended action(s) The print cartridge or fu ser is da maged . The circumf erence of the photocond uctiv e drum i nside o f the print cartr idge is 9 4.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 319 T able 64. Skew P oss ible cause Recommended action(s) The med ia do es not m eet speci ficati ons or is no t store d prope rly . 1. T urn ove r the s tac k of me dia in the tr a y . Also try rotating the media 1 80 degrees .
320 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T able 67. Whi te lines P ossib le cause Recommended action(s) White lin es in the paper path T oner supply is lo w or th e prin t cartr idge is def ectiv e. 1. Shake the print c ar tridge ge ntly to red istribut e the to ner .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 321 T able 69. Wh ite spots on bla c k P oss ible cause Recommended action(s) The med ia do es not m eet speci ficati ons or is no t store d prope rly . 1. T urn ove r the s tac k of me dia in the tr a y . Also try rotating the media 1 80 degrees .
322 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T able 72. Black page P ossib le cause Recommended action(s) The print cartridge is de f ectiv e . ● Repl ace th e pr in t car t ri dge. The high-v oltage conne ctor s prings are dir ty o r dama ged. ● The high- v oltag e conn ectors pro trude into the print c ar tridge ca vity .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 323 T able 73. Blan k (or white) page P oss ible cause Recommended action(s) Softw are c onfigu ratio n (intermittent problem ). ● Make s ure tha t the ap plicat ion is n ot sen ding inc orrect p age- length re quest s or e x tra page-ej ect com mands .
324 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T able 74. Dark print P ossib le cause Recommended action(s) Wrong toner densi ty set tin g. ● Access the print-qu ality men u at th e control panel, and ad just the t oner dens ity se tting. See “ Print Quali ty su bmen u ” on page 46 .
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 325 Repetitive defects tr oubl eshooting Defects on pri nter rolle rs can cau se image defects to appear at re gular inter v als on the page. These def ects appear at regular inter vals that cor respond to t he circumference of the roll er causin g the defect.
326 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 T r oubleshooting the stac ker and the s tapler/stacker Overvie w When troublesh ooting the stacker or stapler/stacker it might be diffic ult to disting uish whether the malfunct ion rela tes to the s tacker , stapl er/stacker or to the printer.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 327 Jam err o rs Stac ker a nd staple r/stac ker pa per path Figure 208. Stacke r and stap ler/stack er paper pa th Stac ker paper path test 1.
328 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Stapler/ stac ker paper pat h test 1. Press t he S EL EC T ( ) button to o pen the menus. 2. Use the U P A RROW ( ) button or t he D OWN A RRO W ( ) button to scroll to CONFIGURE DEVICE , and then pre ss the S ELECT ( ) button.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 329 Printer c onnectio n area jam without the leading edge of the media stic king out of the top of the printer . The defl ector c annot mov e freel y or is def e ctiv e . ● In spec t the de flector . V erify that it can m ov e fre ely an d is not d amaged.
330 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 P aper transport error s Malfunction error s T able 7 8. P a per transport error tr ouble shooting P ossible cause Recommended action(s) Worn , dir ty , or defecti ve rollers . ● Ins pect all of the stack er or s tapler/sta ck er rolle rs.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 331 Component err or s Note Compon ent errors wi ll cause a control pa nel message to appear o n the contr ol-pane l display . F or more in f orm ation abou t these mes sages, see “ Al phabetic al prin ter message s ” on page 258 and “ Numer ical pri nter messa ges ” on pag e 274 .
332 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Printer compon ent locations Main printer parts Figure 209. Location of main printer parts (1 of 4) 1. Laser/sc anner as sembly 2. Duplex pendulum assembly 3. Main driv e as semb ly 4. Lifter dr ive assembly 5. P aper pickup dr ive assembly 6.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 333 Figure 210. Location of main printer parts (2 of 4) 1. Output d elivery assembly 2. Registration roller as sembly 3.
334 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Figure 211. Location of main printer parts (3 of 4) 1. T ransfer roller 2. T ra y 1 pi c k up ro lle r 3. Separation pad 1 2 3.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 335 Figure 212. Location of main printer parts (4 of 4) 1. Pickup roller 2. F eed ro ller 3. Separatio n roller (i n the tray ) 2 1 3.
336 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Printer s witc hes and sensor s Figure 213. Location of printer switches and s ensors 1. Output bi n full sens or (PS104 ) 2. P aper si ze s witch (SW102 ) 3. T op cover open switch (S W101) 4. P aper stack pos ition s ensor (PS 107) 5.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 337 Printer motor s and fans Figure 214. Location of printer motors and fans 1. Right-sid e coolin g f an (HP LaserJet 4300 on ly) 2. Print car tridg e mo tor (HP Las erJe t 4300 only) 3. Main dr ive motor 4. Lifter-dr ive motor 5.
338 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Printe r PCAs Figure 215. Location of printer PCAs 1. DC contro ller PCA 2. P ower su pply (h igh-voltage and l ow-v oltage circ uits) 1 2.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 339 Accessor y component location s 500-sheet feeder main par ts Figure 216. Location o f 500-sheet paper fee der main par ts 1. 500-sh eet feeder lifter dr ive assembly 2. 500-sh eet feeder pickup gear asse mbly 3.
340 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 500-sheet fee der s witc hes, sensor s, sole noids, and P CAs Figure 217. Location of 500-sheet paper feeder switches, sensors, solenoids, and PCAs 1. 500-sheet feeder cont rol PCA 2. 500-she et f eeder pa per pickup solen oid (SL801) 3.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 341 1,500-sheet f eeder main pa r ts Figure 218. Location o f 1,500-she et paper feeder main pa rts (1 of 2) 1.
342 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Figure 219. Location o f 1,500-shee t paper feeder main p arts (2 o f 2) 1. 1,500-s heet f eeder feed roller 2. 1,500-s heet f eeder pickup rol ler 3.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 343 1,500-sheet f eeder swi tc hes, sensor s, s olenoids, and PCAs Figure 220. Location o f 1,500-she et switches , sensors, solenoids , and PCAs 1. 1,500-s heet feeder control PCA 2. 1,500-s heet feeder paper sens or (SR3) 3.
344 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Stapler/s tac ke r sta pler as semb l y Figure 221. Location o f the staple r/stacker stapler un it 1. Stapler unit (stapl er/stack er accessor y on ly) 1.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 345 Stac ker and stapler/sta c ker s witc hes and sensors Figure 222. Location o f the stac ker and sta pler/sta cker switc hes and sen sors 1. Jogger home pos ition senso r (stapler/stacker only; PS110 5) 2. Door open switch (SW11 01) 3.
346 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Stac ker and sta pler /stac ker motor s and solenoids Figure 223. Location o f the stac ker and stap ler/stacke r motors and solenoids 1. Clamp solenoid (stapler /stacker only; S L1102) 2. Deflector s olenoid (SL1101) 3.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 347 Stac ker and stapler/sta c ker PCAs Figure 224. Location o f the stac ker and sta pler/stacke r PCAs 1. S tacke r or st ap l e/ st a cker LE D P CA 2.
348 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Printer and accessor y wiring d ia grams Figure 225. HP Laser Jet 4200 wiring dia gram.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 349 Figure 226. HP Lase rJet 430 0 wiring dia gram.
350 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Figure 227. 500-sheet feeder wir ing diagra m.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 351 Figure 228. 1,500-she et feeder wiring dia gram.
352 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Figure 229. Duplex acc essory wir ing diagra m.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 353 Figure 230. Envelope f eeder accessory w iring diag ram.
354 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Figure 231. Stacker accessory w iring diag ram.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 355 Figure 232. Stapler/ stacker a ccessory wiring dia gram.
356 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 DC controller block dia gram Figure 233. DC controller co nne cto rs diag ra m P aper f ee d c l u t c h (3-pin; J89) M emor y c hi p sensor (2-pin; J97) (from the pr.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 357 Genera l timi ng dia g rams Figure 234. HP LaserJet 4200 general timing diagram.
358 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912 Figure 235. HP Laser Jet 4300 general timing diagram.
Q2431-909 12 Chapter 7 T roubleshooting 359 Figure 236. Stapler/ stacker ti ming diag ram.
360 Troubles hooting Q 2431-90912.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 361 8 P ar ts and diagr ams Conte nts Orderin g parts, su pplies, and getting su pport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Orderin g informati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
362 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Ordering par ts, supplies, an d getting suppor t Or der ing in f or matio n Thi s chap ter con ta ins fiel d r epl acea bl e un it (F R U) and ac cesso ry par t n umb ers . R epl acem ent par ts can be ordered from the H P Ser vices.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 363 HP provides free telep hone supp or t dur ing the p roduct warranty per iod. When you call, you will be conne cted to a respons iv e team waiting to help you. F or the number you should cal l in your countr y /region, see the suppo r t shee t that came in the box with your pr inter.
364 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Accessories and su pplies The following items are av ailab le throu gh your local a uthor ized HP Ser v ices provider. T o f ind a dealer n ear you, see “ Order ing in f orm ation ” on page 362 or “ W o rld wide ser v ice and su ppor t offices ” o n page 30 .
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 365 T able 83. Memor y , fonts, and mass st orage Item P art number Exchange number Firmware DIMM (du al inline memory mo dule) ● HP LaserJet 420 0 base model ● .
366 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 T able 85. Prin ter mainten ance kit a nd exchange pa rts Item Part number Ex chang e number Printer maintenance kit ● 110-V pr inte r kit (HP LaserJet 4200 ser.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 367 How to use the par ts lists an d diagrams The figur es in this c hapter illus trate the major field replac eable unit (RFU) a ssemblies and subass emblies in the HP Lase rJet 420 0/4300 s eries pri nters. A table (par ts number list ) follo ws each exploded a ssembly diagram.
368 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 P arts diagrams and lists Figure 237. External co ver s and pan els 1 2 3 4 5 LJ 4300 LJ 4200 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 369 T able 87. Exte rnal co ver s and pa nels P art numb er Desc ription Reference RC1-028 8-000CN Cov er , formatter 1; figure 237 RM1-0046 -000CN Cov er , right 2;.
370 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 238. Main ass emblies (1 of 3) 2 LJ 4300 1 6 3 4 7 5.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 371 T able 88. Main assemblies (1 of 3) P art numb er Desc ription Reference RH7-157 6-000CN Motor , pr int c ar tridge (LJ 4 300 on ly) 1 ; figure 238 RH1-157 0-000.
372 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 239. Main ass emblies (2 of 3) 2 1 3 4 7 5 6 8.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 373 T able 89. Main assemblies (2 of 3) P a rt n um ber Descrip ti on Ref er ence Q2425- 690 01 (e x ch ang e) RM1-0173 -000C N (ne w) Laser/scan ner assem b ly (LJ .
374 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 240. Main ass emblies (3 of 3) 1 2 LJ 4300 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 375 T able 90. Main assemblies (3 of 3) P art numb er Desc ription Reference RG1- 4219- 000C N C able, memor y 1; fi gure 2 40 RG1-4236 -000CN PCA, D C contro ller (.
376 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 241. Right-side as semblies 1 2 3 5 4 6 T able 91. Right-s ide assemblies Part number Descript ion Reference RG1-422 3-000CN Cable, f eede r acce ssory 1; .
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 377 Figure 242. Power supply and paper feed be lt assembly 110-127v 220-240v 1 2 T able 92. Pow er su pply and paper-feed belt assembly P art number Desc ription Ref.
378 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 243. Main drive assembly 1 2 T able 93. Main drive assembly Part number Descript ion Reference RM1 -0001 -000 CN Ma in dri ve assem bly 1; fig ure 2 43 RC1.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 379 Figure 244. Paper-pickup as sembly T able 94. Pape r-pickup assembly P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0 034 -000 CN P a per- pic k up ass em b ly figur e.
380 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 245. Duplexing pendu lum assembly T able 95. Duplexing pendulum assembly Part number Descript ion Reference RM1 -0002 -000C N D uplexin g pend ulum as semb.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 381 Figure 246. Tray 2 lifter driver assembly T able 96. Tra y 2 lifter d river assemb ly P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0033 -000C N Lifter-driv e a ssemb.
382 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 247. Paper pickup assembly 1 7 6 8 2 3 4 5 9 10 T able 97. Pa per pickup assembly Part number Descript ion Reference RG1-4221-00 0CN Pape r pic kup sens or.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 383 Figure 248. Paper-fee d ass embly 1 2 3 4 T able 98. Paper -feed assemb ly P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0012 -000C N P a per-f ee d assemb ly 1; figu.
384 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 249. Registration assembly T able 99. Regis tration assemb ly Part number Descript ion Reference RM1-001 1-000CN R egi strat ion as semb ly figure 2 49.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 385 Figure 250. Tray 1 asse mbly 1 2 3 4 5 6 T able 100. Tr ay 1 assembly P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0004 -000CN T ra y 1 pick up ass embl y 1; figure .
386 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 251. Output deliv ery assemb ly T able 101. Out put delivery a ssembly Part number Descript ion Reference RM1-002 6-000CN Output deliv ery assem b ly figu .
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 387 Figure 252. Tran sfe r as sem bly T able 102. Tr ansfer assemb ly P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0 007 -000 CN T ransf er as sem b ly fi gur e 252.
388 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 253. Fuser 1 4 2 3.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 389 T able 103. Fus er P a rt n um ber Descrip ti on Ref er ence Q2425- 690 04 (e x ch ang e) RM1-0013 -000C N (ne w) Fuser , 110-V (LJ 4200) 1; figure 253 Q2425- 69.
390 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 254. 500-sheet feeder e xternal cove rs and p anels 1 2 3 T able 104. 500- sheet fe eder extern al covers an d panels Part number Descript ion Reference RC.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 391 Figure 255. 500-sheet feeder m ain assembli es (1 of 2) 3 1 2 T able 105. 500- sheet feeder main asse mblies (1 of 2) P art numb er Desc ription Reference RG1- 4.
392 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 256. 500-sheet f eeder main ass emblies (2 of 2) 3 4 5 6 1 2 7.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 393 T able 106. 500- sheet feeder main asse mblies (2 of 2) P art numb er Desc ription Reference RG1- 4250- 000CN C able, sens or asse mbly 1; fi gure 2 56 RH7-535 5.
394 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 257. 500-sheet feeder pape r-pickup d rive ass embly T able 107. 500- sheet feed er paper-pic kup driv e assembly Part number Descript ion Reference RM1-00.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 395 Figure 258. 500-sheet feeder l ifter driver assembly T able 108. 500- sheet feed er lifter driver assembl y P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0208 -000C N.
396 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 259. 500-sheet tray 1 4 2 3 T able 109. 5 00-sheet tray Part number Descript ion Reference RC1-0161-0 00CN Flag, pape r size sensor; 500-she et f ee der 1;.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 397 Figure 260. 1500-shee t feeder external co vers and pan els 3 5 1 2 6 4 T able 110. 1 500-sheet f eeder ext ernal cove rs and pan els P art numb er Desc ription .
398 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 261. 1,500-shee t feeder main assemblies 1 5 6 7 8 3 4 2.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 399 T able 111. 1,50 0-sheet fee der main as semblies P art numb er Desc ription Reference VS1-6175-0 06CN Conne ctor , interf ace; 1 ,500-sh eet f e eder 1; figure .
400 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 262. 1,500-shee t feeder p aper-picku p drive assemb ly T able 112. 1,500 -sheet feed er pape r-pickup dr ive assembly Part number Descript ion Reference R.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 401 Figure 263. 1,500-she et feeder lif ter-drive a ssembly T able 113. 1, 500-sheet f eeder lifter -drive ass embly P art numb er Desc ription Reference RM1-0287 -0.
402 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 264. 1,500-shee t feeder p aper-picku p assembly 1 2 3 T able 114. 1,500 -sheet feed er paper- pickup asse mbly Part number Descript ion Reference RM1-0285.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 403 Figure 265. Stacke r and stap ler/stack er 1 2 T able 115. St acker and stapler/stac ker P art numb er Desc ription Reference Q2443- 67901 Cov er , rear sta ck e.
404 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 Figure 266. Stacker and stapl er/stacke r 1 T able 116. St acker and stapler/stac ker Part number Descript ion Reference Q2443-679 03 Staple mod ule (stapl er/sta.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 405 Alphabetical par ts list T able 117. A lphabetical p ars list P art numb er Descriptio n Reference RC1-071 4-000CN Arm, front cov e r stop; 1,500- sheet f eeder .
406 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 RC1-0289-0 00CN Cov er , paper-han dling 11; figu re 237 RM1 -0027 -000 CN Cover , rear o utput bin 10 ; fig ure 23 7 Q2443-679 01 Cov er , rear stac k e r and st.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 407 RC1-034 2-000CN Holder , plastic thermistor 13; figur e 240 Q2425- 690 01 (e x ch ang e) RM1-0173 -000C N (ne w) Las er/scann er assemb ly (LJ 4200) 1; figure 23.
408 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 RC1-0070-0 00CN Roller , fixing pres sure 3; figure 253 RM1-0037-00 0CN Roller , paper f eed; 1,500-she et f ee der 4; figure 260 RM1-0037-00 0CN Roller , paper f.
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 409 Numerical parts list T able 118. Num erical pars list P art numb er Descriptio n Reference Q2425- 67901 LJ4200 name plate kit Not show n Q2425- 690 01 (e x ch an.
410 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 RC1-0212-0 00CN Holder , paper pic kup arm 3; figure 247 RC1-0213-0 00CN Spring, compre ssion 7; figure 247 RC1- 0244 -000 CN Guide ri ght si de power su pply 5; .
Q2431- 90912 8 Par ts and diagrams 411 RG1-4224 -000CN Cab le, env e lope f eeder 4; figure 240 RG1-4231 -000CN Cable , fus er (LJ 4300) 4; figure 253 RG1-4236 -000CN PCA, DC co ntrolle r (LJ 4200) 2;.
412 Parts and dia gr ams Q243 1-90912 RM1-0037-00 0CN Roller , paper f eed; 500-shee t f eede r 6; figure 256 RM1-0037-00 0CN Roller , separation; 500-sh eet tr a y 3; figure 259 RM1-0037-00 0CN Rolle.
Q2431- 90912 Index 41 3 Inde x Numerics 1,200-dpi resolution 47 1,500-sheet feeder cables 399 capacity 11 connector interface 399 control PCA 220, 343 covers and panels 397 door 215 door sensor 343 do.
414 Index Q2 431-90912 assemblies 1,500-sheet feeder 399 500-sheet feeder 391 500-sheet feeder media-size sensor 391 500-sheet feeder sensor cable 393 brake, left 373 brake, right 373 control panel 15.
415 Index Q2 431-90912 cassettes. See trays CD-ROM, software documentation contents 367 part numbers 367 character sets, selecting 46 character voids in im ages, troubleshooting 315 charging biases 73 charging proces s 118, 120 checks.
416 Index Q2 431-90912 counts estimated pages rem aining for print cartridge 242 jobs processed 242 maintenance 249 pages printed 241, 242 resetting with NVRAM initializ ation 251 setting for pages 24.
417 Index Q2 431-90912 DLC/LLC setting 52 DOC (Declarations of C onformity) 26 documentation CD-ROM co ntents 367 ordering 28 ordering related 362 part numbers 367 door open switch stacker 104, 345 stapler/stacker 107, 345 door sensor cab le, 1,500-sheet feeder 399 door sensor, 1,500-sheet feeder 343 doors.
418 Index Q2 431-90912 EWS (em bedded Web server) description 243 Information tab 244 links for support and supplies 245 Networking tab 244 opening 243 requirements 243 setting language 244 Settings t.
419 Index Q2 431-90912 fuse r bias 73 cable 389 cleaning 55 illustration and part numbers 389 jam locations 295 jams 280 life expectancy 59 modes 47 operation 86 order in which to remove 135 over-temp.
420 Index Q2 431-90912 J jams automatic recovery 296 avoiding 297 common causes 297 connection areas 328 delivery areas 329 duplexer 100, 303 envelope feeder detection 97 fuser 280 locations 295 loose.
Q2431- 90912 Index 42 1 maintenance agreements 29, 363 kits for printer 366 preventative maintenance no tice 242 remaining life of kit components 242 setting count of pag es printed 249 setting maintenance interval 249 See also c leaning malfunction error t roubleshooting 330 manual feed settings 45, 49 manuals.
422 Index Q2 431-90912 Novell NetWare information on HP Jetdirect page 256 settings 52 number of copies, set ting default 44 NVRAM (nonv olatile random-access m emory) initialization 251 operation 129.
Q2431- 90912 Index 42 3 paper stack position sensor 1,500-sheet feeder 343 500-sheet feeder 340 location 336 operation 84 paper stack sensor 382 paper transport errors 330 paper tray lifter 80 paper w.
424 Index Q2 431-90912 ppm (pages per minute) speed 8 pre-feed sensor location 336 operation 78, 79, 82, 87, 90, 92, 97, 100 preferences. See settings preprinted forms 14 preprinted paper fuser modes .
Q2431- 90912 Index 42 5 recovery automatic jam 296 settings for jam 50 recycling print cartridges 31, 242 supplies 24 website 31 refilled print cartridges 31 reformatting print er hard disk 252 regist.
426 Index Q2 431-90912 Sensors (continued) paper delivery, stacker and stapler/stacker 345 paper inlet, stacker 105 paper inlet, stacker and stapler/stacker 345 paper size, 1,500-sheet feeder 343 pape.
Q2431- 90912 Index 42 7 specifications, printer environmental 5, 7 space requirement s 5 temperature and humidity 8 specks or dots on images, troubleshooting 314 speed and EconoMode 128 data transmiss.
428 Index Q2 431-90912 supplies EWS statu s page 239 memory error 274 ordering 28, 362, 364 ordering with EWS 245 product, part, and exchange numbers 364 recycling 24 returns 31 status 244 status mess.
Q2431- 90912 Index 42 9 top cover sensor 356 top of page sens or 78, 87, 100 connector 356 location 336 top output bin setting destination 44 See also bins torque limiter, 500-sheet feeder 396 trainin.
430 Index Q2 431-90912 troubleshooting flowchart 234 software 29, 363 tools 239 using control panel information pages 239 using control panel messages 257 using drum rotation functional check 310 usin.
copy r i ght 200 2 Hew lett-P ac k ar d Com pan y © http://www *Q2431 * *Q2431 * -90912 -90912 Q2 431-9 0 912.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) C9H70UT#ABA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center