Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 4100 mfp HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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hp L as erJet 4100 mfp use.
hp LaserJet 410 0 mfp series mul tifunction printer use.
T rademark Credits Adobe ® , Acrobat ® , and P ostScript ® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Au t o C A D ® is a U . S . trademark of A utodesk, Inc. HP-UX Release 10.20 and later an d HP- UX Release 11.00 and later (in both 32- and 64-bit configurations) on all HP 9000 computers are Open Group UNIX branded products.
3 Contents About this guide How to use this onli ne guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Navigationa l feature s in this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Features of Acrob at Reader .
4 EN Configur e Device men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Diagnosti cs menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Service menu. . . . . . . . . .
5 Toner cartri dge auth entication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Toner cartri dge life e xpectanc y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Toner cartri dge storage . . . . . . . .
6 EN Hewlett-Pac kard limi ted warranty statemen t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Limited w arranty for toner car tridge lif e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 HP software li cense terms . . .
How to use this online guide 7 About this guide Ho w to use thi s online g uide This gu ide is pr ovided i n an Ad obe ® Acroba t ® por table document for mat (PDF fi le). T his sect ion familiar izes you with how to u se PDF d ocuments. The Ado be Acrobat Reader is not inc luded in t he produc t software, but can be downloaded from http://www .
8 About t his gu ide EN Features of Acrobat Reader Finding inf ormation in PDF documents T o find speci fic inform ation in a PD F docu ment, click Contents or Inde x in the upper-l eft cor ner of the Ac robat Rea der window , and then c lick the topic you want.
How to use this online guide 9 Bro wsing with thumbnails A thumbna il is a miniat ure view of each doc ument page. Y ou can disp lay thumbnails in the ov er v iew area. Use th e thumbnai l icons to jum p quickly to a p age and to adju st the view of the cur rent pag e.
10 About this gui de EN Where to look for more inf ormation The following references are av ailable f or th is produ ct (see below). Y ou can also see the HP Jetdirect Pri nt Ser ver Admini strator’s Guide . Addit ion al inf ormation i s a v aila bl e at http://www .
Overvie w 11 1 Introduction Over view Congratulation s on your pur chase of the HP Lase rJet 4100 mfp ser ies mul tifuncti on pri nter (MFP ). This p roduct c ombines convenient send-to -e-mail a nd one-to uch copying f eature s with hig h- qua li ty las er pr int ing .
12 Chapter 1 – Introduc tion EN Pr oduct con figurations The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es is av ailable in two config urations: HP LaserJet 4100 mf p (C 9 148 A ) • 64 MB RAM ; 5 GB (or larger).
Product b enefits 13 Pr oduct ben efits The HP Las erJet 4 100 mfp ser ies is d esig ned to be shared by a wor kgroup and lets you pri nt, make copies, and e-m ail digital documen ts with a s ingle device. The MFP ’ s multitask ing capab ility enables multip le func tions to proceed simulta neously .
14 Chapter 1 – Introduc tion EN Pr oduct features Pr oduct speed and throughput ● pri nting and c opying of let ter-size med ia at 25 pages per minute (ppm) o r A4-size medi a at 24 p pm ● monoc.
Produ ct features 15 Copying capabil ity ● easy-to- use copy functiona lity ● document coll ation ● multiple c opies ● multiple pa ges pe r sheet (n -up) ● document reducti on to 25 perc ent.
16 Chapter 1 – Introduc tion EN Pa r t s Product p art s (front vie w) 1 ADF 2 ADF cover (lifts for acce ss to scanner glass) 3 T op cov er (access to tone r ca r tr idge; seri al and pa r t numbe r.
Pa r ts 17 Product p art s (bac k vie w) 1 ADF connec to r cable 2 Fuser (can b e remo v ed to clear jams) 3 Rear outp ut slot (straigh t-through p aper p ath) 4 P ower/ju mper cable conn ectors 5 Dup.
18 Chapter 1 – Introduc tion EN Embedded W eb s erver The produc t has an embedd ed Web ser ver that allows the s ystem a dministra tor to configur e and man age all networ ked HP LaserJet 4100 mf p ser ies pr oducts r emotely .
Ove rview 19 2 Basic oper ations Over view This cha pter intr oduce s the bas ic copying, sendi ng, and pr inti ng operatio ns of th e HP LaserJ et 4100 mfp ser ies. Spec ific in f or mati on about ea ch of t hese fu nctions is present ed in later c hapters.
20 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Using the ADF Using the automa tic do cument feeder (A DF) is a f ast, conv enien t wa y to feed multipage ori ginals f or copying or digita l-sendi ng. Y ou can l oad the ADF w ith as many as 30 shee ts of pape r .
Using th e scanne r glass 21 Using the scan ner glass Y ou can also use the di gital-sen ding a nd copying features by using th e sc anner gla ss, loca ted below the AD F . The scanner c an ac commodat e letter - or A4- size and s maller ori ginals, b ooks, manuals, recei pts, and sim ilar do cument s.
22 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Selecting the o utput bin The pr inter has two outpu t loca tions : the rear output bin and th e top ou tput bin. T o use the top ou tput bi n, be sure th e rear output bin is closed. T o use th e rear out put bi n, open it.
Loading T ray 1 23 Loading T ray 1 T ra y 1 is a mul tipur p ose tray that holds as many as 100 s heets of paper , 10 envelopes, or 20 sheets of c ardstock. Th e def aul t action i s to pull media from T ra y 1 firs t. T o change the default, see “ Customi zing t ra ys f or print ing o r cop ying ” on page 63 .
24 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Loading T ra y 2 and option al T rays 3 and 4 T ra y s 2, 3, an d 4 are 50 0-sh eet med ia input t ra ys. T ra y 2 is standar d on the HP LaserJet 4 100 mfp. T ra ys 2 and 3 are standar d on the HP LaserJet 4 101 mfp, and T ra y 4 is an av ailable option.
Using specia l medi a 25 Using special me dia This sec tion d iscusses pri nting and copying on type s of me dia tha t requir e speci al handling : ● small o r narr ow paper ● letterhe ad, prepun .
26 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Using en velopes Y ou can pri nt many types of envelopes from T ra y 1. As many as ten env elopes can be stacked in the tra y . F o r inform ati on abou t acce pta ble env elope spe cifi ca tion s, see “ Env e lop es ” on page 120 .
Using specia l medi a 27 Usi n g labe ls T o ensure excellent pr inti ng quality and av oid dama ge to the pr oduct , use only l abels that are recom mended f or us e in lase r pr inter s. Make sure that the label s mee t the cor rect specifi catio ns (se e “ Labels ” on pag e 119 ).
28 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Using car ds and custom-size or heavy paper Custom-si ze paper ca n be pr inted or copi ed from any tray . For acceptable paper specifi catio ns, see “ Paper specif icati ons ” on page 113 .
Duplex cop ying and prin tin g 29 Dupl e x cop ying and pri nting If a dup le x er i s insta lled, you c an pr int or c opy on both side s of the paper. The duplex er suppo r ts the following medi a sizes: ● Letter ● Legal ● Executive ● A4 ● B5 (JIS ) The dupl ex er do es not suppo r t c ustom si zes.
30 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Media placeme nt requiring specific orientation Sev eral kinds o f paper r equire a spec ific or ienta tion wh en you duplex — for ex am p l e, letterhe ad, prepr inted paper, and paper with water ma rks or pre punche d holes.
Duplex cop ying and prin tin g 31 Lay out op tions for duplexing The four av ailable duplexing or ientati on opti ons are shown below . These opti ons can be sele cted in th e pri nter d river , through the Copy Settings screen , or by selec ting the BINDING option from the P ri nting menu at the con trol pane l.
32 Chapter 2 – Basic operat ions EN Job-handl ing prioriti es The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es is de signed to handl e multiple j obs effic iently .
Ove rview 33 3 Control panel and control panel menus Over view This cha pter p resents a g eneral over view of the cont rol panel and th e contro l panel menus. Specifi c control panel fun ctions th at per tain to c op ying, s ending, and pri nting tasks are present ed in later chapters of this gui de.
34 Chapter 3 – Control pan el and contr ol panel men us EN Lay out and opera tion 1 ? (Help): p rovides Help a bout the control panel display when problems occur . 2 Cont rol pa nel di spla y . 3 Navigation buttons: four arrow buttons that are used to move among elements on the control panel di splay .
Navigation 35 Na vi gation By pre ssing the ar row navigation buttons, you ca n shift focus between objects on the screen to descr ibe the docum ent to be handl ed and t he action s to be performe d. A bold border around a graphic obj ect or a rev erse video effect in a text list i ndicate s the curren t f ocus.
36 Chapter 3 – Control pan el and contr ol panel men us EN Contr ol panel screen s Use the s creens of th e con trol pane l displ a y to desc ribe the or igin al docum ent and to specify the acti ons to be t aken and the ir paramet ers.
Menus 37 Menus The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp ser ies uses a sy stem o f control panel me nus to set j ob parameters, set sy stem d efaults , and manage pr oduct performa nce and features. Many of the m enu options can als o be co nfigured by a system adminis trator through the embedded Web ser v er or thr ough HP Web JetAdmin.
38 Chapter 3 – Control pan el and co ntrol panel men us EN P aper Handling menu The Paper Handling m enu optio ns all ow y ou to specify how the inp ut tra ys are configur ed. 1 T ray 1 mode : all ows you to select the mode o f operation for multipur po se T ra y 1.
Menus 39 Configure Device menu The Confi gure Device me nu is used to esta b lish the produc t ’ s default settings. The se settings are se t by the sys tem adm inistrator either at the control panel di splay or through the embedd ed Web ser ver (see “ System admi nistrator gui de ” on page 1 37 ).
40 Chapter 3 – Control pan el and co ntrol panel men us EN Print Quality menu 1 Set re gist rati on 2 Res ol utio n : sets the default prin ter reso lutio n.
Menus 41 Syste m Setup men u 1 Job storag e limit : sets a limi t of the number of jo bs tha t can be s tored. 2 Job held timeout : sets the t ime tha t Quick Copy jobs are kept before being automa tically de leted fro m the qu eue. 3 P owerSave time : sets the lengt h of idle t ime before enter in g P owerSave mode.
42 Chapter 3 – Control pan el and co ntrol panel men us EN Resets me nu 1 Restor e factor y set tings : cl ears the pag e buff er , removes all per ishable persona lity data, and r esets p arameters to factor y d efaults . 2P o w e r S a v e : turns Pow e r S a v e On and Off .
Ove rview 43 4 W alk-up cop ying Over view Y ou can easi ly make blac k-and -whit e copies by using the HP Las erJet 41 00 mfp s eri es. This ch apter p rovides in stru ction s for making copies and chang ing c opy se ttings.
44 Chapter 4 – Walk- up co py ing EN P erforming basic copying Copy defaults The prese t default co py sett ings for the HP Lase rJet 410 0 mfp s eri es are: ● single- copy output ● letter- size.
User-de fined copy settings 45 User -defined copy settings T o make copies at set tings other t han th e syst em defaults, navigate th rough th e Des cribe Or iginal an d Copy Settings s creens. The use of these sc reens i s e xplai ned in the f ollowin g sec tions.
46 Chapter 4 – Walk- up co py ing EN Using the Cop y Setti ngs screen Use the Copy Settings screen to select the options for the copies to b e made if one- touch co p ying i s not us ed. This scree n allows you to sc roll thro ugh variou s options, pressing to se lect features.
User-de fined copy settings 47 • Quality : sel ect outpu t quali ty of an i mage. “ Best ” o ptimizes the output qualit y . • Nor mal • Best Note If you select Best , sc annin g speed wi ll be so mewhat slower than when operati ng in Normal mode.
48 Chapter 4 – Walk- up co py ing EN Adjusting the contras t Press the l ight/da rk buttons on the r ight side of the co ntrol pane l to lighte n or dar ken your copies. Afte r your copies are made, the contrast s etting retur ns t o the de f ault se tting.
Ove rview 49 5 Sending to e-mail Over view The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es can s can do cuments to any e-mai l addres s. Note The MFP c an s end color images, al though it c annot c opy or print in color.
50 Chapter 5 – Sendin g to e- mail EN Sending documen ts Y ou can use the d igital- sending feature with either the sca nner glass or the A DF . Note When u sing the sc anner gla ss, place the or igin al f ace d own. When us ing the ADF , place the or iginals face up .
Sending doc um ents 51 Sending a document T o digitally send a d ocumen t: 1 Place your or igin al docum ent face-down on the scanner glass or face-up in the A DF . 2 If your ori ginal matches the default setting s (mixed text and photo, def ault me dia size, standard resolu tion, sin gle-si ded), proc eed to s tep 3.
52 Chapter 5 – Sendin g to e- mail EN 10 Press S TAR T . When the file is being sen t, you receive the following message : PROCESSING DIGITAL SEND JOB Note Press R ESET at any t ime to cancel the e-ma il setti ngs and r etur n t o the top- lev el screen .
Addres s books 53 Address books The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es can u se your networ k e-m ail ser ver ’ s a ddress lists (LDA P), and can a lso dev elop a loca l addres s book. Y our network addres s li st is automa tically c onfigure d for use dur ing init ial prod uct confi guratio n.
54 Chapter 5 – Sendin g to e- mail EN.
Ove rview 55 6 Netw ork pr inting Over view When the H P Lase rJet 410 0 mfp ser ies pri nter dr ivers are install ed on your c omputer, the produ ct ca n funct ion as a n etwork prin ter , and you can sen d pri nt job s from any software pr ogram.
56 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN Installing th e printer software The HP LaserJ et 4100 mfp ser ies c omes with com plete pr inter in stallati on software on a CD-ROM. If you plan to u se the pro duct as a n etwork p r inter , install t he pri nter dr ivers on each com puter tha t will send doc uments f or printing.
Install ing the pr inte r software 57 HP LaserJet printing system The CD-ROM contai ns software co mponent s and dr ivers for both end-use rs and networ k adminis trators who are usin g the operating systems listed h ere. See the Read me.wri fil e f or the most current infor m ati on.
58 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN Prin ter dr ive rs Pri nter dr ivers allow you to gain a ccess to th e pri nter features and a llow networked comput ers to com municate with the pr inti ng se r vices using a p rint er la nguage. Note Check the Readme.
Install ing the pr inte r software 59 Software f or Windows-based computer s Note The f ollowing inf ormation is required only if the produc t is to be used as a network printer .
60 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN Printer driver Help Each pr inter dr iver has Help screen s that can be ac tivated from the Hel p button, the F1 ke y , or th e questio n mar k sy mbol on the uppe r-r ight cor ne r of the p r inter dr iver screen (dependi ng on the W indows op erating sys tem used) .
P e rf or ming advanced pr inting tasks 61 UNIX and Linux Note The HP Jetd irect p rint er in staller for UNIX and Linux is a pr inter install ation utility f or HP- UX and So lar is networ ks. It is available f or download from HP Cus tomer Car e online at http://www .
62 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN Printing with a watermark A water mar k is a n otice, such as “ Dr aft ” or “ T op Sec ret ” , th at can be pr inted in the background of each page in a documen t. W ater mar ks are inser ted in to documents using the pr inter dr iver in the software p rogram.
P e rf or ming advanced pr inting tasks 63 Customizing trays f or printing or copying Understanding tray or der When a p r int jo b is rece ived, the MFP automa tical ly sel ects an input t ra y by match ing the request ed medi a type and size to the media alrea dy lo aded in the trays.
64 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN T o print by type and size of media 1 Load th e tra ys corr ectly a nd adju st the paper gui des. 2 Select th e TRAY 1 TYPE option on the P aper Handl ing menu on the c ontrol pan el and specify the type of medi a for each tray .
Using the job-sto rage f eatures 65 Using the job -storage features The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es offers sev eral job-st orage features that all ow you to retain prin t jobs in me mor y f or later use. Y ou create stored jobs through the p rint er dr iver when you use a software pro gram.
66 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN Printing stored jobs T o print a stored job thr ough the c ontrol panel: 1 Press M ENU and s elect the RETRIEVE JOB menu. 2 Use the Up or Down navigation ar rows to highl ight the de sired us er name a nd press .
Pri nting with the FIR por t 67 Printing w ith th e FIR por t The opti onal FIR por t enables wireles s pr inting to the pr oduct from any por t able device (such as a laptop c omputer) th at is co mplia nt with IrDA (Infrared Data Assoc iation) stand ards.
68 Chapter 6 – Networ k print ing EN Printing a jo b using FIR 1 Align your laptop co mputer (or oth er por table device equipped with an IrDA - complia nt FIR win dow) within 1 mete r (3 f eet) of the FIR r eceiver .
Ove rview 69 7 Product maintenance Over view This cha pter explains b asic prod uct ma intenan ce proc edures f or the H P Laser Jet 4100 mfp s eries .
70 Chapter 7 – Produc t main tena nc e EN Managing the tone r car tridg e HP toner cartridg es When you use an HP toner c ar tr idg e (par t number C 8061A or C8061X ), you can obtain the following .
Cleani ng the p roduct 71 T oner low and toner out conditions When tone r is low , the co ntrol pan el dis plays a TONER LOW message and the product continues to pr int. T he messa ge firs t appears whe n about 15 perce nt of the toner remains in the c ar tr idge.
72 Chapter 7 – Produc t main tena nc e EN Cleaning procedure 1 T urn th e produc t off an d unplu g the power cord. 2 Open the top cover and remov e the tone r car tridge. W ARNING! A void reaching too far into the pr inter . The adj acent fus ing area might be h ot.
Cleani ng the p roduct 73 Cleaning the fuser Run the cl eaning page t o keep the fuser free of ton er and pap er pa r ticle s that can somet imes acc umulate. Accu mulation of toner and p ar ti cles ca n cause s pecks to app ear on the front o r back side of your jobs (see “ Sp ecks ” on page 97 ).
74 Chapter 7 – Produc t main tena nc e EN Cleaning the ADF paper delivery guide 1 T urn th e power off. 2 Wipe the outside o f the pr oduct wit h a damp ened c loth. 3 Rais e the A DF . 4 Open the deli v er y gui de by press ing in t he sm all plas tic hand les on eith er sid e of the deliver y g uide.
Cleani ng the p roduct 75 Cleaning the sca nner glass ● Clean the g lass on ly if dir t is visible, or if you are experi encing a decreas e in copy quality (such a s strea king). ● Clean the gla ss surface by wiping it gently with a clean, da mp, lint-free cloth.
76 Chapter 7 – Produc t main tena nc e EN P erf ormi ng pre ventati ve mai nten ance Y ou sho uld repl ace cer tain par ts when the PERFORM PRINTER MAINTENANCE me ssag e appears on the pr oduct control panel display . This helps en sure that the pr oduct maintain s opti mal perfor mance.
Ove rview 77 8 Prob lem solving Over view This cha pter will help you troubleshoot and s olve problems that mi ght oc cur whil e using the HP Laser Jet 4100 mfp ser ies.
78 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN Clearing jams If the cont rol p anel dis play shows a jam mess age, look f or med ia in the l ocations indicat ed in the figure on the ne xt page, and then see the proced ure f or cleari ng the jam. Y ou m ight need to look for medi a in lo cations other tha n those indicat ed in th e jam message.
Clea ring ja ms 79 Clearing jams fr om the top co ver and toner cartridge area 1 Open the top cover and remov e the tone r car tridge. CA UTION T o prev ent damage to the toner car t ridge, do not expose it t o light for more t han a fe w minutes. 2 Use the gre en handle to lift the p aper-a ccess pla te.
80 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN 6 Replace the entrance cover and close T ra y 1. 7 Reinstal l the toner car tr idg e and c lose the top cover . 8 If a jam m essage p ersist s, there is sti ll medi a in the pr oduct. Look f or medi a in anoth er lo catio n (see “ Ja m lo c a t io n s ” on page 78 ).
Clea ring ja ms 81 Clearing jam s from the duplex er 1 Open the duplex er ’ s rea r door . 2 Slowly pull any media o ut of the duplex er . 3 Remov e the du plex e r by lifting it s lightly and pu llin g it out of the produ ct. 4 F rom the rear of the p roduct, rem ov e any media tha t is on top of T ray 2.
82 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN 7 Reinser t the dupl ex er in to the p roduct. 8 Open and close t he top c ov er to cle ar the ja m mes sage. 9 If a ja m messag e persi sts, media r emain s in the p roduct. Look f or medi a in anoth er lo catio n (see “ Ja m lo c a t io n s ” on page 78 ).
Clea ring ja ms 83 Clearing jams fr om the fuser area Use this procedure to remove jams from the fus er are a: ● when me dia has j ammed inside t he fus er and cannot otherwis e be rem ov ed. ● when a page has to r n whil e you were tr ying to c lear a jam from the fus er .
84 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN 8 Remov e the media that has jamm ed. CA UTION Do not use a shar p object to clear me dia from the fuser ar ea. Y ou m ight dama ge the fu ser . 9 Replace the fuser , left s ide first. B e sure to push the fuser fir mly in to the p roduct.
Clea ring ja ms 85 Solvin g re peated jams If jams o ccur frequen tly , tr y the following: ● Chec k all possi b l e j am loc at i on s (s ee “ C l ea ring ja m s ” on page 78 ). A piece of medi a might be s tuck somewhere in th e produc t. Even a small tor n piece of media in the paper pa th can ca use r epeated jams.
86 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN Understanding control panel messag es The tables in th is se ction explain com mon me ssag es that might appe ar on the contr ol panel dis play . Within eac h table, the messages an d their meanings ar e listed in alphabe tical ord er , with numbered me ssag es list ed at the end of the tables.
Understa nding con trol pane l mes sages 87 CANNOT DUPLEX CLOSE R EAR BI N The pr oduct ca nnot dupl ex becau se the rea r output sl ot is ope n. Clos e the rear o utput slo t.
88 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN INTERRU PT COP Y JOB Do y ou w ant to i nterrupt the jo b currently being c opied? Y es/ No . If the jo b is interru pted, it wil l resume as soon as y our job is comple ted. MANUALL Y FEED [TYPE] [SIZE] Load the requested media i nto T ray 1.
Understa nding con trol pane l mes sages 89 TONER L OW The mess age first ap pears w hen about 15 percent of the ton er remain s in the toner ca rtr idge (at 5 percen t cov era ge, abo ut 1,500 pages remai n f or the 10,0 00-page ca r tridge and about 900 pages remain f or the 6,0 00-pag e car tridge).
90 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN TRAY 1 SIZE = [xxxx] The pr oduct is asking what siz e of m edia has been loa ded in T ra y 1. In response , y ou can take eith er o f t he foll owi ng a c t ion s: ● Press to acce pt the curre nt media size .
Understa nding con trol pane l mes sages 91 ##.XX.Y Y This message i ndica tes a f ailure in the scanner de vice . This is not a c ommunic ations f ailure . XX specifie s the reporting systems (sca nne r job con trol , cop y/send applic ati on, scan ner se rvice agent) an d YY spec ifies the erro r condi tion.
92 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN 41.3 UN EXPECT ED PAPER S IZE alternates with EXPECTE D [TYPE] [SIZE] The pr oduct det ected a m edia siz e othe r than wh at wa s speci fied. This is typi cally c aused if t wo or mo re sheets st ick together i n the pr oduct or if the paper tra y is not prope rly adjusted.
Understa nding con trol pane l mes sages 93 55.XX PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE P OWER T O CONTINU E A tempor ary printing error occ urred. Press S TART . The page c ontaining the err or automati cally re prints if jam recov er y is enab led. If the erro r does not clear , turn the produc t off , and then turn the prod uct on.
94 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN 79 SERV ICE [X XXX] The pr oduct has detecte d an error . Press S TOP to clear th e print job f rom the pro duct memory . T ur n the pro duct off , and then turn the pr oduct on. T ry printing a job f rom a d iff erent s oftwar e progr am.
Understan ding mopy disk-er ror messa ges 95 Understanding mopy disk-err or messages The following table lis ts the m opy disk error numbers rep or ted on the coll ation or job storage di sk error pages th at are pri nted when an error occurs. Mopy dis k error messages Disk error no.
96 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN T roubleshooting the h ar d disk Troubleshooting the hard disk Item Explan ation The pr oduct doe s not recogni ze the hard d isk. T urn the prod uct off an d ve rify that the h ard disk is inserted correc tly and is sec urely f astened.
Correcti ng output q uality pr oblems 97 Correcting out put qualit y pr oblems This sec tion iden tifies common output q uality pr oblems and rec ommen ds solu tions.
98 Chapter 8 – Probl em so lvin g EN Dropouts 1 Make sure that the environmenta l specific ations for the pro duct are met (see “ Gener al s pecif ic ati ons ” on page 124 ). 2 If th e paper i s rough and the t oner e asily r ubs of f , ei ther tr y chang ing the fuser m ode to High 1 or High 2 , or tr y using a smoother paper .
Correcti ng output q uality pr oblems 99 T oner smear See als o “ Loos e toner ” on page 99 . 1 Pr int a f ew more pages to see i f the proble m correc ts itsel f . 2 T r y usi ng a different typ e of paper. 3 Make sure that the envir onmental s pecific ations for the pro duct are being met (see “ Gener al s pecif icati ons ” on page 124 ).
100 Chap ter 8 – Probl em so lving EN Repe ati ng im ag e This type of de f ect mi ght occur when usi ng prepr inte d forms or pr inting a large quantity of nar ro w me dia .
Correcti ng outpu t quality problems 101 Wrinkles or creases 1 Pr int a f ew more pages to see i f the proble m correc ts itsel f . 2 Make sure that the environmenta l specific ations for the pro duct are being met (see “ Gener al s pecif ic ati ons ” on page 124 ).
102 Chap ter 8 – Probl em so lving EN ADF recalibrati on Occasio nally a copied i mage may not appear to be aligned p roper ly on t he page. Of ten this ca n be cor rected by ensur ing that the or iginal s are pr oper ly load ed int o the A DF and that the re are n o folded cor ners on any page s, since th ese coul d cause improper f eeding.
T roubleshooting P ostSc ript issues 10 3 T roubleshooting P ostScript issues PostScript troubleshooting Item Explan ation A te xt list ing of PS comma nds prints instead of y our PS printing job . The con trol panel PERSONALIT Y=AUTO settin g might h av e been confus ed b y a non stand ard PS cod e.
104 Chap ter 8 – Probl em so lving EN T roubleshooting opti onal HP Fast InfraRed Connect problems Troubleshooting HP Fast Infr aRed Connect problems Item Explan ation FIR port status in dicator does no t light up .
T roubleshooting an HP Je tdirect p rin t ser ver 10 5 T roubleshooting an HP Jetdirect print server If the HP Jetdi rect 10 /100TX p rint ser ver cannot communi cate w ith the networ k, us e these ste ps to verify the operation o f the pr int ser ver .
106 Chap ter 8 – Probl em so lving EN.
HP cust omer c are ser v ice and suppor t 10 7 9 Ser vice and suppor t HP customer care ser vice and sup por t Online services W e sug gest the s er vices listed in this section to ensu re acc ess to in f or mati on about th e HP LaserJet 4100 mfp se r ies.
108 Chap ter 9 – Servic e and s upport EN HP fr aud hotline Call the HP fraud h otline at (1) (877) 21 9-3183 (tol l-free in Nor t h Amer ica) when you install an HP LaserJe t toner car tri dge and the prod uct messa ge sa ys the car tridge is not an HP toner c ar t ridg e.
Hewlett-P ackard limited warranty statemen t 109 Hewlett-P ac kar d limited warran ty statement 1 HP warrants to you, the end-user c ustomer, that HP hardware, acce ssori es and supplie s wil l be free from def ects in mater ials an d wor kmanshi p after th e date o f purchase, for the period specifie d abov e.
110 Chap ter 9 – Servic e and s upport EN Limi ted wa rranty f or toner cartridge lif e Note The warranty b elow applies to the toner c ar tr idge that cam e with your MF P .
112 Chap ter 9 – Servic e and s upport EN Export Requirements Y ou may not e xpor t or reexpor t the So ftware or any cop y or adaptatio n in violati on of any applica ble laws or regul ations. U .S. Governme nt Restri cted Right s The Soft ware and any accom panying do cumentati on have been dev eloped en tirely a t pri v ate expense.
Ov erview 113 A Specifications Over view This a ppendix p resents pa per an d produc t specific ations for the HP Laser Jet 4100 mfp ser ie s: ● paper s pecificati ons ● product spec ificat ions P aper sp ecification s HP ’ s multifun ction pr in ters are b ased o n known HP t echno logy and deliver excellent quality .
114 Appendi x A – Specif icati ons EN Suppor ted paper sizes and weights 1. The product supports a wide range of paper sizes. Check the product software for supported sizes. To print custom-siz e paper, see “ Using cards and custom- size or hea vy paper ” on page 28 .
P aper spe cif icati ons 115 1. The product supports a wide range of media sizes. Check the product software for supported sizes. 2. Capacity can v ary depending on m edia weight and thickness , and environmental c onditions. 3. To print custom-siz e paper, see “ Using cards and custom- size or hea vy paper ” on page 28 .
116 Appendi x A – Specif icati ons EN Supported paper siz es and weights for the optional power enve lope feeder Size Dimensions W eight Capacity Monar ch (#7 ¾ ) 98.4 b y 190.5 mm (3.88 by 7.50 inc he s) 75 to 105 g/m 2 (20 to 28 lb) 75 en v elopes Commerci al 10 (#10) 104.
P aper spe cif icati ons 117 Suppor ted paper sizes f or the scanner glass The scann er glas s can accomm odate: ● letter- or A4-si ze and smal ler o rigi nals, books, ma nuals, receip ts, and si milar document s. ● irregular and wor n d ocuments, st apled d ocuments, an d photographs.
118 Appendi x A – Specif icati ons EN Guidel ines for usin g pape r F or b est res ults, use co nv ention al 75 to 90 g/m 2 (20 t o 24 lb) paper . Make sur e the pa per is of goo d qual ity , and free of cuts, ni cks , tears, spots, loose par ticles, dus t, wri nkles, v oids, an d cur led or bent edges.
P aper spe cif icati ons 119 Labels CA UTION T o av oid damaging the produc t, use only la bels recomme nded for use in l aser pr inters. If you hav e problems pr inting l abels, use T ra y 1 and open the r ear output slot. Do not pr int on the sam e sheet of label s more th an onc e — peelin g and a dhesive conta mination m ight r esult.
120 Appendi x A – Specif icati ons EN En velopes En velo pe const ruction Env elope constr uct ion is c riti cal. Env elope fold lin es ca n vary consid erably , not on ly between ma nuf acture rs, but also withi n a box from the sam e manufacturer .
P aper spe cif icati ons 121 Car d stoc k and hea vy paper Many types of card s tock can be p rin ted from T ra y 1, inc luding i ndex cards and postcards. So me ca rd st ock performs be tter than o thers becaus e its c onstr uct ion is better s uited for feeding through a lase r prin ter .
122 Appendi x A – Specif icati ons EN Pr oduct specifications Ph ysical dimensions 1043 mm (41.1 inche s) full-leng th trays and rear output slot open HP LaserJet 4 100 mfp 415 mm (16 .4 inc hes) HP LaserJ et 4101 mfp or HP LaserJ et 4100 mfp with opti onal 50 0-sheet tra y and dup lex e r 661 mm (26 inche s) HP LaserJet 41 00 mfp 540 mm (21.
Product spec ifica tions 12 3 Pr oduct weight (w ithout toner cartridg e) En vir onmental specific ations Electri cal specif ications The follo wing specifi cations ap ply to bot h the HP Las erJet 4 100 mfp and HP LaserJ et 4101 mf p . P owerSav e default act ivation time is 3 0 minutes.
124 Appendi x A – Specif icati ons EN Acoustic emissions (p er ISO 9296) T ests per IS O 9296 ( ISO 7779 ) Note “ Operating ” means that the product i s copying and pr inting c ontinuousl y at 25 p pm. V alues are subjec t to chan ge. See http://www .
A vailable access ori es 125 B Order ing inf or mation A v ailable accessories Y ou can incr ease the capab ilities of your HP Laser Jet 4100 mfp se rie s with the o ptiona l access ori es sh own below .
126 Appendi x B – Orde ring in format ion EN Pa r t n u m b e r s T o order a pa r t or a ccessor y f or the HP LaserJet 41 00 mfp ser ies, c ontact an H P- author ized ser vice or sup por t provider o r use on e of the f ollowing we bsites. ● North Americ a: https: //www .
P ar t numbers 127 Cables and interfaces Item P ar t number Description or use P ara llel cab les 2-meter I EEE-1284 cab le 3-meter I EEE-1284 cab le C2950A C2951A F or co nne cti on to a comp ute r M.
128 Appendi x B – Orde ring in format ion EN Printing supplies Item P ar t number Description or use T oner cartr idges 6,000 pages 10,0 00 pa ges C8061A C8061X HP UltraPreci se toner c ar tridge supplied with produc t. Replace ment HP Ultra Precise toner ca r tr id ge.
P ar t numbers 129 HP Multip urpose P aper Letter (8.5 by 11 inches), 500 sheets /ream, 10-re am carton Letter (8.5 by 11 inches), 500 sheets /ream, 5-rea m car ton Letter (8.5 by 11 inches), 250 sheets /ream, 12-re am carton Letter (8.5 by 11 inches), 3-ho le, 500 she ets/ream, 10-ream c ar ton Legal (8 .
130 Appendi x B – Orde ring in format ion EN.
FCC r egul ati ons 131 C Regulator y inf or mation FCC regul ations The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp ser ies has been tested and f ound to com ply with t he limits for a Class A digita l device, pursuan t to Part 15 of th e FCC r ules.
132 Appendi x C – Re gulatory informa tion EN En vir onment al pr oduct st e war dship pr ogram Pr otecting the en vironment HP is c ommitte d to providing quali ty produc ts in an environmenta lly-soun d manne r . HP products hav e been designed with s e veral attributes t o minimi ze impacts on the environment.
Environmen tal produ ct stewardship p rogram 13 3 cartridge s. Aft er a th orough qu ality i nspectio n, selec ted parts are re claimed for use in new cartridge s. Rema ining materia ls are sep arated and conv erted in to raw material s for use by othe r indus tries to ma ke a v ariety of useful produ cts.
134 Appendi x C – Re gulatory informa tion EN Declaration of Conformity accordi ng to ISO/I EC Guid e 22 an d EN 45014 Manufac turer ’ s Name : Hewlett-P ackard Company Manufac turer ’ s Ad dr e.
Safety statements 13 5 Safety statements Laser safe ty statement The Center f or Devices and Radiolo gical Healt h (CDRH) of the U . S. F o od and D rug Adminis tration has implem ented regu latio ns for laser prod ucts manufactured since A ugust 1, 1976 .
136 Appendi x C – Re gulatory informa tion EN Laser statement f or Finland Luokan 1 laserlaite Klass 1 Laser Apparat HP LaserJ et 4100 mfp ser ies las erk irjoiti n on k ä ytt ä j ä n kannalta tur vallin en luoka n 1 lase rlai te.
Ov erview 137 D System administr ator guide Over view This por tion of the Use gu ide provid es impo r tant inform ation f or the s ystem ad ministrat or who sets up, configures, and main tains the hp LaserJ et 410 0 mfp ser ies.
138 Appendi x D – S ystem ad ministr ator gui de EN Using the em bedded W eb ser ver A W eb ser ver provides an environment in which Web programs can run. Th e output from these programs can then be displ a yed by a Web browser , such as M icrosoft In ter net Explorer or Netsc ape Navigator .
Config uri ng and verify ing an IP address 13 9 Reaching the embedded W eb ser v er Y ou can reach t he produc t ’ s home page th rough the embedd ed Web ser ver b y ent erin g the produ ct ’ s IP address, or through HP Web JetAdmin .
140 Appendi x D – S ystem ad ministr ator gui de EN Changing an IP address Use the following proc edures if you hav e to c hange the p roduct ’ s TCP/I P addres s for any reason. HP W eb JetAdmin Open HP Web JetAdm in. Enter the TCP /IP add ress i n the Qui ck De vice Sea rch, and click G O .
Configur ing multi tas king pr io r iti es 14 1 Configuring multitasking priorities The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es allows proc essin g of sever al jo bs simulta neously . System defaults are set to g ive the walk-up user pri ori ty ov er job s coming in over the network .
142 Appendi x D – S ystem ad ministr ator gui de EN Hold off print j ob submenu This o ption per mi ts the administ rator to det er mine wheth er or no t network pri nt jobs should b e prev ented from pr inti ng for a cer tain per iod of time after complet ion of a copy job, or if the contr ol panel is acc essed.
Using dig ita l- se ndi ng se ttin gs 143 Using digital- sending sett ings The dig ital-se nding se ttings page of the embedd ed Web ser ver allows you to confi gure e-mail settin gs f or outg oing a nd incom ing ma il. Thi s enables you to us e “ send and receiv e ” capabilities.
144 Appendi x D – S ystem ad ministr ator gui de EN Using HP W eb JetAdm in with the emb edded W eb s erver The HP Las erJet 410 0 mfp s eri es is fu lly sup por te d by HP Web JetAdmin , a browser- based mana gement tool typ ically ins talle d on a networ k to mana ge multipl e HP produ cts remotely .
Inst alling a DIMM 145 Installing a DIMM CA UTION Static e lectr icity can dama ge DIMMs. W hen han dling DIMM s, either wear an antistati c wr ist strap or frequently touch the surface of the DIM M ’ s antist atic p ackage, and then tou ch bare metal on t he pro duct.
146 Appendi x D – S ystem ad ministr ator gui de EN 10 Close the DIMM acc ess door. Mak e sure t hat it locks int o place. 11 Inser t the botto m of the c ov er into the slot and rotate the cov er upward. 12 Slide th e cov er toward the fron t of the MFP until the cover clicks into p lace.
Unders tanding pr inte r comman ds 14 7 Unde rs tand ing pr inter c ommands Most sof tware programs d o not requ ire you to ent er pri nter com mands. See your comput er and soft ware document ation to find th e method f or enter ing pr inte r command s, if needed.
148 Appendi x D – S ystem ad ministr ator gui de EN.
Index 149 Inde x Sym bol s # (pound sign) ke y 34 .jpeg file type 39, 52 .pdf file type 39, 52 .tif file type 52 ? button 34, 42 Numbers 100-sheet paper tray.
150 Index EN characters m isformed 100 check button 34 checking toner level 70 chlorofluorocarbons 132 choosing appropriate printer driver 59 circuit capacity 123 cleaning fuse r au tom atic ally 73 f.
Index 151 curled envelopes 120 paper 100, 118, 120 customer s upport fraud hotline 108 HP SupportPacks 107 language and in-cou ntry options 108 online product information 10 7 online services 107 part.
152 Index EN duplexing binding options 31 booklets 61 copy jobs 47 description 56 enabling or disabling 39 guidelines 29 options for copying 47 setting 36 setting defaults 39 supported media sizes 29 .
Index 153 font lists 37 fonts missing on hard disk accessory 96 printing as Courier 103 printing list of PCL 37 printing list of PS 37 selecting Courier ve rsion 39 setting default as Courier 39 setting personality default 41 fraud hotline 108 front panel.
154 Index EN installing embedded Web server 138 HP Web Jetadmin 60, 139 printer drivers 58 printers connected to netwo rk with HP Jetdirect print server 144 UNIX printer software 61 interface ports 17.
Index 155 margins clipped 103 custom-size paper 28 envelopes 26, 120 marks on page 101 material safety data sheet (MSDS) 133 maximum paper size 114 product temperature 118 mechanical problem m essage 94 media.
156 Index EN options color 51 duplexing for copying 47 file type 51 setting for digital-sending 50 order of trays used 63 ordering parts and accessories 125 orienting for duplexing 30 label sheets 27 .
Index 157 PowerSave default activation time 123 mode 132 power consumption 123 timeout 41 turning on and off 42 PPDs (PostScript Printer Description) files 60 preprinted/prepunched paper duplexing 30 .
158 Index EN reducing button on control panel 34 copies 48 copy size 34 network traffic 61 registration, setting 40 regulations Canada DOC 135 FCC 131 U.
Index 159 software help for printer drivers 60 license 111 Macintosh 60 network 60 Sun Solaris 61 UNIX 61 utilities 107 Windows 59 Solaris printer software 61 space requirement s 122 spare parts after.
160 Index EN Tray 2 adjusting for paper 56 bad connection message 86 clearing jams 80 description 56 load message 89 loading 24, 56 orienting paper for duplexing 30 orienting special paper 25 setting .
2001 -2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP © http://www .hp .com/support/lj4100mfp.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4100 mfp along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center