Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3300mfp HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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use hp L a s e rJet 3 3 00mfp.
h p L a s e rJet 33 0 0m f p user guide.
H e w l e tt - P a c k ard Compa n y 11311 C h i nd e n B ou l e v ard Bois e , I daho 83714 U . S . A. C o p yr i g h t I n f o rma t i o n © Copyright 2002, Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written perm ission is prohibited, except as allo wed under the copyright laws.
EN 3 Contents 1 Getting to know your product Identify ing your p roduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 HP Lase rJet 3300mfp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 EN To chang e the ring volume of the fa x product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 To chang e the contr ol panel key pres s volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Changing settings from yo ur computer .
EN 5 To change t he defau lt copy co llation sett ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Changing t he numb er of copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 To change t he numb er of copie s for the current jo b .
6 EN Loading origina ls to fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 To load fa x docume nts into t he ADF inpu t tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN 7 Changing h ow the p roduct answ ers incom ing faxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 To set the a nswer mo de to automa tic or m anual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 Changing ri ngs-to-ans wer .
8 EN Using th e embedde d web ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 13 Prerequ isites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN 9 HP polic y on non-HP print c artridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 To install a print ca rtridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Storing pr int car tridges .
10 EN Blank pag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 72 Too ligh t or dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN 11 Faxes are tr ansmitt ing or be ing receiv ed very s lowly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Are you sending or receiv ing a ve ry com plex fax ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7 Does the r eceiving fax mach ine hav e a slow modem speed? .
12 EN Korean E MI statemen t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Japan V CCI Class B regulati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 HP Lase rJet 3330 fa x .
EN 13 1 Getting to kno w y our product Use thes e topics to acqua int yoursel f with your new HP Laser Jet 3300 ser ies pro duct: ● Identify ing your produc t ● Identify ing your produc t ’ s ha.
14 1 G etting t o know yo ur produ ct EN Identifyin g y our product Use thes e topics to le ar n about your product ’ s features and to m ake sure your package con tents are c omple te: ● HP Lase .
EN Identifyi ng yo ur prod uct 15 HP LaserJet 3300se mfp The H P LaserJ et 3300s e mfp pri nts and c opies up to 15 pa ges per minute (ppm ) and com es s t and a r d w i th a fl a tbed c op i e r /s c a n ne r , 3 2 MB of RAM ,, a dual in-line memory module (DIMM) s l ot f o r ad d ing f o nts a n d m em o r y , a U S B 1 .
16 1 G etting t o know yo ur produ ct EN HP LaserJet 3310mfp The HP LaserJe t 3310mf p is a c opier- centr ic pr oduct that pr ints and co pies up t o 15 pag es per minute (p pm) and c omes st andard .
EN Identifyi ng yo ur prod uct 17 HP LaserJet 3320mfp The H P LaserJ et 3320mf p is a copi er-cen tric pr oduct tha t pr ints an d copies up to 15 p ages p er minute (ppm ) and co mes stan dard w ith .
18 1 G etting t o know yo ur produ ct EN HP LaserJet 3320n mfp The HP LaserJet 332 0n mf p is a cop ier-centr ic prod uct that pr ints a nd copi es up t o 15 pages per minute (p pm) and c omes st anda.
EN Identifyi ng yo ur prod uct 19 HP LaserJet 3330mfp The H P LaserJ et 3330mfp i s a copi er-centr ic pr oduct tha t pri nts and c opies up to 15 p ages per m i n u t e ( pp m ) and c o mes s t a n d.
20 1 G etting t o know yo ur produ ct EN Identifyin g y our product ’ s har d ware componen ts HP LaserJet 33 00 ser ies har d ware components 1 Pr inter c ontrol pa nel 2 Pr int car tr idge door 3 .
EN Identifyi ng yo ur prod uct ’ s contr ol panel compone nts 21 Identifying your pr oduct ’ s co ntr ol pane l co mpone nts Choose a s ection o f the HP LaserJet 3 300 co ntrol pan el to d isplay .
22 1 G etting t o know yo ur produ ct EN Alphanumeric buttons If you hav e a fax model, use th e alph anumeri c buttons to en ter data i nto the pr oduct ’ s disp la y screen a nd dia l phone numbers for faxing. For inf or mation o n usi ng alphanume r ic key characters see Using dialing char acters .
EN Identify ing HP Jetdire ct 310x p rint server compone nts 23 Copy , scan, and star t controls Use these contr ols to chan ge co mmonly used de f ault settin gs, to star t scan ning, and to star t copying. For instr uctio ns on copying, s ee Cop ying .
24 1 G etting t o know yo ur produ ct EN Identifyin g y our product ’ s software compone nts Note Software com ponents i nstalled depend on OS, insta llation type, and the HP LaserJ et 3300.
EN 25 2 Getting star ted Use this informa tion to perform b asic as sembly an d instal lation tasks for your HP Las erJet 33 00 ser ies pr oduct : ● Findi ng a loca tion fo r yo ur produ ct ● Conn.
26 2 G etting sta rted EN Finding a location for y our pr oduct Inst all the pr oduct in a locati on that meets t he following requir ements: ● Situate the produ ct on a stur dy , lev el surface out of direct sunlight and awa y from dus t, open flames, and ammonia f umes.
EN Connectin g a prin ter cabl e to yo ur prod uct 27 Conn ectin g a pri nter ca bl e to y our pr oduc t T o conn ect a pr in ter cable to your pr oduct, us e the following step s: Note Windows 95 a nd Win dows NT 4.0 do not suppo r t US B ca ble conne ctions wi th the pr in ter .
28 2 G etting sta rted EN Installing a p rint car tr idge T o inst all a print cartridge , us e the f ollo wi ng ste ps: CAUTION T o pr ev ent damage to the pr int car tr idge, do not expose it to ligh t for more th an a fe w minutes. 1 Make sure the pr int car tr idge door is open.
EN Install ing and lo ading the media i nput tray s 29 Installing and loading th e media input tra ys T o ins tall and l oad the media in put tray and the pr ior ity input t ra y , us e the following step s: 1 Slide th e trays in and down at an angle until they fit sec urely .
30 2 G etting sta rted EN Installing t he ADF inpu t tray If your H P L aserJet 3 300 s eri es produ ct c omes with an ADF , or i f you purchas ed t he HP LaserJ et 3300 ser ies ADF acces sor y , use the f ollowin g instr uctio ns to i nstall t he ADF input tray: 1 Align the two tabs on the in put tray with the two groov es in t he ADF l id.
EN Loading origina ls to cop y or sc an 31 Loading orig inals to copy or scan Use the se instr uct ions t o load orig inals into your HP LaserJ et 3300 ser ies pro duct for copying or scannin g. For the best qualit y scans and copie s, use the flatbed scanner .
32 2 G etting sta rted EN T o load origi nals i nto the ADF in put tr a y Note ADF cap acity is u p to 50 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20- pound) m edia (dep endin g on the thickness o f the media) , or until the AD F input t ra y is full . The min imum size for media in the ADF is 127 x 127 m m (5 x 5 inches ).
EN Verify ing your work 3 3 V erifying your w ork After se tting u p the prod uct, verify your wo rk by testin g your HP Las erJet 33 00 produ ct ’ s pri nti ng and co py ing func tions. T o self-test the printer T o test t he pr inter, use the following steps: 1 On the prod uct ’ s control panel , press menu/enter .
34 2 G etting sta rted EN T o self-test the copier using the flatbed scanner If your produc t does no t hav e an ADF input tray , you can stil l test the copie r by placing the config uration page on the flatbed scan ner .
EN 35 3 Changing y our product ’ s general def ault settings Use thes e topics to le ar n about your HP La serJet 3300 s erie s produ ct ’ s general default setti ngs, how to check them, how to cha nge the m from th e con trol pan el, an d how to acce ss th em usin g the product s oftware.
36 3 Cha nging y our pr oduct ’ s gen eral default settings EN HP LaserJet 3300 series pr oduct settings Using th e produc t software is of ten the e asiest m ethod t o adjust your pr oduct se ttings. The instr uct ions in this sec tion s how how to acces s the device se ttings from both t he con trol p anel an d the pro duct software.
EN Changing the di splay panel la nguage 37 Changing the d i splay panel language Use this procedu re to have the control p anel d isplay messages and repo r ts in a l anguage oth er than the d e f a u l t f o r y o ur country/ r eg i on. T o change the d ispla y pan el language 1 Press menu/enter .
38 3 Cha nging y our pr oduct ’ s gen eral default settings EN 3 Use the < and > buttons to s elect Volume Settings an d press menu/enter . 4 Press menu/enter to s el ect Alarm Volum e . 5 Use the < and > buttons to s elect Off , Soft , Medium , or Loud .
EN Changing s etting s from you r comput er 39 Use on e of the following me thods to change your printe r set tings: ● To chan ge defa ult se ttings across all app lica tions (Win dows) ● To chan .
40 3 Cha nging y our pr oduct ’ s gen eral default settings EN.
EN 41 4 Pr inting Use thes e instr uctions to perfor m pr inting tasks w ith your HP Lase rJet 3300 ser ies produc t: ● Print ing wit h manual fe ed ● Stopp ing or canc eling a p rint j ob ● Pri.
42 4 Pr inting EN Printing wi th manual feed Y ou can use m anual feed when pr inting mixed media, for e xample, an envelope, then a le tter , then an envelope, and so on. L oad a n env elope i n the pri orit y input tray and l oad l etterhead in the main input tray .
EN Understa ndi ng print quality se ttin gs 43 Y ou can chang e the s ettings i n the pr inte r prope r tie s to acc ommoda te the type s of jo bs you are pri nting.
44 4 Pr inting EN Optimizing print qu ality f or media typ es Media ty pe sett ings con trol t he temperature o f your pri nter ’ s fuser . Y ou c an cha nge the sett ings for the medi a that you are using to optimize t he pr int qua lity .
EN Printin g enve lope s 45 Printing en velope s Use on e of the following me thods to pri nt envelopes: ● To print o ne env elope ● To print m ult iple env elopes T o prin t one en velop e Only use env elopes that ar e recom mended f o r laser pri nters.
46 4 Pr inting EN T o pr int multiple en velop es Only us e envelopes that a re recomm ended for lase r pri nters. See Produ ct media s pecifi cation s fo r more inf or mation. Note Use the p rio r ity input tra y f or pr inting one envelope. Use the mai n input tra y for printi ng multiple env elopes.
EN Printing transpar encies and l abels 47 Printing transparencies and lab els Only use transpare ncies an d labe ls that ar e recom mended for use in las er pr inters, such as HP transparenc y film an d las er quali ty label s. See Prod uct me dia sp ecifica tions for more informati on.
48 4 Pr inting EN Printing lett erhead or preprinte d f orms Only us e letterh ead or pr epr inted forms that are recomm ended for use in l aser pr inte rs, such as HP las er quali ty let terhead a nd prepr in ted forms. See Produc t media s pecif ications for mo re inf ormation.
EN Printin g custom -sized media or car d stock 49 Printing custo m-siz ed media or car d stock HP Laser Jet 3300 seri es prod ucts ca n pr int on c ustom-s ized media or card s tock between 76 by 127 mm. ( 3 by 5 inches ) and 216 by 356 mm. (8. 5 by 14 inches ).
50 4 Pr inting EN T o duplex manually on lightweig ht media 1 Make sure that the stra ight-thr ough o utput do or is clo sed. 2 Acces s the pr inter proper ties (for instru ction s, see Changin g setti ngs fr om your co mpute r ). On the Finishing tab , c lick Print on Both Sides , select the Flip P ages Up check box, and cli ck OK .
EN Printing o n both s ides of the medi a (manua l dupl exing) 51 T o duplex manually on heavy media or car d stoc k (straight-through output path) F or heavy medi a, such a s card s tock, use the straight- through o utput path. 1 Load the me dia, a nd open the straigh t-throug h outpu t door on the back of the produ ct.
52 4 Pr inting EN Printing multiple pages on a single sheet of medi a Y ou can selec t the numbe r of page s that you want to prin t on a s ingle shee t of medi a. If you choos e to pri nt more tha n one pag e per she et, the pages appear s maller an d are arrange d on the sheet i n the orde r that they would otherwi se be pr inted .
EN Printing b ooklets 53 Printing book lets Y ou can pr int book lets on letter , legal , ex ecuti ve , or A4 paper . This f unction i s av ailable for Windows use rs o nly . T o prin t boo kle ts 1 Load the pa per , and make sure that the straight- through o utput door is closed .
54 4 Pr inting EN Printing watermarks Y ou can use th e wate rmark optio n to pri nt te xt “ under neath ” (i n the b ackground) of an existing docume nt. For e xample, you might want to h av e large gra y lett ers re ading D raft or Confi dentia l pr inted d iagona lly acros s the first pa ge or al l of the pages of a docum ent.
EN 55 5 Cop ying Use thes e instr ucti ons to per form copying task s with your HP La serJet 3300 pr oduct: ● Starti ng a copy job ● Canceli ng a copy job ● Adjus ting copy quality for the c urr.
56 5 Co pyin g EN Star ting a copy job T o make co pies with your HP Laser Jet 3300 s eri es produ ct, us e the following instr ucti ons: 1 Load your ori ginal do cumen t onto the flatbe d sc anner face down (one page at a time) wi th the top left c or ner of t he doc ument loc ated in the lower rig ht cor ner of the glas s.
EN Adjusti ng the defaul t copy qu ality 57 Adjusting t he default co py quality The default setting f or copy quality is Text . Th is setti ng is the best for items that c ontain mo stly text. When makin g a co p y of a p hoto or graphic, y ou can selec t Photo or Best Photo to increa se the q uality .
58 5 Co pyin g EN Reduc ing or enlarging copies for the current job The HP LaserJet 3 300 se rie s product c an reduc e copies to as s mall as 25% of th e ori ginal or enlarg e copies to as much as 40 0% of the orig inal.
EN Changing the co py co llati on sett ing 59 T o change the default copy size 1 Press menu/enter . 2 Use the < or > button to s elect Copy Setup an d press menu/enter . 3 Use the < or > button to s elect Def. Redu/Enlrg and press menu/enter .
60 5 Co pyin g EN Changing the number of copies Y ou can cho ose to have the default number of co pies b e any value from 1 to 99. T o change the n umber of copies f or the cur rent job 1 F rom the pr.
EN Using HP LaserJet Co py Plus software 61 Note If you click the Copy Plus icon in add ition to th e stan dard cop ier set tings, you can als o adjus t the brig htness of your copies and send the c op y to an other pr inter, including a c olor pr inte r .
62 5 Co pyin g EN Copying photos, two-sided originals, or books T o copy or sc an a photo 1 Place the photo o n the fl atbed sc anner with the pictu re side down and the top left c or ner of the phot o in t he lo wer righ t corner of the glass . 2 Gent l y close th e lid .
EN Copying photos , two-si ded orig inals, o r books 63 T o copy a book 1 Lift the li d and p lace the book o n the flatbe d scanne r with the desired bo ok pag e located in the lower right c or ner of th e glas s. 2 Gently cl ose th e lid. 3 Gently pr ess down on th e lid to pr ess the book to the flatb ed scanner surface.
64 5 Co pyin g EN.
EN 65 6 Scanning Use the following in str uction s to pe rform sc annin g tasks with your HP Laser Jet 3300 s er ies prod uct : ● Unders tanding s canning methods ● Scanni ng from t he produc t .
66 6 S cann i ng EN Understanding scanning methods The HP LaserJet 3 300 se rie s product o ff ers f our wa ys to sca n an it em: ● Scan from the product: Star t sca nning dir ectly fro m the p roduct usi ng the c ontrol p anel ’ s scan buttons. The star t scan and sc an to buttons can be programmed to scan to a destin ation.
EN Scannin g from the produ ct ’ s co ntrol pa nel 67 1 Load the or igi nals to be sca nned face up in the ADF inp ut tray and adjust th e medi a guides.
68 6 S cann i ng EN T o reprogram the start scan bu tton T o program the start sca n button to use a scan to destin atio n, use the f ollowing in str uct ions: 1 F rom the HP LaserJ et Direc tor , c lick the Custo miz e button to open the Custom ize proper ty sheet .
EN Scann ing wit h the prod uct softwa re 69 • If you choose to scan p age-by-page, se e To use pag e-by-p age scan ning (W indows) . 7 Click Sca n . 8 If there are or ig inals l oaded in the ADF , a ll of the page s ar e scann ed aut omatical ly . If the ADF is empty , one page is scanned from th e glass.
70 6 S cann i ng EN • Selec tion mode a llows you to speci fy the a rea in wh ich to s av e. • Edit Reg ion mo de allows you to edit the re gion area s and types. 7 Click Accept to save the current imag e. 8 If you wish to scan an other page, cl ick Yes in the message box that dis plays.
EN Archivi ng scan ned text or imag es 71 1 In the sc an (or TWAIN) software, click the previe w button. The s canner w ill scan th e image and the n display it in the pr e v iew screen. 2 If you want to save only p ar t o f the image, se lect the area that you want t o sav e .
72 6 S cann i ng EN Scanning with OCR T o edit scanned te xt (Windo ws and Macint osh) Y ou can use the OCR software to impor t sca nned text into your preferred word proce ssing applic ation for editing . This allows you to edit f axes, letters, newspaper cl ippin gs, and many other docume nts.
EN Scanni ng with OC R 73 Note If the word pr ocessin g icon i s not pr esent o r active, either you do no t have a word processin g software applicat ion in stalled o n your compu ter or th e sca nner so ftware did not r ecog nize the appl ication duri ng the inst allation.
74 6 S cann i ng EN Enhancing imag es with HP LaserJet Do cument Manager or HP Photo Center Y ou can use HP Laser Jet Docu ment Ma nager or HP Ph oto Cente r to make the following enhance ments to sca.
EN Addin g annot ati ons to scan ned ima ge fil es 75 T o access HP LaserJet Document Manager ’ s annotation features Note These in stru ction s appl y to Win dows users only . 1 If it is n ot open, open the do cumen t to be a nnotate d in the HP LaserJ et Docu ment Ma nager .
76 6 S cann i ng EN T o scan to e-mai l (Macintosh) 1 Load the or igin als to be scann ed face up in the A DF input tray and adjust the media guides. OR Lift the f latbed cov er and load the ori ginal to b e sca nned face down on the fla tbed s canner with the t op left cor ner of the doc ument loc ated in the lower right c or ner of the glas s.
EN Scanner resolu tion an d color 77 Note Setting the reso lution and colo r to a hig h value can cr eate lar ge fil es that take up disk s pace and slow the sc annin g or c opying process. It is impo r tan t that you first d eter mine how you are go ing to use the scanned image.
78 6 S cann i ng EN Color Y ou can set the co lor values to the f ollowing settings wh en copying or s canning . Setting Recommended use Where to set the color v alue Color High qua lity color photo s or do cuments in which the colo r is impo r tant. Wind ows scan ner soft ware Blac k and Whit e Use f or te xt docu ments .
EN 79 7 F axing Use the i nstr uctions be low to per f or m basi c f axing ta sks wit h your HP L aserJet 33 00mfp p roduct: ● Setting the inf ormation in the fax he ader ● Setting the answer mode.
80 7 Fa xing EN ● Changing the V. 34 sett ing ● Mana ging fax l ogs a nd repor ts ● Print ing the fax activity log ● Setting the fax ac tivity log to print auto matic ally ● Print ing a fa x.
EN Loading orig inals to fax 81 2 Usi ng th e < a nd > buttons, sele ct Fax Setup and pres s menu/enter . 3 Usi ng th e < a nd > buttons, sele ct Fax Recv. Setup and pr ess menu/enter . 4 Press menu/enter to select Answer Mode . 5 Usi ng th e < a nd > buttons, sele ct Automatic or Manual and press menu/enter .
82 7 Fa xing EN T o send a fax t o m ultiple re cipients Y ou can sen d a fax to se veral f ax numbers a t once. If you want to send a fax to a group of fax numbers that you have assigned to a gr oup-dial code, see Manag ing g roup-di al code s .
EN Cancel ing a fa x job 83 6 The pro duct sen ds the fax to ea ch fax number . If a number in the group is busy or does not ans wer , the prod uct will re dial t hat number ba sed o n its red ial setti ng.
84 7 Fa xing EN Deleting fa xes fr om memor y Use this proce dure onl y if you are con cer ned someon e else ha s acces s to your prod uct an d will tr y to r epri nt fax es fr om mem or y .
EN Receiving fax es 85 T o send a fax at a futu re time 1 Load the do cumen t into t he ADF input tray . 2 Press menu/enter . 3 Use the < or > button to d isplay Fax Functions and press menu/enter . 4 Use the < or > button to d isplay Send Fax Later and press menu/enter .
86 7 Fa xing EN Note Y ou d o not ne ed to use this pro cedure if th e fax does not prin t beca use of a j am or bec ause the media r un s out. Dur ing th ese situ ations, fax es are re ceived to memo r y . As soon as you clear the jam or refill t he media, faxes automatic ally re sume pr intin g.
EN About s peed-dia l cod es, one -touch k eys, an d group- dial cod es 87 The recei v e to PC sett ing ca n only b e activated from the c ompute r . If for any reason that com puter is no lo nger available or accessi ble , y ou can u se the pr ocedure below to tur n the rece ive to PC settin g off from the produ ct co ntrol pan el.
88 7 Fa xing EN Note When ente r ing a fax number , you can use a comm a ( , ) for a pause, or th e letter R if you want the produc t to wait for a dial tone.
EN Managin g grou p-dial c odes 89 4 Enter a n ame for the fax number . T o d o so, repeatedly p ress the numer ic button f or the letter you need until the le tter appea rs. (See Usin g dial ing char acters for a list o f characters.) 5 Press menu/enter to sav e the in f or mation.
90 7 Fa xing EN 3 Use the < or > button to select Fax Setup and press menu/enter . 4 Press menu/enter to s el ect Phone Book . 5 Use the < or > button to select Group Setup and press me nu/enter . 6 Use the < or > button to select Add Group and press menu/enter .
EN Deleting all p hone book entries 91 Deleting a ll ph one boo k entries Y ou can de lete all speed- dial cod es, one-touch ke ys, and group-dia l codes tha t are pr ogrammed in the product. CAUTION Once spee d-dial c odes, one-tou ch ke ys, and group-di al codes are delete d, they cannot be r ecov ered.
92 7 Fa xing EN T o inse r t a pa use or wait Y ou can ins er t pauses into a fax number you are diali ng or pr ogramming to a one-touc h ke y , speed- dial co de, or group-dial code. Pauses are often n eeded wh en dia ling inte rn ationa lly or connec ting to an outsi de line.
EN Using fax forward ing 93 Usin g fax f orwar ding Y ou can set your prod uct to forward incoming f axes to another fax number . When the fax arr ives at your product, it is store d in me mor y . Then your pr oduct dia ls the fax number you have specified and send s the f ax.
94 7 Fa xing EN 2 Use the < or > button to select Fax Setup and press menu/enter . 3 Use the < or > button to select Fax Recv. Setup and pr ess menu/enter . 4 Use the < or > button to select Extension Phone and pr ess menu/enter . 5 Use the < or > button to select On or Off and pr ess menu/enter to save y our sel ection.
EN Changing t he defau lt reso lution 95 6 Press menu/enter to sav e your selectio n. Note The default set at t he factor y for ring volume is Soft . Cha nging the def ault resol uti on Resoluti on affects the q uality , in do ts per inch, of docum ents to be f axed.
96 7 Fa xing EN Note T he d e f a ult s et a t the f a c to r y f or d ete c t d i al t one i s On f or F r a n c e and Hun g a r y , a nd Off f o r a l l o t he r countries/ r eg i o n s . Changing how the pr oduct answer s incoming faxes The prod uct ’ s answer mode is set wh en you set up th e prod uct.
EN Chan ging an swer ring patter ns 97 Changing answer ring patterns If you subscr ibe to ri ng patt er n ser vic e with your telephon e com pany , you can enable the produ ct to detect r ing patter ns. If you do not hav e r ing pat ter n ser vice, and you change this se tting, th e product will not b e able to re ceive fax es.
98 7 Fa xing EN T o change the si lence dete ct mode 1 Press menu/enter . 2 Use the < and > buttons to s elect Fax Setup an d press menu/enter . 3 Use the < and > buttons to s elect Fax Recv. Setup an d press menu/enter . 4 Use the < and > buttons to s elect Silence Detect an d press menu/enter .
EN Settin g t h e fax erro r co rrecti o n 99 Note The default set at t he factor y f or stam p recei v ed fax es is Off . Setting the fax err or correction Nor mally , the p roduct m onitors the signa ls on the teleph one li ne while i t is sen ding or r eceiv ing a f ax.
100 7 F axing EN T o turn the redial on b usy option on or off The prod uct is s et to redi al busy numbers five times automati cally . 1 Press menu/enter . 2 Use the < or > button to select Fax Setup and pres s menu/en ter . 3 Use the < or > button to select Fax Send Setup an d press menu/enter .
EN Managing fax l ogs and r eports 101 3 Use the < or > button to s elect All Faxes an d press menu/enter . 4 Use the < or > button to s elect V.34 an d press menu/enter . 5 Use the < or > button to s elect On or Off and pr ess menu/enter .
102 7 F axing EN Setting the fax activity log to print autom atically The fax activit y log provide s a chrono logical histo r y of the l ast 40 fax es that were rec eived, sent, or deleted, as well as any error s that oc curre d. Y ou can dec ide whe ther or not you want the fax log to pr int auto matic ally afte r ev er y 40 en tr ies.
EN Includi ng the f irst page of each f ax on the f ax ca ll repor t 103 T o set fax call report print times Use the following steps to s et when the fax call rep or t pr ints: 1 Press menu/enter . 2 Use the < or > button to s elect Reports an d press menu/e nter .
104 7 F axing EN T o print the billing codes repor t 1 Press menu/enter . 2 Use the < or > button to select Reports and press menu/enter . 3 Use the < or > button to select Billing Report and pres s menu/enter . The pr oduct exits the Menu se ttings and pr ints th e repor t.
EN Printi ng all fax repor ts 105 Printing all fax repor t s Use this procedu re to pr in t the following repor ts at one tim e: ● F ax activ ity log ● One-tou ch, speed -dia l, and group-dia l re.
106 7 F axing EN.
EN 107 8 Netw or king Use this informa tion to lear n ab out usi ng your HP La serJet 3300 ser ies produ ct with a n etwor k: ● Unders tanding th e print s erver ’ s fea tures an d benefi ts ● U.
108 8 Ne tworking EN Understanding the print ser ver ’ s features and benef its If you use an HP Jet direct 3 10x (or ot her comp atible HP Jetd irect pr int ser ver) with your HP La serJet 330 0 pr.
EN Network c onnecti on req uiremen ts 109 If you are sett ing up pee r-to-p eer pr inting on a Micr osoft W indows 95, 98, NT , or 2000 networ k, you should use t he inst allatio n software that came with your HP La serJet 3300 prod uct to configur e each c lient to p r int dire ctly to th e p rinte r .
110 8 Ne tworking EN Note HP reco mmends ag ains t using pr int s er vers other tha n thos e listed abov e. Y ou ca n ch ec k the p rint serv er ’ s fir mware revision number by printi ng a conf iguration rep or t for the pri nt ser ver . For instr uctio ns, see To p rint a Jetdi rect co nfigurat ion pag e .
EN Inst alling th e 310x pr int se rver 111 Installing the 310x p rint ser ver The HP J etdirect 31 0x has a sing le USB por t and an RJ -45 networ k po r t (10 /100Bas e-Tx) f o r conne cting to a networ k.
112 8 Ne tworking EN 4 The 10 or 100 LE D light s, indicatin g a networ k co nnection, and the power/status LED sh ould begi n blinking. After 15 sec onds, the power/status LED sh ould b e solid gr een. 5 Press t he test button on the r ear of th e pr int ser ver to pr int a config uration p age.
EN Install ing the net work so ftware 113 Installing th e network software After you have successf ully co nnected th e HP Las erJet 3 300 ser ie s product to your networ k, you should i nstall o r reins tall the software th at cam e with the p roduct.
114 8 Ne tworking EN ● Netscap e Navigator 4.6x , 4.7x, 6.0, or 6.1 For the latest l ist of co mpatible web br owsers, check HP ’ s Cu stome r Care on line at http://www .
EN Using BOOTP 115 Setting up the BOO TP server Note F or sys tems u sing NIS (Networ k I nf o r mati on Se r vice) : If your ser ver uses NIS, you may need to rebuild the NIS map with the BO O TP ser vic e before performing th e BO O TP confi guration st eps.
116 8 Ne tworking EN T ag RFC 2132 Option Description nodename _ Name o f the peripher al de vice . Identifi es an ent r y point to a li st of par ameters f or the spe cific periphe ral dev ice. Must be the firs t field in an entr y . (I n th e example above, the nodename is picasso .
EN Using BOOTP 117 Use the following conventions for the bootpta b file ent r ies: ● A colon (:) indic ates the en d of a f ield. ● A backslash ( ) indi cates tha t the ent r y is continued o n the next line. ● Spaces are not al lowed between the character s on a li ne.
118 8 Ne tworking EN See your sys tem do cumentati on or product software h elp for more inform ation. Using DHCP The proced ure to set up the DHCP se r ver depends on th e operating sy stem on t hat syst em. (It may be a syst em othe r than those us ing the HP Je tdirect p r int ser vices.
EN Using D HCP 119 8 If you hav e s et Lease Du ration to Unl imited i n the previous ste p , s kip to th e next step . If y o u hav e set Leas e Duration to a finite ti me, continue wit h this step: Select Scope and selec t Add Reser vations to s et up your pr int s er vers as reser ved clients.
120 8 Ne tworking EN Windows 2000 Procedure Note In additio n to the general s teps provided h ere, see als o the ins truc tions s upplied w ith your DHCP software. 1 Run the W indows 2000 DH CP mana ger u tility: Cl ick St art , Setti ngs , Cont rol Panel .
EN Using D HCP 121 e Specify anothe r rese r ved client, or click Close . T he res er ved clie nts added w ill b e displayed in the Res er vations folder for this scope.
122 8 Ne tworking EN Mo ving to anot her netw ork When you move an HP Jetdire ct pr int ser ver that i s configur ed with an IP addr ess to a new networ k, make su re that the IP add ress does not c onflict with t he IP a ddresses on the n ew networ k.
EN 123 9 Cleaning and maintenance Use the t opics be low to lear n about b asic cleanin g and m aintena nce task s: ● Cleanin g the ou tside of t he pro duct ● Cleanin g the pri nt cartrid ge area.
124 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN Cleaning th e outsid e of the product T o clean the e x terior Use a s oft, damp, lint-free clo th to wip e dust, s mudges, and stains off the e x teri or of the product.
EN Cleaning t he print cartri dge area 125 Cleaning the p rint car tridge area Y ou d o not ne ed to cle an the p rint car tr idge are a often. Howe ver , cl eanin g this ar ea ca n improve the quality of your printed s heets. Duri ng the pr intin g process, pap er , toner, and dust par ti cles can accumulate insi de the prin ter .
126 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN Cleaning th e printer me dia p ath If you are experi encing to ner specks or do ts on th e pr intouts, c lean the pr inte r med ia path. T o clean the printe r media path 1 Press menu/enter . 2 Use the < and > buttons to f ind the ser vic e menu.
EN Changing t he pick up rolle r 127 Cha nging the pi c kup r oller See Or dering HP pa rts and a ccess ories to order a new pickup roll er . T o chang e t he p ickup roller CAUTION F ail ure to comp lete thi s proc edure mi ght dam age the pr in ter .
128 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN 6 P os ition the new or cleaned par t in the slot of the previous pickup roll er . See Cleaning the pic kup ro ller f or inst ruct ions . Note Circular and rectang ular pegs on ea ch side prev ent you from incorrec tly positi oning the pickup roller.
EN Changing th e printer separ ation pad 129 Changing the printer sep aration pad If your input t ra y feeds more than one pag e at a time, you migh t need t o change t he pr inter separation pad. Re curr ing feed problems indi cate that the pr inter separatio n pad i s wor n.
130 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN 6 Reach i n through the ope ning, pus h the spr ing- loaded ba se down (A) wit h one hand, a nd pull the s eparation pad up (B) with the ot her hand. 7 With on e hand, position the new sepa ration pad i n the slo t of the previous sepa ration pad (A).
EN Installi ng a new ADF 131 Installing a new ADF If your HP Laser Jet 33 00 came wi thout an A DF , you can upgrade it by addin g one. The AD F replaces your current l id, inc ludes a 5 0-page in put tray , an d instal lation takes o nly a fe w secon ds.
132 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN 5 Gentl y close th e AD F lid. CAUTION T o avoid damaging the product, do not a llow the ADF lid to fall onto the flatbed scann er .
EN Chang ing an ADF pic kup rolle r asse mbly 133 Changing an ADF pickup r oller ass embl y If your ADF has trouble picking pap er , you may want to replac e the AD F pickup roller ass embly . See Or dering HP pa rts and a ccess ories to order a n ADF pi ckup roller assem bly .
134 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN 6 T o ch eck f or prope r instal latio n, lift the green lever until it re mains open. T he new pickup roller ass embly shoul d be sec ured to the lev e r assembly and should n ot fall out. 7 Make sure that both sides of the ass embly are se cure d by the green hooks.
EN Removin g and rep lacing t he con trol p anel be zel 135 Remo ving and rep lacing the con tr ol panel bez el 1 Unplug the power cord fr om the p rint er .
136 9 Cl eaning and ma intena nce EN.
EN 137 10 Media See th e follo wing sec tions for more informati on: ● Produc t media specifi cations ● Guideli nes fo r using media ● Selecti ng medi a for the ADF.
138 10 Medi a EN Pr oduct media sp ecificatio ns HP Lase rJet pr in ters produ ce excellent p rint quali ty . The pri nter acc epts a variety of m edia, s uch as cut -sheet pa per (incl uding r ecycle d paper), env elopes, label s, transparenc ies, vellum, and custom -sized paper.
EN Guide lines for u sing med ia 139 Note The pr inter uses he at and press ure to fuse ton er to the paper . Make sure that any colored pa per or prepr inted for ms use ink s that are compa tible with th e pr in ter temp erature ( 200 ° C or 392 ° F f or 0.
140 10 Medi a EN En velopes En velope construction Env elope c onstr uction i s cr itical . Env elope fold lines can var y con siderably , n ot onl y between manufacturers, but also within a box from the sa me manufacturer . Succes sful pri nting o n env elopes depends on the quali ty of the envelopes.
EN Selecti ng med ia for the ADF 141 Note Y ou mi ght be able to pr int o n heavier pa per if you d o not fill the inpu t tray to capacit y and if you use paper with a smoothn ess ratin g of 100 to 180 She ffield .
142 10 Medi a EN.
EN 143 11 HP par ts and accessor ies Use the following top ics to find out abou t order ing pa r t s and ac cessor ies f o r your produc t: ● Orderi ng HP part s and access ories ● HP La serJet pr.
144 11 H P parts and ac cessor ies EN Or dering HP par ts an d accessories HP parts and accessories chart Y ou can incr ease the p roduct ’ s capa bilities with opti onal a ccessor ie s and sup plies. Use acces sor ies a nd suppl ies desi gned s pecific ally for your HP L aser Jet 3300 p roduct to ensure optimum pe rformance.
EN Orderi ng H P parts and ac ce ss or ie s 145 P ower module s (n etwork mode l on ly) Replac ement par ts P aper pic kup roller Used t o pic k the pa per from the paper input tr a y and adv ance it th rough the p r inter . RF0 -1008-00 0CN Main i nput tr a y Used to hold media fo r the printer .
146 11 H P parts and ac cessor ies EN Note If two p a r ts a r e l i s ted f or one country/ r eg i on, ei t her p a r t c an b e u s e d r eg a r d l e ss of out p ut r a t i n g .
EN HP La serJ et print cartri dge s 147 T o inst all a print car trid ge St or ing pri nt cartrid ges Do not rem ov e the pr in t car tr idge from its package u ntil you are re ady to us e it. The shelf life of a pri nt car t ri dge in an unopene d package is appr o x imate ly 2.
148 11 H P parts and ac cessor ies EN Print cartridge life expecta n cy The li fe of the prin t car tri dge dep ends o n the am ount of tone r that your print jobs require. Wh en pr inting text at 5% cover age, the st andard p rin t car tri dge (C 7115A) l asts an average of 2,50 0 page s.
EN DIMMs ( memory o r font) 149 T o install a DIMM CAUTION Handling a DIMM wi thout wear ing a grou nded, anti static device might damage the DIMM. Do not touc h the con tacts on the side o f the DIM M. 1 T ur n o ff the power switch (220V p roduct on ly), an d unplu g the pri nter .
150 11 H P parts and ac cessor ies EN 5 Careful ly press t he DIMM into th e slot, making sur e that it is s traight and p ushed in all th e wa y (A). T he ca m latches, l ocated at the to p and bo ttom, sho uld rotat e inward. T o snap t he cam la tches in to place, press the ha ndles toward each o ther (B).
EN DIMMs ( memory o r font) 151 T o remo ve a DIMM CAUTION Handling a DIMM wi thout wear ing a grou nded, anti static device might damage the DIMM. Do not touc h the con tacts on the side o f the DIM M. 1 Switch o ff the power (220V pr oduct on ly), an d unplu g the prod uct.
152 11 H P parts and ac cessor ies EN.
EN 153 12 T roub leshooting pr inting prob lems Use this secti on to f ind tips f or solvi ng problems spec ifically associ ated wit h pr inting. ● Produc t will not turn on or print ● Pages pr in.
154 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN Pr oduct will not t urn on or print Is the parallel or USB cab le w orking and connected correctly? The pa rallel or US B cable might be defective. T r y the following: ● Disconnec t the p arallel or US B cable at bot h ends and reconn ect it.
EN Pages di d not p rint 155 P a ges did no t pri nt Is there a messag e on your computer scree n ? See Onscreen erro r me ssages f or more in f or mati on. Is media being pulled into the printer corr ectly? See P aper hand ling p roblems for more informati on.
156 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN P ap er handling problems Print is ske wed (cr ooked) Are the media guides adjusted pr operly? Adjus t the media gu ides t o the widt h and len gth of the medi a that you are us ing and tr y repr intin g.
EN Printed pa ge is differen t from what appeared onscre en 157 ● T r y prin ting a job tha t you has pr inte d correc tly . ● If possi ble , attach the cable and pr in ter to ano ther com puter , and tr y pri nting a jo b that you know has p r inted co rrec tly .
158 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN Clearing medi a jams ● Make sure you are pr i nti ng with media that mee ts sp ec ifi ca tio ns. See Pro duct medi a specif ica tions f or more inf ormation. ● Make sure that you are pr inting w ith med ia that is not wr inkled , folded, or damage d.
EN Clearing med ia jam s 159 T o clear other media jams If the paper has cr umpl ed and jamm ed in the back of the product, ope n the straight- through outpu t door . Gently p ull the pa per out of the roll ers. Close the straight-t hrough ou tput doo r .
160 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN Impro ving p rint quality This se ction provide s informa tion ab out id entifying and c orrecting pr int defects. Light print or fade ● The ton er supp ly is l ow . S ee H P LaserJet pri n t cartri d ges f or more infor m ation.
EN Improvi ng print qua li ty 161 ● The media lot is ba d. The manufactur ing pr ocesse s can caus e some are as to reje ct toner. T r y a different type or brand of medi a. ● The pr int ca r trid ge mig ht be de f ective. See HP LaserJ et prin t cart ridges fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n .
162 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN T oner smear ● The fuser temperatur e might be t oo low . Check Optimize for : in the Paper ta b of your pr inter dr iver , and make sure it is set to the approp r iate med ia. See Optimiz ing prin t quali ty for medi a types f or instructio ns.
EN Improvi ng print qua li ty 163 ● The inter n al par t s might have toner on the m. See Cleaning and mai nte nanc e fo r m o r e informati on. If th e defects occur on the back of the page, the pr oblem will pr obably cor rect itself af ter a fe w more pr inted pages.
164 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN Curl or wave ● Check the med ia type a nd quality . B oth hig h tempe rature and humidity cause m edia to cur l. See Pr oduct media spec ificatio ns for mo re inf or mation. ● The media mi ght have been in the input tray too long.
EN Control panel er ror mess ages 165 T oner scatter outline ● If large a mounts of toner hav e scatter ed around the ch aracters, the med ia mi ght be res isting the toner . (A smal l amo unt of to ner scatter is nor ma l for laser pr inting.) T r y a different media type.
166 12 Trou blesh ooting printin g prob lems EN Alert messages The following mes sages are gener ic al er t messages that m ay appear in the contr ol panel display . ● Printer Mispick (Enter) To Resume ● Printer Jam. Clear Paper Path ● Door Open Or No Print Cartridge ● Printer Tray Is Empty.
EN 167 13 T roub leshooting cop y prob lems Use these topics to fi nd tip s f or solving commo n copy problems. ● No copy cam e out ● Copies are blank , or imag es are m issing or fad ed ● Impr .
168 13 Trou blesh ooting copy pr oblem s EN No copy came out Is media loaded in the input tra y ? Load media in the pr in ter . See Install ing and l oading the me dia in put trays for more informati on.
EN Clearing ADF med ia jam s 169 ● Copy from the flat bed scan ner . T his wil l produce a highe r qualit y copy than copying from the ADF . ● Use quali ty or iginal s. ● Load the me dia c orrectly . If th e media is load ed incorr ectly , it mi ght skew , c ausing u nclear image s and pro blems with the OCR app lica tion.
170 13 Trou blesh ooting copy pr oblem s EN Remo ving a jammed ADF page 1 Remove the ADF input tray and o pen the ADF cover . 2 Remove the jam clean out par t. Using both hands, lift up on th e two handles until the pa r t un snaps. Rot ate and li ft out the clea nout and set asi de .
EN Identify ing and c orrecting copy defects 171 Identifying and correctin g copy defects V er tical white or faded stri pe s ● The media m ight no t meet H e wlett-P ackard ’ s media specifi catio ns (for e xample, the media is too moist or too r ough).
172 13 Trou blesh ooting copy pr oblem s EN Blank pages ● The or igi nal might hav e been lo aded up side down. In t he ADF , load t he or iginal with the narrow si de forw ard and the si de to b e scanne d facing up . See Load ing or igina ls to co py or scan for i n s t r uc t io n s.
EN Identify ing and c orrecting copy defects 173 Reduced size ● The HP softwa re settings might be set to reduce th e scanne d imag e. ● See the pr oduct s oftware Help for more in f or mation a bout c hanging th e settings in HP LaserJet Di rector an d HP La serJet D ocument M anager .
174 13 Trou blesh ooting copy pr oblem s EN.
EN 175 14 T roub leshooting scanning prob lems Use these topics to find tips for solving co mmon s canning problems. ● Scanned image is of poor qual ity ● Part of th e image di d not s can or tex .
176 14 Trou blesh ooting scan ning p roblems EN Scanned imag e is of poor qualit y Is the original a second generation photo or picture? Repr inted ph otographs, su ch as th ose in n ewspapers or m ag.
EN The te xt cannot be edi ted 177 Does the original have a colored back ground? Colored b ackgrounds can cau se im ages in th e foreground to blend too much. T r y adjus ting the setting s before you scan the o rig inal o r enhanc ing the image after you scan t he or igina l.
178 14 Trou blesh ooting scan ning p roblems EN Does th e origin al have tightly spac e d text? ● The OCR ap plic ation mig ht not rec ognize text that is t ightly spac ed. For e xampl e, if the text that the O CR appli cation conv er ts has mi ssing o r combin ed characte rs, rn mi ght appe ar as m.
EN The scann er did no thing 179 Some devices might not shar e the parallel por t with the pr inter . If you hav e an exter nal h ard dr ive, or networ k switchbo x connected t o the same USB or p arallel po r t as th e HP La serJet 3300, th e other device might b e inter fering.
180 14 Trou blesh ooting scan ning p roblems EN Identifying an d correcting scan defects Blank pages ● The or igi nal might hav e been lo aded up side down. In t he ADF , put the top end of the or iginal media s tack into the AD F inpu t tra y , w ith the media sta ck f ace up a nd the fi rst pag e to be scann ed on to p of the sta ck.
EN 181 15 T roub leshooting f axing prob lems Use the top ics in this cha pter to troubleshoot commo n fax problems. These appl y only to the LaserJet 3 330 pr oduct.
182 15 Trou blesh ooting faxing pr oblems EN F ax phone pr oble ms Use the following c hecklist to help you define what is caus ing a ny f axing p roblems you might be encount er ing. Are y ou using the phone cor d supp lied with the product? This pr oduct has been tested with the supplie d phone cord to meet RJ 11 spe cificat ions.
EN The do cumen t stops fe eding during fa xing 183 Are y ou using a phone line splitter? A phone li ne splitt er is a device use d to split o ut two or mo re phone l ine jacks to con nect phone s or devices to the sam e phone line wall jack. Confusi on ca n resul t from the e xiste nce of two dif ferent kinds o f splitters.
184 15 Trou blesh ooting faxing pr oblems EN If the re is no jam and i t has b een le ss than o ne minute, wait a m oment b efore pr essing cancel . If there i s a jam, see Clear ing m edia jams , and resen d the j ob . Are there pr ob lems with the fax machine y ou are sending to? T r y s endin g to a different fax machi ne.
EN All of th e numb ers in a long f ax number cannot b e dial ed 185 All of the numbers in a long fax number cannot be diale d The max imum number o f digits o r ch aracters tha t can be en tered into a f a x number is 50. T ry dialing the fax number in ma nual mode.
186 15 Trou blesh ooting faxing pr oblems EN Is the answer ring pattern f ea ture turned o n? If the answer ring patter n is tur ned on but you do not hav e the ser vice, or you do hav e the servic e and t he feature is not set correc tly , this wi ll inter fere with receiving f ax es.
EN Faxes ar e trans mittin g or bein g recei ved ver y slowl y 187 F a xes are transmitting or be ing received ver y slowl y Are y ou sending or receiving a very comple x fax? A compl e x fax, such as o ne with many graphic s, takes longer to be sent o r rece ived.
188 15 Trou blesh ooting faxing pr oblems EN F ax activity logs or call repor ts are not p rinting correctly Are the activity log and call report settings correct? Pr int a con figurati on page ( see P rinting a c onfigu ration pa ge ) a nd check when the repor ts pr int.
EN 189 16 T roub leshooting networ k prob lems Y ou can use th e informat ion in this ch apter to tr oubleshoot ge neral networ k pro blems. See the f ollowin g sectio ns for more inform ation: ● Tr.
190 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN T r oubleshooting overview The qu estions below will help you trou bleshoot your pr int ser ver quickly . Just answ er each questi on in tur n. Please answer the questio ns below in th e order listed. 1 Is your pr inter ON a nd READ Y ? • If Ye s , c ontinue w ith the next que stion.
EN Trouble shooti ng over view 191 If your prin t ser ver ’ s US B light i s not ON soli d green, or if you are not sure what to loo k for , continue wi th the following troublesho oting topi cs.
192 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN If no, b ut you are connect ed to a U SB pr inter, y o ur pr int ser ver ha s a problem th at requi res assistan ce fr om HP Jet direct t echnica l supp or t; see th e suppor t flyer that c ame wi th your product for inf or mation on co ntacting H P .
EN Trouble shooti ng over view 193 If nece ssar y , tr y p luggi ng the p ower module into a different power sour ce. T r y a different power module /cable if o ne is availab le .
194 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN Is one of the link lights ON (solid green)? Check the li nk light s on your pr in t ser ver ; these lights ar e built in to the ne twork c onnector. One of the link lights, eithe r the 10 lig ht or the 100 l ight, but not both, s hould be ON solid green , to indica te a valid networ k con nectio n.
EN Config uration p age does n ot pri nt 195 If you are able to print a Jetdir ect confi guration pa ge on your pr inter, continue with the in str uction s in Check the p rint se rver ’ s I/O status .
196 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN ● 03 LAN Error : E XTERNAL LOOPBA CK ● 08 LAN Error : INFINITE DEFERRAL ● 11 LAN Error : RE TR Y F A UL TS ● 12 LAN Er ror : NO LINKBEA T ● Othe.
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 197 Interpreting t he configurat ion page The conf iguration pa ge (also called a s elf-tes t page or co nfigurat ion plo t) f or a p rint s er ver displays message s, network statis tics, and s tatus for the pr int ser ver .
198 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN General i nf ormation Provides g eneral pr int ser ver stat us and i dentifica tion i nformat ion. Message Des cription Status Current sta te of th e print server . ● I/O Card Ready the pr int server has suc cessful ly conne cted t o the netwo rk and is a waiting data.
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 199 USB por t information Provides the USB pr inte r class descr iptors for the device connected to the po r t. Netw ork st atistics Provides the cu rrent values for various n etwor k param eters mo nitored by the pri nt ser ver .
200 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN TCP/IP protocol inf or mation Provides th e current s tatus and paramet er values for the TCP/IP network protoc ols. Unicast Packets Received Number of fram es sp ecifical ly addres sed to thi s print se r ver .
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 201 Subnet Mask The IP subn et mask configure d on the pri nt server . During initializ ation , a temp orar y value 0. 0 .0. 0 is di spl ay ed. D epend ing on co n fig urati on paramet ers, the print serv er may a utomatica lly a ssign a usab le def ault val u e.
202 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN Domain Name The Domai n Name Sys tem (DNS) name o f the doma in in which the p rint server res ides (for e xample , suppor t.comp any .com). It is not the full y qualifie d DNS name beca use the h ost printer name is not inc luded (f or e x ample: printer1 .
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 203 IPX/SPX pr otocol inf ormation Provides the cu rrent status and p arameter values for the IP X/SPX ne twork protoc ols. Messag e Descr iption Status Indicates th e current IPX/SPX protocol status . ● Ready the print server i s aw aiting d ata ov er IPX/SPX.
204 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN No vel l/NetW are pr o tocol inf ormation Provides th e current s tatus and paramet er values f or the N ov ell NetWare network pr otocol. Message Des cription Status Indicate s the current N etW are configu ration s tatus .
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 205 AppleT alk protocol information Provides the cu rrent status and p arameter values for the Ap pleT alk networ k pr otocol. DLC/LLC protocol information Provides the curr ent status and p arameter values for the DLC/LLC n etwor k protoc ol.
206 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN Err or messages Err or Code and Message Description 02 LAN ERROR- INTERNAL LOOPBACK During self -test, the print server de tected an inter nal loopbac k test error . The print serv er ma y be f aulty . If the error persi sts, re place the print server .
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 207 12 LAN ERROR- NO LINKBEAT With a 10/1 00Base-Tx port connected, Link Beat is not sensed. Check the network c able , and v erify that the concentr ator or hub i s prov iding Lin k Beat. 13 NETWORK RECONFIG- MUST REBOOT Reset or po wer cycl e the p rint server to enab le th e new config urati on val ues.
208 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN 1C PRINT SERVER NO DEFINED The file ser ver d oes not h av e a print server ob ject that corresponds to t he specifi ed NetW are node name . U se printer i nstal lation softw are , a NetW a re utility (such as PCONSOLE), or another tool to cre ate the print s erver object.
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 209 23 UNABLE TO ATTACH TO QUEUE A f ailure w as detected wh en the print server tried to attach to one of the queues as signed to the print server o bject . This ma y be bec ause no servers are allo wed t o attach to this q ueue.
210 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN 2D NDS ERR: CHANGE PSSWRD FAILED Cannot mo dify the print server p a sswo rd to the v alue e xpected b y the p rint ser ver. 2E NDS SERVER PUBLIC KEY ERROR Print Server Obj ect Name mism atch. Unab le to read the file server ’ s p ublic ke y .
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 211 3A UND ERR: UNABLE TO FIND TREE The NDS tree cann ot be loca ted. The messa ge ma y occur when the file server is n ot r unning or when a netw ork comm unications p roble m exis ts. 3B NDS CONNECTION STATE ERROR The print s erver canno t change the N DS conne ction state .
212 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN 46 INVALID SERVER ADDRESS The TFTP server IP add ress specifie d f or the print server (throu gh BOO TP) is an in vali d IP add ress f or specifying a single node . Chec k your Bootptab file f or proper entries .
EN Interpre ting the c onfigu ration pa ge 213 52 BAD BOOTP/DHCP REPLY An error was d etected in the BOO TP or DHCP reply that the print ser ver receiv ed.
214 16 Trou blesh ooting net work problems EN Bro wse hp .com General Infor matio n (http://ww w t/net p rin ting) (The central lo catio n on HP ’ s web si te for the HP Jetd irect pr int ser vers and sim ilar pr oducts) Online Cu stomer Forum (http: //www .
EN 215 Glossary T erm Definition 10-Bas eT A type of Ethernet netw ork that uses twisted pair cab ling to attach n odes to the ne twork. 100-Ba seTx A typ e of Ethernet ne twork, also known as F ast Ethernet, that use s twisted p air cab lin g to attach nodes to the netwo r k.
216 G lossary EN BNC A type of n etwork co nnect or genera lly used with c oaxial ne twork ca blin g. A BNC conn ector h as two s lots that lock onto t wo ma tching k nobs on a netwo rk interf ace card when the c onnector c an be twis ted.
EN 217 DHCP Short for Dy namic H ost Confi guration Prot ocol, a p rotocol fo r assign ing dyna mic IP ad dress es t o device s on a n et wor k. Wit h dy nam ic ad dres sing , a de vice can h ave a diff erent IP addre ss e v er y time it conn ects to the networ k.
218 G lossary EN fax functions F ax-related tas ks done from the c ontrol pan el that on ly affec t the curren t job , or are onl y done on ce bef ore returning to t he Ready s tate , such a s clearing mem ory . These fun c tions ar e in their ow n sectio n in the c ontrol panel me n u.
EN 219 IP add ress An identifier f or a compu ter or de vice on a TC P/IP network. Net wor ks using th e TCP/IP pro tocol route me ssages b ased on th e IP address of th e desti nat ion. IPP Th e Internet Printing Proto col defi nes the pro tocol f or end users ’ most common p rinting situat ions o ve r the Internet.
220 G lossary EN PPD PPD stands f o r P ostScript Printer De scription fil e. PPDs a re used b y the printer driv er and applicati ons to de termine the f eatures and P ostScript comman ds su ppor ted in the product. P ostScript is a registered trad emark of Adobe Systems Incorporate d.
EN 221 token r ing A local area netw or k in which tr ansmis sion co nflicts a re av oided by th e granti ng of “ tok ens ” that g iv e permission t o send. A n e twork node k eeps the tok en while tr ansmi tting a me ssage , if it has a messag e to tr ansmit, and then passes the tok en o n to the ne xt node .
222 G lossary EN.
EN 223 Appendix A Specifications and regulator y inf or mation See thes e secti ons for specif ications an d reg ulator y informat ion on the following produc ts: ● HP Lase rJet 330 0 serie s produc.
224 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN HP LaserJet 3300 series product ● HP Lase rJet 330 0 serie s produc t speci fication s ● Laser sa fety state ment HP LaserJet 330.
EN HP Las erJet 33 00 serie s produ ct 225 Physical spec ification s Dimensio ns ● Width: 546.1 mm (21.5 inches) ● Depth: 520.7 mm (20.5 inc hes) ● Height : 495.3 mm (19.5 inc hes) Wei g ht ● Models with ADF: 1 5.8 kg (34 .6 lbs) ● Models without ADF: 1 4.
226 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN Laser saf ety statement The Center for De vices and Radiologi cal Heal th (CDRH) of the U .S. F ood a nd Dru g Admini stration has im plemen ted re gulations for laser produ cts m anuf actu red sin ce August 1, 1976 .
EN HP Las erJet 33 00 serie s produ ct 227 P erf or manc e Standa rd acco rding to th e Radia tion Cont rol for Health and S afety Act of 1968. S ince radiation e mitted in side t his pr inter is comp letely confine d withi n protec tive housings and exter nal cov ers, the las er beam canno t escape duri ng any pha se of n or mal user operation .
228 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN Decl aration of Conf ormity The following Decl aration of Conformity complie s with ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN4501 4. It identif ies the pro duct, manufacturer ’ s na me and add ress, and applicable specifi cations r ecognized in the E uropean c ommunit y .
EN HP Las erJet 33 00 serie s produ ct 229 Canada DOC regu lations This e quipment c omplies with Canad ian EM C Class B requir ement s. Conforme á la clas se B d es nor m es ca nadien nes d e comp atibilit é é lectromag n é tiques. << CEM>>.
230 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN K orean EMI statement Japan VCCI Class B r egulations HP LaserJet 3330 fax HP Lase rJet 333 0 prod uct fax spe cificati ons FCC Part .
EN HP L aserJet 333 0 fax 231 FCC P ar t 68 Requirements (US) This e quipment c omplies with FCC rule s, P ar t 68. O n the b ack of this eq uipment i s a label that contains, am ong oth er inform ation, the FCC r egistratio n number and rin ger equi valence number (REN) for this equ ipment.
232 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN IC CS-03 require ments NO TICE: The Industr y Cana da label i dentif ies cer tified e quipme nt.
EN HP Jetd irect 31 0x prin t server 233 HP Jetdirect 310x pri nt server specificat ions Supported network s Phy sical ● Supp or t s un shi elded or sh ield ed t wist ed pa ir cabli ng, usin g an R J-45 connec tor f or : • IEEE 802.3i 10Base-T ( Ether net) • IEEE 802.
234 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN Electri cal specif ic at ion s P ower requ irem en ts ● I nput v oltage • 310x – 13 VDC • Po w e r m o d u l e – (se e Powe.
EN HP Jetd irect 31 0x prin t server 235 FCC c o m pli an ce This e quipment h as bee n tested an d found to comp ly wit h the limi ts for a Class B di gital device, pursuan t to P ar t 1 5 of the FCC r ules. These limit s are desi gned to provide reas onable protectio n against h ar mfu l interference in a residen tial ins talla tion.
236 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN Decl aration of Conf ormity This Decla ration of Con f or mity com plies wi th ISO/IE C Guide 2 2 and EN450 14. It i dentifies the produc t, manufacturer ’ s name a nd addres s, and appli cable spe cificatio ns recog nized in the Europ ean co mmu ni ty .
EN HP Jetd irect 31 0x prin t server 237 A u str alia This e quipment c omplies with Australian EMC requi rements. Canada This e quipment c omplies with Ca nadian EM C Clas s B req uirement s. Conforme á la clas se B d es nor m es ca nadien nes d e comp atibilit é é lectromag n é tiques.
238 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN Chinese safe ty statement.
EN Environ mental product stewar dship p rogram 239 En vir onmental pr oduct st e war dship pr ogram Protecting the en vir onment Hewlett-P ackard Company is committe d to pr oviding qu ality pr oduct s in an e nvironmental ly soun d manner . This pr oduct has been d esigned with several attributes t o minimi ze impacts o n our environment.
240 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN HP printing suppli es returns and r ecyc ling pr ogram information Since 1990, the HP Pri nting Su pplies Retur ns and Recycl ing Pro.
EN HP Laser Jet 3300 seri es produ ct bat tery 241 Extended warranty HP Suppor t P ack provide s coverage f or the HP hardware pr oduct and all HP -suppl ied inter nal componen ts. The hard ware maintena nce covers a three-year per iod from date of the HP product purchase.
242 Ap pendix A Sp ecific ations an d regulat ory info rmati on EN.
EN HP softwa re lice nse ag reement 243 Appendix B W arr anties and licensing Use ths e topics to find out about p roduct warantee and lic ense infor matio n.
244 Ap pendix B W arranties and li censing EN T er m inatio n. HP may ter min ate your license u pon not ice for failure to comply with any of these Licens e T er m s. Upon ter mina tion, you must immed iately de stroy the so ftware, together wi th all copies, ad aptatio ns, and merg ed por tions i n any form.
246 Ap pendix B W arranties and li censing EN.
EN Obtai ning ha rdware ser vice 247 Appendix C Ser vice and suppor t Use thes e topics to le ar n about obtain ing prod uct se r vice a nd sup por t. ● Obt aining hard ware serv ice ● Extend ed w.
248 Ap pendix C Serv ice and s upport EN ● Includ e five sheets of the pap er or ot her medi a that ar e causi ng tr ouble in pr inting, s cann ing, f axi ng, or cop ying. Extended w arranty HP Supp or tPack provides cov e rage for the HP pro duct and a ll HP-supp lied inter nal componen ts.
EN Service inf or mati on form 249.
250 Ap pendix C Serv ice and s upport EN.
EN I ndex 251 Inde x A accessor ies and par ts 144 acoustics specifications 224 activity logs, printing 101 , 188 ad hoc groups, f axing to 82 ADF pickup roller assembly , changing 133 specifications .
252 Ind ex EN dial tone detection, cha nging 95 dialing character table 91 manually 83 pulse, selecting 99 redialing manually 84 speed-dial codes a nd one-touch ke ys 87 tone detection 95 tone, select.
EN I ndex 253 image quality , troubleshooting blac k dots 172, 180 blank copies 168 blank pages 180 characters, misf ormed 163 curl o r wa ve 164 dropouts 160 faded i mages 168 faded print 160 faded s.
254 Ind ex EN power module chart 14 6 power modules 14 5 print car tridge cle ani ng 125 installing 28, 147 lif e e xpectancy 148 recycling 148 storing 147 print jobs, sto pping 42 print qua lity chan.
EN I ndex 255 FCC regulations 227 IC CS-03 requirements 232 laser safety 226 software license agreement 243 telephone consumer p rotection act 231 warranty 244 status control 22 storage, en vironment .
co p y r i g h t © 2002 Hew lett -P ack ard C ompan y ww w .h p .com/s u ppo r t/lj 3 3 00.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3300mfp along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center