Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 7600 Honeywell
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Horizon ™ 7600 Presentation Las er Imager Installation and User’s Guide.
Disclaimer Honeyw ell International Inc. (“ HII”) reserve s the right t o make change s in specificat ions and other inform ation contained in this do cument w ithout prior notice, and t he reader should in all cases cons ult HII to det ermine w hether any such chang es have been made.
i T able of Conte nts Introductio n ........................................................................................................ 1 Base Kit Com ponents .......................................................................................
ii Limited Warranty .............................................................................................. 50 Regulatory C ompliance ................................................................................... 52 Index .................
1 Introducti on The Horiz on ™ 7600 seri es is Honeyw ell ’s next generation in - counter laser bar code scann er. This co mpact, hands - fr ee scanner i s designed w ith a dense 20 - line omnidire ctional scan pat tern that helps provide fas t, efficient through put with a high first pass r ead rate.
2 Base Kit Compone nts Part # Descr iption MS7600 Horizon Series S canner 00 - 02407 M etroSelect ™ Pro gramming Guide 00 - 02870 H orizon 7600 Instal lat io n an d User’s Guide 52 - 52511A 24 " EAS ca ble Guides also availabl e for download at www.
3 Part # Descr iption AC to DC P ower Transfor mer - Regula ted 5.2V@ 1A output 46 - 46759 120V United Stat es 46 - 46616 220V – 240V Conti nental Euro pean 46 - 46615 220V – 240V Unite d Kingdom .
4 Scanner Parts Figure 1 : Scanner Parts Output Window (Las er Apertur e) Amber LED (Located Under Window) Red LED (Lo cated Under W in dow) Speaker Cable Conne ction Area Stai.
5 Maintenance Smudges and dirt can inter fere with the proper scann ing of a bar code. Therefore, t he output window w ill need occasion al cleanin g. For the 760 0 glass w indow: 1. Spray gla ss cleaner onto lint free, non - abrasive cl eaning cloth.
6 Scanner Labels Each scanner has a labe l on the bot tom of the unit . The labe l contains informati on such as th e model numb er, date of manufacture, serial numb er, and cau tion infor mation. A n additional caution la bel is located under the to p plate.
7 MS7625 Series On ly (except RS485 Interface) If the foll owing label is attache d to your product, the pr oduct meets Ko rean agency approv al for C lass A equipment .
8 Mounting Before Installing Yo ur 7600 W hen m oun ti ng the 7600 or replacing the Top Plate: D O N OT Press on the w indow. Figure 4 Lift the T op plate stra ight up to remove. There is no hardware requ ired to remove or replace t he top cover. See cauti on on page 3.
9 M ounting the 7600 Series There are th r ee options for mount ing your 7600. Opti on A uses a she lf to support th e unit. Optio n B lets the unit hang free in t he count er top. Optio n C lets the unit hang fre e in the counter top with t he use of a stainless st eel trim rin g for support .
10 Option B: Free Hanging Support Figure 10 : Package Flow (right) Figure 11 : Specifications for Free Hanging Support Figure 12 : Installation Tabs.
11 Option C: Trim Ring Figure 13 : Counter Top Opening for Trim Ring (PN 46 - 46641) Figure 14 : Trim Ring (PN 46 - 46641) Installation.
12 Figure 15 : Keyboard Wedge Interfaces Installa tion Keyboard Wedge 1. Turn off the ho st system. 2. Disco nnect the key board from the host. 3. Connect th e PowerLink cable to the 2 nd jack from the top of the 7600. 4. Connect th e “Y” end of the PowerLink cabl e to the keyboard and the key board port on the host.
13 Figure 16 : Stand - Alone Keyboard Int erface Stand-Alone Keybo ard 1. Turn off the ho st system. 2. Disconnect t he keyboard from the ho st. 3. Connect th e PowerLink cable to the 2 nd jac k fr om t he t op of t he 760 0. 4. Connect th e other end of the Pow erLink cable to the keyboard p ort on the ho st.
14 Figure 18 : US B, Inte rface USB 1. Turn off the host syst em. 2. Determine if your appl ication requires USB Key board communicat ion protocols or USB Point of Sale comm uni cat io n protocol s. 3. If you req uire USB Keyboard communicat ion protocols , skip t o step 4.
15 Manufacturers Note: Plugging t he scanner int o the U SB port of the PC does not g uarantee that scanned inf ormation wil l appear at t he PC. A softw are driver and correct configura tion setting m ay also be r equired for proper commu nication to occur.
16 Figure 19 : RS232 or Light Pen Interfa ce RS232 or Light Pen 1. Turn off the host syst em. 2. Connect th e PowerLink cable into the 1 st jack dow n from the top of the 7600.
17 For RS232 C ommunication : Scan 1 st ³ 9 9 9 9 9 8 Scan 2 nd ³ 4 1 5 5 5 4 For Light Pe n Communic ation: Scan 1 st ³ 9 9 9 9 9 8 Scan 2 nd ³ 4 1 5 5 2 4 Recall D efaults Recall D efaults Enabl.
18 Figure 20 : RS232/RS485, Interface RS485 1. Turn off the host syst em. 2. Connect th e MVC cabl e to the 1 st j ack dow n from the top o f the 7600. 3. Connect th e other end of the MVC cable t o the host. Before continu ing verify that the MVC cable is connected to the appropriat e interface jack on the scanner.
19 Figure 21 : OCI A, In terface OCIA 1. Turn off the host syst em. 2. Connect th e MVC cable to the 2 nd jack down f rom the top of the 7600. 3. Connect th e other end of the MVC cable to the host. Before continu ing verify that the MVC cable is connected to th e appropriat e interface jack on the scanner.
20 Secondary S canne r 1. Turn off the host syst em. 2. Connect th e round end of th e Pow erLink RS232 AUX cable [ PN 54 - 54 667A] to the RS232 ja ck of the s econdary scanner ( see Figur e 23 ). 3. Connect th e other end of the Pow erLink RS232 AUX cable into the 3 rd jack down from th e top of the 7600 .
21 11. Scan t he following bar code to configure the auxiliary port on the 7600 to accept a H oneywell scan ner as the se condary scan ner. The follow ing bar code s d o not appl y when using a n MS6720 as a secondary scanner. Cont act a custom er service r epresentati ve for additional i nformation o n the M S6720.
22 Figure 22 : Connector Orientation Figure 23 : Secondary Scanner Setup.
23 EAS EAS Deactivation A ntenna S W 1 and S W 2 are the sw itch bank s inside the C heckpoint D evice that set the deactivatio n range. Honeywell reco mmends end u sers program th e 7600 to the Fixed Low - Density dept h of field, s o that the un it does not sc an out beyon d the deactivatio n range.
24 Operat ion Audible Indicators When the 7 600 scanner i s in operati on, it prov ides audible fe edback. T hese sounds ind icate the stat us of the s canner. Eight settings are availab le for the tone of th e beep (norma l, 6 alternate tones and n o tone) plu s three vol ume settings.
25 Visual Indicators There is a red LED and amber LED on the front of the 7600. When the sc anner is on, the flashing or constant illuminat ion of the LED s indicates t he status o f the current s can and the scanner.
26 Failure Modes Figure 26 : LE Ds Flashing A mber and One Ra zzberry Tone This indica tes the scann er has ex perienced a laser subsy stem failure. Return the unit for r epair at an authorized serv ice center. Flashing Red and A mber and Tw o Ra zz ber ry Tone s This in d icates the sc anner has experienced a motor fai lure.
27 Changing the Beep er Tone & Volu me Changing the Beeper Tone Beeper tone s may be progr ammed dire ctly or incr ementally u sing the fol lowing bar code. The new tone w ill be hear d followed by a short pa use. Tw o more new tones w ill be heard signi fying the new setting ha s been store d in memory.
28 Power Save Modes and IR D et ection The 7600 has five progra mmable pow er save modes. R efer to the M etroSel ect Programm ing Guide for additional i nformation o n Power Sav e M odes. 1. Blink Power S ave Mode: Blinks the l aser OFF & O N after a pr ogrammed per iod of no n - us e.
29 Figure 28 : IR Activation Area Parallel to Package Flow Specificat ions are subject t o change without notice..
30 Scan Volume Spec ifications (B ASED ON 100% UPC B AR C ODES ) Figure 29 : Scan Volume in P lane Perpendic ular to Flow Figure 30 : Scan Volume in P lane Parallel to F low Specificat ions subject to c hange without notice.
31 Depth of Field by Minimum Bar C ode Element Width (B ASED ON 100% UPC B AR C ODES ) Figure 31 : Depth of Field P erpendicular t o Flow Minimum Bar Code Element Width A B C D E mm .13 .19 .26 .33 .48 mils 5.2 7.5 10.4 13 19 Specificat ions subject to c hange without notice.
32 T roubleshoot ing The follow ing guide is for reference purposes only . Contact a customer serv ice representa tive to pre serve the limited warranty terms. SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) SOLUTION All Interfaces No LEDs, b eep or motor s pin. No power is being supplied to the scanner.
33 SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) SOLUTION The unit p owers up, but do es not scan and /or beep. Scanning a partic ular symbology that is not enabled. UPC/EAN , Code 39, inter leaved 2 of 5, Code 93, Code 128 and Codabar are enabled by default. Verify that the type of bar code being rea d has been sel ected.
34 SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) SOLUTION Scanner be eps at some bar codes and NO T for others of the same bar co de symbology . The bar co de may have been pr inted incorrect ly. Check if it is a check digit/char acter/or bord er problem. The scanner is not configure d correctly for this ty pe of bar code.
35 SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) SOLUTION Every thing works ex cept for a coup le of character s. These chara cters may not be suppor ted by that country ’s key look up table. Try operating the scanner in Al t mode. RS - 232 Only The unit i s transmitt ing each charac ter.
36 SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) SOLUTION Characters are being dro pped. Interchara cter delay needs to be a dded to the trans mitted outpu t. Add some int ercharacter delay to the transmitted output by using the M etroSelect Aux port oper ation with any interface Programmi ng Guide ( PN 00 - 02407).
37 Design Speci ficati ons Operational Light Sour ce: VLD 650 ± 10 nm Laser Pow er: 1.1 mW maximum Embedded Laser : Max O ptical Power: 10 mW W avele ngt h: 650 nm Depth of Fie ld: 0 mm to 203.2 mm (0 "- 8. 0 " ) for 0.33 mm (13 mil) bar code Width of S can Field: 87.
38 Electrical Input Volta ge: 5.2VDC ± 0.25V Power: 2.6 W Operating C urrent: 500 mA Standby Curr ent: Laser Off P ower Save M ode = < 350 mA Laser/M otor Off Pow er Save M ode = < 165 mA DC Transfo rmers: C lass II; 5.
39 Applica tions and Protocols The model nu mber on eac h scanner inc ludes the scanner number and factory default com munications p rotocol. Scanne r Version Identifier Com m unication Protoco l(s) 7.
40 Default Settings Many functions of the scanner can be "program med" - that i s, enabled or disabled. T he scanner is shipped fro m the factory progra mmed to a set of default cond itions. T he default para meter of t he scanner has an asteri sk ( * ) in t he charts on th e follow ing pages.
41 P A RAMETER D EF AUL T OCIA RS - 232 L IG HT P EN RS485 KBW USB Bars High as Sc anned Spaces High as S canned DTS/SIEM ENS DTS/NIXDORF * NCR F NCR S Poll Light P en Source .
42 P A RAMETER D EF AUL T OCIA RS - 232 L IG HT P EN RS485 KBW USB Number of Scan B uffers 1 Tran smit EAN - 8 Check Digit * Tran smit EAN - 13 Check Digit .
43 P A RAMETER D EFAUL T OCIA RS - 232 L IGHT P EN RS485 KBW USB UPC Suffi x Transmit AIM ID Characters STX Pref ix ETX Suff ix Carriage Return * .
44 P A RAMETER D EFAUL T OCIA RS - 232 L IGHT P EN RS485 KBW USB Coupon Code 128 as code 39 Programm able Code Lengths 7 ava il. Programm able Prefix Characters 10 ava il.
45 Default settings for “ Aux ” interface The secondary scanner and the 760 0 always comm unicate vi a RS232. Data is relayed t o the host via v arious primary interf aces.
46 Scanner and Cab le T erm in atio ns Scanner Pinout Connections The 7600 sca nner interfa ces termin ate to 10 - pin modular jac ks located on t he back of the unit.
47 Figure 33 : Scanner Interface Ports MS762x - 37 Keyboard W edge, Stand - K e yb o a rd or USB MS762x - 37 RS - 232 or Lig ht Pen Pin Function Pin Function 1 Ground 1 Ground 2 USB D - 2 RS - 232 Tra.
48 Cable Con nector Configurations (H ost End) PowerLink Cable PN 54 - 54xxx* Pin Function 1 Shield Gr ound 2 RS - 232 Trans mit Output 3 RS - 232 Receive In put 4 DTR I nput 5 Power/ Signal Ground 6 .
49 Cable Connector Configuration The Po werLink cable is ter m inated wit h a 5 - pin DI N f emale c onnector o n one end, an d a 6 - pi n m ini DIN m ale on the other . Hone ywell will suppl y an adapter cable with a 5 - pin DI N m ale connect or on one end and a 6 - p in m ini DIN f em ale connec tor on t he other.
50 Limi ted Warranty Honeyw ell International Inc. ("H II") warrants its product s and optional accessorie s to be free from defect s in materials and work manship and to conform t o HII’s publ ished specifi cations appli cable to th e products pur chased at the time of shipment.
51 All provi sions of this Limited Warranty are se parate and s everable, w hich means that if any provision i s held invalid and unenfor ceable, such d etermination shall no t affect the validity of enforc eability of t he other pr ovisions hereof.
52 Regul atory C omp lian ce This devic e complies w ith Part 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operati on is subject t o the following tw o conditio ns: (1) This device may n ot cause har mful interf erence, and (2) this d evice must a ccept any interference r eceived, in cluding inter ference th at may cause undesired opera tion.
53 Attention L'emploi d e commandes , réglages ou pr océdés autr es que c eux décrits ic i peut entraîner d e graves irra diations. L e client ne doit en aucun cas essay er d'entrete nir lui - même le s canner ou le laser. Ne re gardez ja mais directeme nt le rayon laser , même si vou s croy ez que le scanner est inact if.
54 Ind ex A Adapter ........................................ 49 Audible ........................................ 24 Autodiscr iminates ........................ 37 B Bar Code ............................... 30, 31 Beep .................................
55 Cust omer Suppor t Technical As sistan ce If you ne ed assistance in stallin g or troublesh ooting your device, plea se contact us by usin g one of the methods below : Knowledge B ase: ww w.hsmknowledgeba Our Know ledge Base prov ides thou sands of immedia te soluti ons.
Honey well Scanning & Mob ili t y 9 680 Old Bai les Road Fort M ill, SC 29707 www 00 - 02870 Rev G 12 /12.
An important point after buying a device Honeywell 7600 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Honeywell 7600 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Honeywell 7600 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Honeywell 7600 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Honeywell 7600 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Honeywell 7600, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Honeywell 7600.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Honeywell 7600. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Honeywell 7600 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center