Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 610 Epson
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EPSON Perfection 610 Color Image Scan ner SESC990 016 ® .
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Notice: All ri g hts reser ved. No pa rt of this m anual m ay be repr oduced, s tored in a r etrieval system , or transm itted in an y form o r by any me ans, elec tronic, mechani cal, photo copyin g , recordin g , or othe rwise, w ithout the p rior writ ten permiss ion of SE IKO EPSO N CORPO RATION.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B PRECAUTIONS Precau tionary not ations thr ou g hout the te xt are c ate g orized relativ e to 1)P ersonal in jury an d 2) dama g e to equip ment. DANGER Si g nals a precaution which, if i g nored, could result in seri ous or fatal person al injur y.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B PREF ACE This manu al descr ibes basi c functi ons, theory of electri cal and m echanical operatio ns, maint enance an d repair procedur es of EPSON P erfection 6 10.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Revision Status Revision Issued Da te Description A June 16, 1999 First Releas e BA u g ust 2, 19 99 Parts li st and explo ded di g rams hav e been a dded to App endix.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Contents Product Description Features ................ ....... ............ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ..... 8 Specifi catio ns ........ ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ..
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Description Features 8 1.1 Features The major features of the EPSO N color im age scan ner Perfec tion 610 a re as follow s.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Descript ion Specificat ions 9 Number of hubs: This device m ust be in the Tier 1 or 2 with a recomm ended US B cable .
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Descript ion Specificat ions 10 DOCUMENT Reflective typ e: Documents which has a s mooth surf ace such as printin g and photo graph. DIMENSION Dimensi on: 287(W) x 425(D ) x 88(H) mm Refer to Figure 1 -2. Weig ht: 4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Descript ion Interface Speci fi cations 11 1.3 Interface Sp ecifications This sec tion pr ovides specif ications o f the USB, the only interface suppo rted by the Perfe ction 610 .
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Description Control Codes 12 1.4 Control Codes The comman d level of this sca nner is ESC/I -D1 . The c ommands sup ported are sho wn in the tab le below.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Descript ion Error Indica tions 13 1.6 Error Indications Refer to S ection 1. 5 for the e rror indic ations. COMMAND ERROR Cause: Undefined command i s detect ed. Disposit ion: The scann er ignores a wrong co mmand a nd paramete r(s), so it keeps th e current s ettings or default v alue effec tive.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Product Descript ion Manuscript Table 14 1.7 Manuscript Ta ble Dimensi on: 216 mm (Horiz ontal) x 29 7 mm (Ve rtical) 216 mm 3 ± 2 mm 297 mm Front 3 ± 2 mm Origin Poi.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Operating Pr inciples Engine Mechanism 16 2.1 Engine Mechan ism This sectio n explai ns the eng ine funct ions and operatin g principl es of the EPSON Perfection 610. The engi ne mecha nism has the two maj or parts; the carriage unit (= scannin g head) an d the car riage m ove mech anism .
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Operating Pr inciples Engine Mechanism 17 2.1.2 Carriage Drive Mechanism A line-ty pe color CCD sensor , which is includ ed in the carriage unit, scan s one line at a time in th e main sc an dire ction (par allel to the carriage u nit).
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Operating Pr inciples Engine Mechanism 18 2.1.3 Power Supply Circuit Power s upply cir cuit board in this s canner gen erates d irect current n ecessa ry for drivi ng the con troller bo ard and sc anner eng ine.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Operating Pr inciples Engine Mechanism 19 Figure 2-5. Power Supply Circuit Block Diagr am S m oot hi ng Ci r c u i t F u ll W a v e R e c t if ie r C ir c u it S m oot hi n.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Operating Pr inciples Engine Mechanism 20 2.1.4 Control Circuit The CPU (IC1 1) of this sc anner is a o ne-tip 16- bit bus CPU op erating at 20MHz. AS IC (IC7) man ages inpu t signal correction, image processi ng, and control ling the C CD sensor bo ard and US B interfac e.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Troubleshooti ng Overview 22 3.1 Overview This chapter desc ri bes troubleshooti ng proced ures for this scanne r. 3.2 Self-Diagnostic F unction The self-diagnost i c function of the scanne r lets the scann er it self det ect abnormal condit ions.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Troubleshooti ng Troubleshooti ng 23 3.3 Troublesho oting This section de scri bes how to troubleshoot probl ems according to exhibited ph enomenons. See Table 3-2 that enables you to fi nd the def ective part to the unit level.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Troubleshooti ng Troubleshooti ng 24 Table 3-5. The carriage unit operat es but the error is indicat ed. Cause Step Checkpo ints Findin g Remed y The CR home posit ion se nsor is de f ect iv e. 1 Chec k the sig nal leve ls betw een th e coll ect or (+) and emit ter (-) of PC1.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Overview 26 4.1 Overview This chapter desc ri bes procedures for disass emb li ng the EPSON Perfection 610. Unl ess otherwise specifi ed, the scanner can be disassembled by revers ing the disas sembly procedur es.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 27 4.2 Disassembly Proced ures 4.2.1 Releasing the Carriage Lock 1. Using a standard sc rew driver , rel ease the Carriage Lock locat ed at the left side of the sca nner body.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 28 4.2.2 Document Cover Removal 1. Open the Document Cover. 2. Holding the Document Cover by the edges, release the two hooks by pushing the cover to the rear as shown i n Figure 4-4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 29 4.2.3 Upper Housing Removal 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove th e two screws ( gold, CBS, M3x6 ) at the back of the scanner body .
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 30 4.2.4 Inverter Lamp / Inverter Board Removal 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove the Upper Housing.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 31 6. Disconnect th e connector for the Inv ert er Lamp from the Inverter Board. 7. Remove the black scr ew and disconnect the 2-pin conn ecto r for the CCD sensor, and then remove the Inve rter Board.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 32 4.2.5 Carriage Unit Removal 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove the Upper Housing. (See Sect ion 4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 33 5. Remove the hexagon nut at the r ear end of the ca rriage gui de shaf t. 6. Remove the tension spri ng and the scr ew (gold, CBS, M3x4) securing the driv en pulley assembl y.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 34 7. Release the timing belt from the driven pulley. 8. Remove the driven pull ey assembly by pushing it in the direct ion indicated wi th the a rrow. (See Figure 4-17.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 35 10. Inserting a s tandard screw dr iver from t he back, r emove the FFC metal clamp. Figure 4-19. FFC Metal Clamp and FFC Removal 11. Release the FFC (white) from the connect or and the two guide tab s in the Carriag e Unit, and then remove t he Carriage Unit.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 36 4.2.6 Carriage Motor / Timing Belt Removal 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove the Upper Housing.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 37 9. Follow the steps belo w to remove the Timing Belt from the CR Motor Unit. 1) Remove th e E-ring. 2) Remove the transmiss ion gear . 3) Disengage t he timing bel t from the d rive pulley.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 38 4.2.7 Main Board Removal 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove the Upper Housing. (See Sect ion 4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 39 7. Remove the screw (CP, M3x5) near the I /F connect or and the one (CBS, M3x5) securing the Main Board. 8. Disconnect the f ollowing c ables from t he correspon ding conne ctors; CR Motor - CN6, carriage FFC, Power Supply Board - CN4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 40 4.2.8 Panel Board Removal 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove the Upper Housing. (See Sect ion 4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 41 4.2.9 Power Supply Board Remo val 1. Release the Carriage Lock. (See Section 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the Document Cover. (See Secti on 4.2.2.) 3. Remove the Upper Housing. (See Sect ion 4.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Assembly and Dis assembly Disassembly Procedure s 42 6. Remove the two screws (gold, CBS, M3x4) secur ing the shield plate, and then r emov e it toward the inside.
EPSON Perfection 610 Revision B Adjustment 44 This scanner needs no adjus tment at the level of the service, inc luding part replacement , specifi ed in Chapter 4 “Disassembl y and Assembly” .
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Maintenance Ov erview 46 6.1 Overview This cha pter provides informa tion nece ssary to keep the s canner function in optimum c ondition constant ly and to prevent troubles. 6.1.1 Cleaning Perform c leaning w hen stain is notic eable.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Appendix Overview 48 7.1 Overview This secti on provi des useful info rmati on for servic ing this sca nner. 7.1.1 Interc onnection Followin g figures shows interconne ction of the scanner. Figure 7-1. Inter connection (USB) 7.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Appendix Overview 49 Table 7-2. Main Board - CN4 Table 7-3. Main Board - CN5 Table 7-4. Main Board - CN6 Table 7-5. Power Supply Board - CN1 Table 7-6. Power Supply Board - CN102 Table 7-7 . CCD Sensor Board - CN2 Table 7-8.
EPSON Perfection 610 Rev. B Appendix Parts List and Explode Diagra ms 50 7.2 Parts List and Exp lode Diagrams Table 7-9. Parts List Ref. # Description Ref. # Descrip tion Ref. # Description 100 FRAME,BASE 122 LOGO PLATE;E 146 MOTOR ASSY.,CR 101 HOUSING ASSY.
See P.2 110 145 330 141 137 145 138 136 130 131 500 104 122 147 103 149 149 106 107 108 109 401 118 134 113 146 145 133 119 114 116 115 144 119 117 145 123 115 121 144 120 141 124 124 126 300 112 140 .
(NOT ASP.) GT-6600/PERFECTION 610 No.2 Rev.01 10123 505 506 510 507 502 508 511 508 508 504 503 509.
An important point after buying a device Epson 610 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson 610 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson 610 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson 610 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson 610 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson 610, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson 610.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson 610. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson 610 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center