Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5350DN Dell
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Dell 52 30n/dn and 5350dn L aser Printers User's Guide Novembe r 2009 | Trad ema rk s Information in this document is subject to ch ange without notice. Reproduction of this material in an y manner whatsoever without th e written permission of De ll Inc.
Contents Saf et y in fo rmati on.. .. ..... .. ... .. .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .11 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .13 Finding inform ation about the printer.
Configuri ng Universal paper se ttings......... ......... ........ ................ ......... ........ ........ ................. ....... ......... ......... ........ .....53 Loading the standard or optional 250-sheet o r 550-sheet tray ..............
Holdi ng jobs in th e prin ter .... ...... .............. ........ ....... ....... ....... ............. ....... ....... ....... ............. . ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... ........... 78 Printi ng con fiden tial and other he ld job s .
Securi ty Audit Log men u .............. ............. ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... ...... .............. ....... ....... ... 1 12 Set Date/Tim e men u.. ....... ....... ........
Adjusting Power Saver.......... ........... ........... ...................... ........... .......... ........... .................... . ............ ........... ..................138 Restoring the factory d efault se ttings.......... .......... .....
Instal l Tray <x> or Cancel Print Job . .............. ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... ............. . ...... ....... .............. ....... ....... ... 1 58 Instal l MICR Cartridge .............. ....... .
84 PC Kit life wa rni ng ............... ....... ....... ....... ............. ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. ...... ....... ....... .......... 167 84 Replace PC Kit.. .............. .....
Streak ed ve rtical lines ............ ........ ....... ....... ............. ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... . ............. ....... ...... ....... .............. ....... ... 182 Streak ed hor izontal l ines ........ ..
S afety information Connec t the power cord to a properly groun ded electric al outlet that is near the produc t and easily access ible. Do no t pl ac e or use thi s pro du ct nea r wate r or wet lo ca tio ns. C AUT ION — POTE NT IA L IN J URY : Th is pro d uct uses a la ser.
Refer ser vice or repairs, other than thos e desc ribed in the user documentat ion, to a professiona l serv ice perso n. CA UTION—SHO CK HAZARD: To avoi d the risk of electr ic shoc k w hen clea ning t he ext erior of t he print er, unplug th e power cord fr om the wall outlet a nd discon nect a ll cables from t he pr inter bef ore p roceedin g.
Learning about the printer Finding infor mation about t he printer What are you l ooki ng for? Find it here In it ia l s e tu p in st r uc t i on s : • Conn ecting the printer • Ins talling the pri n ter softwa re Setu p docum entati on—The set up docum en tatio n came w ith th e prin ter.
What are you l ooki ng for? Find it here • Soft ware and Dri v ers—Ce rtified d rivers f or my printer and ins tallers for Dell printer softwa re • Readme files— Last- minute technic al chang .
Fully c onf igured model CAUT ION— TIP PING HAZAR D: Floor-m ount ed co nfig urat ion s require ad dit ional f urnit ure for stabili ty. Y ou mu st us e ei ther a prin ter stan d o r prin ter ba se i f you are us ing a hig h-c apaci ty i nput tray, a d uplex un it a nd a n inpu t opt ion, or mor e t han o ne in put opt io n.
Selecting a location for the print er When sele cting a loca tion for t he pr inter , le ave enough room to open tra ys, covers , a nd doors . If you plan to in stal l any option s, lea ve en ou gh r oom for the m als o. It i s im portan t t o: • Make sure airflow in t he roo m meet s the l ate st revis ion o f the ASHRAE 62 standar d.
Understa nding the pr inter contr ol panel 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Item Descripti on 1 Display S h ows messages an d pictures tha t commu nicate the status of th e printer 2 Navi gation buttons Press the u p or down arrow button s to sc roll through menus or men u items, or to in crease or decrease a value when entering numbers.
Item Descripti on 7 Sto p Stops all p rinter activity A list of options is offered once Stopped appears on the displa y. 8 Men u Opens the menu index Note: The men us are available only when the printer is i n the Ready st at e. 9 USB port Insert a flash drive i n to the front of the pri nter to print sav ed files.
Additional printer setup Installing int ernal optio ns CAUTI ON—SHOCK H AZAR D: If you are acces sing the system board or insta lling opti onal hardwa re or memory de v ice s some t ime a fte r se tt in g u p th e pr in te r , t hen t ur n th e pr in te r o ff, an d un plu g t he po we r co rd f ro m t he wall outlet befor e con tinuing.
2 Loo sen the s cre ws on the system board cover . 3 Re move th e sy st em b o ard co ver . 4 Use the illustra tion below to locate the appropriate connec tor. Warning—Potentia l Damag e: Syst em board electroni c components are easily damaged by static electr icity .
1 2 3 1 Fi rm w are a nd f l a sh me m ory c ar d con n ec t ors 2 Memor y card connect or 3 Print er har d di sk conne ctor Insta lling a me mor y card Not e: T his tas k req ui res a f lat head sc rewd rive r.
2 Unpack the memory car d. Not e: Avoid touc hing the connecti on points along the edge of the card. 3 Open the m emo ry card connector latches . 4 Alig n the n otches on t he memory c ard wi th the ridges on th e connect or. 2 1 1 Not ch es 2 Rid ge s 5 Pus h th e me mor y ca rd s traig ht into the c on nect or u ntil it sna ps in to pla ce.
Th e sys tem board has tw o con ne ctions for an optional flash mem ory or firm ware c ard. On ly one of each ma y be instal led, b ut t he c onnecto rs are in t erchangeab le.
4 Push the ca rd firm ly into plac e. Not es: • The entir e lengt h of th e co nnector on the card must tou ch and be flush again st the sy stem bo ard. • Be ca reful not to damage the conne ctors. 5 Repl ace the system b oar d cover an d clo se the s ystem board door.
Insta lling an Internal Solut ions Por t Th e system bo ard suppo rt s one o ptiona l Int ern al So lution s Por t (ISP ). I nsta ll an I SP for add ition al con nectiv it y opti ons.
a Unplug the pr inter h ard disk interfa ce cabl e fro m the system bo ard, leavin g the c ab le attache d to the p rinte r hard dis k. To u nplug t he cable, squ eeze the paddle at the plug of the interfac e ca ble to disengag e th e lat ch before pullin g the cable out.
d R emo ve the thum bscrews that att ach the p rin ter hard disk mou n ting br acket to th e prin ter ha rd dis k, and the n remo v e the b ra cket. Set the pr inter h ard di sk aside .
5 Alig n the po sts of the plast ic tee t o the hol es in th e sys tem boar d, an d then pres s downwa rd unt il the t ee snap s into pla ce. Be sure each po st of the tee has latc hed completely, and that the tee is seated firmly ont o the system board.
7 Lower the I SP tow ard the pl as tic tee unti l the I SP i s seated b etween the guides of the plas tic tee. 8 Inse rt the l o ng th umbs crew and tu rn it clo ckwise eno ugh to ho ld the ISP in plac e , b ut do no t tighte n the thumb scre w at this ti me.
9 Atta ch the two pr ovide d screws to se cu re the ISP mo unting bra cket to the sy stem b oar d cage . 10 Ti gh te n t h e lo ng thu m bsc r ew. Not e: Do no t overti ghten th e t humb s cre w. 11 Inse rt th e plug of the ISP inte rface cab le into the rec eptac le of the system boar d.
13 Repl ace the system b oar d cover an d clo se the s ystem board door. 1 2 3 Inst alling a printe r hard dis k Not e: T his tas k req ui res a f lat head sc rewd rive r.
3 Loca te the ap prop riate connec tor on t he s ystem boa rd. Not e: If an o pt ional ISP is cur ren tly in stall e d , the n th e prin ter hard dis k mu st b e ins talle d onto the ISP.
c Inse r t the plug of th e pr in ter hard di sk int erf ace ca ble into the rec ept ac l e of th e IS P. Not e: The plu gs an d r ecept acles are c olor c oded.
b Att ac h the tw o pr ovi ded scre ws to se cu re th e p ri nte r h ar d d is k mou nti ng br a ck et. c Insert the plug of the printer hard d isk int erface cable in to the receptac le of the system board. Not e: The plu gs an d r ecept acles are c olor c oded.
Installing hardwa re options Order of ins tal lation CAUT ION— TIP PING HAZAR D: Floor-m ount ed co nfig urat ion s require ad dit ional f urnit ure for stabili ty.
Rem oving an op ti onal dra wer Warning—P otential Damage: Li fting the printe r from a draw er wi thout pu shing i n th e safe ty la tches cou ld da mage the latch es. To remo ve an opti onal dra wer, push in the sa fet y latch es on b oth sid es of the dr awer un til the y clic k and stay rec ess ed, and t hen lift the print er.
1 2 1 USB port War nin g—Po te nt ia l Dama ge: Do not touch the USB cable, any ne twork adapter, or th e printer in the area shown whi le actively printin g .
3 Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Re port s ap pear s, and the n p re ss . 4 Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Men u Se tt in gs Pag e appe ars , and then pres s . Afte r the menu set tings pa ge pri nts, th e pr inter re turns to the Read y st ate .
Using the World Wide Web Updat ed printer softw are ma y be a vailabl e on t he D ell Suppor t Web site at su ppo m . Updatin g a vaila ble opt ions in the print er dr iver Once the pri nte.
Setting up wireless print ing Inform ati on you will ne ed to se t up the prin ter o n a w ire less netw or k Not e: Do not co nnect the ins tallati on or network c ables until pr ompt ed to do so by the s etup s oftwar e. • SSID —The SS ID i s also r eferr ed to a s the n etwor k na me.
1 Con nect the pow er cable to the printer an d then to a properl y grounde d electrical ou tlet , and t hen turn th e p rinter on. Make su re th e pr inter an d com pu ter ar e fu lly on and re ady. Do no t connec t the U SB cabl e unt il instr ucted t o do so on t he scr een.
7 Remove the l abel c overin g the U SB por t on the back of the p rin ter. 8 Tempo rarily conn ect a USB cable between the comput er on the wireless network and the prin ter. Not e: Af ter th e pr inter is confi gured, the softw are wi ll in struct yo u to di sconn ect the tempo rary USB cable so yo u c a n p ri n t w ire l es s ly .
Prep are to c onfi gur e the pr i nte r 1 Loca te the prin ter MAC address on t he sheet that shipp ed w ith the printer. Write the last s ix digits of the MAC address in th e s pace p rovided bel ow:.
Con figu re t he pr inte r fo r wir eles s ac cess 1 Type the name of your networ k (SSID) in the appropriat e field. 2 Selec t Infrastru ctur e as your Net wor k Mod e if you are using a wirel ess rout er. 3 Sel e ct the type of secu rity yo u use to p ro tect your wi reles s netwo rk.
3 Cl ic k + . 4 Cl ic k IP . 5 Type in the IP a ddress of your pr inter in the Address field. 6 Cl ic k Add . In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier 1 From the Finder desktop, choos e Go > Applications . 2 Dou ble- clic k t he Utilities folder. 3 Locate a n d double -click Printer Setu p Utility or Pr in t C en ter .
For Wi ndows users 1 Inse rt the Software and Docum entation CD . Wait for t he Wel come s creen to a ppear. If t he CD does n ot lau nch aft er a m inute, then do the fol lowin g: a Cl ic k , or cl ic k Start and the n cl ic k Ru n . b In t he St ar t Se a rc h or Ru n box , ty pe D:s etup .
b Add t h e printer: • For I P p ri ntin g: In M ac OS X v e rsi on 10.5 or la ter 1 From t he Appl e men u, choos e Syst em P ref erenc es . 2 Cli ck Print & Fax . 3 Cli ck + . 4 Cli ck IP . 5 Type i n the IP address of your pr inter in the Address f ield.
Changing po rt settings afte r installing a ne w network Internal Solutions P ort Wh en a n ew n etw ork I nte r nal So lu ti on s Po rt ( IS P ) is in stal le d i n th e p ri nte r, t he pr in ter is a ss ig ned a n ew IP a ddr ess .
For Macint osh user s 1 Pri nt a n etwor k s etup page and m ake a n ote o f the n e w IP a ddress. 2 Loca te the printer IP address in the TCP/IP se ction of the network s etup page. You will need the IP addr e ss if y o u are conf igur ing access for co mput ers on a different subne t than the print er.
i Sel ect th e pr inter fro m the lis t. j Cl ic k Add . Setting up serial pri nting In se rial prin ting, data i s trans fer red o ne bit a t a time .
3 Pr ess Ente r , o r cl ick OK . Th e De vice Ma nag e r op ens. b Cl ic k + to expand th e l ist of ava ila ble por ts. c Se l ect the communi cations port w h er e y o u attach ed th e s eria l ca ble to yo ur comp uter (examp le: COM1). d Cl ic k Proper ti es .
Loading p a per a nd specia lty media This sec tion expl ains h ow to loa d the 2 50-, 550-, a nd 2000-shee t trays , and the m ultipurpo se feeder. It als o inclu des inf ormat ion about p aper ori entat ion , se tti ng the P aper Size and Pape r Ty pe, and link ing and unli nkin g t rays .
6 Pre ss o nce, a nd the n press the le ft or ri ght arr o w bu tton un til Ex it C onfi g Me nu appears . 7 Pre ss . The pr inter performs its power- on sequ ence, and t hen Read y ap pears .
Loadi ng the standa rd or optiona l 250-she et or 550-she et tray Althoug h th e 250-s heet t ray an d the 5 50-sh eet tra y are differen t in appear ance, they r equi re th e same pr oces s fo r loadin g paper . Use these inst ruc tions t o load paper in eit her tray : 1 Pull the tra y ou t.
3 Unloc k the leng th gui de, squeeze t he le ngth g uide t ab in ward as shown , an d slide the guide to the cor rect po sition for the pape r s ize being load ed. 3 1 2 Not es: • Use the size i ndicato rs on the b ottom of the tr a y to hel p posi tion th e guid es.
With out an o ptio nal S ta ple Fi ni she r With an opti onal Staple Finish er L E T T E R H E A D Duplex (two-s ided) printing LETTERHEAD Duplex (two-s ided) printin g Not e: Noti ce the maximum fil l line o n the s ide of t h e t ray which in di c ates the maximum h eight for loading p aper.
Loadi ng the 2000-s heet tray 1 Pull the tra y ou t. 2 Pul l up and s lide the width gui de to t he c orrect pos ition for t he pap er size being loaded.
4 Pus h the len gth guide rel ease latc h to raise th e length guide, slide th e guide to t he correct position for the pap er size b eing loaded, an d then l ock t he guide. 5 Flex th e sheets back and forth to loosen them , and t hen fan them. Do not fold or creas e the paper.
With out an o ptio nal S ta ple Fi ni she r Wit h an optional Staple Finish er LETTERHEAD Si ngle-si ded printin g LETTERHEAD LETTERHEAD Single-sided printing L E T T E R H E A D Duplex (two-s ided) p.
7 Inse rt the tr ay. Loading the multi purpose feeder 1 Press the r elease l atch, a nd then pull down th e mul tipurpose feeder door. 1 2 Load ing pa per and spe cia lty medi a 60.
2 Pul l out the ex tension u ntil it is f ully extended. 3 Squeeze and sl ide the wi dth gui de to th e far ri ght. 4 Flex the sh eets o f paper or s pecialty m edia ba ck a nd forth t o loos en t hem, an d t hen fan t hem . Do n ot fol d or cr ease them .
5 Loa d the paper or sp ecialty m edia. S lide the s tac k gent ly int o th e multi purpose feeder unti l it comes to a stop. With out an o ptio nal S ta ple Fi ni she r With an option al Staple Fin i.
Lo adi ng the env elo pe feed er 1 Adjust the envel ope support for the length of envelop e you are loading: • Sho rt en ve lo p es —Ful ly clo se th e envel ope sup port. • Medi um-l ength enve lop es —Ex tend the envelop e suppor t t o the middle position.
5 Load the stack of en vel opes fla p side do wn. Warning—Potentia l Damag e: Never use en vel opes w ith st amps, clas ps, s nap s, win dow s, coat ed li ning s, or se lf-st ick ad hesi ves. Thes e env elope s may se ver e l y da mage the pr inter .
To u nlink a tray, change the fol lowin g tr ay s ett i ngs so tha t they do not ma tch the sett i ngs of a ny other tray: • Paper Type (f or exa mple: Pl ain P aper, Let terhe ad, Custo m Type < x>) Paper Type names des cribe the paper ch aracter istics .
6 Pre ss . The P aper Size menu app ears. 7 Pre ss agai n. The P aper Type men u appea rs. 8 Pre ss t h e left or righ t arro w bu tton unt il Cust om T ype < x> or a noth er cu stom nam e ap pear s, and th en press . Subm itt ing se lect ion appears, followed by Pa per M enu .
Paper a nd spe cialty media guideline s Paper guidelines Pape r char acte ri stics Th e foll owing pa per ch arac teris tics aff ect print qual it y and r elia bil ity.
Fibe r c onten t Most h igh -quality xerogr aphic pa per is m ade from 100 % ch emicall y trea ted pul ped wood. Thi s content prov ides th e pap er w ith a high degree of stabilit y resulting in fewer paper feeding pro blems and better print quality.
Pre prin ted pap ers such a s letter head mus t be able to wit hstand te mperat ures up to 230 °C (44 6°F) w itho ut me lti ng or releas in g hazard ous em ission s.
Supporte d paper sizes, ty pes, and weights Th e followi ng t ables pr ovide i nfor mat ion on s tanda rd an d opt ional paper sourc es an d the t ypes of paper t h ey sup port. Not e: F or an un list ed pap er siz e, sele ct the cl osest larger lis ted siz e.
Paper size Dimension s 250- or 550 - sheet tra ys (stan dard or optional ) Optional 2000- sh eet tra y Mult i- purpose feeder Duplex unit En vel ope feeder Univ e rs al 3,4 13 8 x 210 mm (5.5 x 8.3 in .) up to 21 6 x 356 m m (8.5 x 14 in.) X X X 70 x 12 7 m m (2 .
Pape r ty pes and weight s s upport ed by th e pri nte r The print er engine s upports 60–17 6 g/m 2 (1 6–47 lb) paper weigh ts. T he du plex u nit su p por ts 63–1 70 g/ m 2 (17–45 lb) pap er weigh ts.
S oftware ove rview Use the Software and Doc umentation CD that ca me wi th you r prin ter to ins tall a combi nation o f sof tware app licat ions, depen din g on your operatin g system .
To disable the Dell Print er Alert Utility: 1 From the Sy stem Tr ay, right cli ck the ic on. 2 Selec t Exi t . To re-enable the Dell Prin ter Alert Utility: 1 In Win dows Vista or later: a Cl ic k Pr ogr am s . b Cl ic k Dell Pr inters . c Cl ic k D ell 52 30n /dn or 5350d n La ser Prin te r .
3 If M ultiple Printers Found launch es, sele ct th e prin ter y ou ar e orderin g the suppli es for. 4 Follow the inst ruction s on the screen. • If ord erin g from the Web , cl ick th e lin k un der th e Order Onl ine hea di ng. • If or dering by phon e, cal l the n umber that a ppears unde r the Order by Phone hea ding .
Printing Th is chap te r cove rs p rint ing , prin t er repor ts , and job canc el at ion . Sel ectio n and ha ndl ing o f pap er and sp eci alt y med ia can affe ct how rel iabl y docum ent s pri nt. For more infor mat ion, see “Avo id ing jam s” on pag e 140 and “St ori ng pap er” on pa ge 69.
• Pag e or ienta tion is impor ta nt w hen pr inti ng on l etter hea d. F or in form ation o n how t o load lett erh ead, s ee: – “Loadi ng the stand ard or option al 250 -shee t or 550-sheet tr.
Ti ps on using labels Not e: Th is print er is i nten ded for oc cas ional paper l abel pr intin g on ly. • Do n ot lo ad labels together with paper or transpa rencies in t he sa me so urce; mixing me dia c an cau se f eeding probl ems. • F rom th e P ap er m enu , s et th e Pap e r Ty pe to Lab e ls.
Job type Descri ption Conf identi al When you send a Confidential print j ob to the prin ter, you must create a PIN from the computer. The PIN must be four digits using the numbers 0 –9. The job is held in pr in ter m emory un ti l you en ter the P IN from the pri nter control pan el and choose to print or d elete the job.
10 Pres s the down arrow but ton unti l ap pears ne xt to the job you wan t to pri n t, a nd then pre ss . 11 Pres s the down arrow but ton unti l appears n ext t o the n umber of copi es you w ant to print, a nd then press . Not e: Use t he keypa d to ente r a n umber if necessar y.
Printing fr om a fla sh drive A USB port is located on the printer contr ol panel. Insert a flash driv e to print suppor ted file types. Suppor ted file type s include: .pdf , .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .png, .tif f, .tif, .pcx, .xps, and .dc x. Not es: • High-speed fla sh drives must support the full-speed USB stan dard.
Printing infor mation pages Printi ng a font sa mple lis t To prin t sa mples of the fon ts cu rre ntly a vailabl e for your prin ter: 1 Mak e s ure th e p rin te r i s on an d Read y app e ars. 2 From the prin ter control pan el, press . 3 Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Re port s ap pear s, and the n p re ss .
Canceling a print job Cance ling a pr int job from the p rinter c ont rol panel If the job is forma tting or already prin ting , and Ca ncel a job appear s o n th e fir st l ine of the di spl ay: 1 Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Ca ncel appe ars.
In M ac O S X version 1 0.4 an d ea rli er: 1 From the G o men u, choose Ap plications . 2 Dou ble- cli ck Utili ties , and t h en double -click Print C e n t er or Print er Setup Ut ility . 3 Dou ble- clic k t he p rinte r i con . 4 F rom th e pr in ter w ind o w, se le ct t he j ob to c an c el.
Understandin g printer menus Menus list Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Default Source Pa per Si ze /Type Con figur e M P Env elop e Enha n ce 1 Substitu te Size Pa per Text ure Pa per We ight Pa per.
Paper menu Defa ult Sour ce menu Men u it em Descri ption Default Source Tr ay < x> MP Feeder Envelope Feeder Ma nu al Pa per Ma nu al E nv Sets a default pa per source for all p rint jobs Notes: • Tray 1 (stan d ard tray) is the factory default setting.
Men u it em Des cr i pti on Tray <x> Type Plain Transpar ency Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pa per Lig ht Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Rec ycl ed Cust om T yp e <x> Specifies the type of paper loa ded in each tray Notes: • Plain P aper is the fac tor y default s ett ing for T ray 1.
Men u it em Des cr i pti on MP Fee der Typ e Plain Card St ock Transpar ency Bon d Env e lo pe Roug h En vel op e Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pa per Lig ht Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Rec .
Men u it em Des cr i pti on Manual Paper Type Plain Card St ock Transpar ency Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pa per Lig ht Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Rec ycl ed Cust om T yp e <x> Specifies th e type of paper being man ually loaded Note: Plain P aper is the fac tory default s etting.
Enve lope E nhanc e Th e envelo pe cond ition er si gnific an tly red uces th e wri nkli ng of some en velop es. Men u it em Descri ption Envelope Enhance Of f 1 (L eas t) 2 3 4 5 6 (Mo st ) Enables or disables th e envelope conditioner Notes: • Th e fac tor y d efau lt s ett in g is 5 .
Men u it em Descri ption Re cycl ed Te xtu re Smooth Nor ma l Roug h Specifies the r ela tive texture of the recycled paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Nor mal is t he factory def ault setti n g.
Men u it em Descri ption He av y Te xtu r e Smooth Nor ma l Roug h Specifies the r ela tive texture of the paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Nor mal is t he factory def ault setti n g. Rough Texture Smooth Nor ma l Roug h Specifies the r ela tive texture of the paper loaded in a specific tray Note: R ough is the factory default setti n g.
Men u it em Desc ription Bond Weight Lig ht Nor ma l Heavy Specifies the relative weight of th e paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Normal i s the factory de fault settin g. En velope Weig ht Lig ht Nor ma l Heavy Specifies the relative wei ght of the envelopes loaded in a specific tr ay Note: Normal i s the factory de fault settin g.
Paper L oading m enu Men u it em Descri ption Recycled Loading Duplex Of f Determin es whether 2- sided printing occurs for all job s that specify Recyc led as the paper type No t e: Off is th e f actory d ef ault s etting.
Men u it em Descri ption Custom <x> Loa ding Duplex Of f Determin es whether 2- sided printing occurs for all job s that specify Custom <x> as the paper type No t es : • Off is the f actory default setti n g. • Custom < x> Loading is available onl y if the custom t ype is supported.
Men u it em Descri ption Portrait Width 3–1 4 in che s 76– 36 0 mm Sets th e portra it width Notes: • If the width exceeds the maximum, the printer uses the maximum width allowed . • 8.5 inch es is the US f actory def ault setti ng. Inch es can be incr ea sed in 0.
Men u Item Des cr i pti on Overflow Bin Ma il bo x Lin k Mail Ov erflow Lin k Optional Ty pe A ss i gn me n t Spec ifies an alt ernate output bin when a design ated bin is full Note: Stand ard Bin is the fa ctory default settin g.
Men u it em Descri ption Network <x> Setup Page P rints a report c ontaining informa tion about the network printer s ettings, su ch as the TCP/I P ad dress inf ormation Notes: • This menu item is av ailable when more than one net work option is installed.
Sta ndard Net work or Ne twork <x> me nu s Men u it em Descri ption PC L Smar tSwitch On Of f Sets the pri nter to automatically switch to PCL emulation when a print job requires it, reg a rdless of the default prin ter language Notes: • On is the fa ctory default setting .
Men u it em Descri ption Std Netw ork Setup Rep or ts Net wo r k C ar d TC P/ I P IPv6 Wir el ess AppleTa lk Net W ar e Net <x> Setu p Rep or ts Net wo r k C ar d TC P/ I P IPv6 Wir el ess Apple.
Men u it em Desc ription Job Time out 0-22 5 sec on ds Sets th e amount of time in seconds th at a n etwork print j ob can take before it is canceled Notes: • 90 se conds is the f actory defa ult setting . • A setting va lue of 0 di s ables the ti meout.
Men u it em Description Enable Aut o I P Yes No Specif ies the Zero Configur ation Network ing setting Note: Y es is the factory d efault setting. Ena b le FT P /T FT P Yes No Enables the built-in FTP server, which a llows you to send fi les to the prin ter us ing the File Transfer Protocol.
Wireless menu Use the follow ing menu it ems to view or config ure the wirel ess inte rnal print serv er setti ngs. Not e: T his m enu i s av ail abl e on ly f or mod els co nnect ed t o a w ire le ss n etwor k.
NetWar e menu Th is menu is avail able from th e Netw ork/P ort s menu : Net work/ Por ts St andard Ne t work or Netwo rk <x > Std Ne tw ork Se tup or Net <x > Se tup Ne tWar e Men u it em Desc ription Ac tivat e Yes No Activates NetWar e support Note: No is the factory d efault setting.
Men u it em De scr iption PS SmartS witc h On Of f Sets the p rinter to automatically swi tch to PS emulation wh en a print j ob received throu gh a USB p ort requ ires it, rega rdless of the def ault print e r la nguage Notes: • On is the fact ory default s etting.
Paralle l menu Th is menu appe ars on ly i f an op ti ona l p ara llel car d is i ns talle d. Men u it em Descri ption PC L Smar tSwitch On Of f Sets the prin ter to automatically switch to P CL emula.
Men u it em Descri ption Protocol Sta n dar d Fast bytes Specif ies the para llel port pr o tocol Notes: • Fastbytes is th e fa ctory d efault setting. It provides compatib ility with most existing par a llel ports a nd is the r e commended s etting.
Men u it em Descri ption PS SmartS witc h On Of f Sets th e printer to automatica lly switch to PS emulation when a pri nt job received through a s erial por t requir es it, reg a rdless of the de faul t printer la ng uage Notes: • On is the fa ctory def a ult settin g.
Men u it em Descri ption Robust XON On Of f Determines wh ether or not the printer communic a tes ava ilability to the computer Notes: • Off is the fac tory default se tting. • This menu item appli es only to the seria l port if Seri al Protocol is set to XON/XOFF.
SMTP S etup me nu Use the followin g menu to config ure the SMTP server. Men u it em Descri ption Primary SMTP Ga teway Primary SMTP Ga teway Port Secondary SMTP Gateway Secondary SMTP Gatew ay Port Specif ies SMTP server port i nformation Note: 2 5 is th e defa ult SM TP gate way por t.
Securit y menu Miscellane ou s menu Men u it em Descri ption Login R est rictions Log i n fai l u re s 1-1 0 (3 attempts) Failur e time f rame 1-60 (5 m in ute s ) Lo ckout time 1-60 (5 m in ute s ) P.
Sec urit y Audi t Log me nu Men u it em Descri ption Export Log Ena bles an auth orized user to expor t the securi ty log Notes: • To export the log from the printer contro l pan el, a flash drive must be a ttached to the printer. • From the Embedded Web Ser ver, the log can be downloaded to a computer.
Setting s menu Genera l Sett ings menu Men u it em Descri ption Display Language Eng l ish Franc ais Deutsch Italiano Esp an ol Dansk Nor s k Ne derlands Sve n ska Portuguese Suo mi Ru ssian Polsk i M.
Men u it em Descri ption Run Initial setup Yes No Inst ructs the pr inter to r un the setup wiza rd Notes : • Yes is the f actory default setti ng. • After c ompleting the s etup wizard by selecting Done a t the Country selec t s creen, the default becomes No.
Men u it em Descri ption Timeouts Power Save r 1– 24 0 min Sets the a mount of time the pri n ter waits a fter a job is pri nted be fore it g oes into a red uced power state Notes : • 30 minutes i s the factory def a ult settin g. • Lower settings conserve more energy, but may require longer warm-up t imes .
Men u it em Descri ption Pr int Recove ry Jam R e co ver y Auto On Off Specif ies whether the prin ter reprints ja mmed pages Notes : • Auto is th e factory d ef ault s etting. The printer r eprints jammed pages un less the memory required to h old the pages is nee ded f or other p rinter task s.
Set up me nu Men u it em Descri ption Printer Language PCL Em ulati on PS E mulati on PPDS Emula t ion Sets th e default pr inter language Notes : • PCL emulati on use s a PCL interprete r f or processin g prin t jobs. P os tScript emula tion uses a PS interp reter for processin g print jobs .
Men u it em Descri ption Pr int All Order Alphabetic al Old e s t F i rs t New es t F irs t Specif ies the order in wh ich h eld and con fidential jobs a re printed when P rint All is selected Notes : • Alphabetic a l is the f actory defaul t setting.
Men u it em Descri ption Separator Sheets None Between Copies Between J obs Between Pages Specifies wheth er blank separator sheets are inser ted Notes: • None is the fa ctory def ault setti n g. • Between Copies inserts a blank sheet between eac h copy of a print job if Collation is set to On .
Men u it em Descri ption Off set Page s None Between J obs Between Copies Stacks cop ies or print jobs into staggered sets in an output bin Notes: • This menu item appears on ly when the Staple Finisher is installed . • None is the fa ctory def ault setting .
Men u it em Descri ption Brightness -6 t o + 6 Adjusts or d arkens printed output and conserve s toner Notes: • 0 is the f act o ry d ef ault s etting. • A n egative value will d arken text, images, and g raphics . A positive value will lighten them and conserve toner.
Men u it em Descri ption Co verage Estima tor Of f On Provides an estimate of the percentag e c overage of black on a pag e. The es timate is prin ted on a s eparate pa ge at the end of each pri n t job.
Men u it em Desc ription Font Priority Res i dent Flas h Es tablis hes t he font s ear ch order Notes: • Resid en t is the factory default setting. • A f ormatted optional fla s h memory card must be instal led in the prin ter and operating properly for th is menu item to b e available.
Men u it em De sc ri pti on PCL E mul ation Settings Orien tation Portra it Landsca pe Specifies th e orientation of text and g raphics on the p a ge Notes: • Portrait is the factory default setting . • Portrait prints text and g r aphics parallel to the shor t edge of the page .
Men u it em De sc ri pti on Tray Ren umb er View F act or y De f Multipurpose feeder default = 8 Tray 1 def ault = 1 Tray 2 def ault = 4 Tray 3 def ault = 5 Tray 4 def ault = 20 Tray 5 def ault = 21 E.
Men u it em Desc ription Ch aracter Set 1 2 Specifi es a default ch aracter set f or PP DS print jobs Notes: • 2 is th e factor y d efau lt setting. Ch aracter Set 2 i s composed of printa ble charac ters and symb ols u sed in no n-US E nglis h lang uag es.
HTML menu Men u it em Descri ption Font Name Ant iq u e O l iv e Apple C hancery Ari a l MT Ava n t G ar de Bod o ni Bookman Chicago Clare ndon Cooper Black Copper plate Coro net Cour ier Eur o st il .
Men u it em Desc ription Backgrounds Do Not Print Prin t Specifi es whethe r to prin t backgrounds on H TML documen ts Note: Prin t is the factory default setti ng. Image men u Men u it em Descri ption Auto F i t On Of f Selec ts the optim al paper si ze, sc a li n g, a nd ori entatio n Notes: • On is the fa ctory def a ult settin g.
Maintaini ng the printer Pe rio dicall y, c ertain tas ks are requi red to main ta in opt imum p ri nt qualit y . Cleaning the exterior of t he printer 1 Make sure t hat th e pr i nte r is tur n ed o ff and unp lug ged from the wa ll o utle t.
Checking the sta tus of supplies A message appears on the display when a replacem ent supply item is needed or when maintena nce is required. Checki ng th e st atus of su p plies fr om the prin ter control pan el 1 Mak e s ure th e p rin te r i s on an d Read y app e ars.
7 Ent er you r Del l prin ter Ser vice Tag nu mbe r. Not e: Your Ser vice T ag number is loca ted insid e t he front cover of your pri nter. 8 Clic k Visit De ll's cartri dge ordering w e bsi te .
4 Rota te the car tridg e in all directi ons to di strib ute the to ner. 5 Inst all th e new ton er cart ridge by ali gning the r o ll ers on t he tone r car trid ge wi th the a rrows on the tr acks of the ph otoc ond ucto r kit. Pus h th e ton er cart ridg e in as far as it wil l go.
1 Open t he fron t do or by pre ssing t h e butt on on the left sid e of the p rint er a nd lowe ring the fron t door . 2 Pull the phot ocon duc tor kit a nd ton er cart ridge out of th e pr i nte r as a un it by pul ling on the tone r car tridg e hand le .
4 Un p ac k the new p ho to co nduc t or kit. Be car e fu l no t to to uc h th e ph ot oc on duc to r dr um . 5 Inse rt th e to ner car tri dge in to th e ph o t ocondu ctor ki t by ali gnin g the rolle rs o n the t oner ca rtrid ge with the trac k s.
Recycl ing Dell produc ts To ret urn Dell produc ts fo r recy clin g: 1 Visi t our We b site at ww w.del l .co m/r ecy cli ng . 2 Se le ct yo u r co un tr y f ro m th e lis t .
• Avo id se vere jarr ing mo vem ents . Shippin g t he pr inte r When shipp ing th e pr inter , use t he ori gina l pac kaging or cal l the p lace of pu rchase for a reloc atio n ki t.
Administrative su pport Using the Emb edded Web Se rver If the printe r i s installed on a network, the Embedded Web Server is availab le for a range of func tions incl uding: • View ing a virt ual .
Viewing re ports You can view some reports from the Embedded Web Server. Thes e r e port s are useful for assessin g the status of the pri nte r, the n etwor k, and su ppli es. To vi ew rep or ts fr om a ne twor k p rin ter: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b row ser.
Restoring t he fact ory default se ttings If y ou wan t to retai n a li st of the c urren t menu sett ing s for r eferen ce, t hen print a me nu s etting s pag e befor e you re store the fa ctory def au lt se ttin gs. F or more in form atio n, see “Pri ntin g a men u se ttin gs page” on page 37.
Clearing jams Jam error mess ages appe ar on the control pan el display and include th e a rea of th e printer where the jam occur red. When t here is more t han o ne jam, the nu mber of jammed pa ges i s displ ayed. Avoiding jams The f ollo win g hint s can hel p you av oid ja ms.
Understanding ja m numbers and l ocations When a jam o ccurs , a mes sa ge indi cati ng t he j am lo cati on appear s on the dis pla y. Op en do ors and cover s and r emo ve trays to ac ces s jam location s. To r eso lve an y paper jam mess age, y ou m ust clear al l jammed paper fr om t he paper pa th and th en pre ss .
4 Place the ton er cartridge asid e on a flat, smooth surface. Warning—Potentia l Damag e: Do not leave the cartridge ex posed to light for extended periods. Warning—Potentia l Damag e: The ja mmed paper may be cover ed with un fused toner whic h can stain garment s and skin .
4 Place the ton er cartridge asid e on a flat, smooth surface. Warning—Potentia l Damag e: Do not leave the cartridge ex posed to light for extended periods. Warning—Potentia l Damag e: The ja mmed paper may be cover ed with un fused toner whic h can stain garment s and skin .
If th e p a per is n ot ex i ting t he p ri nte r : 1 Pull down t he to p r ear doo r. 2 Slowl y remo ve the jamm e d paper to avo i d tearin g it . 3 Clo se t he top rear door. 4 Pre ss . 230 pape r jam Re ar pa pe r jams 1 Re mov e th e s ta nda rd tr a y f rom th e p rin te r.
2 Pull down the b ottom rear door. 3 Push the tab dow n. 4 Remove t he jammed paper . 5 Clo se th e bott om r ear door . 6 Inse rt the st anda rd tra y.
Fr ont pape r ja ms 1 Re mov e th e s ta nda rd tr a y f rom th e p rin te r. 2 Push the tab dow n. 1 2 3 Remove t he jammed paper . 4 Inse rt the st anda rd tra y. 5 Pre ss . 231–239 pa per ja ms (optional external duplex unit ) Re ar pa pe r jams 1 Pus h in and hold t he latc h whil e pulli ng up the rear du plex doo r.
3 Clo se the rear dupl ex door. 4 Pre ss . Fr ont pape r ja ms 1 Re mov e th e s ta nda rd tr a y f rom th e p rin te r. 2 Remove the du plex jam ac cess t ray. 3 Raise the r ecessed dup lex bar . 4 Remove t he jammed paper . 5 Repl ace the duplex jam access tray.
6 Inse rt the st anda rd tra y. 7 Pre ss . 241–245 pa per ja ms 1 Pull out the tray indi cated on the disp lay . 2 Re mo ve any j am m ed pap e r, an d th en i n ser t th e tr ay . 3 Pre ss . 4 If t he ja m mess age per sists fo r a 250-sh eet or 550-s heet tray, t hen remov e the tray fr om t he pri nter.
2 Flex the sheets of paper back and fo rth to loosen them, and then fan them. Do n o t fold or crease the paper. Strai ghten t he edge s on a lev el surface. 3 Loa d the paper in t o the multip urp ose feeder. 4 Sli de the paper guide toward the inside of the tray until it lightly rests agai nst the edge of the paper.
6 Load the envelopes i n th e envel ope f eeder. 7 Adjust the paper guide. 8 Lower the enve lope weight. 9 Pre ss . 271–279 pa per ja ms To clear a jam in the o ut put expan der, hig h-capa city out.
281 pape r jam 1 Cle a r the jam from th e sta pler ou tput bin . 2 Pre ss . 282 pape r jam To pr even t pape r jams, the sta pler m o tor does no t run whe n the sta pler door i s open . 1 Clos e the st apler doo r unti l it clicks int o pla ce. 2 Pre ss .
283 st aple jam 1 Pres s the l atch to open the stapl er d oor. 2 Pul l the la tch of th e staple c artridg e holder down, and th en pu ll the hold er out of the printer. 3 Use the met al tab t o lift the stapl e guard, a nd then remov e an y l oose s taples.
4 Pres s down on t he stapl e guar d unt il it sn aps in to pl ace . 5 Pus h the c artridg e holder firmly back in to t he stapl er unit until the ca rtridge h old er clicks int o plac e.
Troubles hooting Solving ba sic problems Solv ing b asic pr int er proble ms If th ere ar e ba sic pri nter problem s, or the print er is unres ponsi ve, ma ke su re: • The po wer cord is plugged i nto th e prin ter and a pr operly g rounded electrica l out let.
Understa nding printe r messages Whe n Ma nu al Feed er appea rs on the display, it refe rs to the multip urpo se feeder. Change <input src> to <Cus tom Type Name> You can change th e curren t p ape r source fo r th e remain der of the print job.
• To canc el the cur rent prin t job, press the up or down ar row button un til Ca nc el j ob a ppear s, and th en pres s . • For more in fo rma t ion , pre ss t he up or d own ar row butto n u ntil Sh ow me or Tel l me more app ear s, and then p re ss .
Chec k tray <x> c o nnec t io n Try one or more of th e followin g: • Turn the p rinte r off a nd t h en back on. If th e erro r occur s a s econd ti me: 1 T u rn the p rinte r o ff. 2 Unp lu g th e po wer cord f rom th e wall outl e t. 3 If a n o pti onal d u plex u nit i s inst all ed, the n remo ve it.
Inst all out put bin <x> or canc el pr int job Try one or more of th e followin g: • Insta ll the specifi ed bin: 1 T u rn the p rinte r o ff. 2 Unp lu g th e po wer cord f rom th e wall outl e t. 3 Inst all t he spe ci fied bi n. 4 Connect t he pow er cord to a p roperly groun ded ou tlet.
Insta ll MICR Cartri dge Th e print er does not hav e a MICR cart ridg e ins t alle d. Ins ta ll a MICR ca rtrid ge to c ont in ue pri nt ing. Load <i nput src> with <Cus tom Type N ame > Try one or more of th e followin g: • Loa d the specifi ed pape r into th e sp ecified s ource t o cl ear the me ssage an d conti nue pr inting .
• Cance l the pri nt job. P ress th e up or dow n arrow b utt on unti l C an cel jo b appear s, and then press . Load Man u al Feed er with < size> Try one or more of th e followin g: • Load the multipurpos e feeder w ith the correct paper size.
5 Connect t he pow er cord to a p roperly groun ded ou tlet. 6 R est art the p rin ter. If the error occurs aga in: 1 T u rn the p rinte r o ff. 2 Unp lu g th e po wer cord f rom th e wall outl e t. 3 Remov e t he sp ec ified b in. 4 Con t ac t Cu sto me r Su pp or t.
If the error occurs aga in: 1 T u rn the p rinte r o ff. 2 Unp lu g th e po wer cord f rom th e wall outl e t. 3 Remove the envelo pe feeder. 4 Con t ac t Cu sto me r Su pp or t. • Pre ss the u p or do wn arr ow bu tton unti l Co nt inue appea rs, an d then press to clea r the messa ge and print wit hout using the envel ope feeder.
32.y y C artridge par t nu mber un suppor ted by de vice Remove the ton er ca rtridge, and then in stal l a s upported on e. 34 Sh ort pape r Try one or more of th e followin g: • Loa d the appropri ate pape r i n th e tr ay.
37 Insu ffic ient memory, some held jobs we re dele ted The prin ter de lete d some he ld j o bs in o rder to pr o c ess curren t jobs . Pre ss the u p or dow n arrow butto n until C ont in ue appear s, an d then press to clear the message.
53 Unfo rm atte d flash de tecte d Try one or more of th e followin g: • Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Co ntin ue appea rs, and t hen p ress to sto p th e de fr ag me nt op eratio n a nd co ntin ue p rin ting . • Format t he flash me mory.
3 Remove the extra disks. 4 Conn ect the power cord to a p rope r ly grou nde d ou tlet . 5 Turn th e pri nter back on. 58 To o m any fl ash opt ions i nstalle d Too many opt ional flas h memo ry car ds o r too man y opt ional fir mwar e car ds are inst alle d on t h e prin ter.
Try one or more of th e followin g: • Remove th e spec ifie d out put bin . • Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Co ntin ue appea rs, and t hen p ress to clear t he mess age a nd co nt in u e pr in ti ng w ith ou t usi n g t he sp e ci fi ed o utp ut bin .
1565 Em u lati on error, load emulation opt ion The print er automa tically clea rs the m essage in 30 seconds an d th en disables t he download emula tor on th e fi rmware card . Solving pri nting problem s Multiple -langu age PDFs do not prin t The d ocum ents co ntai n una vail a bl e fon ts.
M AKE SU RE THE IN TERNAL PR IN T SERVER IS INS T ALLE D PRO P E R LY AND WORKING • Ma ke su re th e in t ern al pri nt s erv er is pr op er ly i ns tal le d an d t hat th e pr i nte r i s co nn ec ted to the net wo rk. • Pr in t a n etw or k set up p ag e an d ch ec k t ha t th e s ta tu s s ho ws Co nnect ed .
5 Pre ss th e up or dow n arro w b utt on unti l Pa ge Pr ot ec t appears, and then press . 6 Pre ss th e up or dow n arro w b utt on unti l Of f appe ars , an d then p ress .
R EDUC E THE COM PLEXI TY OF TH E PRINT JOB Reduce the complexity of the print job by eli minating the n u mber and size of f onts, the number and complexity of ima ges, and t he nu mber of pa ges i n the j ob. M AKE SU RE THE PRINTER HAS E NOUGH ME MOR Y Add printe r mem ory or an op tion al hard di sk.
M AKE SU RE THE OPTIO N IS SE LECT ED From t he c ompu ter you are print ing f rom, select the option . For mor e infor mation, see “ Updati ng a vailabl e opti ons in the print er driver ” on page 39.
Envelo pe feeder These are possib le solution s. Try one or more of the followi ng: R ESE T TH E PRIN T ER Tu rn the prin ter o ff, wai t about 10 s econds , and th en tu rn the p ri nter on . M AKE SU RE THE ENVELOPE S AR E LOADE D CO RRECT LY 1 Adjust th e en velope s upport f or the l ength of en velope you a re using.
M AKE SU RE THE NE TWORK SO FTWARE IS CONFIGU RED COR RE CTLY For inf orma tion abou t in stall ing so ftw are for net work printi ng, see th e Netw orking Guide on the So ftwa r e and Doc um en tat io n CD Solving paper feed problem s Paper fr eq uently jams These are possib le solution s.
5 Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til Jam Re co ve ry appea rs, an d then p res s . 6 Pres s the u p or down a rrow butto n un til On or Auto ap pears , a nd th en pres s .
Clipp ed images Try one or more of th e followin g: C HECK THE GUIDES Move the width an d leng th guid es in the t ray to the correct positions fo r the pa per size loaded.
C HECK THE T ONE R D ARKNESS SETTING Sele ct a lighte r Ton er Da rk nes s set ti ng: • Fro m t he pri nt er co ntro l p a nel Q ual ity me nu , cha ng e th e s ett in g. • For Window s user s, chang e the se ttin g from Pr int Pro perti es . • For Maci ntos h user s, cha ng e the sett ing fro m the Pri nt dia log .
Print ir regula ritie s These are possib le solution s. Try one or more of the followi ng: T HE PAPER MAY HAVE ABSORBED MOISTURE DUE TO HIG H HUMIDIT Y • Load paper from a fresh packa ge. • Sto re pa per in its or igina l wra pper un t il yo u u se it .
Repla ce the transfer roller if the defe cts occur every: 58.7 mm ( 2.31 in.) Repla ce the photoconduc tor if the defects occu r ev ery: 44 mm (1. 73 in.) Repla ce the f u ser if the defe cts occur every: • 78.5 mm ( 3.09 in.) • 94.2 mm ( 3.71 in.
T HE TO NER CARTRIDGE MAY BE DE FE CTIV E OR LOW ON TONER Replace the used ton er cartridge with a new o ne. Print is to o da rk These are possib le solution s.
Print is to o li ght These are possib le solution s. Try one or more of the followi ng: C HECK THE DARKNESS , BRIGHTNESS , AND C ONTRAST SETTINGS Th e Ton er Dar knes s set ting is too light, the Bri ghtne ss se tting i s too lig ht, or th e Con trast se tti ng is to o lo w.
Solid c olor page s These are possib le solution s. Try one or more of the followi ng: M AKE SU RE THE TO NER CARTRIDGE IS PROPERL Y IN STALLED Remove t he ton er cartridge and shake it from side to s ide to redistribute the t oner , and then rei n stall it .
Clear any paper you see. T HE RE IS TONER IN THE PAPER PATH Co nta ct Cu st ome r Sup po rt . Streake d horizont al l in es ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE These are possib le solution s.
T HE CHARGE ROLLS MAY BE DEFEC TI VE Replace the char ge rolls. T HE RE IS TONER IN THE PAPER PATH Co nta ct Cu st ome r Sup po rt . To ner r ubs o ff These are possib le solution s.
T HE RE IS TONER IN THE PAPER PATH Co nta ct Cu st ome r Sup po rt . Tra nspa renc y prin t qu ality is poor Try one or more of th e followin g: C HECK THE TRANSPARENCIES Use on ly tr anspar encie s that meet the print er spe cific ation s.
Appendix Del l Tech nica l Sup po rt Poli cy Tec hnic ian- as siste d techn ical sup p ort req uires th e coop eratio n and part icip at ion of the cu stom er in the trou bleshooti ng process and prov.
War ranty a nd Re turn Pol icy De ll Inc. (“Del l”) man ufac ture s it s hardw are pr oduct s from par ts and com ponen ts th at are new or equi vale nt to ne w in ac co rda nce wit h in dus tr y-s ta ndar d p ract ice s. Fo r inf ormat ion abo ut th e De ll wa rra nt y fo r y our p rint er, r e fer t o th e Produc t Informat ion Guide .
Index Numer ics 1565 Emu latio n er ror , load emul ation option 168 20 00-sh eet t ray lo adin g 5 7 25 0-she et tra y (s tanda rd or optio nal) lo adin g 5 4 281 pap er jam 151 282 pap er jam 151 30.y y In vali d r ef ill, ch ange cart ridg e 162 31.
envelo pes load ing 60, 63 tips on usin g 77 error messag es 58 too m any t rays atta ched 1 66 Ethe rnet ne two rki ng Maci nto s h 45 Wi ndow s 45 Eth ern et por t 3 6 exit bin s li nkin g 6 5 ex te.
trou blesho oting 173 menu set tings pag e prin ting 37 menus Acti ve NI C 9 8 AppleTal k 1 03 Bin Setup 96 Conf iden tial Pr int 111 Conf ig ure MP 8 9 Cust om Ty pes 9 5 Def aul t So urce 86 diagram.
st rea ked ve rtica l li nes 182 ton er fog or bac kgr ound shad in g 18 3 toner rubs off 184 tone r sp ecks 184 uneven print densit y 1 85 pri nt tr oubles hooti ng he ld j ob s do no t print 1 69 in.
fro m Ma ci nt os h 76 from W indows 76 inst al ling pr inter s oftw are 38 menu set tings page 37 network set up pag e 38 prin t qu ality t est pages 8 2 pri nti ng conf iden tial a nd oth er hel d j.
toner rubs off 184 tone r sp ecks 184 uneven print densit y 1 85 trou blesho oti ng, p rint er o pti ons 2,00 0-shee t dr awer 17 2 envelo pe feeder 173 flash memory c a rd 173 hard disk with ad apter.
An important point after buying a device Dell 5350DN (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Dell 5350DN yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Dell 5350DN - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Dell 5350DN you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Dell 5350DN will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Dell 5350DN, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Dell 5350DN.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Dell 5350DN. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Dell 5350DN along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center