Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 92C IPS Xerox
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Xero x Do cuPr int 92 C I PS T r oubleshooting Guide Version 7.1 August 2000 721P8916 0.
Xerox Corporation Printing Systems Docum entation and Edu cation 701 South Aviation Boulevard, ESM1-058 El Segu ndo, CA 90245 © 1997, 1998 , 199 9, 2000 by Xerox Corporation.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE iii La se r safety ! Warning: Adjustmen ts, use of c ontrols, or performan ce of procedures other t han those spec ified herei n may res ult in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox D ocuPrint printers are certified to comp ly with th e performance standards of the U.
iv XEROX DOCUP RINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Oper at io n safet y Your Xerox equipme nt and suppl ies have been d esigned and tes ted to meet strict safety req uirement s. They have been approved by safety a gencies, an d t hey comply wit h env ironmental stan dards.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE v T abl e of contents Laser safety iii Ozone informati on iii O pe rat i on s af ety i v Intr od u cti on vii About t his guide vii Contents vii Conventions viii Related publications ix 1.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE vii Intr oduc tion Thi s X erox DocuPr int 92C IPS T roubl eshoot ing Guide de scribes how to solve some specific problem s that may oc cur when you are using the print ing system.
INTRO DU C TION vi ii XEROX DOCUP RINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Con ventions This guide uses the following conventions: • All caps and angle brack ets — Within proced ures, the nam es of ke ys are shown in all caps within a ngle brack ets (f or ex ampl e, press <E NTE R>).
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ix Relate d public at ions This document is part of the Xerox DocuPrint IPS publication set.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1-1 1. 1 Calling f or service Before calling your custome r service suppo rt center, make sure you have read this chapt er and h av e tried the correct ive a ctions described here. If the problem persists, gather the necessary information a nd cal l the customer support center.
CALLING F OR SERVICE 1-2 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Enab ling and di sabl ing the mo dem fo r remot e servi ce Your syst e m m a y b e set u p to use Sixt h Sen se Techn o log y — a remote co mmunication capabil ity.
CALLING FOR SERVICE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1-3 En abli n g you r m o d em Enable your modem at the graphical user interface following these ste p s: 1. Select the Configuration pull-down menu of t he I PS main windo w . 2. Select t he Modem Enable/Disable menu item.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-1 2. 2 Clearing p aper misf eeds a nd jams Paper ja ms and m isfeeds can b e greatly redu ced or el iminated i f you use the correct t ype of paper under the right c o nditions. Refer to Helpful Facts About Paper for information on pap er selection and care.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-2 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Cl eari ng a fe eder tra y faul t When pap er is m isfed fr om the p aper t rays, complete t he following ste p s: 1. Go t o the pap er tra y i ndicated by the m essage a nd graphic display s of the printer control con sole.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-3 4. Press the green l e ver to unl atch the p aper feeder assem bl y . 5. Remov e and discard any par tially f ed paper . Make sure t he paper s upply is neatly stacked and the s tack is not h igher tha n the MAX l ine on the le ngth gui de.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-4 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Fr equent misf eed s Frequent misfeed s may be c a used by a gl a zed feed belt, especially if one tray feeds the same kind of paper better than another tray does.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-5 2. Lightly m oisten a lint-free tow e l with film remover and thorough ly wipe t he outside surf ace of the f eed belt in t h e same direction as the ribs on t he be lt.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-6 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Cle arin g paper j ams Paper som etimes jam s as it leaves the feeder t rays or mo ves throug h the pa per pa th. You mus t clear the pa per j am bef ore yo u can continue to print.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-7 Jam displays on prin ter control cons ole In the e vent of a jam, the printer c ontrol console d isplays the following info rma tio n : • The message displ ay desc ribes the areas of t h e printer you mu st ch eck a nd cle ar.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-8 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE In te ri o r la b el s Messag e labels are l ocated i nside the prin ter at t he p oint of need.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-9 Job r eco very When a jam occurs, the system controller and p rinter send damaged or lost pages t o the print que ue. For severe jams, the Printer Controller perf o rms the r e covery while t h e printer reinitiates a s ys tem sta tus check.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-1 0 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Clea ring pap er jams fr om are as 1 and 1A To clear paper jams from areas 1 and 1A: 1. Open the middl e door and l o cate area 1. 2. Remov e and discard any paper y ou find in the areas indicated.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-1 1 4. Open the high-ca pacity f eeder front door and locate area 1A. 5. Remov e and discard any paper y ou find in the area 1A. 6. Close the door and press Continue to resume printing.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-1 2 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Clea ring pap er jams fr om are as 2 and 2A To clear paper jams from areas 2 and 2A: 1. Open the middl e door and l o cate area 2. 2. Lift the three green handles one by one.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-1 3 4. Open the high-ca pacity f eeder front door and locate area 2A. 5. Lift the green handle. Remov e and discard any paper y ou find in this area. 6. Lower the handle, close th e door , and press the Continue bu tt on to r e su m e pr in t ing .
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-1 4 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Cl ear i ng pa per jam s fro m a r ea 3 Follow these steps to clear j ams in area 3. 1. Open the middl e door and l o cate area 3. 2. Push and hold the green handle to the right (in the direction of the arrow marked on i t).
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-1 5 Cl ear i ng pa per jam s fro m a r ea 4 Follow these steps to clear j ams from area 4. 1. Open the middle and left doors and locate area 4. Remember to clear the jam in area 5 f i rst, i f y ou are di rect ed to clear both areas.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-1 6 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 3. Raise the small green handle at the front of the fuser assembl y . 4. Remov e and discard any paper y ou find in this area. ! Warning: T ake care n ot to t ouch any pa rts i n this area.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-1 7 Cl ear i ng pa per jam s fro m a r ea 5 Follow these steps to clear j ams in area 5.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-1 8 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 3. Push and hold the green handle to the left ( i n the direction of the arrow marked on i t). Rem ov e and discard any p aper you find there. 4. Release the green handle.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-1 9 Clea ring pap er jams fr om are as 6 and 6A Follow these steps to clear j ams in areas 6 and 6 A. 1. Open the pr inter left-most top co ver . Remov e and discard any paper you find in t his area.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-2 0 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Cl ear i ng pa per jam s fro m a r ea 7 Area 7 of t he paper path is used only during two-sided (duplex) printing. 1. Open the middl e door and l o cate area 7.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-2 1 Cl ear i ng pa per jam s fro m a r ea 8 Note: If your prin ter has a stitche r/stacker, see t he “ Correcting stacker problems ” chap ter. 1. Open the top cover of the output modu le , as indicate d on the graphic display of the pr inter cont rol c onsole.
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-2 2 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Cl ear i ng pa per jam s fro m a r ea 9 Note: If your prin ter has a stitche r/stacker, see t he “ Correcting stacker problems ” chapter in this guide. 1. Open the r ight door and locate the green handle on the uppe r r ight sid e of area 9.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-2 3 Clearin g stitch er/stac ker pap er jams (areas A and B) Follow the se st eps to clear st itcher/stacker jams in a reas A and B. 1. Open the top cover of the stitcher/stack er and locate area A in the center .
CLEAR ING P APER MI SFEE DS AND JA MS 2-2 4 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Clea ring b ypass t ransp ort paper jam s To clear bypas s trans port pa per jams: 1. V erify that a s hee t is caug ht bet ween the bypass transpor t and the fini shing device.
CLEARING PAPER M ISFEEDS AND JAMS XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2-2 5 Ad justing du al stac ke r tra y scuffer arms Paper jams ca n occur when the paper doe s not stack sm oothly in the dual stacker trays. If some papers s tack well while others do not, the weights under the scuffer arms may need to be a djusted.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 3-1 3. 3 C orrecti ng stac ker pr ob lems Thi s chapter describes problems wi th the stitcher/stacker and the dual stacker, o ther than paper jams. It sug gests corrective actions when printed sets are not stitched.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 4-1 4. 4 Syst em unresponsi ve This chapt er describes prob lems in whi ch your monit or shows no image, the printer does not respond when you press the Continue button, or the I PS main window does not respond.
SYSTEM UNRESPONSIVE 4-2 X EROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Printer c onsole di splays the messag es Black housing is not ready and Color housing is not ready, and printing does not start. The syst em requires a PQA (print quality ad justment).
SYSTEM UNRESPONSIVE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 4-3 Restarting the IPS after a n erro r c ond ition To restart the IP S after y o u have cleared an error condition: 1. Drain the pr inter at the host. (F ollo w procedures f or your host syste m.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE INDEX-1 Inde x A area 3, clearing p aper jams, 2 -14 area 4, clearing p aper jams, 2 -15 – 2-16 area 5, clearing p aper jams, 2 -17 – 2-18 area 7, cle.
INDEX INDEX-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE area 9, 2-22 areas 1 an d 1A, 2 -10 – 2-11 areas 2 an d 2A, 2 -12 – 2-13 areas 6 an d 6A, 2 -19 bypass t ransport, 2-24 stacker tray, 2-.
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An important point after buying a device Xerox 92C IPS (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox 92C IPS yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox 92C IPS - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox 92C IPS you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox 92C IPS will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox 92C IPS, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox 92C IPS.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox 92C IPS. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox 92C IPS along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center