Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HM1525 The Helman Group
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Helm Instrument Company, Inc. 361 West Dussel Drive Maumee, Ohio 43537 USA 419/ 893-4356 Fax: 419/ 893-1371 1769 Weigh Scale Module Model HM1525 Instruction Manual FEBRUARY 2004.
Solid state equipment has operational c haracteristics differing fro m those of electromechanical equipm ent. “Safet y Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls” (Allen-Bradley Publication SGI-1.
Table of Contents Weigh Scale Load Module User Manual Table of Contents Strain Gage Module Preface ...................................................................... P-1 Who Should Use this Manual................................ P-1 Purpose of this Manual .
Table of Contents Weigh Scale Load Module User Manual Initial Setup Procedures Chapter 4 .................................................................. 4-1 Initial Setup Procedures ........................................ 4-1 Step 1. Balance Sensor Input .
Preface Preface Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of this manual. This preface covers the following topics: • who should use this manu al • the purpose of this manual • ter.
Preface Contents of this Manual Chapter Title Content Preface Describes the purpose, background, and scope of this manual. Also specifies the audience for whom this manual is intended and defin e s key terms and abbreviations used throughout this book.
Preface Related Documentation The following documents contain information that ma y be helpful to you as you use Allen-Bra dley SLC products. To obtain a copy of any of the Allen-Bradl ey docum ents listed, contact your lo cal Allen-Bradley office or distributor.
Preface Terms and Abbrevia- tions The following terms and abbreviation s are used throug hout this man ual. For definitions of terms not listed here refer to Allen-Bradley’ s Industrial Automation Glossary , Publication ICCG-7.
Preface Common Techniques Used in this Manual The following conventions are u sed throughout this manual: • Bulleted lists such as this one prov ide informatio n, not procedural steps. • Numbered lists provide sequential step s or hie rarchical information.
Chapter 1 Overview You have just purchased the most ad vanced load monitoring solution available. HELM INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. manufactures a complete line of load monitorin g control solutions for use on metal stamping, forging, compaction and asse mb ly presses; cold forming, cold heating, injection molding and die cast machi nes.
Chapter 1 Hardware Overview The Weigh Scale m odule can be attached to the controller or to an adjacent I/O module before or after din rail mounting. It is a Class 1 module (uses eight input words and eight output words). It interfaces to strain gage based transdu cers (350ohm or 700ohm).
Chapter 2 Getting Started This chapter can help you to get started using the Helm Weigh Scale module. The procedures i ncluded here assume that you have a basic understanding of PLC products.
Chapter 2 System Operation The Weigh Scale module communicates to the processor through the p arallel backplane interface and receives +5Vdc and +24V dc power from the power supply through the backplane. No exte rnal power su pply is required. The MicroLogix and CompactL ogix platforms can support up to 8 I/O modules.
Chapter 3 Channel Configuration Data and Status This chapter explains how the Weig h Scale module and the proces sor communicate through the module's input and output image. For CompactLogix / RSLogix ™ 5000 setup, plea se refer to Appen dix A With RS Logix500 software, ve rify the module ID code.
Chapter 3 Output Image (cont.) Zero Stabilize Bit (O:e/3) Enables module feature to display “0” when Weigh scale is empty. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable Least Significant Bit (LSD) Flicke r Bi t (O:e/4) LSD of weigh value. Does not change when load is applied or if load is constant.
Chapter 3 The 8-word module input image (input from the module to the CPU) represents data words and status words. I nput words (data words) hold t he input data that represents the values of the sensor inputs.
Chapter 3 Input Image (cont.) Channel 1 Weigh Value (I:e.1) Weigh value for Channel 1 Channel 2 Weigh Value (I:e.2) Weigh value for Channel 2. Channel 1 A/D Trim Value (I:e.3) Value stored in module for Channel 1. Value should match value on sticke r.
Chapter 3 Integer File Using RS Logix500 software, rese rve an in teger file for Weigh Module monitoring. For illustration purposes in this manual, we have reserved Integer file N10:0 - N10:16.
Chapter 4 Setup Procedure A complete listing of a sample ladder logic program is included at the back of this ma nual. Examples shown here are for reference.
Chapter 5 System Trouble- shooting Guide HT-400 Sensor Ohm Readings Green-Black 350 ohms Red-White 350 ohms All other color combinations 266 ohms All colors to Ground open Shield to Ground open Electrical Specifications: Type of input Strain Gage (350 ohm, 700 ohm) Input Impedance 10k Display Resolution Up to .
APPENDIX A – Module Properties RSLogix™5000.
WEIGH_MODULE - Ladder Diagram Page 1 WEIGH_1525:MainTask:MainProgram 2/27/2008 3:01:17 PM Total number of rungs in routine: 7 C:JobsHelmModule_LogicCOMPACTLOGIX_HM1525.ACD RSLogix 5000 MOVE SAMPLE SETPOINT FROM MMI SCREEN TO MODULE 0 Move Source HM1525_CONTROL[1] 1 Dest Local:1:O.
WEIGH_MODULE - Ladder Diagram Page 2 WEIGH_1525:MainTask:MainProgram 2/27/2008 3:01:17 PM Total number of rungs in routine: 7 C:JobsHelmModule_LogicCOMPACTLOGIX_HM1525.ACD RSLogix 5000 TOGGLE VIBRATION FILTER, ZERO STABILIZE, FLICKER OFF/ON CONTROL FROM MMI SCREEN TO MODULE 3 VIBRATION FILTER OFF/ON TOGGLE HM1525_CONTROL[0].
WEIGH_MODULE - Ladder Diagram Page 3 WEIGH_1525:MainTask:MainProgram 2/27/2008 3:01:17 PM Total number of rungs in routine: 7 C:JobsHelmModule_LogicCOMPACTLOGIX_HM1525.ACD RSLogix 5000 CHANNELS 1 AND 2 WEIGH VALUES FROM MODULE TO MMI SCREEN 6 Move Source Local:1:I.
An important point after buying a device The Helman Group HM1525 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought The Helman Group HM1525 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data The Helman Group HM1525 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, The Helman Group HM1525 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get The Helman Group HM1525 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of The Helman Group HM1525, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime The Helman Group HM1525.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with The Helman Group HM1525. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device The Helman Group HM1525 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center