Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 640-pin Generic Device Adapter Synopsys
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Using the ModelSource 640-pin Generic Device Adapter Release R3.6b November 2001 T o searc h the en tire manual set, press thi s toolbar butt on. For help, refer to int ro.
Copyright © 2001 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Synopsys and the Synopsys log o are registered trademarks of Synopsy s, Inc. For a list of Synopsys trademarks, refer to th is web page: http://www .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 3 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Content s Content s Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About This Application Note . .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 4 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Content s Chapter 5 Completing the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Mounting the Adapter onto the M odelSource Modeling Systems .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 5 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Preface Preface About This Application Note This application note describes th e features and use of the ModelSource 64 0-pin Generic Device Adapter (hereafter referred t o as the “Adapter” ) , which allows you to model a 640-pin device using Mo delSource modeling systems.
6 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Preface The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapte r T ypograp hical an d Symbol Con ve ntions ● Default UNIX prompt Represented by a percent sign ( % ).
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 7 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Preface Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) as in the follow ing syntax example: pin1 [ pin2 ... pinN ] In this example, you must enter at least one pin name ( pi n1 ), but others are optional ( [ pin2 .
8 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Preface The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapte r The Synop sy s Website General information about Synops ys and its products is available at th is URL: http://www Comment s? T o report errors or make suggestions, please send e-mail to: doc@synopsys.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 9 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 1: Descr ibing a 6 40-pin Logic Model 1 Describing a 640-pin Logic Model This chapter describes the necessary c omponents and provides a procedural s ummary for building a 640-pin Logic Mod el.
10 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 1: Describi ng a 640-pi n Logic Model The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r Sof tware Requireme nt s T o support the 640-pin Logic Model, you need the fo llowing software: ● User-created Shell Software files, described in the Shell Softwa re Reference Manual.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 1 1 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 2: Buildi ng the Daught erboard 2 Building the Daughterboard This chapter describes the specificati ons you must meet when building the Daughterboard. Daughterboard Description Figure 1 shows the p hysical specifications of the Daughterb oard from the component side.
12 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 2: Buildin g the Dau ghterboard The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapter Figure 1: 640-pin Adapter Daughterboard.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 13 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 2: Buildi ng the Daught erboard Connector Pin Det ail Connectors J1–J6 include the con nections (DUT1–DUT640) between the DUT and the Adapter through the Daughterboard and, in addition, supply voltage, gro und connections, and various auxiliary signals.
14 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 2: Buildin g the Dau ghterboard The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapter Figure 2: Connector Pi n Det ail, Shown from Comp onent Side Part s List The required parts are as follows: ● Eight T eradyne HDM signal module s, 488-5324- XXX .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 15 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 2: Buildi ng the Daught erboard ❍ Fourteen #4 lock washers ❍ Fourteen #4 flat washers ● One EEProm, Catalyst semicond uctor CA T93 C86. Note The above does not include the pack age type designation; that is up to t he model designer .
16 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 2: Buildin g the Dau ghterboard The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapter ● The DUT signal traces (DUT1 throu gh DUT640) are controlled impedance, and must be 93 ohms ± 10%. (All other signals are uncontro lled but will function correctly at 93 ohms.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 17 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 2: Buildi ng the Daught erboard ❍ J4-FP5–J4-FP8 (F ANP12V), i f used ❍ DUT signal used for DUT clock ● Y ou can connect to any of the avai lable power supplies listed in Ta b l e 1 .
18 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 2: Buildin g the Dau ghterboard The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapter.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 19 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 3: Connecting t he Daught erboard 3 Connecting the Daughterboard This section describes the Adapter a nd gives instructions for interconnect ing it and the Daughterboard. Adapter Description Figure 4 shows a drawing of the Adapter .
20 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 3: Connecti ng the Daught erboard The ModelSource 640-pin Adapte r Figure 4: The 640-pi n Generic Device Adapter Ejector T est Point s Te s t Point s Mates wi.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 21 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 3: Connecting t he Daught erboard Procedures Caution Do not connect or disconnect the D aughterboard to or from the Adapter while the Adapter is mounted on the ModelSource modeling systems .
22 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 3: Connecti ng the Daught erboard The ModelSource 640-pin Adapte r.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 23 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 4: Developing the Shel l Sof tware 4 Developing the Shell Sof tware The Shell Software file requirement s for a 640-pin Logic model are simil ar to those for standard Logic Models, and are sum marized here.
24 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 4: Developing the Shel l Sof tware The ModelSource 6 40-pin Adapte r Figure 5 shows part o f the template GEN640.PKG file prov ided by Synopsys. {********************************** ****************************** ***} {* Copyright (c) 2001by Synopsys, I ncorporated *} {*All rights reserved.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 25 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 5: Completing the Model 5 Completing the Model This chapter describes the tasks need ed to complete the model: mountin g the Adapter onto the Modeling Systems, labe ling the Daughterboard, and verifying the model.
26 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 5: Completing the Model The ModelSour ce 640-pin Adapter Labeling the Daughterboard After you have completed the Shell Software and mounted the Adapter an d Daughterboard onto the ModelSou rce modeling systems, you must ve rify the Daughterboard’ s label and update it if necessary .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 27 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Chapter 5: Completing the Model Unmounting the Adapter from the ModelSource Modeling Sys tems T o remove the Adapter from th e ModelSource modeling systems, follow these steps: 1. Ensure that the Adapter is not curren tly in use (that is, the In Use LEDs are not illuminated).
28 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Chapter 5: Completing the Model The ModelSour ce 640-pin Adapter.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 29 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s A J1–J6 Connector Pinout s The pinouts for connectors J1 through J6 of the 640-pin Adapter and the Daughterboard are listed in Ta b l e 2 . Do not use pins that are labeled RESER V ED.
30 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J1 A16 NC J1 A17 SAMPLE J1 A18 NC J1 A19 PLA Y J1 A20 NC J1 A21 DUT198 J1 A22 DUT197 J1 A23.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 31 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J1 A41 DUT220 J1 A42 DUT219 J1 A43 DUT218 J1 A44 DUT217 J1 A45 DUT237 J1 A46 DUT215 J1 A47 DU.
32 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J1 C18 NC J1 C19 NC J1 C20 NC J1 C21 DUT199 J1 C22 DUT200 J1 C23 DUT201 J1 C24 DUT195 J1 C2.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 33 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J1 C43 DUT235 J1 C44 DUT236 J1 C45 DUT216 J1 C46 DUT238 J1 C47 DUT239 J1 C48 DUT240 J1 D1 DUT.
34 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J1 D20 DUT38 J1 D21 DUT37 J1 D22 DUT36 J1 D23 DUT42 J1 D24 DUT34 J1 D25 DUT33 J1 D26 DUT32 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 35 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J1 D45 DUT55 J1 D46 DUT54 J1 D47 DUT53 J1 D48 NC J1 F1 DUT12 J1 F2 DUT14 J1 F3 DUT15 J1 F4 DU.
36 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J1 F22 DUT41 J1 F23 DUT35 J1 F24 DUT43 J1 F25 DUT44 J1 F26 DUT45 J1 F27 DUT46 J1 F28 DUT47 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 37 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J1 F47 DUT80 J1 F48 SEA T1 J2 A1 SEA T2 J2 A2 DUT160 J2 A3 DUT159 J2 A4 DUT158 J2 A5 DUT136 J.
38 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J2 A23 NC J2 A24 NC J2 C1 NC J2 C2 DUT133 J2 C3 DUT134 J2 C4 DUT135 J2 C5 DUT157 J2 C6 DUT1.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 39 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J2 C24 NC J2 D1 NC J2 D2 DUT91 J2 D3 DUT93 J2 D4 DUT90 J2 D5 DUT89 J2 D6 DUT88 J2 D7 DUT87 J2.
40 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J2 F1 NC J2 F2 DUT92 J2 F3 DUT94 J2 F4 DUT95 J2 F5 DUT96 J2 F6 DUT97 J2 F7 DUT98 J2 F8 DUT9.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 41 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J2 AP 2 ADJ VCC1 J2 AP 3 ADJ VCC1 J2 AP 4 ADJ VCC1 J2 AP5 P5V J2 AP6 P5V J2 AP7 P5V J2 AP8 P5.
42 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J3 A2 DUT640 J3 A3 DUT639 J3 A4 DUT638 J3 A5 DUT616 J3 A6 DUT636 J3 A7 DUT635 J3 A8 DUT634 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 43 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J3 A27 DUT601 J3 A28 DUT600 J3 A29 DUT599 J3 A30 NC J3 A31 RESER VED (AD13) J3 A32 RESER VED .
44 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J3 C4 DUT615 J3 C5 DUT637 J3 C6 DUT617 J3 C7 DUT618 J3 C8 DUT619 J3 C9 DUT620 J3 C10 DUT621.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 45 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J3 C29 DUT598 J3 C30 NC J3 C31 RESER VED (AD11 ) J3 C32 RESER VED (AD12) J3 C33 RESER VED (AD.
46 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J3 D6 DUT475 J3 D7 DUT474 J3 D8 DUT473 J3 D9 DUT472 J3 D10 DUT471 J3 D1 1 DUT470 J3 D12 DUT.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 47 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J3 D31 RESER VED (AD9) J3 D32 RESER VED (AD3) J3 D33 RESER VED (AD4) J3 D34 RESER VED (-RD) J.
48 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J3 F8 DUT460 J3 F9 DUT461 J3 F10 DUT462 J3 F1 1 DUT463 J3 F12 DUT464 J3 F13 DUT465 J3 F14 D.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 49 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J3 F33 RESER VED (AD15) J3 F34 RESER VED (-AS) J3 F35 NC J3 F36 DUT401 J3 F37 DUT402 J3 F38 D.
50 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J4 A9 DUT553 J4 A10 DUT552 J4 A1 1 DUT551 J4 A12 DUT550 J4 A13 DUT549 J4 A14 DUT548 J4 A15 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 51 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J4 C10 DUT541 J4 C1 1 DU T542 J4 C12 DUT543 J4 C13 DUT544 J4 C14 DUT545 J4 C15 DUT546 J4 C16 .
52 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J4 D1 1 DUT483 J4 D12 DUT482 J4 D13 DUT481 J4 D14 DUT518 J4 D15 DUT517 J4 D16 DUT516 J4 D17.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 53 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J4 F12 DUT503 J4 F13 DUT504 J4 F14 DUT519 J4 F15 DUT520 J4 F16 DUT521 J4 F17 DUT515 J4 F18 DU.
54 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J4 DP5 GND J4 DP6 GND J4 DP7 GND J4 DP8 GND J4 FP1 M5V J4 FP2 M5V J4 FP3 M5V J4 FP4 M5V J4 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 55 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J5 A13 DUT389 J5 A14 DUT388 J5 A15 DUT387 J5 A16 DUT372 J5 A17 DUT371 J5 A18 DUT370 J5 A19 DU.
56 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J5 C14 DUT385 J5 C15 DUT386 J5 C16 DUT345 J5 C17 DUT346 J5 C18 DUT347 J5 C19 DUT348 J5 C20 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 57 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J5 D15 DUT357 J5 D16 DUT356 J5 D17 DUT362 J5 D18 DUT354 J5 D19 DUT353 J5 D20 DUT352 J5 D21 DU.
58 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J5 F16 DUT361 J5 F17 DUT355 J5 F18 DUT363 J5 F19 DUT364 J5 F20 DUT365 J5 F21 DUT366 J5 F22 .
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 59 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J5 FP1 RESER VED J5 FP2 RESER VED J5 FP3 RESER VED J5 FP4 RESER VED J5 FP5 RESER VED J5 FP6 R.
60 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J6 A17 DUT291 J6 A18 DUT290 J6 A19 DUT289 J6 A20 DUT288 J6 A21 DUT287 J6 A22 NC J6 A23 NC J.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 61 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J6 C18 DUT267 J6 C19 DUT268 J6 C20 DUT269 J6 C21 DUT270 J6 C22 NC J6 C23 NC J6 C24 NC J6 D1 N.
62 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J6 D19 DUT273 J6 D20 DUT272 J6 D21 DUT271 J6 D22 NC J6 D23 NC J6 D24 NC J6 F1 NC J6 F2 DUT2.
November 2001 Synopsys , Inc. 63 The ModelSourc e 640-pin Ada pter Appendix A: J1–J6 Connect or Pinout s J6 F20 DUT285 J6 F21 DUT286 J6 F22 NC J6 F23 NC J6 F24 SEA T6 J6 AP1 RESER VED J6 AP2 RESER V.
64 Synop sys , Inc. November 2001 Appendix A: J1– J6 Connecto r Pinout s The ModelSource 640-pi n Adapte r J6 FP5 RESER VED J6 FP6 RESER VED J6 FP7 RESER VED J6 FP8 RESER VED T able 2: Pinouts for C.
An important point after buying a device Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Synopsys 640-pin Generic Device Adapter along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center