Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick AVM
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I n s t a l l a t i o n , C o n fi g u r a t i o n a n d O p e r a t i o n F R I T Z ! W L A N U S B S t i c k.
2 Lega l Not ice FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick v1. 1 This doc umentati on and the software i t describe s are prot ected by copyri ght. A VM gra nts the non-ex clus iv e right t o use th e softw are, whi ch is suppli ed ex clus iv ely in wha t is k nown as ob- ject co de format .
3 T able of C ontents 1 FRITZ!WL AN USB Stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1 Pack ag e C onten ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Opera tion Re quir ements . . .
4 9 Customer Service Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 9.1 Product Doc umen tation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 9.2 Inform ation in the Int ernet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Safety Ins tru ctions When work ing with the FR ITZ!WLAN US B Stick, fol low th e instructions below to protect yourself and the FRITZ!WL AN USB Sti ck fr om dama ge. • Do not in stal l FRITZ !WLAN USB S tick du ring an electrical storm. • Unplug the FRITZ! WLAN USB Stick from the c ompute r dur ing an elect ri ca l st orm.
6 Symb ol s a nd Hi ghl i gh ti ng The fo llo wing highl ighting an d ic ons are used t o des ignate impor tant informati on: Thi s sym bol indi ca tes imp ortant ins tru ctions th at mu st be obser ved to avoi d malfunc tions. This symbol indic ates useful hints to as sist y ou in working wi th the FRI TZ!WLAN USB S tick.
FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick 7 1 FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick An Overview FRITZ!WLA N USB Stick is a WLAN adapter for the Universal Serial Bu s (USB). Wit h the FRITZ! WLAN USB St ick, yo u c an c onne ct y ou r co mput er di re ctly with a WLAN acce ss point, for example, with an AV M FRITZ!Box WLAN.
8 LEDs • pen tium- class co mpu ter or note book (500 MHz CPU or better) • at least 64 MB RAM and 5 MB free memory on the har d dr ive • one C D dri ve Y ou ca n inst all FR ITZ!WLA N USB Stic k if you r c omput er meets all o f these requirem ents.
T echnical Specifications 9 Operating syst ems supp or ted: Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit e dition) / Windows Vista (32-bit or 64 -bit edi- tion ) / Win dows XP ( 32-bit or 64- bit editi on) Dimensions (WxDxH): approx.
10 2 A VM St ick & Surf T ec hnology C o nnecti ng Se cu re ly wi th a FR ITZ !Bo x WLAN With the AVM Stick & Surf t echnolo gy th e FRITZ !WLAN USB St ick can tak e ov er the WLA N securit y settin gs from F RITZ!Bo x WLAN p roducts.
11 deleted from the Stick. The AV M Stick & Surf logo appears and a WLAN connection to your FRITZ!Bo x is estab lished automatically..
12 Installation 3 I nstallat io n Ins ta ll ing the FRIT Z!W LAN USB Stic k The FRIT Z!WLAN USB Sti ck can be instal led in the operatin g sys tems Windows 7 (32-bit o r 64-bit edi tion), Wind ows Vista (32-bit o r 64-bit editio n) and W ind ows XP (3 2-bit or 64- bit edit ion) .
Installation in Windows 7 / Windows Vista 64-bit Edition 13 5. Then click “Y es” (Windo ws 7) or “C ontinue” (Windows Vista) in the “User Acc ount C o ntrol” dia- log. The dr iv er s and the c ont r ol soft w are f or th e FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick are instal led automatic ally .
14 Installation in Windows XP 32- bit Edition 7. Then click “Y es” (Windo ws 7) or “C ontinue” (Windows Vista) in the “User Acc ount C o ntrol” dia- log. 8. Ins ert th e FRIT Z!WLAN USB Stic k CD whe n Windows prompts you to do so. The dr iver software is installed automatically.
Installation in Windows XP 64- bit Edition 15 Thi s compl etes the d rive r instal lati on for the FRITZ !WLAN USB Stic k. Continue rea ding fro m secti on “Information o n WLAN Connections ” on page 16.
16 Information on WLAN C onnections Inform ation on WLAN Co nnections If yo u perf or med installation using Stick &Surf , no furthe r steps are necess ary to establish a WL AN connection. Y our FRITZ!B ox WLAN will be i dentified automati c ally as W LAN acc ess point.
The FRITZ!WLAN Co ntrol S oftware 17 4 The FRITZ!WLAN C ontro l Software Establis hing and Clearing WLAN C onn ections With the FR ITZ!WL AN USB Stick you can esta blish wirel ess net work con- nections (WLANs) with various WLAN devices. The FRI TZ!WLAN control software i s available to manage all these W LAN connection s.
18 Operating FR ITZ!WLAN The le ft side shows your own WL AN device, the F R I T Z ! W L A NU S B S t i c k , c o m p l e t e w i t h n a m e a n d I P a d - dress. The midd le sectio n displays the icon of the WL AN connec- tion as a box with li nks to the de vices on the l eft a nd on the righ t.
Estab lishing a WLAN C onnection 19 Co nn e c ti o n S ta tu s The col ors of th e c onnecti on ico ns in th e FRIT Z!WLAN u ser interface and the FRITZ!WLAN program ic on in the notifica- tion are a of the t as k bar sh ow the cu rrent c onditi on of the conne cti on: 4.
20 Estab lishing a C onnection w ith a WLAN Acc ess Point (Infrast ructu re Network) exch ange data w ith each other quickly and directly . The ad-hoc network participants have t o shar e the existing bandwi dth. In the device lists in the FRITZ!W LAN control software, this type of conne ction is desig nated by the ad-hoc connecti on icon.
Connecting T wo WLAN Users Directly (Ad-hoc Network) 21 C onnecting T wo WLAN Users Di rectly (Ad-hoc Network) T o establish a di rect conne ction via WL AN, on e WLAN par- ty has to offer an ad-hoc network that other ad -hoc parties may join. How to Create an Ad-hoc Network 1.
22 Conn ecting to the Internet How to Jo in an Ad-h oc Net work 1. Open the FR ITZ!WLAN control so ftware on all o f the comput ers to be connecte d to th e ad- hoc ne twork by doub le-cl ick ing the FRI TZ!WLAN ic on in th e notific ation are a of the t ask b ar.
Conn ecting to the Internet 23 acc ess softw are on the other c onnected co mputers. With this configuration , the WLAN access point can be used as a router for multiple-workpl ace operation. Inst ructions on how to confi gure the WLAN acc ess point for m ultiple-work- place operation are presen ted in the W LAN acces s point manual.
24 Microsoft WLAN Ser vice 5 Microsoft WLAN Ser vic e Establis hing and Clearing WLAN C onn ections I n W i n d o w s7 , W i n d o w sV i s t a a n d W i n d o w sX P w i t h S e r v i c e P a c k2 o .
Estab lishing a WLAN C onnection (Windows 7) 25 – Selec t the command “Install A VM WLAN Sof t- ware” in the context menu and follow the instruc- tions on the screen. Esta blishing a WLAN C onnec tion (Windows 7) T o estab lis h a WLAN c onnect ion in W indow s 7 usin g Mi- cro soft WLAN S ervice , work throu gh the fol low ing st eps: 1.
26 Estab lishing a WLAN C onnection (Windows Vi sta) Should di fficulties arise in establishing a WLAN connec- tion, see the sections “WLA N C onnection Is Not Est ab- lished” from page 39 and “Errors D uring Installation” from page 36.
Estab lishing a WLAN C onnection (Windows Vi sta) 27 2. Select the de sire d WLAN ac ces s point an d click the “C onnect” button. The window for entering the netw ork security key opens: Enteri ng the networ k k ey 3.
28 Estab lishing a W LAN C onnection (Wind ows XP from Service P ack 2) Esta blishing a WLAN C onnection (Windows XP fr om Service P ack 2) T o establish a WLAN connect ion using Microsof t WLAN Ser vice (“Wi reless Zero C onf igurat ion Ser vice” ) in Windows XP from Ser vice Pack 2, work through t he follow- ing steps: 1.
Estab lishing a W LAN C onnection (Wind ows XP from Service P ack 2) 29 Should di fficulties arise in establishing a WLAN connec- tion, see the sections “WLA N C onnection Is Not Est ab- lished” from page 39 and “Errors D uring Installation” from page 36.
30 More about WLAN 6M o r e a b o u t W L A N AV M a n d W L A N WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) is a radio technol ogy that allows net works an d access to the Intern et to b e provid ed with out cable con- nectio ns. This allows mul tiple users to share one wireless Inte rnet con- nect ion .
Security 31 IEEE 802.1 1i The WP A2 security mechanism is defined in the IEEE 802.11i s t andar d. WP A2 i s an e xte nsio n of the f ami l- iar security mech anism WP A (Wi-Fi Prot ected Acce ss). The main feature of the ex tension of W P A to WPA2 is the AES-C CM encryption process.
32 Encryption Encr yption The most impor t ant security se tting is the e ncrypti on. The FRIT Z!WLAN USB S tick suppor ts th e security mechan isms WEP (Wire d Equivalent Privac y), WP A (Wi-Fi Prot .
Frequency Range 33 6.3 Frequency Range WLAN uses the frequenc y range around 2.4 GHz in the ISM band or, alternatively , the frequency range at 5 GHz. The FRIT Z!WLAN USB Stick can use th e 2.
34 Frequency Range WLA N ch anne ls i n the 2.4-G Hz r an ge: Channel Frequ ency ( MHz) Chann el Frequ ency ( MHz) 1 2412 8 2447 2 2417 9 2452 3 2422 10 2457 4 2427 11 2462 5 2432 12 2467 6 2437 13 24.
Removing the F RITZ!WL AN USB Stick 35 7 Remo vi ng the FRIT Z!WLAN USB Stick Rem oving So ftwa re a nd P rog ram E ntrie s The instructions for removi ng the FR ITZ!WLAN USB Stick are v alid for all operating systems. The FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick driver software and the FRITZ! WLAN c ont ro l softw ar e are r emo ved at the s ame time.
36 8 T roubleshootin g This ch apte r pr ovid es a ss is t anc e if y ou ar e h avi ng pr obl ems w ith th e WLAN connecti on, or if you want to change the I P settings on your comp ute r. 8.1 Errors Du ring Inst al lation If an error message is ret urned during install ation of the FRITZ !WLAN U SB Stick , this can have vari ous causes.
37 Ch ec k in g t he U SB P o r t The compute r does no t detect the FRIT Z!WLAN USB Sti ck. Unin stalling the WLAN Ada pter So ftware The AVM FRITZ!WLAN s oftware is installed , but every ti me Windows 7/Vista/XP is restar ted, the M icrosof t WLAN control is applied , no matter wh ich settin gs were co nf ig ur ed be f or e.
38 Inst alli ng the Lat est Servic e Pa cks The FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick is detected automa tically in the W indow s XP operatin g sys tem . Howev er , the dev ic e is not fully functional . Possib le Cause The necess ary se rvice packs ha ve not been installed.
39 8.2 WLAN C onnection Is Not Es tab lished Make sure that the se tting s in the WLAN ac c ess point and in th e FRITZ!WL AN control soft ware agree with t he entries in th e following table.
40 C hecki ng the Data of the WL AN C onnection C ould not reg ister at the WLA N remote site. Setting the 2.4-GHz Frequency B and in the WLAN Acc ess Point C ould not reg ister at the WLA N remote site.
41 C hanging the Posi tion of the WLAN Devices No WLAN remo te sites are found. Installing the Patch for WPA2 with Micro soft WL AN Service The co nne ction to an access po int can not b e esta blished using the Microsoft WLAN Ser vice (WZ C) in Wind ows X P with Se rvice Pack 2.
42 8.3 Errors Du ring Dat a Ex chang e with Othe r Devic es in the Net work Checkin g t he WL AN A ccess Point The FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick and the WLAN acc es s point ca nn ot e xcha n ge a n y d at a wi t h e ac h oth e r.
43 Checking the Netw ork Data Y ou comput er reco gnizes the net work and the ro uter , but c annot a cc es s the Int ernet or t he ne twork (lim ite d connectivity).
44 Switc hing the WLA N Chann el An undefined malfunction occurs. Performing a Ping T est A ping to any web URL appears to be fa ster without the power s ave feat ure (Ec o mode). Possib le Cause Radi o traffi c is subje cted to i nter ference by strong irrad i- atio n.
45 8.4 Chec king the IP Setting s A WLAN acc ess point, f or instanc e, a FRITZ!Bo x WLAN, has its own DHCP server, which assigns IP addresses to the co nnec ted c ompu ter s. F or thi s the c ompu ter s mus t be configured to obtain a n IP address automatically from the DHCP server of the access point.
46 Prope rties of th e Interne t protocol (TCP/ IP) 7. Confirm your settings by clicking “OK”. If necess ary , repeat steps 5 through 7 for the “Int erne t Pro toc ol V ers ion 6 (T CP/ IPv6)” a s w ell. The computer now receives an IP address from th e WLAN acc ess point.
47 Obtaining a n IP Address Automat ically in Windows Vista 1. Click the “Sta rt” button in th e task bar and se lect “C ontr ol Pa nel / Netw ork and Internet / V iew Ne twork Status and T asks”. 2. From the “T asks”, select “Manage netw ork conne cti ons” .
48 6. Confirm your settings by clicking “OK”. If necess ary , repeat steps 4 through 6 for the “Int erne t Pro toc ol V ers ion 6 (T CP/ IPv6)” a s w ell.
49 Prope rties of th e Interne t protocol (TCP/ IP) 5. Confirm your settings by clicking “OK”. The computer now receives an IP address from th e WLAN acc ess point. For WLAN prod ucts of the A VM FRITZ!Box family , automatic IP address assignment (DHCP) is enabled in the factor y settings.
50 Cust omer Service Guide 9 Customer Service Guide Help on All Impor tant Service T opics A VM provides numerou s sources of inform ation to assi st you should any questio ns or problems arise. He re you will find the im portant infor- mation you nee d, in the fo rm of man uals, up dates and s up port.
Information in the Internet 51 9.2 Information in th e Internet On its web site AV M presents comprehensive information on all A VM products a s wel l as new pr oduct anno unc e- ments and new produc t versions. Frequently Ask ed Questions (FA Qs) W e would like to make ou r product s as e asy to use as pos- si bl e.
52 Suppor t by E-mail Supp or t by E- mail Y ou can send us an e-mail request at any time using the Ser vice ar ea of our web site. T he Ser vice area c an be reached at: en/ser vice/suppor t Cl ick in th e su pport area on the “Mail Form” li nk after y our pro duct.
53 Index A access point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 establishing connections . . . . . . 20 ad-hoc connec tion icon . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ad-hoc n etwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 , 21 creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
54 M Microsoft WLAN Service . . . . . . . . . . 24 Microsoft WLAN ser vice Microsoft WLAN icon . . . 25 , 26 , 28 WLAN key . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 , 27 , 28 N network error during data ex change . . . . . 42 networks available . . . . . . . . . . .
Declarat ion of CE Confo rmity 55 Declar ation of CE C onformity herew ith decl ares th at the produc t compl ies with the fol lowing dir ecti ves: The follo wing norms were consult ed to assess co nformity: EN 55024/9.98 + A1/10.01 + A2/01.03 EN 301 489-1 V 1.
An important point after buying a device AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center