Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product A-Series Quantum Audio
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81-81487-04 A01 A-Series T ape Drives A-Series T ape Drives 5SER S'UIDE5SER S'UIDE5SER S'UIDE5SER S'UIDE .
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide, 81-81487-04 A01 , July 2008. Quantum Corporation provides this publication “as is ” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to t he implied warran ties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide iii Content s Preface xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Overview ..................... .............. ............ .............. .............. ........... .............. ......... 1 Product Features ............
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide iv Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive 12 Front Panel LEDs and Tape Eject ...... .............. .............. ........... .............. ....... 13 SDLT 600A ........... ........... ............... ............
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide v Air Flow Requirements .................. ............... ........... .............. .............. .... 41 Temperature and Humidity ......................... .............. ........... .............. .... 41 Storage and Shipment .
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide vi Appendix C Regulatory Compliance 71 SDLT 600A ............. .............. ........... .............. ........... .............. ............... ........... . 72 Safety Certifications.....................
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide vii Figures Figure 1 SDLT 600A Tabletop Drive ................. .............. .............. ............ 2 Figure 2 Certificate of Security ....................... .............. ............... ..........
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide viii Figure 18 Problems to Look for Ins ide the Data Cartridge Door.......... 59 Figure 19 Write-Protect Switch on Su per DLTtape II Data Cartridge . 60 Figure 20 Ultrium Tape Cartridge Writ e-Protect Switch .
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide ix T ables Table 1 Storage Capacity and Transfer Rates ....................... .............. ... 3 Table 2 SDLT 600A LED Codes ......... ........... .............. ............ ........... .... 1 4 Table 3 LTO-3A LED Codes .
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide x Table 18 Super DLTtape II Media Storage Limits ...... ............... ............ 45 Table 19 LTO-3A Physical Specifications .................. .............. .............. . 46 Table 20 Drive Performance Specificati ons .
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide xi Preface This document serves as an easy-to-use information source to familiarize Quantum customers and systems profes sionals with the A-Series tape drives. Audienc e The primary audience for thi s document consists of end users installi ng and using the tape drive.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drive s User’s Guide xii Document Organizati on This document is or ganized as follows: • Chapter 1, Introduction , provides an overview of the tape drive and product features.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drive s User’s Guide xiii This document uses the following: • Right side of the tape drive — Refers to the right side as you face the component being described. • Left side of the tape drive — Refers to the left side as you face the component being described.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drive s User’s Guide xiv Quantum Home Page 0 Visit the Quantum home page at: www Getting More In formation or Help StorageCare™, Quantum’s comprehensive servic.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drive s User’s Guide xv Sof tware License The A-Series Tape Drives use edtFTPj 1.4.5 Java API w hich is under the GNU Lesser General Public License (L GPL) and hence can be freely used in commercial or non-commercial products.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide xvi.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 1 Chapter 1 1 Introduction The Quantum A-Series Tape Drives: • SDLT 600A •L T O - 3 A This chapter describes the featur es of the tape drives and covers the following topics: • Overview describes a bas ic overview of th e A-Series tape drives.
Chapter 1 Introduction Overview Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 2 The A-Series tape drives are availabl e in two configurations, tabletop (as shown in figure 1 ) and rackmount.
Chapter 1 Introduction Product Features Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 3 Product Features The A-Series tape drives offer the following product features: T able 1 S torage Capacity and T r.
Chapter 1 Introduction Product Features Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 4 • For more information on the SDLT tape products and other product information, go to www.dlttape. com . This Web page provides informati on that is constantly updated as needed.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 5 Chapter 2 2 Getting S t arted This chapter provides pointers to information you need to install and configure your A-Series tape drive an d also to access and use the A-Series FTP file server.
Chapter 2 Getting Started Java™ Plug-in Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 6 Java™ Plug-in The A-Series tape drive utilizes a Web-based interface allowi ng you to manage the tape drive from a remo te workstation on the same network.
Chapter 2 Getting Started Resetting System Defaults Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 7 Figure 2 Certificate of Security Resetting System Defaults As there is no access to the A-Series tape drive other than the Ethernet port, a mechanism has been implemented to reset the settings to their default values.
Chapter 2 Getting Started Resetting System Defaults Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 8 SDL T 600A Drive Reset 2 To reset an SDLT 600A tape drive back to default values: 1 Disconnect the network cable from the drive. 2 Switch off your tape dr ive.
Chapter 2 Getting Started Warranty Note Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 9 W arranty Note See the warranty before installing your tape drive.
Chapter 2 Getting Started Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 10 3 The Pivoting Optical Servo (POS) u s es a Class I la ser product. This laser product complies with 29 CFR 1200 and 29 CFR 1910 as applicable on the date of manufacture.
Chapter 2 Getting Started Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 11 • Do not expose the tape drive to moisture.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 12 Chapter 3 3 Using Y our T ape Drive This chapter provides informati on about the LEDs and buttons on the front panels of the A-Serie s tape drives, A-Series data cartridges, formatting tape media cartridges, up dating the firmware, cleaning the A-Series tape mechanis m, and troubleshooting.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Front Panel LEDs and Tape Eject Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 13 Front Panel LEDs and T ape Eject All LEDs are on the front pane l of the A- Series tape drives along with the manual tape cartridge eject button.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Front Panel LEDs and Tape Eject Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 14 T able 2 SDL T 600A LED Codes LED/Button/ Port Title Color/ Symbol Action Explanation All.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Front Panel LEDs and Tape Eject Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 15 Cleaning Required LED Yellow On Cleaning is required. See Cleaning the Tape Mechanism for cle aning information. Off Cleaning is not required.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Front Panel LEDs and Tape Eject Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 16 LT O - 3 A 3 As shown in figu re 4 , the LTO-3A tape drive front panel display has four LED indicators that reflect the operating cond ition of the drive: The green POWER LED is on whenever power is applied to the drive.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Front Panel LEDs and Tape Eject Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 17 T able 3 L TO-3A LED Codes Drive Condition Activity LED (Green) Error LED (Orange) St atu.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive A-Series Data Cartridges Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 18 A-Series Dat a Cartridges By following general handling proc edures, conducting careful visual i.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive A-Series Data Cartridges Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 19 Figure 6 Write-protect Switch on Super DL Ttape II Data Cartridge • Slide the write-protect sw.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive A-Series Data Cartridges Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 20 Write Protecting an Ultrium Dat a Cartridge 3 Ultrium tape cartridges have a slidin g write-protect switch at the right- rear corner as shown in figure 7 .
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive A-Series Data Cartridges Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 21 Figure 8 Loading a Super DL Ttape II Data Cartridge Unloading a Dat a Cartridge 3 Follow these steps to unload a data cartridge: 1 Press the Eject button (or issue an appropriate system software command).
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive A-Series Data Cartridges Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 22 Dat a C artridge Care and Maintenance 3 Observe the following precautions to protect your data: Always: • Remove the c artridge from the drive when not in use and store it in its protective case.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Power On Self-Test (POST) Troubleshooti ng Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 23 Power On Self-T est (POST) T roubleshooting This section provides troubleshooting information that might be helpful should the system fai l its power on self- test (POST).
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Power On Self-Test (POST) Troubleshooti ng Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 24 Figure 9 SDL T 600A T ape Drive Front Panel LEDs 4 When POST is complete, th e middle LE D st ops flashing and remains illuminated; the left LED turns off, and rig ht LED remains off.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Power On Self-Test (POST) Troubleshooti ng Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 25 POST T roubleshooting Tips 3 Table 5 provides troubleshooting tips that you will find use ful in the event that your tape drive fails its POST.
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive Power On Self-Test (POST) Troubleshooti ng Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 26 Over T emperature Condition 3 The tape drive has a ther mal sensor located in the tape path.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 27 Appendix A A S pecifications This appendix describes the technology behind the drives as well as the various specifi cations that apply to the A- Series tape drives.
A-Series SDLT 600A Tape Drive Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 28 A-Series SDL T 600A T ape Drive The SDLT 600A tape drive incorpor ates various new state-of-the-art technologies that contribute to the SD LT architecture. Some of these ideas are trademarked, others are pate nted.
Modular Design Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 29 Advanced Partial Response Maximu m Likelihood 1 Improving on Partial Response Maxi mum Likelihood (PRML) technology traditionally used in .
Modular Design Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 30 As shown in figure 10 , the SDLT 600A tape drive consists of five disti nct modules: • Data Control Module (DCM) • Tape Control Module (TCM) • Front Panel Module (FPM) • Electronic Interface Module (EIM) • Super DLTtape II Data Ca rtridge (Data Cartr idge).
Modular Design Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 31 Dat a Control Module 1 The Data Control Module (DCM) cont ains seve ral of the functions and features of LGMR technology, which is at the heart of the SDLT technology. Of the five technolog ies that constitute the LGMR technology, two are in the DCM.
Modular Design Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 32 as a stand-alon e module, simplifying t he design, manufacturing , and troubleshooting processes. Base Plate 1 The SDLT 600A tape drive base plat e is an aluminum die casting with precisely machined surfaces.
Modular Design Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 33 • Delivering the overall cosmetic look of the system. The FPM is a single module with le nses for the system’s LEDs and a button to activate the drive eject switch. The SDLT 600A tape drive front panel contains no electronics.
Product Specificati ons Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 34 Product S pecifications The following subsections contain product specifications for the SDLT 600A tape drive.
Functional Specific ations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 35 Shock and V ibration Specifications 1 The following tables provide non-ope rating and operating shock and vibration specificat ions for the SDLT 600 tape drive.
Functional Specific ations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 36 T able 8 Non-Operating Shock S pecifications (Packaged, Drop) T able 9 Non-Operating Vibration S pecifications (Unpackaged) Ap.
Functional Specific ations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 37 T able 10 Non-Operat ing Vibration S pecifications (Packaged) T able 1 1 Operati ng Shock and Vibration S pecifications Vibra tion (Packaged) T ype Random Frequency Range Truck Profile* (0.
Functional Specific ations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 38 Current and Power Requirement s 1 The tape drive draws th e highest curr ent (and power) during the native write modes. S tandby is measured with the tape loaded and tensioned or untensioned, and Idle is measured with power on with no tape loaded.
Functional Specific ations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 39 Max for SDLT 600A tape drive Modes 9 N/A 3.8 N/A N/A 2.1 N/A N/A 3.8 N/A N/A 1. The Max-Peak value represents shor t current spikes drawn for duration s of < 50ms. On the 12V supply, the peaks correspond to th e puls e-width-modulated switching of the motors.
Functional Specific ations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 40 T able 13 Po wer Requirements — SCSI Interface Mode DC Power MaxPk 1 Ty p 2 AC Power (W) Max 3 Ty p 4 Standby/Idle 21 21 51 .
Environmental Specifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 41 SDL T 600A T ape Drive Recording Method 1 The SDLT 600A tape drive uses the Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML) 32/33 encoding method for reading/writing SDLT 600A tape drive format.
Environmental Specifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 42 T able 14 T emperatur e and Humidity S pecification Storage and Shipment 1 The ambient storage and shipment environment for the tape drive may not exceed the limits shown in table 15 .
Recording Media Spec ifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 43 Altitude 1 Both the internal and tabletop tape drives operate in normal pressures from –500 to 10,000 feet when oper ated within the ambient operating environments specified in Temperature and Humidity on page 41.
Recording Media Spec ifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 44 Figure 1 1 Multiple Layers Comprise Super DL Ttape II Media Physical Data Cartridge 1 A durable plastic case encloses the Su per DLTtape II media, as shown in figure 12 .
Recording Media Spec ifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 45 Media Shipping, Operating, and Storag e Specifications 1 The optimum media shipping co nditions are described in table 13 .
A-Series LTO-3A Tape Drive Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 46 A-Series L T O-3A T ape Drive Table 19 lists the physical specifications of the A-Series LTO-3A tabletop tape drive.
Drive Performance Specifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 47 Drive Performance S pecifications Table 20 lists the performance specificat ions of the LT O-3 Half-Height Tape Drive.
Drive Performance Specifications Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 48 Maximum rewind time (650-m tape) < 115 seconds Recording density 5,120 RLL-encoded ONEs per mm Recording format Ultri.
Environmenta l Require ments Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 49 Environmental Requirement s Table 21 lists the environmental specific ations of the LTO-3 Half-Height Tape Drive. T able 21 Environment al Requirements Specifica tion Operational Non-operational Acoustic level idling (A-wt sum) 52 dBA maximum 5.
Reliability Specifi cations Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 50 Reliability S pecifications The LTO-3 Half-Height Tape Drive is designed for maximum reliability and data integrity.
LTO Cartridge Specificati ons Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 51 The MTBF for the tabletop drive po wer supply is 50,000 hours with the unit operated at full load and 25°C.
LTO Cartridge Specificati ons Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 52 If during storage and/or transporta tion a cartridge has been exposed to conditions outside the specified values , it must be conditioned before use in the operating environment.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 53 Appendix B B Dat a Cartridges This appendix provides data cartridge information for the following A-Series tape drives: • Using Data Cartridges for the.
Data Cartridge Handlin g Guidelines Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 54 Figure 14 Super DL Ttape II Data Cartridge Dat a Cartridge Handling Guidelines By following general handling proc edu.
Data Cartridge Handlin g Guidelines Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 55 • Do not carry data cartri dges loosely in a box or any other container. Allowin g data ca rtridges to jo stle together exposes them to unnecessary physical shock. • Always observe the proper environmental conditions for storing data cartridges.
Data Cartridge Inspection Procedure Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 56 • Be certain you place the unused data cartridge labels in the protective box so that you do not inadvertently pick them up along with the data cartridge during su bsequent usage.
Data Cartridge Inspection Procedure Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 57 2 Check for loose debris attached to the shell, and for other contamination (oily, slimy, or stic ky substances) that may have built up on the surface of the shell. 3 Check the data cartridge for any ob vious cracks or other physical damage to the shell.
Data Cartridge Inspection Procedure Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 58 Figure 16 Super DL Ttape II Data Cartridge Reel Locks 6 Once again, look at the end of the data cartridge, hol ding it as shown in figure 17 .
Data Cartridge Inspection Procedure Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 59 7 Open the data cartridge door by pr essing on the tab in the door pivot notch as shown in figure 17 . Use care that you do not touch the tape leader. 8 Compare what you see inside the data cartridge door to figu re 18 .
Data Cartridge Write-Protect Switch Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 60 Dat a Cartridge W rite-Protect Switch Each data cartridge has a write-protec t switch that you can use to prevent accidental erasure of data.
Data Cartridge Write-Protect Switch Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 61 • Slide the write-protect switch to the right to disable write protection (you can write over existing data on the media, and you can append additional data to the media unless the data cartridge is write- protected via firmware).
Using Data Cartridges for the LTO-3A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 62 Using Dat a Cartridges for the L T O-3A Loading a T ape Cartridge 2 To load an Ultrium tape cartridge in to the A-Se.
Using Data Cartridges for the LTO-3A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 63 Write Protecting a T ape Cartridge 2 Ultrium tape cartridges have a slidin g write-protect switch at the right- rear corner as shown in figure 20 . Figure 20 Ultrium T ape Cartridge Write-Protect Switch Sliding the write-protect switch toward the .
Using Data Cartridges for the LTO-3A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 64 T ape Cartridg e Care and Maintenance 2 Observe the following precautions to protect the data on your Ultrium tape cartridges: Always: • Remove the c artridge from the drive when not in use and store it in its protective case.
Cleaning the Tape Mec hanism Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 65 Cleaning the T ape Mechanism This section discusses the tape drive cleaning tape, maintenance considerations, and important compati bility issues. Occasional Cleaning of Ta p e H e a d 2 A-Series Tape Drives occasionally require pre ventive cleaning.
Cleaning the Tape Mec hanism Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 66 Comp atibility of the Cleaning T ape 2 The SDLT CleaningTape is intended for use in SDLT 600A tape drives Alternatively stated, the SDLT Clea ningTape only cleans the SDLT MRC heads.
Cleaning the Tape Mec hanism Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 67 2 Observe that both the Stat us and Activity LEDs are on steady during the cleaning process.
Performing an Emergency Reset and Cartri dge Eject Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 68 Performing an Emergency Reset and Cartridge Eject If the A-Series LTO-3A tape drive stops communicating with the host computer, use the following procedure to re set the drive and eject a cartridge (if necessary).
Loading a Data Cartridge Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 69 Loading a Dat a Cartridge Complete this subsection to load a data cartridge into the front of the tape drive; see figure 21 as needed. 1 Insert the data cartridge into the fr ont of the tape drive, as shown in figure 21 .
Unloading a Da ta Cartridge Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 70 Unloading a Dat a Cartridge Follow these steps to unload a data cartridge; se e figure 21 as needed. 1 Press the Eject button (or issue an appropriate system software command); the tape drive completes any active writing of data to the media, then rewinds.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 71 Appendix C C Regulatory Compliance This chapter describes various regulati ons that apply to the A-Series tape drives: • SDLT 60 0A • LTO-3A.
SDLT 600A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 72 SDL T 600A This section lists the safety regula tions that the A-Series SDLT 6 00A Tape Drive meets or exceeds.
SDLT 600A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 73 Electromagnetic Interference Susceptibility 3 Table 26 provides regulations and cert ific ations held by the SDLT 600A tape drive for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
SDLT 600A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 74 Acoustic Noise Emissions 3 Acoustic noise emission levels are listed in table 28 , both as noise power and sound pressure, for the SDLT 600A tape drive. The table provides the preliminary declared values per ISO 9296 and ISO 7779/EN27779.
LTO-3A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 75 LT O - 3 A The A-Series LTO-3 tape drive complies with the safety standards listed in table 29 and the E MC regulations listed table 30 .
LTO-3A Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 76 T able 30 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Compliance Country Regulatory Organization Compliant to: Australia Standards Australia Spectrum Mana.
Environmental Compliance Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 77 Also consider the following safety points : • Install the drive in an enclosure that limits the user’s access to live parts, gives adequate system stab ility and provides the necessary grounding for the drive.
Disposal of Electrical and Electron ic Equipment Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 78 Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product should not be disposed of with your other waste.
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 79 Glossary The following is an alphabetical list of specialized words and technical terms with their defini tions, commonly used in the tape drive and tape media industry. A Access (v.) To read, write, or update infor mation on a storage medium, s u c h a s m a g n e t i c m e d i a .
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 80 Applet Java applets are small Java progra ms that get downloaded to the client computer and then run from a web browse r when a web page that uses Java is loaded. Archiving The removal or copying of data from the computer system onto secondary storage media th at is safely stored away.
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 81 C C The degree Celsius (°C) is a unit of temperature. Cache Specialized RAM used as a buffer between a fast CPU or I/O channel and storage which has a re latively slow acce ss time (for example, cartridge or diskette), to avoid slowing down the former.
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 82 DCM The Data Control M odule provides the path and guides f or all media motion inside the tape drive and to wri te data to and read data from the media.
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 83 Encoding (n.) Charact ers (or bytes) of in formation converted to magnetic patterns on the media. (v.) The process of converting to the desired pattern. EOD End of Data. Location on media where the la st session stopped.
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 84 G GB Gigabyte SI — 1,000,000,000 bytes or 10 9 . This is the International System of Units (SI) definition commonl y used by telecommunications and storage manufacturers. GiB — 1,073,741,824 bytes, equal to 1024 3 , or 2 30 .
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 85 ISO The International Organization for St andardization is an international non-governmental st andard-setting body made up of representatives from national standards bodies. ISV Independent Software Vendor.
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 86 first to describe the structure of the file and its play out structural metadata but also to let the us er specify its own metadata annotating the content of the file descriptive metadata .
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 87 PRML Partial Resp onse Maximum Li kelihood is a method for converting the weak analog signal from the head of a magnetic disk drive into a digital signal. Also see <Link>Advanced PRML. PW A Printed Wiring Assembly - Co mmonly known as PCB(A) for Printed Circuit Board (Assembly).
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 88 Ta p e Tape cartridge. Ta p e A l e r t ™ A firmware feature that monitors and returns the results of the tape drive’s on-going self-di agnosis acti vity. Ta p e P a t h The path through which media moves from the cartridge, past the read/write head, and onto the take-up reel.
Glossary Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 89 Virtual file A kind of edit list us ed only for the partial res tore of .mxf files. Storing a f ile means creating a copy of a file from your local di sk and transferring it to tape. Retr ieving a file is the reverse operation.
An important point after buying a device Quantum Audio A-Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Quantum Audio A-Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Quantum Audio A-Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Quantum Audio A-Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Quantum Audio A-Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Quantum Audio A-Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Quantum Audio A-Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Quantum Audio A-Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Quantum Audio A-Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center