Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TS-569 Pro QNAP
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QNAP Tu rbo NA S Hardwar e User Manu al © 201 2 . QNAP System s, Inc. Al l Ri ghts Reserved..
2 Thank y ou for choos ing QNAP prod ucts! This user man ual prov ides des cription o f the hardwar e of th e T urb o NA S and rel evant gui deline of cert ain functi ons. Pl ease re ad caref ully and s trictly ad here t o the instr uctions of the m anual.
3 DISCL AIMER In no eve nt shall Q NAP Sys tems, Inc. ( QNAP) liability ex c ee d the pri ce paid for the product fr om dir ect, ind irec t, spe cial, inc ident al, o r con sequ en tial d am ag es res ulti ng fr om the use of the p roduct, its ac company ing softw are, or its doc umentation.
4 Regulatory Not ice FCC STATEMEN T This equipment has been tested and fo und to comply with the limits fo r a Class B digital device, pur suant to P a rt 15 of FCC R ules. These limits are designed to pro vi de re asonable prot ection agai nst h armful interfer ence i n a r esiden tia l ins talla tio n.
5 Symbols in th is docu ment W arning Thi s icon in dicates th e inst ruction s must b e stri ctly foll owed. F ailure to do so could result in i njur y to human body or d ea th.
6 Table of Content s T able of Co ntents .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Safety W arnings ............................................
7 Safety War nings 1. The NAS can operate n orma lly i n th e temperatu re of 0 ºC –4 0ºC a nd r elat ive humid ity of 0% – 9 5%. Plea se ma ke sure th e envi ronme nt i s well - v entilated. 2. The p ower c ord an d devi ces c onne cted t o the NA S mu st prov ide c orrect supply v oltage (100W , 90 – 264V).
8 Chapt er 1. CPU and Me mory Spec ificat ions Caut ion : Modi fy i ng the ha rdware, s oftware , or f irmware of the QNA P produ cts wil l voi d t he warr anty . QNA P is n ot respon sibl e for any form of damag e or l oss of da ta caused by modding the QNAP pro ducts.
9 System TS - 119P II TS - 219P II TS - 419P II , TS - 419U II CPU Marv ell 2.0 GHz Marv ell 2.0 GHz Marv ell 2.0 GHz Memory 512MB DDR 3 512MB DDR 3 512MB DDR3 Fla sh 16MB 16MB 1 6MB CPU repl aceabl e.
10 System TS - 879 Pro TS - 1079 Pro TS - 879U - RP CPU Inte l ® Core i3 Du al Core ( 3.3 0 GHz ) Inte l ® Core i3 Du al Core (3.30 GHz ) Inte l ® Core i3 Du al Core (3.
11 System TS - 1679 U- RP TS - EC 16 79U - RP CPU Int el ® Core i3 D ual C ore (3.30 GHz) Inte l ® X eon Qua d Core (3. 20 GHz) Memory 4 GB DDR3 RAM 4 GB DDR3 ECC RA M Fla sh 512MB (US B DOM) 512MB .
12 System TS - 269 Pro TS - 469 Pro TS - 569 Pro CPU Dual - co re Intel ® Atom ™ process or (2.13 GHz) Dual - co re Intel ® Atom ™ process or (2.
13 System TS - 469U - RP /SP TS - 869U - RP TS - 1269U - RP CPU Dual - co re Intel ® Atom ™ process or (2.13 GHz) Dual - co re Intel ® Atom ™ process or (2.
14 System TS - 269L TS - 469L TS - 569L CPU Dual - core Intel ® Atom™ processor (1 .86 GHz) Dual - core Intel ® At o m™ processor (2 .13 GHz) Dual - core Intel ® Atom™ processor (2 .
15 System TS - 870U - RP TS - 1270U - RP CPU Intel® C eleron® Proc essor 2. 10 GHz Intel® C eleron® Proc essor 2. 10 GHz Memory 4GB DDR3 4GB DDR3 Fla sh 512MB 512MB CPU repl aceabl e No No Memory .
16 Chapt er 2. Power But ton and R eset Button Behavio r P ower button: Press to turn on or tu rn off . System Power button (Tu rn on) Power button (Hard ware turn off) Power button (Forc e turn off ) All models Press on ce 1.5 sec 5 sec R eset butto n: Press to reset the system settings.
17 Advanc ed system reset (1 0 sec) P ress the re set bu tton f or 10 seconds ; you wi ll hear t wo b eeps at the t hi rd and the te n th seconds . The NAS will reset all the sys tem settings to default as it does b y web - based system rese t i n “ Administr ation” > “Res to re to F actory Default” exc ept all the data are reserv ed.
18 Chapt er 3. USB One Touc h Copy System Number o f secon ds (pres s th e one t ouch co py butto n to trigg er data copy) All NAS models 0.5 sec Data Copy by the Fro nt USB Port The NAS s upports instant data copy back up from the ex t ernal USB device to the NAS or the other wa y ro un d by the front one touc h copy button.
19 Chapt er 4. LED and Alarm B uzzer Specificatio ns The LED indicators of the NAS indicate the system status and info rmation. When the NAS is turne d on, chec k the following items to make sure t he system sta tus is normal .
20 LAN Ora ng e Ora ng e The NAS is c onnect ed to t he netw ork Fla shes ora ng e The NAS is bei ng ac cess ed from the n etwork 10 G bE 1 Green Green The 1 0GbE networ k expansion card is ins ta lle.
21 Beep alarm : All NAS models The beep alarm can be disabled in “Sys tem Administr ation” > “Hardw a re Se ttings” . Beep soun d Number of T imes Descr iption Short beep (0 .5 s ec) 1 1. The NAS is starting up . 2. The N AS i s be i ng s hut down (softw ar e s h utdown) .
22 Chapt er 5. Upgrade Mem ory on QNAP Tur bo NAS (RAM Mod ule Installat ion) Warn ing: The following instr uctions s houl d only be performed by an authorized and tr ained technicia n. Strictly adhe re to th e instr ucti ons to install a RA M module on the NAS.
23 4. Remove the ca se c over of th e NAS g ently . 5. Lift up th e Mylar s heet. Loca te th e mem ory slo t. M ake su re the slot i s empt y . 6. Gr asp th e edge of the memor y module. Align the notc h on the gold edge of the module with the no tch in the memory slot.
24 8. Ro tate the memory module towar ds the motherboard until the s ecuring clips c licks into place. 9. Close the ca se cover a nd fasten the screws. C onnec t the power adaptor and cables back to the NAS . 10. T o check that th e mem ory m odul e is re cogni zed by t he NAS, p ower u p th e NAS and login the web inter face as an administrato r .
25 5.2 TS -x69U- RP /SP serie s (4/8 /12 - bay) Follow th e steps below to install a RAM module on the NAS. 1. T urn o ff the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor , network cable(s), an d any other connect ors or cab les fr om the NAS. 2. Before installing the memory module, put on an antistatic wr i st str ap to prevent elect rosta t ic di scharge.
26 4. Open the NAS . 5. Sli de the m em ory module to the slot a t a 45 - degree angle (appro xi mately) ..
27 6. Press the m emory modu le down whil e hol ding th e cli ps open . 7. Make sur e th e memo ry modu le si ts in properl y wi th th e clip s in pl ace. 8. Cl ose the NA S cover an d fast en th e screw s. Connect the po w er adaptor and cables back to the NAS .
28 5.3 TS -879U- RP, T S -1279U- RP, TS -EC879U- RP, TS -EC1279U- RP , T S -1679U- RP, TS -EC1679U- RP , TS -870U- RP , TS -1270U- RP QNAP p rovid es a 4 GB DDR3* RAM module and a 4GB DDR3 ECC ** RAM module (optional purch ase) f or use rs to u pg rade th e mem ory of t he NAS.
29 2. Ho ld the notch at the edge of the to p cov er . Remove the top cover i n both hands. 3. R eleas e t he ejector clips ge ntly by pulling them out o f the sides of the RAM slot.
30 4. Gr asp the edge of the RAM module . Align the no tch on the gold edge of the RAM module with the notc h in the RAM slot . Ins e rt the RAM module to the RAM slot until it cannot go an y f u r t h e r.
31 Chapt er 6. Networ k Expansion Card Inst allation Warn ing: The following instr uctions s houl d only be performed by an authorized and tr ained technicia n. Strictly adhe re to the instruc tions to install a netwo r k expa nsion card on the NA S.
32 Bra ck et C Netwo rk Ex pansion Card Compat ibilit y Brac ket A (X520 - T2) Int el ® Eth ernet S erver A dapt er X520 - T2 (E10G42B) Bra ck et B (X520 - SR2/X520 - DA2) 1. Intel ® Eth ernet S erver A dapt er X520 - SR2 (E10G42BFSR) 2. Intel ® Eth ernet S erver A dapt er X520 - DA2 (E10G42B TDA) Bra ck et C ( Emu lex) 1.
33 1. T urn off the NA S. Disconnect the power adaptor , network cable(s ), and any o th er connect ors or cab les fr om the NAS. 2. Befo re installing the network ex pansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to prev ent electr ostatic d ischarg e.
34 5. Loosen the sc rews an d rem ove the e xpansi on sl ot cover . 6. Gr asp the edge of the network ex pansion card. Align the notch o n the gold edge o f the card with the no tch i n th e PCIe slot. Insert the network expansion car d to the PCIe s lot until it ca nnot go any fur ther .
35 7. F asten the sc rews. 8. Close th e cas e cover an d fasten the sc rews. Con nect th e pow er adapt or and ca bles t o th e NAS. 9. To check that the network expansion is reco gni ze d by the NAS, power up the NAS and login the web inter face as an administrato r .
36 6.2 TS -879U- RP, TS -EC879U- RP, TS -1279U- RP, TS -EC1279U-RP , TS -1679 U- RP, TS -EC1679U- RP 1. T urn o ff the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor , network c abl e(s), and any other connect ors o r cab les fr om th e NAS.
37 5. Loose n the 4 screws as sho wn i n the illustr ation. 6. Grasp th e meta l edg e of th e riser card m odul e. Remove the modul e gen tly ..
38 7. Loos en the screw a nd rem ove the e xpansi on sl ot cover . 8. Inse rt the networ k exp ansion car d t o the P C Ie slot until it canno t go any furth er .
39 9. Gr asp th e me tal edge of the riser card mo dul e. Align the no tch on the gold edge of the riser c ard wi th th e notch in the P CIe slot . Insert the ri ser card modu le to the PC Ie slot until it ca nnot go any fur ther . 10. F ast en the screws .
40 6.3 TS -870U- RP, T S -1270U- RP 1. T urn o ff the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor , network c abl e(s), and any other connect ors or cab les fr om the NAS. 2. Before installin g the ne twork expans i on card, put on an antistatic wrist s tra p to prev ent electros tatic dischar ge.
41 6. Gr asp th e edge of the expansion c ard. Align the no tch on the gol d ed ge of the card w ith the n otch i n the PC Ie sl ot. Ins ert th e netw ork e xpansi on card t o the PCIe slot until it cannot go any further . 7. F ast en the screws . 8. Close the case cov er an d fas t en the screws.
42 Chapt er 7. Hot - swap Hard Drive s The QNAP NAS is compatible with 2.5 - inch / 3.5 - inch SA T A hard disk d rives fr om majo r hard disk br ands .
43 TS - 269L, TS - 46 9L, TS - 569L, TS - 669L, TS - 869L , TS - 870U - R P, TS - 1270U - RP The N AS supports ho t - swapping the har d drives when 1 member d rive c ras hes in RAID 1, 1– 2 mem ber d rives c ras h in RAID 5 or RA ID 6 .
44 Chapt er 8. RAID Re covery The QNAP NAS su pport s excl usive RA ID rec overy techn olog y to rec over a fai led R AID disk vo l ume fr om uni nte ntio nal disconn ection or rem ov a l of th e hard dri ves from the syst em.
45 Stan dard RAID 5 QNAP RAID 5 Standard RAID 6 QNAP RAID 6 Degrad ed mod e N-1 N-1 N- 1 & N -2 N- 1 & N -2 Rea d o nly p rot ection (for immediate data backup & hard d rive repl acemen t) N/A N- 1, ba d blocks found in the su rv iving d riv es of the array .
46 Chapt er 9. Use the LCD Panel This featur e is only pro v ided by the NAS models with LCD panels. Pleas e vis it http://www .qnap.c om for det ai l s. The NAS provi des a ha ndy LCD panel for u sers to perform disk conf iguration and v i ew the syst em in formati on.
47 For exa mple, w hen 5 har d drives installed are a vail able on the NA S , th e LCD pa nel show s: C o n f i g . D i s k s ? → R A I D 5 P ress the “ Select” button to brow se more options, for exa mpl e, RAI D 6. Press the “E nter” button and the fo llowing message s hows.
48 To encrypt the disk volume * , s elect “ Yes” w hen the LC D panel sho ws <En crypt V olu me?>. The default enc ryption password is “admin”.
49 View system information by the LCD panel When t he LCD panel shows the s erver n ame an d IP a ddres s, pr ess the “Ente r” butt on to ente r the Main Menu . The Ma i n Menu consists o f the follow i ng ite ms: 1. TCP/I P 2. Physi cal di sk 3. Volume 4.
50 2. P hysica l disk T he fol lowi ng opti ons are available : Di sk In fo Back to Main Menu The disk info s ho ws the temper ature and the capacity of the hard drive. D i s k : 1 T e m p : 5 0 ° C S i z e : 2 3 2 G B 3. Vo lume Thi s section show s the disk co nfiguration of the NAS.
51 4. S ystem This sec tion shows the sys tem temperature and the rota tion speed of the s ystem fan. C P U T e m p : 5 0 ° C S y s T e m p : 5 5 ° C S y s F a n : 8 6 5 R P M 5. S hut down Use this option to turn off the NAS. P ress the “Selec t” button to select “Yes ”.
52 System Me ssages When t he NAS encou nters system erro r, an er ror mes sage w ill b e shown on the LC D pan el. Press the “E nter” button to view the message. Press the “Enter” b utton again to view the next m essag e. S y s t e m E r r o r ! P l s .
53 Chapt er 10. Inst all Power Supp ly Unit * Thi s section a pplies t o ra ckmount N AS mod els only . The power supply units o f TS - 879U - RP , TS - EC879U - RP , TS - 469U - RP /SP , TS - 869U - R P, and TS - 1269U -RP should only be replace d by an authorized and tr ained technic i an .
54 4. F aste n the screw tightly . 5. T urn on the NAS . Note: T o rep lace a fail ed power suppl y uni t, tu rn off the NA S. Th en re move the fai led u ni t safel y and r epeat st eps 3 - 5 abov e to install a new power supply unit.
55 10.2 TS -469U- RP /SP The following instr uctions s houl d only be performed by an authorized and tr ained technicia n. Fo ll ow the st eps b elow to replace a failed power supply un i t on the TS - 469U - RP /SP . 1. T urn o ff the NAS. 2. Press the g reen l ever and remove the defective power supply unit .
56 Warn ing: The NAS supports replacing the re dundant power s u pply unit withou t turn ing off t he ser ver when redunda nt powe r sup ply m ode is en abled. Howe ver , us ers ar e strongly re commended to turn O FF the NAS befo re replacing the pow er supply unit to reduc e the ri sk of electri c sho ck.
57 3. Unplug the f ail ed po wer supply . 4. Plug in a new po w er suppl y to the NAS. 5. T urn on the NAS ..
58 10.4 2U T ur bo NAS (e xcept T S -1279U- RP and T S -EC1279U- RP ) The following instr uctions s houl d only be performed by an authorized and tr ained technicia n. To repl ace a faile d power supply unit on a 2U T urb o NAS, f oll ow the step s bel ow .
59 4. Plug in the new power supply to the NAS . 5. F asten the sc r ew on the power supply in clock wi se d irection. 6. T urn on the NAS ..
60 Enab le war ning al ert for redundant power supply on the web - b ased interface : If two power supply units (PSU) h ave b een i nstal led on the NAS and connected to the power socket s , both PSU w ill supp l y the po w er to the NAS (applied to 1U and 2U models).
61 The follo win g descri ption app lies to 1U NA S mo dels on ly. (1) Pow er s up ply in dic ato rs: Green (left) power indicato r: Indicates th e power supply unit is in norm al status. Re d ( ri ght ) power indicator: Indicate s th e power s upply unit is in abnormal status.
62 Technical Suppo rt QNAP pro vides dedicated online s upport and custo m er se rvice vi a in stant messeng er . Online Support: http://www .qnap .com MSN: q.suppor t@h Skype: q na pskyp e For um : http://fo Techn ical S upport in the US A and Can ada : Email: q_suppor tus@qnap.
63 GNU GENE RAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ersion 3, 29 June 2007 Copyr ight © 2007 Free Softw a re F oundation, Inc. <http://fs f .org/> Eve ryone is permitted to copy and distribute v erbatim copies o f this license doc ument, but changing it is not allowe d.
64 distribute and/o r m odify it. Fo r the developers' a nd authors' protection, the GPL clear ly explains that there i s no war ranty f or this fr e e softw are.
65 A “cove red wo rk” m eans eit her th e unmod ifi ed Program or a wo rk ba sed on the Pr ogram. T o “propaga te” a work means to do anything with it that, w ithout per m ission, would mak e .
66 needed to gene rate, i nstall, and (fo r an exe cutable work) run the object code and to modify the work, includ ing scripts to contro l those ac tivities.
67 measure s. When you convey a covered work, you wai ve any lega l pow er to fo rbid ci rcumvent ion of techn ologi cal measures to th e ext ent such ci rcumvention is eff ected b y exerci sing righ .
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69 A separabl e port ion of th e object cod e, whos e sou rce cod e is e xclu ded from the Correspo ndi ng Source a s a S y ste m Library , need not be included in conv eyi ng the o bj ec t code w ork.
70 Corre spond ing Source convey ed, and Inst allation I nf ormation provided, in accord with this section mus t be in a format that is publicly do c umente d (and with an implementation av ail ab le to the public in s ource code for m), and must require no special passwor d or ke y for unpack ing, reading or copying.
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74 copies), or (b) primari ly for and in connection with s pecific products or compil ations that conta in t he covered w ork, u nless you entered int o that arrangem ent, or t hat patent license was gr anted, prior to 28 March 2007.
75 If th e Program spe cifi es that a proxy can d ecid e whi ch fut ure versi ons o f th e GNU General Public License can b e use d, that prox y's public state ment of acceptance of a version perman e ntl y aut horizes you t o choo se tha t version f or the P rogram.
An important point after buying a device QNAP TS-569 Pro (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought QNAP TS-569 Pro yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data QNAP TS-569 Pro - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, QNAP TS-569 Pro you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get QNAP TS-569 Pro will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of QNAP TS-569 Pro, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime QNAP TS-569 Pro.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with QNAP TS-569 Pro. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device QNAP TS-569 Pro along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center