Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SC2140 POSline
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Manual POSline SC2120/SC2130/SC2140 1D & 2D Barcode Reader User's.
A letter to Our Customers NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation shall be subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interface, and (2) This device must accept any inte rface received, incl uding interface that may cause undesirable operation.
CONTENTS Using t h e POSline SC2120/SC2130/SC2140 The SC2120/SC2130/SC2140 can automat i c ally scan barc o de at a dis t ance. Simply aim and pull the trig g e r . Code scanni n g is performed a l ong the center of the light bar emitted f r om the reading w i n d o w .
UK/Plessey ………………………………………….. ………… ……… 65 T elepen … ………………………………… ……………………………… 67 S tandard 2 of 5 .
1 2 Introduction Inst allation- Keyboard W edge 1) First of all, you must switch off the terminal/computer . 2) Disconnect the keyboard cable from the back of the terminal/computer . 3) Connect the appropriate interface cable to the scanner and to the terminal/computer .
POSline SC2120/SC2140 - 1 D Ba r code s canner S pecification Mode SC2120 Mode SC2140 Operational Light Source 660 nm Visible Red LED Optical System 2048 pixel CCD (Charge-coupled device) Depth of Sca.
Programmable characteristics Code type selection, check digit selection Decoding option Decoding option T rans mitted character delay , Header selection, trailer selection, message suffix, good read beep tone and volume, scanner trigger selection Keyboard emulation type (intermessage delay , keyboard type and keyboard language).
Cushion material Rubber Electrical Input V olt age 5 VDC ± 0.25V Power - Operating 750 mW Power - S tandby 500 mW Current - Operating 150 mA @ 5 VDC Current - S tandby 100 mA @ 5 VDC DC T ransformers.
9 10 Programming the POSline SC2120/SC2130/SC2140 T o p r ogram t he SC2120/SC2130/SC2140 , you must scan a series of pro g ra m ming barcode in the correct order . Fold out the back cover of this manual. Y o u will see a table of alphanumeric barcodes, wh ich are used to program the various options presented.
Interface Selection Keyboard wedge This decoder build-in scanner comes in one model and supports interfaces such as keyboard wedge, RS232 serial wedge, wand emulation, and the latest USB interface. In most of the cases, simply selecting an appropriate cable with a device code will work for a specific interface.
Keyboard wedge Keyboard Lay out: The selecting of keyboard layout supports many country languages other than USA keyboard layout. First you need to confirm country language that you desire.
Keyboard wedge Program Caps Lock: By selecting Caps Lock or No Caps Lock , scanner can get Caps Lock status. Option Bar Code Option Alphanu meric Entry Caps lock Caps lock”ON” Caps lock”OF F” .
RS-232 CTS: Clear T o S end (Hardware Signal) Option Bar Code Option Alphanu meric Entry Flow control None RTS/CTS Xon/Xoff ACK/NAK 00 * 01 02 03 Inter-character del ay 00-99 (msec) 00-99 00 * Blo.
W and Emulation Program Option Bar Code Option Alphanu meric Entry Baud rate 300 BPS 600 BPS 1200 BPS 2400 BPS 4800 BPS 9600 BPS 19200 BPS 38400 BPS 00 01 02 03 04 05 * 06 07 Parity None Odd Even 00.
W and Emulation Program Output speed: This setting is same as seri al transmission baud rate, and it must be approbated your wand decode resolution. The unit of speed is a width of minimum narrow bar .
Scan Scanning mode: Program Option Bar Code Option Alphanu meric Entry Scanning mode Good-read off Momentary Alternate T imeout off Continue 00 01 * 02 03 04 S tand-by duration 01-99 (second) 00-99 .
Scan Multi field scan: The scanner can be read m any sets of barcode data on the same scanning line at the same time, even if they are different kinds of barcode symbology . Global min./max . code length: Global Minimum and Maximum le ngth can be set to qualify data entry .
Indication Power on alert: After power-on the scanner it will generate an alert signal to indicate a successful self-test. LED indication: After each successful reading, the LED above the scanner will light up to indicate a good barcode reading.
UPCA Read: Format Leading Zero Data Digit s (1 1 Digits) Check Digit Check-sum transmissi on: By setting Enable , checks sum will be transmitted. T runcate leading/ending: The leading or ending digits of barcode data characters can be truncated when these values are set to non-zero.
UPCA UPCE Read: Format Supplement dig its: The Supplement digits barcode is the supplement al 2 or 5 characters for WPC code. Leading Zero Data Digits (6 Digits) Check Digits Format Leading Zero Data .
UPCE T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA. Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion grou p selection of UPCA.
EAN-13 Read: Format Data Digit s (12 Digits) Check Digits Check-sum verification: The checksum of EAN-13 is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the data digits. Check-sum transmissi on: By setting Enable , checks sum will be transmitted.
EAN-13 Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA. Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion grou p selection of UPCA. Supplement dig its: Format Data Digit s (12 Digits) Check Digits Supp.
EAN-8 Read: Format Data Digit s (7 Digits) Check Digits Check-sum verification: The checksum of EAN-8 is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the data digits. Check-sum transmissi on: By setting Enable , checks sum will be transmitted.
EAN-8 Code 39 Supplement dig its: Format Read: Format Data Digit s (7 Digits) Check Digits Supplement Digits 2 or 5 or UCC/EAN 128 Sta r t “ ★ ” Data Digit s ( V ariable) Checksum (Optional) End “ ★ ” Check-sum verification: The checksum of Code-39 is optional and made as the sum module 43 of the numerical value of the data digits.
Code 39 Max./Min. code length: Each symbolog y has own Max./Min. Code Length. They can be set to qualify data entry . If their Max./Min. Code Length is zero, the Global Min./Max. Code Length is in effect. The length is defined as t o the actual barcode data length to be sent.
Code 39 Interleaved 2 of 5 Append: This function allows several symbols to be concatenates and be treat as one single data entry . The scanner will not transmit the embedded appending code (space for Code-39). If Enable an d other symbols were read again with the appended code, then codes will be transmitted without Code ID, Preamble and Prefix.
Interleaved 2 of 5 Max./Min. c ode l e ngth: Refer t o Max./Min. code l ength of C o de- 3 9 . T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA. Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion grou p selection of UPCA.
Industrial 2 of 5 Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
Matrix 2 of 5 Eur Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum (Optional) Checksum V erification: The checksum is made as the sum module 10 of the numerical values of all data digits. Checksum T ransmission: By setting Enable , checksum and will be transmitted.
Codabar Read: Format Checksum V erification: The checksum is made as the sum module 16 of the numerical values of all data digit s. Checksum T ransmission: By setting Enable , checksum and will be transmitted. Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min.
Codabar Code-128 Read: Format Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion grou p selection of UPCA. 55 Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum (Optional) St art/End type: The Codabar has four pairs of S tart/End pattern; you may select one pair to match your application.
Code-128 Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA. Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion grou p selection of UPCA.
Code-93 Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Checksum2 (Optional) Checksum V erification: The checksum is made as the sum module 47 of the numerical values of all data digits. Checksum T ransmission: By setting Enable , checksum and will be transmitted.
Code-1 1 Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Checksum2 (Optional) Checksum V erification: The checksum is presented as the sum module 1 1 of all data digit s. Checksum T ransmission: By setting Enable , checksum1 and checksum2 will be transmitted upon your selected checksum verification method.
MSI/plessey Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Checksum2 (Optional) Checksum V erification: The MSI/Plessey has one or two optional checksum digits. The checksum is presented 3 kinds of method Mod10 , Mod 10/10 and Mod 1 1/10 .
UK/plessey Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1+2 (Optional) Checksum V erification: The UK/Plessey has one or two optional checksum digits. The checksum1 and checksum2 will be calculated as the sum module 10 or 1 1 of the data digits. Checksum T ransmission: By setting Enable , checksum will be transmitted.
T elepen Read: IA T A (International Air Transport Association). Checksum V erification: The checksum is presented as the sum module 10 or 1 1 of the data digits. Checksum T ransmission: By setting Enable , checksum will be transmitted. Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max.
St andard 2 of 5 Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
RSS-14 Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
RSS-Limited Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
RSS-Exp anded Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
China Post Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
It alian Pharmacode Read: Format Data Digit s (V ariable) Checksum1 (Optional) Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of Code-39. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
Code-16K PDF-417 On l y t h e SC2130 can decode C o de-16K. On l y t h e SC2130 can decode P D F-417. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. T runcate leading/ending: Refer to Truncate leading/ending of UPCA. Code Id setting: Refer to Code I D setting of UPCA.
String setting 83 Prefix characters : Up to 22 ASCII characters may be sent before data digits. Pre fi x D ata Di gi ts S uff ix Suffix characters: Up to 22 ASCII characters may be sent after data digits. Preamble/ Postamble characters: They are appended to the data automatically when each barcode is decoded.
String setting Insert G1/G2/G3/G4 character s etting: The scanner offer 4 positions and 4 characters to insert among the symbol. Program Optio n Bar Code Opt ion Alphanume ric Ent ry Insert G1 charact.
T ransmission Preamble transmission : By setting Enable , Preamble will be appended before the data transmitted. Post amble transmission: B y setting Enable , Postamble will be appended after the data is transmitted. Insert data group 1-4 position: The scanner offers 4 positions to insert among the symbol.
T ransmission Code ID transmission: If your application is needed to transmit Code ID, you must set this to Proprietary ID or AIM ID. Code length tra nsmission: A number of data digits can be transmitted before the code data when Enable is selected.
94 ASCII Code T able Note: For keyboard wedge only. Example: ASCII “ A ” = “ 41 ” INTERLEA VED-25 P ARA MA TRIX 25 P ARA MSI/PLESSEY P ARA UPCA P ARA UK/PLESSEY P ARA L H 0 1 0 1 0 Null NUL DL.
Parameter Setting List Firmware version list Program If you wish to display the firmware ve rsion, scan the Firmware version list. W ARNING : D e f a ult v a l ue in i t ial i z a tion If y ou w i sh to re t urn the scanner to all the facto r y default settings, scan the Default value initialization bar code.
0 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 7 8 Finish 9 97.
An important point after buying a device POSline SC2140 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought POSline SC2140 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data POSline SC2140 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, POSline SC2140 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get POSline SC2140 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of POSline SC2140, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime POSline SC2140.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with POSline SC2140. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device POSline SC2140 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center