Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product A08-LN1200-W Atlantis Land
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- 1 - KC-3200ZB / BL-6 000ZB Wireless L inear Image r Wireless Laser s canner Configur ation Gui de.
- 2 - T able of Cont ents Chapter 1 Sy stem Information 1.1 Abou t this manual 3 1.2 How t o set up the parameter 3 Chapter 2 Sy stem Setup 2.1 T er minator 5 2.2 Stri ng Options (Prefix & S uffix) 6 2.3 Setu p Inserti on 7 Chapter 3 Bar Code par ameters setting 3.
- 3 - Chapter 1 - Sy stem Inf orm atio n 1.1 About this manual This User's Guide provi des detailed programming instruc tions . Barcode scanners are facto ry programmed for the most c ommon communication setting. If you n eed t o chang e these settings, programming is accomplishe d by scanning the bar co des in this guid e.
- 4 - 1.2 How to se t up the par amete r - II Most of time t he scanner only requests one read of parameters when changing t o new values. Y o u will hear two beeps whe n you successfull y set to the new values. Bu t for so me special par ameters, multi ple reads are needed to complete th e configuration.
- 5 - Chapter 2 - Sy stem set up Start config uration En d configuratio n 2.1 T erm inator ITEM OPTION None *CR+LF CR LF T ab Output C haracter s.
- 6 - 2.2 String O ptions (P refix & Suffix) This sectio n describes th e alterations which can be made to the format of the transmitted data string. A prefix a nd suffi x of maximum 10 dir ect input may b e included in front and at the en d of scanned bar code.
- 7 - 2.3 Setup Inserti on This sectio n describ es how to setup th e inserti on of out put. NO TE : Max. 10 charters can b e inserted each ti me Max.
- 8 - Example: : T o insert character “ A ” be f ore the thir d digit(3) Make the decoded data: 12A345 6789 How to set up a character you want to inser t (1) Scan Start Configuratio n barcode (2) .
- 9 - Start config uration E nd co nfiguration Confirm configuration ITEM OPTION Preamble (Def ault : 00 ) Re f: Ap pendix P ostamble (Def ault : 00 ) Re f: Ap pendix G1 Insertion character (Def a.
- 10 - Start config uration End config uration ITEM OPTION *Disable Bar Code ID Enable * Re ad 1 T i me Accuracy Re ad 2 T i mes Neg ative bar codes P ositive a nd negative bar codes * Po sitiv e bar .
- 11 - Chapter 3 - BarC ode par a meter s se tting How to set up a Code ID? (1) Scan Start co nfiguration bar cod e (2) G o to the ASCII T a ble an d scan lab el that represen t t he desired character s to be inserted. (3) Scan Confir m config uration bar code (4) Scan En d configuration bar code.
- 12 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable UPC-A Expand to EAN-13 Enable Disable Check Digi t Send * Enable * Disable T r uncate L eading Zero Enable T r uncate L eading (Def.
- 13 - Star t configuration E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * NONE 2 digits 5 digits 2 or 5dig its Supplement digi ts Auto-discri minate Supplem ent.
- 14 - 3.2 UPC-E Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : G) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ).
- 15 - Start config uration End config uration ITEM OPTION * Disable UPC-E Expand to UPC-A Enable Disable Check Digi t Send * Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault:0 0) Re f: Ap pendix (00-08 H) T r un.
- 16 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION *Disable T r uncate L eading Zero Enable * None 2 digits 5 digits 2 or 5 digi ts Supplement digi ts Auto-discri minate Supplem ent.
- 17 - 3.3 E AN-13 Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : H) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check Digi t Send * Enable T r uncate L e.
- 18 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * None 2 digits 5 digits 2 or 5 digi ts Supplement digi ts Auto-discri minate Supplem ent * Disable ISBN/ISSN C onver sio n Enable Insert gro.
- 19 - 3.4 E AN-8 Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : I) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check Digi t Send * Enable T r uncate L .
- 20 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-08 H) * None 2 digits 5 digits 2 or 5 digi ts Supplement digi ts Auto-discri minate Su.
- 21 - 3.5 Code39 Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : J) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) * Disable Check -sum verificati on Enable Disabl.
- 22 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Append Enable Min. code length (Def ault: 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-32 H) Max. code length (Def ault: 32H ) Re f: Ap pendix (00-32 H).
- 23 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable T ransmit Start/End Charact er Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault: 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-32 H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault: 00.
- 24 - 3.6 Codabar Start config uration End config uration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : K) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ).
- 25 - Start config uration E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Check -sum verificati on * Enable * Disable Check -sum tran s mission Enable * Disable Append Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault:0.
- 26 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION T r uncate En ding (Def ault:0 0) Re f: Ap pendix (00-7EH ) * ABCD/ABCD abcd/ a bcd Start/End typ e abcd/tn*e * Disable Start/End transmis sion Enable Min.
- 27 - Start config uration E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION Max. code length (Def ault: 3C H) Re f: Ap pendix (00-3C H) Insert group sel ection (Def ault: 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-02 H).
- 28 - 3.7 Code93 Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : L) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check -sum verificati on * Enable.
- 29 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Check -sum tran s mission Enable Min. code length (Def ault: 00) Re f: Ap pendix (0-50H ) Max.
- 30 - 3.8 Code 128 Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Re ad * Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : M) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check -sum verificati on * Enable.
- 31 - Start config uration End config uration ITEM OPTION * Disable Check -sum tran s mission Enable * Disable FNC2 App end Enable * Disable UCC/EAN128 Enable * Disable FNC1 transmissio n Ena ble.
- 32 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION T r uncate L eading (Def ault: 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-7FH ) T r uncate En ding (Def ault: 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-7FH ) Min.
- 33 - 3.9 Inte rlea ve d 2 of 5 Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : N) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check -sum verificati on .
- 34 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-7EH ) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-7EH ) Min.
- 35 - 3.10 Indu strial 2 of 5 Start config uration End config uration ITEM OPTI CON * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : O) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Min.
- 36 - Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-32 H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-32 H) * Disable Check -s.
- 37 - 3.11 Matrix 2 of 5 Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : P) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) * Disable Check -sum verificati on Enable.
- 38 - Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION Disable Check -sum tran s mission * Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) Min. code length (Def ault : 0B) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) Max.
- 39 - 3.1 2 CHINA POS T AL COD E Start config uration End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : Q) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) * Disable Check -sum verificati on.
- 40 - Star t configuratio n End c onfiguration ITEM OPTION T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) Min.
- 41 - 3.13 MSI/Ple ssey Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault : R) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) * Disable MOD 10 MOD 10/ 1 0 Check -sum v.
- 42 - Start config uration End config uration ITEM OPTION Disa ble Check -sum tran s mission * Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-3C H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-3C H) Min. code length (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-3C H) Max.
- 43 - 3.14 CODE 32 Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID Setting (Def ault:S) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check -sum verificati on * Enable Disabl.
- 44 - Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTI ON T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-0AH ) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-0AH ) Insert group se.
- 45 - 3.15 CODE 11 Star t config uration E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTI ON * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault:T) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check -sum verificati on * Enable.
- 46 - Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Check -sum tran s mission Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) Min. code length (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-50 H) Max.
- 47 - 3.16 T el epen Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Re ad Enable Code ID setting (Def ault:V ) Re f: Ap pendix (20-7EH ) Disable Check -sum verificati on * Enable Onl.
- 48 - Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION * Disable Check -sum tran s mission Enable T r uncate L eading (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-40 H) T r uncate En ding (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-40 H) Min. code length (Def ault : 00) Re f: Ap pendix (00-40 H) Max.
- 49 - 3.17 G S1 D ata Bar (RSS) Star t configuratio n E nd co nfiguration ITEM OPTION Enable RSS-14 *Disable Enable RSS-14 LIMITED *Disable Enable RSS-14 EXP A NDED *Disable Enable RSS T O UPC/EA N *.
- 50 - Appendix A –.
- 51 - Dec Hex Char . Dec Hex Char . 0 00 NUL 32 20 SP 1 01 SOH 33 21 ! 2 02 STX 34 22 “ 3 03 ETX 35 23 # 4 04 E OT 36 24 $ 5 05 ENQ 37 25 % 6 06 ACK 38 26 & 7 07 BEL 39 27 ‘ 8 08 BS 40 28 ( 9 09 H T 41 29 ) 10 0 A LF 42 2A * 11 0B VT 43 2B + 12 0C FF 44 2C , 13 0 D CR 45 2D - 14 0E SO 46 2E .
- 52 - Dec H ex Char . Dec Hex Char . 64 40 @ 96 60 ‘ 65 41 A 97 6 1 a 66 42 B 98 62 b 67 43 C 99 63 c 68 44 D 100 64 d 69 45 E 101 6 5 e 70 46 F 1 02 66 f 71 47 G 103 67 G 72 48 H 104 68 h 73 49 I .
- 53 - T a ble-Hex HEXADCI MAL Confirm configuration End Config uration.
- 54 - V er sion: 3 .2.
An important point after buying a device Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Atlantis Land A08-LN1200-W along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center