Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product F790WD Cino
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International Edition Rev.A5 Serial Command Manual.
R evision History Rev . 01 April 1, 2013 Merged all the C MD Manua ls of different series into on e Manual Added comm and TS A Op eration M ode Flash, Force, T oggle, and Diagnostic Mode in T S Operation M ode are available f or L series from now on.
© Copyright Cino Group © Copyright PC W orth In t’l Co., Ltd Cino makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this publication, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantabi lity and fitness f or any particular purpose.
About Th is Guide Introduction Chapter Descriptions Notational Conventions Related Documents Command Ov erview …………………………… …………………… 1-1 Command Briefing …………………………………………………….
Serial T rigger (ALL)…………………………………………………………. 2-19 S tore Configuration (ALL)………………………………………………....... 2-20 Factory Default (ALL)...........................................
Operation T ether Scan ner Series Set TS Operation, Get TS Operation, Reply TS Operation (TS)………… 2-101 Scan Engine Series Set SE Operation, Get SE Operat ion, Reply SE Operation (SE)……….
About This Guide Introduction This guide provide s complete programming in formation about the serial c ommand of Cino FuzzyScan Scanne r & OEM Engine, w hich enable Scanner to communica te with a serial host through a virtual C OM port created.
Command Overview 1-1 This chapter prov ides a comprehensiv e view of the Fuzzy Scan Serial Command, includi ng: C ommand Briefing C ommand Struc ture This wil l help programmer to understand the command structure and each key elements of FuzzyScan Serial Commands.
Command Overview 1-2 1.1 Comman d Briefing The Fuzzy Scan Serial Commands prov ide a simple and ef fect ive w ay for serial host application to communi cate with Fuz zyScan device wi th ease.
Command Overview 1-3 ( Continued ) Functional Group Command Nam e Supported Scann er Message Source LED Indicator Bluetooth, T ethered Scanners Host Beeping All Series Scann ers Host Serial T rigg.
Command Overview 1-4 ( Continued ) 1.2 Comman d S tructure Packet Format The followi ng table shows the general p acket format of FuzzyS can Serial Command.
Command Overview 1-5 All FuzzyScan Serial Commands begin and end with the fixed pref ix and suffix - 7Eh , which serve as p ar entheses . Betw een the prefix and the su ffix i s the com mand body . The main body consists of Opcode, S tatus, Length, Parameter(s) and check digit.
Command Overview 1-6 Parameter Format Generally , there are tw o different p arameter formats , “Command with Sim ple Parameter(s)” and “Command w ith Compound Parameters ”. Commands with simple p arameters The Action, Ackno w ledgement , Data and Image commands belong to thi s group.
Command Overview 1-7 Commands with compound p arameters The Communication, Interface, Operation, T r ansmission, Sy mbolog y and Dev ice Info commands belong to this group.
Command Overview 1-8 2) Get Get commands are used t o obtain the device setting. The parame ter f iel d can handle multiple parameters request a t the same ti m e. It means you are able to obtain multiple setting of device at same as well. It is a very useful f or application to reduce communication overhea d.
Command Descriptions 2-1 Chapter 2 Command Descri ptions.
Command Descriptions 2-2 2.1 Communica tion Get Connected M A C (BT) Descriptions Get the connected scan ners’ MAC addresses This command is used w hen working with the Sm artCradle in PICO mode.
Command Descriptions 2-3 Reply Connec ted M A C (BT) Descriptions List all the connected s canners’ MAC addresses Reply Con nected MAC is sent by the dev ice in response to the Get Connected MA C command.
Command Descriptions 2-4 Get Paired M AC (BT) Descriptions Get all the pai red scanners’ MAC addresses This command is used w hen the working wi th the SmartCradle in P ICO mode.
Command Descriptions 2-5 Reply Paired M AC (BT) Descriptions List all the pai red scanners’ MAC addresses Reply Pai red MAC is sent by the device in respon se to the Get Paired M AC command.
Command Descriptions 2-6 Select B y MAC (BT) Descriptions Use the MA C address to select the desired scann er to communicate This command is useful when multiple scanners are connected t o the SmartCradle in PI CO mode.
Command Descriptions 2-7 Deselect B y MAC (BT) Descriptions Deselect the scanner by MAC This command is used to deselect the scanne r which is selected by command Select By M AC.
Command Descriptions 2-8 Select B y ID (BT) Descriptions Use the auto-assi gned ID number to selec t the desired scanner to com municate This command is use ful whe n multiple scanners are connected to the SmartCradle in PIC O mode.
Command Descriptions 2-9 Deselect B y ID (BT) Descriptions Deselect the scanner by ID This command is used to deselect the scanne r which is selected by command Select By ID .
Command Descriptions 2-10 2.2 Dat a Decode Dat a ( A LL) Descriptions Decoded Data in FSC pa cket format Decode Data is considered as an unexpected event since the decoded data wi ll be sent to the host whenever t he scanner scanned a barcode, either accidental ly or intentionally .
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 T ransmit Recor d (WF) Descriptions T r ansmit all record(s) of Batch M ode A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode Status Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 80h 1 1h 01h 00h 00h 00h <Null> 90h 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 B ytes 0 Byte 1 Byte 1 B yte .
Command Descriptions 2-12 2.3 Image Enter Capture Image Mod e (TS) Descriptions Enter Capture Ima ge Mode Once scanner is entered the Capture Image Mode, you can tr igger the scanner to capture image .
Command Descriptions 2-13 Exit Capture Image Mode (TS) Descriptions Exit Capture Image M ode A vailable for A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode Status Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 80h 1Ah 01h 00h 00h 00h <NULL> 9B 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 B ytes 0 Byte 1 Byte 1 B yte .
Command Descriptions 2-14 Capture Image Read y Noti fy (TS) Descriptions Capture image ready notify . W he n an ima ge is captured by scanner and ready to be retrieved by host, this command will be sent as a notification.
Command Descriptions 2-15 Get Capture I mage Dat a (TS) Descriptions Get the captured ima ge data. W he n in Capture Im age mode, scanner stores the image of the last t rigger automatically .
Command Descriptions 2-16 Reply Format Part 1 – First Im age Data Command Prefix Opcod e St atus Len gth Parameter CRC16 Suffix 7Eh 0Fh 1 Ah 02h 34h 10h 00h See Below V ariable 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B yt.
Command Descriptions 2-17 2.4 Action LED Indicator (BT , TS) Descriptions Controls the LED indicat ors This co mmand turns on/of f or resto res one of the three LEDs, R ed LED , G reen LED, a nd Blue LED . Please note t hat LED Indicators can not be set to t he default value by F actory Default or Master Default.
Command Descriptions 2-18 Beeping ( A LL) Descriptions User programmable be eping control Once receiv ed the Beeping command, t he device wil l follow the desired beep sequence to sound the beeper .
Command Descriptions 2-19 Serial T rigger ( ALL) Descriptions S tart or S t op a scan session W he n triggered on, the scanner attempt s to obt ain the requested data.
Command Descriptions 2-20 Sto re Confi guration ( A LL) Descriptions Save current settin gs into flash memory per manently Note that this command is not avai lable for storing the following settings: the beep sequence set by Beeping command; trigger status set by Serial T rigger command and LED status set by Indicator command.
Command Descriptions 2-21 Factor y Default (ALL) Descriptions Set all pa rameters to the factory default After sending this command, all parameters will be s et t o f actory default value. T hen the scanner resets all p arameters int o factory default values.
Command Descriptions 2-22 Master Defaul t (ALL) Descriptions Set all pa rameters to the factory default except for the inter face settings The host interface related parameters still remain the same after performing the Master Default command.
Command Descriptions 2-23 Securit y Check (ALL) Descriptions Host sends this co mmand to verify the connected scanner . Once the scanner receives this command, it will pass the 16-byte parameter data to the Security Script to generate a 16-byte result data and send it back as a r eply command to the host.
Command Descriptions 2-24 BT Operatio n Mode (BT) Descriptions Select operation mode for Bluetooth Scanne r BT Opera tion Mode is equivalent to the Oper ation Mode Selection i n the Set BT Operation command. It is of mo re convenience to use BT Operation Mode of the Action Command Ca tegory .
Command Descriptions 2-25 BT A O perati on Mode (BT) Descriptions Select operation mode for Bluetooth Scanne r BT A O peration Mode is equivalent to t he Operation Mo de Selection in the Set BT Operation command. It i s of more c onvenience t o use BT A Operation M ode of t he Action C ommand Ca t egory .
Command Descriptions 2-26 BT S y nchro nize (BT) Descriptions Synchroniz e BT scanner wi th SmartCradle If the BT scanner(s) are working with the SmartCradle in P AIR mode or PICO mode, this command i.
Command Descriptions 2-27 FS T es t Mode (FS) Descriptions Set the Fixed M ount and Scan Module to T est Mode. Y ou may refer to “ Fuzz yScan Fixed Mount Scanner Programming Manual “or “ Fuzz yScan Fixed Mount Scanner Qui ck S tart Guide” f or mo re details about the T est Mode.
Command Descriptions 2-28 FS Operation M ode (FS) Descriptions Select operation mode for Fixed M ount and Scan Mod ule FS Operation Mo de is equivalent to the Operation Mode Selection in the Set FS Operation command. It is of mo re convenience to use FS Operation Mode of the Action Command Ca tegory .
Command Descriptions 2-29 FS A Operatio n Mode (FS) Descriptions Select operation mode for Fixed M ount and Scan Mod ule FS A Operation Mode i s equivale nt to t he Operation Mo de Selection in the Set FS O peration command. It i s o f mo re conv enience to use FS A Operation Mode of the Action Command Category .
Command Descriptions 2-30 SE Operatio n Mode (SE) Descriptions Select operation mode for Scan Engine SE Operation Mode i s equivale nt to the Ope ration M ode Selection i n t he Set SE Ope ration command. It is of mo re convenience to use SE Operation Mode of the Action Command Ca tegory .
Command Descriptions 2-31 TS Operation M ode (TS) Descriptions Select operation mode for T ethe red Scanner TS Operation Mo de is equivalent to the Operation Mode Selection in the Set TS Operation command. It is of mo re convenience to use T S Operation M ode of t he Action Command Ca tegory .
Command Descriptions 2-32 TS A Operatio n Mode (TS) Descriptions Select operation mode for T ethe red A Series Scanner TS A Operation Mode i s equivale nt to t he Operation Mo de Selection in the Set T S Operation command. It i s o f mo re conv enience to use TS A Operation Mode of the Action Command Category .
Command Descriptions 2-33 Paging (WF) Descriptions Paging the scanner This command is help f ul for y ou to locate the conne cted Wi-Fi scanner . A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix O.
Command Descriptions 2-34 Remote Indica tion (WF) Descriptions Send remote indica tion to the connected scanner A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atus Leng th Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 80h 90h 02h 00h 02h 00h See Next Pag e V ariable 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 Bytes 512 Bytes 1 B yte 1 B yte .
Command Descriptions 2-35 Parameter(s) Size Parameter V al ue 2 Bytes Code Page 00h 00h 1 Byte Close 00h 1 Byte Message T y pe 07h Bit 4~7 Beeping T y pe - 0h Sho rt - 1h Long 1 Byte Bit 0~3 Number of.
Command Descriptions 2-36 Remote Mes sage (WF) Descriptions Send remote messa ge to the connected scann er A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atus Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 80h 90h 02h 00h 02h 00h See Next Pag e V ariable 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 Bytes 512 Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte .
Command Descriptions 2-37 Parameter(s) Size Parameter V al ue 2 Bytes Code Page XXh XXh ( See Notes ) Bit 7 Manual Close - 0 Disable ( See Notes ) - 1 Enable 1 Byte Bit 0~6 A uto Close - 0h Disable( S.
Command Descriptions 2-38 . Notes 1. T he following Chart lists all available Code Pages and their 2-byte H ex value. 2. M anual Close and A uto Close can not be disable d at the sam e time.
Command Descriptions 2-39 Remote Clear (WF) Descriptions Clear the remote messa g e The scanner wi ll beep twice and vibrate for 100 millisecond s at t he sa me time.
Command Descriptions 2-40 Remote Lock (WF) Descriptions Send remote messa ge to the connected scann er Note that a locked scann er can not w ork until the Remote Unlock is call ed.
Command Descriptions 2-41 Parameter(s) Size Parameter V al ue 2 Bytes Code Page XXh XXh ( See Notes ) 1 Byte Close 00h Lef t A lign Set Bit 7 to 1, Bit 6 to 0 Right A l ign Set Bit 7 to 0, Bit 6 to 1 .
Command Descriptions 2-42 . Notes 1. T he following Chart lists all available Code Pages and their 2-byte H ex value. 2. M anual Close and A uto Close can not be disable d at the sam e time.
Command Descriptions 2-43 Remote Unloc k (WF) Descriptions Send remote messa ge to the connected scann er The scanner wi ll beep twice and vibrate for 100 millisecond s at t he sa me time.
Command Descriptions 2-44 Remote Progr amming (WF) Descriptions Enter or exit the Pro gramming Mode. W i- Fi scanner can only perform Remote Control c ommands when it is not in Programming mode. Remote Programming (Enter) is used to put scanner into programming mode, so that the subsequent p r ogramming commands will take ef fect.
Command Descriptions 2-45 Remote Progr amming Ex tension (WF) Descriptions Enter remote program ming mode w ith user defined messa ge, beeps and v ibrat ion. W i- Fi scanner can only perform Remote Control c ommands when it is not in Programming mode.
Command Descriptions 2-46 Parameter(s) Size Parameter V alue 2 Bytes Code Page XXh XXh ( See Notes ) Bit 7 Manual Close - 0 Disable ( See Notes ) - 1 Enable 1 Byte Bit 0~6 A uto Close - 0h Disable ( S.
Command Descriptions 2-47 . Notes 1. T he following Chart lists all available Code Pages and their 2-byte H ex value. 2. M anual Close and Auto Cl ose can not be disabled at the sam e time. And the y are available f or Exit Programmin g Mo de only . 3.
Command Descriptions 2-48 Sync Date Time (WF) Descriptions Set Date T ime A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode Status Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 80h 30h 00h 00h 00h 07h See Below V aria ble 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 B ytes 7 Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte .
Command Descriptions 2-49 Delete Recor d (WF) Descriptions Delete all record(s) o f Batch Mode A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode Status Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 80h 1 1h 00h 00h 00h 00h <Null> 91h 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 B ytes 0 Byte 1 Byte 1 B yte .
Command Descriptions 2-50 Send ST erm Dat a (WF) Descriptions This command is used to send S term Page Da ta wh en works with Wav eCentre. It is sent by the hos t application to the WaveCentre .
Command Descriptions 2-51 2.5 Interface Set USB COM (TS, SE, FM) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the USB COM Interface settings A vailable f or F , L & A series; SE380, .
Command Descriptions 2-52 Parameter(s) < T able 5-1-1 > Set USB COM Parameter(s ) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) -.
Command Descriptions 2-53 Get USB COM (TS, SE, FM) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the USB COM Interface settin gs A vailable f or F , L & A series; SE380, SE390 & .
Command Descriptions 2-54 Parameter(s) < T able 5-1-2 > Ge t USB COM Paramete r(s) Field Parameter PID Size STX/ETX T ransmission 00h 00h 00h 00h Handshaking Protocol 00h 01h 00h 00h Baud Rate 0.
Command Descriptions 2-55 Reply USB C OM (TS, SE, FM) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the U SB COM Interface settings Reply USB COM is sent by the device in response to the Get USB COM command. It sends t he values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get USB COM command.
Command Descriptions 2-56 Parameter(s) < T able 5-1-3 > Reply U SB COM Parameter (s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte.
Command Descriptions 2-57 Set RS232 (TS , SE, FM) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the RS232 In terface settings A vailable f or F , L & A series; SE380, SE390 & SE48.
Command Descriptions 2-58 Parameter(s) < T able 5-2-1 > Set RS2 32 Parameter(s) Fie ld Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) - .
Command Descriptions 2-59 Get RS232 (TS, SE, FM) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the RS23 2 Interface settings A vailable f or F , L & A series; SE380, SE390 & SE48.
Command Descriptions 2-60 Parameter(s) < T able 5-2-2 > Ge t RS232 Parameter (s) Field Parameter PID Size STX/ETX T ransmission 00h 00h 00h 00h Handshaking Protocol 00h 01h 00h 00h Baud Rate 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-61 Reply RS232 (TS, SE, FM) Descriptions Reply RS 232 Interface Settings Reply RS232 is sent by the device in response to the Get RS232 command. It sends the values for all the desired pa r ameters requested in the Get RS232 command.
Command Descriptions 2-62 Parameter(s) < T able 5-2-3 > Reply R S232 Parameter(s) F ield Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) .
Command Descriptions 2-63 Set USB COM (BT) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the USB COM Interface settings A vailable for F , L & A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St .
Command Descriptions 2-64 Parameter(s) < T able 5-3-1 > Set USB COM Parameter(s ) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) -.
Command Descriptions 2-65 Get USB COM (BT) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the USB COM Interface settin gs A vailable for F , L & A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode S.
Command Descriptions 2-66 Parameter(s) < T able 5-3-2 > Ge t USB COM Paramete r(s) Field Parameter PID Size STX/ETX T ransmission 00h 00h 00h 00h Baud Rate 00h 02h 00h 00h Data Frame 00h 03h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-67 Reply USB C OM (BT) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the U SB COM Interface settings Reply USB COM is sent by the device in response to the Get USB COM command. It sends t he values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get USB COM command.
Command Descriptions 2-68 Parameter(s) < T able 5-3-3 > Reply U SB COM Parameter (s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte.
Command Descriptions 2-69 Set RS232 (BT) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the RS232 In terface settings A vailable for F , L & A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu.
Command Descriptions 2-70 Parameter(s) < T able 5-4-1 > Set RS2 32 Parameter(s) Fie ld Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) - .
Command Descriptions 2-71 Get RS232 (BT) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the RS23 2 Interface settings A vailable for F , L & A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St at.
Command Descriptions 2-72 Parameter(s) < T able 5-4-2 > Ge t RS232 Parameter (s) Field Parameter PID Size STX/ETX T ransmission 00h 00h 00h 00h Handshaking Protocol 00h 01h 00h 00h Baud Rate 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-73 Reply RS232 (BT) Descriptions Reply RS 232 Interface Settings Reply RS232 is sent by the device in response to the Get RS232 command.
Command Descriptions 2-74 Parameter(s) < T able 5-4-3 > Reply R S232 Parameter(s) F ield Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) .
Command Descriptions 2-75 Set Bluetoot h (BT) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Bluetooth settings A vailable for F , L & A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu s.
Command Descriptions 2-76 Parameter(s) < T able 5-5-1 > Set B luetooth Parameter(s ) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Bluetooth Dev ice Name (F & L Series) PID : 00h 00h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-77 Parameter(s) < T able 5-5-1 > Set B luetooth Parameter(s ) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Auto Power Off Timeout PID : 00h 08h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byt.
Command Descriptions 2-78 Get Bluetooth (BT) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Blue tooth Settings A vailable for F , L & A series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu .
Command Descriptions 2-79 Parameter(s) < T able 5-5-2 > Ge t Bluetooth Parameter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Bluetooth Dev ice Name ( F & L Series) 00h 00h 00h 00h Bluetooth PIN Cod e 00h 01.
Command Descriptions 2-80 Reply Bluetoo th (BT) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the B luetooth Settings Reply Bluetooth is sent by t he device in response t o t he G et Bluetooth command. It sends the values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get Bluetooth command.
Command Descriptions 2-81 Parameter(s) < T able 5-5-3 > Reply Bluetooth Parame ter(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Bluetooth Dev ice Name (F & L Series) PID : 00h 00h S.
Command Descriptions 2-82 Parameter(s) < T able 5-5-3 > Reply Bluetooth Parame ter(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Auto Power Off Timeout PID : 00h 08h Size : 00h 01h (1 By.
Command Descriptions 2-83 Set USB HID (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the USB HID Interface settings A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu .
Command Descriptions 2-84 Parameter(s) < T able 5-6-1 > Set USB HID Parameter(s ) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Keyboard La yout PID : 00h 01h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) - 00h .
Command Descriptions 2-85 Get USB HID (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the USB HID Interface settings A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu.
Command Descriptions 2-86 Parameter(s) < T able 5-6-2 > Ge t USB HID Paramete r(s) Field Parameter PID Size Keyboard La yout 00h 01h 00h 00h Caps Lock Release 00h 02h 00h 00h Caps Lock 00h 03h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-87 Reply USB HID (WF) Descriptions Reply US B HID Interface Settings Reply USB HID is sent by t he device in re sponse t o the Get USB H ID co mmand. It sends the v alues for all the desired p arameters re quested in the Get USB HID command.
Command Descriptions 2-88 Parameter(s) < T able 5-6-3 > Reply U SB HID Parameter(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Keyboard La yout PID : 00h 01h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) - 00.
Command Descriptions 2-89 Set USB COM (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the USB COM Interface settings A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu .
Command Descriptions 2-90 Parameter(s) < T able 5-7-1 > Set USB COM Parameter(s ) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte) -.
Command Descriptions 2-91 Get USB COM (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the USB COM Interface settin gs A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St at.
Command Descriptions 2-92 Parameter(s) < T able 5-7-2 > Ge t USB COM Paramete r(s) Field Parameter PID Size STX/ETX T ransmission 00h 00h 00h 00h Baud Rate 00h 02h 00h 00h Data Frame 00h 03h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-93 Reply USB C OM (WF) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the U SB COM Interface settings Reply USB COM is sent by the device in response to the Get USB COM command. It sends t he values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get USB COM command.
Command Descriptions 2-94 Parameter(s) < T able 5-7-3 > Reply U SB COM Parameter (s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions STX/ETX T ransmission PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte.
Command Descriptions 2-95 Set Wi-Fi (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the W i-Fi set tings A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu s Lengt h Pa.
Command Descriptions 2-96 Parameter(s) < T able 5-8-1 > Set W i-Fi Paramete r(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Sleep Timeout C ontrol PID : 00h 14h Size : 00h 02h (2 Bytes) .
Command Descriptions 2-97 Get Wi-Fi (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the W i-Fi set tings A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu s Lengt h P.
Command Descriptions 2-98 Parameter(s) < T able 5-8-2 > Ge t Wi-Fi Paramete r(s) Field Parameter PID Size Wi-Fi M A C A ddress 00h 0Ch 00h 00h Sleep Timeout C ontrol 00h 14h 00h 00h Keep A live .
Command Descriptions 2-99 Reply Wi-Fi (WF) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the Wi-Fi Interface settings Reply Wi-Fi is sent by t he device in response t o the G et Wi-Fi command. It sends the values for all the desired pa rameters reques ted in the Get W i-Fi command.
Command Descriptions 2-100 Parameter(s) < T able 5-8-3 > Reply Wi-Fi Parameter(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Wi-Fi M A C A ddress PID : 00h 0Ch Size : 00h 06h (6 Bytes) 1.
Command Descriptions 2-101 2.6 Operatio n Set TS Opera tion (TS) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Operation Se ttings for T ethered Scanne r A vailable for F , L & A .
Command Descriptions 2-102 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set TS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Presentation Control PID : 00h 01h .
Command Descriptions 2-103 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set TS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions T rigger Cont rol(F460/468 only) PID : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-104 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set TS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Data T ransmis sion Packe t PID : 02h 04h .
Command Descriptions 2-105 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set TS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Operation M ode (T et hered A Seri es) PID.
Command Descriptions 2-106 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set TS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Mobile Phone Capt ure PID : 70h 07h Size :.
Command Descriptions 2-107 Get TS Opera tion (TS) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Operation Se t tings for T ethered Scanner A vailable for F , L & A series Packet .
Command Descriptions 2-108 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-2 > Ge t TS Operation Parameter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Presentation Control 00h 01h 00h 00h Presentation A ut o-sense 00h 02h 00h 00h Pr.
Command Descriptions 2-109 Reply TS Opera tion (TS) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the Opera tion Settings for T e thered Scanner Reply T S Operation is sent by the device in response to the Get TS O per ation command. It sends the values for all the desi r ed pa rameters requested in the Get TS Operation command.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 0 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-3 > Reply TS Operation Parameter (s) Field (T o be continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Presentation Control PID : 00h .
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 1 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-3 > Reply TS Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions T rigger Cont rol(F460/468 only) PID : .
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 2 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-3 > Reply TS Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Data T ransmis sion Packe t PID : 02h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 3 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-3 > Reply TS Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Operation M ode (T et hered A Seri es) .
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 4 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-3 > Reply TS Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Mobile Phone Capt ure PID : 70h 07h Siz.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 5 Set SE Operati on (SE) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Operation Se ttings for Scan Engine A vailable for SE380, SE390 & SE48 0 series P.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 6 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-1 > Set SE Operation Parame ter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Presentation Sensitivity PID : 00.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 7 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-1 > Set SE Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Good Read Dur ation PID : 01h 04h Size :.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 8 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-1 > Set SE Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Laser A i ming Contro l PID : 02h 09h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-1 1 9 Get SE Operati on (SE) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Operation Se t tings for Scan Engine A vailable for SE380, SE390 & SE48 0 series.
Command Descriptions 2-120 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-2 > Ge t SE Operation Parame ter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Presentation Sensitivity 00h 03h 00h 00h Reread Dela y 00h 04h 00h 00h Good Read.
Command Descriptions 2-121 Reply SE Opera tion (SE) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the Opera tion Settings for S can Engine Reply SE O peration is sent by the device in response to the Get SE Operation command. It sends the values for all the desi r ed pa rameters requested in the Get SE Operation command .
Command Descriptions 2-122 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-3 > Reply S E Operation Parameter (s) Field (T o be continue d) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Presentation Sensitivity PID : 0.
Command Descriptions 2-123 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-3 > Reply S E Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Power on beep PID : 01h 01h Size : 00h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-124 Parameter(s) < T able 6-2-3 > Reply S E Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Laser A i ming Contro l PID : 02h 09h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-125 Set FS Opera tion (FS) Descriptions Change the desired one or more parameters of the Operation Settings for Fixed Mount and Scan Module A vailable for FM480, F A470, SM380 &.
Command Descriptions 2-126 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-1 > Set FS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descriptions Presentation Sensitivity PID : 00h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-127 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-1 > Set FS Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descriptions 1D Barcode Inv erse Read ing PID : 02h 00h .
Command Descriptions 2-128 Parameter(s) < T able 5-3 > Set FS Operation Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions OK/NG A ctive Signa l Cont rol PID : 20h 01h S.
Command Descriptions 2-129 Parameter(s) < T able 5-3 > Set FS Operation Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Operation M ode (F A470 & SM 5700 series) .
Command Descriptions 2-130 Get FS Opera tion (FS) Descriptions Request the desired one or more parameters of the Operation Settings for Fixed Mount and Scan Module A vailable for FM480, F A470, SM380 .
Command Descriptions 2-131 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-2 > Ge t FS Operation Parameter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Presentation Sensitivity 00h 03h 00h 00h Reread Dela y 0 0h 04h 00h 00h Good Read.
Command Descriptions 2-132 Reply FS Opera tion (FS) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more parameters of t he O peration Settin gs for Fixed Mount and Scan Module Reply FS O peration is sent by the device in response to the Get FS O peration command.
Command Descriptions 2-133 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-3 > Reply F S Operation Parameter (s) Field (T o be continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descriptions Presentation Sensitivity PID : 00.
Command Descriptions 2-134 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-3 > Reply F S Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descriptions 1D Barcode Inv erse Read ing PID : 02h 00.
Command Descriptions 2-135 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-3 > Reply F S Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions OK/NG A ctive Signa l Cont rol PID : 20h.
Command Descriptions 2-136 Parameter(s) < T able 6-3-3 > Reply F S Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Operation M ode (F A470 & SM 5700 se.
Command Descriptions 2-137 Set BT Operati on (BT) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Operation Se ttings for Bluetooth Scanne r A vailable for F , L & A series Packet F.
Command Descriptions 2-138 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-1 > Set BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Presentation A ut o-sense PID : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-139 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-1 > Set BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Power on Ind ication PID : 01h 02h Size : .
Command Descriptions 2-140 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-1 > Set BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions UPC/E AN Security Level PID : 02h 06h Size.
Command Descriptions 2-141 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-1 > Set BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Laser A i ming Contro l PID : 02h 09h Size.
Command Descriptions 2-142 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Delay A i ming Timeout Control PID : 70h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-143 Get BT Oper ation (BT) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Operation Se t tings for Bl uetooth Scanner A vailable for F , L & A series Packet.
Command Descriptions 2-144 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-2 > Ge t BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Presentation A ut o-sense 00h 02h 00h 00h Presentation Sensitivity 00h 03h 00h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-145 Reply BT Opera tion (BT) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the Opera tion Settings for Bluetooth Scanner Reply BT O peration is sent by the device in response t o the Get BT Operation command. It sends the values for all the desi r ed pa rameters requested in the Get BT Operation command.
Command Descriptions 2-146 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-3 > Reply B T Operation Paramete r(s) Field (T o be continue d) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Presentation A ut o-sense PID : .
Command Descriptions 2-147 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-3 > Reply B T Operation Paramete r(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Power on Ind ication PID : 01h 02h Size .
Command Descriptions 2-148 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-3 > Reply B T Operation Paramete r(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions UPC/E AN Security Level PID : 02h 06h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-149 Parameter(s) < T able 6-4-3 > Reply B T Operation Paramete r(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Laser A i ming Contro l PID : 02h 09h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-150 Parameter(s) < T able 6-1-1 > Set BT Operation Parame ter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Delay A i ming Timeout Control PID : 70h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-151 Set WF Opera tion (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Operation Se ttings for Wi-Fi Scanner .
Command Descriptions 2-152 Parameter(s) < T able 6-5-1 > Set WF Operation Parameter (s) Field (T o be continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Power Saving T imeout PID : 00h 09h.
Command Descriptions 2-153 Parameter(s) < T able 6-5-1 > Set WF Operation Parameter (s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Beeping Control PID : 01h 06h Size : 00h 01.
Command Descriptions 2-154 Get WF Operat ion (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Operation Se t tings for W i-Fi Scanner A vailable for F & L series Packet Format .
Command Descriptions 2-155 Parameter(s) < T able 6-5-2 > Ge t WF Operation Parame ter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Power Saving T imeout 00h 09h 00h 00h Buzzer T one A d just 01h 00h 00h 00h Powe.
Command Descriptions 2-156 Reply WF Oper ation (WF) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the Opera tion Settings for W i-Fi Scanner Reply W F Operation is sent by the device in response to the Get WF Operation command. It sends the values for all the desi r ed pa rameters requested in the Get WF Operation com mand.
Command Descriptions 2-157 Parameter(s) < T able 6-5-3 > Reply WF Operation Para meter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Power Saving T imeout PID : 00h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-158 Parameter(s) < T able 6-5-3 > Reply WF Operation Para meter(s) Field (Continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Beeping Control PID : 01h 06h Size : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-159 Set WF S ystem (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Sy stem Settings for W i-Fi Scanner . A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix.
Command Descriptions 2-160 Parameter(s) < T able 6-6-1 > Set WF System Parameter(s) Fi eld (T o be continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Wi-Fi Device Name PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 1 1h (17 B ytes) 1 st Byte - XXh 2 nd ~17 th Byte - XXh X Xh.
Command Descriptions 2-161 Get WF S ystem (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Sy stem Settings for Wi-Fi Scanner A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix O.
Command Descriptions 2-162 Parameter(s) < T able 6-6-2 > Ge t WF Sys tem Parameter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Wi-Fi Device Name 00h 00h 00h 00h Admin Passw ord 00h 01h 00h 00h User Passw ord 00.
Command Descriptions 2-163 Reply WF S ystem (WF) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the S ystem Settings for W i-Fi Scann er Reply W F System is sent by the device in r esponse to the Get W F System command. It sends the values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get W F S ystem command.
Command Descriptions 2-164 Parameter(s) < T able 6-6-3 > Reply WF System Para meter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Wi-Fi Device Name PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 1 1h (17 B ytes) 1 st Byte - XXh 2 nd ~17 th Byte - XXh X Xh.
Command Descriptions 2-165 Set WF Sca nning (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Scanning Settings for Wi-Fi Scann er . A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Pre.
Command Descriptions 2-166 Parameter(s) < T able 6-7-1 > Set WF Scanning Parameter(s) Field (T o be continued ) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Barcode T ype PID : 00h 00h Size : 00.
Command Descriptions 2-167 Parameter(s) < T able 6-7-1 > Set WF Scanning Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Auto Save PID : 00h 0Ch Size : 00h 01h (1 Byt.
Command Descriptions 2-168 Get WF Scan ning (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Scanni ng Settings for W i-Fi Scanne r A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Pr.
Command Descriptions 2-169 Parameter(s) < T able 6-7-2 > Ge t WF Scanning Para meter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Barcode T ype 00h 00h 00h 00h Font Size 00h 01h 00h 00h Record Suffix 00h 02h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-170 Reply WF Scan ning (WF) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the S canning Settings for W i-Fi Scanner Reply W F Scanning is sent by the device in response to the Get W F Scanning command. It sends the values for all the desi r ed pa rameters requested in the Get WF Scanning command .
Command Descriptions 2-171 Parameter(s) < T able 6-7-3 > Reply WF Scanning Parame ter(s) Field (T o be continue d) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Barcode T ype PID : 00h 00h Size :.
Command Descriptions 2-172 Parameter(s) < T able 6-7-3 > Reply WF Scanning Parame ter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Auto Save PID : 00h 0Ch Size : 00h 01h (1 .
Command Descriptions 2-173 2.7 T ransmissi on Set T ransmissi on (ALL) Descriptions Change the desired one or more parameters of the Trans mission settings as well as DataWizard Premium parame ters including Data Scrip t Acti ve Setting, Data Sc ript Setting, Security Script Setting and Data Wizard Premium Er ror Message.
Command Descriptions 2-174 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-1 > Set T ransmission Para meter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Interface Del ay Settings PID : 00.
Command Descriptions 2-175 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-1 > Set T ransmission Para meter(s) Field (Cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Data S cript Active Setting PID : 02h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-176 Get T ransmissi on (ALL) Descriptions Request the desired one or more para meters of the Trans mission settings as well as Data W izard Premium parame ters including Data Scrip t Acti ve Setting, Data Sc ript Setting, Security Script Setting and Data Wizard Premium Er ror Message.
Command Descriptions 2-177 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-2 > Ge t T r ansmiss ion Parameter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Interface Del ay Settings 00h 00h 00h 00h Record Suffix 01h 00h 00h 00h Preamb.
Command Descriptions 2-178 Reply T ransm ission (ALL) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the T r ansmission settings as w ell as Data W izard Premium pa rameters including Dat a Script Active Setting, Dat a Script Setti ng, Security Script Setting and Data Wizard Premium Er ror Message.
Command Descriptions 2-179 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-3 > Reply T ransmission Parameter(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Interface Del ay Settings PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 03.
Command Descriptions 2-180 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-3 > Reply T ransmission Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Data S cript Active Setting PID : 02h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-181 Set T ransmissi on (WF) Descriptions Change the desired one or more parameters of the Trans mission settings as well as DataWizard Premium parame ters including Data Scrip t Acti ve Setting, Data Sc ript Setting, Security Script Setting and Data Wizard Premium Er ror Message.
Command Descriptions 2-182 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-1 > Set T ransmission Para meter(s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Interface Del ay Settings PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h 03h.
Command Descriptions 2-183 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-1 > Set T ransmission Para meter(s) Field (Cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Data S cript Active Setting PID : 02h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-184 Get T ransmissi on (WF) Descriptions Request the desired one or more para meters of the Trans mission settings as well as Data W izard Premium parame ters including Data Scrip t Acti ve Setting, Data Sc ript Setting, Security Script Setting and Data Wizard Premium Er ror Message.
Command Descriptions 2-185 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-2 > Ge t T r ansmiss ion Parameter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Interface Del ay Settings 00h 00h 00h 00h Preamble 01h 01h 00h 00h Postamble 0.
Command Descriptions 2-186 Reply T ransm ission (WF) Descriptions Reply the desired one or m ore parameters of the Transmissi on settings as well as Data W izard Premium parame ters including Data Scrip t Acti ve Setting, Data Sc ript Setting, Security Script Setting and Data Wizard Premium Er ror Message.
Command Descriptions 2-187 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-3 > Reply T ransmission Parameter(s) Field (T o be continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Interface Del ay Settings PID : 00.
Command Descriptions 2-188 Parameter(s) < T able 7-1-3 > Reply T ransmission Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Data S cript Active Setting PID : 02h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-189 2.8 S y mb ology Set S ymbology (ALL) Descriptions Change the desired one or more par ameters of the Sy mbology settings Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu s Lengt h Paramet.
Command Descriptions 2-190 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (T o be conti nued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Code 39 Readab ility PID : 00h 00h Siz.
Command Descriptions 2-191 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Codabar Readabi lity PID : 01h 00h Size : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-192 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions UPC- A /UPC-E Readabilit y PID : 02h 00h Size.
Command Descriptions 2-193 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions EAN-13/E AN-8 Readabilit y PID : 03h 00h Size.
Command Descriptions 2-194 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions IA T A R eadabilit y PID : 04h 00h Size : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-195 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (T o be conti nued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Code 25 Setting PID : 04h 07h Size : 0.
Command Descriptions 2-196 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions MSI/Plessey Re adability PID : 07h 00h Size :.
Command Descriptions 2-197 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions UK/Plesse y Readabilit y PID : 09h 00h Size :.
Command Descriptions 2-198 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Composite Cod e Readability PID : 21h 00h Siz.
Command Descriptions 2-199 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions QR Code Read ability PID : 30h 00h Size : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-200 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Aztec Readab ility PID : 33h 00h Size : 00h 0.
Command Descriptions 2-201 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-1 > Set Sy mbology Parameter(s) Field (Con tinued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions US Postnet Re adability PID : 53h 00h Size : .
Command Descriptions 2-202 Get Symbolo gy (ALL) Descriptions Request the desired one or more pa rameters of the Sy mbology settings Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atu s Lengt h Parameter(s) LRC Suffix.
Command Descriptions 2-203 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-2 > Ge t Symbology Parameter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter PID Size Code 39 Readab ility 00h 00h 00h 00h Code 39 Setting 00h 01h 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-204 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-2 > Ge t Symbology Parameter(s) Field (Cont inued) Parameter PID Size Code 128/E AN-128 Reada bility 08h 00h 00h 00h Code 128/E AN-128 Settin.
Command Descriptions 2-205 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-2 > Ge t Symbology Parameter(s) Field (Cont inued) Parameter PID Size Chinese Sen sible Readabilit y 34h 00h 00h 00h Chinese Sen sible Length.
Command Descriptions 2-206 Reply S ymbology (ALL) Descriptions Reply the desired one or more para meters of the S ymbology settings Reply Symbology is sent by t he device in response to the Get Symbology command. I t s ends the values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get Symbology command.
Command Descriptions 2-207 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Code 39 Readab ility PID : 00h 00h .
Command Descriptions 2-208 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Codabar Readabi lity PID : 01h 00h Size : 0.
Command Descriptions 2-209 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions UPC- A /UPC-E Readabilit y PID : 02h 00h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-210 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions EAN-13/E AN-8 Readabilit y PID : 03h 00h Si.
Command Descriptions 2-21 1 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions IA T A R eadabilit y PID : 04h 00h Size : .
Command Descriptions 2-212 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (T o be cont inued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Code 25 Setting PID : 04h 07h Size .
Command Descriptions 2-213 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions MSI/Plessey Re adability PID : 07h 00h Size.
Command Descriptions 2-214 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions UK/Plesse y Readabilit y PID : 09h 00h Size.
Command Descriptions 2-215 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Composite Cod e Readability PID : 21h 00h S.
Command Descriptions 2-216 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions QR Code Read ability PID : 30h 00h Size : 0.
Command Descriptions 2-217 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Aztec Readab ility PID : 33h 00h Size : 00h.
Command Descriptions 2-218 Parameter(s) < T able 8-1-3 > Reply S y mbology Parameter(s) Field (Continued) Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions US Postnet Re adability PID : 53h 00h Size .
Command Descriptions 2-219 2.9 De vice Info Get De vice Info (ALL) Descriptions Request the desired dev ice information as w ell as Data W izard Premium information p arameters Packet Format Prefix Op.
Command Descriptions 2-220 Parameter(s) < T able 9-1-1 > Ge t Device Info Parame ter(s) Field Parameter PID Size Custom ID 00h 00h 00h 00h Module No. 00h 01h 00h 00h Hardware ID 00h 02h 00h 00h Software ID 00h 03h 00h 00h DataWi zard Prem ium Info.
Command Descriptions 2-221 Reply De vice Info (ALL) Descriptions Reply the desired dev ice information as wel l as Data W izard Premium information p arameters. Reply Device S tatus is sent by the dev ice in response to the Get Device I nfo command. It send s t he values for all the desired parameter s requested in the Get Device Info com mand.
Command Descriptions 2-222 Parameter(s) < T able 9-1-2 > Reply D evice Info Parameter (s) Field Parameter / PID / Size Options Descript ions Custom ID PID : 00h 00h Size : 00h XX h (V ariabl e Bytes) - XXh…X Xh XXh (For exam ple: CINO) Module No.
Command Descriptions 2-223 Get Record C ount (WF) Descriptions Request the tot al record count of Ba tch Mode A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atus Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh D6h 00h 03h 00h 00h 00h <Null> D5h 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 Bytes 0 Byte 1 B yte 1 B yte .
Command Descriptions 2-224 Reply Recor d Count (WF) Descriptions Reply the tot al record count o f Batch Mode A vailable for F & L series Packet Format Prefix Opcode St atus Length Parameter(s) LRC Suffix 7Eh 17h 00h 03h 00h 00h 02h See Notes V aria ble 7Eh 1 Byte 3 B ytes 1 B yte 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte .
Command Descriptions 2-225 2.10 Ackn owledgement De v ice ACK (ALL) Descriptions Device acknow ledgement Device ACK messag e is used t o guarantee the reliability of packe t transfers f or commands t hat have no natural response, such as Action Com mands, Set commands.
Command Descriptions 2-226 De v ice N AK (ALL) Descriptions Device non-acknow ledgement Device NAK messag e is used t o guarantee the reliability of packe t transfers f or commands t hat have no natural r esponse, such as Action Commands, Set c ommands.
Command Descriptions 2-227 Host A CK (ALL) Descriptions Host acknowledge ment in packet for mat. Host ACK message is sent from host to dev ice to guarantee the correc tness of the decode data.
Command Descriptions 2-228 Host N A K (ALL) Descriptions Host non-acknow ledgement Host NAK message is sent from host to dev ice to indicate that the dat a receiv ed is not correct.
Command Descriptions 2-229 Host A CK Ex tension (WF) Descriptions Host acknowledge ment Host ACK Extension is a n extension of Host A CK which added a user defined messa ge.
Command Descriptions 2-230 Parameter(s) Size Parameter V alue 4 Bytes Dat a Packet ID XXh XXh XXh XXh( See Notes ) 2 Bytes Code Page XXh XXh ( See Notes ) Bit 7 Manual Close - 0 Disable - 1 Enable 1 B.
Command Descriptions 2-231 . Notes 1. Data Packet ID : If T he Trans m ission Form at is set to “Pack et Data” (SET UP->Online Scanning - > Online Optio ns -> Transmission Form at -> Packet Data), th e first 4 b ytes of t he Decode Data (Chapter 2.
Command Descriptions 2-232 Host N A K Ex tension (WF) Descriptions Host acknowledge ment Host NAK Extension is a n extension of Host NAK which added a user de fined message.
Command Descriptions 2-233 Parameter(s) Size Parameter V alue 4 Bytes Dat a Packet ID XXh XXh XXh XXh( See Notes ) 2 Bytes Code Page XXh XXh ( See Notes ) Bit 7 Manual Close - 0 Disable - 1 Enable 1 B.
Command Descriptions 2-234 . Notes 1. Data Packet ID : If T he Trans m ission Form at is set to “Pack et Data” (SET UP->Online Scanning - > Online Optio ns -> Transmission Form at -> Packet Data), th e first 4 b ytes of t he Decode Data (Chapter 2.
Command Descriptions 3-1 If you ha ve any prob lem with your equipmen t, ple ase contact Cino for technical support. Contact information is available at Cino website: If you purchased your product from a Cino business partne r, please contact that business partner for support.
FuzzyScan Serial Command Manual CINO GROUP PC WORTH INT’L CO., L TD.
An important point after buying a device Cino F790WD (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cino F790WD yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cino F790WD - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cino F790WD you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cino F790WD will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cino F790WD, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cino F790WD.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cino F790WD. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cino F790WD along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center