Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 21003 LSI
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® S14051 LSI21003 PCI to Dual Channel SCSI Host Adapter User’ s Guide Octo ber 2 000 Ve r s i o n 1 . 0.
ii Electro magnetic Compatibility Notices This device complies with P art 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the f ollowing two conditions: 1. This device ma y not cause har mful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interf erence received, including interference that ma y cause undesired operation.
iii This doc ument co ntains prop rietary inf ormation of LSI L ogic Corporati on. The inf or mation cont ained herein is no t to be used b y or disclo sed to th ird parties withou t the e xpress written permissio n of an of ficer of LS I Logic Corpora tion.
Pref ace v Preface This book is th e pri mar y re f erence an d user’ s guide for the LSI Logic LSI21003. It des cr ibes how to install an d config ure the LSI210 03 in a PCI comp uter sy stem. LSI Logic T echnical Support The enti re LSI Lo gic ho st adapter soluti on has bee n desi gned for ease of use.
vi Preface • Chapter 3, T echnical Specif ications , des cr ibes th e ph ysic al and operationa l environmen ts of the LSI21 003. • Appen dix A, Glossar y of T erms and A bbrev iations , provides definiti ons of various ter m inolo gy th at is referenced through out this user’ s gui de.
Contents vii Contents Chapter 1 Using th e LS I21003 1.1 General De scri ption 1-1 1.2 F eatures 1-2 1.2.1 PCI Interface 1-2 1.2.2 SCSI Inter face 1-2 1.2.3 Board Ch aracteri stics 1-3 1.3 Interface Descr iptions 1-3 1.3.1 The PCI I nterface 1-3 1.3.2 The SCS I Interface 1-4 1.
viii Cont ents 3.1. 5 Saf ety Ch ar acteri stic s 3-4 3.2 Operation al Environment 3-4 3.2.1 The PCI I nterface 3-4 3.2.2 The SCS I Interface 3-7 3.3 Subsyst em and Subsys tem V endor ID 3-12 Appendix A Glossary of T erms and Abbreviations Index Customer Feed back Figures 2.
Contents ix 3.2 PCI Con nector J 1 F r ont Si de Signa ls 3-5 3.3 PCI Con nector J 1 Back Side Signal s 3-6 3.4 SCSI Co nnecto r J2, C hannel A , Inter nal 3-8 3.5 SCSI Co nnecto r J3, C hanne l A, Exter n al 3-9 3.6 SCSI Co nnecto r J4, C hannel A , Inter nal 3-10 3.
xC o n t e n t s.
LSI210 03 PCI to Dua l Channe l SCSI Hos t Adapter 1-1 Chapter 1 Using the LSI21003 This cha pter provides an ov er view of th e LSI Logi c LSI2 1003 PCI to Dual Channel S CSI Hos t Adapter board and its inter faces to PCI compute r system s. These topics are di scuss ed: • Section 1.
1-2 Using the LSI2100 3 1.2 Features This sect ion provide s a high lev el over view of the PCI Inter f ace, the SCSI Interface, a nd Board Character isti cs f or the LSI21003.
Interf ace Descriptions 1-3 • F ast , Ultra, Ul tra2, and Ult ra160 dat a transfer capabilit y • SCSI T e r minatio n P ower (TERMPWR) source wi th autores etting circu it breaker • Suppo r ts S.
1-4 Using the LSI2100 3 functiona lity f or the LSI2 1003 is contained with in the LSI5 3C1010-33 . The chip c onnect s direc tly to the P CI bus and genera tes tim ing proto col in compl ianc e with the P CI specif icati on. The PCI in terf ace opera tes as a 32- bit DMA bus master.
Interf ace Descriptions 1-5 1.3.3 SCSI Activity LED Interface The SC SI activ ity LE D interf ace is a fo ur-w ire arr angemen t that al lo ws conne ction of a n LED ha r ness to the boar d. The c onnect or on the h ost adapter is J6 for both chann els.
1-6 Using the LSI2100 3.
LSI210 03 PCI to Dua l Channe l SCSI Hos t Adapter 2-1 Chapter 2 Installi ng th e LSI 21003 This chapter de scr ibes in stallin g the LSI21003 into PC I computer system s and i nclu des the se top ics: • Sectio n 2.1, “Q uick Ins talla tion Proce dure,” page 2 -1 • Section 2.
2-2 Inst alli ng t he LSI2 100 3 A 32-bit slot shoul d be used. The LSI21003 wi ll work in a 64-bit sl ot, but only 32 bits are u sed. Th e host ad apter re quires a PCI slot that a llows b us master ope ration.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-3 2.2 Detaile d Installati on Pr ocedure This sect ion provides st ep-by-step instr ucti ons for installin g your LSI21003 a nd con necting i t to your SCSI peri pherals. If you are ex per ience d in thes e tasks, you may pref er to us e Sec tion 2.
2-4 Inst alli ng t he LSI2 100 3 2.2.2 Inser ting the Host Adapter F or safe and proper instal lation , check the user ’ s ma nual supp lied with your computer a nd perfor m the following steps: Step 1 . Ground yourself before removing the host adapt er board from its package.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-5 hav e in your sys tem. Th is or ientatio n is c orrect. The boar d is key ed and can only be i nser ted one way . Step 8 . Secu re the board with the bracket scre w (see Figur e 2.2 )b e f o r e making t he SCSI bus connecti ons.
2-6 Inst alli ng t he LSI2 100 3 Figure 2.2 Inserting the Host Adapter 2.2.3 Connecting t he SCSI P eripherals All inte r nal SCSI bus connect ions to th e LSI21 003 are m ade w ith an unshiel ded, 68- o r 50-con ductor ribbon c able (see Figure 2.3 ).
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-7 F or convenience, Channel A also has a 5 0-pin nar row (ribbon) co nnecto r . Some inter nal cables come wi th an SE/L VD ter min ator on o ne end.
2-8 Inst alli ng t he LSI2 100 3 Making Internal SCSI Bus Connections This sectio n provides step- by-step instr uctions ab out makin g inter nal SCSI bus conn ections. If you hav e no inter nal devices to conn ect, proceed to Step 4. Step 1. Plug one end of a SCSI ri bbon cable into an appropr iate conne ctor , J2, J4 , or J 5.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-9 Step 2 . Plug the o ther e nd of the cable into the connec tor o n the inter na l SC SI device. An example of this con nection appear s in Fi gure 2.5 . Figure 2.5 Internal SCSI Ribbon Cable to Internal SCSI Devic e Connection If th is is th e onl y int ernal de vice o n the b us, pr oceed to St ep 4.
2-10 Install ing the LSI21003 Step 3 . Plug the c able into e ach ad dition al device as il lust rated in Figure 2.6 . Figure 2.6 Connecting Additional Internal SCSI De vices.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-11 An example of multi ple in ter nal SCSI devices chain ed toge ther i s shown i n Figure 2 .7 . Figure 2.7 Multiple Internal SCSI Devices Chained T ogether.
2-12 Install ing the LSI21003 Most PC c abinets a re desi gned wi th a front p anel L ED . If you wish t o enable this feature, f ollow Step 4 . Step 4 . Connec t the LED c able to connect or J6 on the h ost ada pter , as shown i n Figure 2 .8 . When p roperl y co nnecte d, the fron t panel LED light s when ther e is activ ity on the SC SI b us .
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-13 Making External SCSI Bus Connections This sec tion pr ovides step-by-step instru ctions for makin g external SCS I bus connections. If you hav e only in ter na l devices, proceed to Secti on 2.2.4, “SCSI Bus T er m inat ion,” page 2-1 5 .
2-14 Install ing the LSI21003 Step 2 . Plug the 50-pi n high dens ity connec tor on the other end of the shie lded exter nal SC SI cable into t he SC SI co nnecto r on the ex ter nal S CSI device. An example o f this con nectio n is s hown in Figure 2.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-15 Step 3. Chain multip le de vices together wi th shielded exter nal SCSI cables. An ex ampl e of these chained con nectio ns is shown in Figu re 2. 11 . Figure 2.11 Multiple External SCSI Dev ices Chained T og ether 2.
2-16 Install ing the LSI21003 bus and its ter mi nation is auto matical ly ena bled when it is conn ected t o the end of the bus . Impor tant: T o ut ilize Ul tra160 SCSI p erfor mance, you must only hav e L V D devices on the bus.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-17 Figure 2.1 2 shows an example of how ter mina tion is deter mi ned for this SCSI bus configu ration. Figure 2.12 High Density Int ernal SCSI D evice T ermina ti.
2-18 Install ing the LSI21003 Internal SCSI Conne ctions for Both Inte rnal Connector s If inter n al SCSI device con nections to both inter nal connect ors (J2 an d J4) on your hos t adap ter hav e bee n made, then ter minat e the in ter nal devices on each end of the SCSI bus.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-19 Figure 2.1 4 shows an example of how ter mina tion is deter mi ned for this SCSI bus configu ration on t he host a dapter exter nal Chan nel A.
2-20 Install ing the LSI21003 Interna l and Externa l SCSI Conne ctions If inter na l and externa l SCSI devices are co nnect ed to the hos t adapter , then t erminate t he last i nternal and e xternal de vices on th e SCSI b us . Y ou mus t disable the t er minati on on a ll other devices.
Detail ed Install ation Pro cedure 2-21 Figure 2.15 Internal and Externa l SCSI De vice T e rmination Last Device on Chain– T erm ination Enabled Does Not End Chain– T ermination Disabled Last Dev.
2-22 Install ing the LSI21003 2.3 Setting SCSI IDs Set each SCSI device and t he host adapter t o a separate SCSI ID , 0 th rough 15. S CSI ID 7 is the p rese t host adapter s etting, g iving it th e highest p r iori ty on the bus.
Setting SCSI IDs 2-23 T abl e 2.1 SCSI ID Record SCSI ID SCSI Device Cha nnel A SCSI Device Cha nnel B 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 LSI21003 (def ault) LSI21 003 (def ault) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.
2-24 Install ing the LSI21003 2.4 Setting Interrupts (Exceptional Cases) Nor mally , you do not change the default inte rru pt routin g for the LSI21003 , si nce pe rf or manc e is us ually in crea sed by having two separate i nterr upts.
Completi ng the Insta llation 2-25 2.5 Completing the In stallation Before replacing the cover on y our compute r , review this insta llation procedu re check list. This can sa ve you eff or t later . Step 1 . Replace t he cabine t cover on your computer .
2-26 Install ing the LSI21003.
LSI210 03 PCI to Dua l Channe l SCSI Hos t Adapter 3-1 Chapter 3 T echnica l Specificat ions This chap ter di scu sses the physical environ ment asso ciate d with th e LSI21003 a nd inc ludes a mechan ical drawing of the hos t adapte r ( Figure 3.1 ).
3-2 T echni cal S pe cif icat ions Figure 3.1 LSI21003 Mechanical Drawing 3.1. 1 Ph ysical Charact eristics The dim ensio ns of the LS I21003 are appr ox ima tely 177.8 x 83.8 mm (7.0 x 3.3 in ches ). PCI con nectio n is made t hroug h edge conn ector J1.
Ph ysical En vironm ent 3-3 3.1.2 Electric al Character istics The LSI2 1003 ma ximum p ower requirem ents, whic h includ e SCSI TERMPWR, unde r nor mal operation ar e listed in Ta b l e 3 . 1 : The PCI PRSNT1# an d PRSN T2# pins are s et to i ndicate a 1 5 W max imum configura tion.
3-4 T echni cal S pe cif icat ions 3.1. 5 Saf ety Characteristi cs The bar e board m eets or exceeds th e requ irements of UL fl ammab ility rating 94 V 0. The bar e board is also m ar ked with th e suppli er’ s na me or tr adem ark, type , and UL fl ammab ili ty r ating .
Opera tional En vironment 3-5 Note: Sh aded pins a re not conn ected. T able 3.2 PCI Connector J1 Fron t Side Signals Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin − 12 V 1 GND 22 +3.3 V 43 TCK 2 AD27 23 C_BE1/ 44 GND 3 AD25 2 4 AD 14 4 5 TDO 4 +3.
3-6 T echni cal S pe cif icat ions Note: Sh aded pins a re not conn ected. T able 3.3 PCI Connector J1 Bac k Side Signals Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin TRST/ 1 AD28 22 P AR 43 +12 V 2 AD26 23 AD15 44 TMS 3 GND 24 +3.3 V 45 TDI 4 AD24 25 AD13 46 +5 V 5 IDSEL 26 AD11 47 INT A/ 6 +3.
Opera tional En vironment 3-7 3.2.2 The SCSI Inte rface The SCSI in terface conforms to ANSI X3T10 .11/1142 . The SCSI in terface operates as two 1 6-bit, SE or L VD chan nels, and suppor ts F as t, Ultra, Ultra2, and Ultra1 60 SCSI proto cols. The interface is made t hroug h connec tors J2, J3, and J 4 for Channel A and J5 for Channel B.
3-8 T echni cal S pe cif icat ions T able 3.4 SCSI Connect or J2, Channel A, Internal Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Na me Pin GND 1 GND 24 SD7/ 47 GND 2 GND 25 SDP/ 48 GND 3 GND 26 GND 49 GND 4 GND 27 CPRSNT_ A 1 1.
Opera tional En vironment 3-9 T able 3.5 SCSI Connect or J3, Channel A, External Signal N ame Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Nam e Pin GND 1 GND 18 GND 35 GND 2 GND 19 CPRSNT_B 1 1. CPRSNT_B is used to sense the c onnection of a stan dard SCSI de vice b ys e n s i n gS C S Is t a n d a r dG N Do nt h i sp i n .
3-10 T echnical S pecifica tions T able 3.6 SCSI Connect or J4, Channel A, Internal Signal Name Pin Si gnal Name Pin Signal Name Pin GND 1 SDP/ 18 GND 3 5 SD0/ 2 GND 19 SBSY/ 36 GND 3 GN D 2 0 GND 37 SD1/ 4 GND 21 SA CK/ 38 GND 5 CPRSNT_C 1 1.
Opera tional En vironment 3-11 T able 3.7 SCSI Connect or J5, Channel B, Internal Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin SD12+ 1 SACK+ 24 SD7 − 47 SD13+ 2 SRST+ 25 SDP − 48 SD14+ 3 SMSG+ .
3-12 T echnical S pecifica tions SCSI Activity L ED Interf ace The LED inter f ace allows an LED har n ess to be connecte d to the board. J6 is the connecto r f or bo th channels. Ta b l e 3 . 8 lists the si gnals an d pin numbers for Connector J6.
LSI210 03 PCI to Dua l Channe l SCSI Host Ada pter A-1 3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 12 pc 12.938 pc 13.851 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 34.
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc A-2 Gloss ary of T erms and Abbre viations Bus Master ing A high-pe rformanc e wa y to transfer data. The ho st adapte r contr ols the transfer of data directly to an d from syste m memor y without int errupti ng the c omput er’ s micropr oces sor .
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc Glossary of T erms and Abbrevi ations A-3 Dwor d A do ublew ord is a group of four consecutive bytes or characters that are stored, add ressed , transmitte d, and operated on as a unit .
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc A-4 Gloss ary of T erms and Abbre viations IRQ Interr upt Re quest Channel. A path thr ough w hich a device can g et the immediat e attenti on of the c omputer’s CPU . The PCI bus assig ns an IRQ path for each SCSI ho st adap ter .
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc Glossary of T erms and Abbrevi ations A-5 P arity Checking A w ay to verify t he accuracy of d ata transmit ted over the SCSI bus. The pari ty bit in the tra nsfer is used to m ake the sum o f all the 1 bi ts eit her odd or ev en (for odd or ev en pari ty).
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc A-6 Gloss ary of T erms and Abbre viations SCAM SCS I Configu red AutoMaticall y . A method to automa tical ly allocate S CSI IDs using s oftware when SCAM com plian t SCSI de vices ar e attach ed.
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc Glossary of T erms and Abbrevi ations A-7 ST A SCS I T rade A ssocia tion . A group of compa nies that co operate to promote SCS I parallel interface technology as a v iable mainstream I/O interco nnect f or com mercia l com puting.
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc 4.333 pc 48.583 pc 52.5 pc 34.5 pc 44.25 pc A-8 Gloss ary of T erms and Abbre viations.
LSI210 03 PCI to Dua l Channe l SCSI Host Ada pter IX-1 Inde x B board cha racteris tics 1- 3 board soft ware 1-1 burs t trans fe r rate 1-4 bus con figuratio ns 2-1 6 C chained con nection 2-15 compl.
IX-2 Inde x.
LSI210 03 PCI to Dua l Channe l SCSI Hos t Adapter Customer Fee dbac k W e would appreci ate your f e edback on this docum ent. Plea se copy the f ollowing pa ge, add your c omments, an d fax it to us at the number shown. If approp riat e, please als o fax copies o f any mar ked-up pages fr om this document .
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U .S. D ist ribut ors by S t at e (Co nti nue d) New Y ork Hauppa uge I. E. T el: 51 6.761 .0960 Long I sland A. E. T el: 51 6.434.740 0 W . E. T e l: 800.8 61.995 3 Rochester A. E. T el: 71 6.475.913 0 I. E. T el: 71 6.242 .7790 W . E. T e l: 800.3 19.
Direct Sales Representatives b y State (Components and Boards) E. A. Earle Associates E. L. Electrodyne - UT GRP Gro up 2000 I. S. Infinity Sa les, Inc. ION ION Associat es, Inc. R. A. Rathsburg Associ- ates, Inc. SGY Synergy Associates, Inc. Arizona Te m p e E.
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An important point after buying a device LSI LSI21003 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought LSI LSI21003 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data LSI LSI21003 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, LSI LSI21003 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get LSI LSI21003 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of LSI LSI21003, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime LSI LSI21003.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with LSI LSI21003. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device LSI LSI21003 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center