Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Xeon 7041 Intel
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Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Revision 2.1 September 2006 Document Number: 309626-0 02.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 3 Contents 1 Introduction... ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ................ .............. ..... 11 1.1 Terminology..... ...............
4 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Seri es Datasheet 6.2.2 On-Demand Mode . ................ ................. ................... ................ ............. 71 6.2.3 PROCHOT# Signal Pin .......................... ................ .......
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 5 Figures 2-1 On-Die Front Side Bus Te rmination .......... ................ ................ ................ .......... 15 2-2 Phase Lock Loop (PLL) F ilt er Requirements ...................
6 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Seri es Datasheet 2-16 GTL + Asynchronous and AGTL+ Asynchr onous Signal Group DC Specifications ......... ................ ................ ................... ................. ................ ... 31 2-17 SMBus Signal Group DC Specifications .
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 7 Revision History § Document Number Revision Number Description Date 309626 -001 • Initial release of this document November 2005 309626 -002 • Changed product name to Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Proce ssor 7000 Series • Updated Section 1.
8 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Seri es Datasheet.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 9 Features A vailable at 2.66 or 3.0 GHz 90 nm process technology Binary compatible with app lication running on previous members.
10 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Seri es Datasheet.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 11 1 Introduction The Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® processor 7000 series is Intel’ s first dual core product for multi-processor servers, utiliz ing two physical Intel N etBurst ® microarchitecture cores in one package.
Introduction 12 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet which are accessed through an SMBus interface and co ntain information releva nt to the particular processor and system in which it is installed. Thermal managemen t and furth er thermal re dundancy can be achieved with the use of the Thermal Monitor feature.
Introduction Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 13 transactions as well as interrupt messages pa ss between the processor and chipset over the FSB.
Introduction 14 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 1.2 Reference Document s Material and concepts available in the following documen ts may be beneficial when reading this document: NOTES: 1. Contact your Intel representative for the latest revision of documents.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 15 2 Electrical Specifications 2.1 Front Side Bus and G TLREF Most Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series FSB signals use Assisted Gunning T ransceiver Logic (AG TL+) signalin g technology .
Electrical Specifications 16 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet The BCLK[1:0] inputs directly control the opera ting speed for the FSB interface. The processor core frequency is configured during reset by using values stored internally durin g manufacturing.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 17 2.1.3 Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Power and Filter V CCA , V CCIOPLL are power sources required by the P LL clock generators on the Dual-Co re Intel Xeon processor 7000 series.
Electrical Specifications 18 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet processor . A minimum V CC voltage is provided in Ta b l e 2 - 7 and changes with frequency . This allows processors running at a higher frequency to have a relaxed mi nimum V CC voltage specification.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 19 T able 2-3. V olt age Identification (VID) Definition VID5 VID4 VID3 VID2 VID1 VID0 VID (V) VID5 VID4 VID3 VID2 VID1 VID0 VID (V) 001010 0 . 8 3 7 5 0 1 1 0 1 0 1.
Electrical Specifications 20 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 2.3 Reserved, Unused, and TESTHI Pins All RESER VED pins must be left unconnected. Connection of these pins to V CC , V SS , or to any other signal (including each othe r) can result in comp onent malfunction or in compatibility with future processors.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 21 2.5 Front Side Bus Signal Group s The FSB signals are grouped by buffer type as listed in Ta b l e 2 - 4 . The buffer type indicates which AC and DC specifications apply to the signals.
Electrical Specifications 22 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet The ODTEN signals enables or disables R TT . Those signals affected by ODTEN still p resent R TT termination to the signal’ s pin when the processor is placed in tri-state mode.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 23 2.7 T est Access Port (T AP) Connection Due to the voltage levels supported by other compo nents in the T AP log.
Electrical Specifications 24 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 2.9 Processor DC S pecifications The following notes apply: • The processor DC specifications in this section are defined at the processor core silicon and not at the package pins unless noted otherwise.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 25 I CC_TDC I CC for Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series Thermal Design Current 2.8 - FMB GHz 130 A 7, 20, 13 NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted, all specificati ons in this table apply to all processors.
Electrical Specifications 26 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet NOTES: 1. Processor or voltage regulator thermal protection circ uitry should not trip for load currents greater than I CC_TDC . 2. Not 100% tested. S pecified by design characterization.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 27 NOTES: 1. The V CC_MIN and V CC_MAX loadlines represent static and transient limits. 2. This table is intended to aid in reading discrete points on Figure 2-4 . 3.
Electrical Specifications 28 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet NOTES: 1. The V CC_MIN and V CC_MAX loadlines represent static and transient limits. 2. The V CC_MIN and V CC_MAX loadlines are plots of the discrete point found in T able 2-9 .
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 29 NOTES: 1. V OS is measured overshoot voltage. 2. T OS is measured time duration above VID. Figure 2- 5. V CC Overshoot Examp le W aveform Example Overs hoot Wa veform 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time [us] Voltage [V] VID - 0.
Electrical Specifications 30 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet NOTES: 1. V IL is defined as the voltage range at a receiving agent that will be interpre ted as a logical low value. 2. V IH is defined as the voltage range at a receiving agent that will be interpreted as a logica l high value.
Electrical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 31 NOTES: 1. All outputs are open drain. 2. The V TT represented in these specificat ions refers to instantaneous V TT . 3. The maximum output current is based on maximum current handling capability of the buffer and is not specified into the test load.
Electrical Specifications 32 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 33 3 Mechanical Specifications The Dual-Core Intel Xeon processo r 7000 series is packaged in a FC-mPGA4 package that interfaces with the motherboard via a mPGA604 sock et. The pac kage consists of a processor core mounted on a substrate pin-carrier .
Mechanical Specifications 34 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Figure 3-2. Processor Package Drawing (Shee t 1 of 2).
Mechanical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 35 Figure 3-3. Processor Packag e Drawing (Sheet 2 of 2).
Mechanical Specifications 36 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 3.2 Processor Component Keepout Zones The processor may contain compone nts on the substrate that define component keepout zone requirements. A thermal and mechanical solu tion design must not intrude into the required keepout zones.
Mechanical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 37 3.4 Package Handling Guidelines Ta b l e 3 - 2 inclu des a list of guidelines on package handling in term s of recommended maximum loading on the processor IHS relative to a fixed substrate.
Mechanical Specifications 38 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 3.8 Processor Markings Figure 3-4 shows the topside markings and Fig ure 3-5 shows the bottom-side markings on the processor . These diagrams are to aid in the identification o f th e Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series.
Mechanical Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 39 3.9 Processor Pin-Out Coordinates Figure 3-6 shows the top view of the processo r pin co ordinates. The coordinates are referred to throughout the docume nt to identify p rocessor pins.
Mechanical Specifications 40 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet § Figure 3-7. Processor Pin-Out Co ordinates, Bottom V iew Vcc/Vss ADDRESS DATA Vcc/ Vss CLOCKS COMMON CLOCK CO.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 41 4 Pin Listing 4.1 Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor 7000 Series Pin Assignment s Section 2.5 contains the front side bus signal groups for the Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series (see Ta b l e 2 - 4 ).
42 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing BPM3# F5 Common Clk Input/Output BPM4# E8 Common Clk Input/Output BPM5# E4 Common Clk Input/Output BPRI# D23 Common Clk Input .
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 43 Pin Listing DBI1# AD22 Source Sync Input/Ou tput DBI2# AE12 Source Sync Inp ut/Output DBI3# AB9 Source Sync Input/Ou tput DBSY# F18 Common.
44 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing DSTBP3# Y1 1 Source Sync Input/Output FERR#/PBE# E27 Async G TL+ Output FORCEPR# A15 Async G TL+ Input G TLREF0 W23 Power/Othe.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 45 Pin Listing V CC D18 Power/Other V CC D24 Power/Other V CC D31 Power/Other V CC E6 Power/Other V CC E20 Power/Other V CC E26 Power/Other V.
46 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing V CC T30 Power/Oth er V CC U23 Power/Other V CC U25 Power/Other V CC U27 Power/Other V CC U29 Power/Other V CC U31 Power/Other.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 47 Pin Listing V SS E9 Power/Other V SS E15 Power/Other V SS E17 Power/Other V SS E23 Power/Other V SS E29 Power/Other V SS E31 Power/Other V.
48 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing V SS P7 Power/Other V SS P9 Power/Other V SS P23 Power/Other V SS P25 Power/Other V SS P27 Power/Other V SS P29 Power/Other V .
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 49 Pin Listing V SS AD17 Power/Other V SS AD23 Power/Other Vss AE6 Power/Other V SS AE1 1 P ower/Other V SS AE21 Power/Other V SS AE27 Power/Other V SSA AA5 Power/Other Input V SSSENSE D26 Power/Other Output V TT A4 Power/Other V TT B12 Power/Other T able 4-1.
50 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing 4.1.2 Pin Listing by Pin Number T able 4-2. Pin Listing by Pin Number Pin No.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 51 Pin Listing C17 A8# Source Sync Input/Output C18 A6# Source Sync Input/Output C19 V SS Power/Other C20 REQ3# Common Clk Input/Output C21 R.
52 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing F6 BPM0# C ommon Clk Input/Output F7 V SS Power/Other F8 BPM1# C ommon Clk Input/Output F9 G TLREF3 Power/Other Input F10 V TT.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 53 Pin Listing K3 Don’t Care K4 V SS Power/Other K5 Don’t Care K6 V SS Power/Other K7 Don’t Care K8 V SS Power/Other K9 Don’t Care K2.
54 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing P26 V CC Power/Other P27 V SS Power/Other P28 V CC Power/Other P29 V SS Power/Other P30 V CC Power/Other P31 V SS Power/Other .
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 55 Pin Listing W5 BCLK1 FSB Clk Input W6 TESTHI0 Power/Other Input W7 TESTHI1 Power/Other Input W8 TESTHI2 Power/Other Input W9 G T LREF1 Pow.
56 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing AB7 PWRGOOD Async G TL+ Input AB8 V CC Power/Other AB9 DBI3# Source Sync Input/Output AB10 D55# Source Sync Input/Output AB1 1.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 57 Pin Listing § AD27 D4# Source Sync Input/Output AD28 SM_ALERT# SMBus Output AD29 SM_WP SMBus Input AD30 Don’t Care AD31 Don’t Care AE.
58 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Pin Listing.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 59 5 Signal Definitions 5.1 Signal Definitions T able 5-1. Signal Definit ions (Sheet 1 of 7) Name T ype Description A[39:3]# I/O A[39:3]# (Address) define a 2 40 -byte physical memory address space.
Signal Definitions 60 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet BNR# I/O BNR # (Block Next Request) is used to assert a bus stall by any bus agent who is unable to accept new bus transactions. During a bus stall, the curr ent bus owner cann ot issue any new transactions.
Signal Definitions Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 61 D[63:0]# I /O D[63:0]# (Data) are the data signals. These si gnals provide a 64-bit data path between the processor FSB agents, and must connect the appropriate pins on all such agents.
Signal Definitions 62 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet HIT# HITM# I/O I/O HIT# (Snoop Hit) and HITM# (Hit Mo dified) convey transaction snoop operation results.
Signal Definitions Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 63 ODTEN I ODTE N (On-die termination enable) should be connected to V TT through a resistor to enable on-die termination for end bus agents. For middle bus agents, pull this signal do wn via a resistor to ground to disable on-die termination.
Signal Definitions 64 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet SM_EP_A[2:0] I The SM_EP_A (EEPROM Select Address) pins are decoded on the SMBus in conjunction with the upper address bits in order to maintain unique addresses on the SMBus in a system w ith multiple processors.
Signal Definitions Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 65 § V CCA IV CCA provides isolated power for the analog portion of t he internal PLL ’s. Use a discrete RLC filter to provide clean power . Refer to the appropriate plat form design guide for complete implementation details.
Signal Definitions 66 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 67 6 Thermal Specifications 6.1 Package Thermal S pecifications The Dual-Core Intel Xeon proce ssor 7000 series requires a thermal solut ion to maintain temperatures within operati ng limits.
Thermal Specifications 68 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet The upper point of the thermal profile consists of the Thermal Design Power (TDP) defined in Ta b l e 6 - 1 and the associated T CASE value. The lower point of the thermal profile consists of x = P CONTROL_BASE and y = T CASE_MAX @ P CONTROL_BASE .
Thermal Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 69 NOTE: Refer to the Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Sequence Thermal/Mechanical Design Guidelines for system and environmental implementation details. Figure 6- 1.
Thermal Specifications 70 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 6.1.2 Thermal Metrology The maximum and minimum case temperatures (T CASE ) specified in Ta b l e 6 - 1 are measured at the geometric top center of the processor IHS.
Thermal Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 71 operating temperature. Once the temperatur e has dropped below the maximum operating temperature and the hysteresis timer has expired, the TCC goes inactive and clock modulation ceases.
Thermal Specifications 72 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 6.2.4 FORCEPR# Signal Pin The FORCEPR# (force power reduction) input can be used by the platform to force the Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series processor to activate the TCC .
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 73 7 Features 7.1 Power-On Configuration Options Several configuration options can be set by ha rdware. The Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 700 0 series samples its hardware configuration at reset, on the active-to-inacti ve transition of RESET#.
Features 74 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 7.2.2 HAL T Power Down St ate HAL T is a low power state entered when the processor executes the HAL T instruction. The processor transitions to the Normal state u pon th e occurrence of SMI#, BINIT#, INIT#, LINT[1:0] (NMI, INTR), or an interrupt deliver ed over the FSB.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 75 BINIT# is not serviced while the processor is in S top-Grant state. The event is latched and can be serviced by software upon exit from t he Stop-Grant state. RESET# causes the processor to immediately in itial ize itself, but the processor will stay in Stop-Grant state.
Features 76 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 7.3 Enhanced Intel SpeedS tep ® T echnology Enhanced Intel SpeedStep T echnology enables the processor to switch between multip le frequency and voltage poin ts, which may result in platfo rm power saving s.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 77 The processor SMBus implementation uses the clock and data signals of the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification . It does not implement the SMBSUS# si gnal. Layout and routing guidelines are available in the appropri ate platform design guide document.
Features 78 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet T able 7-2. Proce ssor Information ROM Format (Sheet 1 of 3) Offset/Section # of Bit s Function Notes Header: 00h 8 Data Format R.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 79 Cache Data: 25 - 26h 16 Reserved Reserved for future use 27 - 28h 16 L2 Cache Size per core 16-bit hexadecimal number (in KB) 29 - 2Ah 16 L3 Cache Size 16-bi t hexadecimal number (in KB).
Features 80 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 7.4.2 Scratch EEPROM Also available in the memory component on th e processor SMBus is an EEPROM which may be used for other data at the system or proc essor vendor ’ s discretion.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 81 7.4.4 SMBus Thermal Sensor The processor ’ s SMBus thermal sen sor provides a means of acquiring th ermal data from the processor . The thermal sensor is composed of control logic, SMBus in terface logic, precision analog-to-digita l converters, and precision curr ent sources.
Features 82 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet NOTES: 1. This is an 8-bit field. The device wh ich sent the alert will respond to the ARA Packet with its address in the seven most significant bits. The l east significant bit is undefined and may return as a ‘1’ or ‘0’.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 83 NOTES: 1. Bit 3 of Configuration register 1 must be set to 0 (default value is 0) 2. Writing to RESER VED bits may cause unexpected re sults. RESER VED bits that must be correctly programmed are identified in the register definitions in the following section.
Features 84 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Note: Writing to a read-command regist er or reading from a write-comma nd register will produce inv alid results.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 85 alarm condition persists). If the SM_ALER T# signal is enabled via the Thermal Sensor Configuration Register and a thermal diode threshol d is exceeded, an alert will be sent to the platform via the SM_ALER T# signal.
Features 86 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Conversion Rate Register The contents of the Conversion Rate Registers determine the nomin al rate at which analog-to-digital conversions happen when the SM Bus thermal sensor is in auto-convert m ode.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 87 7.4.7 SMBus Thermal Sensor Alert Interrupt The SMBus thermal sensor located on the proces sor includes the ability to interrupt the SMBus when a fault condition exists. The fault conditions consist of: 1.
Features 88 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 7.4.8 SMBus Device Addressing Of the addresses broadcast across the SMBus, th e memory component claims those of the form “1010XXXZb”. The “XXX” bits are defined by pull-up and pull-down resistors on the system baseboard.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 89 NOTE: 1. This addressing scheme will support up to 8 processors on a single SMBus.
Features 90 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet The Header also includes the data format revision at offset 0h and the EEPROM size (formatted in hex bytes) at offset 01-02h. The data format revi si on is used whenever fiel ds within the PIROM are redefined.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 91 Front Side Bus Frequency Offset 1A - 1Bh provides FSB frequency information. Systems may need to read this offset to decide if all installed proces sors support the same FSB speed.
Features 92 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Cache Data This section contains cache-related data. L2 Cach e Size Offset 27 - 28h is the L2 cache size field. The fi eld reflects the size of the level two cache for each core in kilobytes.
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 93 Processor Part Number Offse t 38 - 3Eh contains seven ASCII characters re flectin g the Intel part number for the processor . This informatio n is typically marked on the outside of the processor .
Features 94 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Example: The Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series has two cores an d two threads per co re. Therefore, this register will have a value of 0Ah Additional Processor Feature Flags Offset 7Ah provides additional feature in formatio n for the processor .
Features Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 95 Checksums are automatically calculated and programm ed by Intel. The first step in calculating the checksum is to add each byte from the field to the ne xt subsequent byte. This result is then negated to provide the checksum.
Features 96 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 97 8 Boxed Processor Specifications 8.1 Introduction The Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 7000 series will be offered as an Intel boxed processor . Intel boxed processors are intended for system integrators who buil d systems from components available through distribution channels.
Boxed Processor Specifications 98 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet NOTE: 1. The heatsink in this image is for reference only . 2. This drawing shows the retenti on scheme for the boxed processor . 8.2 Mechanical S pecifications This section documents the mech anical specifications of the box ed processor passive heatsink.
Boxed Processor Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 99 Figure 8-2. T op Side Board Keepout Zones (Part 1).
Boxed Processor Specifications 100 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Figure 8-3. T op Side Board Keepout Zones (Part 2).
Boxed Processor Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 101 Figure 8-4. Bottom Side Board Keepout Zones.
Boxed Processor Specifications 102 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet Figure 8-5. Board Mounting-Hole Keepo ut Zones.
Boxed Processor Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 103 Figure 8-6. Thermal Solution V olumetric.
Boxed Processor Specifications 104 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 8.2.2 Boxed Processor Heat sink Weight The boxed processor heat sink wei ght is approx imately 530 grams. See Section 3 of this document for details on the processor weight.
Boxed Processor Specifications Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 105 solution limitatio ns by using a load path attached to the chassis pan. Th e hat spring on the under side of the baseboard provides the necessary comp ressive load for the thermal interface material.
Boxed Processor Specifications 106 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet.
Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet 107 9 Debug T ools Specifications Please refer to the ITP700 Debug Port Design Gui de, eXtended Debug Port : Debug Port D esign Guide for T w.
Debug T ools Specifications 108 Dual-Core Intel ® Xeon ® Processor 7000 Series Datasheet.
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