Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SL22U Intel
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i In tel® 64 Ar chitectur e x2APIC Specification Re ference Number: 318148-004 March 2010.
1-1 INTR ODUCTION CHAPT ER 1 IN TRODUCTION 1.1 IN TRODUCTION The xAPIC architecture provided a key me chanism for interrupt delivery in many generations of Intel processors and platforms across different market segments.
1-2 IN TRODUCTION However no modifications are required to PCI or PCIe device s that support direct interrupt delivery to the processors via Me ssage Signaled Interrupts.
1-3 INTR ODUCTION 1.4 R EF ERENC ES • Intel ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual (in five volumes) http://developer • Intel Virtualization T echnology for Directed I/O, Rev 1.1 specification http://download.
1-4 IN TRODUCTION This page intentionally left blank.
2-1 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE CHAPT ER 2 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHIT ECTUR E 2.1 X 2APIC ENHANCEMEN TS The key enhancements provided by the x2 A PIC architecture o ver xAPIC are the following: • Su.
2-2 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE 2.2 DET ECTING AND ENABLING X 2APIC A processor’s support to operate its local APIC in the x2APIC mode can be detected by querying the extended feature flag in formation reported by CPUID .
2-3 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE bit 10 to zero. Se ction 2.7, “x2APIC ST A TE TRANSITIONS” provides a detailed state diagram for the state transitions allowed for the local APIC. 2.3 X 2APIC MODE R EGISTER IN T ERF ACE In xAPIC mode, the software model for accessing the APIC registers is through a memory mapped interface.
2-4 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE • The SELF IPI register is available only if x2APIC mode is enabled. The MSR address space is compressed to allow for future growth. Ev ery 32 bit register on a 128- bit boundary in the legacy MMIO space is mapped to a single MSR in the local x2APIC MSR address s pace.
2-5 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE 0120H 012H ISR bits 64:95 Read Only. 0130H 013H ISR bits 96:127 Read Only. 0140H 014H ISR bits 128:159 Read On ly. 0150H 015H ISR bits 160:191 Read On ly. 0160H 016H ISR bits 192:223 Read On ly. 0170H 017H ISR bits 224:255 Read On ly.
2-6 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE 2.3.3 Reserv ed Bit Checking Section 2.3.2 and Ta b l e 2 - 2 specifies the reserved bit de finitions for the APIC regis- ters in x2APIC mode. Non-zero writes (by WRMSR instruction) to reserv ed bits to these registers will raise a general protection fault exception while reads return zeros (RsvdZ semantics).
2-7 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE 2.3.4 Error Handling RDMSR and WRMSR operations to reserved addresses in the x2APIC mode will r aise a GP fault. (Note: In xAPIC mode, an APIC error is indicated in the Er ror Status Register on an illegal register access.
2-8 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE Other semantics change related to reading/ writin g the ICR in x2APIC mode vs. xAPIC mode are: • Completion of the WRMSR instruction to the ICR does not guar antee that the interrupt to be dispatched has been rece ived by the targeted processors.
2-9 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE last write to the ESR. Errors are collecte d regardless of L VT Error mask bit, but the APIC will only issue an interrupt due to the error if the L VT Error mask bit is cleared. In the x2APIC mode, the write of a zero valu e is enforced.
2-10 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE 2.3.7 VM-e xit Contr ols for MSRs and x2APIC R egisters The VMX architecture allows a VMM to specify l i s t s o f M S R s t o b e l o a d e d o r s t o r e d o n V.
2-11 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE than 32 bits in its hardware. System software should be agnostic to the actual number of bits that are implemented.
2-12 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE In the xAPIC mode, the Destination Format R egister (DFR) through MMIO interface determines the choice of a flat logical mode or a clustered logical mode. Flat logical mode is not supported in the x2APIC mode. Hence the Destination Format Register (DFR) is eliminated in x2APIC mode.
2-13 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE 2.4.3 Interrup t Command Regis ter In x2APIC mode, the layout of the Interrupt Command Re gister is shown in Figure 2- 5 . The lower 32 bits of ICR in x2APIC mode is identical to the lower half of the ICR in xAPIC mode, except bit 12 (Delivery Status) is not used since it is not needed in X2APIC mode.
2-14 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE debugging; however , software should not assume the value returned by reading the ICR is the last written value. A destination ID value of FFFF_FFFFH is used for broadcast of interrupts in both logical destination and physical destination modes.
2-15 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE The SELF IPI register is a write-only regist er . A RDMSR instruction with address of the SELF IPI register will raise a GP fault. The handling and prioritization of a self-IPI sent via the SELF IPI register is architec- turally identical to that for an IPI sent vi a the ICR fro m a legacy xAPIC unit.
2-16 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE Directed EOI capability is intended to enable system software to perform directed EOIs to specific IOxAPICs in the system.
2-17 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE x2APIC modes of a local x2APIC u nit. Layout of the Local APIC V ersion register is as shown in Figure 2-8 . The Directed EOI feature is supported if bit 24 is set to 1.
2-18 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE • The local APIC ID is initialized by hardw are with a 32 bit ID (x2APIC ID). The lowest 8 bits of the x2APIC ID is the le gacy local xAPIC ID, and is stored in the upper 8 bits of the A PIC register for access in xAPIC mode.
2-19 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE 2.7 .1.1 x2APIC A fter R ESET The valid transitions from the xAPIC mode state are: • to the x2APIC mode by setting EXT to 1 (resulting EN=1, EXTD= 1).
2-20 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE A RESET in the disabled state place s the x2 APIC in the xAPIC mode. All APIC registers (including the local APIC ID regist er) are initialized as described in Se ction 2.7.1 . An INIT in the disabled state keeps the x2APIC in the disabled state.
2-21 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE processor topology . The relevant information in CPUID leaves 01H and 04H do not directly map to individual lev els of the topology , but merely relate to the sharing characteristics below different levels.
2-22 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE The lowest level number is zero. Level numbe r = 0 is reserved to specify SMT -rel ated topology information (see Hyper- Threading T e chnology in Section 7.8 of “Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’ s Manual“, V ol.
2-23 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE 2.8.1 Consistency o f APIC IDs and CPUID The consistency of physical x2APIC ID in MSR 802H in x2A PIC mode and the 32-bit value returned in CPUID .0BH:EDX is facilitated by processor hardware. CPUID.0BH:EDX will report the full 32 bit ID, in xAPIC and x2APIC mode.
2-24 LO C A L X 2APIC ARCHITECTU RE • R e-directible/Lowest Priority inter-processor interrupts are not supported in the x2APIC architecture..
2-25 LO C A L X 2A PIC ARCHITECTURE This page intentionally left blank.
Index-1 INDEX A APIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2, 1, 6, 7, 9, 17 APIC ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 11, 14, 23 C CPUID instruction deterministic cache parameters leaf . . . . . . . . 21 D DFR Destination Format Register .
Index-2 S SELF IPI register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 7 SVR Spurious Interrupt Vector Register . . . . . . . . . 16 T TMR Trigger Mode Register . . . . . . . . . . 5, 15, 16, 18 TPR Task Priority Register . . . . . . . . . . .
Index-3 This page intentionally left blank.
An important point after buying a device Intel SL22U (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Intel SL22U yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Intel SL22U - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Intel SL22U you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Intel SL22U will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Intel SL22U, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Intel SL22U.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Intel SL22U. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Intel SL22U along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center