Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PJL HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP P ar t No . 5961-0509 Printed in USA First Editi on - O ctob er 1992 PCL 5 Printer Lang uageT echnical Ref erence Man ual.
ii EN Notice This do cument co ntains propr ietar y informa tion which is protected by copyright. All righ ts are res erved. No p ar t of this doc ument may be photocopi ed, reproduc ed, or translated to another la nguage wit hout the p rior writ ten cons ent of Hew lett -P ac kard Comp any .
EN iii Printing Histor y This m anual was created using HP T ag/V ectra software on an HP V ectra P erson al Computer . The bo dy text is printe d in Helvetica f onts. The camera-rea dy cop y was p rinted o n an HP Laser Jet IIISi pri nter with Res olution Enha ncement tech nology (REt) and was th en reprod uced using sta ndard offset printin g.
iv EN T rademark Credits Intellifont and Ga r th G raph ic are U.S . regis tered trademar ks of Agfa Divis ion, Mi les Inc . CG T riumvir ate and Sh annon are trademar ks of Agf a Division, Miles Inc.
EN v Inside This Manual What Y o u Can Learn From This Manual Hewlett-P ackard has de v e loped a stand ard set of pr inter features for use in al l HP pr inters. Prin ter f eatur es are acces sed through the correspo nding comma nds of Hewlett-Pac kard’ s P CL language.
vi EN Note Since a ctual imple mentation o f printer commands wi thin software applica tions varies fr om package to package, spec ific examples are not given. For e xample s of pri nter comma nd usage with m any popular software packages, refer to HP’ s Software A pplication Notes , provided with t he print er .
EN vii Chapter 5 - Page Control Commands This ch apter descr ibes the co mmands providing pa ge f or mat contro l. P age for mat control allows you to select t he page so urce, size, ori entation, m argins, and text spacing . Chapter 6 - Cursor Positioning This cha pter descri bes how to positi on the cursor wi thin the logi cal page.
viii EN Chapter 13 - The PCL Print Model This cha pter desc ribes the PCL pr int model w hich all o ws for spec ial effects when pri nting. Chapter 14 - PCL Rectangular Area Fill Graphics This cha pter descr ibes how to d efine and f ill a rectangu lar area wi th one of the p redefine d PCL patter ns, or with a u ser-defin ed patter n.
EN ix Chapter 19 - The Configuration and Status Group This cha pter descr ibes the comm ands used to set def ault conditions and values for programmable HP-GL/2 features. It a lso e xplain s the commands used for scalin g, establishing a s oft-clip window , and rotating the HP-GL/2 co ordinate sy stem.
x EN Related Docum entation The following related manuals provide fur ther infor mation about HP LaserJ et printe rs, including the ir f eatures and function s . PCL 5 Comparis on Guide This d ocument cont ains supple mental infor mation f or programming PCL 5 LaserJe t printers.
EN Contents -1 Contents Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Pri nting Histor y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents -2 EN The Print En vironment F act ory Def ault Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 User Default Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN Contents -3 Cursor P ositioning Absolut e vs. Relative Cursor P ositioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6- 2 Cursor P ositio ning Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents -4 EN PCL Font Selection Pri mar y and Secon dar y F onts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 F ont Re solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN Contents -5 User -Defined Symbol Sets Symbol Set ID Code C ommand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Define Sy mbol Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents -6 EN Under line P os ition (Distan ce) (SB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29 Under line Thickness (UB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29 T e xt H eight (UI) .
EN Contents -7 Macro Contr ol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12- 7 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents -8 EN Raster Graphic s Presentati on Mode Comma nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-8 Raster Heigh t Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 -11 Raster Wid th Command .
EN Contents -9 An Introduction to HP-G L/ 2 V ector Graphics Lear ning HP-GL /2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-2 HP-GL/2 Co mmands and S yntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents -10 EN The Configuration and Stat us Gr oup Establishing De f a ult Condit ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-3 The Scaling P oints P 1 and P2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN Contents -11 The P ol ygon Group Using the P olygon Buff er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1-2 Dra wing Rectangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents -12 EN The Character Gr oup Pri nting Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23- 3 Moving to the Car riage R eturn P oint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN Contents -13 SR, Relati v e Character Si z e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-81 Example :Using the SR Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-83 SS, Select Stand ard Font .
Contents -14 EN.
EN PCL PRINTER LA NGUAGE HISTORY 1-1 1 Introduction to HP PCL PCL PRINTER LANGU A GE HIST OR Y Hewlett-P ackard create d the PCL p rinter lan guage (sim ply ref er red to as “PCL ” elsewhere in th.
1-2 Introd uction to HP PCL EN PCL Printer Language A r chitecture PCL pr inter languag e struc ture has be en useful to g uide languag e functiona lity growth and co mmand synta x definitio n.
EN What are Printer Comma nds? 1-3 What are Printer Co mmands? PCL pr inter commands provide access to printer features. There ar e f our ge neral types of HP printer l anguage comm ands: z control co.
1-4 Introd uction to HP PCL EN HP-GL/2 Commands HP-GL/2 , v ector g raphi c comma nds are two lett er mnemonic c odes designed to remind y ou of th e function na me (such a s IN f or Init ializ e). F oll owi ng the t wo l etter mnemon ic ma y be one or more par amete rs , which id entify detail s of how to proces s the comman d.
EN Syntax of Escape Sequence s 1-5 Syntax of Escape Sequences There ar e two f or ms of PCL escape seq uences: t wo-character escape s equence s and parameter ized escape sequenc es .
1-6 Introd uction to HP PCL EN P aramet erized Esc ape Sequ ences P arameter ized escape s equences have the following f or m: ? X y z1 # z2 # z3 ... # Zn[da ta] wher e y, # , zi ( z1, z2, z3... ) an d [data] may be opt ional, depend ing on the co mmand.
EN Syntax of Escape Sequence s 1-7 The following is an e xample o f an esca pe sequence with a ter mination c haracter and no p arameter characte r . This escape sequenc e performs a single functi on. Notes Some esc ape sequ ences shown in this manual conta in space s between characte rs f or clar ity .
1-8 Introd uction to HP PCL EN Use these three r ules to comb ine and sho r ten prin ter command s: 1 The first two characters afte r “ ? ” (the p arameterized an d g rou p character) must be the sam e in all of t he commands to be combine d. In the example above , the se are “ & ” and “ l ”.
EN Introducti on 2-1 2 The P age Introduction This cha pter descr ibes the P CL coordina te system. It defines the logic al page and t he pr intable area; it intr oduces the HP-GL/2 (vector graphics) picture frame, and identi fies the b oundar ies of ea ch.
2-2 The P age EN Logical P age The PCL l ogical page (als o ref erred to as the PCL addressable area) define s the area in wh ich the P CL cursor ca n be posi tioned.
EN Printed Do ts 2-3 Printed Do ts The hig h quality ou tput achiev ed by HP LaserJ et print ers is due in par t to t he ability t o la y down a fine gri d of “dots” on the page. The density of t his grid is referred to as the printer’ s reso lution.
2-4 The P age EN PCL Coordinate System The PCL coordinate system is defined a s shown in Fig ure 2-2. Figure 2-2 X,Y PCL Coordinate s The point (0,0) is at the inter section of the le ft edge of the logica l page and the cu rrent top ma rgin position .
EN Units of th e PCL Coordin ate System 2-5 Units of th e PCL Coordinate System The uni ts of the X-axi s of the PCL c oordinate sy stem ma y b e PCL Units, decipoints , or columns . The u nits of the Y -ax is ma y be PCL Units, decipoin ts, or row s .
2-6 The P age EN HP-GL/2 Picture Frame In additio n to tex t and raster graphics, HP-GL/2 ve ctor graphics can be pl aced on th e PCL logical page. HP-GL/2 vector graphics are incor porate d using the c oncept of the HP-GL/2 pictu re frame (see Fig ure 2-3).
EN Printab le Area 2- 7 Printable Area The printable area is th e area of the p h ysical page in whic h the pri nter is able to place a dot. The physical page ref ers t o the size of the med ia (letter , legal , etc.
2-8 The P age EN T able 2-2 Landscape Logical P age & Printable Area Boundaries DIMENSIONS (at 300 DPI - do uble for 600 DPI) P APER SIZE A B C D E F G H LETTER 3300 2550 318 0 2550 60 0 5 0 150 L.
EN Printab le Area 2- 9 The HP L aserJet pr inters pe rf or m pixel-le vel clipping. When pr inting characters or graphics, if any por tion of the character ce ll or graphic is outside the print ab le area, only that por tion outs ide the pri ntable area is clippe d (see Figur e 2-4).
2-10 The Page EN.
EN Introduc tion 3-1 3 The Pr int En vironment Introduction The group of a ll of the p rinter’ s cu rrent feature settings, collec tiv ely , i s ref erred to as the pr int environm ent.
3-2 The P rint Envi ronment EN F actor y Default En vironment A factor y default is a feature setting programmed into the prin ter at the factor y . The group of all of the pr inter’ s f eatur e settin gs set to the ir f act ory settings is referred to a s the F actor y Default Environmen t.
EN Factory Default Envi ronment 3- 3 PAGE CONTROL FONT MANAGEMENT Pr int Direction Font ID Or ientation 2 Character Code P age S ize 2 Symbol Set ID P aper S ource RASTER GRAPHICS V er t ical Motion I.
3-4 The P rint Envi ronment EN RECTANGULAR AREA FILL TROUBLESHOOTING Hor iz onta l Rectangle S ize End-of -Line Wrap V er t ical Rec tangle Size Display Functi ons P atter n (Area Fill) ID STATUS READBACK Curren t Location T ype Current Lo cation Unit 1.
EN Factory Default Envi ronment 3- 5 T able 3- 2 F actor y Defaul t Print En vironment Features – HP-GL/2 Context CHARACTER GROUP POLYGON GROUP Symbol S et P ol ygon Buffer Font Spacing P ol ygon Mo.
3-6 The P rint Envi ronment EN User Default En vir onment There ar e se veral PCL features in the printer f or whic h user defaults may be selected from the printe r’ s c ontrol panel . User default settings are stored in the User Def ault Environme nt and are r etained ev en if the pr inter is tur ned O FF .
EN Modified P rint Envi ronment 3- 7 Modified Print En vironment The curr ent printer f eature s ettings con stitute the Mo dified Pr int Environment. W hene ver a feature settin g is altered us ing escape sequenc es, the new setting is recorded in t he Modifie d Prin t Environment .
3-8 The P rint Envi ronment EN Resetting the Print En vir onment Resets are used to retu rn the printer to a known environment. Depending on the type of reset p erf or med, the printe r retur ns to eithe r the User Default Environme nt or the F actor y Default Environment.
EN Resetting the Print En vironment 3-9 Cold Reset A Cold Reset resto res the F actor y Default Environme nt which include s reset ting the contr ol panel it ems to thei r f act ory de f ault settings. A Col d Reset is perform ed b y power cycling the printer while holding [O N LIN E] until a 08 COLD R ESET is dis pla yed.
3-10 The Print Environm ent EN.
EN Introduc tion 4-1 4 PCL Job Control Commands Introduction A job ty pically cons ists of three par ts: z Comman ds providing job control. z Commands providing page c ontrol. z Pri nt data. T able 4- 1 Structure of a T ypical Job ? %–12345X UEL Command (exit langua ge) ? E Pr inter Reset C ommand.
4-2 PCL Job Control Commands EN This c hapter desc ribes the command s providin g job contr ol. Job control commands a re usually gro uped togeth er and sent at th e begin ning of a job. P a ge control commands an d data ar e associated with ea ch pri nted page of a j ob .
EN Univer sal Exit Languag e Command 4-3 Universal Exit Languag e Command The Universal Exit Lan guage ( UEL ) comman d causes th e PCL pri nter language to shut dow n and e xit. Contr ol is then retur ned to the Pri nter Job La nguage (PJ L). Both PCL 5 and HP-G L/2 recogn iz e th is comm and.
4-4 PCL Job Control Commands EN Number of Copies C ommand The Numb er of Copies command des ignates the num ber of pr inted copies of each page. ? & l # X # = Num ber of copies (1 to 32767 m aximum) Default = 1 (Conf igurable f rom contro l panel) Range = 1-32767 (Values 32767 exe cute as 327 67 values 1 are ignored .
EN Simple x/Duplex Pr int Command 4-5 Simplex/Duple x Print Co mmand This com mand desi gnates eithe r simplex or dup le x pr inting m ode f or duplex pri nters. Simplex mode pr ints an im age on only one side of a sheet (p age). Duplex mode pr ints imag es on both si des of a she et.
4-6 PCL Job Control Commands EN Figure 4-2 Long-Edge Binding Mode Figure 4-3 Short-Edge Bi n ding Mode.
EN Left Offset Registratio n Command 4- 7 Left Offset Registration Com mand The Left (long-edge) Offset Registrati on command d esignates t he positio n of the logic al page acros s the width ( shor t side) of the physical page. This c ommand can b e used to a djust the text posit ion on the page to allow additio nal room for the page binding.
4-8 PCL Job Control Commands EN T op Offset Registration Comm and The T op ( shor t-edge) O ffset Regist ration comman d designates the positio n of the logic al page alo ng the length ( long side) of the physical page.
EN Top Offset Registration Co mmand 4-9 Figure 4-4 Short-Edge Bi n ding Mode Offsets Figure 4-5 Long-Edge Binding Mode Offsets.
4-10 PCL Job Control Commands EN Duplex P age Side Select ion Command The Dupl e x P a ge Side Sele ction comma nd causes a F or m F eed an d designat es which side of the sheet to print. The abi lity to skip a page whil e duple xin g ma y b e required at c er tain loca tions in a do cument.
EN Job Separ ation Com mand 4-11 Job Separation Command Job sepa ration provides a means of i dentifying o ne prin t job from others i n the pr inter’ s output t r ay . It u sually doe s this by physically offsetting one pri nt job from t he ne xt. The Job Separation c ommand tog gles the p rinter ’ s se paration mechani sm.
4-12 PCL Job Control Commands EN Output Bin Selection Comman d The Output Bin Selection command s elects eithe r of the two output paper bi ns (upper or lower [rear ]) f or pa per output.
EN Unit of Meas ure C ommand 4-13 Unit of Measure Command The Unit of Measure c ommand e stab lis hes the u nit of measur e f or PCL Unit cursor mov ement s.
4-14 PCL Job Control Commands EN The curr ent unit of me asure setting aff ects all PCL Unit m ov es, hori z ontal and ver tical rectan gle size, bitmap and s calable f ont metr ics (how the cur sor mov es afte r prin ting a character ).
EN Unit of Meas ure C ommand 4-15 Figure 4- 6 Cursor Moves at Differe nt Unit of Meas ure Settings The pr inter’ s physical dot size has no direct bearing on the si z e of PCL Un its used i n cursor m ov e ments. In addition, P CL Units ar e not affected by the c urrent control panel o r PJL resolut ion setting.
4-16 PCL Job Control Commands EN.
EN Introduc tion 5-1 5 P age Control Commands Introduction P age cont rol comman ds and dat a are associ ated with each pri nted page of a j ob . These c ommands deter mine such features as page s ource, size, orientati on, margins, an d te xt s pacing.
5-2 Pag e Control Comman ds EN Pag e S i z e C o m m a n d The Page Size command d esignates t he size of the pa per which in tur n defines th e size of the log ical page. ? & l # A PA P E R : # = 1 - Ex ecutive (7¼ x 10 ½ in.) 2 - Lette r (8½ x 11 in .
EN Page Si ze Comm and 5-3 If the P a ge Size command s election di ff ers fro m that of the installed paper tray size and the requested pa ge size is not currently av a ilable in another non-sec ure source, then a message is display ed on the control panel reque sting in stallation o f a paper tray of the spec ified size.
5-4 Pag e Control Comman ds EN P APER SOURCE COMMAND The P aper Source com mand designat es the loca tion to feed paper , or it prin ts the current page. ? & l # H # = 0 - Print the current p age (paper s ource remai ns unchanged) . 1 - Feed paper from the a pr inter-spe cific tra y .
EN Logical Page Orient ation Comma nd 5-5 Logical P age O rientation Comma nd Or ientation defi nes the posi tion of the lo gical page and the default direction of pr int with respec t to the physical page as shown in Figure 5- 1.
5-6 Pag e Control Comman ds EN T able 5- 1 HP-GL/2 State V ar iables ? E or Control Panel Reset: z ex ecute s “IN” comman d z defaults picture f r a me z defaults picture f r a me anchor point z defaults HP-GL/2 p lot size Changing Orientation or Sending a Page Si ze Command: z Defaults picture frame a nchor point .
EN Logical Page Orient ation Comma nd 5-7 Figure 5-1 P age Orientation With Default Print Direction The or ientation of the HP-G L/2 picture is also affected by the logi cal page or ientation. Figure 5-2 i llustrates t he eff ect of logical page ori entation on the HP-GL/2 pi cture or ientation.
5-8 Pag e Control Comman ds EN Figure 5-2 HP-GL/2 Picture Orientation with Respect to Logical P age Orientation.
EN Print Direc tion Command 5-9 Print Directio n Command The Pr int Direct ion comm and rotates t he logical page coordi nate syste m with respec t to the current orie ntation with out perform ing a page ejec t. This rotat ion is perform ed in 90° in crements in a counterclockwise direction.
5-10 Page Control Commands EN Figure 5-3 Changing Print Direction on a P age.
EN Text Area 5- 11 T ext Area T e xt p rintin g ma y be restr icted to a sp ecific ar ea within the l ogical page usi ng the Left Mar gin, Right Ma rgin, T op Mar gin, T ext Length, and P erforation Skip Mo de comma nds. This area is k nown as the text area.
5-12 Page Control Commands EN Figure 5-4 T ext Area Within the P age.
EN Left Mar gin Comman d 5- 13 Left Margin Command The Left Mar gin comman d sets the le ft margin to t he left edge of the specifi ed column. ? & a # L # = Col umn number Default = Column 0 (Left.
5-14 Page Control Commands EN Right Margin Command The Righ t Margin co mmand set s the right margin to th e right e dge of the sp ecified col umn. ? & a # M # = Col umn number Default = Logica l .
EN Clear Horiz ontal Margins Comman d 5-15 Clear Horizontal Margins Command The Clea r Horizontal Margins comm and resets the left an d right margins. The left margin is set to the left edge o f the logi cal page (column 0) and the r ight margi n is set to the righ t edge of the lo gical page.
5-16 Page Control Commands EN T op Margin Command The T o p Margin co mmand desig nates the number of lines b etween the top of th e logical p age and the top of the text area.
EN Top Marg in Command 5-17 Note The first line of th e logical p age is line 0. Figure 5-5 Margin Cur sor P ositioning.
5-18 Page Control Commands EN T ext Length Command The T ext Length c ommand d esignates t he number of li nes (at a giv en VMI) wit hin the lo gical page available f or pr inting text, the text area .
EN Perfor ation Skip Command 5-19 P e rf or ation Skip Command The perforation region is the dista nce from the b ottom of the text area of one page to the top o f the text area (top mar gin) of the next page.
5-20 Page Control Commands EN Horizontal Motion In de x (HMI) Command The Hor izontal Motio n Index (HMI) co mmand desig nates the wi dth of the co lumns. ? & k # H # = Num ber of 1/120 i nch increments. Default = Determine d by the p itch value in the defaul t font head er.
EN Horizontal Moti on Index (HMI) Comman d 5- 21 Exam ple T o pri nt the pr inter’ s reside nt 16.66 pitc h Line Pr inter font at 17.75 cpi , send ? (s16.66H to select the Line Prin ter font, then send the comm and ? &k6.76H to change HMI. This value field is cal culated as follows: Each character then o ccupies 6 .
5-22 Page Control Commands EN V er tical Motio n Inde x (VMI) Comm and The V er tical Motion In de x (VMI) command de signates the height of the rows. (The ver tical dist ance the cur sor mov es for a Line Feed operation.) ? & l # C # = numbe r of 1/48 inch i ncrements bet ween rows .
EN Vertica l Motion Index ( VMI) Command 5-23 Common VMI Settings T o pri nt 66 lines per page on l etter-size pape r , in p or trait orien tation (with one -half inch top and bot tom margins ) send: ? & l 7.
5-24 Page Control Commands EN Line Sp acing Command The Line Spacing co mmand sets the number of li nes pri nted per inch . Only th e v alues listed bel ow are v alid .
EN Introduc tion 6-1 6 Cursor P ositioning Introduction This sec tion descr ibes the c ursor positi oning comm ands. Although the prin ter does not actually h a ve a cursor , th e PCL cursor pos ition refers to the Current Active Position (CAP) , l ik e the blinking underli ne character (cursor) us ed on most computer s .
6-2 Curso r Positio ning EN Absolute vs. Re lative Cursor P osit ioning Either absolute or re lative motion can be specifi ed. Absolute motion always specifies the distance t o mov e re f er enced from the t op margin at the left bo und of the logi cal page (0 ,0), regardles s of the curr ent active position (CA P) (see Figur e 6-1).
EN Cursor P ositioning Uni ts 6-3 Cursor P o sitioning Units Cursor pos itioning i s done in PCL coordinate system units. T he units of the X- axis of the P CL coordin ate sys tem ma y be PCL Un its , decipoints , or columns . The units of t he Y -ax is of the PC L coordi nate system ma y be PCL Units , decipoints , or rows .
6-4 Curso r Positio ning EN Decipoint s In PCL ter minol og y , a de cipoint is 1/7 20 inch or o ne-tenth of a PCL point (a PCL point is exa ct l y 1/72 inch as opposed to a typographic point which is appro ximate ly 1/72 inch) .
EN Horiz ontal Curso r Positionin g (Column s) Command 6-5 Horizontal C ur sor P ositi oning (Colum ns) Command This Ho rizontal Cur sor P os itioning co mmand moves the cursor to a new column on t he current line.
6-6 Curso r Positio ning EN Horizontal Cursor P ositioning (Decipoin ts) Command This Ho rizontal Cur sor P os itioning co mmand moves the cursor to a new position a long the ho rizontal axi s .
EN Horizo ntal Cursor Pos itioning (PCL Units) Command 6-7 Horizontal Cursor P osition ing (PCL Units) Command This Ho rizontal Cur sor P os itioning co mmand moves the cursor to a new position a long the ho rizontal axi s .
6-8 Curso r Positio ning EN Hori zontal Cur sor P ositio ning Cont r ol Code s F our control co des can be u sed to posit ion the cu rsor hor izontally on the cu rrent line.
EN Horiz ontal Cursor Posi tioning Control Codes 6-9 BS - Backspace Mov es the current a ctiv e pos ition (CAP ) left a dis tance eq ual to the width o f the last printed symbol or space. If the act iv e po sition is already at the left ma rgin, no act ion is taken.
6-10 Cursor Positi oning EN V er tical Cursor P ositioning (Ro ws) Command This V er tic al Cursor P osi tioning c ommand moves the curso r to a new line in the same col umn positio n.
EN Vertical Cursor Posi tioning (De cipoints) Com mand 6-11 V er tical Cursor P ositioning (Decip oints) Command This V er tic al Cursor P osi tioning c ommand moves the curso r to a new positio n along the v er tical axis.
6-12 Cursor Positi oning EN V er tical C ur sor P osi tioning (PCL Uni ts) Command This V er tic al Cursor P osi tioning c ommand moves the curso r to a new positio n along the v er tical axis.
EN Half-Line Feed Comman d 6-13 Half-Line Fee d Command The Half -Line Feed command m ov e s the curs or to the same character p osition one half-line down. Th e distance m o ved f or a Half-Lin e F eed is one-half of the curren t line spac ing (define d by t he last VMI or line spacing s etting).
6-14 Cursor Positi oning EN Line T erminat ion Command The Line T er m ination co mmand contro ls the wa y the pr inter inte rpr ets CR, LF , a nd FF contr ol characters. Al l CR, LF and FF control characters received after the L ine T er minatio n Command a re inter preted as shown below .
EN Push/P op Cursor Pos ition Comman d 6- 15 Push/P op Cu r sor P ositi on Command The Push/Pop Cursor P osition c ommand allows the current cursor positio n to be store d and recalled .
6-16 Cursor Positi oning EN.
EN Introduc tion 7-1 7 F onts Introduction A font is a group of symbols t hat hav e si milar characte ristics. A f ont is d escribed b y its symbol set , sp acing , height , pitch , style , stroke weight , typefa ce and orie ntat ion . A typic al document is pri nted using s e veral f onts.
7-2 Fonts EN A font must be selec ted for printing by the user . One font is select ed at a time. It is selected b y identif ying the speci fic character istics of the f ont.
EN Symbol S et 7-3 Symbol Set Symbol set identi fies the sp ecific colle ction of sy mbols provid ed by a f ont. Each symbo l set is de fined with a s pecific ap plication i n mind. F or example, the leg al and mat h symbol sets we re designed to suppo r t legal and s cientific applicatio ns.
7-4 Fonts EN Spacing Anothe r character istic that diff erenti ates fonts is spac ing. Fonts hav e either fixed or prop or tional spa cing. Fixed-spaced fonts (Fi gure 7-3) are thos e in which th e inter-character spacing is constant.
EN Pitch 7-5 Pitch Pitch des cribes the number of characters pr inted in a hor izontal inch. Pitch on ly applies to fix ed- spaced fonts, since th e number of characters per inch vari es f or pr opor tional fonts. Figure 7-5 Pitch Height The hei ght of a f ont i s the measur ement of the b ody of the typ e in PCL point s.
7-6 Fonts EN Style Style i s defined by three character istics: po sture (up right, i talic), width (conden sed, nor mal, expanded, etc .), and str ucture (sol id, outline, shadow etc.
EN Typeface Family 7-7 T yp eface F amily T ypeface ident ifies the desi gn of the s ymbols of th e f ont. Ea ch typeface f amil y has uniqu e and distin guishing design charact eristi cs. The following example shows type f aces f rom various ty pef ace fa m i l i e s.
7-8 Fonts EN Orientation Or ientation define s the position of t he logical page wit h res pect to the physical page as shown in Figure 7-10. Figure 7-10 Orientation The HP L aserJet IID , IIP , 2000,.
EN Bitmap Fon ts and Scalable Typefa ces 7-9 Bitmap Fonts an d Scalable T ypefaces There ar e two basic form ats of fonts used by HP PCL 5 prin ters: bitmap ( Figure 7-11 ) and scalable (Figur e 7-12). Ear lier HP La serJet pri nters suppor ted only bitmap f onts.
7-10 Fonts EN Figure 7- 11 Bit map Characte r Figure 7- 12 S calable Character.
EN Internal Fonts 7- 11 Internal Fonts Inter nal f o nts are those fonts that are provided with the pri nter . Both inte rnal bitmap and scalable f o nt f or mats are p ro vi ded. Inter nal bitmap an d scalable fonts and symbo l sets for current mode ls of HP LaserJ et f amily p rinter s are listed in Chapter 2 o f the PCL 5 Comp a rison Guid e .
7-12 Fonts EN.
EN Introduc tion 8-1 8 PCL F ont Selection Introduction Sev eral characte ristic s identify a f ont (as descr ibed in Cha pter 7 , Fo n ts ). F ont cha racterist ic sele ction co mmands , desc ribed in this ch apter , a re used to spe cify the des ired font characteri stics f or pr intin g.
8-2 PCL Font Selec tion EN Font Selection Priori ty The pr inter s elects a font based o n a prio ritiza tion of its design character istic s , then its resol ution, then its ph ys ical loca tion in the pri nter , a nd finally , i ts orie ntation.
EN Introducti on 8-3 There ar e f our loc ations where a font may be stor ed: prin ter R OM (Read O nly Memor y), SIM M module ROM, car tr idge ROM, an d pri nter RAM (random access m emor y; user memor y). T hese font locatio ns are shown below , l isted from the highest to lowest prior ity .
8-4 PCL Font Selec tion EN Font Select T a ble The init ial font specificati on in a jo b should be m ade usin g all of the f ont c haracter istics. T o selec t a Roman-8, fi x ed-spaced , 10 pitch, 1.
EN Primar y and Seco ndary Fon ts 8-5 At a mini mum, only the c haracteristi cs of the new f ont t hat differ from those of th e previously desi gnated font must be se nt (the sh or t f ont sele ction method). Howe ver , H P recommends th at all of the character istics be s ent to ensure that the corr ect font is selected .
8-6 PCL Font Selec tion EN Symbol Set Command The Symbo l Set comma nd identifi es the specif ic set of sy mbols in a f ont. “Symbols” a re the alpha numeric, punctua tion, or a n y other pri ntab le c haracters or sy mbols which may be incl uded.
EN Symbol S et Command 8- 7 A fe w symbol sets are lis ted below . F or a more complete list, refer to Appendix C in the P CL 5 Compar ison Gui de . Note User-defi ned symbol sets are s uppor ted in some HP Las erJet pri nters. T o specify a user-define d symbol s et, use the sy mbol set ID v alue as defin ed b y the Symbol Set ID Code Comma nd .
8-8 PCL Font Selec tion EN 7-bit ISO Symbol Sets The HP L aserJet pr inters provid e se veral 7-bit ISO ( Intern ational Organi zation for Standar dization) or “ke yboa rd” symbol sets to suppo r t European l anguages.
EN Spacin g Command 8-9 Spacing Comm and Inter-chara cter spacing can be s pecified as either pro por tional or fixed. E C ( s # P - Primary spacin g E C ) s # P - Secon dar y spacing # = 0 - Fix ed s.
8-10 PCL Font Se lection EN Pitch Command The Pi tch command designate s the hor izontal spac ing of a fixed- spaced ( bitmap or scal able) f ont in te rm s of the number of characters per inch.
EN Pitch Com mand 8-11 The following f or mula can be used to as a r ule of thu mb f or co mputing a maximum re commended pitch: The char acter (“conto ur”) width in t he abov e f or m ula is e xpressed as a per centage of an Em. F or example, the width of character s in Cour ier is very c lose to 60% o f an Em, and .
8-12 PCL Font Se lection EN Height Com mand The Heig ht comman d specifies th e height o f the f ont i n points. This character istic is ignored wh en selec ting a fixed-spac ed scalable font; howe ver , the value is saved and av ailable when a bitmap font or a propor tio nally-sp aced scalable font is selec ted.
EN Height Com mand 8-13 Note If a propo r tional-spa ced scalable font is se lected us ing an ID numb er , send the Heigh t command to sp ecify the point s iz e other wise, the size is deter mined by .
8-14 PCL Font Se lection EN Style Command The Style command identifies t he posture o f a character , its width, and str ucture o f the f ont sy mbols.
EN Style Com mand 8-15 Notes With the i ntroduction of the HP Las erJet IID pr inter , Hewlett-P ackard ex pande d the style values (in the Font Header styl e value field ) from a one-byte to a t wo-by te value fi eld, expanding the style range fr om 0-255 to 0-32767.
8-16 PCL Font Se lection EN Str oke W eight Com mand The Stroke Weight comm and designates the thickness of the strokes that comp ose the character s of a font.
EN Stroke We ight Command 8-17 If the spec ified stroke weight i s greater than or e qual to 0 a nd is not av ailable, the next thick er available stroke weight is s elected. If n o thicker stroke weight is availabl e, the closest av ail abl e thin ner stroke we ight is se lected.
8-18 PCL Font Se lection EN T yp eface F amily Comm and The T ype f ace F ami ly command designates the desig n of the font. E C ( s # T - Primar y typeface family E C ) s # T - Secondar y t ypef ace f amily # = T ypeface f amily v alue (see Appen dix C in the PC L 5 Comp a rison Guid e for t y p e fa c e va l u e s ) .
EN Typeface Fa mily Command 8-19 Some typ ef ace ( two-b yte) f amily values are listed bel ow . For a complete listing of typeface f amily and base v alue s, ref e r to Appendix C in the P CL 5 Compar ison Guide .
8-20 PCL Font Se lection EN Orientation The Or ientatio n command ( E C &l#O ) designates th e positio n of the logical page with respect to the physical page. Ear lier pr inters co uld only pr int bitmap f o nts and raster gr aphic s in the o rientati on f or whic h they were designed .
EN Font Se lection Ex amples 8-21 Font Selectio n Examples Bitmap, Fix ed-Spaced Font This example il lustrates how to s elect a p rimar y , bit map , Line P rinter, fixed-spaced font with the followi.
8-22 PCL Font Se lection EN Scalable, Pr opor tional-Spaced Font This example illus trates how to select a pr imar y , scalable, CG Times, propor tio nal-spaced font with th e f ollowing cha racterist.
EN Summar y of Font S election by Characteris tic 8-23 Summary o f Font Selection b y Characteristic The following summ arizes the procedure the printer uses to se lect a f ont.
8-24 PCL Font Se lection EN Note F or p ropor tionall y-space d scalable fonts, any specified he ight is av ailable to the neares t quar ter point. For fixed-spaced scal able f onts, the desig nated heig ht is reco rded, and the height is c alculated from the r equ ested pitch .
EN Summar y of Font S election by Characteris tic 8-25 9 Orientati on - f or bit map f onts the la st criteria consid ered f or the sele ction is its or ientatio n. If two fonts still re main and matc h in all the above character istics except or ientation, that f ont w hich matches the curren t page or ientation is select ed.
8-26 PCL Font Se lection EN Font Selectio nb y ID Command Soft fonts can be specified u sing their associate d ID numbers. (ID numbers are assigned to soft fonts using the F ont ID c ommand descr ibed in Chapte r 9, Font Management ).
EN Select De fault Font Com mand 8- 27 Example s T o speci fy the font associated wi th ID number 7 as th e prima ry f o nt, send: E C (7X T o speci fy the font associated wi th ID number 5 as the sec.
8-28 PCL Font Se lection EN T ransparent Print Data Command The T rans parent Pri nt Data com mand provides pr inting a ccess to those ch aracters which the pri nter nor mally defin es as unpr intable. These cha racters inclu de decimal character code s 0, 7-15 , and 27.
EN Underl ine Command 8-29 Underline Com mand The Unde rline c ommand contr ols automa tic text underl ining. E C & d # D - Enable underli ne # = 0 - Fix ed pos ition 3 - Floa ting position Defaul.
8-30 PCL Font Se lection EN.
EN Introduc tion 9-1 9 F ont Management Introduction F ont ma nagement p rovides mech anisms for manipu lating so ft f onts. It p rovides the means f or contr olling which soft fonts are sav ed in user memor y (RAM) or delet ed. This is accompl ished by assign ing a font as either t emporary or per manent, or deleting a soft font.
9-2 Font M anagement EN Do wn loading Soft Fon ts The proce ss of transferrin g soft f on ts from a host computer to the pri nter’ s u ser memor y (R AM) is call ed downloadin g. Designate a unique id entification (ID) number pr ior to the downlo ad of a font.
EN Tempor ary vs. Perm anent Font s 9-3 T em porary vs. P ermanent Fonts Once downloa ded, a f ont i s automatica lly designa ted as temporar y . A temporar y soft font is deleted fr om user memor y dur ing a printe r reset or when a T ypef ace List, a Font Pr intout or a self-test i s performed from the p rinter ’ s contr ol panel.
9-4 Font M anagement EN Font ID Command The Font ID comman d is used to specify an ID numb er for use in subsequ ent f ont m anagement com mands. The ID numbe r of a font can be us ed to select th e f ont for pr inting (refer to “Font Selectio n by ID” in Cha pter 8).
EN Font Control Comma nd 9-5 Font Con tr ol Comman d The Font Control c ommand provid es mechani sms f or m anipulating soft fonts. E C * c # F # = 0 - Delete all s oft fonts 1 - Dele te all temporar .
9-6 Font M anagement EN T o dele te the characte r “p” (112 dec imal) in a bitmap or bo und scalable font with an I D of 1, send : E C *c1d112e3F (A spac e is printed i n place of the dele ted character . Also, the E C *c#E Character Code command us ed in the above sequence “ .
EN Font M anagement Ex ample 9-7 Font Manag ement Example This example il lustrates sever al ty pical font manage ment operations. It assum es a bitmap soft f o nt is store d and av ailable on an M S-DOS based har d disk.
9-8 Font M anagement EN Unbo und Sca lab le Fon ts Pri or to introduc tion of the HP LaserJet IIIP p rin ter , a download ed scalable font was restr icted to a single symbo l set. Now scalable fonts with no symbol se t affiliation can be downlo aded. These new f onts are calle d unbound fonts.
EN Unbound S calable F onts 9-9 Symbol Collections The symbo ls in an unbound font (typeface) ca n be divided into symbol collectio ns. These symbo l collecti ons identify the symbol s accord ing to so me language b asis or spec ial appl ication usage.
9-10 Font Managemen t EN Charact er Complement Numbers The “Intel lif ont Un bound Scala b le Font Header” (header) inclu des a 64 bit fie ld (bytes 78-85) which conta ins the Character Com plement number .
EN Unbound S calable F onts 9-11 TrueType example: If a symbol set based o n Unicode numbers requires one or mor e characters from the standa rd ASCII co llection and some of the character s from the .
9-12 Font Managemen t EN Since th e printe r identifie s symbols by thei r symbol inde x numb er (range from 0 to 6 5535), but receives character codes (range 0-255), a relation must be made between the ch aracter codes and the large r range of s ymbol inde x num bers.
EN Unbound S calable F onts 9-13 Printing a Ch aracter When an unbou nd f ont is se lected for printin g and a character code is received, the printer accesses t he requested symbol set m apping table to identify t he MSL or Unic ode number .
9-14 Font Managemen t EN.
EN Introduc tion 10-1 10 User-Defined Symbol Sets Introduction User-defi ned symbol sets ar e used with un bound scala b le fonts. Three new co mmands provid e f or the im plementat ion of user-defi n.
10-2 User-Defined Symb ol Sets EN Symbol Set ID Co de Command The Sy mbol Set I D Code co mmand as signs a s ymbol se t ID code to a user-defi ned symbol se t.
EN Symbol S et ID Code Com mand 10-3 When sel ecting an ID code, select on e which is n ot being used cur rentl y . (If an ID c ode is s electe d whic h is alre ady be ing us ed in the pr inter , that sy mbol set is rede fined.) The fi rst step in sele cting an ID code is to de termi ne an ID selec tion value.
10-4 User-Defined Symb ol Sets EN Define Symbol Set This com mand defin es the charac ters and character mapping f or a user-defi ned symbol set. E C ( f # W [symbol s et definition data] # = Num ber .
EN Define S ymbol Set 10-5 The following abbreviations are use d to define the data type of each field in the symb ol set hea der : Header Size (UI) Set the he ader size to th e size of the header data — the n umbe r of bytes from Head er Size (byte 0) to the l ast byte just before the begin ning of the Sy mbol Map data bytes.
10-6 User-Defined Symb ol Sets EN Encoded Symbol Set Designator (UI) This field mus t match the ID c ode in the S ymbol Set ID cod e comm and. This fiel d contai ns the symb ol set ID code.
EN Define S ymbol Set 10-7 First Code (UI) Specifi es the first c haracter code in th e set. Last Code (UI) The Las t Code speci fies the las t character co de in the set. T ogether, the First Code t hrough the La st Code identi fy the range of character codes wh ich map to the symbol inde x num bers (character s) in t he Sym bol Ma p fiel d.
10-8 User-Defined Symb ol Sets EN MSL Symbol Inde x Character Requireme nts Bit V alue Designated Use 63 1 Basic Lati n required (such as ISO 8859/1 Latin 1) 0 Basic La tin not requi red 62 1 East E uropean Lati n required ( such as ISO 8859/ 2 Latin 2).
EN Define S ymbol Set 10-9 Unicode Symbol Index Char acter Requirements Bits (number s/values) Bit V alue Designated Use 31 1 ASCII r equir ed (suc h as ISO 6 ASCII ) 0 ASCI I not r equi red. 30 1 W est Eu rope ex t ensions requi red (such as ISO 69 F rench).
10-10 Us er-Defined Sy mbol Sets EN Example s of values for the field inc lude: Bit Field Des ignat ed Us e V alue ( Hex) Meaning 00000000 00000000 Default requir ement (MSL); s ymbol set can be used w ith an y type f ace i nde x ed b u MSL .
EN Define Sy mbol Set 10 -11 Symb ol Map ( Arra y of UI) The symbo l map co ntains a lis t of symbol index numbers. This lis t identifi es symbols f or the s ymbol set. (R ef er to Appe ndix D in th e PCL 5 Compa rison Gu ide for a MSL and Uni code symbo l inde xes.
10-12 Us er-Defined Sy mbol Sets EN Symbol Set Contr ol Command This com mand provides a means for making user-defined symbol sets per manen t or temporar y , and for deleting them. E C * c # S # = 0 -Del ete all tempo rary and per manent u ser-defined sym bol sets.
EN User-Def ined Symbol Set Exampl es 10-13 User -Defined Symbo l Set Examples The following two examples illu strate the concep t of user-d efined symbol se ts . Th e y create symbol sets f o r PC-8 in MSL and Unicode symbol index e s. The neces sar y escape s equence s are shown i n each e xam ple.
10-14 Us er-Defined Sy mbol Sets EN MSL Symbol Index Example Symbol Map Data: (continued) 00 41 (c haracter code 65) Uppercas e A MM 00 61 (c haracter code 97) Lowercase A MM 20 7f (c haracter co de 2.
EN User-Def ined Symbol Set Exampl es 10-15 Symbol Map Data: (contin ued) 00 cf ( character code 5) So lid Spad e , Card Suit MM 00 e7 (c haracter code 31) Down Solid Arrowhead 00 00 (c haracter code .
10-16 Us er-Defined Sy mbol Sets EN.
EN Introduc tion 11-1 11 Soft F ont Creation Introduction A font that is download ed (transf err ed) from a co mputer to a pr inter is call ed a soft font.
11-2 Soft Font Creation EN The defi nition of a font with a q uantity n character s w ould app ear as shown be low . Font Classificati ons There are three basi c classi fication s of fonts accepted by the HP LaserJ et printe r: PCL bitmap , Intellifont scalable , and TrueType scalable .
EN Introduc tion 11-3 T r ueT ype scala b le fonts are des cribed in d etail in the doc ument, Tr u e Ty p e F o n t F i l e s . (Ref er t o Related D ocuments , loc ated in the fr ont of this manual, for infor mation on how to obt ain this docume nt.
11-4 Soft Font Creation EN Coor dina te S ystem Both bitmap and scalable charact ers are designed in an ar ea ref err ed to as a cell or window , an d each has i ts own coordina te system and set of units. Bitmap Fonts Characters o f a bitmap font are des igned within a rectangul ar area ref er red to as a cel l.
EN Coor dinat e Syst em 11-5 The mas ter f ont des ign size is 250 points (a CG p oint=.013 83 inch es). There a re 8782 units per Em at t he Master Font Size. Figure 11-2 Agfa Design Window T rueT ype Scalable Fonts T r ueT ype scal able f ont chara cter coordin ates are typically b ased on a sys tem of 204 8 units per Em.
11-6 Soft Font Creation EN Font Header C ommand The Font Header comm and is used to download font header da ta to the pr inter . E C ) s # W [f ont hea der data] Default = 0 Range = 0 - 32767 The value field (#) identifies th e number of bytes in the f ont head er .
EN Font Hea der Format 11-7 Note Use the Font ID co mmand to desi gnate a un ique ID number p rior to the downloa d of a font header . If an existing font is a lready asso ciated with th is ID , the e xisti ng f ont i s deleted upo n the download o f the font header .
11-8 Soft Font Creation EN 16 Pi tch ( Def ault HM I) 18 Heigh t 20 x-Hei ght 22 Width T ype Style LS B 24 Str ok e W eigh t T ype f ace LSB 26 T y pef ace MSB Serif Style 28 Qual ity Place ment 30 Un.
EN Font Hea der Format 11-9 8 Cel l Width 10 Cell Height 12 Or ientatio n Spacin g 14 Symbol Se t 16 Pitch (Default HMI) 18 Height 20 x-Heig ht 22 W idth T ype Style L SB 24 Str oke W eight T ype fa c.
11-10 S oft Font Creatio n EN T able 11-4 Format 10 Font Header (for Intellif ont Bound Scalable) B yt e 15 ( M SB ) 8 7 (L SB ) 0 0 F ont De scrip tor Size (minimum 80) 2 Header F or mat (10) Font T .
EN Font Head er Format 11 -11 48-63 Font Name M 64 Scale F ac tor 66 X Resolution 68 Y Resolution 70 Master Underli ne P osition 72 Master Under line Thickness (Height) 74 OR Threshold 76 Global Italic Angl e Desc.
11-12 S oft Font Creatio n EN 16 Pitch (de f ault HMI) 18 Height 20 x-Heig ht 22 Widt h T ype Style L SB 24 Stroke Weight T ypeface LSB 26 T y pef ace MSB Ser if Sty le 28 Qual ity P lacement 30 Un de.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -13 Desc. Siz e-2 Global Intellifont Data Size Desc. Siz e Global Intellifont Data M n Cop yright (opt iona l) M Reser v ed (0) Checksum T able 11-6 Format 15 Font Header (fo.
11-14 S oft Font Creatio n EN Data T ypes In the font header a nd character de scrip tor informati on that follows , the abbreviations s hown below are used to define the dat a type of each field: 32 .
EN Font Head er Format 11 -15 Font Descriptor Siz e (UI) Specifi es the number o f bytes in the f on t descr iptor . See t he f ont header fi gure f or the appropr iate font descr iptor size. Header Format (UB) The Head er F or mat byte identifi es the font to f or mat (se e below).
11-16 S oft Font Creatio n EN Note Access t o those codes which are unprin tab le, yet hav e a ch aracter define d, requires th e use of the T ranspar ent Print Da ta comman d (ref er to Ch apter 8 fo r mo re inf ormation ). Style MSB (UI) The Sty le MSB (byte 4) i s combined with the St yle LSB ( b yte 2 3) to make the styl e word.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -17 T able 11 -11 Va l u e Appearan ce Width (multipl y b y 4 for StyleW ord partial sum) 0 Nor mal 1 Condensed 2 Comp ressed or Extra Condensed 3 Extra Compre ssed 4 Ultra C.
11-18 S oft Font Creatio n EN Note The reser ved bits (15 - 10) sh ould be set to z ero. If a v alue is requested , and a ma tch not made, the req uest is ignored and the current font sele ction proces s continues as if the pa r amet er was ne ver requeste d (but it is sav ed in the attri b ute t ab le).
EN Font Head er Format 11 -19 Bitmap Font - Speci fied in PC L coordin ate syst em dots. Scalable Font - S pecified i n design uni ts. Figure 11- 3 Ch aracter Cell - Bitmap Orienta tion (UB) Specifi es the ori entation of the font.
11-20 S oft Font Creatio n EN Bitmap Font - Unsupp or ted values inv ali date font creatio n. Scalable Font - set t o ze ro . Note Hewlett-P ackard recom mends that bi tmap soft fonts be des igned in por trait (0 °), using the paper mot ion and raster scan directio n of the HP Las erJet Plus a nd LaserJe t series I I printer s.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -21 Symbol set escape sequence term ination c haracters can be any upper c ase ASCII ch aracter “A” through “Z. ” “Q” is res erved for use with HP “ Specials” s ymbol sets and is not rec ommended for general use.
11-22 S oft Font Creatio n EN Height (UI) Bitmap Font - Speci fies the des ign height o f the f ont i n quar ter-d ots (radix dots). This value, con ver ted to poi nts , is used as the height character istic v alue of the f ont. A PCL poin t is (0.01389) inc h.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -23 Widt h T ype ( SB) Specifi es the propo r tionate width of characters in th e f ont. Style LSB ( UB) The least si gnificant byte (LSB) of the Style word. Refer to Style MS B f or a de scrip tion of the Style word . Str oke W eight (SB) Specifi es the thicknes s of the str ok es us ed in desig ning the font.
11-24 S oft Font Creatio n EN T ype face ( UB) This fiel d specifie s the HP type f a ce number o f the font. The current v ersi on of this fie ld, suppor ted b y th e &pa yette; pri nter , i s describe d first. The n a previous field, supp or ted in ea rlier pr inters, is de scribed.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -25 V endor Number - Bits 15 - 12. This value is a ssigned by HP a nd is between de cimal values 0 a nd 15. T ypeface F amily Number - Bits 11 - 0 This value is between 0 and 4095. See Appendix C i n the PCL 5 Compariso n Guide .
11-26 S oft Font Creatio n EN Previous Usag e The previous treat ment of the T ypeface fie ld suppor ted t he LaserJe t IIP , IID and LaserJet II I f amily pr inters.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -27 T ype face B ase V alue The T ypeface Base Nu mber (bits 0 through 8) ranged from 0 to 511. Som e of these values re f err ed to the sty les that var y b y st ructure and appearance width (such a s Helvetica Condensed , Helvetica Outline, etc.
11-28 S oft Font Creatio n EN Qualit y (UB) This fiel d specifie s the qual ity of the font. Placement (SB) Placeme nt specifie s the positi on of character patter ns relative to th e baselin e. Bitmap Font - The pla cement values for bitmap fonts are lis ted in the f oll owing table.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -29 Underline P osition (Distance) (SB) Bitmap Font - Specifie s the distanc e from the bas eline to the to p dot row of the unde rline i n f ont de sign dots. Zer o specifie s an under line positio n at the basel ine. A positive value specif ies an under line positio n abov e the baseline.
11-30 S oft Font Creatio n EN First Code (UI) First Code spec ifies the characte r code of the first pr intable character in the font. This v alue i s between 0 an d 255 inclusi v e. The Spac e Character may be pr intable and wil l prin t an image if one is def ined, otherwis e a Space c ontrol code is e xecuted.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -31 Scalable Font - S et Pitch Ex tended field to zero . Height Extended (UB) Bitmap Font - This i s an additio n to the Height f ield which extends the height an e xtra eig ht bits. The value of this field is i n f ont desi gn units.
11-32 S oft Font Creatio n EN Font Number (ULI) The Font Number fiel d uses four bytes (b yte 4 4, 45, 46, and 4 7). The lower three bytes ( 45, 46, and 47) contain the f o nt number in hexadecimal. This i s the number the vendor ass igns to their typeface .
EN Font Head er Format 11 -33 Figure 11-4 This fiel d is ignored by the printer for bitmap fonts. Font Name (ASC16) This is a 16 character ASCII field to which you may assign a f ont name.
11-34 S oft Font Creatio n EN Y Resolution (UI) The Y Reso lution field is the pi x el resol ution in the Y scan dir ection at which the f o nt was design ed. Note This fiel d is not prese nt in the Format 15 F ont Hea der and is not necessar y for T r ueT ype f o nts .
EN Font Head er Format 11 -35 V ariety (UB) The inte rpreta tion of thi s field depe nds on the value of the preceding (Font Scaling T echnology) byte .
11-36 S oft Font Creatio n EN Note In the Form at 15 Font Header for T r ueT ype Sca lab le Fonts, the d ata in this field i s contained in the “CC” (Charact er Complemen t) field in th e Segmented F ont Da ta section imm ediately following the de scrip tor data.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -37 Individ ually define d bits are shown i n the following two tables: T able 11 -27 MSL Symb ol Index Character Comple ment Bits Bit V alue 63 0 if font is comp atible with standard Latin character sets (e.g., R oman-8, ISO 88 59-1 Latin 1); 1 otherwi se .
11-38 S oft Font Creatio n EN There ar e no inv alid C haracter Comp lement fie ld v alue s. Examples o f v alue s f or t he field inclu de: 26 0 if font is c ompatible with charact er sets requi ring a wider sel ection of accent s (e.g., MC T ext, ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 ); 1 otherwise.
EN Font Head er Format 11 -39 Check sum The Checksum fi eld is ov er bytes 64 through the e nd of the header. The che c ksum should contain a value wh ich, when add ed to the s um of byte 64 thro ugh the rese rved byte, equals a value wh ich, when divided b y 2 56 (modulo 2 56 arith metic), re sults in a remainder of 0 .
11-40 S oft Font Creatio n EN T able 11-30 bel o w shows th e struct ure of the Segm ented Font Data sect ion. Segment Id entifier (UI) Each entr y in the Seg mented Font Data Sect ion has it s own unique identifi cation numbe r .
EN Font Head er Format 11 -41 Data segm ents with an un recognized id entifier are i gnored. Segm ent Siz e (UI) F or e ach entr y in the Se gmented Font Data sec tion, the Seg ment Size indicate s the number of bytes in the imme diately f o llowing Data Segment.
11-42 S oft Font Creatio n EN The option al cvt, fpgm and prep tables, as defined in T rue T yp e F ont Files , typically a ppear in the Global T r ueT ype Data S egments o f hinted T rueT ype so ft f onts, but should no t appear in u nhinted fonts. IF (Intellifont F ace Da ta) Reser v ed for future us e .
EN Font Hea der Examples 11 -43 Font Header Exam ples T wo e xam ples for downloading a Font Header are provided bel o w; one for a bitmap font and on e f or an Intellifont scalable font.
11-44 S oft Font Creatio n EN Intellif ont Scalab le Exam ple T o download an Intellifont scalable head er f o r an HP Roman -8, upri ght, medium, C G Times scal ab le font, with an ID n umber of one,.
EN Font Hea der Examples 11 -45 T able 11 -33 FIELD NAME V ALUE DES CRIPTION Descr iptor Size 80 Bytes Header For mat 10 Scalable F ont Form at Font T ype 1 Eight B it Styl e MSB 0 Reser v ed 0 Baseli ne Location 5380 Y reference in Design Windo w Cell Wi dth 0 .
11-46 S oft Font Creatio n EN Placem ent 0 . .not defined f or scal ab le fon t s Under line Po s i t i o n 0 ..not defi ned for scalable fon t s Under line Thic kness 0 .
EN Font Hea der Examples 11 -47 ....Glob al Intellifont Data .... }= 11 2 b ytes added to header data ....Copyrigh t Statemen t (option al) .... }= x b ytes a dded to hea der data .
11-48 S oft Font Creatio n EN Character Def initions F ollowing the f ont head er , the individual characters must be defined. Every P CL character de finition con tains a characte r descr iptor and a body of characte r data. The character defin ition alwa ys consi sts of one or mor e character data blocks.
EN Character C ode Command 11-49 Character Co de Command The Characte r Code co mmand est ablishes the dec imal co de that is associ ated with the n e x t character downloaded.
11-50 S oft Font Creatio n EN Character Def inition Comman d The Characte r Descri ptor and Data c ommand is used to download character data b locks to the pr inter f o r both bitmap and sc alable f onts.
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-51 Character Descripto r Formats Char acter de finiti on f ormats f or PCL B itmap , Inte llif ont Scal ab le and T r ueT ype Scalable f onts are shown on the f ollowing pa ges. Note The follo w ing notation i s used to de fine the data ty pe of each fi eld in the ch aracter descr iptors.
11-52 S oft Font Creatio n EN Format (UB) This is the first byte of ev er y characte r data bloc k he ader . I t specifies the format of the character descripto r and data. T he f or mat number used for bitmap fonts is 4. This forma t must match that of the Font Header .
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-53 Continuation (B) This is the second (an d last) byte of ev er y character d ata bloc k header . It sp ecifies whe ther the following data is th e first (0) d ata.
11-54 S oft Font Creatio n EN Class 1 - Bi tmap Data Class 1 or bitmap (raster ) character da ta is a str ing of bytes containi ng the dot-pe r-bit image of the character, no data compres sion. If a bit i s set to o ne , t he correspon ding dot is p rinted.
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-55 Figure 11- 5 Clas s 2 Charact er Data.
11-56 S oft Font Creatio n EN Orientation (UB) Or ientation byte speci fies the or ientat ion of the cha racter . T he ori entation of the character mus t match the or ientatio n of the font. If the or ientation i s not suppo r ted or is di ff erent fr om the or ientation specifi ed in the font heade r , the c haracter is d iscarded.
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-57 Char acter Width (UI) The Characte r Width, used for bitm ap f onts only , iden tifies the wi dth of the cha r act er in dots on the physical coordina te system. Gen erally , this widt h is from the far thest le ft blac k dot to the f ar the st right black dot.
11-58 S oft Font Creatio n EN Figure 11-6 Portrait Characte r Example.
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-59 Figure 11- 7 L andscape Charact er Example.
11-60 S oft Font Creatio n EN Character Descriptor and Data Format f or Intellifont Scalab le Fonts The character hea der contains a b lock of bytes that identi fy character outline d ata. T able 11-40 and T able 11-41 sh ow the f or mat of th e Intellifont scal able character d escriptor and data .
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-61 Contour T ree Data M XY Coor dinate Data M T able 11 -42 Intellifont Scalable Charac ter Descriptors/Data Continuation Bloc k B yt e 15 (M S B) 8 7 ( LS B ) 0 0 Format (10) Continuation ( 1) 1 1. Continuation is suppor ted f or Intellif ont scalabl e fonts f or class 3 only .
11-62 S oft Font Creatio n EN Format (UB) This is the first byte of ev er y characte r data bloc k he ader . I t specifies the format of the character descripto r and data. T he f or mat number f or Inte llif ont scal able f o nts is 10. If the format number is different from that expected by the device, the character i s discarded .
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-63 Class 3 -Intellifont Scalab le Character Contour Data Class 3 is for Intellifont scalable co ntour character data. The c ontour character d ata is organ ized as descr ibed i n T able 11-41. B ytes 0-3 conta in the character descr iptor .
11-64 S oft Font Creatio n EN Character Intell ifont Data Offset (SI) The offset to the Character Inte llifont Data relative to th e address of the Contour Data Size field. Contour T r ee Offset (SI) The offset to the contour T ree Data rel ativ e to t he address of t he Contour Da ta Size field.
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-65 Compound Character Es capement (SI) The escap ement in des ign units of a c ompound characte r . Number of Components (UB) The number of componen ts of a co mpound ch aracter . Component List This is a list of co mponent desc ription s .
11-66 S oft Font Creatio n EN T able 11 -47 T ru eT ype Cha racter Descr iptor (no co ntinuation bloc k required) B yt e 15 (M S B) 8 7 ( L SB ) 0 0 Format (15) Con tinuation (0) 2 Des criptor Siz e C.
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-67 Format (UB) This is the first byte of ev er y characte r data bloc k he ader . I t specifies the format f or character downloa ding.
11-68 S oft Font Creatio n EN Continuation (B) This is the second (an d last) byte of ev er y character d ata bloc k header . It sp ecifies whe ther the following data is th e first (0) d ata bloc k of a ne w cha racter defini tion, or a cont inuation (1) block f or a character d efinition whi ch has alread y been rec eiv ed b y the pr inter .
EN Character Descriptor Form ats 11-69 Char acter Dat a Size (UI) The value of the Ch aracter Data Size shou ld equal t he sum of the sizes of the Character Data Size , Glyp h ID , and T ru eT ype Glyp h Data fields. This value ale r ts the PCL inter pret er when a continuati on bl ock is neede d.
11-70 S oft Font Creatio n EN Character Def inition Example s Bitma p P ortrait Charac ter Exampl e T o download a bitmap characte r descripto r and dat a f or a por trait, 10 Pitch , 12 point, uprigh.
EN Char acte r Def initi on Exam ples 11-71 T able 11 -53 P or trait Cha racter Data E xample Dot Row Bit Map Decimal Equivalent 01 000000 00 0000111 1 11000000 00000000 0 15 192 0 02 111111 00 011111.
11-72 S oft Font Creatio n EN Bitmap Landsca pe Character Example T o download the character de scrip tor and data for a lands cape, 10 pitch, 12 point, u pright, med ium, Cour ier lower-case “p” .
EN Char acte r Def initi on Exam ples 11-73 T able 11 -55 Landsca pe Character Data Example Dot Row Bit Map Decimal Equivalent 01 00000000 01111110 0000 0000 00000 000 0 126 0 0 02 00000011 11111111 1.
11-74 S oft Font Creatio n EN 25 01 110000 000 00000 00000000 00001110 112 0 0 14 26 01 110000 000 00000 00000000 00001110 112 0 0 14 T able 11 -55 Landsca pe Character Data Example ( continued).
EN Introduc tion 12-1 12 Macros Introduction A Macro is a group of PCL and H”P-GL/2 c ommands and /or data created b y the us er that is do wnloa ded and st ored in the p rinter . Once st ored in th e print er , a macro can be inv oked upon request (using the assigned macro ID number ), using a si ngle command .
12-2 Macros EN Hewlett-P ackard provides a se rv ice to assist you by de veloping these cust om products. For informa tion contac t: Hewlett-P ackard Boise P rin ter Divisi on Attention : Produc t Specials 11311 C hinden Blv d.
EN Macro Crea tion 12-3 Macr o Creation Designate a unique ide ntification (ID) number pr ior to the definition of a macro using th e Macro ID com mand.
12-4 Macros EN Macros oc cup y a p or tion of use r memor y . The numbe r of macros that can b e stored simu ltaneously in user me mory is limit ed only by the amount of available user me mor y . Macr o In v ocation There ar e three ways to inv oke a macro: execute, cal l, and overlay, using the Macro C ontrol command .
EN Temp orary / Perman ent Mac ros 12-5 The overlay en vi ronment consi sts of the cu rrent setting s f or th e f oll o win g f eatures with the rema inder of the environmental f eatures set to thei r user de f a ult values: Refer to Chapter 3 f o r descri ptions of environm ents.
12-6 Macros EN Deleting Macros There ar e se veral mechanis ms provided by PCL macro contro l f or explicit deleti on of macros f rom user memo ry . These include commands to delete all macros, all te.
EN Macro Cont rol 12- 7 Macr o Contr ol The mac ro control comm and provides mechanisms for defin ition, in v ocati on, an d dele tion of macr os. E C & f # X Notes A macr o ma y call or e xecute anothe r macro , wh ich in tur n may call or ex ecute another m acro; two lev els of “nes ting” are all ow ed.
12-8 Macros EN ROM-Based Macros Macros can be supplie d in ROM (read only memor y), such as custom macro car tri dges or on SIMM modules. T he f oll owing considerat ions apply to all ROM-based macros. z ROM-based m acros include t he macro ID num bers f or their macros.
EN Macro C ontrol Exa mple 12-9 T o enable the macro with a n ID of 7 f or automatic overlay , se nd: E C &f7y4X T o dele te the macro with an ID of 7, s end: E C &f7y8X Macr o Control Example The following illu strates the def inition of a l etterhea d macro .
12-10 M acros EN This ma cro no w can b e exe cuted , called, or enabled f o r auto matic overlay . F red, T exas 83707 T ext E C &a540h960V P os ition first r ule at (540 , 960) decipoin ts . E C *c10v4680H Set rule height and wi dth. E C *c0P Pri nt the first r ule.
EN Introduc tion 13-1 13 The PCL Pr int Model Introduction The Pr int Model feature al lo ws i mages and c haracters to be filled wi th any of the pr inter’ s pr edefined sha ding or cr oss-hatch patter ns, or with a user-defined patter n.
13-2 The PCL Prin t Model EN Pa t t e r n The desig n which is “pa inted” through the blac k (“1 ” bits) area of the sour ce image ont o the desti nation im age .
EN Introduc tion 13-3 P atter n T rans parency Mode The transpar ency or o paqueness o f the white p ix e ls in the patter n. When set to 0 (transpa rent), these pi x els have no eff ect on the destination ; when set t o 1 (opaque), th e y are applied thro ugh the blac k pixels of th e source patter n to t he destinatio n.
13-4 The PCL Prin t Model EN Figure 1 3-3 Effect of T ranspa rency Modes on Images.
EN Command S equence 13-5 Command Sequen ce The following illustration shows the Print Model Command Sequence f or se lecting a current patte rn and using it to fill a desti nation image. T able 13 -1 Operation Comments • • Download P age Da ta P rior raste r and character data downloaded to the page i s consider ed destinati on image.
13-6 The PCL Prin t Model EN Source T ransp arency Mode Command The Sel ect Source T ranspar ency Mode c ommand se ts the sour ce image’ s transpa rency mode to transparent or opaque.
EN Patter n Transpare ncy Mode Com mand 13- 7 P attern T ransparency Mode Comm and The Pattern T ranspare ncy Mode co mmand se ts the patter n’ s transparenc y mode to transpa rent or opaq ue.
13-8 The PCL Prin t Model EN P attern ID (Area Fill ID) Command The Pattern ID c ommand (for merly called Area F ill ID) iden tifies the specifi c shading, cross -hatch, or user-d efined patter n. (This command is also us ed f or rec tangular are a fill.
EN Pattern ID ( Area Fill ID) Com mand 13-9 Notes This com mand is u sed f or bo th the Select P atter n and Ar ea Fill graphics (it is also des cribed i n Chapter 14, PCL Rectangul ar Area Fill G raphics ).
13-10 The PCL Print M odel EN Figure 13-4 Shading Patt erns.
EN Pattern ID ( Area Fill ID) Comm and 13-11 Figure 13-5 Cross-Hatch P atterns.
13-12 The PCL Print M odel EN Select Current Pattern Comma nd The Selec t Current P att ern com mand identifi es the type o f patter n to be applie d onto the d estination.
EN User-Defi ned Pattern Graphics 13 -13 User -Defined P attern Graphics In additio n to the eig ht shadin g patter ns and si x cross-ha tch patter ns, users can design their own patte rns (area fill).
13-14 The PCL Print M odel EN Figure 13-7 Pattern La y out Across the Printabl e Area P attern Reference P oint The patte rn r ef erence p oint is a po sition on the logical pa ge at which the base p atter n is positione d f or ti ling. The upper left cor ner of t he base patte rn i s positioned at this point (s ee ).
EN User-Defi ned Pattern Graphics 13 -15 Figure 13-8 Moving P attern R eference P oint for P attern Filling.
13-16 The PCL Print M odel EN User -Defined P attern Com mand The Use r-Defined Pattern command p rovides the me ans f or downloading th e binar y patter n data t hat defines th e user patter n.
EN User-Defi ned Pattern Command 13 -17 Notes The Mas ter X and Ma ster Y Reso lution fi elds can be used to spec ify 600 dpi r esolution for a patter n o riginally designed a t 300 dpi. Howe ver , a patte rn whi ch was designed at 600 dpi is n ot av a ilable f or se lection at 30 0 dpi resoluti on.
13-18 The PCL Print M odel EN Reserved (Byte 3) This fiel d, byte 3, is not cur rently used a nd must be set to 0. Height in Pixel s (Bytes 4 and 5) This fiel d, bytes 4 and 5, ident ifies the numbe r of rows (height) o f the patter n.
EN User-Defi ned Pattern Command 13 -19 User -defined P attern Example This example sh ows how the user- defined p attern command is used to creat e a user-defin ed patter ns. F or th is e xampl e , a patter n of tria ngles is u sed. The first s tep is to des ign the ba se patter n trian gle (in this c ase, using 64 bytes of da ta).
13-20 The PCL Print M odel EN When usi ng the 300 dpi User-Defi ned P atter n header (see T able 13-3). Set the eight bytes of header infor mation to the following va lu e s : Byte 0 - F or mat = 0 (0.
EN User-Defi ned Pattern Command 13 -21 3 Send the p atter n header a nd binar y data: Notes There mu st be an ev en numb er of bytes in user-def ined patte rn d ata, hence the trailing zeros ( “padding”) i n the last eight data rows above .
13-22 The PCL Print M odel EN Set P attern Reference P oint Comm and The Set P atte rn Re f erence P oint command causes the prin ter to tile patter ns with res pect to the cur rent cursor po sition. This comma nd also spec ifies whether the patter n rotate s with the pr int direc tion or remain s fix ed.
EN Patter n Control Comm and 13-23 P attern Control Command The Pattern Con trol comma nd provides a mean s f or m anipulating user-defi ned patter ns.
13-24 The PCL Print M odel EN.
EN Introduc tion 14-1 14 PCL Rectangular Area Fill Gr aphics Introduction The PCL language inc ludes comm ands for filling or sha ding rectang ular areas on the page wi th pre-defined patter ns, and allows creati on and use of user-defined patter ns .
14-2 PCL Rectangu lar Area Fi ll Graphics EN 3 Specify width of recta ngle (Hor izontal Rectangle Size Command - Decipoints = E C *c #H , or PCL Units= E C *c#A ). 4 Specify height of rectangle (V er t ical Rectan gle Size Comman d - Decipoints = E C *c #V , or PC L Units= E C *c#B ).
EN Horizo ntal Rectangl e Size (Decipoi nts) Comman d 14 -3 Horizontal Rectangl e Size (Decipoints) Command This Ho rizontal Rect angle Si z e com mand speci fies the rec tangle widt h in deci poin ts.
14-4 PCL Rectangu lar Area Fi ll Graphics EN V er tical Rectan gle Size (Decipoints) Comm and This V er t ical Rectan gle Size comma nd speci fies the rec tangle he ight in deci points.
EN Pattern ID ( Area Fill ID) Com mand 14-5 P attern ID (Area Fill ID) Command The Pattern ID c ommand (for merly called Area F ill ID) iden tifies the specifi c shading, cross-hatc h, or user-d efined patter n (s ee Figure 14-2) to be used when filling a rec tangular area.
14-6 PCL Rectangu lar Area Fi ll Graphics EN There ar e six HP def ined cross- hatch pat terns. T o s pecify a c ross- hatch patt er n type, use a value between 1 a nd 6 to select a patt er n as shown in Fi gure 14-2.
EN Pattern ID ( Area Fill ID) Com mand 14-7 Figure 14-1 Shading Patt erns.
14-8 PCL Rectangu lar Area Fi ll Graphics EN Figure 14-2 Cross-hatc h Patterns.
EN Fill Rec tangular Area Command 14-9 Fill Rectangu lar Area Command This com mand fill s (pr ints) a recta ngular are a of the sp ecified widt h and heigh t with the spec ified area fill.
14-10 P CL Rectang ular Area Fill Graph ics EN The uppe r left cor ner of the rect angular area i s located a t the cursor posi tion when pr inting a r ectangular ar ea.
EN Pattern T ransparenc y for Recta ngular Ar ea Fill 14-1 1 P att ern T ransparency f or Rectangular Area Fill P atter n transparen cy , describe d in Chapter 13, under “Pattern T ranspare ncy Mode Com mand, ” affects how a patter n is applied to the rec tangular fill area.
14-12 P CL Rectang ular Area Fill Graph ics EN Figure 14-3 Effect of T ransparency Modes on Rectangular Areas.
EN Rect angular Area Fill Exa mples 14-13 Rectangular Area F ill Examples This sec tion shows example usage of area fill commands t o print pre -defi ned pa tterns as well as us er-def ined patt er ns .
14-14 P CL Rectang ular Area Fill Graph ics EN 6 6. Speci fy the width an d height for the smal ler white fi ll rectang ular area: E C *c300a 600B 7 7.
EN Rect angular Area Fill Exa mples 14-15 3 Specify the height of the recta ngle: E C *c1500 B This sets the rectan gle to 1500 PC L Units (5 i nches at 300 units-per -inch).
14-16 P CL Rectang ular Area Fill Graph ics EN Cross-hatch Fil l T o pr int a 900 by 1500 Unit rectan gular area ( 3 inches by 5 in ches at 300 u nits-per-inc h), filled w ith a hor izontal cross-ha tch patter n, perform t he f ollowing steps: 1.
EN Rect angular Area Fill Exa mples 14-17 This example pr ints the f o llowing: Figure 14-6 Patterned F ill Example User -defined P attern Example This example sh ows how to print a user-defi ned patter n which h as already be en downloaded t o the printer.
14-18 P CL Rectang ular Area Fill Graph ics EN Sets the rectangle width and height both to 600 P CL Units (2 x 2 inches at 300 Units/ inch). 3 Specify the P atter n ID: E C *c3G Sets the P att ern ID to 3. 4 Pri nt the user- defined p atter n-filled ar ea: E C *c5P This example pr ints as s ho wn in Figure 14-7.
EN Introduc tion 15-1 15 Raster Gr aphics Introduction A raster image is an image co mposed of dots. Pictures i n newspapers or on tele vis ion screens ( also , a page pr inted by this pr inter) are example s of raster imag es . The P CL langua ge include s comman ds f or pr inting raste r graphic imag es .
15-2 Raster Graphic s EN sev eral binar y d ata compres sion method s , a nd additional reduction techniqu es associ ated with the r aster area feature (see F igure 15-2) . Figu re 15 -2 Ra ster A rea Data comp ression me thods incl ude: run-l ength enco ding, tagged image file f or mat (TIFF), del ta row , and adaptive compre ssion.
EN Introduc tion 15-3 The fina l data reduc tion techni que provided by the raste r area inv olves the pr inter’s ability t o fill in traili ng zeros to the e dge of the raster area . Any zeros following the last “ 1“ in the raster row to the edge of the picture ar ea need no t be sent.
15-4 Raster Graphic s EN Raster Graphics Comm and Sequence PCL raster c ommands in clude: S tar t Raster Graph ics and E nd Raster Graphics com mands, T ransf er Ras ter Data by Row , Ra ster Compres sion, Rast er Presenta tion, Raster Resoluti on, Raster Height and Raster Width (whic h define the raster area), and Ra ster Y Offs et comm ands.
EN Raster Gr aphics Com mand Sequenc e 15 -5 Raster Pr esentation, Ra ster Resoluti on, Raster He ight, Raster Width, and Raster Compress ion are all tr ue mo des.
15-6 Raster Graphic s EN Raster Graphics R esolution Command Raster gr aphic s can be printed at various r esolutions. Thi s comm and designat es the reso lution of sub sequent raste r data transfers in dots-pe r inch.
EN Raster Graphics Re solution Command 15-7 Figure 15-3 Raster Graphics Expansion - at 300 dpi Note Rectangul ar area fill s and cha racter data ar e not affected by chang es in res olution. Rec tangular A rea fills a nd character data always pr int at the maxi mum resolutio n, regardl ess of the res olution setti ng.
15-8 Raster Graphic s EN Raster Graphics Presentation Mode Command The Raste r Graphics Prese ntation comman d specifies the orient ation of the raste r image on th e logica l page.
EN Raster Gr aphics Pres entation Mode Command 15-9 Figure 15-5 Raster Graphics Presentation Mode f or P ortrait Orientation 3 lan dscape 50 dots in fr om the logic al page top bou nd 3 re verse land .
15-10 Ra ster Graphi cs EN Figure 15-6 Raster Graphics Presentation Mode f or Landscape Orientation.
EN Raster Height Command 15-11 Raster Height Command The Rast er Height com mand specifi es the height i n raster rows of the raster area . Height is th e directio n per pendicular to the dire ction that raster rows are lai d down, hence, height i s subject to th e current raster presen tation mode an d print d irection (see Figure 15-7) .
15-12 Ra ster Graphi cs EN Upon rec eiving an End Raster Graphic s ( E C *rC ) comman d, the cursor p osition is set to the l eft graphics marg in of the next raster row after the raster height boundar y .
EN Raster Wi dth Command 15-13 Raster Width Command The Rast er Width com mand speci fies the width i n pix els of th e raster area. Wi dth is in th e direction that the raster r o ws ar e laid down, hence, wid th is subje ct to the cur rent raster pr esentation m ode and pri nt direction ( see Figure 1 5-8).
15-14 Ra ster Graphi cs EN Figure 15- 8 Ma xim um R aster Width Star t Raster Graphics Command The Star t Raster Grap hics command identifie s the beginning of the raster data a nd also spe cifies t he left graphics ma rgin. E C * r # A # =0- Star t graphics a t def ault left graphics m argin X-posi tion 0).
EN Raster Y Offset Comm and 15-15 Once i n Raster Graphics Mode, PCL com mands and text impl y an End Ra ster Graphics ( E C *rC ) except for the following co mmands: z T ransfer Raster Data z Set Raste r Compress ion Method z Raster Y O ffset In additio n, the following comma nds are ignor ed (i.
15-16 Ra ster Graphi cs EN Set Compression Method Comman d The Set Compression M ethod com mand allows you to co de raster data in on e of f our compress ed f or mats: Ru n-length encod ing, tagged im aged file f or mat ( TIFF) rev . 4.0, delta row com pression, and ada ptiv e co mpression.
EN Set Compr ession Met hod Command 15 -17 T agged Imag e File Fo rmat En coding (Method 2) T agged i mage file f or mat encoding inter prets ras ter data as TIF F “P ackbits. ” This for mat combine s f eatur es of method s 0 and 1. A control byte precede s the raster d ata (patter n bytes).
15-18 Ra ster Graphi cs EN The range of numbers for the contr ol b yte is shown bel o w . Note Another meth od to calculate the number needed in the con trol byte f or so me number of re petitions i s to subtract the number of desi red repetiti ons from 256.
EN Set Compr ession Met hod Command 15 -19 TIFF enc oding also allows you to include a non-operative (NOP ) control by te, repr esented by the value –128. T his byte is ignor ed, and the su bsequent b yte is tr eated as the n e w con trol byte . Note It is more e fficient to c ode two consec utiv e id entical bytes as a repeated b yte.
15-20 Ra ster Graphi cs EN TIFF Encoding E C *r1A E C *b2m6W (-3)U(0)A(-1)T o r E C *b2m6W(-3)U(2) A T T E C *rC In the TIF F encoding example abov e, parentheti cal e xpr essions are u sed to id entify contr ol bytes. F or example, the byte (-3) is shown to repr esent the con trol byte f or a repetition (m inus v alue ) of 3.
EN Set Compr ession Met hod Command 15 -21 If more th an eight replac ement (delt a) bytes are needed , addition al comm and b yte/ replace ment bytes may be added , as shown below: E C *3m#W [(Comm and Byte)(1 to 8 Replaceme nt Bytes)][( Command Byt e)(1 to 8 Replac ement Bytes) ].
15-22 Ra ster Graphi cs EN As menti oned, the offs et is contained in the lower five bits of the command byte allows f or offset values from 0 to 31. Compression mode all ows offsets larger th an 31 bytes as follows: z An offset v alue of 0-30 indic ates that the repl acement bytes are offset fr om the 1st byte to the 31 st byte .
EN Set Compr ession Met hod Command 15 -23 Repeating a Row E C *b0W When usi ng the del ta compression method, it is possible to rep eat or copy the previous raster row usi ng the Raster Data T ransfer command. This is accomplished b y sett ing the Ras ter Data T ransfer comm and, v alue field, to z ero.
15-24 Ra ster Graphi cs EN Example: Delta Row Compression The follo w ing e xampl e demonstrates how to c ompress the f ol lowing data usin g the delta row compressio n. (The bytes h ighlighted i n italic type indic ate those bytes ne eding replace ment — those bytes tha t are different from the pre vious row , th e seed row .
EN Set Compr ession Met hod Command 15 -25 Adaptive Compression (Method 5) Adaptive comp ression e nables the com bined use of any of the four previous compressi on methods (0 th rough 3), an d it includes the ability to prin t empty (all zeros) r ows or to duplica te rows.
15-26 Ra ster Graphi cs EN F or com mand byte values 0 - 3 , the two <# of bytes/r ows> b ytes specify the number of bytes ( ro w length) for the row . For command byte v alue s 4 and 5, thes e b ytes identify th e number of empty o r duplica te rows to prin t.
EN Set Compr ession Met hod Command 15 -27 Adaptive Compre ssion Operation Hints Note Some HP Las erJet pr inters per f o rm int er nal compress ion techni ques to suppor t full-page graphic s . Refer to Chapt er 1 of the PCL 5 Comp a rison Guid e fo r s p e c i f ic s .
15-28 Ra ster Graphi cs EN z F or m ethod 3 - Si nce delta r o w comp ression r equires th at the seed r ow be av ailable whenever raster graphics m ode is ent ered, the se ed row is initial iz e d to zeros upon raster graphics m ode entr y ( E C *r#A).
EN Transfer Raster Data Command 15-2 9 T ransfer Raster Data Command The T ransfer Raste r Data comman d is used to transfer a row of raster data to the prin ter . E C * b # W [ raster data ] Default = N/A Range = 0 - 32767 The value field (#) identifies the number of bytes i n the raster row .
15-30 Ra ster Graphi cs EN Notes If the last byte indicated b y the value field in the T ransf er Raste r Data comm and is a con trol byte, that byte is ignored.
EN Raster Gr aphics Ex ample 15-3 1 Raster Graphics Example T o transfer an unenc oded raster g raphic image (see F igure 15-11) in the shape of an arrow , p erf or m the following steps: T able 15 -10 1. P ositio n the cursor : E C *p300x40 0 Y This moves the c ursor to PC L Unit posit ion (300, 40 0) within the PC L coordina te system .
15-32 Ra ster Graphi cs EN The brackets and commas are not par t of the raster data command; they are used on ly to deline ate the data . 6 0000 0000 0000 0000 11111100 00000 000 E C *b4W[ 0, 0,252, 0.
EN Raster Gr aphics Ex ample 15-3 3 Figure 15-11 Example of Raster Graphic Image D ata.
15-34 Ra ster Graphi cs EN.
EN Introduc tion 16-1 16 Status Readbac k Introduction This cha pter descr ibes the PCL status r eadback f eatur es. PCL statu s is requested fr om the pr inter with the c ommands descr ibed in th is chapter . Following a sta tus reques t, the pri nter generates a status respons e.
16-2 Status Readbac k EN z Flush Al l P ages Comma nd z Echo Com mand z Status Re adback Programming Hin ts F or stat us readback to wor k, the host s ystem must con tain a bi-direc tional dr iv er to receive status res ponse dat a.
EN Introduc tion 16-3 Entit y Statu s It is possi ble to request statu s f or th e print er’ s enti ties. An entity is a f ont, symbol set , macro , o r user-defin ed patter n stored in the pr inter . Each individual entity req uest is lim ited to one s pecific ent ity , and is fur ther li mited to a sp ecific location .
16-4 Status Readbac k EN A basic entity stat us request is shown in t he e xample below . This ex ampl e identifies a status requ est f or downloaded per manent fonts.
EN Introduc tion 16-5 Status Response When the p rin ter receives a status request (co mmand), it pr ocesses that requ est and for ms the respons e data. Thi s data is the n stored in an I/O st atus buff er . The r esponse is saved in this buff er until it is either rea d (by any user) or the prin ter is tur ned off.
16-6 Status Readbac k EN Status Response Syntax All sta tus responses star t wit h the letters “ PCL ” followed by a Carria ge Retur n contr ol code (d ecimal 13; <CR> ) and a Line F eed control code (decim al 10; <LF> ).
EN Status Re sponse Sy ntax 16-7 PCL<CR><LF> INFO FONTS<CR><LF> SELECT=“<Esc>(8U<Esc>(s0p10.00 h12.00v0s0b3T”<CR><LF> SELECT=“<Esc>(0N<Esc>(s0p16.
16-8 Status Readbac k EN Set St atus Re adbac k Loca tion T ype Comm and The Set Location T ype command se ts the sta tus locatio n type to th e specifi ed v alue. Loc ation type is used in conjunc tion with the lo cation unit to id entify an enti ty loca tion f or a s tatus reque st (Inquire S tatus Readback Entity command).
EN Set Statu s Readback Loc ation Unit Com mand 16-9 Set Status Readb ac k Location Unit Command The Set Location Uni t command se ts the sta tus locatio n unit to th e specifi ed v alue. Loc ation unit i s used in conj unction with the location type to id entify an entity loca tion for a status request (I nquire Statu s Readback Entity command).
16-10 S tatus Readbac k EN A value of 0 in dicates all units of the location type. A printer reset ( E C E ) retur ns the locatio n unit to its d ef ault value, 0. The pr inter retains the locatio n unit set ting. If this c ommand is not sent t o change the se tting f o r an entity re quest, the n the ex ist ing loca tion unit sett ing is u sed.
EN Entity Status Resp onses 16-11 Entity Status Respo nses The statu s response for an Inquire Status Readback Entity co mmand v ar ies depen ding on the type of entity re quested. The status respons es f or font, f ont extended , macro , user -defined p attern , and sym bol set are descri bed below .
16-12 S tatus Readbac k EN As menti oned, variations in the font respons e occur as a result of the font being a bitmap, bound scalable, unbound scalable, soft (downloaded) font, or th e location type set to 1 (curre ntly selected ).
EN Entity Status Resp onses 16-13 Unbound Scalable Fonts F or u nbound fonts, since multiple symbol sets can be ass ociated with an unbound font, the “SYMBOLSE TS=” ke y word is added to list the av ailable symbol sets and th e symbol set s equence is no longer present in the “SEL ECT=” line.
16-14 S tatus Readbac k EN z F or all fonts, if the f o nt is a secondar y font, then the “(“ characters are rep laced by ”)” character s in the “S ELECT=” li ne. “LOCTYP E=” identifi es the locati on type of t he curren tly select ed f ont.
EN Entity Status Resp onses 16-15 Font Extended Response The font e xtend ed response ( inquire entity v alue fi eld 4) provides a wa y to retur n the nam e and inter nal ID numbe r of the font, as well as the “ SELECT=” line.
16-16 S tatus Readbac k EN “ NAME= ” i s retur ned for f o nt e xtended status requ ests only . It identifi es the nam e of the f ont, s uch as, Cour ier , T imes Roman, Univers, etc., and its tr eatment (such as BdIt - bold italic) a s listed in the font pr intout.
EN Entity Status Resp onses 16-17 A macr o status respo nse might ap pear as shown below . PCL INFO MACROS IDLIST=“1,3,8,29,32” User -Defined P attern Response The sta tus response f o r user-defi.
16-18 S tatus Readbac k EN Symbol Set Response The respo nse for symbol sets (inquire ent ity value field 3) l ists all o f the symb ol set IDs (“ID LIST=”) for all of the symbol sets that can be bound t o unbound sc alab le fonts in the specifi ed location (type and unit).
EN Entity Er ror Codes 16-19 Entity Error Codes If you request ou t-of-range values in the comma nd v alue fields, or if the entity is unsu ppor ted or does not exist, or if the reques t is inappro pr.
16-20 S tatus Readbac k EN ERROR=NONE If the entity type and location are valid, but there are no entities of the specifi ed type in th at location, or if the typ e is inappropr iate for the specifi ed entity (int ernal user-define d patter n or cu rrently selec ted macro), th en an error r esponse is generated.
EN Free Spa ce Command 16 -21 Free Space Comm and The F ree S pace comman d retur ns the amo unt of av ailable mem ory . This respo nse retur ns two values: the to tal a vailable memor y , and the larg est a vailable block of memor y (refer to the “Memor y Status Resp onse” s ectio n late r in th is chap ter f or addit ional i nf ormatio n).
16-22 S tatus Readbac k EN If you deter mine there is insuffic ient memor y to h old the data to be downloaded, s ome action i s required. One method to m ak e more memor y av a ilable is to send th e Flush A ll P ages co mmand.
EN Free Spa ce Command 16 -23 “LARGE ST=” identi fies the lar gest conti nuous bloc k of a vailable memor y (in bytes). An example res ponse is s hown below: PCL INFO MEMORY TOTAL=100000 LARGEST=25000 The above e xamp le indicates t hat the pr inter has 100,000 bytes of av ailable memo ry and the large st continuous b lock is 25,00 0 bytes .
16-24 S tatus Readbac k EN Flush All P ag es Command The Flus h All P ages c ommand sus pends accep ting inpu t data until all pages curr ently in the pr inter ar e printed .
EN Echo Command 16-25 Ec ho Com mand The Echo c ommand e choes its value fiel d (in ASCII for mat) back to the host. E C * s # X # =Ec ho value (ASC II) Default = 0 Range = –3 2767 to 327 67 If m ultipl e users ar e requ esting statu s, it ca n be dif ficult to disti nguis h one user’ s s tatus respons e from anothe r .
16-26 S tatus Readbac k EN If the appl ication sen ds the Echo command and F r ee Space comm and, the printe r return s the response to the first Echo command and F ree Space comm and, along with the respons e to the sec ond request . The applicati on will assume that the re sponse rec eiv ed is the respons e to its las t request.
EN Status Rea dback Pro gramming Hi nts 16-27 Status Readback Pr ogramming Hints The following hints c an assist in u sing the sta tus readback feature .
16-28 S tatus Readbac k EN.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) PJL (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
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However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) PJL. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) PJL along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center