Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NS-series HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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H P In tegr ity NonS to p NS-S e rie s Op er at ion s Guid e Abstra c t This guide d escribes how to p erform r outine system hard ware opera tions for HP Integrity N onS t op ™ NS-series ser ver s. These t a sks include monitoring the system, perform ing com mon oper ations tasks, and perfor m ing routine hardware maintenance.
Docum ent Hi stor y Part Nu m b er Produ ct V ersion Publish ed 5298 69- 00 3 N . A. Feb rua ry 20 06 5298 69- 00 4 N . A. Au gu st 2006 5298 69- 00 5 N .
He wlett-Pa ckard Company — 529869-005 i HP Integrity NonS top N S- S er ies Operati ons Guide Index Exam ples Figures Ta b l e s What ’s New in This Manual xiii Manual Info rmation xiii New and C.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 ii 2. De termini ng Y our Sys t em Configuration Loggi ng On to an Inte grity NonS top Serv er 1-9 System Con soles 1- 9 Openi.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 iii 4. Mon itoring EMS Event Messages 4. Mo nitoring EMS Event M essages When to Use This Section 4-1 What Is the Event Man ag.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 iv 7. S erverNet Resourc es: Monitorin g and Recovery 7. ServerNet Resources: M onitoring an d Recovery When to Use This Secti.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 v 10. D isk Dr iv es: M onitoring a nd Recov ery Reco very Operat i o ns for Processors 9-9 Recovery Operations f or a Process.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 vi 11. T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery 1 1. T ape Drives: Monitoring an d Recovery When to Use This Section 11 -1 Overvi.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 vii 14. Pow er F ailures: P repar a ti on a nd Recov ery 14. Po wer Failures: P rep aration and Recovery When to Use This Sect.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 viii 16. Creating Star tup and Shutdown Files T r oub l e shooting and Recover y Operati ons 15-18 Fans Ar e Not T u rning 15-.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 ix 17. Prev entiv e M aintenance S t artup F ile Example s 16-12 System S tar tup Fil e 16-12 S poole r W arm-S tart File 16-1.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 x A. Operational Diff eren ces Between Systems Running G-Serie s and H-Series R VUs A.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 xi Saf ety and Compliance Safety an d Compliance Inde x Exam p l es Exam ple 2-1. SCF L ISTDEV Command Outpu t 2-7 Exam ple 2-2. SCF ADD DISK Co mmand Output 2- 1 1 Exam ple 2-3.
Contents HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 xii T ables Ta b l e s Ta b l e 1 - 1 . Problem-S o lving Wo r kshe et 1-5 Ta b l e 2 - 1 . Key Subsyste m s and Their Logical Device Nam es and Device Ty p e s 2-8 Ta b l e 2 - 2 .
HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 xiii What’ s N ew i n This Manual Ma n u a l In f o rm a ti o n HP Integrit y NonSto p NS-Series Op erations Guid e Ab stract This guide describes how to per form routine syste m hardwar e operation s for HP Integrity NonS top ™ NS-serie s servers.
What’ s New in T his Man ual HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Ope r ations Guide — 529869-005 xiv New and Changed I nfor mation.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xv Abo ut This Gu ide This guide describes how to per form routine syste m hardwar e operation s for HP Integri ty NonS top NS - series server s on H- series rel ease versi on updat es.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xvi What Is in This Gu i de What Is in This Guide Sect ion or Appendix Sect ion and Appendix Titles Sec ti on 1 Intro.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xvii Whe re to Get More In fo r mat ion Where to Get Mor e In for m at ion Operati ons pl ann ing an d operati ons ma.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xviii Support and Service Library OSM is the r equired system m an agement tool for servers that use 67 80 switches in Serve rNet clusters, b u t OSM also provides system ma nagement fo r earlier versions o f Serve rNet clusters.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xix General Sy ntax Notat ion UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase l ett ers ind icate keywo rds and re served words; enter these i tems exactl y as show n. Items not en cl o sed in bracket s are r equired.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xx Notation f or Mess ages … Ellip sis. An ellipsis immediately following a pair of b rackets or braces indicates that you can rep eat the enclose d sequence o f syntax i tems any n umber of times.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xxi Notation f or Mess ages The use r must press the R e turn key after typing the inp ut. Nonit alic text . Nonitali c lett ers, numbers, an d punctuation indicate text that is displ ayed or return ed exactly as sho wn.
About T his Guide HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 xxii Change Bar Notat ion Change Bar Not at ion Cha nge bars ar e used to ind icate substa ntive diffe rences betwe en this edition of the manual and th e preceding edition.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1- 1 1 Introdu ction to I ntegrity No nS top NS-Seri es Operations When to Use This Section on pag e 1-2 Und erst andi ng the Oper atio.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-2 When to Use This Section When to Use This Sect ion This section intr o duces system hardware ope rations for Integr ity NonS to p NS-series servers.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-3 Preparing for and Recovering fr om Power F ailures • Section 10 , Disk D.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-4 Responding to S pooler Problems Res po nding t o S pooler Pr obl ems Refer to the Spooler Utilities Re feren c e Manual. Up da ti ng Firmw a r e Refer to the H06.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-5 A Problem -Solving Worksheet T able 1- 1.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-6 T ask 1: G et the Fact s T ask 1: G et the Fact s The fir st step in solv ing a ny probl em is t o get the facts.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-7 T a sk 2: Find and Eliminate the Cause of the Problem T ask 2: Find an d Eliminate the Ca u se of the Problem Af ter you collect the facts, you are re ady to begin co nsidering the possible causes of a probl em.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-8 T ask 3: Escala te th e Pr obl e m If Nece ssa r y T ask 2b : Fix the Most Proba ble Cause of the Problem For th e example in the worksheet, the most li kely cau se of the hun g terminal is a securi ty problem .
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1-9 T ask 4: Prevent Future Problems T ask 4: Prevent F ut ure Problems Solving p roblems tha t occur with your system can be exciting because it is active a nd stim ulating.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1- 1 0 Opening a T ACL Wind ow is est ablished fr om the con sole thr ough Inter net Explor er browser sessions. For mor e informa tion, see Laun ching OSM App lications o n page 1- 1 1.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1- 1 1 Ov erview of OSM Appl ications Overview o f OSM Ap pl ications HP N onS.
Introduction to Integrity NonS top NS-Series Operation s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 1- 1 2 Service Procedures V iewer app l ica tions; it me rely i nstal ls the S tart m enu short cuts and defaul t home p ages to make accessing these a pplications easier .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-1 2 Determining Y our System Configur ation When to Use This Section on pag e 2-1 Modul ar H ard ware Com ponent s on pa ge 2-2 Dif f.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-2 Modul ar Hardware Co m ponents Modular Har dw are Component s Hardware for Integr ity NonS top systems is implem ented in mo dules or enclosures that are i nstal led in mod ular ca binet s.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-3 Diff e r ences Bet ween Integrity N onS top NS-S eries Syste ms commun ications to storage de vices and subsystems as well a s to LANs. Additional IOAM enclosures can be added to increa se connecti vity and storage r esources.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-4 T erms Used t o Des cribe System Hardware Compo nent s T erms Used to Descri be System Hard ware Comp o nent s The te r m s u sed to describ e system hard ware component s vary .
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-5 Using S CF to De t erm ine Y our Sy stem Con f i guration For in formation o n forms availab.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-6 Using S CF to Di splay Subsystem Con fi guration Inf orm ati on drives, S e rverNet adap ters, the loca l area network (LAN ) and w ide area networ k (W AN) subsyste m manage r processes, t he OSM server processes, an d so on.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-7 Using S CF to Di splay Subsystem Con fi guration Inf orm ati on SCF LISTDEV : Listing the De.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-8 Using S CF to Di splay Subsystem Con fi guration Inf orm ati on The colu m ns in Exampl e 2-.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2-9 Di sp l ay ing SCF C on f i gur at ion Inf orm at i on f or Subsyst ems T o di splay info rmation ab out a pa rticular device: > SCF LISTDEV TYPE n where n is a num ber for th e device type.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 0 Di sp l ay ing SCF C on f i gur at ion Inf orm at i on f or Subsyst ems Kernel Subsystem .
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 1 Di sp l ay ing SCF C on f i gur at ion Inf orm at i on f or Subsyst ems When displaying c.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 2 Di sp l ay ing SCF C on f i gur at ion Inf orm at i on f or Subsyst ems T o get de tailed.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 3 Additional Subsystems Contr olled by SCF Exam ples of the INF O comm and used w ith t he .
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 4 Additional Subsystems Contr olled by SCF CP6100 Communicati o ns Process Subsystem 51 0 E.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 5 Displaying Co nf i guration Information— SCF Examp les Di splayi ng Confi gur a tion In.
Determining Y our System Configuration HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 2- 1 6 Displaying Co nf i guration Information— SCF Examp les T o display con figur ation attribute values for all the W A N su bsystem configuration manage rs, TCP/IP p rocesses, and WAN Boot pr ocesses: -> INFO PROCESS $ZZWAN.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-1 3 Overview of Monitoring and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 3-1 Function s of Monitor ing on p age 3-2 Monitor ing T as.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-2 Functions of Monitoring Functions of Monitori ng Y o u must monitor a system t o ensure that it is op erating properly and to recognize when corr ective a ction is require d.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-3 T ools f or Checking the S tatus of System Hardware An exa m ple o f a checkli st you mi ght us.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-4 T ools f or Checking the S tatus of System Hardware T able 3-1. Monito r in g S ystem Component s ( p a g e1o f3 ) Resour ce Monitored Using The se T ools See.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-5 T ools f or Checking the S tatus of System Hardware Lega cy No nS to p S-se rie s enc l os u re.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-6 Additiona l Monitoring T asks Additional Monitoring T asks Ta b l e 3 - 2 provides an example of ad ditional areas you should mo nitor daily .
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-7 Monitoring and Resol v i ng Prob l ems—An A pproach Monitori ng and Resolving Problems—A n .
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-8 Using the OSM Service Connection Exp anding the system o bject in the tree p ane, you ca n see a yellow ar row on the Group 1 10 object , indicati ng that the problem is located somewhere wi thin tha t gro up.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3-9 Using the OSM Service Connection 3. Click to select the alarm, then right- click and sele ct Details . Che ck the Attr ibutes t ab ( Figu re 3- 3 ) also, a s a yellow or re d triangular symbol ind icates probl em attr i b ute va lues exist.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 0 Using the OSM Service Connection Using S ystem St atus I cons to M onitor Mu ltiple Systems .
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 1 Using the OSM Service Connection Using Alarm and Problem Summ aries Other o ptions for monit.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 2 Recovery Operation s for Problems Detected by OSM Suppressin g Problems and Alarms In cert a.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 3 D etermining Device S tates Determining Device St ates This subse ction explains how t o determine the stat e of devices on your system.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 4 D etermining Device S tates The ge neral form at of the ST A TU S displ ay follo w s. However , t he format varies depend i n g on the sub system.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 5 D etermining Device S tates SERV IC I N G SP ECI AL Th e ob ject is bei ng se rv ic ed or us e d by a priv ile ge d pr ocess an d is ina c c es s ibl e to use r processes.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 6 Au tomat ing Routine System Monitoring Automating Routi ne System Monitori ng Y o u can autom ate many of the mon i t oring proce dure s. Automa tion saves you time a nd helps you to perfo rm many routine tasks more ef ficiently .
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 7 Au tomat ing Routine System Monitoring Exam ple 3-3. System Monitor ing Outpu t File (page 1 of 3) COMM EN T THIS IS TH E FI LE SY SC HK COMM EN T THIS CHE CK S AL L DISKS : SCF ST AT US DI SK $* STOR AG E - Sta tu s DI SK SH ARK .
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 8 Au tomat ing Routine System Monitoring COMM EN T THIS CHE CK S AL L SACS: SCF ST AT US SA C $* SLSA S tatus SAC Name Ow ner S tate $ZZL AN .E 4SA 1.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 1 9 Au tomat ing Routine System Monitoring COMM EN T THIS CHE CK S TH E STATU S OF PAT HWAY: PAT.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 2 0 Using the S tatus LEDs to Monitor t he System Using t he S t atus LEDs to Moni tor the Syst .
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 2 1 Using the S tatus LEDs to Monitor t he System Enc losu re S tat us Am be r F l as h es wh en E MU is opera tio nal and perfo rm in g lo c at e.
Overview of Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 3- 2 2 Related Reading Related Reading For m ore inform ation about monito ring, see the document ation l isted in T able 3-5 .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 4-1 4 Monitoring EMS Event Messages When to Use This Section on pag e 4-1 What Is the Event Man agement Ser vice (EMS )? on page 4-1 T .
Monitoring EMS Event Mess age s HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 4-2 OSM Event Viewer OSM E ven t V iewer The OS M Even t Viewe r is a b rowser-ba sed event viewer .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 5-1 5 Processes : Mon itori ng and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 5-1 T yp es of Proc esses on p age 5-1 System Proce sses .
Processes: M onitori ng and Re covery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 5-2 I/O P roce sses ( I OPs) I/O Processes (IOPs) An I/O pr oce ss (IOP) is a system proc ess that mana ges communications be tween a processor and I/O devic es.
Processes: M onitori ng and Re covery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 5-3 Moni t oring Process es Monitori ng Processes This subse ction briefl y provi des examples of some of th e tools a vailable t o monitor processes .
Processes: M onitori ng and Re covery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 5-4 Moni t o ring IOPs Moni torin g I OPs For a list of manual s that pr ovide more information a.
Processes: M onitori ng and Re covery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 5-5 Monitoring Ge neric Process es This exam ple shows the o utput produced by this command : 1-> STATUS PROCESS $ZZKRN.#* NONSTOP KERNEL - Status PROCESS DRP25.
Processes: M onitori ng and Re covery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 5-6 Recovery Op erations for Proc esses In near ly all circumstances, ite ms that are essent i a .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-1 6 Communications S u bsystems: Monitoring and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 6-1 Commun i ca tions Subsyste ms on p age.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-2 Local Area Networks (LA Ns) and W ide Area Net works (W ANs) or othe r c.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-3 Local Area Networks (LA Ns) and W ide Area Net works (W ANs) • Physica.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-4 Monitoring Commu nicat ions Subsyst em s and Their Obj ec t s Monitori ng Communications Subsystems and Th eir O b ject s Monitor ing and recovery o per ations for comm unicatio ns subsystems can be complex.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-5 Moni toring the SLSA Subsy stem This ex ample shows the listing di spla yed whe n checking all ada pters on $ZZLAN: > SCF STATUS ADAPTER $ZZLAN.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-6 Monitoring the W AN S ubsy stem This ex ample shows a listin g of the st atus of all PIFs o n $ZZLAN.G1 1 123 : > SCF STATUS PIF $ZZLAN.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-7 Monitoring the W AN S ubsy stem The syste m displa ys a listing similar to: T o display the status fo r all SW AN concentr a tor s configured for you r system: > SCF STATUS ADAPTER $ZZWAN.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-8 Monitoring the W AN S ubsy stem Monitori ng W AN Processes T o display the status of all W AN subsystem proces ses—configuration man agers, TCP/I P processe s, W ANB oot processe s: > SCF STATUS PROCESS $ZZWAN.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6-9 Monitoring the NonSt op TCP/I P Subsystem Moni torin g CL IPs T o di splay the curr ent stat us for a CLIP: > SCF STATUS SERVER $ZZWAN.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6- 1 0 Moni t oring Line-Hand l er Process St at us Moni torin g NonS top TCP/IP Routes T o di splay st atu s inform ation for a ll NonS top TCP/IP routes: > SCF STATUS ROUTE $ZTCO.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6- 1 1 Moni t oring Line-Hand l er Process St at us This listing shows that the Ex p and line-ha ndl er proce ss being monitored is up and functi oning normal ly .
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6- 1 2 T racing a C ommunications Line The syste m displa ys a listing similar to this outp ut.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6- 1 3 Recovery Operations for Commu nications Subsyst ems Recovery Opera ti.
Commu ni cat ions Sub systems: Moni t ori ng a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 6- 1 4 Related Reading Using S CF to monito r W A N co m m u nica ti ons lin.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-1 7 Server Net R esources: Mo nitoring and Recovery Serve rNet Commun ications Network on p age 7-1 System I/O Serve rNet Connection .
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-2 ServerNet C ommunications Net work sim ulta neously to improve p erforman ce, and to en sure that n o single fail ure di srupts commun ications among the r e m ain i n g system comp onents.
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-3 ServerNet C ommunications Net work Integrity Non S top NS14000 ServerNet Connectivity.
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-4 System I / O ServerNet Co nnections Integrity Non S top NS1000 ServerNet Connectivity.
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-5 Moni toring the ServerNet Fabrics Using OSM Serve rNet clusters) f or commun ication bet ween system s.Th e Server Net fabr ics consist of two ent irely sep arate co mmunication p aths—the X fa bric and the Y f abric.
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-6 Monitoring the ServerNet Fabrics Using SCF Moni torin g the Serve rN et Fabri cs U si ng SCF The S CF ST A TUS SER VERNE T comman d display s a ma trix for the ServerNet X fabri c an d a matri x for the ServerNe t Y fabr ic.
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-7 Monitoring the ServerNet Fabrics Using SCF Normal ServerNet Fabric S t ates Normal st.
ServerNet Resources: M onitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 7-8 Related Reading Recovery Operations for the ServerNet Fabrics For m ost recovery oper ations, refer to the SCF Refe rence Man ual for the Ker nel Subsyste m.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-1 8 I/O Adapt ers and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 8-1 I/O Adapter s and Modu l e s on p age 8.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-2 I/O A dapters and M odules I/O Adapters and Modules Beginn ing with In tegrity NonS top system s, interproce ssor commun ications a nd I/O use dual Server Net fab rics as a common inte rconnect me ans.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-3 4-Port Serv erNet Extender ( 4 PSE) Ether net 4 Server Net ada pter (E4SA) , F a.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-4 Monitoring the FCSAs Mon itoring the F CSAs For a gene ral, top-do wn appr oach for u si n g OSM to monit or system com ponents, refe r to Using OSM to Monitor th e System on p age 3-7.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-5 Moni t oring the G4SAs Mon itoring the G 4SAs Use the S ubsystem Control Facility (SCF) or the OSM S ervice Connect i o n to monitor the G4S As.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-6 Moni t oring the G4SAs When mon itoring G4SAs using the OSM Service Co nnection, the states of t he G4SAs shoul d indica te normal o perat ion.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-7 Monitoring the 4PSEs Mon itoring the 4PSEs For a gene ral, top-do wn appr oach for u si n g OSM to monit or system com ponents, refe r to Using OSM to Monitor th e System on p age 3-7.
I/O Adapters and Modul es: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 8-8 Related Reading Related Reading For m ore inform ation about monito ring and pe rformi ng recovery ope rations for the I/O adapter s and the SLS A and S torage subsyste ms, see the manua ls listed in Ta b l e 8 - 3 .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-1 9 Processors and Component s: Monitoring and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 9-1 Overview of the Non S top Blade C o mpl.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-2 Overview of the NonS top Bl ade Comp lex Overview of the NonS top Blade Com p.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-3 Overview of the NonS top Bl ade Comp lex For In tegrity NonS top NS1 6000 ser.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-4 Mon itoring and Mai ntaining Processors In summ ary , these ter ms describe t he NSAA processor : Monitori ng and Maint aining Proce ssors T o moni tor pr ocessors, use O S M , the V iewSys pro duct, a nd other to ols.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-5 Monitoring Processor S tatus Using the OSM Low- Lev el Li nk Monitori ng Proc.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-6 Monitoring Proc essor S tatus Using the OSM Service Connec t ion T o check pr ocessor-rel ated compon ents using the OSM Servi ce Conn ection: 1.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-7 Monitoring Proces sor Performance Using ViewSys Monitori ng Processor Perf ormance Using ViewSys Use the V iewSys prod uct to view system resour ces on line and to see inform ation on system pe r for m ance .
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-8 Processor Halts Processor Hal t s When cer tain er rors occur (such a s when .
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9-9 Recovery O perat ions for P rocessors Recovery Opera tions for P rocessors The ar chitecture of Integ rity NonS top NS-ser ies servers of fers r ecovery option s not avai lable in No nS top S-seri es.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 0 Halting O ne or M ore Processors The be st manual re covery operati on for you r processor hal t scenari o depends on the type of h alt.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 1 Reloading a Single Processor on a Running Server Using T ACL RELOAD t o Pe.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 2 Reloading a Single Processor on a Running Server is one o f these : cpu cpu-cpu cpu is th e processor number , an intege r from 0 through 15 .
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 3 Reloading a Single Processor on a Running Server * spec ifies that all failed p rocessors sho uld be reloa ded.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 4 Recovery Operation s for a System Hang • T o rel oad a mul tiple processors, u se the Multi-Re source Actio ns dialog box (availa ble from the Display me nu of the OS M Ser vice Conn ection).
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 5 Enab ling/Disabl ing Processor and System Freeze Enabling/ Disabling Processor and System Freeze The syste m and processors are f reeze-disable d by default.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 6 Dumping a Processor to Disk For a utomatic dum ping a nd re loading of halted pr ocessors, use t he HP T andem Fail ure D at a System ( TFDS).
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 7 Dumping a Processor to Disk Before Y ou Beg i n • Y ou must have a se cond p rocessor con nected to a t ermin al or wo rkstation w it h a runni ng comman d interpret er .
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 8 Dumping a Processor to Disk cpuNum is th e number of the logical pr ocessor fro m which a proc essor elemen t is to be dumped .
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 1 9 Backing Up a Processor Dum p to T a pe The OS M Ser vice Conn ection has a R eint egrate P E a ction, located u nder the Proce ssor Co mpon ents obj ect , in case the au tomati c reinte grat ion fails.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 2 0 Submit t i ng Information t o Y our Service Provider Submit ti ng T apes of Pro cessor Dump s Use a separate t ape for each processo r dump.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 2 1 Submit t i ng Information t o Y our Service Provider Add it ional In forma.
Processors and Com ponent s: Monitoring an d Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 9- 2 2 Related Reading Related Reading For m ore inform ation about tools use d to moni tor and perform recovery op eratio ns on processor s, refer t o the document ation liste d in Ta b l e 9 - 3 .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 1 10 Disk Drives: Monitori ng and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 10-1 Overview of D isk D rives on pa ge 10-2 Internal.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 2 Overview of Disk Drives Overview of Disk Drives The In tegrity NonS top NS-s eries se rve.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 3 M8xxx F i bre Channel Di s k Drives M8xxx Fibre Channel Disk Drives M8xxx Fib re Channel disk d r ives a r e installed in disk dr ive enclosures.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 4 Moni t orin g Disk Drives Monitori ng Disk Drives Monitori ng Disk Drives W ith OS M For .
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 5 Monitoring Disk Drives With SCF Monitori ng Disk Drives W ith SCF This subse ction expl ains how t o list disk volumes an d determin e their st atus.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 6 Monitoring Disk Drives With SCF 2. Get inf ormation ab out a disk with S CF ST A T US D ISK, DET A IL.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 7 Monitoring Disk Drives With SCF T o display the status of all disks: -> STATUS DISK $* 1-> S TATUS DI SK $* STORA GE - Sta tus DIS K COMM .
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 8 Monitoring Disk Drives With SCF T o di splay the det ailed status of t he disk $DA T A 01.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 9 Moni toring the S tate of Disk Drives Monitori ng the S t ate of Disk Drives Each d isk drive can hav e two path s, the primary and the b ackup.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 10 Monitoring Di sk Configuration a nd Performanc e This report shows that FIL E A is 58. 2% ful l. If a d at abase fi le is 90% full or more, see Reco very Operat i o ns for a Near ly Full Da tabase Fi le on pa ge 10-15.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 1 1 Identifying Disk Drive Problems Identi fying Disk D r ive Problems For r ecovery ope rations, refe r to R e covery Operations for Disk Drives on page 10-12.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 12 R eco ve ry Op e rat io ns for Di sk D riv es Recovery Opera tions for D isk Drives These S CF comm ands control DI S K objects: For m ore inform ation, see th e SC F Reference M anu al for the S torage S ubsystem.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 13 R eco ve ry Op e rat io ns for Di sk D riv es Uns pared defe ctiv e secto rs T o ch eck .
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 14 Recovery Operations f or a Down Disk or Down Disk Path Recovery Operations for a D own Disk or Down Disk Path T o rest art a disk o r disk path: 1.
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 15 Reco very Operations for a Nearly Fu ll Database File Recovery Operations for a N early .
Disk Drives: M onitoring and R ecovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 10 - 16 Related Reading.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 1 11 T ap e Drives: Mon itoring and Recovery When to Use This Section o n pa ge 1 1 - 1 Overview of T ape Drive s on page 1 1 - 1 .
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 2 Monitoring T ape Drives For fu rther info rmation, re fer to the document on Integ rity NonS top NS-S eries Supp orted Hardwa re and the NonS top NS16000 Hardwa re Installa tion Manual.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 3 Moni t oring T ape Drive St atus With OSM 4. If an alarm or d egraded co nditions exist, the tape dr ive pr obably requir es eithe r: • Operato r intervent io n.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 4 Moni t oring T ape Drive St atus With OSM Figu re 1 1-2. OSM: Mo n i toring T ap e Drives C onnect ed to a n IOMF2 Note. Al l t ape drives co nnecte d to a sy ste m appear unde r the T ape Collecti on object.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 5 Monitoring T ape Drive S tatus With SCF Moni torin g T ape Dr i ve S t atus W ith SCF T o .
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 6 Moni toring T ape Drive S tatus With MEDIACOM Monitoring T ape Drive S t at us With MEDIACOM The M E DIA COM co mmand ST A TU S T APE DRIVE displa ys the curre nt status o f a tape dri ve.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 7 Moni t oring the S tat us of La beled-T ape Operations Moni torin g th e S ta tus of L abe.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 8 Recovery Operat ions for T ape Dri ves Recovery Opera tions for T ape Dri ves Y ou can perfo rm recove ry ope ration s on t ape dri ve s using e ither the SC F interface to the stor age subsystem or th e OSM Service Connect i o n.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 9 Recovery Operations Using SCF Recovery Op erations Using S CF These S CF comm ands a re available for controlling T APE object s: The S CF Referen ce Manual for the Stor age Subsystem de scribes these comma nds.
T ape Drives: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 11 - 1 0 Related Reading Using t h e BACKCOPY util ity to duplic a te ba ckup ta pes Guar dia n D.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 12 - 1 12 Printers and T e rmi nals: Mon itoring and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 12-1 Overview of Pr inters a nd T ermin.
Printers and T erm inals: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 12 - 2 Monitoring Printer and C ollector Process S tatus Monitori ng Printer and Collector Process Sta t u s This subsecti on exp lains how t o list the pri nters on your system a nd determ ine the ir statu s.
Printers and T erm inals: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 12 - 3 Recovery Operations for Printers and T ermin als This l isting sh ows that the th ree collector p r ocesses, $S, $S1, a nd $S2, are a ctive and none i s ap proachi ng a full st ate.
Printers and T erm inals: Monitoring and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 12 - 4 Related Reading.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 13 - 1 13 Applications: Mo ni to ring and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 13-1 Moni tori ng TMF o n page 13-1 Monit oring th.
Applications: M onitoring a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 13 - 2 Moni toring the S tatus of TMF Moni torin g th e S ta tus of T MF T o moni to r TMF u sing T MFCOM: 1.
Applications: M onitoring a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 13 - 3 TM F S ta t e s For e xample, to che ck the stat us of all d ata volumes, at a TMFCOM pr.
Applications: M onitoring a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 13 - 4 Moni toring the S tatus of Pathway Monitori ng the S t atus of Pathway Pathwa y is a group o f relat ed software too ls that enables b usinesses to deve lop, inst all, a nd manage onl ine t ransacti on processi ng appl icatio ns.
Applications: M onitoring a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 13 - 5 P A THMO N S tates P A THCOM r esponds with ou tput such as: This output provi des i nformation about the number of Pa thway processes and servers tha t are runn ing, sto pped, and so forth .
Applications: M onitoring a nd Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 13 - 6 Related Reading • The W AIT column indicates w hether the process is w aiting, w h ich.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 14 - 1 14 Power Fail u res: Pr ep aration and Recovery When to Use This Section on pag e 14-2 System Response to Power Failures on p ag.
Power Failures: Preparation and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 14 - 2 W hen to Use This Section When to Use This Sect ion Use t his section for i nform ation about h ow to prep are for power failure s and how to recover if a power failure occu r s.
Power Failures: Preparation and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 14 - 3 ESS Cab ine ts Dur ing a power fail ure, a Serv erNet/DA rem ains ope ration al d uri ng the power -fail delay time, but the external modular disk and t ape subsyste ms attached to it do not.
Power Failures: Preparation and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 14 - 4 Monitor Power Supplies Moni tor Powe r Supplie s Monitor power-generat i n g equipmen t and run regula r checks on an y backup genera tors to make sure that yo u can handl e extend ed power ou tages.
Power Failures: Preparation and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 14 - 5 Procedure to Recover From a Power Failure Procedure to Recover From a Power Failure Af ter pow er is restor ed: 1. Power on the system usin g OSM LLL descr ibed in Poweri ng On a S ystem on page 1 5-2.
Power Failures: Preparation and Recovery HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 14 - 6 Related Reading.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 1 15 S t arting and S to ppi ng the Syst em When to Use This Section on pag e 15-2 Power ing On a Sys tem on p age 15-2 Powering O.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 2 W hen to Use This Section Recoveri ng From a Reload Failur e on page 15-21 Exitin g the O.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 3 Powering On the System From a Low Power S tate Powe r i ng On the Syst e m Fr om a Low Power S t ate 1. Log o n to the OS M Low-Leve l Link.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 4 Powering On the System From a No Power S tate Refer to the document ation that a ccompan ies the devic e for i nstructions o n power ing on .
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 5 S tarting a System i. If any com ponent s fail dur ing any of the power shut downs, see C ompon ents Fail When T esting th e Power o n page 15-19.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 6 Loading the System • Processor 0 or 1 is loa ded. See S yste m Load Paths f or a Norma l System Lo ad on page 1 5-7. • The rem aining processo rs are primed f or reload.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 7 Loading the System Y ou can choose these system load disks: • An FCDM-Load attempts to .
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 8 Loading the System Con f igurati on File Normally , you select Current (CONFI G) , th e default system configu ration file.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 9 S tarting O t her System Co mponents S t arting Other System Componen t s HP re commends th at you bring your syst em u p in stage s, verifying each stage, to facilit ate reco very if any step fails.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 10 Performing a System Load 5. From th e Configuration drop-do wn men u und er System Load Configu r ation, select a system load volume. Y ou c an select the $S YSTEM, F CD M -Load, S CSI-Loa d, or an alternat e system volume.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 1 1 Performing a System Load From a Specific Proces sor 1 1.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 12 Reloading Processors 8. Cli ck Lo ad . 9. Check fo r me ssages in the System Load dialog b ox. After th e “System S tartu p Comple te” message, cl ose the di alog box.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 13 Reloading Processors T o rel oad a mu ltiple pr ocessors, use t he Multi-R esource A ctions d ialog bo x (available from t he Display m enu o f the OSM Service C on nection ): 1.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 14 Mini mizing the Freq uency of Planned Ou tages Minimizi ng the Frequency of Planned Out .
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 15 S t opping Appl i cat ion, Devices, and Proc esses • S topp ing DSM/S CM stops t he CN.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 16 S topping the Sy stem 6. Drain t he spooler . The SP OOLCOM SPOOLER D RAIN comm and stop s the spoole r in an orderl y manner . It is the only re commended w ay to stop the spooler .
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 17 Powering Off a System 5. From th e P rocesso r s Actio ns menu , select Ha lt . 6. Cli ck Pe rfor m acti o n . 7. A messag e box asks whethe r you are sure yo u want to perform a halt on the selected pro cessor s.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 18 Emergenc y Power-Off Procedure Emergen cy Powe r-Of f Proc edure If possible, HP recommends t hat the system be in a low power st ate befor e you remove power to th e system.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 19 System Does Not Appear to Be Powered On System Does Not Ap pear to Be Powered On If AC p.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 20 Reco v eri ng From a System L oad Failure Rec ov e r i ng From a Sys tem Loa d Fa ilure If a system load is not succe ssful or if the syste m halts: 1.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 21 Getting a Corrupt System Configurat ion File An alyzed Pending ch anges can ap pear (bu t are misl eadin g) if t he earl ier co nfigur ation h as differ ent system name, nu mber , or time at tributes than the configuration you replaced.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 22 Exiting the OSM Low-L evel Link Ex it ing the OSM Low -L evel Link If all proce ssors in the system ha ve been halte d and you ar e unable to log of f, press Alt-F 4 to exit the O S M Low-Level Link.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 23 Opening S tartup Event S tream and S t art up T A CL Windows 1. Select St art > O ut s ideVie w > Out sideV iew . The Out sideV iew d i a log box appea rs.
S tarting an d S toppin g the S y stem HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 15 - 24 Related Reading Related Reading For m ore inform ation, refe r to the do cument ati on listed in T able 15-2 .
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 1 16 Creating St artup and Shut down Files This secti on descr i b es command files that autom atically star t and shut do wn an Integri ty NonS top NS-series se rver .
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 2 Autom ating Syst em S tartup and Shutdown Expa nd-Over-IP Li ne S tartu p File on page 16-1.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 3 Shutdown Shut down Autom ating system sh utdown with a collection of shutd own files help s the operator bring th e system to an orde rly halt.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 4 $ZHOM E • Is preconfigu red on your system during system gen eration $ZHOME The $ZHOM E process i s a process p air that pro vides a reli able hom e term inal t o which processes can perfor m write operations.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 5 CIIN Fi l e HP does not warran t, guara ntee, or make any repr esent atio ns r egar ding the use or the resul ts of t he use of any examples or sample programs i n any docume ntation.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 6 Establishing a CII N File • The CONF TEXT co nfiguration file located in th e $SYST EM.SYS nn subvolume has an INITIA L_COMMA ND_FILE en try for the CIIN file.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 7 If a CIIN File Is Not S pecified or En abled in OSM If a C II N Fi le Is N o t Speci fi ed .
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 8 Exam ple CIIN Files Exam p l e CIIN Files This exam ple CIIN file does not include a persistent C L CI T ACL pro cess. Comment -- This is the initial command input (CIIN) file for the system.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 9 Writi n g Efficient S tartup and Shutdown Comma nd File s W riting Eff i ci ent St artup and Shut down Command Files T ACL a nd by many su bsystems support com m and files.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 10 Avoid Manual Intervention A void M anual In terv ention W rite startup and shut down files so that they e xecute corre ctly without requiring manual in terventi on.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 1 1 Invest igate Product-Specific T ec hniques Investigate P roduct-Specific T echnique s Some product s provi de comman ds that redu ce the ti me requi red to start up or shut down their services.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 12 S tartup F il e Examp les S t artup Fi le Examples Y ou can implem ent the system st artup sequence with a collection of st artup files, e ach with a specific purpo se.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 13 System St artup File Comment -- If you have used SCF to start a persistent $ZEXP Expand Co.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 14 S poo ler W arm-St a rt File S pooler W arm-St art F ile This exam ple comman d file war m star ts the spo oler . Af ter the spo oler h as been bro ught up, the printer d evices shou ld be in the W AITING state .
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 15 TCP / IP S t ac k Configuration a nd S tartup Fi le This exam ple shows a T ACL command file that configu res the TCP/IP st ack on $ZZL AN.L018.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 16 TCP / IP S t ac k Configuration a nd S tartup Fi le + EXIT #POP #INLINEPREFIX ] #OUTPUT #O.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 17 CP610 0 Lines S t art up File CP6100 Li nes St artu p File This exam ple shows an S CF comma nd file that st arts th e CP6100 lin es associated with t he SW AN con centrator $ZZW AN.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 18 Printer Li ne S tartup File Pr in ter Line S t artup Fil e This example sho ws an SCF co mmand fi le th at st arts a pri nt er line associated with the SW A N con centrator $ZZW AN.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 19 T ips for Shut down Files T ip s for Shut down Files HP re commends th at you specify “N.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 20 System Shu tdown File Sy s t e m Sh ut down File This exam ple sho ws a T ACL com mand file tha t shuts do wn the syst em softwa r e an d invokes othe r shutdown files.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 21 CP61 00 Lines Shutdown File CP6100 Lines Shutdown Fi l e This exam ple shows an SCF co mmand file th at stops the A T P6100 lines associ at ed with t he SW AN con centrator $ZZW AN.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 22 Printer Line Shutdown File Pr in t e r Li ne S hut down Fi le This example sho ws an SCF comma nd file that stop s the pri nter lin e associated with the S WAN concentrat or $ZZW AN.
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 23 S po oler S hu tdown F ile S pooler Sh ut down File This example sho ws a T ACL command file tha t drains the sp ooler .
Creating S tartup and Shutdown Files HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 16 - 24 TM F Shutdown File.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 17 - 1 17 Preventi ve Maintenance When to Use This Section on pag e 17-1 Monitoring Physical Facilities on page 17-1 Checking Air T emp.
Preventive Maint enan ce HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 17 - 2 Checki ng Ph ysic a l Se curity Checking P h ysical Security Y our comp any’s sec urity policy will gui de you i n the ki nd of s ecurity moni tori ng you perfor m.
Preventive Maint enan ce HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 17 - 3 Cleaning T ape Drives Cleaning T ape Drives Clean tape d rive he ads and senso rs frequen tly . For det ailed in formation o n cleanin g t ape dri ves , refer to the do cumenta tion shipped w ith your t ap e drive .
Preventive Maint enan ce HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 17 - 4 H andl i ng a nd S toring Cartr idge T apes • Do not remove the leader block, pull out the tape , or press t he reel lock. If the leader block is d etached from the tap e, cont act the t ape supp li e r for a leader b lock repair kit.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 A-1 A Operati onal Differ ences Between Systems Ru nning G-Series and H-Seri es R VUs Users fam i liar with syste ms r u nning G-series R V Us will find sever a l m a jor differ ences in the op erational environme nt of system s runnin g H-series R V Us.
Operational Differences Between Systems Runni ng G-Series and H-Series RV Us HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 A-2.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 B-1 B T o ols and Utiliti es for Operat ions When to Use T his A ppendi x on p age B-1 BAC KCOPY o n pa ge B -2 BAC KUP on p age B-2 Di.
T ools and Ut ilities for Operations HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 B-2 BACKCO PY BACKCOPY Use the BACKCOPY ut ility to cr eate one or two duplicate tapes for archive storage, distr ibution , or disaste r recover y .
T ools and Ut ilities for Operations HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 B-3 File Utili ty Prog ram ( FU P ) Fil e Ut ilit y P rog ram (F UP) The F ile Utility Program ( F UP ) is a compo nent of the st andar d software package for the NonS top K ernel oper ating system.
T ools and Ut ilities for Operations HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 B-4 P A T HCOM PAT H C O M P A THCOM is the intera ctive interf ace to the P A THMON pr ocess, through w hich u sers enter co mmands to configure an d manage P athway app lications.
T ools and Ut ilities for Operations HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 B-5 HP T andem Advance d Command Lang uage (T ACL) HP T andem A dvanced Command Language (T A CL ) The T A CL produ ct is the command inte r face to the NonS top Kernel opera ting system.
T ools and Ut ilities for Operations HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 B-6 View Sy s Vi e w S y s V iewSys is a system resource m onito r that displays processo r perfor mance st atistics and re source consumption f or a set polling per i o d.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 C-1 C Relat e d Rea din g For m ore inform ation about tools and utilities u sed for system oper ations, refer to t he doc um e nt ati on li s te d in T able C-1 .
Related Reading HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 C-2 No nS to p NET/MASTER Non S t op NET/MASTER MS Syste m Management Guide Descri b es how to in tegrat e syste m and net work management se rvices. It serves as an al tern ative t o the View Point conso le applic at ion.
Related Reading HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 C-3 PAT H C O M TS/MP S yst em Ma nagem ent Ma nual Thi s ma nual descri bes the intera ctive management i nte rface to th e NonS top TS/MP pr oduct. I t is inte nded for syst em ma nager s an d op era tors.
Related Reading HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 C-4 Subsyste m Control Facili ty (SC F ) SC F R efe ren ce Ma nual f or H- Se ri es RV Us This m anua l des c ribe s the op erat ion of SCF on H -s erie s R VUs and h ow it is use d to config ure, cont rol, a nd m oni t or subs ystems supporte d by an SCF inte rface.
Related Reading HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 C-5 Web View P oint Web View Poin t Version 5.2 User Guide This gu id e de s cribe s Web View Po int, a brow ser -based.
Related Reading HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 C-6.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 D-1 D Converting Numbers When to Use T his A ppendi x D-1 Overview of Numberi ng System s D-2 Binar y to Decimal D-3 Oc tal to D ec im .
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 D-2 Overview of Numbering Systems Overview of Numbering Systems Interna lly , a comp uter stores data as a series of of f and on values r epresente d symbol ically by th e binary digi t s, or bit s, 0 and 1, respectively .
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 D-3 Bina ry to Deci m al Binary to Decimal T o conver t a binary nu mber to a deci mal numb er: 1. S t arting from the right, mul tiply th e least signifi cant ( right most) binar y digit by the first p laceholde r value.
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529869-005 D-4 Oc tal to D e cima l Oct al to Deci mal T o conver t an octa l numb er to a deci mal number : 1. S t arting from the right, mul tiply th e least signifi cant ( right most) oct al digit b y the first p laceholde r value.
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 D-5 Hexadecimal to D ecim al Hexadecima l to De cimal T o conver t a hexadecim al num ber t o a deci mal nu mber: 1. S t arting from the right , mul tiply the le ast signifi cant (right most) hexade cimal di git by the first place holder value.
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 D-6 Hexadecimal to D ecim al 1. T ake the ri ghtmost hexadecimal digit and multiply i t by the rightmo st placehol der value. 2. Moving to the l ef t, take t he next hexad ecimal digit and multiply it b y the next placeh older value.
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 D-7 Decimal t o Binary Decimal t o Binary T o conver t a decimal nu mber to a bi nary number: 1. Divid e the deci mal number b y 2. The re maind er of this first division be comes the least sign ificant (rightm ost) digit of t he binary value .
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 D-8 De c i m al to Octa l Decimal t o Oct al T o conver t a decimal nu mber to an oct al number : 1. Divid e the deci mal number b y 8. The re maind er of this first division be comes the least sign ificant (rightm ost) digit of t he octal va lue.
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 D-9 Decimal to Hexadecim al Decimal t o Hexadecimal T o conver t a decimal nu mber to a hexade cimal number : 1.
Converting Numbers HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 D- 1 0 Decimal to Hexadecim al.
St atem ent s - 1 Safety and Comp lia nce This secti on cont ains three types of req uired safety and com pliance stat ements: • Regulat ory compliance • W a ste Electric al a nd Electro nic Equip.
Safety a nd Comp liance St atem ent s - 2 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements Korea M I C Compliance T aiwan ( BSM I) Comp liance Jap an (VCCI) Compliance This is a Class A product based on th e standard or the V oluntar y Contr ol Coun ci l f or Interfe rence by Info rma tion T echnology Equ i p m ent (VCC I).
Safety a nd Comp liance St atem ent s - 3 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements European Unio n Notice Prod uct s with the CE Markin g compl y with both the EMC Dir ective ( 89/336/E E C) and the Low V olt age Dir ective ( 73/23/EEC ) issue d by th e Commi ssion of the Eur opean Community .
Safety a nd Comp liance St atem ent s - 4 SAF E TY C AU TIO N SAFETY CAUTION The fo l lo wi n g icon or cau tion statem ents m ay be placed on equipment to indicat e the presence of potentially hazard ous conditions: NOT FOR EXTERNA L USE CAUTION: NOT FOR E XT ERNAL USE.
Safety a nd Comp liance St atem ent s - 5 W a st e El ectric a l a nd El e c tronic Equi p me n t (WE EE) HIGH LEAKAGE CURRENT T o redu ce the risk of e l e ctric shock due to high leakage current s, a reli able g rounded (earth ed) connect i o n shoul d be checked b efore servici ng the p ower distri but ion unit (PDU).
Safety a nd Comp liance St atem ent s - 6 Im p o rta n t S afe ty In f or m ati on.
HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 1 Ind ex Numbers 4-P or t Server Ne t Exte nde r (4PS E) 2-2 , 3-5 , 7- 3 , 7-4 , 8-3 , In dex-1 4-P or t Server Ne t Exte nde.
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 2 D D DCOM 10-15 , B-2 Decimal num ber system D- 2 Decimal to b i nary co nversion D-7 Decim al to hexadeci mal conve r.
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 3 G File Utility Program (FUP) descripti on of B-3 INFO comma nd 9-18 , 10- 9 Freez e enablin g or disabling on a proce.
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 4 N Moni tori ng communication s subsyste ms 6-13 disk drive s 10-4 EMS event m essage s 4-1 / 4-2 G4SA 8-5 overview 3-.
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 5 R Power failur e how ext ernal devices r espond to 14- 2 prep ari ng f or mai nt aining batter i es 14-4 moni tor bat.
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 6 S S SAC s 6-2 SCF B- 4 commands HELP 3-7 LI STDEV 2-7 ST A TUS A DAPTER 6-4 ST A TUS DISK 10-5 ST A TUS LIF 6-6 ST A .
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 7 T System console , reco very operat i o ns for 1- 3 System time, setting 14-5 S-s eries -xv T TA C L 9- 22 , 16-5 , B.
Ind ex HP Integrity NonS top NS-Se ries Operations Guide — 529 869-005 Index - 8 S p e ci a l Ch arac te rs.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) NS-series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center