Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 23954 GE
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GE Digital Energy Power Quality Operating Manual Digital Energy™ SNMP / WEB ADAPTER P/N 1018959 3-ph SNMP/Web plug-in adapter P/N 1019070 1-ph SNMP/Web plug-in adapter P/N 23954 SP SNMP/Web plug-in .
Modifications reserv ed Page 2/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter Model: 3-ph SNMP/Web plug-in adapter 1-ph SNMP/Web plug-in adapter SP SNMP/Web plug-in adapter 1-ph SNMP/Web external adapter Date of issue: 05.12.2008 File name: OPM_CN T_SNM_BAS_CRD_V012 Revision: 1.
Dear Customer , We thank you for selecting our products and are pleased to count you amongst our very valued customers at GE . We trust that the use of the SNMP/Web adapters for our Uninterruptible Power Supply systems, developed and produced to the highest standards of quality, will give you complete satisfaction.
Table of contents Page 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... ............. 7 1.1 FEATURES ........................................................
3.7 LOG SECTION ............................................................................................................................... ..................................................... 33 3.8 UTILITY SECTION ..............................
Modifications reserv ed Page 6/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter 10.3 ................................................................................................................. 54 TROUBLESHOOTING NETW ORK CONNECTION 10.
1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 FEATURES Each SNMP/Web adapter provid es the following features: • 10/100 Mpbs connection speed • Use of DHCP / BOOTP or manual configur ation for the TCP/IP network settings .
1-ph SNMP/Web plug-in adapter (P/N 1019070) Reset RS-232 UTP 10/100 Active LAN Contact interface UPS Reset RS-232 UTP 10/100 Active LAN Contact interface UPS Front Panel – User Interface • 1 – RJ45 Connector Ethernet connection, 10Base-T or 100B ase-TX • 2 – LEDs Ref.
1 3 Rear View 6 7 • 1 – RJ45 Connector Ethernet connection, 10Base-T or 100B ase-TX • 2 – LEDs Ref. specific section • 3 – RS-232 port Local console connection (115200-N-8-1) • 4 – Res.
1.3 ARCHITECTURE ARCHIT ECTURE DIAGRAM UPS Win do w s Linux UNIX Ethernet Local c onsole NOTE : only required f or confi gurati on UTP 1:1 RS232 10/100 Mbit /s Contact i /f (1-ph plug-in v ers ion on ly) 1.4 SAFETY All maintenance and serv ice work should be pe rformed by qualified se rvice p ersonnel only.
2 CONSOLE INTERFACE 2.1 INTRODUCTION The console interface provides a simple way to configure the SNMP/Web adapters through a command-line interface. Actually, th e console interface provides a fu ll set of commands, extendin g far beyond the adapter initial configuration and allo wing access to all advanced functionalities.
2.1.2 Remote connection The console interface can also be accessed remotely from any computer on the same subnet using either Telnet or SSH (under the hypothesis that the rele vant service is running and enabled for the selected user). TELNET Telnet provides basic user authentication.
• Most SSH clients display the host key fingerprint at the sta rt of the session. Make sure the fingerprint shown matches the SNMP/Web adapter fingerprint (see Encryption section for details on figuring out the SSH fingerprint) • A login window should then be available in a few seconds.
2.2 COMMAND LIST The various commands are split in di fferent groups, depending on the involved funct ionality, and are listed here in accordance with their group classification. The command-line interface includes a command auto-completion feature. Normally, typing a command without any parameter displays usage information on the command.
2.2.2 Network command group The network command group allows to configu re the bo ard for communication over the n etwork. Command Parameters Description showip Show the current network settings arp Show ARP table manual | dhcp | bootp Define the network settings at boot-up (*) manual static IP configuration, the device configuration (ref.
Setting the boot-method to manual has the side effect that manual-dns is also set to ON. Mind that the reverse is not true (setting boot-meth od to DHCP does not forced manual-dns t o O F F ) .
2.2.4 User command group The user command group is available only to the supervisor user , the only user wh o can perform user management. Command Parameters Description supername [name] Change superv.
2.2.5 Service command group The service command group allows to enable/disable differe nt services. Note that the local (serial) connection cannot be disabled.
2.2.6 Time command group The time command group allows to enable/ disable different service s. Note that the local (serial) connection cannot be disabled.
2.2.7 Smtp command group The smtp command group allows to configure the e-mail se nding functionality for e- mail notificat ion of UPS events and alarms: Command Parameters Description showsmtp Show d.
2.2.8 Snmp command group The snmp command grou p allows to configure the SNMP Agent for UPS monitoring via SNMP and trap notification of UPS events and alarms: Command Parameters Description showsnmp Show detailed system information snmpport [port] Set SNMP server listening port (*) [port] SNMP port NOTE : Default SNMP p ort is 161.
2.2.9 Trap command group The trap command group allows to configure the trap se nding functionality. Wi th SNMP traps various systems can be notified in case of UPS events and alarms.
2.2.10 UPS command group The UPS command group allows monitoring and co nfiguration of the managed UPS system. Command Parameters Description upsinfo (*) Show detailed UPS inform ation upstest (*) Sta.
(*) By running these commands, an interactive menu is launched – follow the on-screen instructions. The menu also provide a complete on-line help section. NOTE : When using the local s erial connection, make sure that the terminal emulation is set to VT-10 0, otherwise the interactive menu may n ot be rendered correctly.
2.2.12 Events command group The events command group controls the alarm noti fication via traps and/or e-mail. Command Parameters Description Show the alarm notification configuration showevents Confi.
3 WEB INTERFACE 3.1 INTRODUCTION The SNMP/Web adapters provide a web interface by implementing an embedded web server. This interface allows to configure the adapter in order to monitor and manage the UPS.
3.1.4 Saving the settings Apart from some network parameter s, most setting are immediately activ e. However, the adapter will revert to the last save settings at reboot. Theref ore, in order to permanently modify the SNMP/Web adapter setting, remember to save th e configuration after every change.
3.3.2 Battery page The Battery page shows the foll owing information. Parameter Name Description The current status of the battery: 1 – unknown Battery Status 2 – normal The re maining run-time on batteries is greater t han the UPS low battery time (ref.
3.3.3 UPS Status page The UPS status page shows the following information for ea ch of the input / output / bypass lines. Parameter Name Description Frequency Line frequency (in He rtz) Voltage Line R.
3.3.6 UPS Test page This page presents allows to initiate a specific UPS te st, and reports the status of the last performed test (if any). The page includes a table with clea r explanation of the test result rea ding. For an explanation of the various test procedures please refer to the applicable UPS documentation.
3.4 SYSTEM SECTION 3.4.1 Network page Network configuration of the card – refer to the NETWORK CONFIGURATION chapter within this manual. Note that the settings on th is page will only take effect after a reboot of the card. 3.4.2 Date&Time page Through this page it is possible to configure the adapter date and time settings.
3.4.5 Configuration page In this page, the SNMP/Web adapter conf iguration file is shown in a text area. The configuration file can be exported by pressing th e Highlight button and copying the selected text (e.g. CTRL+C) to a separate application. 3.
3.6 SMTP SECTION The SMTP page controls the e-mail no tification functionality. 3.6.1 SMTP configuration page The basic SMTP settings are the following: Parameter Name Description SMTP Server Hostname.
3.9 SAVE SECTION This section allows to save the curre nt settings to non-volatile memory ( Save ) and/or to reboot the adapter ( Reboot ). Remember that the SNMP/Web adapter will re vert to the last saved settings at reboot. Therefore, in order to permanently mo dify the settings the configuration must be saved.
4 SNMP AGENT The SNMP/web adapters implement an SNMP Agent pr oviding access to OIDs according to the MIB structure, and may generate traps at the occurren ce of specific events. This allows one or more NMSs (Network Management Systems) to mo nitor, manage and control the UPS.
OIDs TRAPS & ALARMS ==== upsInput Group ==== upsInputLineBads upsInputNumLines upsInputFrequency upsInputVoltage upsInputCurrent upsInputTruePower ==== upsOutput Group ==== upsOutputSource upsOutp.
4.3 GE MIB OBJECTS GE provides private MIBs, which enhance the UPS information available ov er SNMP interface. These MIBs are only supp orted on 3-ph SNMP/Web plug-in adapter.
upsInputVoltage upsInputCurrent upsInputTruePower upsInputVoltageMin [*] upsInputVoltageMax [* ] ==== upsOutput Group ==== upsOutputSource upsOutputFrequecny upsOutputNumLines upsOutputVoltage upsOutp.
Modifications reserv ed Page 39/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter 5 NETWORK CONFIGURATION The SNMP/Web adapter network interfac e is very flexible and can be co nfigured for operation in various environments.
5.3 DNS CONFIGURATION DNS configuration affects the SNMP/W eb adapter ability to resolve symbolic hostnames to IP addresses, and may impact other functiona lit y (such as e-mail sending, for example) : The SNMP/Web adapters can be configured to automa tically obtain DNS server address (e.
Modifications reserv ed Page 41/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter 6 MULTI-SERVER NETWORK SHUTDOWN (RCCMD) The SNMP/Web adapters include a module for Multi-Server Network Shutdown .
Finally, it is p ossible to configure the a ctual cond ition that triggers the RCCMD Shutdow n command: • After X minutes that the UP S is running on battery • At X minutes of estimated minutes re.
6.2 RCCMD CLIENT RELAY The maximum number of RCCMD Clients that can be managed by the SNMP/Web adapter is limited. In order to reach a higher number of RCCMD Clien ts, one or more of these clients can be configured to operate as relays.
Modifications reserv ed Page 44/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter 7 SECURITY As any other device connected to a network, the adapt ers are exposed to security threats. This section details the advanced security features provided by the SNMP/Web adapters.
7.2 SERVICES (ACCESS METHODS) The table below lists the available services (access me thods), highlighting the major security features for each interface.
The fingerprint may be checked against the informat ion provided by the SNMP/Web adapter to confirm to SSH server identity. On th e console interfa ce inject the ssh-fingerprint command. Below is a sample output of the ssh-fingerprint command: GEDE> ssh-fingerprint 1024 6e:07:31:58:16:91:ae:2e:43:6f:03:64:94:57:55:6d ssh_host_rsa_key.
7.3.2 SSL Certificates HTTPS is not a protocol itself, but it actually refe rs to HTTP communication over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection. HTTPS uses pub lic-key cryptography to protect th e communication. With HTTPS, the server sends back its identification in the form of a digital certificate .
On the console interface inject the ssl-f ingerprint command. Below is a sample outp ut of the ssl- fingerprint command: GEDE> ssl-fingerprint MD5 Fingerprint=8F:A1:CE:8B:B3:04:E7:07:90:6D:02:77:6F.
7.4 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY As shown above, the SNMP/Web adapters implemen t advanced security features. Nevertheless, achieving complete security protection requires the introduction of a comprehensive s ecurity program. This section lists some good practices in network s ecurity that customers are recommen ded to adopt.
Modifications reserv ed Page 50/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter 8 OTHER FUNCTIONALITIES 8.1 SYSTEM TIME The SNMP/Web adapter provides means to maintain the system time.
8.3.1 UPS Load Alert The SNMP/Web adapter monitors the UPS Output Percent Load and reports a UpsLoadAlert when the load drops of a defined percentage (the actual load step d etected is als o saved in the UPS log). This functionality warns the user that there has b een a drop in the UPS lo ad.
9 MAINTENANCE 9.1 SOFTWARE UPGRADE The application software in the SNMP/Web adapter may be upgraded (please note that the upgrade procedure can be performed only by the superv isor and by rw users). The procedure to upgrade the software is described below: • Transfer the new software ( gedeappXXX.
10 TROUBLESHOOTING 10.1 TROUBLESHOOTING UPS CONNECTION The SNMP/Web adapter front panel features a LED mark ed ‘UPS’. This LED should be OFF in normal conditions. If the LED is ON then there is a problem in the comm unication with the UPS. NOTE : It may take up to one minute for the adapter to synchronise the communi cation with the UPS .
10.3 TROUBLESHOOTING NETWORK CONNECTION When experiencing difficulties in the network access to the card follow the flowchart b elow to identify the root-cause of the problem and im plement proper corrective actions. (*) If the adapter and the relevant network node belo ng to different subnets ch eck the gateway settings.
10.4 TROUBLESHOOTING WEB ACCESS Refer to the following table for troubleshooting most common problem s in accessing the embedded web interface. Please note that proper browser config uration is responsibility of the user – this section aims to give guidance to understanding the common access problems and browser errors.
10.6 TROUBLESHOOTING E-MAIL NOTIFICATION (SMTP) When e-mail notification via SM TP is configured and enabled, th e SNMP/Web adapter will notify the selected recipients upon UPS alarm activation / deactivation.
10.7 TROUBLESHOOTING NETWORK SHUTDOWN When experiencing difficulties with the Networ k Shutdown functionality (RCCMD), there are a few diagnostic tools that can be used. The first step is to ensure that the SNMP/Web adapter can reach the RCCMD Client.
Modifications reserv ed Page 58/58 OPM_CNT_SNM_BAS_CRD_1GB_V012.doc Operating Manual SNMP/Web Adapter 11 CUSTOMER SUPPORT 11.1 FIRST LINE SUPPORT Please contact your local GE distri butor for problems with the ins talla tion of t he product or its use.
An important point after buying a device GE 23954 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought GE 23954 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data GE 23954 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, GE 23954 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get GE 23954 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of GE 23954, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime GE 23954.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with GE 23954. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device GE 23954 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center