Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 301U D-Link
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P R I N T S E R V E R W I T H U S B P O R T D P - 3 0 1 U Quick Installation Guide + Руково дство по быстрой уст ановке + Guía de Instalación Rápida + Guia de Instalaç.
©20 03 D-L ink Sy stem s, Inc . All rig hts re ser ved. T rade mar ks or reg ist ered tr ade mar ks are th e pr ope rty of th eir res pec tiv e h old ers . So ftw are an d spe ci cat ion s s ubje ct to cha nge wi tho ut n oti ce. DP -30 1U 0214 200 3 If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller .
3 Next, make sure that the Printer is turned OFF . Using the USB cable, connect one end of the cable to the USB port of the DP-301U (shown below) and the other end to the USB port of the printer . T urn ON the printer . Receptor for AC Power Adapter Warning! Only a USB printer may be connected to the USB port of the DP-301U.
4 Setting up your DP-301U for network printing in Windows XP The factory default IP address of the DP-301U is In order to print to the printer(s) through the DP-301U, the DP-301U must have the same IP network settings as your network. IP address can be assigned manually or automatically by DHCP , BOOTP or RARP .
5 Setting up your DP-301U for network printing in Windows XP (continued) Using your web browser enter the IP address of the DP-301U. By default the IP address is set to The IP address of the DP-301U can be modied on the Network tab of the Web conguration menu.
6 Click Next Write down on a piece of paper the Port name that you wish to use. For Windows XP: Go to Start>Printers and Faxes>Add a Printer or Go to Start>Control Panel> Printers and Faxes Double-click on the “ Add Printer ” icon Click on the Congure tab to view the current Port Settings.
7 Select “ Create a new port .” At the pull-down menu, highlight “ Standard TCP/IP Port .” Select “Local Printer .” Setting up your DP-301U for network printing in Windows XP (continued) Click Next Click Next Click Next Please make sure to deselect Automatically detect and install my Plug an Play printer .
8 Input the port name of the port being used by the printer Select “LPR” T ype in the IP address of the print server . (i.e. The port name will automatically be lled in.
9 In this window , scroll down to nd your printer . (If it is not listed, insert the driver CD or d i sk e t t e t h a t c a m e wi t h y o u r printer .
10 Y our Setup is Complete! The printer is now ready for printing with Windows XP , on your network. Click Finish Select “ Y es ” to print a test page At this screen, you can input a name for this printer .
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T ech Support for customers in Australia: T el: 1300-766-868 Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm EST Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm EST http://www e-mail: support@dlink.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T ech Support for customers in Egypt: T el: +202-2919035 or +202-2919047 Sunday to Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm e-mail: amostafa@dlink-me.
©20 03 D-L ink Sy stem s, Inc . В се пра ва зар еги стр иро ван ы. Т орг овы е м арк и я вл яю тся соб стве нно сть ю и х в лад е льц ев.
15 Далее, убедит есь, что принтер выклю чен . Использ уя шнур USB, по дк лючит е один конец к USB-порту DP-301U (показано ниже), а другой – к USB-пор т у принтера.
16 Настройка DP-301U для сетев ой пе чати в Windows XP IP –адрес по умо лчанию для DP-301U Для тог о, чтобы пе чата ть на принт ере чере з DP-301U, DP-301U должен иметь те же настройки IP , что и ваша сеть.
17 Настройка DP-301U для сетев ой пе чати в Windows XP (продо лжение) Использ уя web-браузер, подклю читесь к DP-301U.
18 Нажмите Далее Запишите имя пор та, который вы х отит е испо льзова ть. Для Windows XP: Нажмите Пу ск > Принтеры > .
19 Выберите “ Со здать новый порт ” В ниспадающ ем меню выберите “ Standard TCP/IP Port. ” Выберите “Локальный принтер.
20 Введите имя пор та, ко торый б уде т испо льзов аться принтером Выберите “LPR” Наберите IP –адрес принт-сервера (например, Имя порт а заполнит ся авт оматически.
21 В эт о м о к н е в ы бе р и те ваш пр и нте р . ( Есл и н е отображается, вставь те C D - R O M и л и д и с к ет у , поставляемую с вашим принтером) Нажмите “ У становить с диска .
22 У становка зав ершена! Т еперь принтер го тов к се тевой пе чати из Windows XP . Нажмите Г отов о Нажмите “ Д а ” д л.
Т е хниче ская поддер жка Обнов ления программного об еспе чения и документация доступны на Интерне т-сайте D-Link.
c20 03 D-L .so ftw are y l as esp eci cac ione s p ued en ser mo di.c ado s s in pre vio avi so. DP -30 1U 0318 200 3 Si falta alguno de estos componentes, por favor contacte con su proveedor .
25 A continuación, comprobar que la impresora está en OFF . Concetar un extremo del cable USB al puerto USB del DP-301U (como se muestra más abajo), y el extremo al puerto USB USB de la impresora. Poner la impresora en ON. Receptor para adaptador de alimentación AC Atención! Al puerto USB del DP-301U sólo puede conectarse una impresora USB.
26 Congurar el DP-301U para la impresión en red en Windows XP La dirección IP del DP-301U es, por defecto, Para imprimir con la(s) impresora(s) a través del DP-301U, el DP-301U debe tener los mismos parámetros de red IP que la red.
27 Congurar el DP-301U para la impresión en red en Windows XP (continuación) Usando el navegador de Internet, introducir la dirección IP del DP-301U. La dirección IP por defecto es La dirección IP del DP-301U puede cambiarse en la cha Network del menú de conguración Web.
28 Hacer clic en Next Se recomienda escribir en un papel el nombre del puerto que se desea utilizar . Para Windows XP: Ir a Start>Printers and Faxes>Add a Printer o ir a Start>Control Panel> Printers and Faxes Hacer doble clic en el icono Add Printer .
29 Seleccionar Create a new port .” En el menú desplegable, marcar “ Standard TCP/IP Port .” Seleccionar “Local Printer .” C on g ur a r el D P -3 01 U p ar a l a i mp r e s i ón e n re.
30 Introducir el nombre de puerto del puerto que está siendo usado por la impresora Seleccionar “LPR” Escribir en la dirección IP address del servidor de impresión. (p.ej. El nombre del puerto se mostrará automáticamente. Esto puedo tardar unos segundos.
31 En esta ventana, se ha de desplazar el scroll para encontrar la impresora. (Si no gura en la lista, deberá usarse el disquete o CD del controlador , proporcionado con la impresora.) Hacer clic en Have Disk . Luego, desplazar el scroll y marcar la impresora.
32 La conguración ha terminado La impresora ahora está lista para imprimir con Windows XP , en la red Hacer clic en Finish Sel ecc ion ar Y es para impri mir una página de prueba En esta pantalla, se puede introducir un nombre para esta impresora.
Asistencia Técnica D-Link Latin América pone a disposición de sus clientes, especicaciones, documentación y software mas reciente a través de nuestro Sitio Web www .
©20 04 D-L ink Sy stem s, Inc . T odos os Dir eit os res erv ado s Ma rca s R egi str ada s ou Pa ten tes sã o d e p ropr ied ade de se us r esp ect ivo s p rop riet ári os. Sof twa re e e spe cic açõ es est ão suj eito s a al ter açõ es sem pré vio av iso .
35 Próximo, certique-se que a impressora esteja desligada Usando o cabo USB, conecte uma ponta na porta USB do DP-G301U (mostrado abaixo) e a outra extremidade na porta USB da impressora. Ligue a Impressora Receptor for AC Power Adapter Cuidado ! Somente a impressora USB pode ser conectada na porta USB do DP-G301U.
36 Setting up your DP-301U for network printing in Windows XP O endereço IP para o DP-G301U é Para a impressora funcionar na rede através do DP-G301U, a unidade deverá ter as mesmas congurações de endereço IP da sua rede. O endereço IP pode ser fornecido manualmente ou automaticamente por DHCP , BOOTP ou RARP .
37 C on g ur a nd o o D P- G3 01 U p ar a i mp re ss ã o em R e de c om W i n d o ws X P ( c o n t i nu a ç ã o) Usando seu web browser entre com o endereço IP do seu DP- G301U. Por padrão o endereço IP da unidade está como: O endereço IP do DP-G301U pode ser alterado na guia Network do menu de conguração Web.
38 Clique em Next Escreva abaixo num pedaço de papel o nome da porta que você deverá usar . Para Windows XP: Vá para Start > Printers and Faxes > Add a Printer ou Vá para Start > Control.
39 Selecione “ Create a new port .” No menu de rolagem, selecione“ Standard TCP/IP Port .” Selecione “Local Printer .” C on g ur a nd o o D P- G3 01 U p ar a i mp re ss ã o em R e de c.
40 Coloque o nome da porta a ser usada pela impressora. Selecione “LPR” Digite o endereço IP do Print Server . (i.e. O nome da porta ser- preenchido automaticamente ser preenchido Isto pode demorar alguns segundos.
41 Nesta janela, localize a sua impressora. ( Se não estiver listada, insira o CD com o driver correspondente) Clique sobre “ Have Disk .” Localize e selecione a impressora Clique em Finish C on .
42 Y our Setup is Complete! A impressora está pronta para imprimir com Windows XP , na sua rede. Clique em Finish Selecione “ Y es ” para imprimir a página de teste Nesta tela, você irá colocar o nome para esta impressora.
Suporte Técnico V ocê pode encontrar atualizações de software e documentação de usuário no site da D-Link Brasil www . A D-Link fornece suporte técnico gratuito para clientes no Brasil durante o período de vigência da garantia deste produto.
版權 所有。 D- Lin k與 D- Lin k商 標為友 訊科 技的商 標, 其他註 冊商 標分別 隸屬 該公司 所有 。最 新規格 以原 廠通告 為準 ,恕不 另行 通知。 DP -30.
45 下一步,確定印表機已經關閉 使用USB電纜,連接電纜的一端到DP-301U的USB埠上(以下所示),再把另一端 接到印表機的USB埠上. 打開印表機 用於AC電源供應 器的接受器 警告! 只有一台USB印表機可以連接到DP-311U的USB埠上.
46 在Windows XP下為DP-301U安裝網路列印 DP-301U 的預設 IP 地址為,如要透過 DP-301U 列印,DP-301U 必須 與網路具有相同的 IP 地址。IP 地址可以手動分.
47 在Windows XP下為DP-301U安裝 網路列印 (繼續) 使用WEB瀏覽器輸入DP-301U 的IP地址。預設IP地址為 DP-301U的IP位址可在WEB設定功能表的 Network(網.
48 單擊 下一步 在一張紙上寫下你希望使用 的埠名稱。 對於Windows XP: 進入開始 > 印表機和傳真>新增印表機 或進入 開始>控制台> 印表機和傳真 .
49 選擇“建立新的連接埠” 選擇“ 本機印表機 ” 在Windows XP下為DP-301U安裝 網路列印 (繼續) 單擊 下一步 單擊 下一步 單擊 下一步 請確認取消選定 .
50 輸入印表機所使用的埠 名稱 選擇“LPR” 輸入印表伺服器的IP地址(如:埠名稱會自動填上 這可能需要幾秒鐘 單擊 下一步 單擊 是 選擇“ 設定 ” 然後 單擊設置 .
51 在這個畫面中,往下拉尋找印表機。 (如果沒出現在列表中,插入印表機 的驅動CD或磁片) 單擊“ 由磁片安裝 .
52 安裝完成! 在Windows XP下該網路上的印表機 準備開始列印 單擊 完成 選擇“ Yes ”列印測試頁 在這個螢幕中,請輸入該印表機的 名稱 單擊 下一步 單.
D-Link 友訊科技 台灣分公司 技術支援資訊 如果您還有任何本使用手冊無法協助您解決的產品相關問題,台灣 地區用戶可以透過我們的網站、電子郵件或.
©20 03 D-L ink Sy stem s, Inc . All rig hts re ser ved. T rade mar ks or reg ist ered tr ade mar ks are th e pr ope rty of th eir res pec tiv e h old ers . So ftw are an d spe ci cat ion s s ubje ct to cha nge wi tho ut n oti ce. Jika isi paket tidak lengkap, harap hubungi penjual.
55 Berikut, pastikan bahwa Printer anda dalam keadaan OFF . Menggunakan kabel USB, hubungkan salah satu dari ujung kabel USB ke port USB pada DP-301U (seperti gambar dibawah) dan ujung satunya dengan port USB pada printer .
56 M en ga tu r D P -3 01 U a n da u n tu k me n c e t ak m el al ui ja ri ng a n pa da W i n d o ws X P Alamat IP default DP-301U adalah Untuk dapat terhubung ke print - er melalui DP-301U, DP-301U harus mempunyai alamat IP yang sama dengan jaringan anda.
57 M en ga tu r D P- 30 1 U an da un tu k m en ce ta k m el al u i ja ri n ga n p a d a W i nd o ws X P ( La n ju t a n) Gunakan web browser anda dan masukkan alamat IP dari DP-301U. Secara default alamat IP-nya adalah Alamat IP dari DP-301U dapat dimodikasi pada bagian Network dari Menu kongurasi Web.
58 Klik Next T ulis pada secarik kertas nama Port yang akan anda gunakan Untuk Windows XP: Pergi ke Start > Printers and Faxes > Add a Printer atau Pergi ke Start > Control Panel > Printer.
59 Pilih Create New Port. Pada bagian menu drop-down, pilih “Standard TCP/IP Port” Pilih “Local Printer .” M en ga tu r D P- 30 1 U an da un tu k m en ce ta k m el al u i ja ri n ga n p a d a .
60 Masukkan nama port dari port yang digunakan oleh printer (nama yang anda tulis pada secarik kertas tadi) Pilih “LPR” Masukkan alamat IP dari print server (misal : 192.
61 Pada layar ini, cari pada daftar printer yang anda gunakan (jika tidak ada maka masukkan CD driver atau disket yang ada pada paket penjualan printer anda).
62 S et up A n d a su da h S e le s ai ! Sekarang printer sudah siap an da gun ak an unt uk m en ce ta k melalui jaringan anda Klik Finish Pilih “ Y es ” untuk mengetes printer anda Pada layar ini, anda dapat memasukkan sebuah nama untuk printer ini.
Dukungan T eknis Update perangkat lunak dan dokumentasi pengguna dapat diperoleh pada situs web D-Link. Dukungan T eknis untuk pelanggan: Dukungan T eknis D-Link melalui telepon: T el: +62-21-5731610 Dukungan T eknis D-Link melalui Internet: Email : support@dlink.
V er . 2.00(I) 2007/12/27 6DP301UQ.ML2G.
An important point after buying a device D-Link 301U (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link 301U yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link 301U - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link 301U you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link 301U will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link 301U, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link 301U.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link 301U. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link 301U along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center