Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 1100 Series Agilent Technologies
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sa Agilent 1100 Series Quaternary Pump Reference Manual.
Agilent Technolo gies Hewlett-P ackar d-Strasse 8 76337 Wal dbronn Germany Copyright Agil ent T echnolo gies 1999 All rights reserve d. Reprod uction, adaption , or translation without prior w ritten pe rmission is prohib ited, exc ept as allowed u nder the copyrigh t laws.
Reference Manual Agilent 1100 Series Quaternary Pump.
4 In This Book This manua l conta ins technic al refe rence informa tion abo ut the A gilent 1100 Series qu aternary pump. The manual de scribes the f ollowing : • installation, • optimizing performa nce, • troubles hooting, • repairi ng, • parts an d material s, • theory of operati on, and • specifi cations.
Cont ents 5 1 Installing the Pump How to instal l the quat ernary pump 13 Site Requirements 14 Unpacking the Qua ternary Pump 17 Optimizing the Stack Configuratio n 20 Installing the Quaternary Pump 2.
6 Cont ents Power Supp ly Indicato r 46 Pump St atus In dicato r 46 Error Mes sage s 4 7 Ti m e o u t 4 8 Shut-Do wn 49 Re mote T ime out 50 Synchron ization L ost 51 Leak 52 Leak Sensor Open 53 Leak .
Cont ents 7 Pump Head Missing 75 Index Limit 7 6 Index Adjus tment 77 Index Miss ing 7 8 Strok e Len gth 7 9 Initialization Fai led 80 Wa i t T i m e o u t 8 1 Pressure Test 82 Running the Pressur e T.
8 Cont ents Removing and Disassembling th e Pump Head Assembly 110 Exchanging the Pump S eals and Seal W ear -in Procedure 112 Exchanging the Plun gers 115 Installing the Co ntinuous S eal W ash Optio.
Cont ents 9 Bottle Head Assembly 165 Hydraulic Path 166 Cover Parts 167 Sheet Metal Kit 168 Foam Parts 169 Power and Status Light Pipes 170 Leak Parts 171 Pump Head Assembly 172 Pump Head Assembly wit.
10 Cont ents Introduction to the Quaterna ry Pump 198 Overview 199 Electrical Connection s 204 Instrument Layout 206 Early Maintenance Feedback (E MF) 207 The Electronics 209 The Low-Pressure Pump Mai.
Cont ents 11 Radio Interf erence 264 Sound Emission 264 Solvent Information 265 Agilent T e chnologie s on Intern et 266.
12 Cont ents.
1 1 Installing the Pump How to insta ll the quaterna ry pump.
14 Installing the Pump Site Requireme nts Site Requirements A suitab le envir onment i s imp ortant to ensure optimum p erforman ce of the quate rnar y pump. Power Considera tion The quaternary pump power sup ply has wider anging capabilit y (see T able 1 on page 16 ).
15 Installing the Pump Site Requireme nts Bench Space The quat ernary pum p dimen sions and we ight (see T a ble 1 on pa ge 16) a llow to place the quaternary pump on almo st any labora tory bench. I t needs an addition al 2.5 cm ( 1.0 inches) o f space on eit her sid e and a pproxi mately 8 cm (3.
16 Installing the Pump Site Requireme nts T able 1 Phy sical Specific ations T y pe Specific ation Comments Weight 11 kg (25 lbs) Dimensions (height × weight × depth) 140 × 345 × 435 m m (5.
17 Installing the Pump Unpacki ng the Quatern ary Pump Unpacking the Quate rnary Pump Damaged Packag ing Upon rece ipt of your quater nary pum p, inspect the shipp ing cont ainers fo r any signs of damage.
18 Installing the Pump Unpacki ng the Quatern ary Pump Accessor y Kit Co ntents — Quaternary Pump CAN cable 1 Remote cable As ordered Signal cable As ordered Reference Manual 2 (1 for the pump, 1 fo.
19 Installing the Pump Unpacki ng the Quatern ary Pump Accessor y Kit Co ntents — V acuum Degasser T able 4 Ac cessory Kit Cont ents G1322-68705 Description Part Number Quantity Syringe 5062-8534 1 Syringe adapter 9301-1337 1 Waste tube (reorder number , 5m) 5062-2463 1.
20 Installing the Pump Optimizing th e Stack Configura tion Optimizing the Stack Co nfiguration If your quater nary p ump is p art of a compl ete 1100 Series system, you can ensure opti mum perf ormance by limiting t he configu ration of the system stack to the follow ing con figurati on.
21 Installing the Pump Optimizing th e Stack Configura tion Figure 2 Recommended Stack Config uration ( Rear V i ew) NOTE If a single stack configuration bec omes too high, e.g. if an additional mod ule like a G1327 A ALS Therm ostat is ad ded or if yo ur bench is to hig h, a two stac k config uration may be a better setup.
22 Installing the Pump Installing the Quate rnary Pump Installing the Quaternary Pump 1 Pla ce the quat erna ry pum p on the be nc h in a hor izon tal posit ion. 2 Ensure th e power sw itch o n the front of the qu aternary pump is OFF ( switch stands out ).
23 Installing the Pump Installi ng th e Quater nary Pump NOTE In an Agile nt 1100 Serie s system, t he individu al modu les are conne cted throug h CAN ca bles. The Ag ilent 1100 Series vacuum degasse r is an ex cept ion . The vacu um degasse r can be co nnected via the APG re mote connector to the other module s of the stack .
24 Installing the Pump Installing the Quate rnary Pump NOTE The po wer swit ch stays pre ssed in and a gr een ind icator lamp in t he pow er switch is on w hen the quater nary pump is turned on. Whe n the l ine pow er switch stands ou t and the g reen ligh t is off, the q uater nary pum p is turned o ff.
25 Installing the Pump Flow Con nections of the Quater nary Pump Flow Connections of the Quaternary Pump WAR NI NG When opening capillar y or tube fittings sol vents may leak out .
26 Installing the Pump Flow Con nectio ns of the Quater nary P ump 5 Connect the solve nt tube s to the ou tlet con nectors (typic ally ri ght conn ection of the cha nnel) of the vacuum degasser . 6 Connect the syrin ge adapter from the degasser accessor y kit to t he solvent tube of chann el A.
27 Installing the Pump Flow Con nections of the Quater nary Pump Figure 6 Flow Connectio ns of t he Quater nary P ump Outlet capill ary to autosampl er (G 1312-673 05) Waste tubing (5062- 2461) Outlet.
28 Installing the Pump Priming a nd Purging the Sy ste m Priming and Purging the Sy stem The system can be prime d either by drawing solvent thr ough the deg asser with a syrin ge or by pu mping with t he pump.
29 Installing the Pump Priming and Purgin g the Sy stem 5 Push syringe adapter onto syringe. 6 Pull syringe plu nger to d raw at least 30 ml of solvent through deg asser and tubing. 7 Replace the priming solvent with the new solv ent of your choice. 8 Pull syringe plu nger to d raw at least 30 ml of solvent through deg asser and tubing.
30 Installing the Pump Priming a nd Purging the Sy ste m T able 5 Choice of Priming Solve nts for Different Purposes Activity Solvent Comments After an ins tallation When switching between reverse pha.
2 2 Optimizing Perf ormance How to optim ize the quat ernary pump to achi eve best ch romatographic result s.
32 Optimizing Performance Hints for Succ essful Use of the Quater nary Pump Hints for S uccessful Use of the Quat ernary Pump • Always place the so lvent cab inet with th e solven t bottles on top of the quater nary p ump (or at a hi gher lev el).
33 Optimizing Performance Hints for Succ essful Use of the Quater nary Pump Procedur e ” on page 112) ..
34 Optimizing Performance Solvent Informatio n Solvent Information Always f ilter solve nts throug h 0.4 µm filt ers, small particles ca n permane ntly block the c apillarie s and valv es.
35 Optimizing Performance Prevent Bloc king of Solvent Filte rs Prevent Blocki ng of Solvent Filt ers Contamina ted solvents or algae growth in the solvent bott le will reduce the lifetime of the solvent filter and w ill influence the performanc e of the pump.
36 Optimizing Performance Operatio nal Hint s for th e V a cuum Deg asser Operational Hints for the V acu um Degasser Operat ional Hint s for the V acuum Degas ser If you are usin g the vac uum dega s.
37 Optimizing Performance Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradien t V alve (MCGV) Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradient V alve (MCGV) In a mixture of salt sol utions and org anic solvent the salt solutio n might be well dissolved in t he organic solvent w ithout showing precipitatio ns.
38 Optimizing Performance When to use the Contin uous Seal Wash Opti on When to use the Continuou s Seal W ash Option Highly-conc entrated buffer soluti ons will re duce the lif etime of the seals and plunger s in your qua ternar y pump.
39 Optimizing Performance When to Use Alternative Seal s When to Use Alternative Seals The standar d seal for the quater nary pum p can be use d for most applica tions.
40 Optimizing Performance Optimize the C ompressibil ity Compensatio n Setting Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting The compressibility com pensation default settin g is 100 × 10 -6 /bar for the quate rnar y pump. T his se ttin g rep resent s an av erage valu e.
41 Optimizing Performance Optimize the Compressibil ity Compensatio n Setti ng 5 Starting wi th a compressibility setting of 10 × 10 -6 /bar increase th e value i n steps of 10.
42 Optimizing Performance Optimize the C ompressibil ity Compensatio n Setting.
3 3 T roubleshooti ng and T est Functions The quaternar y pump ’ s built-in troubleshootin g and test functions.
44 T roubles hooting and T e st Functions This chapter describes the instrument ’ s built in troubl eshooting an d test functions. Status Ind icators The quater nary pum p is provide d with two sta tus indicato rs which ind icate the op erati onal sta te (pre run, run, and error states ) of the quat ernar y pump.
45 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Status Indicators T w o status in dicators ar e loca ted on the front of the q uaternar y pump. The lower left on e indic ates the po wer supply st atus, the uppe r right o ne indica tes th e quat ernary pump s tatus.
46 Power Supply Indicator The power supp ly indicator is inte grated into the main po wer switch. Whe n the indicato r is illuminated ( green ) the powe r is ON. When the indi cator i s off, the mo dule is t urned OFF . O therw hise ch eck pow er connections, av ailability of power or chec k functionin g of the power supp ly .
47 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Error M essages Error Messages Error m essages ar e displa yed in the user i nterfac e when a n electro nic, mechanic al, or hydraulic (flo w path) failur e occ.
48 Ti m e o u t The ti meout t hreshol d was e xceeded. Probable Causes • The an alysis was co mpleted su ccessfully , and the timeout function switched o ff the quater nary pum p as requested. • A not-r eady c ondition was presen t durin g a sequence or mul tiple- injecti on run for a period long er than the timeout thresho ld.
49 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Shut-D own Shut-Down An extern al instrume nt has gene rated a shu t-down sig nal on the re mote line. The quat ernary pump co ntinuall y monitor s the remo te input connect ors for status signal s. A LOW signal inp ut on pin 4 of the re mote conne ctor ge nerates the er ror me ssage.
50 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Remote T imeout Remote T imeout A not-read y condition is st ill present on the remo te input . When an anal ysis is sta rted, the sys tem ex pect s all not-re ady c onditi ons (e.
51 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Synchro nization Lost Synchronization Lost During an analysis, the in ternal sync hronizat ion or commu nicatio n between one or more of t he modules in the system has fai led. The system pro cessors con tinually mon itor the syst em config uration.
52 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Leak Leak A leak was de tected in the qua terna ry pump. The signa ls from the two te mperat ure se nsors (le ak senso r and board-mo unted tem pera ture-compe nsation se nsor) are used by the le ak algo rithm to det ermin e whe ther a leak is prese nt.
53 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Leak Senso r Open Leak Sensor Open The leak sensor in the qua ternary pump has faile d (open cir cuit). The current through the leak sen sor is depe ndent on temper ature. A leak is detecte d when solv ent cools the leak sensor , causing th e leak-sen sor curre nt to change w ithin defined lim its.
54 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Leak Sens or Sh ort Leak Sensor Sho rt The leak sensor in the qua ternary pump ha s failed (short circuit). The current through the leak sen sor is depe ndent on temper ature. A leak is detecte d when solv ent cools the le ak sensor , caus ing the leak- sensor cur rent to ch ange with in def ined li mits.
55 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Comp ensat ion Se nsor Open Compensation Sensor Open The ambie nt-com pensatio n sensor (NTC) on the LPM boa rd in the quat ernary pump has faile d (open c ircuit). The resi stance across th e tempe rature compen sation sen sor (N TC) on th e LPM boa rd is depen dent on a mbient temp erat ure.
56 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Compen sation Sensor Short Compensation Sensor S hort The ambie nt-com pensatio n sensor (NTC) on the LPM boa rd in the quat ernary pump has faile d (short ci rcuit). The res istance across th e tempe rature compen sation sen sor (NTC ) on th e LPM boa rd is depen dent on a mbient temp erat ure.
57 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Fan Failed Fan Fail ed The cooli ng fan in the quaterna ry pump ha s failed. The hall senso r on the fan shaf t is used by the LP M board to mo nitor the f an speed. If the f an speed falls be low 2 revol utions/sec ond for lon ger than 5 seconds, the er ror messag e is generated.
58 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Open Cover Open Cove r The top fo am has b een remove d. The sensor on the LPM boa rd detects wh en the top f oam is in plac e. If the foam is remov ed, th e fa n is swi tche d off, and th e err or mess age i s gene rated .
59 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Restart Without Cover Restart W ithout C over The quater nary pum p was restar ted with t he top cov er and foam open.
60 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Zero Solvent Cou nter Zero S olv ent Cou nter Pump firmware versio n A.02.32 and higher al low to set solvent bottle fillin gs at the ChemS tation (revision 5 .
61 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Pressu re Above Up per L imi t Pressure Above Upper Limit The system pressure has exce eded the upper pressure limit. Probable Causes • Upper pressure lim it set too low . • Blocka ge in the flowpath (afte r the dam per).
62 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Pressure Belo w Lower Limit Pressure Below Lower Limit The system pressure has fa llen below the lower pressure limit. Probable Causes • Lower pressu re limit set too high. • Air bubble s in the mobi le phase .
63 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Pressure Signal Missing Pressure Signal Missing The pr essure sign al from the damp er is mi ssing. The pressu re signa l from the damper must be within a specif ic vo ltage ra nge. If the pressure signal is missing, the processor detects a voltag e of approx imatel y -120 mV acro ss the damp er conn ector .
64 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Missing Pressure Reading Missing Pressure Reading The pr essure r eadings r ead by the pum p ADC (a nalog -digit al con verte r) are missing. The ADC r eads th e pressu re read ings fr om the damper every 1 ms. If the readin gs are mi ssing for long er than 10 seconds , the err or me ssage is genera ted.
65 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Pump Con figuration Pump Configuration At switch -on, the qua ternary pump has re cogn ized a new pump config uration. The quater nary pum p is assigned it s configura tion at th e factor y . If the gradie nt valve is disc onnect ed, and th e quat ernary pump is reboo ted, the erro r messa ge is gene rated.
66 T roubleshooting and T est Functions V alve Fuse Va l v e F u s e Va l v e F u s e 0 : Chann els A and B Va l v e F u s e 1 : Channe ls C a nd D The gra dient valve in the qu aternary p ump has dr awn exc essive cu rrent causing t he elec tronic f use to open.
67 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Inlet-Va lve Fuse Inl et- V a lve Fu se The acti ve-inle t valve in the quaternar y pump h as drawn excessive curren t causin g the in let-va lve elect ronic fuse to open. Probable Causes • Defe cti ve ac tive inl et val ve.
68 T roubleshooting and T est Functions V alve Failed V alve Failed V alve 0 Fa iled: val ve A V alv e 1 Failed: valve B V alv e 2 Failed: valve C V alv e 3 Failed: valve D One of the valves of the multi-c hannel gradie nt valve has failed t o switch corr ectl y .
69 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Motor -Drive Power Motor -Drive Power The cur rent d rawn by the pu mp mot or exceed ed the maxim um lim it. Blocka ges in the flow pat h are usu ally dete cted b y the pre ssure sensor in the damper , which result in the pump swit ching off whe n the upper pressure limit is ex ceed ed.
70 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Encoder Missing Encoder Missing The op tical enco der o n the pump m otor in the quater nary pump is missing or defecti ve. The proce ssor chec ks the presenc e of the pu mp encode r connec tor ev ery 2 seconds.
71 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Inlet-Va lve Missing Inlet-V alve Missing The acti ve-inle t valve in the qu aternar y pump is missing or defect ive. The pr ocessor ch ecks t he presen ce of th e active -inlet valve co nnector every 2 seconds.
72 T roubleshooting and T est Functions T empe rature Out of Range T emperature Out of Range The te mper ature se nsor readi ngs in t he mot or -drive ci rcuit a re out of range . The values supplied to the ADC by the hybrid senso rs must be between 0.
73 T roubleshooting and T est Functions T emperat ure Limit Exceeded T emperature Li mit Exceeded The temp eratur e of on e of the mot or -drive circuit s is too hi gh. The proc essor c ontinua lly moni tors t he tempe ratur e of the d rive cir cuits o n the LPM b oard.
74 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Servo Restar t Failed Servo Restart Failed The pump mo tor i n the qu aterna ry pum p was un able to mo ve in to the co rrec t position for r estarting. When the quat ernary pum p is switched on , the first step is to sw itch on the C phase of the vari able re luctance motor .
75 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Pump Head Missing Pump Head Missing The pump -head en d stop in the qu aternary pump wa s not found. When the qu aternar y pump resta rts, the meteri ng drive moves for ward to the mechan ical end stop . Normally , the end stop is reache d within 20 seco nds, indicat ed by an incre ase in moto r current .
76 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Index Limit Inde x Limi t The time req uired by th e plunger to reach th e encode r index po sition was to o short ( quaternary pu mp). During initializa tion, the first plung er is moved to the mecha nical stop.
77 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Index Adjustment Index Adjustment The encoder index position in the qua ternary pump is out of adjustme nt. During initializa tion, the first plung er is moved to the mecha nical stop. After reachi ng the mec hanical stop , the plu nger reve rses direc tion until th e encode r index posit ion is reac hed.
78 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Index Mis sing Index Missing The encoder index posit ion in the qua ternary pump was not found during initialization.
79 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Stroke Le ngth Stroke Leng th The distan ce betw een the lo wer plung er posi tion and th e upper mechanica l stop is out of limit s (quaternary pu mp). During initia lization, the quaterna ry pump mon itors the driv e curre nt.
80 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Initializatio n Failed Initialization Fail ed The quater nary pum p failed to initi alize successf ully within the maximum time window . A maximum time is assign ed for the comple te pump-init ialization c ycle.
81 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Wait T imeou t Wa i t Ti m e o u t When runnin g certain te sts in the diag nostics mode or other spec ial applica tions, the pump must wait f or the plunge rs to rea ch a specifi c position, or m ust wait for a cert ain pressur e or flow to be r eached.
82 Pressure T est Description The pressure test is a quick, bu ilt-in test designe d to demonstrate the pressure-tightness of the system. The te st should be used when problems with small leak s are suspected, or after ma intenance of flow-path compone nts (e.
83 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Pressure T est with a flow ra te of 510 µl/min a nd stroke of 100 µl. The pump c ontinues to pump until a system pressu re of 390 bar is reached. Step 2 When the system pressure reac hes 390 bar , the pump switches off.
84 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Runnin g the Pr ess ure T est Running the Pressure T est Running the test from the ChemStation 1 Select the pressure test f rom the test selection box in the Diagnosis screen. 2 Start th e test and follow th e instructi ons.
85 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Runnin g the Pr ess ure T est Once the te st is st arted, the pump move s the plunge rs into t he start po sition. When the plun gers are in posi tion, the u ser interfac e prompts you to close the p urge va lve, and cont inu e the te st.
86 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Results Evalua ting the Results The sum of al l leaks betwe en the pump and the bla nk nut will be indicated by a pres sure dro p of > 2 bar/mi nut e at the pl atea u. Note that small leak s may cause the test to fail, but so lvent ma y not be se en leakin g from a m odule.
87 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Re sults Potential Causes of Pressure T est Failure After i solatin g and fixi ng the cause of the leak, repeat the pressure test to confirm the system is pressure tight. Potential Cau se (Pump) Corrective Action Purge valve open.
88 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Leak T est Leak T est Description The leak test is a built-in troub leshooting t est designed to demon strate the leak-tigh tness of the pump. The test sho uld be used when pr oblems with the pump are susp ected .
89 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Leak T est Ramp 1: After initializa tion, plung er 2 is at the top of its str oke. The test beg ins with plunger plunger 1 de livering with a strok e length of 100µl an d a flo w of 153µl /min. The plunge r sequ ence during the p res sure ra mp is 1- 2-1- 2.
90 Running th e Leak T est T ools requi red ¼ inch ” wrench. Running the test from the ChemStation 1 Select the leak test fr om the test selection box in the Diagnosis scree n.
91 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Runni ng th e Leak T est 9 Connec t the sign al cabl e to the ana log ou tput at th e rear of th e pump mo dule (only if an in tegrator is us ed). 10 Press Execu te to init ialize the leak test. Once the te st is st arted, the pump move s the plunge rs into t he start po sition.
92 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Results Evalua ting the Results Defect ive or l eaky comp onents in the p ump head l ead to ch anges in t he leak-test pressure pl ot.
93 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Re sults No Pressure increase at Ramp 1 Pressure li mit not reach ed but pla teaus horizont al or pos itiv e Pote ntial Ca use Corr ecti ve Act ion Pump not running. Check the logbook for error messages.
94 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Results All plateaus negative First plateau po sitive, second and third plateau negative Potential Cau se C orrective Action Loose or leaky fittings. Ensure all fittings are tight, or exchange capillary .
95 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Re sults First plateau negati ve, second plateau posi tive Ramp 3 does not rea ch limit Third plat eau nega tive (press ure drop > 2 ba r/min) Pote ntial Ca use Corr ecti ve Acti on Leaking outlet valve.
96 T roubleshooting and T est Functions Evaluating the Results.
4 4 Repairing the Pump Instruct ions on simple, rout ine rep air pro cedures as well as more extens ive re pairs requi ring exchange of i nternal par ts.
98 Repairing the Pump Simple Repairs The quater nary pum p is designed for easy repa ir . The mo st frequent repairs such as plunge r seal cha nge an d purge va lve frit cha nge can be done from the front of the qu aterna ry pum p with the quate rnary pu mp in place in t he system stack.
99 Repairing the Pump Clean ing the Quat ernary Pu mp Cleaning the Quaternary Pump The quater nary pum p case shoul d be kep t clean. Cle aning shou ld be done with a soft clo th slight ly dampe ned with wat er or a solution of water and a mild det ergent.
100 Repairing the Pump Using the ESD Strap Using the ESD Strap Elect ronic boar ds are sensi tive to electr ostatic discha rge (ESD ). In order to preven t dama ge, alw ays us e an ES D strap s upplie d in the s tand ard acce ssor y kit (see “ Accessory Ki t G1311-687 05 ” on pa ge 179 ) w hen ha ndli ng el ectr onic boards an d compo nents .
101 Repairing the Pump Overview Overvi ew Figure 12 shows the ma in assemblies of the quaternar y pump. The pum p head and its parts d o require normal ma intena nce (for example , seal exch ange) a nd can be accessed f rom the fron t (simp le repair s).
102 Simp le R epa ir Pro ced ure s The procedur es describ ed in this sect ion can be done with the q uaterna ry pump in p lac e in th e sys tem stack .
103 Repairing the Pump Exchanging th e Active In let Va lve Ca rtridge or the Active I nlet Valve Exchanging the Active Inlet V alve Cartridge or the Active Inlet V alve Removi ng the Act ive Inlet V alve 1 Unplug th e activ e inlet val ve cable from the c onnec tor .
104 Repairing the Pump Exchanging th e Active In let Va lve Cartr idge or the Active I nlet Valve Figure 13 Active Inlet Valve Assemb ly Replacing t he Activ e Inlet V alve 1 Insert the new , or rebuilt valve i nto the pump head. Us ing the 14 mm wr ench turn the nu t unti l hand tigh t.
105 Repairing the Pump Exchanging th e Active In let Va lve Ca rtridge or the Active I nlet Valve Figure 14 Exchanging the Active Inlet Valve Active inlet valve Capill ary pump to injectio n device Ac.
106 Repairing the Pump Exchanging the Outlet Ball V alve Exchanging the O utlet Ball V alve NOTE Befor e exchan ging t he outlet ba ll valv e you ca n try to clea n it in a soni c bath. Place t he va lve in u pright positio n (onto the pla stic cap) i n a smal l beak er with alcohol.
107 Repairing the Pump Exchanging the Outlet Ball V alve Figure 16 Exchanging the Ou tlet Ball V alve V alve capil lary Outle t ba ll v alve.
108 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Purge V alve Frit or the Purg e V alve Exchanging the P urge V alve Fri t or the Purge V a lve 1 Using a 1/4 inch w rench disconn ect the pump o utlet capillary at the purge valv e. 2 Disconnec t the waste tube. Beware of leaki ng solvents due to hydr ostatic pressure.
109 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Pu rge V al ve Frit or the P urge V a lve 6 Place a new frit i nto the purge valve wi th the or ientat ion of the frit as sh own abov e. 7 Reinstal l the cap and the g old seal . NOTE Before reins tal lati on alw ays ch eck t he go ld se al.
110 Repairing the Pump Removing and Disassembling the Pump Head Assembly Removing and Disassembling the Pum p Head Assembly WAR NI NG Never start the pump wh en the pump head is re moved.
111 Repairing the Pump Removing and Disassembling the Pump Head Assembly 3 Place the p ump head o n a flat sur face. Lo osen the lo ck screw (two revo lution s) an d whil e holding the lower half of the assembly careful ly pull t he pum p head aw ay from the plunger housing.
112 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the P ump Seal s and Seal W ear -in Procedur e Exchanging the P ump Seals and S eal W ear -in Procedure When r equired: ❏ Seal le aking, i f indica ted by the resu.
113 Repairing the Pump Exch anging the Pu mp Se als and Seal W ear -in Proce dure Seal W e ar -in Procedur e NOTE This procedure is req uired for stand ard seals only (5063-6589) , but it will defi netely da mage the n ormal pha se appli cation seals (0905-1420) .
114 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the P ump Seal s and Seal W ear -in Procedur e 6 T ur n OF F the pump, s lowly open the p urge valv e to re leas e the p res sure f rom the system, disconne ct the restricti on capillary and reconnec t the outlet capilla ry at the pu rge va lve and t he conne cting tube from MCGV to the AI V .
115 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Pl unge rs Exchanging the P lungers When r equired: ❏ When scratched T ools requ ired : ❏ 4-mm hexag onal key Parts: ❏ Plunger 5063-6 586 1 Disassemble the pump head assembly (see “ Removing and Disassembling the Pump Head Ass emb ly ” on page 110).
116 Repairing the Pump Installing the Continu ous Seal Wash Option Installing the Continuous S eal W ash Option T ools requ ired : ❏ 4-mm hexag onal key Parts: ❏ Seal wash kit ( 01018-6 8722) 1 Disco nnect all capi llaries a nd tube s from the pump he ad and discon nect th e active inlet valve ca ble .
117 Repairing the Pump Installing the Continu ous Seal Wash Option 4 Remove th e support r ings from th e plunger housing a nd lift the ho using awa y from the plunger s. 5 Check t he plu nger surf ace an d remo ve any depo sits or layer s. Cl ean ing can b e don e with alcoho l or tooth past e.
118 Repairing the Pump Installing the Continu ous Seal Wash Option 1 Route th e wash inle t tube into a bot tle filled w ith a mixture of distilled w ater and isop rop anol (9 0/10) a nd pl ace th e bott le ab ove th e pump (h ydro static pressure) in the solvent cabinet.
119 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the W ash Se als Exchanging the W ash Seals T ools requ ired : ❏ 4-mm hexag onal key ❏ Insert t ool Parts: ❏ Wash Sea l 0905-11 75 ❏ Gaske t, se al was h (pac k of 6) 50 62-2 484 1 Disassemble the pump head assembly (see “ Removing and Disassembling the Pump Head Ass emb ly ” on page 110).
120 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the W ash Se als 4 Using the insert tool press the secondary seal (spring po inting upw ards ) into the re cess of the suppor t ring . Place a seal wash ga sket in the rece ss of the sup port ring. 5 Reassemb le the pum p head assembly (s ee “ Reassembling the Pump Head Assembly ” on page 121 ).
121 Repairing the Pump Reasse mbl ing th e Pump Head Ass emb ly Reassembling the Pump Head Assembly T ools requ ired : ❏ 4-mm hexag onal key ❏ Pump hea d grease (79846- 65501) 1 Place t he support rings on th e plunge r housing (p lungers not installed) a nd snap the pump hea d and plun ger hous ing toge ther .
122 Repairing the Pump Reasse mbl ing th e Pump Head Ass emb ly 4 Slide t he pump head ass embly onto the metering drive. Ap ply a small amou nt of pump he ad grea se to the pumphe ad screws and the ba lls of the spind le drive. Tighten the pumphead screws stepwise with increasing torque .
123 Repairing the Pump Exchanging the Multi-Channel Gra dient V alve (MCGV) Exchanging the M ulti-Channel Gradient Va l v e ( M C G V ) NOTE The lifetime of t he multi-channe l gradient valv e can be maint ained by regularly fl ushing the valve, e specially whe n using buffer solu tions.
124 Repairing the Pump Exchanging the Multi-Chan nel Gradient Valve (MCGV) 1 Disconne ct the con necting tube an d the solvent t ubes from the M CGV, unclip th em from the tu be clips an d place them into t he solvent ca binet t o avoid fl ow by hyd rostatic pressure .
125 Repairing the Pump Exchanging the Multi-Channel Gra dient V alve (MCGV) 5 Rep lace th e MC GV co ver . Reco nnect t he waste funne l with the wast e tube hol der in the top cove r . Insert wast e tube in th e hol der in the waste pan an d clip tube to the MC GV cover .
126 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the op tional In terfac e Board Exchanging the opti onal Interface Board CAUT ION The interfac e board is se nsitive to e lectros tatic disc harge. Al ways use th e ESD kit when handli ng electr onic boards. 1 Switch of f the quat ernary pu mp at the ma in power switch, unplug the pump from l ine pow er .
127 Repairing the Pump Exchanging Internal Parts Exchanging Internal Parts WAR NI NG The follo wing pr ocedur es r equi re ope ning th e main cover o f the quaternary pump. Always ensu re the quatern ary pump is disco nnected from li ne powe r when th e main cover is remo ved.
128 Repairing the Pump Removing the T op Cover and Foam Removing the T op Cover and Foam T ools requi red Screwd river Pozidriv #1 Prepara tions fo r this proce dure Switch off quaternary pump at the main power switch. Disconnect the solv ent inlet and outlet t ubes from the pump.
129 Repairing the Pump Remo ving t he T op Cover an d Fo am 3 Lift the clip s on both sides o f the top co ver (1). Remove the t op cove r (2 ). 4 Unscr ew the scr ews on the t op plate and remove th e plate b y lifting i ts back fi rst and then slidin g to the fr ont.
130 Repairing the Pump Removing the T op Cover and Foam Do not connect a power p lug to the qua ternar y pump afte r removi ng the to p covers. A safety light sw itch on the main board will preven t opera tion w hen the cove rs are remo ved. The next figure shows the posit ion of the safety light switch on the board.
131 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Low Pr essure Pump Main Board (LPM Boa rd) Exchanging the L ow Pressure Pu mp Main Board (LPM Board) 1 T ur n off the pu mp, disconn ect a ll cable s and re move t he pump fro m the stack. 2 Remove th e top cove r and foam (see “ Remov ing the T op Cover and F oam ” on page 12 8).
132 Repairing the Pump Excha ngin g the Low Pres sure Pump Mai n Boa rd (L PM Bo ard ) T able 8 Identifying Connectors on t he LPM Board Figure 21 Removing th e Screws at the Bac k Plane. 4 Remove the connecto r screws f rom the GPIB , Remote an d the ana log pressure o utput conne ctor .
133 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Low Pr essure Pump Main Board (LPM Boa rd) WAR NI NG The RFI s pring pl ate s ittin g on t he b oard c onn ecto rs is very s ha rp! Be careful, not to cut yo urself, when re moving it from the old b oard an slid ing it o nt o th e new b oard .
134 Repairing the Pump Excha ngin g the Low Pres sure Pump Mai n Boa rd (L PM Bo ard ) Enter ing the T ype Co mmand NOTE The main boa rd is physic ally ident ical for t he isocr atic and t he quater nary pump. After the installa tion of a ne w mainboard the TYPE (isocrati c or quaternary) of the mod ule is norma lly automatica lly detected.
135 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Low Pr essure Pump Main Board (LPM Boa rd) 8 Press the Execut e ( F8) k ey . Below the box, a r eply l ine shoul d then say: Reply R A 0000 TYPE "G1311A" . 9 T urn off the modul e, then turn it on again.
136 Repairing the Pump Excha ngin g the Low Pres sure Pump Mai n Boa rd (L PM Bo ard ) 4 Press Enter . This will display the box labeled Seri al# . 5 Letters and nu mbers ar e cre ated usi ng the up and d own ar rows. I nto the box labeled Serial# , enter th e 10-ch arac ter serial numb er for the q uate rnar y pump.
137 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Low Pr essure Pump Main Board (LPM Boa rd) print sendm odule$ (lpmp, "s er?") Th e reply l ine will give t he seri al numbe r of the qua terna ry pump.
138 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Dampe r Exchanging the Damper When requ ired No pressure output or w hen leaking T ools requi red Screwd river Pozidriv #1 Wrench 1/4 inch Parts required Damper 79835-60005 1 Switch o ff the pump at the m ain powe r switch, remove all cables and t ubings, remov e the pump from the stack.
139 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Dampe r 3 Discon nect the tw o damp er capil lar ies. 4 Loose n the screw s of the Z -panel an d take it out of the instrum ent. 5 Disconn ect the da mper connec tor at t he main board (J2 4). Lift the da mper out of its position.
140 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Dampe r 7 Place the Z-p anel into positi on and fix it with the two scr ews. 8 Reco nnect the tw o dam per ca pil larie s. 9 Clip the valv e cover into its positio n and connec t the tubi ngs b ack to the valve ports.
141 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Fan Exchanging the F an 1 Switch of f the pump a t the main po wer switch, re move all cables and t ubings, remove the pu mp fro m the stack .
142 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Fan Figure 22 Exchang ing the Fan Air flow J25, fan.
143 Repairing the Pump Exch anging the Pu mp Driv e Exchanging the P ump Drive WAR NI NG Never start the pump wh en the pump head is removed. This may damage th e pump d rive.
144 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the P ump Drive 2 Remove the tubings from the gradient valve ( MCGV) and re move th e valve cover ( see “ Exchanging the Mult i-Channel Gradient V alve (MCGV) ” on page 123). 3 Disco nnect all capi llaries a nd tube s from the pump he ad and discon nect th e active inlet valve co nnector .
145 Repairing the Pump Exch anging the Pu mp Driv e 6 Disconnec t the pump dr ive cab les from the main boa rd (J16, J17 ) and lift the drive ou t of the foa m. 7 Place th e new pu mp dri ve into t he recess in the foam p art and c onnect th e cables to the conn ector s on th e mai n boar d (J16 Motor, J17 Encode r).
146 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the P ump Drive 10 Repla ce the MCGV c over an d conn ect th e connec tion t ube to the midd le positio n of the MCGV (see “ Ex chan gin g the Mul ti- Chann el Gradient V alve (MCGV) ” on page 123). 11 Replace the pump on st ack, rec onnect all tubing s and cabl es.
147 Repairing the Pump Exch anging t he Power Sup ply Exchanging the P ower Supply When R equired: ❏ If defec tive T ools requ ired : ❏ Screw driver P ozid riv #1 ❏ Wrench 1/ 4 inch ❏ Wrench 1.
148 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the P ower Suppl y 4 Disconne ct the con nectors of the pump assembly ( J16, J17 ), fan ( J25) a nd damper (J24) at the mai n board and lift t he thr ee assemblies out of the foam. Discon nect al l remain ing conne ctors at t he main boa rd.
149 Repairing the Pump Exch anging t he Power Sup ply 8 Unclip th e power supply light pipe from th e power supply and pull out the coupler. 9 Lift the pow er supply out of the unit. 10 Place the new power supply in to the instrument and fix the two screws at the ba ck plan e.
150 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the P ower Suppl y 12 Slide th e leak sensor cab le thr ough the foam and rep lace th e bottom foam . 13 Reinstall th e main board, see “ Exchan ging the Low Pressu re Pump Main Boar d (LPM Board) ” on page 13 1.
151 Repairing the Pump Exch anging t he Power Sup ply 16 Clip th e MCGV co ver into position . Reconnect all cap illaries, tubes and c ables to the pum p head, the MCGV an d the d amper . 17 Inst all f oam an d top co ver, see “ Replacing the T op Co ver and Fo am ” on p age 156.
152 Repairing the Pump Excha ngin g th e Le ak Senso r Exchanging the L eak Sensor 1 Switch of f the pump a t the main po wer switch, re move all cables and t ubings, remove the pu mp fro m the stack . 2 Remove the top covers and foam , see “ Remo ving the T op Cove r and Foa m ” on page 12 8.
153 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Lea k Sensor 13 Replace the pump on sta ck, recon nect all tu bings and c ables. Figure 23 Exchang ing the Leak Sen sor Leak sensor Leak pan T o ma in bo ard J23.
154 Repairing the Pump Exchang ing the Sta tus Light Pipe Exchanging th e Status Li ght Pipe When requ ired If part is broken T ools requi red Screwd river Pozidriv #1 Part requi red Status light pipe.
155 Repairing the Pump Assembling the Ma in Cover Assembling the Main Cover NOTE The cover kit c ontains all part s, but it is not assembled. WAR NI NG In case you in sert the lef t or right side i n the op posite po sition, you may not be a ble to re move the side f rom the to p part.
156 Repairing the Pump Repl acin g the T o p Cove r and Foam Replacing the T op Cover and Foam T ools requi red Screwd river Pozidriv #1 Prepara tions fo r this proce dure Make sure that after your repair al l assemblies, cables, capillaries and c onnectors are located in its correct place.
157 Repairing the Pump Repl acin g the T o p Cove r and Foam 3 Location of foam in the light switch. 4 Replace the optiona l interfa ce board. 5 Rep lace the m eta l cove r (s lide t he me tal t abs into place ( 1) under neath the Z- Panel in the front, th en lower the back of the meta l plate (2)) an d fix the tw o holding sc rews.
158 Repairing the Pump Repl acin g the T o p Cove r and Foam 7 Ensure clips are se ated correct ly and, mov e the le ver back. 8 Plac e the qu ate rnary pu mp back to its positio n in the stack, plac e vacuum degasser and solve nt ca binet ba ck in pla ce and re-co nnect all t ubes and ca pillar ies.
5 5 Parts and Materials Deta iled illu stra tion s and lis ts for ide ntific ati on of parts and materials.
160 Overview of Main Assemblies Figure 24 Overview of Main Assemblies (Front View) 5 9 2 4 6 7 8 1 10 11 3.
161 Parts and Materials Overview of Main Assemblies T abl e 9 Repai r Part s - Pump Housi ng an d Main Asse mblies (Fr ont View) Item Descrip tion Part Number 1 Pump head, see pag e 172 G1311-600 04 2.
162 Parts and Materials Overview of Main Assemblies Figure 25 Overview of Main Assemblies (Rear View) (5) (6) (4) (7) (1) (2) (3) T abl e 10 Repai r Parts - Pump Housi ng and Ma in Ass embli es (R ear.
163 Parts and Materials Control Module (B-version) Control Module (B-version) Figure 26 Control Module B-version T able 11 Control M odule ( B-version) Item Description Part Number Control module, rep.
164 Parts and Materials Solvent Cabine t Solvent Cabin et Figure 27 Solvent Cabinet Parts T able 1 2 Solve nt Cabi net Part s Item Description Part Number 1 Solvent cabinet, including all plastic part.
165 Parts and Materials Bottle Head Assembly Bottle Head Assembly Figure 28 Bottle-Head Assembly Parts T able 13 Bottle-Head Assembly Parts Item Descriptio n Part Numb er Complete assembly G1311-60003.
166 Parts and Materials Hydra ulic Pa th Hydraulic Path Figure 29 Hydraulic Flow Path of the Quate rnary Pump T abl e 14 Hydr auli c Path Item Descriptio n Part Numb er 1 Outlet capillary , pump to in.
167 Parts and Materials Cover Parts Cover Parts Figure 30 Cover Parts T able 15 Cover Parts Item Descriptio n Part Numb er 1 Cover kit (includes top, both sides, base) 5062-8565 2 Front plate 5062-856.
168 Parts and Materials Sheet Metal Kit Sheet Metal Kit Figure 31 Sheet Me tal Kit T able 16 Sheet Metal Kit Item Descriptio n Part Numb er 1 Sheet metal kit, includes top, base and Z-panel G1311-6870.
169 Parts and Materials Foam Parts Foam Parts Figure 32 Foam Parts T able 17 Foam Parts Item Description Part Number 1 Foam Kit ( includes upper and lower foam) G1311-68702 2 Bushing, for pump drive 1.
170 Parts and Materials Power and Status Light Pi pes Power an d Status Lig ht Pipes Figure 33 Power and Status Light Pip es T able 18 Power and Status Light Pi pes Item Descriptio n Part Numb er 1 Po.
171 Parts and Materials Leak Parts Leak Parts Figure 34 Leak Parts T able 19 Leak Parts Item Descriptio n Part Numb er 1 Leak sensor 5061-3356 2 T ube clip 5041-8387 3 Leak pan, pump 5041-8390 4 Leak .
172 Parts and Materials Pump Head Assembly Pump Head Assembly T able 20 Pump Head Assembly Item Descriptio n Part Numb er Complete assembly , including items marked w ith * G1311-60004 1* Sapphire plu.
173 Parts and Materials Pump Head Assembly Figure 35 Pump Head Assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10.
174 Parts and Materials Pump Head Assemb ly with S eal Wash Option Pump Head Assembly with Seal W a sh Option T able 21 Pump Head Asse mbly with S eal Wash Option Item Descriptio n Part Numb er Comple.
175 Parts and Materials Pump Head Assemb ly with Seal Wash Option Figure 36 Pump Head with Seal Wash Option 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 6 8.
176 Parts and Materials Outlet Ball V alve Assembly Outlet Ball V alve Assembly Figure 37 Outlet Ball V alve Assembly T able 22 Outl et Ball V alve Assembly Item Descriptio n Part Numb er Outle t ba l.
177 Parts and Materials Purge V a lve Assembly Purge V alve Assembly Figure 38 Purge-V alve Assembly T able 23 Purge-V alve Assembly Item Descriptio n Part Numb er Purge valve — complete assembly G1.
178 Parts and Materials Active Inlet Valve Assembly Active Inlet V alve Assembly Figure 39 Active Inlet Valve Assemb ly T able 24 Acti ve Inlet V a lve Assembly Item Descriptio n Part Numb er Active i.
179 Parts and Materials Accessory Kit G1311-68705 Accessory Kit G1311-68705 T able 25 T ools and Ac cessories Description Part Number Wrench 14 mm 8710-1924 Seal insert tool 01018-23702 PTFE Frit (pack of 5) 01018-22707 Corrugated waste tube (1.
180 Seal W ash Option Kit 01018-68722 T abl e 26 Se al Wash Op tion Description Part Number Support ring, seal wash (pack of 2) 5062-2465 Secondary seal (pre-installed in support ring) 0905-1175 Seal .
181 Parts and Materials Cabl e Overv iew Cable Overview WAR NI NG Nev er use cables o ther th an the o nes sup plied by Agilen t T echnolog ies to en sur e pr oper func tio nali ty an d com plia nce w ith safe ty or EMC regul ati ons.
182 Parts and Materials Cabl e Overv iew HP 1040 diode-array detec tor 01046-60202 HP 1090 liquid chromatographs 01046-60202 Signal distribution module 01046-60202 BCD cables 3392/3 integrators 18594-.
183 Parts and Materials Analog Cable s Analog Cables One end of these cabl es prov ides a BN C connec tor to be c onnect ed to Agilent 11 00 Series m odules.
184 Parts and Materials Analog Cable s Agilent 1100 to BNC C onnector Agilent 1100 to Gener al Purpose Connec tor 8120-1840 Pin BNC Pin Agilen t 1100 Signal N ame Shie ld Shield Ana log - Center Cente.
185 Parts and Materials Remote Ca bles Remote Cables One en d of th ese ca bles provi des a A gilen t T ec hnol ogie s APG ( Analy tica l Products Gr oup) remo te conne ctor to be connect ed to Agile nt 1100 Ser ies modu les. The othe r en d de pend s on the i nstr umen t to be co nne cted t o.
186 Parts and Materials Remote Ca bles Agilent 1100 to 3392 /3 Integra tors Agilent 1100 to 3394 Integrators NOTE ST A RT and ST OP are connec ted via diod es to pin 3 of the 3394 co nnecto r .
187 Parts and Materials Remote Ca bles Agilent 1100 to 3396 A Inte grators Agilent 1100 to 3396 Series I I / 3395A Int egrators Use the cab le 033 94-60 600 and cu t pin #5 on the integr ator side . Other wis e the integ rator print s ST A RT ; not ready .
188 Parts and Materials Remote Ca bles Agilent 1100 to 3396 Series I II / 3395 B Integr ators Agilent 1100 to HP 105 0, HP 1046A or Agilent 35 900 A/D Conver ters Connec tor 03396-61010 Pin 33XX Pin A.
189 Parts and Materials Remote Ca bles Agilent 1100 to HP 109 0 LC, HP 1040 DAD o r Signal Distri bution Modul e Agilent 1100 to Gener al Purpose Connect or 01046-60202 Pin HP 1090 Pin Agilent 1100 Si.
190 Parts and Materials BCD Cables BCD Cables One end o f these c able s provi des a 15 -pin BCD c onnec tor to be conn ected to the Ag ilent 1100 Se ries mo dules.
191 Parts and Materials BCD Cables Agilent 1100 to 3396 Integrators Agilent 1100 to Gener al Purpose Connec tor 03396-60560 Pin 3392/3 Pin Agilent 1100 Signal Name BCD Digit 11B C D 5 2 0 22B C D 7 8 .
192 Parts and Materials Auxiliary Cable Auxiliary Cable One end of this cable pr ovides a mo dular plug to be connec ted to the Agilent 11 00 Series v acuum deg asser .
193 Parts and Materials Extern al Con tact Cable External Contact Cable One end of th is cable pr ovides a 15-p in plug to be c onnected to A gilent 1 100 Series mod ule ’ s interface board.
194 Parts and Materials RS-232 Cable Kit RS-232 Cable Kit This kit conta ins a 9-pin fem ale to 9-p in female Nu ll Modem (pr inter) c able and on e adap ter . Use the cable a nd ada pter to con nect A gilent T echn ologi es instrument s with 9-pin male RS-232 conn ectors to m ost PCs or printers.
195 Parts and Materials LAN Cables LAN Cables Recommended Ca bles For point t o point con nection (no t using a net work hub) use a twisted pa ir cross ov er LA N cable (P/N 5 183- 4649 , 10 feet lon g). For standa rd netw ork conne ctions usin g a hub us e catego ry 5 UTP cables, (P/N G 1530-61 480, 8 m lon g).
196 Parts and Materials LAN Cables.
6 6 Introduction to the Quaterna ry Pump An introduct ion to the pu mp, instr ument overview , theory of ope ration, ext ernal communicat ion and inter nal connector s.
198 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Intr oduction t o the Quaterna ry Pump Intro duct ion to the Quate rnar y Pum p The quater nary pum p compr ises a solvent cabinet , a vacuu m degasser a nd a four -channel gradient pump. The fou r - channel gradient pump c omprises a high-speed pr oportion ing valv e and a pum p assembly .
199 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Overview Overvi ew The quater nary pum p is based on a two-chann el, dual plunge r in-ser ies design which comprises all essential functions that a solvent delivery system has to fulfi ll.
200 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Overview How does the Pump W ork? The liquid runs fro m the so lvent reser voir throug h the degasse r to th e MCGV and from th ere to t he ac tive i nlet va lve. The pum p asse mbly compri ses t wo substantia lly ident ical plung er/cham ber unit s.
201 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Overview Figure 42 Principle of the Qu aternar y Pump When turn ed on, the q uaterna ry pump runs throug h an initi alization procedu re to dete rmine the uppe r dead ce nter of th e first plu nger .
202 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Overview chambe r is pressed t hrough t he outle t ball valve int o the second cham ber . The second plu nger draw s in half of the vo lume disp laced by the first plunger and the remaining half volume is dir ectly delivered int o the system.
203 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Overview W ith a com pres sibi lity val ue se t the pr ocess or ca lculat es a co mpens ation volume, that is depending on the ba ckpressur e in the system and th e selected compressibility .
204 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Elec tric al Conn ect ions Electrical Connections • The GPIB co nnecto r is used to co nnect the pum p with a c omputer . The address a nd cont rol swit ch mo dule n ext to t he GPIB connec tor det ermine s the GP IB add res s of you r pump.
205 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Elec tric al Conn ect ions Figur e 43 El ectr ical Conn ect ions WAR NI NG T o disconnect the quaternar y pump from line, unp lug the power cor d. The powe r supply still u ses some po wer , even if t he power swit ch on the fron t panel i s turn ed off.
206 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Instrument Layout Instru ment L ayout The industr ial design of th e module inc orpor ates sever al innovativ e featur es. It uses Agilent ’ s E-P AC conc ept f or the pac kagin g of el ectron ics and mechan ical assem blies.
207 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Early Maintena nce Fe edback ( EMF) Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) Maintena nce req uires the exchang e of com ponen ts in the flow path wh ich are su bject to me chan ical w ear or stre ss.
208 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Early Maintena nce Fe edback ( EMF) Using the EM F Counters The u ser -setta ble E MF li mits for the EM F coun ters enab le the earl y maint enanc e feed back to be ada pted t o spe cifi c user requi rem ents.
209 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The Elec tronic s The Electronics The el ectroni cs are co mprise d of fo ur main compon ents: • The low pressure pump main b oard (LPM), see pa ge 210 . • Power suppl y , see page 2 28. Optional: • Inter face boar d (BCD /exter nal con tac ts), s ee page 216.
210 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The Low-Pressur e Pump Main Board (LPM) The Low- Pressure Pu mp Main Boa rd (LPM) The board controls a ll information a nd activities of all a ssemblies within the quate rnary pump.
211 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The Low-Pressur e Pump Main Board (LPM) Fan D riv e The fan spee d is control led by the main proc essor depe nding on t he inter nal heat distr ibution in t he quater nary pum p. The fan pr ovides a PWM signal which is propor tional to its speed.
212 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The Low-Pressur e Pump Main Board (LPM) Figure 45 Block Diagram Low Pressure Main Board (LPM) 1 MCGV Active inlet valve Valve drive 4 valve drives Current cont.
213 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The Low-Pressur e Pump Main Board (LPM) Figure 46 Interconnection Dia gram Low P ressure Main Boar d (LPM) Motor Encoder AIV MCGV Z-panel Moto r dr iv e Hardwa.
214 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Firmware Descri ption Firmware Description The firmwa re of the instru ment co nsists of two in depende nt sections: • a non-instrum ent specific sectio n, called ‘ resident system ’ , • an instrum ent specif ic section, called ‘ main system ’ .
215 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Firmware Descri ption Firmware Upd ates Firmware updates ca n be done u sing you r user interfa ce: • handheld control m odule wi th files from a PC-card or • Agilent Ch emSt ation with files from fl oppy disk The fi le naming conv entions are: xxxx-vvv .
216 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Optional Interface Boards Opti on al In ter fac e Boa rd s The Agilent 1 100 Serie s modules have one op tional boa rd slot th at allows to add an i nterfa ce boar d to the m odul es.
217 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Optional Interface Boards LAN Board The HP LAN board is actua lly an HP JetDirec t card, which is a network inte rfac e card used in H P prin ter s. NOTE One board is required per Agilent 1100 stack. I f the Agi lent 1100 stack has a DAD, th en the DAD MUS T be the module used for LAN boar d installa tion.
218 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Agilent 1100 Series Interfaces Agilent 1100 Series Interfaces The Agilent 11 00 Serie s modules provide the following in terfac es: • The CAN c onnec tors se.
219 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Agilent 1100 Series Interfaces WAR NI NG Nev er use cables o ther th an the o nes sup plied by Agilen t T echnolog ies to en sur e pr oper func tio nali ty an d com plia nce w ith safe ty or EMC regulations, see “ Cable Overvi ew ” on page 181.
220 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Agilent 1100 Series Interfaces APG Remo te Inter face The APG Re mote conn ect or may be us ed in co mbinatio n with other anal ytic al ins trum ents fr om Ag ilent T echno logi es if y ou want to us e feat ures as common shut down, prep are, and so on .
221 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Agilent 1100 Series Interfaces T able 33 APG Remote Signal Distribution Pin Signal Desc ription 1 DGND Digital ground 2 PREP ARE (L) Request to prepare for anal ysis (for example, detector lamp on). Receiver is any module performing preanalys is activities.
222 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Agilent 1100 Series Interfaces connec tor . The RS-232 C is designe d as DCE (data comm unica tion equipme nt) with a 9-pin male SUB-D type co nnec tor .
223 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Setting th e 8-bit Co nfiguratio n Switch Setting the 8- bit Configuration Switch The 8-bit conf igura tion swit ch is locate d ne xt t o the G PIB c onne ctor .
224 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Setting th e 8-bit Co nfiguratio n Switch In the non-v olatile memor y the para meters are kept , regardless of w hether you turn t he instrument off and on again. Th ey will be kept until the sam e set of parame ters is subseque ntly ch anged a nd power is reset.
225 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Setting th e 8-bit Co nfiguratio n Switch Switch es 1 in down and 2 in up posi tion def ine that t he RS-23 2C parame ters will be changed. Onc e the change has be en completed, the inst rument must be powered up a gain in ord er to store the valu es in the non-v olatile mem ory .
226 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Setting th e 8-bit Co nfiguratio n Switch Forced Cold- Start Sett ings Switch es 1 and 2 d o not forc e storage of this set of paramete rs in non- volatile memory . Ret urning the switches 1 and 2 to other positio ns (other than being both up) w ill allow for normal o peration.
227 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump Setting th e 8-bit Co nfiguratio n Switch Switch es 1 and 2 d o not forc e storage of this set of parame ters in non- volatile memory . Returnin g the swi tches 1 an d 2 to othe r posit ions (o ther th an being both up) w ill allow for normal o peration.
228 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The M ain Powe r Sup ply Asse mbly The Main Power Supply Assembly The main powe r supply co mprises a cl osed asse mbly (no c omponent -level repair po ssibility). The powe r supply provide s all DC voltag es used i n the q uater nary pu mp.
229 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The M ain Powe r Suppl y Assembly When overload c onditions o ccur , the power supply turn s off all output volt ages . T urning th e lin e power off a nd on ag ain res ets t he pow er supp ly to normal ope ration if the cause of the ove rload con dition h as been remo ved.
230 Introduction to the Q uaternary Pump The M ain Powe r Sup ply Asse mbly.
7 7 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump.
232 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump This chap ter is i ntended to intro duce an op erator to the scree ns availa ble for operation of the Agile nt 110 0 quater nary pump with the Ag ilent 110 0 control module. Please use the manual of the con trol modu le for fur ther detaile d refe rence.
233 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Analy sis screen Screens available from the Analysis screen The Analy sis screen This is the wake-up scree n, if the Agilent 1 100 quaternary pump is the on ly confi gured A gilen t 110 0 modul e.
234 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available fr om the Analy sis screen Setup View In the Setup v iew , modul es can be adde d or remov ed to the v iew . Here, e.g . the au tosampler and thermost atted col umn comparte ment paramet ers are shown on t he display as well .
235 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Analy sis screen Pump ON/OFF From the Ana lysis screen use the F7 key t o proceed t o the turn on sc reen. Press F8 ( On ) once to tu rn on the pump. If m ore than one modu le is available , select the quate rnary pum p from th e pop-up me nu.
236 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available fr om the Analy sis screen Settings W ithin th e Sett ings you can c hange the pum p parame ters. Y ou have acc ess to a diffe rent set o f paramete rs availa ble throug h the F1-5 key s.
237 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Analy sis screen Settings - T imetable W ith the F2 key ( Ti m e t a b l e ) you can list the timetable f or the pump. P ress F7 key ( Insert ) to a dd entries or F 6 key ( Delet e ) to remove en trie s.
238 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available fr om the Analy sis screen Settings - Pressure W ith the F3 key ( Pressure ) you c an change the settin gs for the pressure limits. Settings - Bottle Fillings W ith th e F4 key ( Bottle Fi llin gs ) you can ad just the se ttings for th e bottle fillings to thei r current state .
239 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Analy sis screen Analog -Status Press F5 key ( Vi e w s ) an d sel ect Status .
240 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available fr om the Analy sis screen Press F6 key ( Select ). Here yo u can ad d addi tional on line signa ls (max imum are 3). Addit ional sign als c ould al so be chro matog rams or temp erat ure signals from othe r modules.
241 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Analy sis screen Use F2 key ( PC-Card ) to save a meth od on a PCMC IA card. Use the Right/ Left arrows to sw itch b etween P C-Ca rd and Instr ument wind ow . Use the UP /Dow n arro ws to s ele ct the m etho d.
242 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from t he Sy stem scree n Screens available from the System screen Sy stem screen Use th e Esc key to recei ve Vi e w s on the F5 key . Ch oose Syste m fro m th e pull-down menu. This screen shows the last act ivities in the system.
243 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from t he Sy stem scree n Sy stem - Conf igurat ion On the System screen use th e F2 key ( Configure ) to select the p ump. Use the F1 key ( Interf aces ) to access the i nterfac e settings ( if requir ed).
244 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Records scre en Screens available f rom the Records screen Records sc reen Use the Es c key to re ceiv e Vi e w s on t he F5 key . Choose System fr om t he pull -dow n me nu.
245 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from t he Records scre en Info Log Use the m -key to re ceive a pop -up men u, Se lect Inf o Log .
246 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Records scre en If a set limit has been exce eded, a message bo x will pop up. This will not stop a sequen ce or run ( informa tion only t o plan m aintenanc e acti vities).
247 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from t he Records scre en Use the Esc key to rec eive Vi e w s on the F 5 ke y . Ch oos e Syste m from the pull -dow n me nu. U se t he F3 key ( Record s ) to se lect the Generic module.
248 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Records scre en Changin g the se rial numb er In case the se rial numbe r of the m odule has to be added, us e the m -key to open the me nu Enter Seria l# . The serial num ber beco mes acti ve after restar t of th e module .
249 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from t he Records scre en Use th e F7 key ( Add ) to a dd new ma intenance a ctiviti es. If an a ctivity is not liste d, you can type the ac tivity into the line “ Add ” using the c ontrol modu les key pad.
250 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Screen s available from the Records scre en Ente r ’ TYPE G1311A ’ in the Inst r -line in order t o configure t he module as a quate rnar y pump. Schematics Se lect Schem atics af ter pressing ’ m.
251 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Diagnostics and T ests Diagnostics and T ests T ests screen Use the E sc key to recei ve Vi e w s on the F5 key . Ch oose Syst em fro m the pull -dow n me nu. Use the F3 key ( Te s t s ) to select the pump.
252 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump Diagnostics a nd T ests Pressure T est Use the F2 ke y ( Pressure T est ) to perform a pressure test of the syste m.
8 8 Specifi cations Performance s pecificat ions of the quatern ary pump.
254 Specifications Perf orma nce S peci fic ati ons Performance Specificat ions T able 44 Performance Specification Agilent 1100 Series Quaterna ry Pump T ype Sp ecifica tion Hydrauli c system Dual plunger in series pump with pr oprietary servo-cont rolled vari able stroke driv e, floating pl ungers and acti ve inlet valv e Setabl e flow r ange 0.
255 Specifications Perf orma nce S peci fic ati ons Analog output For press ure monitoring, 2 mV/bar , one output Communicat ions Controller-area networ k (CAN) , GPIB, R S-232C, APG Remote: ready, st.
256 Specifications Perf orma nce S peci fic ati ons.
257 Warran ty S tat emen t W arranty Statement All Chemical Analysis Product s Agilent T e chnologie s warran ts its chemical ana lysis prod ucts against defects in materia ls and work manship. Fo r details of the warran ty period in y our countr y , call Agilen t.
258 W arranty Sta tement 4 operation outside of the enviro nmental an d electrical sp ecification s for the prod uct, 5 improp er s ite pr epar ation and ma intenan ce, or 6 cust omer indu ced c onta minat ion o r le aks. THE W ARRANTY SET FORTH IS EXCLUSIVE AND NO OTHER W ARR ANTY , WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED.
259 Warran ty S tat emen t Responsibil ities of Agile nt T echnolog ies Agilent T echnologies will pro vide wa rranty ser vices as de scribed in T ab le 45.
260 Safety Info rmation Safety Information The following general sa fety precautions must be observed during all phase s of operation, se rvice, and re pair of this in strument.
261 Safety Info rmation render ing first aid and r esuscita tion, is present . Do not repl ace com ponen ts with powe r cable c onnec ted. Do not operat e the i nstrume nt in the pre sence of flamm able ga ses or fume s. Operati on of any elect rica l instru ment in such an en vironm ent consti tutes a definite safety ha zard.
262 Safety Info rmation WAR NI NG A warnin g aler ts you to situat ions th at co uld cau se physi cal inju ry or damage to the equipm ent. Do not proceed b eyond a warn ing until you have fully u nders tood a nd me t the i ndic ated c onditio ns. CAUT ION A caution alerts you to si tuation s tha t could cause a possible loss of da ta.
263 Lithium Batteri es Informatio n Lithium Batteries Information WAR NI NG Dan ger of explosion i f batter y is inco rrec tly re placed. Repl ace on ly with th e same or equiva lent typ e recommende d by the equipment manufacture r . Lithium batteri es may not be dispose d-off int o the domesti c waste .
264 Radi o Inter fer ence Radio Interference Neve r use ca bles other than the ones s uppl ied by Agilen t T echnolo gi es to ensu re pr ope r fun ctio nal ity and c ompli anc e wi th safety or EMC regulations.
265 Solvent Informatio n Solvent Information Observe the f ollowing r ecommenda tions on th e use of solv ents. Flow C ell A vo id the use o f alkalin e solutions (p H > 11) w hich can attack q uartz an d thus impai r the optical pr operties of th e flow cell .
266 Agilent T echnolog ies on Internet Agilent T echno logies on Internet For the la test inform ation on pr oducts a nd services v isit our wor ldwide web site on t he Internet at: http://www .
Index 267 A accessory ki t, 18 accessory ki t, degasser, 19 active inl et valve, 103 , 178 active inlet val ve drive, 210 air flow, 14 1 algae g rowth, 35 alternative sea l material, 39 ambient non-op.
268 Index pistons, 102, 115 power supply, 147 pump drive, 143 pump seals, 10 2, 112 purge valve, 102, 108 purge valve frit, 10 2, 108 status light pipe, 154 wash s eal s, 10 2, 11 6 F fan, 141 fan dri.
Index 269 bottle head assem bly, 165 control module, 162 cove r, 16 7 damaged, 17 foam , 169 hydraulic path, 166 leak handling, 171 light pipes , 170 main assemb lies, 160 missing, 17 outlet ball valv.
270 Index status indicator, 44, 45 status l amp, 45 status light pipe , 154, 170 stay reside nt settings, 226 stroke length, 79 stroke volum e, 200, 20 3 sychronization lost, 50 syringe , 19 syringe a.
sa In This Boo k Thi s manu al cont ai ns tech nic al ref eren ce inf ormati on a bout the Agi lent 1100 Ser ies quate rnary pu mp. T he ma nual de scribe s the following : • installation, • optim.
An important point after buying a device Agilent Technologies 1100 Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Agilent Technologies 1100 Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Agilent Technologies 1100 Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Agilent Technologies 1100 Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Agilent Technologies 1100 Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Agilent Technologies 1100 Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Agilent Technologies 1100 Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Agilent Technologies 1100 Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Agilent Technologies 1100 Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center