Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product H.323 Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide Cisco HSI Release 4.1 No vem ber 2007 Text Pa rt Nu mber: OL-4806- 01 R ev.
iii Cisco H.323 Sign aling Int erface User Gui de OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 CONTENTS Preface 13 Docume nt Obje ctiv es 13 Audienc e 13 System Admi nistra tor 13 System Oper ator 14 System Tec hnicia n 14 Do.
Cont ents iv Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 E-ISU P 4 New Featur es in Cisc o HSI Releas e 4.1 4 Operati onal Env ironment 4 Hardwa re Requ irements 4 Softw are Requ ir.
Cont ents v Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 H.323 Sta ck Conf igurat ion 10 Nonprov isionable Data 11 MML P rov isio nable Dat a 11 H.
Cont ents vi Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Overlo ad Level 2 7 Overlo ad Level 3 7 Settin g Ov erlo ad Da ta 8 Retri eving Ov erload Data 8 Logg ing 9 Rotati ng Log Fi.
Cont ents vii Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cause 7 Troubl eshoo ting 7 EISUP_PA TH_FAILURE 7 Descri ption 7 Severi ty Leve l and Trap Ty pe 7 Cause 7 Troubl eshoo t.
Cont ents viii Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Severi ty Leve l and Trap Ty pe 11 Cause 11 Troubl eshoo ting 11 ENDPOINT_C ALL_CONTRO L_INTERFA CE_FAILURE 12 Descri ptio.
Cont ents ix Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Severi ty Leve l and Trap Ty pe 15 Cause 15 Troubl eshoo ting 16 Deta iled L oggin g 16 APPENDI X A MML User Inter face an.
Cont ents x Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 radlog 23 restar t-softw 24 rtrv-a lms 25 rtrv-c alls 26 rtrv-c tr 26 rtrv-d est 27 rtrv- gapping 28 rtrv-l og 28 rtrv-m ml 2.
Cont ents xi Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPENDI X B Skeleton Con f igurat ion File 1 APPENDI X C Example o f an HSI Configuration File 1 APPENDI X D E-ISUP Na m e-to-C ause Value Lookup 1 APPENDI X E E-ISUP Ca use Value-to-Name Lookup 1 APPENDI X F H.
Cont ents xii Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14.
xiii Cisco H.323 Sign aling Int erface User Gui de OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Preface This p refac e descr ibes the objecti ves, au dience , org ani zation , and con ve ntion s of the Cisco H .323 Signali ng Interfac e User Gui de , and explai ns how to find addition al inf ormat ion on re lated pr oduct s and services .
xiv Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Prefac e Docum ent Organ izatio n The sys tem admin istrato r should hav e an in-depth know ledge of UNIX and a bas ic kno wledge of da ta and teleco mmuni cations ne tworking.
xv Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Pre face Document C onventi ons • Appendix E, “E-I SUP Cause V alue- to-Name Lookup” • Appendix F , “H.
xvi Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Prefac e Related Documenta tion Note Means r eader tak e note . Notes contain helpf ul suggestions or referen ces to material not co vered in the manual . Ti p Mean s the fo llowing informat ion will he lp you solve a pr oblem .
xvii Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Pre face Obtaining Documentat ion Softwa re Docume ntation • Cisco Media Gateway Co ntr ol ler So ftware Release 9 In stallati o.
xviii Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Prefac e Obtain ing Techni cal Ass istance Ordering Docume ntation Y ou can order Cisco documen tation i n these ways: • Re gister ed Cisc o.
xix Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Pre face Obtainin g Technica l A ssistan ce • Regist er for online sk ill assessment, training, and c ertifi cation programs If you want to o btain c ustomize d infor mation and se rvice, you c an self- register on Cisco.
xx Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Prefac e Obtain ing Techni cal Ass istance Cisco TAC Escalation Center The Cisco T A C Escalation Cent er addresses priority le ve l 1 or priority lev e l 2 issu es. T hese classifications a re assigne d when severe network degra dation si gnificantly impacts business operat ions.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 1 Cisco H.323 Signaling Inte rface Overview Introduction This c hapter p rovides an overview of the Cisco H.
1-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 1 Cisco H.323 Signalin g Interface Ove rview Cisco HSI System Desc ription Figur e 1 -1 Cisco HS I System Overview PGW 2200 T.
1-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 1 Cisco H.323 Si gnaling I nterface O verview Cisco HSI Sy stem D esc riptio n Figur e 1 -2 Cisco HSI Subsy stems OAM Subsy.
1-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 1 Cisco H.323 Signalin g Interface Ove rview Operati onal Envi ronmen t RUDP R UD P transpo rts the E- ISUP message s betwee n the PGW 2200 a nd the Cisco HSI . R UDP is a Cisco pr oprietar y , conne ction-o rien ted, pa cket-bas ed tra nsport pro toco l.
1-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 1 Cisco H.323 Si gnaling I nterface O verview Cisco H SI Re covery Softwa re Re quireme nts The softwa re requi remen ts for the Ci sco HSI are docume nted in the Cisco Media Gateway Controller Sof twar e R elease 9 In stallat ion and Co nf igu ra tion Guide .
1-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 1 Cisco H.323 Signalin g Interface Ove rview Cisco H SI System L imitati ons.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Introduction This cha pter contai ns instruct ions for inst alling an d configurin g the Cisco H.3 23 Signali ng Interface (HSI).
2-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Instal ling the Cisc o HSI Installing the Cisco HSI This sec tion prov ides step-b y-step instr uctions for in stalling the Cisco HSI.
2-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco HSI Softw are Installing the Cisco HSI Step 5 Enter the follo wing command: # vi .
2-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Instal ling the Cisc o HSI The Cisco HSI application is distrib uted as a tar file (with f ilename GoldW ing- xxxx .tar in which xxxx is the version ID, for example , Gold W ing-4.
2-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco HSI Softw are Installing the Cisco HSI Installing Cisco HSI This section pro vides step.
2-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Instal ling the Cisc o HSI Step 5 At the # prompt, e nter th e follo wing commands : # cd /export/B UILDS/4.1 # ./insta The follo wing text displays: Processing package instance <OTTgw000> from </export/BUILDS/4.
2-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco HSI Softw are Installing the Cisco HSI Step 14 T ype th e gat ekeep er I D (s ee Ta b l e 2- 2 ) and press Ente r . Note The gatekeepe r ID must m atch the e ntry configur ed in the gatekeeper.
2-8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Instal ling the Cisc o HSI Step 20 T ype the installat ion location (see Ta b l e 2-2 ) and pre ss Enter .
2-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco HSI Softw are Installing the Cisco HSI [ verifying class <script> ] ## Executing postinstall script. Installed package instance is: OTTgw000 Installation of <OTTgw000> was successful.
2-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Instal ling the Cisc o HSI Installing Multiple Cisco HSIs in a Redundant PGW.
2-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco HSI Softw are Start ing the Ci sco HSI Dual HSI Exa mple Confi guration S cript The fo llowing example script configures th e network top ology depic ted in Figure 2-1 .
2-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Stopping the Cisco HSI Stopping the Cisc o HSI T o stop th e Cisc o HSI, log i n as root user and ent er th e fo llowing com mand: # /etc/init .
2-13 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco HSI Softw are Removing the Cisco HSI • The system sh ould be r estarted to e nable the r e-initializa tion of th e SNMP processes.
2-14 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Cisco HSI Software Removing the Cisc o HSI Step 6 T ype y and press Ent er .
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 3 Provisioning the Cisco HSI Introduction This cha pter desc ribes the d ata th at must be pr ovisioned f or the Cisc o H.323 Signa ling Inte rface (H SI). The data is di vided into two are as: system conf iguration and H.
3-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configura tion HSI star ts up, it attem pts to rea d the ac tiv e configur ation, checks t hat the configurat ion has been verified, and ensures that th e checksum matches.
3-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configuration Introduction to MML Co mmand Op eration for HSI After the HSI software is insta lled, you can confi gure additio nal items.
3-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configura tion Step 2 T o display the entire confi guration, issue the follo wing co.
3-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configuration Ta b l e 3-3 Static System D ata P arameters Para meter Ty p e D escription HOST_POR T_N UMBER1 [0- 65535] The first port number to be used by the Cisco HSI .
3-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configura tion Pa vo RedirPresInd [0-3] The v alue of the Pa vo redi recting num ber presentat ion indicator . (If this parameter is n ot pro visioned, t he defau lt is Q.
3-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configuration Changing Static System Data T o change static system data, you must f irst determine if it is acceptable to stop currently acti ve calls in 20 secon ds.
3-8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configura tion Dynamic System Data T o modify the d ynamic system data param eters in Ta b l e 3-4 , use the sy s_config_dyn amic MML nam e variable fo r the pro v-add , pr ov-dlt , and prov -ed commands.
3-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI Cisco HSI Configuration O V LDLEV EL1 PERCEN T Indi cates wh at per centage of ca lls s hould b e rej ected wh en an ov erload condition occurs.
3-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI H.323 St ack Configu ration H.323 Stack Configuration The para meter name is based on th e ASN.1 pat hs; but, in some cases, t he param eter name has been shortened for con veni ence.
3-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI H.323 Sta ck Configu ration Nonprovisionable Data The paramete rs in Ta b l e 3-5 ca nnot be alter ed thr ough M ML comman ds. MML Prov isionabl e Data H.
3-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI H.323 St ack Configu ration Exam ple prov-add:name=q931,maxCalls=2000 The Upda te T ype co lu.
3-13 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI H.323 Sta ck Configu ration RAS Parameters The paramete rs in Ta b l e 3-8 are require d fo r RAS stack initial ization. T o modify the R AS pa rameter s, use the ras MML name v ariable for the pr ov-add , pro v -dlt, and prov-ed comm ands.
3-14 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI H.323 St ack Configu ration allo wCallsWhenNon Reg If this paramete r is present, it allo ws calls to proceed e ven if gatekee per registra tion has not been d one for the PGW 2200.
3-15 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI H.323 Sta ck Configu ration H.245 Parameters T o modify the H.245 para meters listed in Ta b l e 3-9 , use the h245 MM L name variable for the prov-a dd, pro v -dlt and pro v-ed command s.
3-16 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI H.323 St ack Configu ration Ta b l e 3-10 , Ta b l e 3-11 , a nd Ta b l e 3-12 list the parameters and modes re lated to the config uring of codecs.
3-17 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI H.323 Sta ck Configu ration caps.tabl e[i].a udio.g72 2at56k INTE GER(1, 256) caps.tabl e[i].a udio.g72 2at48k INTE GER(1, 256) caps.tabl e[i].
3-18 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI H.323 St ack Configu ration Codec Selection The Cisco HSI n egotia tes the media stream codec to establish a m atch betwe en the PSTN MGCP media gateway (for exam ple, the Cisc o AS5 xxx se ries o r Cisco MGX series) and the H.
3-19 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI H.323 Sta ck Configu ration The fol lowing MML com mand example s hows the com mand se quenc e used t o pr ovision the cal l contro l paramete rs pro vided in t h e preced ing tabl e.
3-20 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI H.323 St ack Configu ration Ta b l e 3-14 Co mmon Static S ystem D ata P aramet ers Parameter N ame Paramete r V alues Description Carr ierC ode Mappi ng • “enabled” —a string that indi cates the feat ure is enable d.
3-21 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI H.323 Sta ck Configu ration The fo llowing M ML co mmand example shows the command sequ ence u sed t o provisi on the stati c system data pa ramet ers provided in th e preced ing table .
3-22 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Config uration Ta b l e 3-16 pres ents comm on H.2 45 pa ramet ers f or e nabli ng the G.7 29 co dec. The following M ML co mmand example shows the comma nd sequ ence used to provision the H .
3-23 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Configuration • Configuring G.
3-24 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Config uration Refer to Cisco PGW a nd Cisco I OS do cument ation a t www . m for furthe r info rmati on on these comm ands.
3-25 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Configuration Support fo r the H.
3-26 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Config uration Ta b l e 3-17 pres ents e xamp les of c onf iguratio n com mands that may be requ ired to i mplement a par ticul ar G.
3-27 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Configuration Configuring G.726 on the Cisco HSI The G.726 codec enab les transc oding a PCM chann el to or from an ADPCM da ta stream .
3-28 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Config uration If a non- preferred G.726 data rate is selec ted ov er a higher- preferenc e codec, the HSI will co ntinue with the call us ing the non- preferred d ata rate.
3-29 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Configuration H245, cap s.tabl e[i]. entr yNo 7261 , 7262, … Note Set this p arameter to a unique i nteger val u e prov-add:nam e=h245, caps.
3-30 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Config uration H245, caps. table[i]. audio.g72 6-gen eric. bitOrde r 1,2 o r 3 Note This f ield is a bitmask o f 8 b its, and can take an y va lu e from 0.
3-31 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 3 Prov isioning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Configuration Configuring G.7 29 Annex and G.7 29 Annex B Ta b l e 3-18 present s examples of co nfiguration commands t hat may be re quired t o impleme nt a parti cular configurati on of G.
3-32 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapte r 3 Provisio ning the Cisco HSI HSI Feature Config uration H245, modes[i]. name “g72 9AnnexA” “g729Ann exB” “g729A nnexA wAnnex B” prov-add:nam e=h245, modes[ 4].name ="g729 AnnexA" prov-add:nam e=h245, modes[ 5].
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 4 Managing the Cisco HSI Introduction This c hapter pr ovides infor mation a bout op erat ion a nd mana gement t asks for the Cisc o H.32 3 Signal ing Interf ace (HSI) applicatio n.
4-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cha pter 4 Man aging th e Cis co HS I Starting Cal l Processing Starting Call Processing T o start ca ll pr oces sing, use the sta-callproc MML command. F or more information abo ut this comm and, se e Appe ndix A, “MML User Inter face and Comman d Refer ence.
4-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 4 Managing t he Cisco HSI Meas ure men ts Call-Relate d Measure ments The Cisco HSI a pplication ha ndles all call-re lated measurem ents. An SNMP MI B handles the col lection of call-relate d measurement data.
4-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cha pter 4 Man aging th e Cis co HS I Measure ments Ta b l e 4-2 Q.9 31 Cou nter Group Coun ter Na me Meas ureme nt Ty p e Co mments FC_INC_CAL L_A TT_ TO T H.
4-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 4 Managing t he Cisco HSI Meas ure men ts Ta b l e 4-3 H.245 Count er Gr oup Coun ter Na me Meas ureme nt Ty p e Comments MAS TER_ SLA VE_A TT_TO T H.
4-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cha pter 4 Man aging th e Cis co HS I Overl oad Resetting Measurements The clr-meas MML comm and res ets the measurement counte rs. T his com mand res ets a n indi vidual counte r or all count ers in a count er group.
4-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 4 Managing t he Cisco HSI Overload Disk usag e can tri gger a LO W_DISK_ SP A CE ala rm. For more i nformat ion about this alar m, see Chapter 5, “T roublesho oting Cisc o HSI Alarms.
4-8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cha pter 4 Man aging th e Cis co HS I Overl oad Setting Overload Data The follo wing MML comman ds set ov erload d ata : set-ov erloa.
4-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 4 Managing t he Cisco HSI Log gin g Logging The l ogging l evel of one or m ore serv ice p ackage s is set using the set-lo g MML comm and. F or mo re inform ation a bout this com mand, see Appe ndix A, “MM L User Int erface an d Comma nd Refe rence.
4-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cha pter 4 Man aging th e Cis co HS I Logging Log M essages Log messag es have the following format: Date an d timestamp, P ac kag e Name, <log le vel>, LogID: <text of the me ssag e>.
4-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 4 Managing t he Cisco HSI Gapping Note W e strongly reco mmend that you set all packages to log le vel 0x0000 in a li ve network. Set them to higher le vels only wh en you debug on an offline networ k.
4-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Cha pter 4 Man aging th e Cis co HS I Gappin g Step 4 Ente r t he set-gapping MML co mmand.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 5 Troubleshooting Cisco HSI Alarms Introduction This c hapte r co ntains inform ation about Cis co H.3 23 Signa ling In terface (HSI) alar ms, tr oublesho oting proc edures f or these al arms, and infor mation abo ut detai led logging.
5-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Alarms Ove rview Retrieving and Reporting Alarms Ev ents wi th a se verity le ve l of c.
5-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Retriev ing Alarm Messages Retrieving Alarm Messages Alarms c an be displa yed i n noncon tinuous mode or in continu ous mo de. Noncontinuous Mode T o display all current alarms, u se the rtrv- alms MML comm an d.
5-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Acknow ledging and Cl earing A larms Acknowledging an d Cleari ng Alarms T o ackno wledge t h at a n alarm i s reco gnized b ut no t cleared , us e the ack-alm MML comman d.
5-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Alarms List Alarms List Ta b l e 5-4 lists alar ms an d infor matio n events. Troubleshoo ting inf orma tion f or eac h of the a larms and inform ation events can be foun d in the “Troubleshoo ting” section on pa ge 5-6 .
5-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Troubles hooting Troubleshooting This se ction provides troubl eshooting proc edure s for t he al arms l isted in Ta b l e 5-4 . H323_STAC K_FAILURE Description Irreco verable f ailure in the RAD V ision stac k.
5-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Troubl eshooti ng Cause A major error has occurred in the con f iguratio n of the software packag es. This is a potentially nonrecov erable situation that requires an application restart.
5-8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Troubles hooting GATEKEEP ER_INTERFA CE_FAILURE This alar m has not been i mplem ent ed. GENERAL_PROCESS_FAILURE Description A gener al process failu re has occu rred.
5-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting T o clear the IP link failure alarm, complete the follo wing steps: Step 1 Use the rtrv- dest command to assess wh ich PGW 2200 (st andby or active ) has been lost.
5-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Troubles hooting Cause The O VERLO AD_LEVEL3 alarm is triggered when the CPU occu pancy or the number of acti ve calls rises abo ve the upper lim its set in the ove rload conf iguration for le vel 3.
5-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Troubl eshooti ng OVERLOAD_LEVEL2 Description An ov erload le vel 2 condition e xists. This alarm is reported to the management inter face an d can be obtained w ith SNMP .
5-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Troubles hooting ENDPOINT_CALL_CONTRO L_INTERFACE_FAILURE Description An indi vidual call fail ure has occur red. This infor mational e vent is reporte d to the managemen t interfac e and can be obtaine d with SNMP .
5-13 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Troubl eshooti ng GAPPED_CALL_NORMAL Description A norma l call has b een reje cted due to call gapping. T his inf ormational e vent is reported to the manageme nt inter face and can be obta ined wit h SNMP .
5-14 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Troubles hooting Troubleshooting T o clear the GAPPED_CALL_PRIORITY informational e vent, complete the follo wing steps: Step 1 Change the M ML gapp ing lev els t o less than 1 00 pe rcent and ch ange the c all type to norm al.
5-15 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapter 5 Troubleshoot ing Cisco HSI Alarms Troubl eshooti ng Cause The provisio ning session has been inacti ve for 20 minutes. The pro visioning session will be closed if there is no acti vity within the next 5 minutes.
5-16 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting Ci sco HSI Alarms Det aile d L og ging Troubleshooting This is an informatio nal ev ent.
A- 1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX A MML User Interface and Command Reference Introduction This appe ndix p rovides infor mati on about Ma n-Mac hine Lan guage (M ML) co mman d syntax and conv en tions, batch files, and pr oced ures for starti ng and stopp ing MML sessions in th e Cisco H.
A- 2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence MML Commands MML Commands T o execute MML c omma nds, log in to Cisco H SI an.
A-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference Start ing an MML Sess ion The MML commands c an be inte rpret ed and moni tored th rough a network T rans action La nguag e 1 (TL1) in terface.
A- 4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence Batch Fil es Batch Files The Cisco HSI applica tion supports the use of batch f iles. Y ou can create an ASCII file of MML pro vision ing comman ds for use as a batch f ile.
A-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference MML Responses The follo wing example sho w s the start of a batch f ile named nolog.
A- 6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence MML Hel p Error Messages If an MML comma nd does n ot p erform, an er ror m essag e is di splayed. Ta b l e A-4 lists the MML error messages a nd their d escriptions.
A-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference MML Command R eferen ce MML Command Reference This sect ion desc ribe s th e.
A- 8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence ack-alm • stp-call • stp-callpr oc • stp-softw • stp-trc ack-alm The ack-alm command ack now ledges that a n alarm e ven t is reco gnized b ut does n ot clea r the alarm.
A-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference clr- alm clr-alm The clr-alm command clea rs an alar m e vent.
A-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence diaglog Exam ples In this exampl e, a measurement cou nter , GK_DISC_A TT_TO .
A-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference h h The h comma nd redi splays a c ommand or a se ries of comma nds. Item s displaye d depe nd on a specified number or ra nge.
A-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence help Exam ples Th e comm and s hown in the following example di splays he lp .
A-13 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference prov-a dd prov-add The pro v -add command adds a compone n t to the Cisco HSI. pro v -add:name= MML name , param name = par am val ue ,.
A-14 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence prov- cpy prov-cpy The pro v -cpy command acti v ates the current pro visioning session.
A-15 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference prov-dlt prov-dlt The pr ov-dlt comman d delet es a provisioned c omponent . It allows you to de lete a param eter rat her than deleting th e MML group.
A-16 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence prov- ed prov-ed The pro v -ed command mo difies a provisio ned compo nent . pro v -ed:name= MML name , par am name = param value ,.
A-17 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference prov-e xp Relat ed Comma nds prov-exp The pro v-exp com mand export s the current provisione d configuration of t he Cisco HS I in MML comman d for m to a file.
A-18 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence prov- rtrv Relat ed Comma nds prov-rtrv The prov-rtrv command retriev es information about an exis ting provisioni ng session.
A-19 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference prov- rtr v Usage Guid elines See Chapter 3, “ Pro visi oning th e Cisc o HSI, ” for a lis t of MML name s, parame ter nam es and thei r associ ated va lues.
A-20 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence prov- sta prov-sta The pro v-sta comman d establ ishes a provisio ning ses sion. Th e data f iles are copied from the source versio n to the d estination v ersion.
A-21 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference prov-st p The M ML com mand shown in the following exa mple sta rts a provi.
A-22 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence prov- stp Exam ples Th e MML command i n the fo llowing example te rminat es .
A-23 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference quit quit The quit comman d ends an MML sessio n. quit Syntax Descript ion Exam ples Th e co mman d in the foll owing examp le en ds an MML s ession .
A-24 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence restart -soft w restart-softw The restart-sof tw comma nd resta rts the cal l processin g applic ation.
A-25 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference rtrv-a lms rtrv-alms The rtrv-a lms command r etrie ves all acti ve a larms.
A-26 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence rtrv-calls rtrv-calls The rtrv-cal ls command displa ys all acti ve ly connected calls. I f t he time elapsed p arameter is provided (in units of minutes), calls d isplay only if the y ex ceed the specified time.
A-27 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference rtrv-d est rtrv-dest The rtrv-dest command r etrieve s status i nformatio n about the IP links an d EISUP si gnalling pat h to the PGW 2200 .
A-28 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence rtrv-gap ping rtrv-gapping The rtrv-gapping command retri ev es inf ormati on abou t overload- triggere d cal l gapp ing.
A-29 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference rtrv- mml Exam ples In the followi ng exam ple, the command displ ays the logging le vels of all packages: gw mml> rtrv-log:all H323 Signaling Interface Thu Dec 14 16:28:44 2000 M RTRV Logging levels: Application.
A-30 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence rtrv-ne Exam ples In the follow ing exampl e, the command display s all acti ve MML sessions, their sessio ns numbers, and the user IDs of the session or iginators.
A-31 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference rtrv -over loa d Exam ples In the follo wing e xample , the comman d displ .
A-32 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence rtrv-so ftw Relat ed Comma nds rtrv-softw The rt rv-soft w c omman d displays th e statu s of the Cisco HSI and call p rocessing ac tivity .
A-33 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference set-dest-state set-dest-state The set-dest- state comma nd ch ange s the s ervice state of an IP link or E-I SUP signali ng pat h to I S (in serv ice) or OOS (out of ser vice).
A-34 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence set-gap ping set-gappin g The set-gapping comman d sets the typ e of calls to be gapped .
A-35 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference set-log set-log The set-l og com mand se ts the logging l ev el of a pa ckag e or all packag es.
A-36 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence set-overl oad set-overlo ad The set-overload comma nd de fines the overlo ad ha ndlin g crite ria a nd be havior .
A-37 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference sta-cal lproc Relat ed Comma nds sta-callproc The sta-callpr oc command star ts call processi ng.
A-38 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence sta-trc Relat ed Comma nds sta-trc The sta-trc command starts t h e call processing trac ing functi on.
A-39 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference stp-call Exam ples In the followi ng example , the command starts the call p rocessing tracing function: gw mml> sta-trc:Calltype=both, TraceLevel=terse, dAddress=012,CgAddress=013, log=tlog.
A-40 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence stp-callp roc stp-callproc The stp-callproc command stop s further ca ll processin g by immediat ely termi nating t he handli ng of new call requests.
A-41 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix A MML Use r Interface and Comman d Reference stp-t rc stp-trc The stp-trc comman d halts th e curren tly acti ve tra cing and c lo ses the trace fi le.
A-42 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix A MML User Interf ace and C ommand Refe rence stp-trc.
B-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX B Skeleton Configuration File Provisiona ble an d co nfigurable data elem ents w ithi n the Cisco H .323 Signali ng In terface ( HSI) are grouped as dy namic, static, or co nstant data.
B-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File #****** sys_co nfig_static * ****** ****** ********** * #Static SYS_CONFIG_ST A TIC Nodeid .
B-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File SYS_CONFIG_ST A TIC CC_ EC_Bl acklist BNumbe rMatche d S STRING SYS_CONFIG_ST A TIC CC_ EC.
B-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File SYS_CONF IG_ST A TIC CC _EC_Pre emption CctUnavailable S STRING SYS_ CONF IG_ ST A TIC CC_E.
B-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File #****** s ystem **** ******* ********* **** #Static H323_SYS cid Associat e S NULL H323_SY.
B-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File SYS_CONFIG_D YNAMI C Ovl dLevel2Th reshU pp erCP U D [0-1 00] SYS_CONFIG_D YNAMI C OvldLe v.
B-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File #****** q 931 * ******* ****** ******* *** #Dynam ic Q931 respons eT imeOut D [1-200 ] Q93.
B-8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File H245 caps.table[i ].audio. xAudi oFrames D [1- 256] H245 caps.table[i]. audio.g72 31.sil enceSupp ression D [1-256] H245 chan [i]. name D STRING H245 chan[i ].
B-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File Logging F ault Man ager D [0-65535] Logging Gapping D [0-6553 5] Logging H323 D [0 -65535 .
B-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File CCP ackage A_CC_BNumDataN O A D [] CCP ackage A_CC_BNumDataN PI C [] CCP ackage A_CC_BNumD.
B-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File CCP ackage A_CC_NUM_REL_RETRI ES C [] CCP ackage A_CC_W AI T_REL_RET R Y C [] CCP ackage .
B-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File CCP acka ge CC_EC _Preced enceB lock ed C ST RI NG CCP ackage CC_EC _Res our cesU na v ail.
B-13 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File CCP ackage CC_HC _Misd iale dT runkPr ef ix C STR ING C C Pa c k ag e C C _ H C _ C h a n.
B-14 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File CCPacka ge CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNo tImplemented C STRING CCPackage CC_HC_ChannelT ypeNotI.
B-15 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File # # Priori ty treatment determines t h e treatme nt of prior ity calls # during gappi ng.
B-16 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File T race T r igger2 .h323. CalledPartyN umber C STRING T race T r igger2 .h323.O riginat ingIP Address C STRING T race T r igger2 .h323. Originat ingIPMa sk C STRING T race T r igger2 .
B-17 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix B Skeleton Configu ration File T race Tr i g g er G at e 2 C ST RI NG T race Tr i g g er G at e 3 C ST RI NG T race Tr i.
B-18 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x B Skeleton Conf igurat ion File ## H323 maxT imers C [] H323 tickPerio d C [] H323 defaultSD Pt C STRING H323 overrideConf.
C-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX C Example of an HSI Configuration File This append ix p resen ts a n examp le of an H SI co nfigurati on file. Note Th e configurat ion file does not contai n a comp lete lis t of all configurab le items .
C-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File Conn ecti on = 0x 0000 #Connec tion = 0 xFF00 DataMa nager = 0 x0000 #Eisup = 0xFF.
C-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File # Not modif iable at runtim e (Static Provisio nable Data) # Pa ckage = H323 _SY.
C-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File #manualRe gistration = endpo intV endor .product ID = "Go ldW ing" endpoi ntV endor .t35Coun tryCode = 11 endpoi ntV endor .
C-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File caps.t able[ 3].en tryNo = 728 caps.t able[ 3].au dio.g72 8 = 20 chan [1].n ame = g711A law64k chan [1].aud io.g 711Alaw6 4k = 20 chan [2].
C-6 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File A_CC_tEc hoCancI r = A_CC_t LineAccess = A_CC_BNu mDataNO A = # Called PN A_CC_BNu.
C-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File # CC: Call Control, EC: Eisup Cause, HC: H323 Cause # For th e H323 cau se code value s s ee ITU -T : Q.8 50 # The mapping s below are consi dered co nstant and not provisiona ble.
C-8 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File CC_E C_Nor malUnspe cif ied = CC_HC_N ormalUnspecified CC_EC_NoCircuitA vailab le .
C-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File CC_EC_Msg T ypeNotImpOrW rongState = CC_HC_M essageT ypeNotC ompati bleW ithStat.
C-10 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File CC_HC_N oCircuitC hannel A v ailable = CC_EC_No CircuitA vailable CC_ HC_N etwor .
C-11 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File CC_HC_In forma tionE lemen tParameter NonE xistan tOrNot Implem ented = CC _EC_.
C-12 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File # GapOn100Pe rcent Gap ping indic ates prior ity calls ar e only gapped when 100 percen t # gapping is appli ed.
C-13 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File T r igger2 .eisup. CalledPart yNumbe r=190 0 #T rigger 2.h323 .Call ingPartyNum ber= 0299 #T rigger 2.h323 .Call edPartyNu mber=03 88 #T rigger 2.
C-14 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File # T r igge rGat e1=ON T r igge rGat e2=ON T r igge rGat e3=ON T r igge rGat e4=ON.
C-15 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File ######### ####### ###### ###### ####### ########## ###### ###### ####### ######.
C-16 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File O VLDLEVEL2 FIL TER = "NORMAL" #Choic e {"NORMAL", "AL L"}.
C-17 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File CC_EC_BlacklistBNumber Matched = CC_ HC_DEF A UL T CC_EC_BlacklistCliLen gthIn .
C-18 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File CC_EC_PreemptionCctUn av ailable = CC_H C_DEF A UL T CC_E C_Pr ef ix0Dial ledI nE.
C-19 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix C Example of an HS I Configurat ion File # T38 Fa x default configuratio n # T38Max V al = " MaxBi t 0x90, FxMaxBu .
C-20 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x C Example of an HSI Confi guratio n File.
D- 1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX D E-ISUP Name-to - Cause Value Lookup This a ppend ix list s the Cisco E -ISUP prot ocol nam es an d thei r assoc iated c ause values.
D- 2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix D E-I SUP Name-to- Cause Valu e Lookup CC_EC_IncomingCallsBarred 63 CC_EC_IncomingCallsBarredInCug 81 CC_EC_IncompatibleDes.
D-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix D E-ISUP Name-to-Caus e Value Lookup CC_EC_ReqCircuitUnavail 41 CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotImp 42 CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotSubscr 43 .
D- 4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix D E-I SUP Name-to- Cause Valu e Lookup.
E-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX E E-ISUP Cause Value-to-Name Lookup This appendix lists the Cisco E-I SUP cause va lues and their associated names.
E-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x E E-ISUP Cause Val ue-to-N ame Lookup 42 CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotImp 43 CC_EC_ReqFacilityNotSubscr 44 CC_EC_ResourcesUnavailUns.
E-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Append ix E E-ISUP Cause Value -to-Name L ookup 106 CC_EC_TemporaryOos 107 CC_EC_OperatorPriorityAccess 108 CC_EC_CugAccessBarred 1.
E-4 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x E E-ISUP Cause Val ue-to-N ame Lookup.
F-1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX F H.323 Name-to-Cause Value Lookup This a ppend ix list s the H.323 names and their a ssociat ed ca use values.
F-2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendix F H.323 Nam e-to-Cau se Value Loo kup CC_HC_NumberChanged 22 CC_HC_OnlyRestrictedDigitalBearerInfoCapability 70 CC_HC_Outgoi.
G- 1 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Interfa ce User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 APPEND IX G H.323 Cause Value-to-Name Lookup This appen dix lists the H.32 3 cause v a lues and their associate d names.
G- 2 Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface User Guide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 Appendi x G H.323 Cause Value- to-Name Lookup 63 CC_HC_ServiceOrOptionUnavailable 65 CC_HC_BearerCapabilityNotImplemented 66 CC_HC_C.
IN-3 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Int erface User Gui de OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 INDEX A ack-al m c omma nd A-8 acknow ledgi ng alarm s 5-4 active log file 4-9 ALARMDE BOUNCETIM E p arame ter 5-1 alar m mess ag.
Index IN-4 Cisco H.3 23 Signal ing Inter face User Gu ide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 CIAGEN TSCANPERIOD p arameter 4-2 Cisco HSI See HSI clear ing al arms 5-4 clr- alm comman d 5-4, A-8 clr- meas comm and 4-.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Int erface User Gui de OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 dynam ic B-1 provisi onable B- 1 static B-1 debounc e 5-1 default active l og file 4-9 detailed logging 5-16 diaglog co mm.
Index IN-6 Cisco H.3 23 Signal ing Inter face User Gu ide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 HSI INFORMATI ON Message Support 3-19 HSI Su pport for T ech Prefixe s 3-19 installing previo us versi on 2-12 proc edures.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Int erface User Gui de OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 syntax A-2 MML c onfigur ation com mands comp onent 3-2 expor t 3-2 session 3-2 MML response messages erro r A-5 status A-.
Index IN-8 Cisco H.3 23 Signal ing Inter face User Gu ide OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 OVLDLEVE L3PERCEN T 4- 7 OVLDL EVEL3TH RESHLOWER CPU 4-7 OVLDLEVE L3THRESHUPPE RCALLS 4-7 OVLDL EVEL3TH RESHUPP ERCPU 4-7 Q.931 3-10 RAS 3-11 PGW 2200 descript ion 1-2 PKINST file 2-9, 2-12 protoc ols E-ISU P 1-4 H.
Inde x IN-9 Cisco H.323 Sign aling Int erface User Gui de OL-4806-01 Rev. A14 signaling int erface See HSI Sim ple Netw ork Ma nageme nt Pr otocol See SNMP skeleton conf igurat ion f ile 3-2 SNMP mana.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems H.323 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems H.323 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems H.323 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems H.323 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems H.323 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems H.323, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems H.323.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems H.323. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems H.323 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center