Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MFC-J5920DW Brother
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Basic User’s Guide MF C-J5920D W Ver sion 0 UK.
If you mu st co nta ct Cu stom er S e rv ice Ple as e comp let e thi s info rma tio n for fu ture re fer en ce: Mod el Nu mbe r: MFC - J592 0DW Seri al N um b er: 1 Dat e of Pu rc h ase : Pl ac e o f P ur ch as e : 1 The se rial n umb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i Yo u can use the follow ing features! Hig h cap ac ity ve r sat ile pa p er ha nd li n g You can load a wide variet y o f paper types into t he trays.
ii User' s Guides an d wh ere to find them 1 Vi si t s ol ut i on s. br ot h er. co m/m anua ls . Which Gu id e? What's in it ? Where is it ? Pr oduc t S af ety G u ide Read th is Gui de first. Pleas e read the Sa fety Instruc tions befor e you set up y our mac hine.
iii T he Online User’s G uide helps you get the mos t o ut of your machine. Quick er navigati on! • S ea rc h bo x • Nav igation index in a separat e pane Comprehe nsive! • Al l topics.
iv If you hav e questions or proble ms, plea se take a look at yo ur model’s FAQs. Provides severa l ways to search Displays related ques tions for additio nal informatio n Receives regula r updates based on cu s tomer feedb ack * The F AQ home pa ge will vary depending on y our model.
v Table of Conte nts 1 Genera l informat ion ....... ..... 1 How t o use t he documenta tion ... . ... 1 Sym bol s and co nvent ion s .. .... ... .. . 1 About Brot her Utilities (Windows ® ) ... ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... . 1 Control pane l o verview .
vi 10 Receiving a fax . ........ ......... 40 Recei v e Modes . .. . ... ..... . .... ......... . .. 40 Choose the Receive Mod e ....... ..... 40 Using Receive M odes .... . ... . .. . ... . 41 Recei v e Mode settings...... ......... . .. 42 Ri ng De lay .
1 1 1 How to use the d ocumentation 1 Thank you for buying a Bro ther product ! Reading t he docum entation w ill help you make t he most o f y our m achine. Symb ols a nd conv entio ns 1 The followi ng s ymbol s and conventions are used thr oughout t he documentat ion.
Chapter 1 2 Contro l panel ov erview 1 3 .7 " ( 93.4 m m) Touc hscr ee n LC D an d To uchp anel 1 1 3.7 "(93. 4 mm) T ouch scr een LCD ( Liq uid Crystal D isplay) Acc ess the menus and opti ons you wan t by pressing th em as they are disp layed on the Touc hscreen LC D.
Gener al i nfo rmation 3 1 2 T ouch pan el: Ba ck Pres s to go ba ck to the pre vious men u level. Hom e Pres s to return to the H ome screen. By defaul t it displays the dat e and time, but you can change the default s ettings. Ca ncel Pres s to canc el an operati on when l it.
Chapter 1 4 3.7 "(9 3.4 mm) To uc hs cree n LCD 1 Sel ect f rom three types of screen s to set the Home screen: Bas ic Functions screen, More screens and Shortcuts screens. When the Basic Fun c tion s screen is displayed, swipe left or right or pres s d or c to displ ay the More screens .
Gener al i nfo rmation 5 1 1 Wireless S tatus A four -level i ndicator o n the Ready M ode screen di splays t he current wirel es s s ignal stre ngt h when us ing a wireless conne c tion. When appears on the Touchscreen, press it to conf igure your wireless settings.
Chapter 1 6 8 Stored Faxes : Whe n Fax Preview i s set to Off , Stored Faxes dis plays how many received fa x e s are in the machine’s memory . Press Print t o pri nt t he fax es . 9 New Fax(es): Whe n Fax Preview i s set to On , New Fax(es) dis plays how many new faxes you have r eceived and stored in the machin e’s memo ry.
Gener al i nfo rmation 7 1 S ett in gs scre en 1 When you pre s s , t h e T ouchscr een LCD displ ays the machine’s statu s. This screen pr ovides access to all the machine’s s et tings . 1 Maintenan ce Press to access the Maintenance me nu. Check and impr ove the print q uality, clea n the print head and chec k the availa ble ink volu m e.
Chapter 1 8 Entering Te xt 1 When you must ent er text into th e machine, a keybo ard appears on the Touchscreen. Press to cycle between let t ers, numb ers and special charact ers. NOTE To chang e between lowercas e or uppercase, press . In sert i ng sp aces 1 To ente r a space, press Space or you can pr es s c to move the curs or.
9 2 2 Before loa ding paper 2 Load only one size of paper and one type of paper in the pape r tray at a t ime. When l oading a d if fer ent pap er size i n the tray , you must also c hange the paper s ize setti ng in the machine.
Chapter 2 10 When u sing A4, Letter or Executiv e size pape r: 2 a Pull Tray #1 comp letely out of the machine. b Gently press and slide the paper guides (1) to fi t the paper size. Make sur e the triang ular mark (2) on the paper guid e (1) line s up with the mar k for t he paper si ze you are using.
Loading pa per 11 2 f Chec k that the paper is flat in the tray and below the max i mum paper mark (1 ). Overfill ing th e paper t ray may cause paper jams. g Slowly push the pa per tray com pletely into the machine . h P ull out the paper support (1) unt il it locks into place, and then unfold the paper support flap (2).
Chapter 2 12 c Gently press and slide the paper guides (1) to fi t the paper size. Make sure th e t ria ngular mark (2) on the paper guide (1) line s up with the mark for the paper size yo u are using. d Fan the stack of paper well t o avoid paper jams and mis feeds.
Loading pa per 13 2 g Chec k that the paper is flat in the tray and below the max i mum paper mark (1). Overfilli ng the paper tray m ay cause paper jam s. h E xtend Tray # 2 under Tray #1 to keep the mach ine stabl e. 1 Pull T ray # 2 out of th e machine.
Chapter 2 14 i Slowly push Tray #1 completely in to the machine. j Unfold the pap er support flap. k Change the paper si ze setti ng in t he machine’ s menu, if needed.
Loading pa per 15 2 Wh en usin g A3 or Ledg er size pa pe r: 2 a P ull Tray #2 completely out of the machine. Rest the t ray on a fla t surf ace. b Push the b lue slider until it locks in the relea s e positio n, and t h en extend the tray until t he blue s lider retu rns to and locks in the default position.
Chapter 2 16 e Gently l oad the paper into the pape r tray with the print i ng surf ace face d ow n . Po rtr ait or ien tat io n 2 f Gently adjust the paper guid es (1) to fit the pa per. Make sur e the pa per guides touch the sides of the paper . g Check that the paper is flat in t he tray and below the maximum paper ma rk (1 ).
Loading pa per 17 2 i E xtend Tray #1 o v er Tray #2 to preven t printed p ages f rom f a l ling o ff the output tray. 1 Pull T ray # 1 out of th e machine. 2 In the same way you extended Tray #2 , push the blue sli der and extend Tray #1 t o Ledger or A3 si z e, s o it is ev en with Tray #2.
Chapter 2 18 Loading pap er in the multi-pu rpose tray (MP Tray) 2 Paper si ze a nd loa di ng or ien ta tio n 2 The paper s ize determin es the or ientation when loading pa per in t he MP Tray . See the details in thi s chapter . For information about other pa per sizes, see Online Us er’s Guide.
Loading pa per 19 2 c Lif t up the p aper suppor t . d Ge ntly press and slide the MP Tray paper gui des to the width of the paper you are using. e Fa n the stack of paper well to avoid paper jams and mi sfeeds. NOTE • Always m ake sure t he paper is not curled or wrinkled .
Chapter 2 20 g With both hands , gently adjust the MP Tray paper guide s to fit the paper. h Pull out the paper s upport (1) until it locks into place, and then un f old the paper support flap (2). i Change the paper si ze setti ng in t he machine’ s menu, if needed.
Loading pa per 21 2 How to load envel opes: 2 a Wi th both ha nds, use t he finger holds to open the upper co v er (1) and MP Tray (2). b S lide the m anual f eed slot paper guides to fit the envelope width t hat you are using . c Press the corne r s and sides of th e envelo pes to make them as flat as possib le.
Chapter 2 22 e With both hands , gently adjust the manual feed sl ot paper gui des to fit the envelop e. f Put one envelo pe in the manual feed slot unt il the front e dge touche s t he paper feed roller. Let go of the envel ope when you hear the machine pull it in a short dist ance.
Loading pa per 23 2 Paper s ettings 2 Se t Pa per Si ze an d Type 2 To get the be st prin t qualit y, set the m achine for th e type o f paper you a re using.
Chapter 2 24 C hec k Pap er se tti ng 2 If the Check Paper sett ing is set to On , the machi ne displays a message asking if you want to change t h e paper typ e and paper size sett ing. This message will appear each time you pull a tray out of the machi ne or loa d paper in the MP Tray.
25 3 3 How to load do c um ent s 3 You can send a f ax, make c o pies, or sc an from the automati c document feeder (ADF) and from the scanner glas s. NOTE 2-side d documents c an be faxed, copie d, or scanned up to Legal size when using the ADF. Using the ADF 3 The ADF can hold up to 50 pages and feed each she et indi viduall y.
Chapter 3 26 c Adjust the paper guides (1) to fit the width of your doc ument s. d Place your documents fac e up, top edge firs t in the ADF until y ou feel them touch t he feed rollers. The T ouchscreen w ill displ ay ADF Ready . NOTE • D O NOT load your doc ument undern eat h the suppo rts (1 ) .
Loadi ng documen ts 27 3 How to lo ad docu ments 3 NOTE To use the scann er glass, the ADF must be empty and the ADF document suppo r t must be closed. a Lif t the document cover. b P lace the document face down in th e upper left corner of the scanner glas s.
28 4 How to print a document 4 The mac hine can recei ve and pri nt data from you r computer . Before you can pri nt from a comput er, you must install th e printer driv er. (See On line User’s Guide.) a Install the Brother pri nter driv er from the CD-ROM or Brother Solutions Cente r.
29 5 5 How to c opy 5 a Do one of the following to load your document : Pl ace the document face up in t he ADF. (See Using the A DF o n page 2 5.) Pl ace the document face down on the sc anner glass. (See Using t he scann er gl ass on pa ge 26.
Chapter 5 30 Pa pe r Ty pe 5 If you are copyi ng on a special t ype of paper , set t he machine for t he type of pap er you are usi ng t o get the best print quality. a Load your docum ent . b Pres s ( Copy ). c Enter t h e numb er of cop ies you want .
31 6 6 Be fore sc annin g 6 To use t he machine as a scanner, instal l a scanner dri ver. I f the machine is on a network, co nf igur e it with a TCP/IP address. Instal l the s canner driv ers from t he CD-ROM . (See Quick Setup Guide.) Configu re the ma chine with a TCP/I P addre s s if network s c anning does not work.
Chapter 6 32 1S e l e c t PD F (*.p df) f rom the File T y pe dro p-down list . 2 Ty pe a file name for the docu m ent. 3 Click Folde r . You ca n sa ve the f il e to the def ault folde r , or select yo ur prefer red folder by clicki ng the ( Browse ) button.
33 7 7 PhotoCapture Ce nter o peration s (PHOTO mode ) 7 Even if your m achine is not conne c ted t o a computer, you can print p hotos direct ly from digital cam era media or a USB flash drive. How to print ima ges 7 View Phot os 7 You can preview y our phot os on the Touchscreen bef ore y o u print them.
Chapter 7 34 l Pres s Print Settings to change t he paper t ype and pap er size. Swip e up or down or press a or b to display Paper Type and pr ess it , and then pres s the option y ou want. Swip e up or down or press a or b to display Paper Size and pr ess it , and then pres s the option y ou want.
35 8 8 T elephone s ervices o vervi ew 8 You can use a ran ge of servi ces and connecti ons with y our Brother machine. F or more in formation or advice on setup, see O nline Us er’s Gu ide.
36 9 How to send a fa x 9 a Do one of the following: Place t he document face up i n th e ADF. (See Using t he ADF on pag e 25.) Place your document fa ce down on the sca nner glass . (See Using t he scanne r glass on page 26. ) NOTE • T o se nd f a xes with m ulti ple pages, use the ADF.
Sending a f ax 37 9 d E nt e r the fax number. Us ing t he dia l pa d on th e Touchscr een . Using ( Address Book ) Address Book Using ( Call History ) Redial Outgoing Call Caller ID history NOTE • To prev iew a fax message before send ing it, se t Preview to On .
Chapter 9 38 How to stor e nu mbers 9 Stor e f ax and telephone num bers in your machi ne's Address Book or create Group s of fax re c ipient s so you can broadc ast a fax to many peopl e at once. NOTE If y ou l ose elec trical power, s t ored Address Book num bers w ill not be lo st.
Sending a f ax 39 9 How to se t your Station ID 9 Set your machi ne’s Station I D so that the date and time appear on each fax you send. a Press ( Settings ). b Press All Settings . c S wipe up or down or press a or b to display Initial Setup . Press Initial Setup .
40 10 Recei ve M odes 10 You must choos e a Receive Mode depending on the external devices and t elephone serv ices you hav e on your line. Choose the Rec eive M ode 10 By defau lt , you r machine wil l automatic ally receive any faxes that are s e nt to it.
Rec eiving a f ax 41 10 h Press Receive Mode . NOTE If the opt ion to change the recei v e mode is unava ilable, mak e sure the BT Call Sign f eat ur e is set to Off . (See Online User’s Gui de.) i Press Fax Only , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual .
Chapter 1 0 42 Recei ve Mode settin gs 10 Rin g De la y 10 Ring Delay sets t he number of times the machi ne rings befo re it answers in Fax Only or Fax/Tel m ode. I f you have external or extens ion teleph ones on t he same li ne as the machi ne, choose the maximum number of ri ngs.
43 A A How to c lea n and che ck t he ma chi ne A Clea ning the scan ner glass A a Unpl ug the machine from the elec t rical socket . b Lif t the document cover (1). Clean th e scanner glas s ( 2) and the white plastic (3) wi t h a soft lint -free clot h moist ened with a non-flamm able glas s clean er.
44 Ch eck in g th e pr int qu al it y A If faded or streaked c olours and text appear on y our print outs, s ome of t he print head noz z les may be clogged. Check t his by pri nt ing the Pr int Quality Check Sheet and look ing at the nozz le c heck patte r n.
Routine maintenan ce 45 A NOTE When a print head nozz le is clogged, t he prin t ed sample look s like thi s. Lett er, A4 and Executiv e A3, Led ger, Legal , Folio, A5, A6, envel opes, Photo (10 1.
46 i Do one of the following: If you se lected Basic alignment , repe at step h fo r pa t tern s B to H . If you selec ted Advanced alignment , repeat step h for pat tern s B to Z. NOTE j Pres s . NOTE For more inf ormation about cleani ng and checking th e machin e, see Online Use r ’s Guide.
47 B B Identify ing the proble m B First, chec k the followin g. The mac hine’s power c o rd is connec t ed corr e c tly a nd the machin e’s powe r swit c h is turned o n. All of the prote c tive par ts have been rem oved. Paper is loaded c orrectly in the paper tray.
48 Error Messag e Cause Action B& W 1 -side d Prin t Only Replace ink. One or more of th e colour ink cartridges have r eached the end of their life. You can use the mac hine in monoch rome mode for approximate ly four weeks depending on the numb er of pages you pr int.
Troubleshooti ng 49 B Cannot Detect You instal led a new ink cartridge to o quickly and the mac hine did not detect it. Tak e out the new ink car tridge and reinst all it slowly an d firmly until the cartridge l ever lifts. (See O nline Us er’s G uide.
50 Current Tray #1 Settings Current Tray #2 Settings Current MP Tray Settings Thes e messages are dis played whe n the Chec k Paper setting to c onfirm the paper type and s ize is ena bled. To not display this co nfirmation message, s et the Chec k Paper setting to Off .
Troubleshooti ng 51 B Ink Absor ber P ad Fu ll The ink a bsorber box or flushing b ox is full. T hese componen ts are periodic mainten anc e items that m ay require r eplacement aft er a period of time to ensure optimum performanc e from y our Brothe r machine.
52 Low Temperature T he room temp erature is too low. After incre asing the ro om temperatur e, allow the m achine to warm up to r oom temper ature. Tr y again wh en the machine ha s war med up. Media Error The m emor y card i s either corrupted, incorrec tly formatted , or there is a problem wi th the memo ry c ard.
Troubleshooti ng 53 B No Paper Fed No Paper Fed [Tray #1] No Paper Fed [Tray #2] No Paper Fed [MP Tray] The mac hine is out of paper, or pa per is not co rrectly loaded i n the paper tray. Do one o f the fol lowing: Refill t he paper tr ay, and the n press OK o n the Touchs creen.
54 Out of Memory The machi ne's me mory is full. If a fax- sending o r copy o peration is in pro cess: Press or Quit or Close and wait u ntil the other operati ons that are in pr oces s finish, an d then try again. Press Send Now to send th e pages sc anned so far.
Troubleshooti ng 55 B Unable to Clean XX Unable to Init ialize X X Unable to Print XX The machi ne has a m echanical problem. — OR — A foreign obje ct, such as a paper clip or a piece of rippe d paper, is in th e machine. Open th e scanner cover and remo ve any foreign obj ects an d pap er scr aps from ins ide the m achine.
56 Wrong Paper Wrong Pa per [ Tray #1] Wrong Pa per [ Tray #2] Wr ong Pap er [MP T ray] The pape r size setting does not match t he size of paper in the tr ay. 1 Check tha t the pa per size yo u choose on the T ouchscreen matche s the size of th e paper in the tray.
Troubleshooti ng 57 B Error animations B Error animat ions display step- by-step instruct ions when paper gets jammed. You can read the steps at your own pace by pressing c to see t he next step and d to g o back a step.
58 c Make sure you have set PC-Fax Receive on the machine . (See O nline User’ s G u ide.) If faxes are in the machine’s memory when you set up PC-Fax Receiv e, the Touchscreen display s a mess age asking if you want to transfer the fa x es to your PC .
Troubleshooti ng 59 B d Clo s e t h e ADF cover. e Press . IMPORTANT To avoid doc um ent jams, close th e ADF cover co r rectly by pushi ng it gently in the centr e. Docum ent is ja mmed in side the ADF B a T ake any paper that is not jammed out of t he ADF.
60 Printer jam or pa per ja m B Foll ow th es e ste ps to l o ca te an d remov e the jamme d p aper if th e To uchscre en di splays : Paper Ja m [Front] or Paper Ja m [Front,Rear] B NOTE If the Touchs c reen dis plays Paper Jam [Rear] , see page 63. a Unplug the mach ine f rom the electric al sock et.
Troubleshooti ng 61 B g Put Tray #1 and then Tray #2 firmly back in the machine. h Using both hands, use the f inger hol ds on each side of the machin e to lift th e scanner c over (1) int o the open pos it i on. i Slowly pul l the jammed paper (1) out of the mac hine.
62 IMPORTANT • I f paper is j ammed und er the print head, unplug the mac hine f rom th e power source, and then move t he pr int head t o reach the paper. • I f the prin t head is in the right corner as shown in the illustr ation, you cannot move the print head.
Troubleshooti ng 63 B p Ma ke sure you l ook care fully inside f or jammed paper. If paper is jammed slowl y pull it out of the machine. q Close t he ins ide cover and Jam Clear Cover. Make sure the cove rs are clo sed complet ely. r Pull out the paper support (1) unt il it locks into place, and then unfold the paper support flap (2).
64 f Open the inside cov er (1). g Slowly pul l the jammed paper out of t he machine. h Close t h e ins ide cover and Jam C lear Cover. M ake su re the covers are closed properly. i Using both hands , use the finger holds on eac h side of the mac hine t o lift the scanner c over (1) into the open position .
Troubleshooti ng 65 B IMPORTANT • If paper is jam m ed under the print head, unplug the mac hine from the p ower source, and then move the print he ad to reach th e paper. • If the pri nt head is in the righ t corner as shown in the illus t rat ion, you cannot move the print head.
66 Troubleshooting for Wirele ss LAN setup B W ire les s LAN re por t B After you conf igure the wir eless LAN s ettings of the machi ne, a wi reless LA N report will be p rinted automatica lly. If the printed rep ort shows that the connect ion failed, check the error c ode on t he printed r eport and refer t o the foll owing instructi ons.
Troubleshooti ng 67 B I f you are ha ving difficu lty with y our machine B IMPORTANT Using non-B rother suppl ies may affect the pr int q uality, hard ware performance, and machine reli ability. If you think there is a pro blem with your machine, check the following tab les o f troubles hooting tips.
68 Pri nt Quality Diffi cultie s Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Po or pr i nt qu alit y. Ch eck t he p rin t q ual ity . (S ee Ch ecki ng th e print qual ity o n pa ge 44 .) Make sure th a t the Media Type set tin g in the p rin ter dri ver or t he Pap er Type set ting in the m ach in e’s m e nu m atch es t he ty pe o f pap er yo u ar e us ing .
Troubleshooti ng 69 B T he m achi ne p rint s bl ank page s. Ch eck t he pri nt qual ity. (See Chec kin g t he pri nt qual ity o n pa ge 4 4.) Ma ke s ure y ou a re us ing B rot her Orig inal In nobe lla i nk.
70 The pri ntou ts ar e wri nkle d. (Win d ows ® ) In th e pri n t e r drive r Advanced tab, cl ick Colour Sett ings an d cl ear Bi-Directio nal Printing . (M aci ntos h) In th e pri n t e r drive r, choose Prin t S ettin g s , cl ick Ad vanc ed , choo se Ot her Pri nt O pti on s and clea r Bi- Dire ctio nal Printing .
Troubleshooti ng 71 B Print ing Rec e i ved Fax es Diffic u lty S ugges tio ns Co nd ensed pr int Ho rizo nta l strea ks Top and bo ttom sen ten ces a r e cu t of f Miss in g lin es T hi s is us uall y cau sed by a poor te le phon e con nect ion .
72 Re ceivin g Faxe s Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Ca nnot rec eiv e a fa x. Chec k al l l ine c ord c onne cti ons. Make sur e th e tel ephon e l ine cord is pl ugged i nto the te lep h one wa ll socket a n d t he LINE soc ket inside the machine.
Troubleshooti ng 73 B Ca nnot re cei ve a f ax. (c onti nued ) If you ar e using a tel epho ne ans w eri ng ma chin e ( Exte rnal TAD mo de) o n the sam e lin e as t h e Brot he r mach ine, ma ke sur e your answ e ring m ac hine is set up corre ctly .
74 Tra nsm issi on Ve rific ati on Re por t says RES ULT : ERR OR . Ther e is pro ba bly tem p orary n oise o r st ati c on t he line . T ry sen ding t he fax ag ain. If you se nd a P C FAX m ess ag e an d get RESULT : E RROR o n the T ran smi ssion Verific a tion Report, your machine may be o ut of memory .
Troubleshooti ng 75 B Copy in g Dif fic ulti es Diffic u lty Sugg estio ns V erti cal bl ack l ine s or s tre aks appe ar in cop ies. Blac k vert ical line s on cop ies ar e typi call y caus ed b y dirt or corre ctio n flu id on t he glass strip . Cl ea n the g lass str ip, scann er gl as s, an d the whit e bar and w hit e plast ic ab ov e the m.
76 Netwo r k Dif fic ultie s Dif fic ulty Sugges tion s Ca nnot pri nt ove r th e net work . Mak e su re t hat you r machi ne is powe red on and i s on lin e and in the Re ady mode . Pr int a Net work Conf ig urat io n Rep ort (see Onl ine User ’s Gu ide) an d chec k t he curr e nt Ne twork setti n gs print e d in this lis t.
Troubleshooti ng 77 B Dia l Tone de tection B When sending a fax, by d efault yo ur machine will wait fo r a fixed amount of tim e before it starts to dial the number. By changin g the Dial Tone sett ing t o Detection , you c an make your machine dial as soon as it dete cts a dial tone.
78 M achi ne In for mati on B C h e cking the seri al nu mbe r B You can see the machi ne’s serial number on the Tou c hscreen . a Pres s ( Settings ). b Pres s All Settings . c Swipe up or down or press a or b to displa y Machine Info . d Pres s Machine Info .
Troubleshooti ng 79 B NOTE Unplug the int erface cable before you choose Network or All Settings . How t o res et th e mach ine B a Pre ss ( Settings ). b Pre ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down or press a or b to display Initial Setup . d Pre ss Initial Setup .
Index 80 C A Addre s s Book setti ng up .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. 38 ADF ( automatic d ocument fe eder) .... ... .... 2 5 Auto ma tic fax receive . .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. 4 0 C Cleani ng scanne r .
81 C P Paper Check Paper setting .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. .... 2 4 loading .. .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. . 9 , 14 si ze of d oc ume nt . .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. .... 25 typ e .. ..... .. ... .... .
83 Supplies Ink The mac hine uses individual B lack, Yellow, Cyan and Mage nt a ink cart ridges that are separat e from the print head assembly. Serv i ce Life of Ink Cart ri dge The f irst time you ins tall a s e t of ink car t ri dges the machine wil l use an amoun t of ink to fill t he ink delivery tubes fo r high quality pri nt o uts.
www.brothe Visi t us on t h e Wo rld Wide Web http ://ww .com This machi ne is appr oved fo r use in the countr y of pu rchase on ly. Local Br other c ompanies or their dealers w ill support only mach ines purchas ed in the ir own coun tries.
An important point after buying a device Brother MFC-J5920DW (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother MFC-J5920DW yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother MFC-J5920DW - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother MFC-J5920DW you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother MFC-J5920DW will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother MFC-J5920DW, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother MFC-J5920DW.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother MFC-J5920DW. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother MFC-J5920DW along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center