Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MFC-9130CW Brother
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Basic User’s Guide MFC-91 30CW MFC-93 30CDW MFC-93 40CDW Not all mod els are av ailable in all c ountries. In USA: Visit the Brother Solutions Center at com/ a nd clic k Man ual s on your model’s page to download other manu als.
If yo u mus t call Cu stom er S erv ice Complete the following inf ormation f or future re fe re n ce : Model N umber: M F C-91 30 C W / MFC -9 33 0C D W / MFC-9340CDW (Circle y our model numbe r) Seria l Nu m ber : 1 Date of Purchase: Plac e of Pu rch as e: 1 The s erial number i s on the ba ck of t he unit .
i Brother nu mbers IMPORTANT For t echnica l help, you m ust c all the coun try wh ere you bou ght t he machi ne. Call s mus t be made from w ithin that country. Re gi st er yo u r pr od u ct By regis tering your produ ct with B rother I nter nat ional Co rporat ion , y ou will be r eco rded as the original own er of the product.
ii Service Ce nter Locator ( USA only) For the location of a Br other authorized servic e c enter, call 1-877-BR OTHER (1-877-276 -8437) or visit us on-li ne at . Service Center Locations (Canada only) For the location of a Br other authorized service center, call 1-877-BROTHER.
iii Orde r i n for mati on 1 Lett er or A4 siz e sing le-s i ded pa ges. 2 Appr ox. car trid ge yi eld is de clar ed in acc orda nce wit h ISO/ IEC 19 798. 3 Stan dard to ner cart ridge 4 High y ield tone r cartrid ge 5 1 page per job 6 Dr um li fe is a pp rox i mat e an d ma y v ary b y t ype of us e.
v User’s Guides and whe re do I find them? Wh ich G ui de? W hat ’s in i t? Wher e is it ? Product Saf ety Guide Rea d th is Guid e fir st . R e ad th e Sa fe ty Inst ruction s before you set up you r m achi ne. See t his G uide f or tra demarks and legal li mit ation s.
vi 1 Visi t us at http://s olut ion oth er. com / . Ai rPrint Guide This G uide pr ovides i nformati on for u sing AirPrint to print fr om OS X v10. 7.x , 10.8.x and your iPh one, iPod touch, iPa d, or other iOS devi ce to your Br othe r mac hin e without insta l li ng a p ri nte r driver.
vii Tabl e of Co nte nt s (Basic User’s G uide) 1 General in format io n 1 Usi ng the docu me n ta t ion ... ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... .... 1 Symb ols an d conven tions us ed in the d oc umentation .
viii 4 Sending a fax 35 How to send a f ax .................... .............. ................... ................... . . ............... ....... 35 Sto p faxin g ...... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..
ix 8 Diali ng a nd s torin g numbe rs 5 6 How to dial .... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... 56 Manual di aling .......... .................................
x B Tro ub l esh oo ti n g 100 Identifying y our probl em . ......... .............. ................... ................... ................... ... 100 Error and m aintenan ce m essages . ..............................................................
xi Tabl e of C ont en ts (Advan ced U ser 's Gui de) 1 Genera l Setup Memo ry s tor a ge Vo lum e s e ttin g s Autom a tic Da yli g ht Savi ng Ti me Ecology fe atures Touchs creen Dial Prefix 2 Secur ity fea tures Secure Funct ion Lock 2.
1 1 1 Using the documenta tion 1 Thank yo u for buying a Brother machine! Reading the doc ume ntation will help you make the m ost of your m achine. Sy mb o ls an d con v en tio ns use d in th e do cu men tat io n 1 The followin g symbols and conv entions are used througho ut th e doc umentation .
Chapter 1 2 Accessi ng Brother Uti lities (Window s ® 8) 1 If you are u sing a tablet running Win dows ® 8, yo u can m ake you r select ions either by tapping the screen or by clicking with your mouse. After the printer driver i s installed, appea rs on both the Start screen and the desktop.
General infor m ation 3 1 Acces sing the Advan ced Us er’s Gu ide, Softwa re User ’s Guide a nd Network User’s Guide 1 This Ba sic User's Guide does not contain all the inform ation about the machine su ch as how to use the advanced featu res for Fax, Copy , Printer, Scanner, PC-Fax and Network.
Chapter 1 4 Viewing Doc umentation ( Macintos h) 1 a Turn on your M acintosh. Insert the CD-ROM int o your CD-ROM dr ive. Double-click the BR OTHER icon. The following win dow w ill appe ar. b Double-click the User’s Guide s icon. c Select your m ode l a nd langua ge i f needed.
General infor m ation 5 1 How to find Network setup instructions Your mach ine can be connected to a wi reless or wired (MFC-9330CDW and MFC -9340CDW onl y) network. Basic se tup instruct i ons: (see Qu ick Setup Guide .) Connec tion to a wireless access point or router supports Wi-Fi Protected Se tup or AOSS™: (see Qu ick Setup Guide .
Chapter 1 6 Accessi ng Brother Support (Wind ow s ® ) 1 You can find al l the contacts you wi ll need, such as web suppo rt (Brother Solutions Center), Cust omer S ervice and Brother Authorized Service Centers in B rot her numbers on page i and on the CD-ROM.
General infor m ation 7 1 Acces sing Brother Support ( Macintos h) 1 You can fi nd all the c ontacts y ou w ill need , such as web support (Brother Solutions Center) on the CD-ROM. Double-click the Bro ther S up port i co n . Choos e your model if needed.
Chapter 1 8 Control panel overv iew 1 The M FC-9130CW, MFC-9330CDW a nd MF C-9340CDW have the sam e 3.7 i n. Touc hscreen LCD and Touchpanel 1 . 1 Thi s is a To uchsc reen LC D with an el ect r osta ti c Tou c hp anel that on ly sho ws the L EDs th at can be use d.
General infor m ation 9 1 2 Touc hpa nel : The LE Ds on the Tou chpanel only light up when they are available for use. Back Press to go back to the prev ious menu lev el .
Chapter 1 10 3.7 " To uc hs cr ee n LCD 1 You can select three types of sc reens for th e Home sc reen. When the Hom e screen is di splayed, you can change the di splayed screen by s wiping le ft or right, or pressing d or c . The f ollowing s creens s how the machine status wh en the mac hine is i dle.
General infor m ation 11 1 NOTE Swi ping is a type of user operation on the Touchs cr een that is performed by bru shing your finger across the screen to display the next page or item. 1 Mo des: Fax Lets you access F ax mode. Copy Lets you a ccess Copy m ode .
Chapter 1 12 10 New F ax When Fax Preview is set to On , yo u can see how many ne w f axes you received in to th e me m o r y . 11 War n ing i c on The warnin g icon appears w hen there is an error or m a intenance me ssag e; press Detail t o vie w it, an d then press to return to Ready mo de.
General infor m ation 13 1 4 Date & Time See the date and t ime. Press t o access the Date & Time menu . 5 Fax P review See the Fax Preview st atus. Press to access the Fax Previ ew setti n g. 6 All Settings Press to acces s the f ull Set tings menu.
Chapter 1 14 Ba sic Oper at ions 1 Press your finger o n the Touch screen t o opera te it. To displ ay an d access a ll the screen m enus or options, swipe left, right, up, do wn, or pr es s d c or a b to scroll t hro ugh them . IMPORTANT DO NOT press the Touchscreen with a sharp object, such as a pen or s t ylus.
General infor m ation 15 1 Shortcut Settings 1 You can add th e fax, copy, scan and Web Connec t settings you us e most frequen tly by setting th em as your Shortcuts. Later you can recall a nd a pply these s ettings qui ckly and easily. You can ad d u p to 18 S ho rtcuts.
Chapter 1 16 e Enter the f a x or telephone number using the dia l pad o n the Tou chpanel, the Address Book or t he Call Hist ory on the Touchscreen. W hen y ou have fini shed, go to step f . NOTE • You can ente r up to 20 digit s for a fax number.
General infor m ation 17 1 a If the di splayed screen is either Home or M or e, sw i p e l e ft or r ig h t, or p re s s d or c to disp lay a Shortcut screen. b Press where you have not added a Shortcut. c Pr e ss Scan . d Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display t he type of scan you wa nt, a nd t hen pr es s it .
Chapter 1 18 k Review the settings you have selected: If you m ust make more changes , return to step h . If y o u a re s ati sf i ed wi th y ou r changes, pres s Save as Shortcut . l Review y our settings o n the Touchscreen, and then press OK .
General infor m ation 19 1 Cha nging Shor tcut s 1 You can change the s ettings i n a Short cut. NOTE (W eb C onnect Short cuts) You canno t cha nge a W eb Connec t Short cut. If you want to chan ge t he S hortcut, you m ust delet e it, a nd then add a new Shortcut.
20 2 Loading pape r and print medi a 2 The m achi ne can feed paper from the pap er tray or manual feed slot. When y ou load p aper in the pape r tray, note the following: If your a pplication software suppo rts paper size selection on the print menu, you can select it through the software.
Loading pape r 21 2 d Load paper in the tray and make sure: The pa per i s below t he maximu m paper m ark ( ) (1). Ove rf illi n g the pa p er tr ay wil l cau se paper jams. The side to be p rinted on is fa ce d o w n . The pap er gui des touc h th e side s of the p aper so it will fe ed correctly.
Chapter 2 22 Lo ad ing pa per in t he manu al feed s lot 2 You can l oad envelopes and specia l print media one -at-a-time into t his slot. Use t he manual feed slot t o print or c opy on labels, envelopes , thicke r paper or glo ssy pa per (for the recomm ende d paper to use, see Accepta ble paper and other print media on page 28).
Loading pape r 23 2 d Use b oth han ds to p us h one s hee t of paper fi r ml y into the manual feed slot until the top edge of the paper presses against the pa per feed roll ers. Continue pressing the pa per agai nst the rollers for about two s econd s, or u ntil the m achine grabs the pap er and pulls i t in further.
Chapter 2 24 Printing on thick paper, labels, envelopes a nd glossy paper f rom the manual f eed slot 2 When t he back cov er (face-up output tray) is pulled down, the mac hine has a straight paper pat h from the m anual fe ed slot through to the back of the mac hine.
Loading pape r 25 2 e Use b oth han ds to p us h one s hee t of paper or one envelope firmly in to th e manual feed slot unti l the top edge o f the paper presses against the paper feed rollers. Continue pressing the paper against the rollers for ab out tw o seconds, or until the machine grabs the paper and pulls it in f urt her.
Chapter 2 26 Un sc anna bl e a nd u npr int ab le ar eas 2 The f igures in the t able s how max imum uns cann able and unprin table a reas. These areas may vary d ependi ng on t he paper size o r settings in t he appli cation you are using. Usage Document Size To p (1) Botto m (3) Lef t (2 ) Right (4) Fax ( Sending) Letter 0.
Loading pape r 27 2 Paper settin gs 2 Paper S i ze 2 You can use t he fo llowing si zes of pa per for printing f axes: Let ter, A 4, Lega l o r Folio. W hen you cha nge the size of paper in the tray, you must a lso cha nge the set ting for paper s ize at the s ame time so your ma chine can fit the docume nt or an incom ing fax on the page.
Chapter 2 28 Acceptabl e paper an d other print media 2 Print qu ality m ay vary ac cording to the t ype of paper you are using. You can u se t he followin g types of print media : plain paper, thin paper, thick paper, thicker pa per, bond pap er, recycl ed paper, labels, envelopes or glossy paper (see Pri nt media on page 198).
Loading pape r 29 2 Paper capacit y of the pa per t rays 2 1 Foli o size is 8. 5 in. × 13 i n. (21 5.9 m m × 330. 2 mm). Recommended paper spe c ificatio ns 2 The followin g paper specifications are appropriate for this machine. Use plain paper that is appropriate for l aser/LED machines to make copies.
Chapter 2 30 Hand ling an d us ing s pecia l pape r 2 The machine is designed to work well with most types of xerogra phic and bond paper. Howeve r, s o me pap er variables may have an effect on print quality or handling reliability. Always test sam ples of pa per before purchasin g to en sure des irable pe rformance.
Loading pape r 31 2 Envelopes 2 The ma chine is designed to work well wi t h most envel opes. Howe ver, some env elopes may hav e feed and print quality problem s beca use of the way they have been made. Envel opes sho uld have edges with straight, well-creas ed folds.
Chapter 2 32 Labels 2 The ma chine will print on most types of labels designed f or use w ith a laser machi ne. L abels should hav e an a dhesive that is acrylic-based since this material is more stable at the h igh temperatu res in the fuser unit.
33 3 3 How to load documents 3 You can send a fax, mak e copies, and scan from the ADF (Automat ic Document Feeder) and the scanner glass . Us in g th e aut oma tic do cu men t f eeder ( ADF ) 3 The A DF c an hold up t o 35 pa ges and fe eds each shee t individually.
Chapter 3 34 d Adjust the p aper g uides (1) t o fit the width of your do cument. NOTE To scan non-standard doc um ent s, see Using t he scan ner g lass on page 34 . Us ing t he sc an ne r gl ass 3 You can use t he scanner glass to fax, copy or scan pages of a book, one page at a time.
35 4 4 How to send a fax 4 The following s teps s how you how to send a fax. To send m ultiple pag es us e the ADF . a Do one of the f oll owing to load your document : Place the document fa c e u p in the ADF ( see Using t he automatic document feeder (ADF) on pa ge 33).
Chapter 4 36 e En ter th e f ax n u mb e r. Usin g t he di a l pad Using the Address Book Address Book Usin g ca l l his t or y Call History (For m ore information , see Ho w to dial on page 56.) f Pre ss Fax Start . Faxing from the ADF The machine sta rts scanning the document .
Se nd i ng a f a x 37 4 Tr an smis sio n Ver ific at io n Report 4 You can use the Tran smission Verif ication Report as proof that you sent a fax. This report lists the receiving party’s name or fa.
38 5 Rece ive modes 5 NOTE You can use four sizes of paper for printing f ax es: Letter, A4, Leg al or Folio. Cho ose th e corr ect Rece ive Mode 5 The correc t Re ceive M ode is det ermined by the external de vice s and telephone su bscriber services (Voice M ail, D isti nctive Ring, etc.
Rec eiv ing a fax 39 5 To set the receive mode follow the i nstructions below: a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to di sp lay Fax . d Pr e ss Fax . e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to di sp lay Setup Receive .
Chapter 5 40 Using receive modes 5 Some rec eive m odes answer aut omatically ( Fax and Fax/T el ). You may wa nt t o chang e the Ring Delay before using these modes (se e Ring D elay on p age 41). Fax Only 5 Fax mode wi ll automa tically answ er every call as a f ax.
Rec eiv ing a fax 41 5 Recei ve Mode se ttings 5 Ring De lay 5 The Ring Delay setting sets the number of times the mac hine rings before it answers in Fax and Fax/Tel modes.
Chapter 5 42 Eas y R ece ive 5 If Eas y Receive is On : 5 The m achine can recei ve a fax au tomatically, even if you answer the c all. Whe n you see Receiving on the To uc hscreen or hear a click on the phone line through the handse t you a re using, just repla ce th e handset.
Rec eiv ing a fax 43 5 Fax Previe w (Black and White only ) 5 How t o pre view a r ece ived fax 5 You can view rece ived faxes on the Touchs cr een by pressing ( Fax ) and then ( Received Faxes ). When the machin e is in Ready mode, a pop-up mess age will ap pear o n t he Tou chscreen to alert you of new faxes.
Chapter 5 44 Press the T ouchscree n or Touchpanel to perform the f ollowing operation s. d Pre ss . How t o pr int a fa x 5 a Pre ss ( Fax ). b Pre ss Received Faxes . c Press the fax y ou want. d Pre ss Start . e Pre ss . How to print all faxes in the li st 5 a Pre ss ( Fax ).
Rec eiv ing a fax 45 5 Tu rn in g of f F ax P re vi ew 5 a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss ( Fax Preview ). c Pr e ss Off . d Pr e ss Yes to conf irm. e If there are faxes stored in the memory, do one of the following: If you do not w ant to print the st ored fa xe s, p r e s s Continue .
46 6 How to use PC-FAX 6 PC -F ax Rec eiv e (F or Wind ows ® only) 6 If you turn on t h e PC-Fa x Receive feature you r M FC w ill stor e rec ei v ed f ax es in m em ory and s end them to you r com puter autom atically. You can then use your comput er to view a nd store these f axes.
Using PC-FAX 47 6 n Pr e ss . NOTE • Before you c an s et up PC-Fax Rec eive you mus t install t he MF L-Pro S uite software on your comput er . Make sure you r compu ter is connecte d and turned on (see Sof tware User's Guide).
48 7 Tel ephone lin e serv ices 7 Vo ice Mail 7 If you have Voice Mail on the same telephone line as your B rother m achine , Voice Ma il and th e Bro t h er ma ch in e w ill c on f lic t wi th e ac h other when receiving incoming calls.
Telephon e serv ic es and external devices 49 7 Di sti nc tiv e R ing 7 Distinctive Ring is a function of your Brother machin e that allows a p erson with one line to receive fax an d voi ce call s through two different p hone num bers on that one l ine.
Chapter 7 50 Before you choose the ring pattern to registe r 7 You can only register one Distinctive Ring pattern with the machine. Some ring patterns canno t be regi stered. The rin g pattern s below are supported by your Brother machine. Register the on e your telephon e com pany gives you.
Telephon e serv ic es and external devices 51 7 Turning off di stinctive ri ng 7 a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Fax . d Pr e ss Fax . e Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Miscellaneous . f Pr e ss Miscellaneous .
Chapter 7 52 If You D o Not Su bscribe to the Di s tin ct iv e R i ng Se r v ice : You mus t plug your TAD into the E XT . jack of your machine. If your TAD i s plugged into a wall jack, both you r machine an d the TAD will try t o control the teleph one line.
Telephon e serv ic es and external devices 53 7 Rec ord ing a n ou tg oing me ssa ge ( OGM ) 7 a Record 5 seconds of silence at the beginning of your me ssage. This al lows your mach ine time to list en for fax tones. b Limit your speak ing t o 20 s econd s.
Chapter 7 54 Usi ng ex te rnal and e xten sion t ele ph ones 7 Using e xtension telephones 7 If you ans wer a f ax call at an e xtension teleph one, you can make your machi ne receive the fax by pressing the F ax R eceive Code l 51 .
Telephon e serv ic es and external devices 55 7 Changing t he Remote Codes 7 The preset Fax Receive Code is l 51 . T he pre set Telephone A nswer Code is #51 . If you are always disconnected when acc ess ing your External TAD , try changing the three-digit rem ote c odes, for ex ample ### and 9 99.
56 8 How to dial 8 You can dial in any of t he following ways. Man ua l dial ing 8 a Load your docume nt. b Do one o f the following: When Fax Preview is set t o Off , press ( Fax ). When Fax Previ ew is set to On , press ( Fax ) a nd Sending Fax(es) .
Dial i ng and storing number s 57 8 Storing numbe rs 8 You can set up your machin e to do the following ty pes of easy di aling: Add ress Book and Groups for broadcasting faxes. W hen you dial a n Addres s Book num ber, t he Touchs cr een shows the number.
Chapter 8 58 Ch an gi ng Ad dre ss B ook name s or number s 8 You can cha nge or de lete an Addres s Book name or n umber t hat ha s alrea dy bee n stored. If th e stored num ber h as a scheduled job, such as a dela yed fax o r a fa x forwarding number, i t will be di mmed on the Touchs creen.
59 9 9 How to copy 9 The following s teps s how the basic cop y operation. a Do one of the f oll owing to load your document : Place the document fa c e u p in the ADF ( see Using t he automatic document feeder (ADF) on pa ge 33). Load y our document face down on the scanne r gla ss (see U sing t he scanner glass o n page 3 4).
Chapter 9 60 g Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to display th e avai lable set tings, and then press the setting you want. h Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to display th e avai lable option s, and the n press your new opt ion. Re peat steps g and h for each s etting you want.
61 10 10 W ith the Direct Print feature, you do not need a co mputer to print data. You can prin t by just pluggin g your USB F lash memory d rive i nto the mach ine’s USB direct interface. You can also conn ect and print directly fr o m a camera set to USB mass storage m od e.
Chapter 10 62 Printing data directly from t he USB Flash memory driv e or digital camera suppo rting mass s torage 10 NOTE • Make sure your digital cam era is turned on. • Your digital cam era mus t be switc hed from PictBrid ge mode to m ass storage mode.
Pr inti ng data fr om a U S B Fl ash memo ry dr ive or di git al ca mera sup port in g mas s stor ag e (F or MFC- 93 30CDW and M FC -9340 CDW) 63 10 c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to choose the folder name and file name you want. If yo u have sele cted th e folder name, swipe up or down, or press a or b to choose the file name you want.
Chapter 10 64 Cha ngin g the defa ult setti ngs for di rec t pr int 10 You can change t he defau lt settings for Direct Prin t. a Connect your US B F lash mem ory drive or digital c a mera to the USB direct interface on the f ront of the mac hine. b Pre ss Direct Print .
65 11 11 Printing a docume nt 11 The ma chine can receive data from your comput er and print it. To pri nt from a comput er, you must install the pri n ter driver. (For more information about printer driver settings, see S oftware User's Guide) a Install the Br other pri nter driver from the CD-ROM (see Q uick Setup Guide).
66 12 Before scanning 12 To use the machine as a scanner, install a scanner driver. If t he m achine is on a network, configure it with a TCP/IP address.
Ho w to sca n to a com p u t er 67 12 Scanning a documen t as a PDF fi le using ControlCenter4 (W indows ® ) 12 (For M acintosh users, see S oftwa re User's G uide.
Chapter 12 68 e Cli ck Fi le . f Pre ss Sc a n . The m achine starts the scanning proces s. Th e folde r where the scann ed d ata is s aved will open autom atically.
Ho w to sca n to a com p u t er 69 12 How to scan a docu ment as a PDF file us ing the Touchscre en 12 a Load your docum ent (see How to load documents o n page 3 3). b Pr e ss Scan . c Swipe left or r ight to display to File . will be di splayed in the cent er of the T ouchs creen h ighlighted i n b lue.
Chapter 12 70 NOTE The following scan modes are available. • to USB (MF C-9330CDW an d MFC -9340CDW) • to Network (Windows ® ) • to FTP • to E-mail Server • to E-mail • to Image • to OC.
71 A A Replacing the consu mable items A You m ust replace the consu mab le items when the machine indicates that the life of the consum abl e is over. You can replace the following consum able items by yourself: Using n on-Bro ther supplies may a ffect th e print quality, h ardware performance, a nd machine re liab ili t y.
72 The messages in the table appear on the Touchs creen in Ready mode. The se messages prov ide advan ced warn ings to replace the con sumabl e items before they reach en d of life. To avoid an y inconve nience, you m ay want to buy spare consum able items bef ore the m achine s tops printing.
Routi ne m aintena nce 73 A You m ust clean t he machine regularly an d replace the consum abl e items wh en the mes sages in the table are displayed on the Touchs creen. 1 Lett er or A4 siz e sing le-s i ded pa ges. 2 Appr ox. car trid ge yi eld is de clar ed in acc orda nce wit h ISO/ IEC 19 798.
74 NOTE • V isit h ttp: // for instructions on how to ret u rn your used consum able i tems to the Brother c ollection p rogram. If you choose not to return your us ed consum able, discard the used c onsumabl e acc ording to lo cal regu lations, k eeping it sep arate from domes tic waste.
Routi ne m aintena nce 75 A Rep l aci ng th e toner cart ridges A Order No . TN-221 BK 1 , TN -221C 1 , TN-221M 1 , TN - 2 2 1Y 1 , T N-225C 2 , TN-225M 2 , TN - 2 2 5Y 2 The Stand ard toner cartridge can print approx imately 2, 500 pages 3 (Black) or approx imately 1, 400 pages 3 (Cyan, Mage nta, Yellow).
76 Replacing t he t oner cart ridges A a Make sure the machine is turned on. b Open the top cover u n til it locks in the open position. c Remove t he ton er cartridge and drum unit assembly for t he c olor shown on the Touchscreen.
Routi ne m aintena nce 77 A IMPORTANT • W e recomm end that you place the toner cartridge and drum unit assem bly on a clean, flat surfac e with disposable paper underneat h it in case y ou accidentall y spill or scatter toner. • To prevent dam age to the machine from stat ic electricity, DO NOT touch the electrod es shown in the illustration.
78 IMPORTANT • Han dle the t oner cartridge carefully. I f toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedia tely wipe or was h it of f with cold water. • T o a void p rint quality problems, DO NO T touch the s hade d parts s how n in t he illu stra tio n s.
Routi ne m aintena nce 79 A e Unpack the new toner cartridge. Hold the cartridge level with both ha nds and gently sha ke it f rom s ide t o side s everal times to spread the toner evenly inside the cartridge. IMPORTANT • D O N OT unpa ck the ne w t oner c artridge until you are ready to install i t.
80 g Put the new t oner cartridge firmly in to the drum unit until you hear it l ock into place. If you put it in correctly, the green lock le ve r on t he dru m u nit w ill lif t automatical ly. NOTE Make sure y ou put the toner cart ridge in correctly or i t ma y separat e from the drum unit.
Routi ne m aintena nce 81 A j Slide each toner cartridge and drum unit assem bly int o the machine . Make sure you match the toner cartridge color to the same color label on the machin e. BK = Black, C = Cy an, M = M agenta, Y = Yellow k Close th e top cover of the mac hine.
82 Cl eaning the coro n a wi res A If you have print quality problems or the Touchs creen sho ws Drum ! , c lean t he corona wires as follows: a Open the top cover u n til it locks in the open position. b Remove t he ton er cartridge and drum unit assem bly.
Routi ne m aintena nce 83 A IMPORTANT • W e recomm end that you place the toner cartridge and drum unit assem bly on a clean, flat surfac e with disposable paper underneat h it in case y ou accidentall y spill or scatter toner. • To prevent dam age to the machine from stat ic electricity, DO NOT touch the electrod es shown in the illustration.
84 d Slide the t oner cartridge an d dru m unit asse mb l y int o the ma c hin e . Ma ke sur e you matc h the toner cartridge color to the same color label on t he machine . BK = Black, C = Cyan, M = Magenta, Y= Ye llow e Repeat st eps b - d to clean th e three remaining corona wires.
Routi ne m aintena nce 85 A Re pl ac ing t he dr u m un i ts A Order No. DR-221 CL 4 pc. Drum Set or single drum units DR-221CL-BK, DR-221CL-CM Y A new drum unit can print approximately 15,00 0 Le tter or A 4 size singl e-sided pages . DR-221CL Drum Set contains four drum units, o ne Black (DR-221CL-B K) an d three Color (DR-22 1CL-CMY).
86 Drum End SoonX A If only a specified drum is near the end of its life, the To uchscreen s hows the Drum End SoonX messa ge. The X ind icate s the drum unit colo r that is ne ar the end of its life. ( BK =B lack , C =Cy an, M = Mag enta , Y =Yel low ).
Routi ne m aintena nce 87 A c Remove t he t oner cartridge and drum unit assembly for the col or shown on th e T ouc hs cr ee n. WARNING HOT S URF ACE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of t he m achine will be extremely hot. Wait for the m achine t o coo l down bef ore you touch th e internal part s of th e m ac hi ne .
88 d Push down the green lock lever and take the toner cartridge out of t h e drum unit. WARNING • DO NOT put a toner cartridge or a toner cartridge and drum unit ass embly into a fire.
Routi ne m aintena nce 89 A NOTE • Be sure to seal up the used drum unit tigh tly i n a bag so that toner powder does not spill out of the drum unit. • V isit index. html for in structions on how to ret u rn you r used consum able item s to the Brother c ollection program .
90 h Clean the c orona wi re in side the drum unit by gently sliding the green tab from left to right and right to l eft several time s. NOTE Be s u r e to re tu r n th e tab to the H o m e positio n ( a ) (1). The a rrow on the tab m ust be align ed with the arrow on the drum unit.
Routi ne m aintena nce 91 A Resetting t he drum counter A W hen y ou rep lace the drum u nit with a new one, you mu st reset the drum counter by comple ting the following s teps. IMPORTANT Do no t reset the drum counter whe n you only rep lace the t oner cartridge.
92 c Remove al l of the toner cartridge an d drum unit assemblies. WARNING HOT S URF ACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int er na l pa r ts o f the mac h i n e w ill b e extremely h ot. W ait for the m achine to cool down before you touc h the internal part s of the machine.
Routi ne m aintena nce 93 A d Hold the green handle of the belt unit and lift the belt un it up, and then pull it out. IMPORTANT To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu st ra tion s. e Unpack the new belt unit and put t he new belt unit in the machi ne.
94 f Slide each toner cartridge and drum uni t assembly into the m achine, m aking sure you matc h the toner cartridge colors to the same col or labels on the machine. BK = Black, C = Cyan, M = Magenta, Y= Ye llow g Close the top c ove r of the machine.
Routi ne m aintena nce 95 A Repl ac ing t he wa ste t oner box A Order No . WT -220CL The l ife of a w as te toner box is approximately 50,00 0 Le tter or A 4 size singl e-sided pages . WT Box End Soon A If the Touchscreen s hows WT Box End Soon , it means the waste toner box is n ear the end of its life.
96 IMPORTANT • We recomm end that y ou p lace the toner cartridge and drum unit assemblies on a clean, flat surface with disposable paper underneat h them in ca se you accident ally spill or scatter t oner. • To preve nt damage to the machi ne from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes shown in the illustration.
Routi ne m aintena nce 97 A e Remove t he orange pac king m aterial and discard it. NOTE This step is onl y necessary when you are replacing the wa ste toner bo x for the first time, an d i s not req uired for th e replacem ent was te toner box. T he ora nge pac king piece is installed at the fac tory to pro tect your machine during shipmen t.
98 WARNING • DO NOT put the waste toner box into a fire. It coul d e xplode, resul ting in injuri e s. • DO NOT us e fl ammab le sub stances, any type of spray, or a n organic solvent/liquid containin g alcohol or ammonia to clean the inside or outside of the p roduct.
Routi ne m aintena nce 99 A h Put t he b elt unit back i n the ma chine. i Slide each toner cartridge and drum un it assemb ly into the machine, m aking sure you mat ch the toner c artridge c olors to the same color labels on the machine. BK = Black, C = Cy an, M = Magenta, Y= Yellow j Close th e top cover of the mac hine.
100 B If you think there is a probl em with your machine , check each of the items below first and f ollow the troubleshoot ing tips. In USA: Visit the Brother Solutions Center at ht t p://s olutions.brot and click Ma nua ls on y our model pag e to download t he other m anuals.
Troubl eshooting 101 B Copy ing problems: Copy ing difficulties on page 12 8 Scanni ng problem s: Scanni ng difficultie s on page 129 Softw are and Ne twork problems: Soft ware difficultie.
102 Error and maintena nce mes sage s B As with any sophi sticated office produc t, errors may occur and consum able items ma y have to be replaced. If this hap pens, your machi ne identifies the error o r required rou tine m aintena nce an d shows the approp riate message .
Troubl eshooting 103 B Comm .E rr or Poor teleph one l ine qua l it y caused a c ommu nicat ion err or. Send t he fax again or connec t th e mac hin e to another telepho ne line. If the pro blem conti nues, cal l the telephone com pany and ask them t o check your t el ephone line.
104 Drum E nd So on X 1 1 ( X ) sh ows the drum unit co lo r t ha t is n ear the end of its lif e. (BK)=Bl ack, (Y)=Yello w, (M)=Ma genta, (C)=Cyan. The drum uni t f or th e color indi cated on the Touchs creen is near t he end of its li f e.
Troubl eshooting 105 B Manu al F ee d Manual was sel ected as the paper source when ther e was no paper i n the manual fee d slot . Place paper in t he m anual feed sl ot (see Loading paper in the manual f eed slo t on page 22). No B el t Un it The be lt u nit is no t in stall ed co rrect ly.
106 Out of Memo ry The machine’s memory is ful l. Fax sen ding or copy operat ion in progress Do one of the fo ll owi ng: Press Se nd N o w , Part ia l Pri nt or Quit t o send or copy the scan ned pages . Press and wa it u nt il t he other operat i o ns in progress f inish, and t hen tr y again.
Troubl eshooting 107 B Regi st ra ti on fail ed . Registra t ion fa il ed. Press OK and tr y again. Press and hol d down to tu rn of f the machine. Wait a few secon ds, t hen turn it on again. Perfor m the aut o c olor regis t rat i on using the To uchscree n ( see Advanced User's Guide: Auto R egis t ra ti on ).
108 Repl ac e Toner 1 1 The To uch sc reen s hows th e ton er cartridge color that y ou mu st rep lace. BK =B l ack, C =C y an, M =M agen ta, Y =Yell ow The t oner cartr i dge i s at the end of its l ife . The m achine wi ll stop all pr int ope rations.
Troubl eshooting 109 B Tone r Lo w If the Touchs creen shows Tone r Lo w you c an s till pr int; however , the machin e i s te lling you t hat the toner cart ridge i s near th e end of its l if e.
110 Tr ansf er ring yo ur fa xes or Fax Jour nal re po rt B If the Touchscreen sh ows: Print Unable XX Scan Unable XX We rec omm end transferring your f axes to another fax m achine or to your com puter (see Transferring f axes to anot her fax machine on page 11 0 or Transf erring faxes to your comput er on pag e 1 11).
Troubl eshooting 111 B Tran s fer r ing fa xes to yo u r co m pute r B You can transfer the faxes from your machin e’s mem ory to your com puter. a Press to in terrupt the error t emp or ari l y. b Make s ure you have i nstalled MFL- Pro S u ite on your comput er, and then turn on P C-FAX Receiving on the compute r.
112 Docum ent Jam s B Docu men t i s jam med in th e to p of the A DF un it B a Remove any paper from the AD F that is not jammed. b Open the ADF cover. c Pull the j amm ed docum ent out to the left. If the document rips or tears, be s ure you remove all small paper scraps to prevent future jams.
Troubl eshooting 113 B Remo ving smal l do c ument s jamme d i n the ADF B a Lift the doc ume nt cover. b Insert a piec e of stiff pap er, suc h as cardst ock, into the ADF to push any small paper scraps through. c Close the document cover. d Pr e ss .
114 Paper Jams B Always remo ve the rema ining pa per from the paper t ray an d st raighten the st ack when you are addi ng n ew p aper. T his helps p revent multiple sheets of pape r from feedi ng through the machine at one time and prevents paper ja ms.
Troubl eshooting 115 B c Make s ure th e pa per is bel ow the maximum paper m ark ( ) in the paper tra y. W hile pressing the green paper-guide release lever, slide the paper guides to fit the paper s ize. Make sure the guides are f irmly in the slots.
116 c Push the scann er down wi th both hands to close it. Pap er is ja mme d at th e b ac k of th e mach ine B If the Touchscreen sho ws Jam Rear , a paper jam oc curred be hind t he bac k cover. Follow th ese steps: a Leave the machine turned on for 10 m inu tes for the internal fan to cool the extremely hot parts inside the machine.
Troubl eshooting 117 B c Pull the green tabs at the l eft and right sides toward you to rele ase t he fuser cover (1) . d Use b oth han ds to g ently pull the jammed paper out of the fuser unit. e Close the fuser cover (1). Make sure the green tabs at the left and right sides lock into p lace.
118 Pap er i s ja mmed in side t he mach i ne B If the Touchscreen sh ows Jam Inside , follow t hese steps: a Leave the machine turned on for 10 m in ute s fo r t h e in te rn a l fa n to co o l the extremely hot parts inside the machine. b Open the top cover u n til it locks in the open position.
Troubl eshooting 119 B IMPORTANT • W e recomm end that you place the toner cartridge and drum unit assem blies on a clean, flat surfac e with disposable paper underneat h them in case you ac cidentally spill or scatter t o ner. • To prevent dam age to the machine from stat ic electricity, DO NOT touch the electrod es shown in the illustration.
120 e Slide each toner cartridge and drum uni t assembly into the m achine, m aking sure you matc h the toner cartridge colors to the same col or labels on the machine. BK = Black, C = Cyan, M = Magenta, Y= Ye llow f Close the top c over of the machine.
Troubl eshooting 121 B Paper is ja mmed unde rneath th e pa per t ray B If the Touchscreen s hows Jam 2-sided , follow t hese steps: a Leave the machin e turned on for 10 minut es for the internal fan to co ol the ext remely h ot part s insid e the machine.
122 WARNING HOT S URF ACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int er na l pa r ts o f the mac h i n e w ill b e extremely h ot. W ait for the m achine to cool down before you touc h the internal part s of the machine. f Use both hands to gently pull the jammed pa per ou t of the back of the machine.
Troubl eshooting 123 B If you ar e havi ng diff iculty with yo ur machine B IMPORTANT • For t echnica l help, you m ust c all the coun try wh ere you bou ght t he machi ne. Call s mus t be made from within that country. • If you th ink there is a prob lem with your mac hine, check t he c hart bel ow an d follow the troubl eshoot ing tips.
124 The heade rs or f ooter s appe ar wh en the docu ment disp lays on t he scre en b ut they are not on the pri nt ed pa ge . Th er e i s an u np rin ta ble a rea o n the to p an d bo tto m of th e page .
Troubl eshooting 125 B Ho w do I pri nt on e nv el op es? Loa d o ne en ve lo pe at a tim e in th e ma nua l f eed sl ot. Y ou r ap pli c ati on mu st be set to pr i nt t h e e nvel ope si ze you a r e u sing .
126 Receivi ng Fa xes Difficulties Su gge st ion s Ca nnot re ceiv e a f ax. Make s ure yo ur mach ine ha s a d ial t one by pr essi ng Hook . If y ou he ar st at ic or int erfer enc e on you r fax li ne, c al l your l ocal t elepho ne com pany. Ch ec k a ll line co rd co nn ec ti on s .
Troubl eshooting 127 B Ca nn ot rec ei v e a f a x. (co nti nued) I f y ou a r e u sin g a te le ph on e an sw eri ng m ac hi ne ( External TAD mo de ) on th e sam e l ine as th e B rothe r machin e, .
128 Tra ns m issi on V e rif ic ati on Re po r t sa ys RESULT : NG . The re is prob ab ly te mpo rar y n oise or st ati c on th e lin e. T ry sen di ng the f ax ag ai n. If y ou ar e sen di ng a PC -F ax m ess ag e an d g et RESULT : NG o n th e T ran sm i ss io n Verif ic ation Re port, yo ur ma chi ne m ay b e o ut of m emo ry.
Troubl eshooting 129 B Ver tical blac k line appea rs in copi es. Blac k v ert ic al li ne s on c op ie s are ty p ic al ly cau se d by d irt or co r re cti on fl ui d on th e glas s str ip , or th e coron a wir es are di rty.
130 Network diffi cul ti es Difficulties Sugg es ti ons Ca nnot pr int and scan o ver a net wo r k aft er co m ple t i ng the softw ar e in s tal latio n. Wh en th e C ann ot pri nt t o t he net work ed prin ter. scr een a ppears , fol l ow the o n- scr e en in st ruc t i on s.
Troubl eshooting 131 B 1 For Wind ows Server ® 2012 : Hardware . 2 For Windo ws ® XP, Win d ows Vista ® , Wi ndows Se rver ® 20 03 a nd Wi nd ows Se rv er ® 2008 : Bro the r MFC -XX XX BR -Scr ipt3 . 3 For Windo ws ® XP, Win d ows Vista ® , Wi ndows Se rver ® 20 03 a nd Wi nd ows Se rv er ® 2008 : Prop ert i es .
132 Sett ing Di al Tone det ecti on B Setting t he Dial Tone to Detection wi ll shorten the Dial Tone detect pause. a Pre ss . b Pre ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Initial Setup . d Pre ss Initial Setup . e Swipe up or down, or p ress a or b to disp lay Dial Tone .
Troubl eshooting 133 B Improving th e print qual ity B If you have a print quality problem, print a test page first ( , All Settings , Printer , Print Options , Test Print ). I f the printout looks good, the problem is probably not the machin e. Chec k the interfac e cabl e conn ections and tr y printing a diffe rent docum ent.
134 Colors ar e li ght or faint on the whole page Perfor m the calibrati on using the Touchscr een or the printer driver ( see Advance d User's Guide: C alib r atio n ). Adjust t he copy den sity and contr ast if you are copyi ng (see Advance d User's Guide: Adjusti ng Densi ty and Co ntr a st ).
Troubl eshooting 135 B Colored str eaks or bands down t he page Wipe the windows of all fou r LED heads wi th a dry lint fre e soft cloth (see Advanced User' s Guide : Cleani ng t he LED heads ). Wipe the scanner gla ss st rip w it h a dry lint fr ee soft clot h (see Advanced User 's Guide: Cleaning the scanne r ).
136 Colored lines ac ross t he page Identi fy the col or causi ng the prob lem and repl ace the t oner cartr idg e that ma tch es the color of the line (s ee Replacing the toner cart ri dges on page 76). To iden tify t he col or o f the toner cartr i dge, visit us at http: //sol utio ns.
Troubl eshooting 137 B Color ed spots at 3.7 i n. (94 mm ) If t he probl em is not sol ved aft er print ing a few bl ank pag es, for eign ma teri al, such as glue fr om a labe l, may be st uck on the dr um surface. Cl ean the dr um unit (see Advanced U ser's Guide: Cl eaning t he dr um un i t ).
138 The color of your pri nto uts is no t what y ou expect ed To improve t he color densi ty, calibr ate the co lors using fi rst the Touchs creen an d th en the prin t er dr i ver ( see Advanced User's Guide: Calibr ation ).
Troubl eshooting 139 B Uneven densit y appears perio dically acro ss the page Perf orm the c al ibratio n usi ng the Touch screen o r the p rint er dri ver (see Advanced User 's Guide: C ali br atio n ). Adjus t t he copy dens ity and contr ast if you are copy in g (see Advanced User 's Guide: Adjust ing Density and Contr a st ).
140 Ghost Check the ma chi ne’s enviro nm ent . Conditions such as l ow humidit y and l ow temper atu res may cause this pr i nt qual i ty problem (see Produc t Safety Guide: Choosing a lo cation ).
Troubl eshooting 141 B Poor f ixing Mak e sure t he t wo gray le vers inside the back cover are in the up po sition ( 1). Pul l up the t wo gray levers until they st op. Mak e s ure t he media type settin g in th e driver matches t he type of paper you are usi ng (see Accepta bl e pa per and other pri nt media on page 28).
142 Envelope Cre ases Make sur e the enve lope levers inside t he back cov er are pulled down to the en velope positio n when y ou pri nt envelope s (see Lo ading paper in th e manual feed sl ot on page 22). NOTE When y ou have f inished p rinting , open the back cover and reset t he t wo gray l evers back to their original posi tions (1 ) .
Troubl eshooting 143 B Machine Information B Ch ec ki ng the Ser ial N um ber B You can see th e machine’s Serial Number on the Tou chscreen . a Pr e ss . b Pr e ss All Settings . c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to display Machine Info. . d Pr e ss Machine Info.
144 Re set fu nct ion s B The f ollowing res et func tions a re avai lable: 1 Network You can reset the internal print server back to its default factory settings such as the p assword and I P address i nformation.
145 C C Using the Settings Tabl es C Your mac hine’s Touchscree n LCD is easy t o set u p a nd o perate. A ll you h ave to do is pre ss the s ettings an d o ptions y ou want a s they are displayed on the screen.
146 Se t t i ng s Ta b l es C The S ettings tables will help you understand the menu selections and options that are found in the machine’ s programs .
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 147 C Tray Setting Paper Type — Thin Plain Paper * Thick Thicker Recycled Paper Set the t yp e of pape r in t he pa per tr ay. 27 Paper Size — Letter * A4 Legal EXE A5 A5 L A6 Folio Se t the s iz e of pa per in t he pa per tr ay.
148 All settings C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Lev el 4 Op t ions Des cripti ons See Pa ge Ge nera l Setup Paper Type —— Thin Plain Paper * Thick Thicker Re cy cled Pa per S et th e ty pe of pa pe r in t he pape r tr ay. 27 Paper Size —— Letter * A4 Legal EXE A5 A5 L A6 Folio S et the siz e of pa pe r in t he pape r tr ay.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 149 C Gen eral Se tup (co nti nued) Bu tt on Set ti ngs Home Button Settings — Home * More Shortcuts 1 Shortcuts 2 Shortcuts 3 Se t the scre en that is disp la ye d w he n yo u pr ess Ho me ( ) on th e Touc hpan el. 13 Ecology Toner Save — On Off * In crease th e pa ge yi eld o f t he to ne r cartridge.
150 Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Leve l 4 Opti ons Desc ript ions Se e P ag e Fax Se tup Rec eive Re ceive M od e — Fax * Fax/Tel External TAD Manual Ch oose the receiv e mode that be st sui ts you r ne ed s. 38 Ring Delay — 0 1 2 3 4 * Se t th e nu mb er of ri ngs be fo re the mac hi ne an s wers i n Fa x or Fa x/ Te l mo d e.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 151 C Fax (co nti nued) Set up Rece ive (c on ti nu ed) Mem ory Receive — Off * Fax Forward Paging Fax Storage PC Fax Receive Set t he ma chin e to forw ar d fax mes.
152 Fax (co nti nued) Setup Send (co nti nued) Dest inat ion — Display * Hidden Set th e mac hine to di sp la y th e des tin ati on info rma ti on on th e To uc hs c ree n du r in g fa x se nd i n g.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 153 C Fax (co nti nued) Remaining Jobs — — — Check whic h sc he dule d job s are in the memo ry an d canc el s elec ted j obs.
154 Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Lev el 4 Op t ions Des cripti ons See Pa ge Printer Emulation —— Auto * HP LaserJet BR-Script 3 Choose the emula tio n mode. Se e . Pr int Opt ions In ternal Font HP L aserJet BR-Scr ipt 3 — P rin t a li st of th e ma ch in e’ s int er n al fo nt s.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 155 C Lev el 1 Level 2 Lev el 3 L eve l 4 Le vel 5 Opt i on s Des cri pt ions Network Wired LAN (MFC -9330CDW and M FC-9340C DW) TCP/IP Bo ot Method — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Choose the BOOT me tho d that be st suit s your ne eds.
156 Network (co nti nued) Wired LAN (MFC-9330CDW and MFC-9340CDW) (c o nti nu ed) TCP/IP (co n tin ued) DNS Server — Primary [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5] Secondary [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5] Sp ecif ie s t he IP add r ess of th e pri mary or seco ndar y D NS ser ver.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 157 C Network (co nti nued) Wired LAN (MFC -9330CDW and M FC-9340C DW) (c onti nued) Wi re d Ena ble —— On * Off Enab le or D isab le the W ired LA N ma nu al ly . WLAN TCP/IP Bo ot Method — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Choose the BOOT me tho d that be st suit s your ne eds.
158 Network (co nti nued) WLAN (c o nti nu ed) TCP/IP (co n tin ued) WIN S Server — Primary [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5] Secondary [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5]. [00 0 -25 5] Sp ecif ie s t he IP add r ess of th e pri mary or seco ndar y W INS ser ver.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 159 C Network (co nti nued) WLAN (c onti nued) WP S w/P IN Cod e — — — You can e asil y conf igure you r wi reles s ne two rk set t ings u s in g W PS with a PIN code.
160 Network (co nti nued) Wi- Fi Dire ct (c o nti nu ed) PIN Code — — — Yo u ca n ea si ly con fig ur e y o ur Wi -Fi Dire ct ™ net work se tting s us in g WPS w ith a PIN c ode. Manual — — — Yo u ca n ma nu al ly con fig ur e y o ur Wi -Fi Dire ct ™ net work se tting s.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 161 C Network (co nti nued) Wi -F i D ir e ct (c onti nued) I/F Enable —— On Off * Enab le or D isab le the Wi-Fi Direct™ conne cti on. E -mail /IFA X (Available after IFAX is dow nlo aded ) Ma il Addr ess ——— E n t e r t h e m a i l addr ess (up to 60 char acte rs) .
162 Network (co nti nued) E-mai l/IF AX (A va il ab le afte r I FAX is dow nloa ded ) (c o nti nu ed) Se tu p S er v er (co n tin ued) POP3 (co nti nued) M ail bo x P as swo rd — Enter t he p ass w ord to l og in to th e POP 3 server (up 32 characte rs).
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 163 C Network (co nti nued) E -mail /IFA X (Available after IFAX is dow nlo aded ) (c onti nued) Se tup Mail TX (co nti nued) N oti fic at ion — On Off * S ends n otific a tio n me ss ag es . Setu p Relay Re lay Broad cast — On Off * Re la ys a do cum en t to an othe r fa x mac hine .
164 Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Lev el 4 Op t ions Des cripti ons See Pa ge Pr int Rep orts Tr ansm issio n View on LCD — — V i ew th e Tra ns miss ion Veri fication Report f or yo ur las t 20 0 outg oing f axe s and pri nt the l ast rep ort. Se e .
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 165 C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Leve l 2 Level 2 Op t io ns Desc ript ions See P ag e Mac hine In fo. Serial No. — — — Che ck t he se ri al nu mber of yo u r mac hin e. 143 Firmware Version Mai n Version — — Chec k the f irmwar e v er sio n of your mac hin e.
166 Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Lev el 4 Op t ions Des cripti ons See Pa ge In itia l Setup Date & Time Date — — P ut t he da te an d t im e on t he Touc hs cree n and in the h eadi ngs of fa xes you se nd. Se e . Time —— Clock Type — 12h Clock * 24h Clock Cho ose s the ti me f orm at fro m 12 -h ou r or 24 -hour .
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 167 C Ini tial Se tup (co nti nued) Reset (c on ti nu ed) Add ress Book & Fax — Yes No Re store s all s to red phon e n um b ers a nd fax s et tin gs. 144 All Settings — Yes No Re store s all th e mac hin e setti ng s to the fa c tory s e tting s.
168 Feat ures Table s C Fax (When Fax Previe w is Off) C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Le vel 3 O p tion s De scri ption s See P ag e Redial (Pause) — — — Red ia l t he la st nu mber ca lled . W he n y ou are e nteri ng a f ax or tele ph one nu mber on t h e T ouc hp an el , Re dial ch anges to Pa use on the Tou c hs cr ee n.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 169 C Call History Outgoing Call Edit Ad d to Addr es s Bo ok De le te Ch oose a num ber from th e Outg oin g Ca ll hist ory and th en sen d a fax to it , ad d it to A ddres s Book , o r dele te it . See . Apply — Fax Start —— —S e n d a f a x .
170 Options (co nti nued) Coverpage S etup Coverp age Setup On Off * Au toma tic all y send a c ov er pa ge you pr ogramm ed. Se e . Coverpa ge Message 1.Comment Off 2.Please Call 3.Urgent 4.Confidential 5. 6. Total Pages — Polling RX — On Off * Set up y ou r m a ch in e to po ll an ot he r fax mac hin e.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 171 C Fax (When Fax Previe w is On) C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Op tion s De sc ript ions See P ag e Sending Fa x(es) See F ax (W he n Fa x P rev ie w i s Of f) o n pa ge 16 8 . Received Faxes Print/Delete Pr int All:Ne w Fax(es) — P r int t he ne w recei ved fa xes.
172 Copy C Leve l 1 Leve l 2 L ev el 3 O pt ion s 1 O ptio ns 2 De sc ript ion s See P ag e Bl ack St art — — — — Mak e a blac k & whit e or gr a y scal e copy.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 173 C Options (co nti nued) E nla rg e/R edu ce — 100% * —— Se e . Enlarge 200% 141% A5 A4 104% EXE LTR Ch oo se an en lar geme nt r a ti o fo r the ne xt copy.
174 Options (co nti nued) Col or Adju st Red — Adj ust t he re d colo r for c o pies . See . Green — Adj ust t he gr een colo r fo r c opie s. Blue — A dju s t th e bl ue colo r for c o pies .
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 175 C Options (co nti nued) —— 2-sided Copy Page Layout (MFC-9340CDW) LongEdge LongEdge * LongEdge ShortEdge ShortEdge LongEdge ShortEdge ShortEdge Choo se a page lay o ut op tio n w he n yo u m a ke 2 -si de d N in 1 co pi es f r om a 2-si ded do cu ment .
176 Scan C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 L ev el 4 Opti ons Desc r ipti ons Se e P ag e to OCR (PC Select) Options Se e O p ti on s ( to O C R) on page 1 78. See . Save as Shortcut — — Ad d the c ur rent se t ti ng s as a shor tcut. Start — — St art sc anni ng .
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 177 C to FTP (Profile name) Options Se e Opti ons (to FT P a nd to Ne twork ) on pa ge 184 . Se e . Save as Shortcut — — A dd the c urr en t se tti ng s as a sh or tcu t. Start — — Sta rt s c an ni ng . to Network (Profi le name) Options Se e Option s ( to FT P a nd to Ne twork ) on page 1 84 .
178 Op ti o n s (to O C R ) C Leve l 1 Leve l 2 O pti ons Desc ript ion s See P ag e Options 2-sided Scan (MFC-9340CDW ) Off * 2-sided Scan: Long Edge 2-si ded Scan: Sho rt Edg e Ch oo s e t he 2 -si de d s can mode. See . Set with Touch Panel Off(Set with Computer) * On To ch ange setti ngs us ing the T ouch sc r een , ch oos e On .
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 179 C Options (to File, to Im age and to E- mail) C Le v el 1 Lev e l 2 Opt io ns De scr i pti ons See P ag e Options 2-sided Scan (MF C-934 0CDW) Off * 2-sided Scan: Long Edge 2-sid ed S can: Sho rt Edge Ch oo se th e 2- side d sc an mo de.
180 Op ti o n s (to U S B ) C Leve l 1 Leve l 2 O pti ons Desc ript ion s See P ag e Options 2-sided Scan (MFC-9340CDW ) Off * 2-sided Scan: Long Edge 2-si ded Scan: Sho rt Edg e Ch oo s e t he 2- si de d s can mode. See . Scan Type Color * Gray Black and White Ch oo s e th e scan t ype fo r your docum ent.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 181 C Options (co nti nued) File Type (W he n yo u se le ct Color or Gray in Scan Type ) PDF * JPEG PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF XPS (W he n y ou s el ec t Black and White in Scan Type ) PDF * PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF TIFF Ch oose the fi le for mat for yo ur do cu m e n t.
182 Op ti o n s (to E -ma i l S er ve r ) C Leve l 1 Leve l 2 O pti ons Desc ript ion s See Pa ge Options 2-sided Scan (MFC-9340CDW ) Off * 2-sided Scan: Long Edge 2-si ded Scan: Sho rt Edg e Ch oo s e t he 2 -si de d sc a n mode. Se e . Scan Type Color * Gray Black and White Cho ose the s can ty pe for your docum ent.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 183 C Options (co nti nued) File Type (W he n yo u se le ct Color or Gray in Scan Type ) PDF * JPEG PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF XPS (W he n y ou s el ec t Black and White in Scan Type ) PDF * PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF TIFF Choos e the fil e forma t for yo ur do cu m e n t.
184 Options (t o FTP and to Networ k ) C Leve l 1 Leve l 2 O pti ons Desc ript ion s See Pa ge Options 2-sided Scan (MFC-9340CDW ) Off * 2-sided Scan: Long Edge 2-si ded Scan: Sho rt Edg e Ch oo s e t he 2 -si de d sc a n mode. Se e . Scan Type Color * Gray Black and White Cho ose the s can ty pe for your docum ent.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 185 C Options (co nti nued) File Type (W he n yo u se le ct Color or Gray in Scan Type ) PDF * JPEG PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF XPS (W he n y ou s el ec t Black and White in Scan Type ) PDF * PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF TIFF Ch oose t he scan resol ution a nd fi le fo rm at for yo ur do cu m en t .
186 Direct P rint ( MFC-9330CDW and MFC-9340CDW) C Leve l 1 Level 2 Lev el 3 Leve l 4 O pti ons Descript i ons Page D ir ect Pr int (S elect F ile) Print Settings (No.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 187 C Di re ct Pr int (co nti nued) (S el ec t F ile ) Pr int Settings (No. of Pri nts (001-999)) (c onti nued) Collate On * Off Enab le or di sabl e page col lat ion when pr in ti ng di rec tl y f rom the U S B Flash me mo r y dr ive.
188 Default Settings (co nti nued) Orientation —— Portrait * Landscape Set t he defa ult p age ori ent at ion w h en pri nting dir ect ly from the USB Flas h memor y d rive. 64 Collate —— On * Off Ena ble or di sabl e the def ault page co llat ion wh en p rin ti ng d ire ct ly fr om the USB Flas h memor y d rive.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 189 C Toner C Wi-F i Setu p C NOTE Afte r Wi-Fi is set up, you cannot chang e the settings from your Home screen. Change the settings for Wi-Fi in t he S ettings screen.
190 We b ( M or e scr een) C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Le vel 3 O ptio ns Desc r ipti ons Pag e Web PICAS A W EB ALBUMS ™ — — Conn ect the Bro the r ma ch in e t o an Intern et service.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 191 C Shortcut C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Le vel 4 Optio ns Desc ript ions Page Add Short cut Copy Receipt — See Options on pa ge 17 2.
192 Ad d Shor tcut (co nti nued) Fax ( Options ) (co n tin ued) Coverpage Setup Coverpage Setup On Off Au toma tic all y send a c ov er pa ge you pr ogramm ed.
Sett i ngs and fe atures tabl es 193 C Add Short cut (co nti nued) Scan (co nti nued) to E -ma il Se rv er — Address 2-sided Scan (MFC-93 40CD W) Scan Type Resolution File Type Gl ass Sc an Si ze File Size Sc an a blac k & w h ite or a c ol or do cu m en t into you r E- mai l Server.
194 Entering tex t C Wh en you m ust enter t ext in to the m ac hin e the key board will app ear on the Touchscr een. Press t o cycle am ong letters, n umbers and spec ial charact ers. Press to cycle between uppe r and lo wer case letters. Inserting space s To enter a space, press Space or c .
195 D D Ge nera l D NOTE This chap ter p rovides a summary of the m achine s’ specifications. For addit ional specifications visit us at . 1 Me as ure d di ag on al ly 2 USB co nnecti ons t o co mpute r 3 Meas u red a cco rdi ng to IEC 62301 E dition 2.
196 Model MFC- 9130CW MFC-9330CDW MFC- 9340CDW Noise Level Sound Pressu re Printi ng L PA m = 53.0 dB (A) Ready L PA m = 33 dB (A) Sound Power Printing (Col or) L WA d = 6.42 B (A) L WA d = 6.39 B (A) Pri nt ing (Bla ck & White ) L WA d = 6.41 B (A) L WA d = 6.
Sp ecif ica tion s 197 D Document Size D Model MFC-9130 CW MFC-9330CDW MFC-9340CDW Document Si z e (1- s ide d ) ADF Width 5.8 to 8.5 in. (147. 3 to 215.9 mm) ADF Length 5 .8 to 14.0 in. (147.3 to 355. 6 mm) Scanner Glass Width Max . 8. 5 in. (215. 9 mm) Scanner Glass Length Max .
198 Print media D 1 F or la be ls , we rec om m en d re m ov ing pr int ed page s f r om the ou tp ut p ap er tr ay im me di at el y a fte r the y ex it th e m ac h ine to a void th e po ss ib il ity o f s mud gi ng .
Sp ecif ica tion s 199 D Fax D 1 ‘Pag es’ r ef er s to the ‘ I TU -T Tes t Ch art #1’ (a typi cal b usin e ss le tte r , S ta ndar d re solu ti on, JBIG c ode) . Speci fic ations and pr inted mate r ia ls ar e su bjec t to chan ge wit hout prior no tice .
200 Copy D 1 Fro m Ready mode and st andar d tray Model MFC-9130CW MFC-9 330CDW MFC-9340CDW Copy W i dth Ma x. 8.27 in. (2 10 m m) Automati c 2- sided Copy — Y e s (fro m AD F) Mu lt ip le C o pie s.
Sp ecif ica tion s 201 D Scanner D 1 For the l ates t d river up da tes f or the v ers ion of OS X yo u are u sing , v isit us a t h ttp:// so lu tion s.
202 Printer D 1 The p rint sp eed ma y vary de pend ing on th e typ e of docum ent yo u prin t. 2 Fro m Ready mode and st andar d tray Model MFC-9130CW MFC-9 330CDW MFC-9340CDW Automati c 2- sided Pri.
Sp ecif ica tion s 203 D Interfa ces D 1 Y ou r ma ch in e h as a H i-S pe ed US B 2.0 in ter f ac e. The ma chin e c an als o be c onne c ted to a com p ut er th at has a U SB 1.
204 Network D NOTE For m ore information ab out the N etwork specifications, see Netwo rk User's G uide. 1 See Com p ute r r equ ir em en ts on p ag e 20 6. 2 (Fo r Wind ows ® user s) B roth er BRA d min Li gh t i s av ai la ble o n the C D- RO M p r o vide d w i th th e ma ch ine.
Sp ecif ica tion s 205 D Direct Prin t feature D 1 PDF da ta in clud in g a JBI G 2 i mage fi le, a J PE G 2000 i mage f ile o r a tra nspar e ncy fi le is not supp ort ed . Model MFC-9130 CW MFC-9330CDW MFC-9340CDW Co mp ati b il ity — PDF vers i on 1.
206 Computer requ irements D 1 For W IA , 120 0 x 1200 r eso lut ion. Bro ther S cann er Util ity e nables e nhanc ing u p to 1920 0 x 1920 0 dpi. 2 Thi rd pa r ty USB po rts are no t sup porte d.
Sp ecif ica tion s 207 D Consumable items D 1 Appr ox. car trid ge yi eld is de clar ed in acc orda nce wit h ISO/ IEC 19 798. 2 Dr um li fe is a pp rox i mat e an d ma y v ary b y t ype of us e. 3 Co n tai ns 4 pc. D rum S et. 4 Co n tai ns 1 pc. B lack D r um Un it.
208 E A Acces sories and suppl ies . ..... .... ....... ..... .... i i Address B oo k changing ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 58 setting up .... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 57 using .... ..... .... ..
209 E E Envel opes .. ....... ..... ..... .... ..... .24 , 28 , 29 , 31 Equa lization .... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... . 132 Error messages on touch screen ... ..... .... 102 Comm. Error .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....
210 N Network fax in g See So ftware User's Guide. printing See Netw ork User's Guide. scanning See So ftware User's Guide. Network connect ivity .... ... .... ..... ..... .... .....203 Nuance ™ P aperPort™ 12SE See S oftwa re User's Guide and Help in the PaperPort™ 12 SE applica tion to access How-to-Guides.
211 E T TA D (telephone answering device), external .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .... 38 , 40 connecting ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .... 5 1 , 52 recording OGM ........ .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 53 Teen Ring . Bro t h e r In te rnat io na l Cor p orat ion 200 Cr os sin g Bo ul ev ar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idge wa te r, N J 0 880 7-0 911 USA Brot her In te rna tio nal C orp ora tio n (C ana da ) Lt d. 1 r ue Hôtel de Ville, Dol lar d- des-O rm ea ux, QC , C ana da H9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the W orld W id e Web http: //www.
An important point after buying a device Brother MFC-9130CW (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother MFC-9130CW yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother MFC-9130CW - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother MFC-9130CW you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother MFC-9130CW will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother MFC-9130CW, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother MFC-9130CW.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother MFC-9130CW. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother MFC-9130CW along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center