Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DCP-J152W Brother
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Basic User’s Guide D CP- J152W Ver sion 0 USA/CAN.
If y ou ne ed to call Customer Service Ple as e comp let e the fo llow ing in fo rma tio n for fu ture re fe re n ce : Mo de l Num b er : DC P-J 152W Seri al N umb er : 1 Dat e of P ur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P ur ch as e : 1 The se rial n umb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i Brother numbers NOTE For technic al help, you must call the count ry wher e you bough t the machine . Calls must be made fro m within t hat count ry . Re giste r your pr odu ct By register ing your pr oduct with Brother Internat iona l Corporat ion, you wil l be recorde d as the origina l o wner o f the prod uct.
ii Ser vice Cent er Lo cato r (US A only ) For the locat ion of a Brother authorized servic e center, call 1-877-B RO THE R (1 - 877- 276-843 7) or visit us at http: //www.b rother-usa .com/servi ce/ . Serv ic e Cen te r L oc ati on s (C an ad a o nly) For the locat ion of a Brother authorized servic e center, call 1-877-B RO THE R.
iii Acc ess ori es a n d S uppl ies 1 For mo re in formation ab o ut t he replacement c onsumables, v isit us a t http:// o m/pag eyield / . Descri ption It em Ink Cartridge S tandar d Yield < black> LC101B K (Prints app rox. 300 pages ) 1 Ink Cartridge S tandar d Yield < yellow > LC101Y (Prints approx.
v Compilati on and Public ation No tice Under the s upervision of Br other Indust ries, Ltd., t his manual ha s been c ompiled and publi s hed, covering the lat est produ c t descri pt ions and specificat ions. The contents of this manual and the specificat ions of this produc t are subject to change wit hout notice.
vi User' s Guide s and w here do I find them? 1 Vi sit us at ht t p:/ /sol uti ons. brot her. co m/ . Which Guide? What's in it ? Where is it ? Pr oduc t Saf e ty G ui de Read th is Gui de first. Pl ease read the S a fety Instruc tions befor e you s et up your machine.
vii Table of Conte nts (Basic Us er’s Guide) 1 General info rmat ion 1 Usi ng th e doc um en tat ion ..... .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. . 1 Sym b ols a nd co nv ent ions us ed in the doc um e nta tio n .
viii 6 How to sc an t o a compu ter 25 Befor e scanning ........ ..... . ..... ..... . .. . ..... ..... . .... . ..... ........ . ..... ........ . ..... ..... . .. . ...... ....... 25 Scanning a docum ent as a PDF f ile usi ng ControlCent er4 (Window s ® ) .
ix D Specif icati ons 73 General ........ ......... . .... ......... . .... . ..... . .. . ..... ........ . ...... ......... . .... ......... . .... . ..... ........ . ... 73 Pri nt m ed ia . ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..
x Table of Conten ts (A dva nced User ’s Gu ide) The Advanced U s er’s Guide explai ns the followin g features an d operati ons. You can view the Advanced Us er’s Guid e on the CD-ROM.
1 1 1 Using the d ocumentation 1 Thank you for buying a Bro ther machine! Reading t he docum entation w ill help you make t he most o f your mac hine. Symb ols a nd conv e ntions us ed in the docum ent ation 1 The followi ng s ymbol s and conventions ar e used thr oughout t he documentat ion.
Chapter 1 2 b Select your ma c hine. c Choose the funct ion you want to use. Acces sing the A dva nced User ’s Gui de and Softw are and Network User’s Gui d e 1 This B as ic User’s Gui de does not cont ain all the informati on about t he machine, such as how to use the advanc ed Copy, Print er, Scanne r, and Network featur es.
Gener al i nfo rmation 3 1 c I f t he language s creen appears, cli c k your langua ge. T he CD-R O M Top Menu w ill appe ar. d Cli ck Use r’s Guid es . e Cli ck PDF /H T ML do c ume nt s . If the countr y screen appears, choo s e y our countr y. After the list of U s er’s Guides appear s , choose the guid e you want to read.
Chapter 1 4 How to access G uides for A d vanc ed Feature s 1 You can view and downlo ad these Gui des from the Brother Solut ions Center at: http : //s oluti on s. bro th er .co m/ . Click Manu als on you r model ’s page t o downloa d the documentatio n.
Gener al i nfo rmation 5 1 To access the Br ot her CreativeCen ter (http: //www.brot m /creat ivecenter/ ) for F REE photo projects and prin t able downloads , clic k Brother Creat i veCenter . To return to the To p Me nu , cli ck Back or if you are finis hed, click Exit .
Chapter 1 6 Contro l panel ov ervie w 1 1 LCD ( Liqu id Crysta l Display) Displ ays message s on the s creen to help you set up and use y our machi ne. 2 Mode keys: SCAN Lets you ac cess Scan mo de. WEB Lets you c onne ct the Brother machi ne to an Internet serv ice.
Gener al i nfo rmation 7 1 5 S t o p / E x i t Stops an o peration or exits the me nu. 6 Power On /Off Press to turn on the machi ne. Press and hold down to turn off the machine. T he LC D will d isplay Shutting Down and w ill st ay on for a few seconds before tur ning itself of f.
Chapter 1 8 LCD scr een 1 The LC D display s the machi ne’s statu s when the mac hine is idle. 1 W ireles s Status A fou r-level indicato r displa ys the curre nt wirele ss signal strength if you are u sing a wirele ss connecti on. B asic O p era tion s 1 The following s teps sho w how to change a sett ing in the machine.
Gener al i nfo rmation 9 1 Wa rning LED indicati ons 1 The Warnin g LED (Light Em itting Dio de) is a light that sh ows the DCP status. The LCD displays the machine status when th e machine is idle. LED DCP status Descrip tion Off Ready T he DCP i s read y for us e.
10 2 Loadin g paper and other print medi a 2 Load only one size of paper a nd one ty pe of paper in the paper tra y at a t im e . (For more inf ormation about paper size, weight and t hickness , s ee Cho osing the right pri nt media on page 19.) a Pull t he paper tray complet ely out of the machine.
Loading pa per 11 2 NOTE When you are using Legal si z e pap er, press and ho ld the univers al guide relea s e butt on (1) as you s lide out the front of t he paper tray. d Fa n the stack of paper well to avoid paper jams and mi sfeeds. NOTE Always ma k e sure that the paper is not curled or wr inkled .
Chapter 2 12 f Gently adjust the paper widt h guides (1) to f it t he paper. Make sur e the paper width guides light ly touch t he sides of the pap er. g Close the output paper tray c o v er. h Slowly and fi rml y push the paper tray complet ely into the machi ne.
Loading pa per 13 2 Load ing enve lope s 2 Abou t en velop es 2 Use envelo pes that weigh from 20 to 25 lb (80 to 95 g/m 2 ). Some envelopes need margin setting s to be set in the applicat ion you are using. Make sure you do a test print first before prin t ing m ultiple e nvelopes.
Chapter 2 14 b Put env elopes in th e paper tr ay with the pr i n ti n g su r f ac e fa c e do w n . If t h e envelop e flaps are on the long edge, load the envelopes in t he tray with the flap on the left, as shown in the illus t ration.
Loading pa per 15 2 Un pri nt ab le a rea 2 The printable area depends on the settings in the appli cation you are using. The figures show the unprintable are as on cut-sheet paper and envelop es. The m achine c an print i n the s haded a reas of cut-shee t paper only when th e Borderl ess print featur e is availabl e and turned on.
Chapter 2 16 Paper settings 2 Pa pe r Type 2 To get the best print quality, s et the machine for the t y pe of paper you are using . a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to c hoos e General Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to c hoos e Paper Type . Pres s OK .
Loading pa per 17 2 Accepta ble p aper and other print m edia 2 The print quali ty c an be affected by the type of paper you use in the machine. To get the best print qualit y for the set tings you ha v e chos en, alway s set the Paper Type to match the type of paper you load.
Chapter 2 18 IMPORTANT DO NOT use the follo wing kinds of paper : • Damaged, curled , wrinkled , or ir regularly shaped 1 0.08 in. (2 m m) or greater cu rl may cause ja ms to occur.
Loading pa per 19 2 Ch oosing t he r ight p rint m ed ia 2 P ap er ty pe an d si z e fo r ea ch ope ra t io n 2 P ap er we ig ht , thic kn es s a nd cap ac i ty 2 1 Up t o 10 0 she et s of pl ain p ap er 20 lb (80 g/ m 2 ). 2 BP 71 69 l b (260 g /m 2 ) p ape r is e speci al ly de sign ed f or B rot her inkj et m achi ne s.
20 3 How t o l oa d documents 3 You can make copies, and scan f rom the scann er glass. Using t he sc an ner glas s 3 You can use the sc anner glass to copy or scan page s of a book or one page at a time. Do cument si zes s upp orted 3 How to lo ad d ocume nt s 3 a Lift the docu m ent cover .
Loadi ng documen ts 21 3 Un sc an na ble a re a 3 The unscannab le area depends on the settings in t he applicati on you are using. Th is figure s hows the u nscannable areas. Usage Do cume nt Size Top (1 ) Bo tt om (3 ) Le ft (2) Right (4) Copy All paper sizes 0.
22 4 How to copy 4 a Place the document fa ce do wn on the scanner glas s. (See Using the sc anner glass on page 20.) b Pres s + or - until the number of copies you want appear s (up to 99). 1 N umber of Cop ies c Pres s Black S tart or Color Start . Stop copy ing 4 To stop copy ing, press Sto p/Exit .
Making c opies 23 4 Pape r Type 4 If you are copying on special paper , se t the machine for the type o f paper you are using to get the best print quality . a Load your document. b E nt e r the number of copies you want. c Press a or b to choose Paper Type .
24 5 Printing a document 5 The mac hine can recei ve and pri nt data from you r computer . To print from a computer, you must instal l the printer d river. For more inf ormat ion, see Software and Ne twork User’s G uid e: Pr int . a Install the Brother pri nter driv er from the CD-ROM.
25 6 6 Be fore sc annin g 6 To use t he machine as a scanner, i nstall a scanner dr iver. If the machi ne is on a net work, configur e it wit h a TCP / IP add r e s s. Instal l the scann er drivers from the CD -ROM. (Se e Quick Setup Guide: Ins tall MF L-Pro Suit e .
Chapter 6 26 Scann ing a docum ent as a PDF file using ControlCenter4 (Window s ® ) 6 For more inf ormat ion, see Software and Net work User’s Guide: Scan Using Contr olCenter4 Advanced Mode (W in dows ® ) . NOTE The screens on yo ur PC m ay vary depending on your model.
How to s can to a comp uter 27 6 d M ake sure the machi ne you want to use is selec t ed from the Model dr op - d ow n li st . e S et the scann ing configuration. Clic k Co nfig urat ion , a nd then select Button set tings , Scan an d File . The configu r atio n dialog box appear s.
Chapter 6 28 f Click OK . g Click the Scan tab. h Click File . i Click Scan . The mac hine star t s t he s canning proces s. The folder wh ere the sc anned data i s sav ed will open automati cally.
How to s can to a comp uter 29 6 How to c hange the mach ine’s SC AN mode settings for PDF scanni ng us ing ControlCenter4 (Window s ® ) 6 You can change your mach ine’s SCAN mode set tings.
Chapter 6 30 e Choose the File t ab. Yo u can change the default set t in gs. 1 Ch oose PDF (*.pdf) from t he Fi le T ype drop-down list. 2 Y ou c an enter the file name you want to use for t he document . 3 Y ou can save the f ile to the default fold er, or c hoos e your preferred fo lder by clicking the ( Browse ) button.
How to s can to a comp uter 31 6 How to s can a do cument as a PDF fi le us ing the control pa nel (Windows ® and Mac intosh) 6 a Load your docum ent. (S e e How to l oad docum ents on page 20.) b Press (SCAN). c Press a or b to choose Scan to File .
32 A Replacing the ink cartridge s A Your mac hine is equipped with an ink dot cou nt er. The ink dot count er monitors t he lev el of ink in each of the four ca rt ridg es. When t he machine detects an i nk cartr idge is run ning out of ink, t he machine will dis play a message.
Routine maintenan ce 33 A b P ress the lock rel ease lever ( 1) as shown to releas e the c artrid ge color indic at e d on t he LCD. Remove the cartri dge from the machine. c Op en the new ink c artridg e bag f or the color indi cated on the LCD, and then take ou t the ink cartri dge.
34 e Each c olor has i ts ow n correct position. Insert t he ink car tridge in the di rection of the arrow on the label. f Gently pu s h the back of the ink cartridge —marked PUSH— until it latche s, and then clo se the ink cart ridge cover. g The machi ne will automati c ally reset the ink dot counter .
Routine maintenan ce 35 A Cleaning and c hecking the ma chine A Clea ning the scan ner A a Unpl ug the mach ine from the A C powe r outlet. b Lif t the document cover (1). Clean th e scanner glas s ( 2) and the whit e plastic (3) with a soft lint-fr ee cloth moist ened with a non-flamm able glas s clean er.
36 NOTE • I f you cle an the pr int head at least five times and the pr int has not improved , t ry installi ng a ne w Genuine Brother B rand repla c ement ink cart ridge for each probl em color. Try cle aning the pr int head again up t o five more t imes.
Routine maintenan ce 37 A NOTE Check ing t he pri nt al ig nment A You may need to adjust the prin t align m ent after tran s por t ing the mac hine if your pri nted text becomes blurr ed or images bec ome faded. a Press Menu . b Press a or b to choose Ink .
38 Setting th e date an d time A If the machine’s power has been off, the machi ne's date and time may not be cur rent. Reent er the dat e and t ime here. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to c hoos e Initial Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to c hoos e Date & Time .
39 B B Identify ing y our problem B First, chec k the followin g: The mac hine's power c ord is connected corr ectly and th e machine's power s witch is turned o n. All of the prote c tive par ts have been remov ed. Paper is inser t ed c orrectly i n the paper tray.
40 Error and mainten ance messa ges B As wit h any sophisticat ed office produ c t, errors m ay occur and consum able items may need to be rep laced. If this happens, your machine iden t ifies the error or requir ed routine maintenanc e and dis plays the appropriate message.
Troubleshooti ng 41 B Cannot Detect You instal led a new ink cartridge to o quickly and the mac hine did not detect it. Tak e out the new ink car tridge an d reins t al l it slowl y and firmly unt il it latches. (S ee Replaci ng the ink cartridges on page 32 .
42 Ink Absorber Full The ink absorbe r box or flush ing box is full. T hese compon ents are periodic ma intenanc e items that may require r eplacement a fter a period of time to ensure opt imum performanc e from your Broth er machine. Because these comp onents ar e perio dic mainten ance items , the replac ement is not c overed under the w arranty.
Troubleshooti ng 43 B No Paper Fed The mac hine is out of paper or paper is not co rrectly loaded i n the paper tray. Do one o f the fol lowing: Refill the pape r tray, and the n press B lack Start or Co lor S ta rt . Remove and r eload the p aper, then press Blac k Start or Color S tar t .
44 Paper Jam The pape r is jam med in the m achin e. Remove the jammed p aper by following the s teps in Printer jam o r paper jam on page 45. Make sure th e paper l ength guid e is set to the correct pape r size. DO NO T extend the p aper tray w hen you l oad A5 or sma ller size paper .
Troubleshooti ng 45 B Error animation B Error animat ions display step- by-step instruct ions when paper gets jammed. You can read the steps at your own pace by pressing c to see t he next step a nd d to go back a step.
46 f Move t he print he ad (i f neces sary) to take out any pap er remain ing in this area. M ake sure t hat jammed paper is not left in t he c or ners of th e m achine ( 1) and (2). IMPORTANT • D O NOT touch the encoder strip (1). Doing this ma y cause damage to the machine.
Troubleshooti ng 47 B g Make sure you lo ok caref ully inside t he machine (1) f or any pieces of paper. h Look inside the machine from a lower angle a nd make sure there are no piece s of paper rem aining. i Ope n th e J am Cle ar Cov er (1) at the ba c k of th e ma c h in e.
48 l Put th e paper t ray firmly back in the machine. m Lift the scanner cover (1) to releas e the lock. Gentl y push the scanner cov er support down (2) and close t he scann er cover (3) using bot h hands. CAUTIO N Be careful n ot to pi nc h y our fi ngers w hen you close th e scanner cover .
Troubleshooti ng 49 B c P ull the two green lev ers inside the machine t o remove the jammed pape r . d P lace both han ds under th e plastic tabs on bot h sides of the machine to lift the scanner cover in to the op en positi on.
50 f If the t hick paper i s pushing any jam med paper out, rem ove the jammed paper. IMPORTANT DO NOT touch the encoder strip (1) . Doing this ma y cause damage to the machine. g Pull the thick paper out of the mach ine. h Open the Jam Clear Cover (1) at the back of the mac hine.
Troubleshooti ng 51 B j I f the thick paper is pushin g any ja m med paper out, rem ove t he jammed paper. IMPORTANT DO NOT touch the encoder s trip (1) . Doing this m ay cause damage to the machin e. k P ull the thick paper out of the machine. l Close the Jam Clear Cov er.
52 n Put th e paper t ray firmly back in the machine. o Re-connect the power cord..
Troubleshooti ng 53 B I f you ar e having difficu lty with y our ma chine B NOTE • For technic al help, you must call the count ry wher e you bought the machine . Calls must be made from wit hin t hat count ry . • If you thin k there is a probl em with your machin e, check the followin g chart and foll ow t he troubles hooting t ips.
54 No pr intout. (c onti nued ) If old, un print ed data rema ins i n t he pri nt er dr ive r spo oler , it wil l pre ven t new prin t job s from pr inti n g. De lete old data as foll ows: (Win d ows ® XP and Wi ndo ws Se rver ® 2003 ) Clic k Sta rt / Pri nte rs an d F ax es .
Troubleshooti ng 55 B Print Quality Difficu lties Diffic u lty S uggest ions P oor pr int qua lit y. C hec k t he print qu alit y. (See C heck ing t he print qu alit y on pa ge 3 6.
56 Pr inting ap pe ars di rty or ink see ms to ru n. Ma ke su re yo u are usin g t he re com men de d typ es o f pap er. (Se e Acce pt able pape r a nd ot her p rin t m ed ia on p ag e 17.) D o n't ha nd le th e p ap er un til th e in k is dry . Mak e s ure th e pr int i ng sur fac e is fa ce d own in th e pa per tr ay.
Troubleshooti ng 57 B Machin e feeds mu ltiple p a ges. Do th e follo wing: (See Load ing p aper and oth er pri nt med ia o n pa ge 10.) Mak e sur e the pape r i s lo aded corre ct ly i n the pape r t ray. Re mo ve al l the paper from the tra y an d fan t he sta ck of pa pe r well, then put it back in t h e tra y.
58 So ftwar e Diff icult ies Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Cannot instal l softwa re or prin t. (Win d ows ® ) Run the Repa ir MFL -Pro Suite program o n the CD- ROM . Th is pro g ram wil l rep a ir and r eins t all t he s oft war e. “D evice Busy ” Make su re t he mach ine is no t dis play ing an er ror m essa ge on the LC D.
Troubleshooti ng 59 B Mac hine I nformatio n B Ch ec king the se ria l n umb er B a Press Menu . b Press a or b to choose Machine Info . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Serial No . Press OK . Your machi ne’s serial number will appear on the L CD.
60 C Using the Settin gs tables C Press t he Menu keys to choose the sett ings and o ptions y ou want to set as they ar e dis played on the screen. We h av e c reated step- by-step Sett ings tab l es and Feat ures table s so you can see all the ava ilable choices fo r each setting an d feature at-a- glance.
Settings and featur es tabl es 61 C Menu table C The menu table wil l help you understand t he m enu se lect i ons and options in t he machi ne's LCD menu.
62 General S etup (C onti nued ) LCD Se ttings Backlight Light * Med Dark Yo u can ad just th e bri ghtn es s of t he L CD back light. See . Dim Timer Off 10Secs 20Secs 30Secs * Yo u can s et h ow l ong th e LCD backl igh t sta ys on afte r the last k ey pr e ss.
Settings and featur es tabl es 63 C Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Le ve l3 L eve l4 O p tion s Des cri pti o ns Pag e Network WLA N TCP/IP BOOT Meth od Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses t he BOOT method that be st suit s your ne eds. See . IP Addres s [0 00 -255 ].
64 Network (C onti nued ) WLAN (Con ti nued ) W LAN Assis tant — — Y ou ca n conf igur e your wire less n etw ork set tin gs us ing th e Br othe r CD-R O M. See . Setu p Wiz ar d — — Y ou ca n man uall y conf igur e your pri nt se rver for a wire less n etw ork.
Settings and featur es tabl es 65 C Me nu ( ) (con tin ued) C Network (Co nti nued ) WLAN Ena ble —— On Off * Lets you use the wire less ne t work co nnec tio n. See . Net work Reset ———R e s t o r e s a l l netwo r k setti ngs to th e f ac to r y setti ng s.
66 SCA N ( ) C Level1 L evel2 L e vel3 Options Descriptions Page Scan to F ile Set w ith Panel — Off (Set with PC) * On I f you wa nt to use t he cont rol panel to ch an ge the ma ch ine’ s se tting s, choo se On . See . The set tings bel ow wil l appea r when On is selec ted in Set with Pane l .
Settings and featur es tabl es 67 C Sca n to E-ma il Set with Pane l — Off (Set with PC) * On If you wa n t to use the co ntr ol pa nel t o c han ge the ma ch ine’ s se tting s, choos e On . See . The se ttings be low will a p pe a r w h en On is sele ct ed in Set with Panel .
68 Scan to I mage Set w ith Panel — Off (Set with PC) * On I f you wa nt to use t he cont rol panel to ch an ge the ma ch ine’ s se tting s, choo se On . See . The set tings bel ow wil l appea r when On is selec ted in Set with Pane l . Scan T ype — Co lor * Bl ack and White You can ch oose t h e scan ty pe fo r y ou r d oc um e nt .
Settings and featur es tabl es 69 C C OPY (D ef aul t s cree n) C Level1 L evel2 L evel3 Options D escriptions Pa g e Quality —— Normal * Best Choo se th e Cop y r esolution fo r the next copy.
70 Stack/Sor t —— St ack * Sort Yo u can ch oos e to st ack or so rt mu lti ple co pies . See . Page Layo ut —— Of f(1in 1) * 2in1(P) 2in1(L) 2in1(ID ) 4in1(P) 4in1(L) Poster (2x1) Poster (2x2) Poster (3x3) You can make N in 1, 2 in 1 ID , or Pos t er cop ies.
Settings and featur es tabl es 71 C WE B ( ) C Leve l 1 Le ve l2 Lev el 3 Opt ion s Des cri pt ion s P age Apps — — — Le ts yo u co nn ect t he Br othe r m ach i ne t o an Inte rnet servi c e.
72 Entering T ext C You may need to ent er text into the machine, when you set the dat e and time. Enterin g number s and lett ers C Press a , b , d or c to selec t the number or letter you want, and press the OK butt on on the machi ne’s control panel.
73 D D Genera l D NOTE This c hapter provi des a summar y of t he machine s ’ spec ifications. For addit ional specif ications visit http:// om/ . 1 Me asu red d iag ona lly. 2 Me asu red when the m a chin e is conne ct ed t o the U SB i nterf ac e.
74 1 Noi se depe nd s on prin tin g cond iti ons . Dimens i on We ight 15.4 lb (7.0 kg) Noise Level (Sound Pr ess ure ) O p erat i ng: 50 dB(A ) (Maxi mum ) 1 Temper ature Op erating: Best Print Quali.
Specific a ti o ns 75 D Prin t media D 1 For gloss y pa pe r or tra nspar e ncie s, remo ve p rin ted pa ge s fr om t he ou tp ut pa pe r tray imm edi ate ly afte r th ey exi t the mac hin e to a void sm udgi ng . 2 Us e on ly tra nsp are ncy pa per rec ommen ded for inkj et pr int in g.
76 Cop y D 1 When cop yin g on Lette r s ize paper . Scann er D 1 Wind ows ® XP i n thi s Use r’s Gu ide in clud es Wi ndows ® XP Home Edi tion, Windo ws ® XP Pr ofes sion al, an d Wind ows ® XP Pr o f e ss ional x 6 4 Ed itio n .
Specific a ti o ns 77 D Printer D 1 Wh en th e B ord erl ess featur e is set to O n. 2 See Pa per ty pe an d si ze f or e ach oper ati on on pa ge 1 9. 3 Wh en print in g on Le t ter s ize pa pe r. 4 For det ailed spec ificati o ns vi s it h ttp://www.
78 Ne t wor k D NOTE For more inf orm ation about the Network specificati ons, see S oft ware and Netwo r k User’s Guide. You can connec t your mach ine to a network for Network P r inti ng and Net wor k Scanning 1 . Also inc luded is Br o t her BRAdmin Light 2 Network Management software .
Specific a ti o ns 79 D Computer requ ireme nts D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYST EMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS PC Inte rface Hard Dis k Spac e to instal l Comput er Platfo rm & Operat ing System Ve rsion USB 2 Wireless 802.
80 Consuma ble items D Ink The mach ine uses individ ual Black, Yellow, Cyan and M agenta ink cart ridges that are separate f rom the print head assembly .
Index 81 E E A Accessories and s upplies .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... ... ii Apple Macinto s h See Sof t ware and Networ k User’s Guide. B Brother accessorie s and suppl ies .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. . ii Brother number s . .. ... .... ... .
82 N Net w or k Printing See S oft ware an d Network User’s Guide. Scanni ng See S oft ware an d Network User’s Guide. P Pape r .. .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. 17 , 75 capa c ity ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ..
www.brothe Brother Internat ional Corp oration 200 Crossin g Bouleva rd P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada ) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3 H6 Visi t us on t h e Wo rld Wide Web http ://www .
An important point after buying a device Brother DCP-J152W (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother DCP-J152W yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother DCP-J152W - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother DCP-J152W you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother DCP-J152W will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother DCP-J152W, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother DCP-J152W.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother DCP-J152W. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother DCP-J152W along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center