Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6-00026-01 Rev A ADIC
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AMASS Over vie w AMASS V er sion 5.3 A ugust 2002 6-00026-01 Re v A.
Trad emark Notice ADIC, AMASS, CentraVision, DAS, DataMgr, FileServ, and VolServ are either trademarks or registered trademarks of A dvanced Digital Information Corporation. All other product names and identificat ions are trademarks or r egi stered trademarks of their respective owners.
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6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents v Contents Preface Purpose of This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P-3 Who Should Read This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices vi Cont ents 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Design Maintains Data Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 File Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents vii Accessing the Stora ge Network 2 Local and Network Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Local Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices viii Co ntent s 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Index.
P Preface.
AMA SS Overview P-2 Pr eface 6-00026-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Preface P-3 Purpose of This Book This book pro vides an introduction or high-lev el summary of AMASS, ADIC’ s Archi val Managem e nt and Storage System software application.
AMA SS Overview P-4 Pr eface 6-00026-0 1 Rev A Conventions The c on v entions used throughout the AMASS technical books are listed below: Con vention Exa m ple The word “li brary” usually includes “j uk ebox” and “stand alone drive” and is a gener ic wa y to ref e rence a st orage de vic e .
1 Online Ar c hiving with AMASS.
AMA SS Overview 1-2 Online Archiving wi th AMASS 6-0002 6-01 Rev A NO TES.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archivi ng with A MASS 1-3 Using AMASS to Arc hive Yo u r D a t a The Archiv al Management and Storage System (AMASS) is a management tool for your storage solution. Files are archiv ed to media stored in robotic libraries, jukebox es, and standalone dr i v es .
AMA SS Overview 1-4 Online Archiving wi th AMASS 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Ar chive ver sus Bac kup and Restore Backup and restore applications are usually an automatically scheduled operation aimed at pr otecting original data against any kind of loss or damage.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archivi ng with A MASS 1-5 Documentat ion Set Ov er vie w The f igure belo w provides an ov ervie w of an AMASS-managed storage solution and a reference to other books in the AMASS documentation set.
AMA SS Overview 1-6 Online Archiving wi th AMASS 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Benefits of Using AMASS The management tool for your storage system should provide: • Performan ce • Data i ntegrity • Ease-of-.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archivi ng with A MASS 1-7 The follo wing figure illustrates the concept of ho w the File System Database maps the f ile system data to the volum e s in the libra ry.
AMA SS Overview 1-8 Online Archiving wi th AMASS 6-0002 6-01 Rev A A utomated Backu ps via Cron Job Because the File System Database is ext remely important, this information must be protected. Consequently , the amassbackup command, run from a cron job, re gularly backs up both the Database and the Journal.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archivi ng with A MASS 1-9 Design Pre vents Thrashing In a storage en vironm ent, there ar e many v olume s b ut onl y a fe w driv e s .
AMA SS Overview 1-10 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A • Prioritizing reads-from-volumes o ver writes-to-volumes Configurable Cache The cache size can be c onf igured to take adv antage of both the application being used and the system en vironment where AMASS is instal led.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-11 When a volume is full, AMASS a utoma tica lly se lects t he next a vailable volume to continue its operations. The v olumes that make up AMASS can be subdi vided, if desired, into multiple groups called volume groups .
AMA SS Overview 1-12 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A The follo wing figure illustrates these v olume groups: After a volume has been assigned to a numerical volum e group, all writes to the volum e group di rec tory and its subdirectories go to the specif ied volumes.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-13 • Allo w AMASS to automatically assign a v olume from the space pool to the out-of-space volume group. Do this b y using the AMASS vgpool command to enable space pool for the specified v olume group.
AMA SS Overview 1-14 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A File Recov er y Because write operations go to the cache first (including sync , fsync , and synchronous IO), in the e vent of a system crash, AMASS recovers all write opera tions that were in the cache a nd processes the writes to media afte r the system is rebooted.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-15 As an aid in v olume verification, the system adminis trator enters either a bar code or a user-def ined label when introducing a v olume to the File System Da tabase. At the same time, AMASS assigns the v olume a uni que numer ical ID.
AMA SS Overview 1-16 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A Scattered writes a llo w s AMASS to use more tha n one dri ve to write to volum es in a volume group.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-17 T ape Strea ming Improves Writ e P erf ormance Streaming tape IO provides a cons tant flo w of data output to a dri ve, which lessens start and stop operations. This feature typically impro ves write performance but depends on f ile size, number of files, a nd dri ve type.
AMA SS Overview 1-18 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A T ool s The follo wing tools assist with f ile system tasks and troubleshooting: Command s The AMASS commands are a set of UNI X-style, command-line interfaces.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-19 ADIC Scalar 1000 AMASS does not support automatic dri ve cleaning on the ADIC Scalar 1000 with firmw are ear lier than le v e l 2.10. Consequently , the Cleaning Mode must be disabled as f ollo ws: Step 1.
AMA SS Overview 1-20 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A Step 8. Press Escape until you reach the Status Display menu (the initial screen). Flexi ble AMASS is both driv e and librar y independent thus allo wing you to choose the hardware that meets the specif ic nee ds of your company .
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-21 • A network-attached Storage T echnology storage device using Automatic Cartridge System Library Software (A CSLS). During the AMASS installation, conf igure the unique media types with separate authorization strings.
AMA SS Overview 1-22 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A Optional Features T o enable the follo wing optional features, obtain a unique authorization string from your AMASS sales representativ e. Enter this alphanumeric string during the installation process.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-23 The metadata contains the di rectory structure and media attributes (such as media type, ownership, and ti mestamp) for a specified v olume group. The metadata is located in /usr/amass/filesysdb and is exported as standard ASCII te xt.
AMA SS Overview 1-24 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A The following figure il lustrates these steps: For more information, refer to the Command Reference chapter in Managing the AMASS File System . Te xa s 1. Impor t metadata that describes specified volumes.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-25 V olume Copy The volcopy command copies data from a source volume to a destination v olume. If the original v olume is lost, destroyed, or damaged, you can use the duplicate volume exactly lik e you would the original.
AMA SS Overview 1-26 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A CD Impor t Import data from CDs formatted by the standards prescribed by the follo wing: • High Sierra • ISO 9660 • Rockridge (an ISO 9660 format with extensions) For more information, refer to the Command Reference chapter in Managing the AMASS File System.
AMASS Ov erview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AM ASS 1-27 Infinite File Lif e The Inf inite File Life (IFL) opti onal feature automa tically manages vo latile media over an e xtended period.
AMA SS Overview 1-28 Online Archiv ing with AM ASS 6-00026-01 Rev A NO TES.
2 Accessing the Stora g e Netw ork.
AMA SS Overview 2-2 Accessing the Storage Network 6-00026-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Accessing the Storag e Network 2-3 Local and Netw o rk Access Because AMASS is implemented at the virtual f ile system (VFS) laye r of the serve r’ s operating system, it is t ransparent to other software programs on the server .
AMA SS Overview 2-4 Accessing the Storage Network 6-00026-0 1 Rev A AMASS supports NFS b y making its file system appear as a mounted local f ile system to the NFS server . This allo ws the AMASS f ile system to be expor ted in the same manner as the standard local f ile system is exported.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Accessing the Storag e Network 2-5 Remote F ile Cop y (RCP) RCP allo ws the user to do f ile transfers to a nd from the AMASS without manually logging onto the remote system. The login function is perfo r med a utomatically b y the RCP utility .
AMA SS Overview 2-6 Accessing the Storage Network 6-00026-0 1 Rev A Suppor ted Libraries and Drives AMASS supports a maximum of: • 8 libra ries • 256 drives p e r library • 65,000 volumes AMASS .
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Accessing the Storag e Network 2-7 The follo wing fi gure illustrates these connections: The follo wing figure illustrates library and dri ve addresses: RS-232 Juke box SCSI UNIX Application Server Client Juke box AMASS Library Netw ork Standalone Drive Drive Library The library has its own SCSI or IP address.
AMA SS Overview 2-8 Accessing the Storage Network 6-00026-0 1 Rev A Fibre Cha nnel Suppor t This release of AMASS has been successfully tested on the follo wing Fibre Channel configurations HP9000 V S.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Accessing the Storag e Network 2-9 For more information about Fibre Channel support, refer to the appendix in Installing AMASS . AMASS Ins talled on Platfor m Multiplexer/Router Drive HP 900 0 V ser ies S-clas s runn ing HP-UX 1 1.
AMA SS Overview 2-10 Ac cessing the Storag e Network 6-00026-01 Rev A NO TES.
3 T echnical Suppor t.
AMA SS Overview 3-2 T e chnical Support 6-00026-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Tech nical Support 3-3 Phone Suppor t Depending on how you purchased technical support, telephone support is provided either through your reseller or directly through ADIC. The ADIC T echnical Assistance Center (A T A C) in Den v er , Colorado pro vides world-wide service and support.
AMA SS Overview 3-4 T e chnical Support 6-00026-0 1 Rev A Books The CD contains the AMASS books as PDF f iles. The books described belo w are part of th e technical documentation set: Contact Publ ications T o make corrections or to comment on AMASS publications, please contact T echnical Public ations at techdocs@adic.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Tech nical Support 3-5 Related Publ ications The publications described in the following table are created and distribut ed on an as- needed basis: Related Publ icatio.
AMA SS Overview 3-6 T e chnical Support 6-00026-0 1 Rev A Secured Web Site T o receiv e access to the secured site on ADIC’ s home page containing technical product in formation (Release Notes, Product Alerts, Product Bulletins, F A Qs), visit http://partne rs.
6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-1 Glossar y A AMASS ® The Archival Management and Storage System (A MASS) is stor age management software. AMASS archive s files onto media stored in robotic libraries, jukeboxes, and standalone drives.
AMA SS Overview GL-2 Glossary 6-00026-0 1 Rev A bar cod e An array of spaces a nd vertical bars in varying widths in a machine-readable pattern. Media is identified by barcode rather than a physical home storage slot. BFS Bitfile Server component of DataMgr.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-3 D DAS ™ Distributed AML Server. An ADIC software product with both client and server components. The server component is installed on an OS/2 PC and the client component is installed on the same UNIX workstation where AMASS is instal led.
AMA SS Overview GL-4 Glossary 6-00026-0 1 Rev A E Ethe rnet A networking system designed to connect computers that are re leatively close together (physically in the same department).
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-5 File Sy stem Dat abase The File System Data base contai ns tables of attributes—or me tadata—representing the directory structure and media mounted under the AMASS file system. The metadata includes: media ID, medi a type, media location, ownership, and timestam p.
AMA SS Overview GL-6 Glossary 6-00026-0 1 Rev A IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface. A high-performance, gener al-purpose parallel peripheral interface.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-7 •O p t i c a l •C D me tadata Represents the directory structure and attributes about media. Attributes include: •M e d i a I D • Media type • Media location • Ownership • T imestamp The metadat a for the AMASS file system resides in the AMASS database.
AMA SS Overview GL-8 Glossary 6-00026-0 1 Rev A nonresid ent file A nonresident file is a file whose contents have been migrated to a storage device. The file is nonresident on the client’s machi ne but DataMgr leaves behind a stub file. O optical Types of optical pla tters are described below: • MO (Magneto Optical) is rewritable optical.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-9 S scattered wr ites If multiple writes occur to a single volume group, AMASS uses more than one drive to simultane ously write to the volume group. This increases throughput. SCSI Fa st/Wide Small Computer System Interface.
AMA SS Overview GL-10 Glossary 6-0002 6-01 Rev A storage policy DataMgr migrate s files using storage policies, including Singl e Copy, Multi-tier Migration, and File Replication.
AMASS Ov erview 6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-11 V VBS The Virtual Block Server is an AMASS component that emulates a hard disk drive that maps an infinite ly large block of space on to physical libraries, drives, and media. Use the GUI to monitor the Virtual Block Server.
AMA SS Overview GL-12 Glossary 6-0002 6-01 Rev A X XDI eXtensible Device Inte rface. An AMASS software module that provides a communication interface between AMASS and network-attached storage devices.
6-0002 6-01 Rev A Inde x INX-i Inde x A Access local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 AMASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AMA SS Ove rview INX-i i Index 6-0002 6-01 Rev A definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-3 DataMgr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 26 , GL-3 Dead Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-3 DLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AMASS Overview 6-0002 6-01 Rev A Inde x INX-ii i M Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G L-6 Mailslot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-9 Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 , GL-6 , GL-11 less contention . . . . . . . .
AMA SS Ove rview INX-i v Index 6-0002 6-01 Rev A SSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-9 Standalone Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-9 Storage Area Ne twork . . . . . . . . . . . GL-9 Storage Devices supported . . . . . . . . .
An important point after buying a device ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ADIC 6-00026-01 Rev A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center