Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless Black Box
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B LAC K BO X ® Su ppor ts http and SNMP i nt erf ace f or s wi tch managemen t . • The L GB 2 1 1 8A ha s ( 1 6 ) 1 0 - / 1 00 - /1 0 00 - Mbps TP po r ts and (2) Gigabit SFP por t s. • The L GB 2 1 2 4A h as ( 2 0 ) 1 0 - /1 0 0 - / 1 00 0 - Mbp s TP port s and ( 4 ) G igabit T P / SFP dual - media po r t s.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 2 T ra demar k s Used in t his M anu al W e ‘ re h er e t o hel p! If y ou h av e a n y qu estio n s abo ut y ou r app li ca tio n or o ur p rod ucts, c on tact Bl ac k Bo x T ech S u pport at 7 2 4 -74 6 - 5 5 0 0 or go t o blackbox.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 3 FC C and IC R FI S t ate ments Feder al Comm uni cati ons Commi ssion and I ndustr y C anad a Radi o F requency Interference Stat ements This equipment gene.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 4 NOM S tateme nt Ins trucciones de S eguridad ( N ormas Oficiales M exic anas Elec trical S afet y Statement ) 1 . T odas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas a ntes de que el apara to eléc trico sea operado.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 5 T able of Content s T able of Content s 1 . Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 6 T able of Content s 5.3.4 Pin g Status ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 5.4 Ma intenance .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 7 Chapter 1: S pe cifications 1 . Sp ecifi cations 1 . 1 General Aging — Auto- aging with programm able inter -ag e time Auto - N eg otia tion — Suppor ts.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 8 Chapter 1: S pe cifications VL AN — Suppor t s Por t-based VL AN and T ag -bas ed ( I EEE 802 . 1 Q ) VL AN Connec tors — L GB2 1 1 8A : ( 1 6) 10- /1 0.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 9 Cha pter 2: Over vie w 2. O ver view 2. 1 Introduc tion The Gigabit Smart Switch E co F anless is a standard switch that meets all IEEE 802 .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 10 Cha pter 2: Over vie w • Features per - por t shaping, policin g, and Broadcast St orm C ontrol . • Saves power usin g t wo proprietar y power management t echniques. • Includes IEEE 802 . 1 Q - in- Q nes ted VL AN suppor t.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 11 Cha pter 2: Over vie w 2.4 Hardw are Descr ipt ion 2.4. 1 1 8 - Por t Giga bit Sma r t Swit ch E co F anless ( L GB2 1 1 8A) Figures 2 - 1 ad 2 - 2 show the f ront and back panel s of the switch. T able 2 - 2 describes it s components.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 12 Cha pter 2: Over vie w T able 2 -3 . L GB2 1 18A LED fu nc tions. LED Color Func t ion (1) System P owe r LED Green Li t whe n pow er is o n. (1 6 ) LI N K / ACT L EDs Steady green Blinking green Lit w he n conn ec ti on wi th re mote d evi ce is g oo d.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 13 Cha pter 2: Over vie w T able 2 - 4. LGB2 1 24A c omponents . Number Component Descr ipti on 1 (1) Mod e but ton Switc hes b et we en w hat is b eing d isp laye d by LED s. 2 (24 ) TP p or t s tat us LE Ds For d et ails , se e T abl e 2-5.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 14 Cha pter 2: Over vie w Optio nal Modu les for L GB2 1 1 8A and L GB2 1 24A On the LGB 2 1 1 8 A switch, Port s 1 7– 1 8 are SFP fiber module port s.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 15 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on 3. I n s t all ati on 3. 1 Star ti ng Up the S wit ch This sec tion will give users a quick star t for: • Hardware and cable in stallation. • Managemen t st ation in stallation.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 16 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on C onnect C A T 5 grade R J - 45 TP cable to a TP p or t of the switch and con nec t the other end to a network - aware devic e such as a works tation or a ser ver .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 17 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on T able 3- 1 . Fiber suppor ted by the switch. Fibe r cabl e type Mul tim od e Fib e r Ca bl e an d Mo da l Ban dw id th IEE E 8 02. 3z G ig abi t Ethernet 1 00 0BASE-SX , 85 0 nm Multimo de 62.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 18 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on T ypi cal Ne t work T op olog y in Deploym ent A hierar chical network with minimum lev els of switches may redu ce the timin g delay bet ween the ser ver and the clien t st ation.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 19 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on 3. The switch manager h as to assign differen t names for each VL A N group at one switch . Case 2 b: Por t-based V L A N (S ee Figure 3- 4 ) . VL AN 1 VL AN 2 VL AN 3 VL AN 4 Figure 3- 4.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 20 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on 3. 1 .3 Confi gur ing the M anagemen t Agent o f the G igab it Smart Swit ch E co F anless Via the Web , the switch can set up the management f unction. Use any one of them to mon itor and con figure the switch .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 21 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on Figure 3- 7 . The Login screen for the W eb. 3. 1 .4 Addre ss A ssignment For IP ad dress confi guration , there are f our paramet ers that need to be filled in. They are IP address, Subnet Mas k, Default Gateway, and D NS .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 22 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on Cl a s s B : A C lass B IP address ranges bet ween 1 28.0.0. 0 and 1 91 .25 5. 25 5.25 5. Each class B network has a 1 6 -bit net work prefix followed by a 1 6 -bit host ad dress.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 23 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on Figure 3- 1 2. Subnet mask. In this diagr am, the su bnet mask is 2 5 bits long, 25 5.2 5 5.25 5. 1 28, and con tains 1 2 6 members in the subnetted net work. The length of the network prefix equals the n umber of the bit with 1 s in that subnet m ask.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 24 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on For different network applications, the subnet m ask may be 2 5 5.25 5.2 55 .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 25 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on SFP Fiber cable Gigabit Smart Switc h Ec o Fa nl e s s ( L G B 2 12 4 A ) Gigabit Sma r t Switch Ec o Fa nl e s s ( L G B 2 .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 26 Cha pter 3: Ins tal la ti on Fig. 3- 1 4 is a system -wide basic referenc e connection diagram. This d iagram demonstra tes how the switch connect s with other net work devices and hosts.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 27 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t 4. Basic Concep t s and Managem ent This chapt er describes the featur es used to manage thi s sw itch an d how they work.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 28 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t Figure 4-2 . M AC sub l ayer in ph ysical layer i n OSI model.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 29 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t T able 4 -2 . SSAP address field options. O xAAAA SNAP 0xE0 E0 N ovell ® IPX 0x F0F0 NetBios 0xFEFE I OS ne t wor k layer P DU 0xFFFF N ovell I PX 8 02.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 30 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t The firs t three bytes are Organizat ional Unique Identifier (O UI ) codes assigned by IEEE. The last three bytes are the serial n umber assigned by the vendor of the network device .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 31 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t • L ength / T yp e — This field indicates either the n umber of the data bytes contained in the da ta field of the frame , or the Ethernet t ype of data.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 32 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t 4. During the trans mission, the MAC k eeps monitori ng the status of the medium . If no collision h appens until the end o f the frame , it tran smits successfully .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 33 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t T able 4 -5. E thernet parameters for h alf-duplex mode. Paramete r V alue / L AN 10 BA SE 10 0 BA S E 1 000B ASE Ma x. co llisi on do main DT E to DTE 328 feet (100 m ) 328 feet (100 m ) for U T P 1 35 1 .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 34 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t Inter -fr ame Gap time After the end of a tr ansmission , if a net work node is ready to tran smit data out .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P ag e 35 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t What if V L A N tag ging is applie d? VL AN t agging is a 4- by te long data immedia tely followin g the MAC sourc e address. W hen tagged V L A N is applied, the E thernet frame structure will ch ange sligh tly .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 36 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t When MAC parses the received frame and find s a reser ved special value 0x8 1 00 at the lo cation of the Length / T yp e field of the normal non-VL AN frame, it wi ll int erpret the received fr ame as a tagged V L AN frame.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 37 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t 4.5 How Does a Sw itc h Wor k ? The LGB 2 1 1 8A s witch is a la yer 2 E thernet Switc h equipped with (1 6 ) TP Gigabit Ethernet port s and (2) slots for optional SFP fiber modules.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 38 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t How does a s witch operate ? A Layer 2 sw itch u ses som e feat ures of the D ata Link layer i n the OSI model to forward the packet t o the destination por t (s ).
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 3 9 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t Ethernet switch Workstations B ACK B O N E Mini computer Mini fram e Ethernet switch Ethernet switch Ethernet switch Pr inter P rint er Figure 4 - 8. In the figure above , all stations ar e within the same broadcast domain.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 4 0 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t Router 1a 2a Ethernet switch Ethernet switch Ethernet switch B ACK B O N E Ethernet s witch Figure 4 -9. Vir tual L AN . By applying VL AN technology , you can config ure the sys tem shown in Fig ure 4 -9.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 41 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t Figure 4 - 1 0. T ag format. VL AN Protocol ID : 81 0 0 is reser ved for VL A N -tagg ed frame . User Priorit y: 3 bit s long. User priority is defined from 7– 0.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 42 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t 2 . If the V ID is not a null VID ( VI D is not equal t o 0 ) , then use the value t o classify the V L AN group. Egr ess Rule : An egress list is used to mak e the tagging and f or warding decision on an o utgoing port.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 43 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t Nex t, the s witch assigns a n IP addres s to each VL A N. Usually , we use 1 0.x.x.x as the in ternal IP block. Because there are a t otal of four VL A Ns in the net work, we must assign f our IP block s to each of them.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 4 4 Cha pter 4 : Bas ic Conc epts and Man agemen t There are also some constra ints when applying L AC P : 1 . L AC P does not support inter -switch bandwidth aggregation. 2 . The po r ts aggregated must operate i n full- duplex mode.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 45 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5. Opera tio n of W eb -based Management This chapt er explains how t o manage your Gig abit Smart Swit.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 4 6 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Page L ayout Info rmation The top par t of the in formation page , shows the front pa nel of the switch. Link ed por ts w ill be displ ayed in green , and link e d- of f por t s will be in black.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 47 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5. 2 Configuration C onfig uration i ncludes the f ollowing fu nctions : System C onfigura tion, Port .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 4 8 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5- 4. System Con figura tion menu. Function name: System C onfigurat ion Function description: S.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 49 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t DHCP Server: Shows the IP ad dress of the DHC P ser ver . T he defau lt is 0.0 .0.0 . Lease Time Lef t: Show s the lease time left for the DHCP cl ient. Device Name: S et a special name f or this switch.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 50 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figur e 5 - 6. Por t Con figur ation menu . Paramete r de s cription : Enable Ju mbo Frames: This function suppor t s jumbo frames of up t o 96 00 by tes. Just tick the check box to enable it.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 51 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t T able 5 -2 . M edia suppor ted. Media T ype Auto - ne gotiatio n Speed Duplex 1 000M TP ON /OFF 10 /10 0 / 10 0 0 M Full for a ll, Ha lf for 10 /10 0 1 0 00 M Fiber ON / OFF 1 000M Full In Auto Speed mode, there is no def ault va lue.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 52 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5- 8. t ag-VL A N Mode. Figure 5-9. Per port configura tion. Paramete r de s cription : VI D : V L A N identifier . Each tag- based V L A N group has a un ique VI D.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 53 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t P a c k e t Ty p e : All : For ward all tagged and untagged pack ets . T agged Only : For ward tagged pa ck ets only and discard untagged pack ets . PV I D : This PV I D range will be 1 – 40 94.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 5 4 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5- 1 1 . Add or Remove VL A N M ember . Paramete r de s cription : ID ( Group ID ) : When you want to edit a VL A N group , you must select the Group I D field.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 55 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figur e 5 - 1 2. Port Is olation c onfigur ation. Paramete r de s cription : Por t Member s: A check box is provided for each port of a private VL A N. W hen check ed, por t isolation is enabled on th at por t.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 56 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5.2.7 IGMP Snooping Function name: I GMP Snooping Con figura tion Function description: I GMP Snoo ping lets administrat ors configur e a sw itch t o constrai n multicast traffic by listeni ng to Int ernet Group Mana gement Protocol (I GMP ).
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 57 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figur e 5 - 1 5. Mi rror por ts configur ation. 5.2.9 SNMP Any Net work Management S ystem ( N MS ) run.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 58 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figur e 5 - 1 6. SNM P C onfig uration . Paramete r s de sc ription : SNM P enable: The term SN MP enable here is used for the activation or deactivation of SNM P .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 59 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5.2. 10 L oop Detection Function name: Loop Detec tion C onfigu ration Function description: T he loop d etection is used to detec t the presence of tr affic.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa ge 60 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t S tate: Show the st atus on the port. Protoc ol Enabled: Con trols whether Loop Detec tion is enabled on this switch port. When a por t number is chosen and Loop detec tion is enabled, the port d etect s the loop and the por t w ill be lock ed.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 61 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5 - 1 8 . Rate L imit Configuration. Paramete r de s cription : Mode : Con trols whether Broadcast St rom Protection is enabled (as a whole ).
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 62 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Unlock por t: T ick the checkbox next to the locked port and it will be opened and changed to unlock ed. If you don ’t tick the port checkbox, it remai ns locked .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 6 3 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5 - 20. 802. 1 p S et ting. Function name: DSCP Qo S Mo de Function description: I n the late 1 99 0s, the IE T F redefined the meaning o f the 8 -bit S e r v i c e Ty p e field to ac commodate a set of differenti ated ser vices ( DS) .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 6 4 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5 - 2 1 . DSCP Set ting. 5.3 Monitori ng There are fo ur functions contained in the mon itoring f unc tion. Figure 5 - 22. Moni toring m enu tre e.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P ag e 65 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t Figure 5- 23. S tatistics O ver view for all port s. Paramete r de s cription : T x / R x By tes: T he number of r eceived and trans mitted by tes per por t.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 66 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t R x High Priorit y Pack ets : Number of R x packets classified as high p riorit y . R x Low Priorit y Pack ets : Number of R x packets classified as low priority .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 6 7 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5.3. 3 IGMP Status Function name: I GMP Status Function description: D isplay IGMP status. In Fig. 5 - 2 6, the window shows the VL AN I D for each multicast group .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 6 8 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5.3.4 Ping S tatus Function name: Ping Statu s Function description: S et up a target IP address for ping function and displa y ping status. In Fig. 5-2 7 , the window shows the ping inf ormation .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 69 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5. 4 M aintena nce There are five fu nc tions con tained in the main tenanc e function. Figure 5- 27 . Mainten ance menu tree . 5.4 . 1 W arm Res t ar t Y ou can reboot the sw itch i n three ways: power up, h ardware reset, and soft ware reset.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 70 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5.4. 2 F ac tory Defa ult Function name: Factory Default Function description: Factor y Default pro vides the function to retrieve defa ult settings and replace the c urrent c onfigur ation.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 71 Cha pter 5: Operat i on of W eb -based Managemen t 5.4 .5 Lo gout In addition to the aut o logout function we just mentioned in the sy stem confi guration section, the sw itch a lso allows admini strators to logout manua lly using the Logout fun c tion.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pag e 72 Chapter 6 : T roubleshoo ting 6. T roubles hooting 6. 1 Resolvi ng a No Lin k Condi ti on There are fo ur possible causes for a no -link LED status: • The at tached device is not powered on . • The cable may not be the correct t yp e or is fa ulty .
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com Pa g e 73 Appendix: MIB Specif icat ions Appendix: MIB Spe ci ficat ions A brief description of the MIB I I Enterpri se M IB brief appear s nex t. For technical support or the latest version of MI B download, contact Black Box T echnical Support at 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 or info @ blackbox.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 74 N OT ES.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com P a g e 75 N OT ES.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5500 | blac kbox. com About Bl ack Bo x Black Box pr ovides an ex tensive r ange of networking and inf rastruc ture p roduct s. Y ou’ll fin d ever y thing fr om cabinet s and racks and.
An important point after buying a device Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Black Box Gigabit Smart Switch Eco Fanless along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center