Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product power Inverter Stacking Xantrex Technology
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www.xan Smart choice for power Inverter Stacking Contr o l Series (ISC-S) Cable Installati on Guide.
Inverter Stacking Control Series (ISC-S) Cable Installation Guid e.
About X antr ex Xantre x T echn ology In c. is a worl d-leading suppl ier of advanced power ele c troni cs and controls with prod ucts from 50 watt mobi le un its to one MW util ity-sca le sys te ms f.
975-0059-01-01 R e v A iii About This Guide Pu rpose The purpose of this Ins ta lla tio n Guide i s to provi de explana tions and procedur es for i nstalling the Inve r ter Sta c king Contr ol – Seri es Cable and provides inform a t ion r e ga rding sta c king two identic a l Sine W ave Plus inverte r s .
About T hi s Guide iv 975-0059-01-01 Re v A C onv ent ion s U sed The f ollowing conventio ns are use d in this guide. Abbrev iation s and Acr onyms The following a crony m s and abbrev iations are used in this guide: R elat ed Inf orm atio n Y ou can find more informatio n a bout Xa ntrex T echnolog y Inc.
975-0059-01-01 R e v A v Important Safety Instructions 1. Before installi ng and using the ISC- S cab le , r ead al l i nstr uction s and cautiona ry information in thi s gui de . 2. Do not expose the ISC- S cab le to rain, snow , spr a y , or wa ter .
975-0059-01-01 R e v A vi i Im portan t Safety Instr uction s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v 1 Introduction Stac k ing I nverters - - - - - -.
975-0059-01-01 R e v A ix Figu re 1-1 Off- Grid A pplic ations w ith S eries-S t ack ed In verter s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 –3 Figu re 1-2 On-G rid Ap plicat ions w ith Se.
1 Introducti on Chapter 1, “ Introduction” provides information on stac king of Sine W ave Plus inverters. The following topics are covered in this chapter .
Introduction 1–2 975-0059-01-01 Re v A St acking Invert ers T wo iden tic al , seri es-s ta cked , invert er s can b e co nne ct ed tog eth er fo r the foll owing purposes.
Stackin g Inverters 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 1–3 Figur e 1-1 Off-Grid Applications wit h Series-Stack ed Inverters.
Introduction 1–4 975-0059-01-01 Re v A Figur e 1-2 On-Grid Applicat ions with Series- s t acked Inver t er s.
T he IS C- S C ab le 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 1–5 The IS C-S Ca b l e Req u ired access ory cable Sta cking two i dentical inver ters r equires t he use of the Inverter St ackin g Control – Seri es Cab le ( ISC-S ca ble ). T he I SC-S cab le is a spe cial ca ble s pecifica lly desig ne d f or serie s-stacking two identic al i nverters.
1–6 What it does The ISC -S cabl e provides communicat ion between the two s ta cked inverters for two purpos e s. • It provide s synchronization inf ormation for invert ing a nd cha r gi ng.
2 Installation Chapte r 2 , “Installation” provides information on installing the DC wiring, AC W iring, and the ISC-S f or Sine W ave Plus inverters.
Insta llation 2–2 975-0059-01-01 Re v A DC Wiring The success of series- sta cked , inver te r syst e m s i s depende nt on the quali ty a nd mainte na n c e of the DC connectio ns. S tacked inver ter s ets are far les s for gi ving to long, unde r sized, uneven, and/or poo r conne ct ions than a r e single invert e r s.
DC Wiring 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–3 G round ing Seri es-sta ck ed In vert ers T o groun d series -stack ed inv erters: 1. Connect th e ground bond in the DC di sc o nne c t between the inverters a nd the batt e r ie s to the primary groundin g e le ctr ode, in accor dan ce w ith loc al and nation a l elect rica l codes.
Insta llation 2–4 975-0059-01-01 Re v A Con necting t he Batt ery Bank to t he Invert ers The following in structions are ill ustrated in Figure 2- 3 .
DC Wiring 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–5 Figur e 2-3 DC Conne ctions fo r Dual Inver ters , Series -stac k ed DC Condui t L2 In v erter – + 12 Vo lt Ba t t er y 200 A h – + 12 Vo lt Batte r y 200 A .
Insta llation 2–6 975-0059-01-01 Re v A A C W iring - Gener al Be sure to use t he re commende d wire and disconnect siz e as r e c ommen ded in the Owner’ s M a nua l for the Sine W ave Plus Inverte r .
AC W iri ng - G en eral 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–7 Neut ral Bonding The HOT output of each inver ter provide s 120 V a c to ne ut r a l. The volt a ge betwee n the HOT outputs f r om the L1 a nd L2 inverter is 2 40 V ac when the ISC-S cable is used.
Insta llation 2–8 975-0059-01-01 Re v A A C W iri ng - Spe cifi c The following AC connect ions are speci f i c to inst a l ling the S ine W ave P lus Inver ter/char ge r s in a serie s-stacked configur a t ion for off-grid a nd o n-g rid appli c a tions.
A C Wiri ng - Spe cifi c 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–9 Figur e 2-4 A C W iri ng fo r Seri es-stac k ed SW Plus In verters Of f Grid AC TE R MIN AL BLO CK INV OUT NEU TRAL O UT NEU TRAL 2 NEU TRAL 1 AC1.
Insta llation 2–10 975-0059-01-01 Re v A On-Gr id A C Wirin g for Si ne W a ve Plus Invert ers Prepar e the AC wiring as follo w s for an on-gr id applic at ion using ser ie s-sta cked, Sine W ave P l us I nv e r ter /c har ge rs . The following ste ps are illust rated in Figure 2-5 .
A C Wiri ng - Spe cifi c 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–11 Figur e 2-5 A C W iri ng fo r Seri es-stac k ed SW Plus I n ve rter s On Gri d AC TERMINAL BLOCK INV O UT NEUT RA L OUT NEUT RA L 2 NEUT RA L 1 A.
Insta llation 2–12 975-0059-01-01 Re v A Gen erator A C W i ri n g t o Seri es- stacked Inve rters The f ollowing wiring diagrams show the AC wi r ing fr om an AC gener a tor to the inverte rs. The following pr oc edures a re illus trated in Figure 2-6 .
A C Wiri ng - Spe cifi c 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–13 Figur e 2-6 Gener ator Wiring to Series -stack ed SW Plus Inverters L1 L2 NEUTRAL GRO UND AC T ER MINAL BL O CK IN V OU T NE UTRAL OU T NE UTRAL .
Insta llation 2–14 975-0059-01-01 Re v A Wirin g for a 240 V a c-Onl y Inp ut So u rce A 240 V ac source does not all ow for the conne ct ion to the in put of a 120 V ac inverte r as no neu tral line is supplied from the utili ty or ge nerator .
A C Wiri ng - Spe cifi c 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–15 Figur e 2-7 A C W iri ng for a 240 V ac-Only Inpu t Sou rce AC T ER MINAL BL OCK INV O UT NE UTRAL OUT NE UTRAL 2 NE UTRAL 1 AC1 GRID AC2 GEN Sin.
Insta llation 2–16 975-0059-01-01 Re v A C onne ct ing the ISC- S Cabl e The I SC-S Cabl e c onnects t o the S tacking P or t on the AC end of the Sine W a ve Plus Inve r t e r /c harger . The St acking P ort is a 25-pin rec ept acle for the 25-pi n D-conne c t or on the ISC-S Cabl e .
Connecting the ISC-S Cable 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 2–17 Figur e 2-10 Th e ISC-S Cable Connec ted to Dual Sine W ave Plus Inverter s Connect one end of I SC-S Cable to the St acki ng Port of the L1 inve r ter. Connect t he other end of ISC-S Cabl e t o t h e S t ac king Port of the L2 inv er t er.
3 Op eratio n Chapter 3, “ Operati on ” contains information on s tartup and f unct ional testing procedures f or series-stacked Sine W a ve Plus inverters.
Operat ion 3–2 975-0059-01-01 Re v A Start -up and T esti ng S tacked inve rters must operat e together i n order to provide t he 120/24 0 V ac to the loads . The ISC-S cable ensures the output f r om each inve r t e r is 180 degre es out-o f -phase f or ope ratin g 240 V ac loads.
Start-up and T esting 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 3–3 Figur e 3-1 T estpoints for Confir ming V oltages L1 L2 NE UTRAL GROUND LE G E ND GRO U ND NE UTRA L H OT L1 H OT L2 T o 240 V a c Lo ad s AC Dis t r.
Operat ion 3–4 975-0059-01-01 Re v A Setti ng Ch ange s When oper a t ing a Sine W ave Plus in a series-sta c k e d c onf i guration, the f ollo w i ng sett ings m us t b e changed f or prope r ope r ation.
Setti ng Chang es 975-0059-01-01 R e v A 3–5 Automatic Generator Equalize Char ging If the i nverters a re se t t o automati call y char ge the batt eries using the gene rator , the equaliz e proc ess w i ll begin during the next, aut omatic ally started, ge ne r ator r u n period.
975-0059-01-01 R e v A WA–1 W arranty and R eturn Informatio n Wa r r a n t y Wha t does this warr anty co ver? This Limit ed W arranty is provi ded by Xa n trex T echnology , Inc. ("Xantr ex") and cov ers defect s in workmanshi p and materia ls in your Invert e r S t acking Contr ol – S e ries Cable .
War r anty and Return WA–2 975-0059- 01-01 Rev A Wha t do es thi s warr a nty no t cov er? T his L imited W arranty does not cove r normal wea r and tear of the pr oduc t or cos t s re l a t ed to the removal, insta ll ation, or trou bleshooti ng of the c us tom er's e l e c trical syst ems.
War r anty and Return 975-0059-01-01 R e v A WA–3 R etu rn M ate rial Autho riz atio n P ol icy Before re t urning a product dir ectly to Xantr e x you m ust obta in a Retur n Ma terial Auth orizat ion (RMA) number and the c orre c t f a c tory "Ship T o" addre s s.
War r anty and Return WA–4 975-0059- 01-01 Rev A Inf o r matio n About Y our System As soon as you op e n your Inverter S tacking Co ntrol – Series Cabl e p ac kage , re c ord the fol lowing inform a tion and be sure to kee p your proo f of pur cha s e .
240 V ac-Only In put Sourc e 2–14 Abbr evi ations an d Acronym s iv AC Wi ring - Gen e ra l 2–6 AC Wi ring - Spe c if i c 2–8 Batt ery Re quiremen ts 2–2 Batt ery-Ban k C onfigura tion 2– 2 .
IX- 2.
Xant r e x Technology I nc. 1 800 670 0707 Tel toll fr ee NA 1 360 925 5097 Tel direct 1 800 994 7828 Fax t ol l free NA 1 360 925 5143 Fax direct customerserv ice@xantrex.
An important point after buying a device Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xantrex Technology power Inverter Stacking along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center