Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C35 Xantrex Technology
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www. x ant rex .co m Sma rt choice for pow er C- Seri e s Mult ifunctio n DC C ontr o ller Ma nu al T y p e C3 5 C4 0 C6 0 Own er’ s Manual.
C-Series Multifunction DC C ontroller Owner’s Guid e.
Abou t X antr ex Xantre x T echno logy In c. i s a world-lea ding s upplie r of a dvanced power ele ctronics and con trol s with produ ct s from 50 watt mobile units to one MW util ity -s ca le systems for wind , solar , batter ie s, fuel ce lls , microt urbines, and back up power appli cati ons in both gri d-connect ed and stand- alo ne systems.
iii About This Gu ide Pu rpose The purpose of this Guide is to pr ovide expl anati ons and proce dures for insta llin g, operati ng, maint aining, and troub leshooti ng the C-S eries M ultif unction DC Controlle r .
About T his Guide iv 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Chapte r 2 c ontai ns inf ormation and procedur es to install C-Seri es Multif unction DC Controll er . Chapte r 3 c ontai ns inf ormation about the opera tion of a C-Seri es Multif unction DC Controll er .
A bout This Guide 975-0004-01-02 R ev D v Abbrev i ation s and Acr onyms R elat ed Inf orm atio n Y ou can find mor e informatio n about Xantre x T echnolog y Inc.
975-0004-01-02 R ev D vi i Important Safety Instructions Gen eral S afe ty In s truc t ions • All elect ri ca l wo rk mu st be don e in acco rdan c e wit h local, nati onal, and/or inte rnationa l el ectr ical codes.
Safety viii 975-0004-01-02 Re v D B attery S afety In form atio n • Alw ays wear e y e pro tect ion, suc h as sa fety gla sse s, wh en workin g with ba tteries.
Bat tery Safety Informatio n 975-0004-01-02 R ev D ix CA UTION: A batte ry ca n produc e the following hazards to pe rsonal safet y: • electri cal shoc k, • burn from hig h-s hort -circui t cu rrent, and/o r • fir e or expl osion from vente d gasses.
xi Import ant Safety In st ructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vii 1 Introduction Feat ures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Opera tin g M o des.
Contents xii 975-0004-01-02 Rev D Automatic/ Manual Bat tery Equali zatio n (EQ) and Low Volta ge R econne ct (LVR) Jumper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 Adjustin g the C-Series Volta ge Setting s - -.
Contents 975-0004-01-02 R ev D xiii 3 Operat ion Basic O pera tio n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 LED S tatus Ind icat or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents xiv 975-0004-01-02 Rev D Batter y Sizi ng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 76 Equ aliz ation Char gin g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
xv Figure 1-1 C-Seri es Multif unction DC Charge Controlle rs - - - - - - 2 Figu re 1-2 3-sta ge B at tery Char g ing P roce s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Figu re 1-3 PV Char g e C on tro ller -.
Fi g u r e s xvi 975-0004-01-02 Rev D Figu re 2-2 2 A WG Wir e G au ge R ef eren ce C h art - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 Figu re 2-2 3 PV Char g e C on tro l Mo de W irin g - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
xvii Tabl e 2- 1 Fact or y Def au lt Se tti ng s for C-S eri es Con tro l lers - - - - 19 Table 2-2 Varia nces in Charging Voltage based on Batter y Tem p era tur e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
1 Introducti on Chapter 1 des cribes featur es and functions of the C-Series Multifunction DC Controller . For i n formatio n on: See: “Fea tur es” page 2 “Operating Modes ” page 3 “Control .
Introduction 2 975-0004-01-02 Re v D F e atur es The C35/C40/ C60 ( C-Se ri es ) controll ers can be used with 12-vol t, 24-volt, or 48-vo lt DC systems (depending upon model) as C harge Contro ller or a Loa d Controll er .
Operating Modes 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 3 • Indoor -type, powder -coated enclosure, for wa ll mountin g. • Conf ormal-coate d circuit boards, plat ed ter m inals , powder -coate d meta l components, and stainl ess steel faste ners im proves t olerance to host ile envi ronments.
Introduction 4 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Char ge Control Mode In the Cha rge Contr ol mo de , t he C-Ser ie s controls how the batt eries are char g ed by the DC source (sol ar , wind, or hydro). It us es a 3-sta ge char ging protoc ol t o maintai n batte ry volta ge at bulk and/or float le ve ls.
Operating Modes 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 5 Bulk Stag e Duri ng th is st age, the bat teri es ar e charg ed at the bu lk vo ltag e sett ing and maxim um current out put o f the DC sour c e. When the batter y voltage reaches t he bulk volta ge setti ng, the control ler acti vat es the next stage (absor ption).
Introduction 6 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Battery T emperature C ompensation The option al Battery T emperat ure Sensor (BTS) automat ically adj usts the charging pr ocess of the C- Ser ies control ler .
Controller Functions 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 7 Co ntroll er F un cti on s The C- Ser ie s can be conf igur ed to function as thr ee dif ferent control lers: • PV C harge Control ler ( C harg e Contro .
Introduction 8 975-0004-01-02 Re v D If the curre nt from the PV array reaches 85 amps, the control ler will tur n of f to prot ect the circuitr y . In the eve nt of a s hutdown, the contr oller automati c ally r esets i tself a fter 10 m inute s (if overcurre nt condi tion is no long er prese nt).
Controller Functions 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 9 Diver s ion Loads Diversio n con trol requ ires a sepa rate “ dump” load t o regulat e the batt ery . This load must be able to abso rb more po wer than the char ging sourc e is able t o produce a t it s peak o utput, or the DC voltage will be come unregulate d.
Introduction 10 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Loa d Contr oller The C-Serie s cont roller can opera te as a Low V ol ta ge Discon nect ( L VD) f or DC lo ads to prevent ov er -dischar ge to batt eries during pe ri ods of poor char ging or exces sive loads.
Controller Functions 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 11 or automatic reconnect when the C-S er ies is used as a l oad control ler . Do n ot use this d ecal i f usi ng the C- S erie s control ler as a PV Charge Cont ro ller or Diversion Control ler .
Introduction 12 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Op tio nal A c ces so rie s The f o llow a cce ssori es can b e pu rc has ed f or u se w ith the C-Seri es Multif unction DC Controll er : • Disp l ay Met ers : The CM fa cepla te or CM/R remote displa y pro vide a d igital display f or monit oring the C-S e ri es c on tro ll er ’ s ope ration.
2 Installation Chapter 2 contains information and procedur es to install C-Series Multifunction DC Controller . Fo r info rmatio n on: Se e: “Pre-Insta llation” page 14 “Mountin g the Control le.
Insta llation 14 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Pr e-Inst all ation The ins t ruct ions that follo w are app lic ab le to the typic al insta llati on. For special a pplicati ons, consul t a qualifie d elec trician or your Xantre x Certifi ed Dealer . Installa tion proced u re s will vary accor d ing to your s peci fi c app l icat ion.
Pre-Installation 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 15 knockou ts before making any wiring c onne ctions. It is also recommende d to u se bushi ngs or conduits to p r otect the wirin g from damage fr om rough edges in the knockou t hole s.
Insta llation 16 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Mo unting the Co ntrol ler The C-Serie s cont roller is design ed for indoor mo unting. Care should be taken in sel ecti ng a location and when mountin g the enclosure. A void mounting it in direct s unlig ht to pr event h eating of the enclosure .
Pre-Installation 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 17 If us ing “ seale d” batter ies, th e contr oller c an be mounted in the same enclosur e as long as it is adequately ve ntilat ed. W A RNING : Explosio n/Corrosion H azard Do no t lo c a t e th e C-Series cont roller in a se ale d compa rtmen t with the ba tteri es .
Insta llation 18 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Configuring the C- Se ries Co nt roll er Before making any wiring c onne ctions to the C-S eries control ler , it must be configur ed for the desired mode of opera tion. Th e followi ng sectio ns d e scribe the how to configur e t he unit for t he de sired appl ication and f unction.
Configuring the C-S e ries Controller 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 19 T ab le 2-1 F a ct or y D ef a ul t S et ti n gs fo r C -S e ri e s Co ntr o l le rs Setting C35, C40 and C60 Batte ry V olt ag e 12 volt.
Insta llation 20 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Operating Mode Jumper This jum p er det er min es the op era ting mod e. Pla ce th e jum per over t he pin s that correspo nd to t he de sired mode . • Charge Contr ol (PV Charge Cont roller or Diversi on Controll er) • Load Contr ol (Lo a d Co nt roll er) Facto ry default set ting is Char ge Control mode.
Configuring the C-S e ries Controller 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 21 Automatic /Manual Battery Equalization (EQ) and Low V oltag e Reconnect (L VR) Jump er Depending on the mode of opera tion chose n, th is.
Insta llation 22 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Adju s ti ng t he C- Se ri es V olta ge Sett in gs The char ging volt age set points and volt age rec onne ct/ disco nnect setti ng of the cont roller are adjusta ble using two rotar y pote ntiom eter contr ols. The knobs are remov abl e to reduc e the like liho od of accidental mis -adjustment if bumped.
Adjust ing t he C -Serie s Voltage Se tt ings 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 23 For FLO A T charg e vo lt age, th e po ten tiom et er sca le is calibr ated f ollows: • 12-vol t system: 12.5 to 14.5 vol ts in in crements of 0. 2 volts, • 24-vol t system: 25.
Insta llation 24 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Sett i ng V o lta ge P a ram eters f or Lo ad Co ntro l Mo de T o change the Low V ol tage Disconnec t (L VD) and Low V oltage Reconnect (L VR) settin gs, use the same BULK a nd FLOA T po tentiometers.
Adjust ing t he C -Serie s Voltage Se tt ings 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 25 The scale fo r the Low V olt age Disc onnect sett ing is calibr ated a s follows: • 12-vol t system: 10.5 to 12.5 vol ts in in crements of 0. 2 volts, • 24-vol t system: 21.0 to 25.
Insta llation 26 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Sett i ng V olt age P aram et ers D i versi on Co ntro l Mode When the C-S eri es co n tr o ll er is config ured for Diver sion Control mode, yo u ca n set the volta ge at which the unit begin s diverti ng curr ent t o a dive rsion load (hi gh volta ge diversi on).
Adjust ing t he C -Serie s Voltage Se tt ings 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 27 Figur e 2- 14 V oltage Settings with R46 R esistor Clipped CA U TION : Damage to Batter ies It is n ot re co m men d e d to al lo w an e q ua li z e c h arg e to o cc ur if th e R46 R esist or is clippe d.
Insta llation 28 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Using a Digita l V oltmete r to A djust V oltag e Set tings A digita l DC vol tmeter (DVM) can be used t o provide a more accura te sett ing of volta ge par ameters. T est poi nts are provi ded at the mid-range on the sca les for this pur pose .
Adjust ing t he C -Serie s Voltage Se tt ings 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 29 For ex amp le f or a 48-vo l t syst em : T o se t BULK voltage to 56.4 volts : 1. Point the BULK potenti ometer to the mid-ra nge positio n. 2. Adjust the poten tiometer until the DVM displays 1.
Insta llation 30 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Equa li za tion C hargi ng The C- Ser ie s of fers either manual or automatic triggering of the equal ization char ging process.
Equalization Charging 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 31 Ma nual Eq ualizatio n Manual equa lization of the battery c a n be enabl e d by pressing the Reset Swit ch on the rig ht side of the C-S eries until the stat us LED indic ato r begins to alter nat e between red and green .
Insta llation 32 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Aut omatic Equal ization The C-Serie s cont roller can auto ma tica l ly trigg er an equaliz ation charge every 30 days.
T emp era tur e C omp ensa ti on 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 33 T ermin ating the E qualizat ion Pr ocess T o stop the equa lization pr ocess, press the reset switch on the right side of the unit u ntil the sta tus LED stops a lternating betwee n red a nd green.
Insta llation 34 975-0004-01-02 Re v D T emper atur e Comp ensation B ased o n Batte ry T ype The C -Se ri es c ont rol ler uses the battery type to dete rmine the tempera ture c om pensated voltage settings . The tempera ture compensate d char ging volt age is normally base d on a Lead – Acid types of batter y .
T emp era tur e C omp ensa ti on 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 35 T able 2-2 V ariances i n Charging V oltage based on Bat tery T emperature T emperat ure (ar o und the BTS) 12-volt u nits 24-volt units 48-vo.
Insta llation 36 975-0004-01-02 Re v D If us ing a BTS, when t he ba ttery t emperature drops be low 77°F ( 25 °C) , the r egulati on volta ge sett ing automatic ally incre ases. Whe n the t emperatur e rise s above 77°F (2 5 °C) the regula tion ba ttery voltage s etting automaticall y dec r ease s.
Grounding 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 37 Grounding The C-Serie s cont roller is design ed to work with b oth negative ground and unground ed ele ctrical systems .
Insta llation 38 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Wir i n g DC T ermina l Connector Locations T ermi nal connectors for DC wiring are locate d on the lower edge of the circ uit board.
Wi rin g 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 39 T erminal T o rq ue Requirements Once t he wire s hav e been inst al led , torqu e the ter min al s as foll ows. Be careful not t o overtigh ten.
Insta llation 40 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Minimum Recommended Wir e Gauge The minimum recommende d wire gaug e is: • C35 and C40 Models: #8 A W G with a 75 °C (167 °F) ins ula tion rating • C60 Models: #6 A W G , with a 90 °C (194 °F) ins ulation rat ing The termina ls on the C- Ser ie s will accept up to #2 A WG (33.
Wi rin g 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 41 control ler are str ongly r ecommended. Put a surge pr otection device on the input line of the C-S eri es co ntr oll er between the PV array and the cont roller .
Insta llation 42 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Long-distance w ire runs If there is a sig ni fican t dista nce b etw een t he PV array and the control ler and/or the contr oll er and the batte ry , large r wires can be use d to re duce the voltage drop an d improve perfor ma nc e.
Wi rin g 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 43 T able 2-4 One- W ay Wire Dist ance and Wire S ize Maximum One-way Wir e Di stance for a < 3% V oltage drop 12 Vdc Appl ication Sho wn For 24 Vdc Syst ems, Multiply dist ance by 2 For 48 Vdc Syst ems, Multiply dist ance by 4 Distan ce in Fe et (meter s) Distance in Feet (Mete rs) a a.
Insta llation 44 975-0004-01-02 Re v D PV Ch arg e Contro l Mode W iring The procedur e below is illustr a ted in Figure 2- 23 . T o c o nn ect th e C-Se ri es co n troller as a c ha rge co ntroll er: 1. Connect the PV array’ s positive (+) output to the PV array disc onnect.
Wi rin g 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 45 Figur e 2- 23 PV Char ge Contr ol Mode Wirin g 4 2 1 7 5 6 8 A 3 9 A Batter y Po si tive (+ ) PV+ A r r a y Posit ive (+) PV A rray Negati ve (–) Batter y Negati ve (–) Common Negativ es Ensure the proper grou nding is in place fo r the entire syst em.
Insta llation 46 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Dive rsion Contr ol Mode Wir ing The procedur e below is illustr a ted in Figure 2- 24 . When usi ng the C-S eries unit as a Di version or DC Load Controll er , the DC load needs to be connect ed to the cont rolle r t erm in als m ark ed as PV +/ LOAD + and CO MM ON NEGA TIV E .
Wi rin g 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 47 Figur e 2- 24 Diversion Co ntrol Mode W iring 4 2 1 7 5 6 8 A 3 Ensure th e prope r grounding i s in place f or the entir e syst em.
Insta llation 48 975-0004-01-02 Re v D DC Load Co ntro l Mode W iring The procedur e below is illustr a ted in Figure 2- 25 . T o c o nn ect th e C- Ser ies con troll er as a D C lo ad cont roller: 1. Connect a cable from the BA T POS ITI VE terminal on the control ler to a batter y disc onne ct.
Wi rin g 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 49 Figur e 2- 25 Load Contr ol Mode Wirin g 4 2 1 5 3 Batter y P osi tive ( +) DC Load Posit ive (+) DC Load Negati ve ( –) Batt ery Negati ve (–) Common Negati ves.
Insta llation 50 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Ins tal ling Op tio nal Acc ess orie s The following sections descr ibe how to install the optiona l acces s ori es availab le fo r the C-Series Mul tifunction DC Controll er .
Inst alling Op tion a l Acc essori es 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 51 Ins talling the Batter y T emper atur e Sensor T o in stal l the BTS: 1. Instal l the BTS on the side of the batte r y below the electro ly te l eve l.
Insta llation 52 975-0004-01-02 Re v D R einst alli ng the F acep lat e T o rei nsta ll t he fa ce pla ce on t he C -S eri es co nt rolle r : 1. Align facepl ate with front of chas sis so tha t screw holes in the corner s line up. 2. Insert the phi llips s crews i nto the scre w holes a nd tighte n.
3 Op erat io n Chapter 3 contains information a bout the operation of a C-Series Multifunction DC Controller . For I nformat ion on: See: “Basic Operat ion” page 54 “LED Stat us Indicat or” pa.
Operat i on 54 975-0004-01-02 Re v D B asic Op er atio n The C-Serie s cont roller (all models) ha s one multic olor LED stat us indic ator and one r eset bu tton.
LED S t atu s I nd i ca tor 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 55 LED Stat us Indi cato r The multic olor LED on the base unit, or the optiona l CM facepla te or CM/R remote, indicate s the opera ting status of the contr oll er . A color-c oded la bel is include d on the cover of the contr oller expl ai ning the status LED’ s indication s.
Operat i on 56 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Cha rg e Contro l or D iversion Cont rol Indica tions (G reen ) The f la shin g r at e of th e LE D i ndica te s th e c ontro ll er ’ s st age of operati on and approximate bat tery voltage. • One to four flas hes in dicates the contr oller is in th e Bul k stag e.
LED S t atu s I nd i ca tor 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 57 For exampl e, if the syste m battery voltage is 24 volts and the inte rnal Bu lk voltage sett ing is set for 28 vo lts, y ou can esti mate how m uch below the Bulk setting the batteries are by subtrac ting the number in Ta b l e 3 - 1 (the interna l Bulk sett ing).
Operat i on 58 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Equal iz ation Mode I ndication (R ed/green) Be sure to read all cauti ons and warning regar ding equaliz ation char ging batt erie s BEFORE a llowing an equaliz ation charge to oc cur . Damage t o batt eries can occur .
LED S t atu s I nd i ca tor 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 59 Error Mode Indica ti on (Or ang e) The C-Serie s Multi function DC Contro lle r erro r mo des incl ude the following .
Operat i on 60 975-0004-01-02 Re v D F ast Blinking Orang e When the ove r -curr ent or over -tempera ture protect ion sy stem has caused t he controlle r t o shut down, the s tatus L ED will be orange and will bli nk fast ( about once a second).
Re se t S wi tc h 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 61 Rese t Sw it c h Use the Reset Switch on the side of the chass is for the foll owing conditi ons. • T o manuall y initi ate bat tery e qualizatio n in Char ge Control mode, press an d hold the Reset Swi tc h until the red and green LED start to f lash.
4 T r oubleshoot ing Chapter 4, “ T r oubleshooting” contains information about identifying and resolving possible problems with systems using a C-Seri es Multif unc tion DC C ontroller .
T roubleshooting 64 975-0004-01-02 Re v D PV Charge C ontrol T roubles hootin g The following table list s possibl e problems that may aris e when using the C-Series Multi function DC Contro lle r as a PV Cha rge C ontrolle r .
PV Charge Control T roubleshooting 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 65 Current une ve n between m u lt ip l e co n tr o l le r s . A. Solar arrays are supp lying dif fe ren t amounts of current to each c h arge c ont r oll er. B. Cha rg ing s et point s ar e not al l set the s ame.
T roubleshooting 66 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Div ersion Cont rol T roubles hootin g The following table list s possibl e problems that may aris e when using the C-Series Multi function DC Contro lle r as a Diversio n Contr oller .
Diversion Control T roubleshooting 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 67 Divers ion lo ad operates while a generator (fu el powered) is runni ng. Bu lk V olt age sett ing on dive rsion control ler is se t too cl ose to other char ger sett in gs.
T roubleshooting 68 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Load Cont r o l T roubl eshoot ing The following table list s possibl e problems that may aris e when using the C-Series Multi function DC Contro lle r as a Load Contro ller . T able 4-3 Load Control Prob lems Pr obl em P os sib le Cau se S ol utio n Load disco nnects at dif feren t point tha n se t for .
A Spec ificati ons Appendix A, “Specifications” provide the specif ications for th e C-Series M ultifunction DC Controller . For i n formatio n on: See: “Ele ctr ic al Spe ci fic at ions” pag .
Specif icat ions 70 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Elec t ric a l Sp ecif i cat ion s The fo llo wi n g lists the elect rica l spe ci ficat i on s for the C-S e ri es c on tro ll er s M odels C35, C40, and C60.
F eat ures a nd Op tion s Specif icat ions 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 71 F eat ure s and Op tion s Speci fica t ions The fol lowing lis ts t he feature s and opti ons specif ic ation s f or the C -Se ries cont rol ler s M odels C35, C40, and C60.
Specif icat ions 72 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Envi ro nmen t al S pec i fic a tio ns The following lists the envi ro nmental specifi cations for the C-S e ri es c on tro ll er s M odels C35, C40, and C60.
B Batteries Appendix B, “Batteries ” describes types of batteries. For i n formatio n on: See: “Battery T ypes” pag e 74 “ Bat te r y Si zi ng” pa ge 7 6 “Equaliz ation Char ging” page.
Bat terie s 74 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Ba tt er y T y pe s Batte ries c om e i n diff erent sizes, types, amp-hour c apacity , volta ges and chemistrie s. Here are a few guideli nes that will help in ba ttery s election , and ensur e th a t the batte ries ar e proper ly mainta ine d.
Ba tt er y Typ es 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 75 V ented batte ries usuall y have bat tery caps. The caps may appear to be seale d, but are not . The caps should be removed perio dic all y t o ch eck th e leve l o f elect roly te. W hen a c el l is low , distilled wat er should be added after the batte ry is fully char ged.
Bat terie s 76 975-0004-01-02 Re v D NiCad a nd NiF e Batterie s The Xantrex C-Ser ies is compatibl e with NiCad (nicke l-cadmium) NiF e (nic kel -iron) and alkali ne-type batt eries, whi ch mus t be ch arged t o a h igher vol tage level t o achiev e a full charg e.
Equalization Charging 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 77 Equa li za tion C hargi ng Approxi mately every month, some bat teries may need to be “equal ized.” S ince the indiv idual cells of the batt ery a re no t ident ical, some cells may not be fully char g ed when the char ging p rocess is co m pleted.
Bat terie s 78 975-0004-01-02 Re v D CA U TION : Damage to Batter ies Equa lizatio n shou ld be done only on vent ed (not seal ed or mainte nance-free) lead-ac id, liqu id-elect rolyte ba tteries. The batt ery manufac tur er shoul d be consul ted before at te mpting to equa lize any othe r batter y type .
Equalization Charging 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 79 Equal ization S etpoints (Non -Sealed Ba tteries O nly) T able B- 1 T ypical Bulk and Float Setpoints for Bat teries Battery T y pe Bulk V olts Flo at V o lts Equa li zing Charge Default Setti ngs (knobs at nine o’cloc k posit ion) 14.
C Diver sion Loads Appendix C, “Diversion Loads ” provides additional information about Diver sion Loads. For i n formatio n on: See: “Divers ion L oad T ypes” page 82.
Diversion Loads 82 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Div ersi on L oad T y pe s Severa l diffe r ent types of diversion loa ds are available to the altern ati ve e n ergy ma rket . T hes e lo ads a re d esi gne d t o opera te with the power output level s common to most diversi on l oad controll ers.
Diversion Load Types 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 83 Regardle ss of t he ty pe of di version load y ou decide to u tilize, make su re th at the dive rsion load c an handle all the power the char ging syste m is capable of putting out. Parall eling heater elements ( whether open air or water heat er) w ill a llow more power d issip a tion.
85 W a rranty and Pr oduct Information Wa r r a n t y What does thi s w arrant y cove r? This Limit ed W a rran ty is pr ovided by Xa nt rex T echno log y , Inc . ("Xa ntrex ") and cove rs de fe cts in workman ship an d mate ri als in your C- Seri es Mult ifunc tion DC Cont rol ler .
W arra nty a nd Produ ct Inf ormatio n 86 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Di re ct ret urns may be perfor med ac cor ding t o the Xant rex Retu rn Mat er ial Aut horiz atio n Poli cy des cribe d in your p rod uct manu al. Fo r s ome pr oduct s, Xantr ex mai nt ains a ne twork of re gional Auth or ized Ser vice Cen ters .
W arra nty a nd Produ ct Inf ormatio n 88 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Return Pr ocedure 1. Pa ckage t he unit saf ely , pre fe rably usi ng the or igina l box and pa cking mat eria ls . Plea se ensu re t hat your pro duc t is shi pped ful ly ins ured in the ori ginal pack aging or equi valen t.
Information About Y our System 975-0004-01-02 R ev D 89 Inf orm ation About Y our Syste m As soon as you open you r C-S erie s Mu lt ifunc tion DC Contro ller pack age, r ecord t he fol lowi ng inform ati on an d be su re to kee p your pro of of pur chase.
Acce s sories 12 Autom atic Equal iz ation 32 Battery Safety I nformation viii Batt ery T emper at ure Comp e ns at ion 6 Batt ery T e mper at ure Sensor 12, 51 BULK cha r ge volta ge 22 Char ge Contr.
Index 92 975-0004-01-02 Re v D Res et Swit ch 59 Safety I nstructi ons vii se ria l number 89 T est Poin ts for V oltag e Setting s 28 T orque Requ irements 39 T roubls hooti ng 64 V ol ta g e J um p .
Xantrex Technology Inc. 1 800 670 0707 Tel toll free NA 1 360 925 5097 Tel direct 1 800 994 7828 Fax toll free NA 1 360 925 5143 Fax direct c usto m ers er vi ce@ xa ntre x .
An important point after buying a device Xantrex Technology C35 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xantrex Technology C35 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xantrex Technology C35 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xantrex Technology C35 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xantrex Technology C35 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xantrex Technology C35, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xantrex Technology C35.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xantrex Technology C35. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xantrex Technology C35 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center