Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HC60 Woods Equipment
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OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L HERITA GE ROT ARY CUTTER MAN0670 (Rev . 8/29/201 1) HC48 HC54 HC60 HC72 TM.
2 Introduction Gen’l (Rev . 3/5/2010) T O THE DEALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler .
Introduction 3 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) T AB LE OF CO NTENT S INTRODUCTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPECIFICA TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Introduction MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) SPECIFICATIONS 3-Point Hitch: HC48, HC54, HC6 0, HC72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ca tegory 1 & 2 Cutting Hei ght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safe ty 5 Safety V ideo O rder Form ( 8/2/2005) Free Mower Safety V ideo Fill out and return the o rder form and we will send you a FREE VHS or DVD video outlinin g Industrial and Agricu ltural Mower Safe ty Practices .
6 Sa fety Safety V ideo Ord er Form (Rev . 2/6/2 006) Free Mower / Cutter Safety Video Order Form 3 (Select one) VHS Forma t - V HS01052 Sa fety V ideo DVD Format - D VD01052 Safety V ideo Ple.
Safety 7 Single S pindle Cutt er LD/MD (Re v . 10/27/2006) TRAINING Safety inst ructions are important! Read all att achment and power unit manual s; follow all safety r ules and sa fety deca l informa tion. (Replace- ment man uals and safety deca ls are availa ble fr om your dealer .
8 Safety Single S pindle Cutter LD/MD (Rev . 10/ 27/2006) (Saf ety Ru les cont inued fr om pre vi ous page) Full chain, rubber , or steel band shielding must be inst alled when operating in populated areas or other ar eas wher e thrown ob jects could injur e peo- ple or damage property .
Safety 9 Single S pindle Cutt er LD/MD (Re v . 10/27/2006) inst alle d secure ly to ensu re equipmen t is in a safe condition before putting unit into service. Make sur e all safe ty decal s are installed. Replace if d amaged. ( See Saf ety Decal s sectio n for location.
10 Safety MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) 1 - SERIAL NUMBER P LATE ROT A TING BLADES AND THROWN OBJECTS Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when engine is running. Before mowing, clear area of objects that may be thrown by blade. Keep bystanders away .
Safety 11 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) 7 - PN 10 041 14 10 - PN 3 3347 33347E CRUSHING AND PINCHING HAZARD Be extremely careful handling various parts of the machine. They are heavy and hands, fingers, feet, and other body parts could be crushed or pinched between tractor and implement.
12 Operation MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) OPERATION The opera tor is r espons ible for the safe operatio n of the cutter . The operat or must be properl y trained . Operators s houl d be fami liar wi th the cutter , the trac tor , and all safety practi ces before s tarting op eration.
Operation 13 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) T o p Link Adjust ment Figure 2 . T op Lin k Adjus tment 1. Attach tract or top l ink (1) to low est hol e provid ed in the tractor ’s top link bracke t (6). 2. Attach rear porti on of tractor top link to the first hol e on the cu tter floati ng link (3) .
14 Operation MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) Figure 4 . S tandard Hitch an d Quick Hi tch Config urations - HC60, HC7 2 QUICK HITCH ASSEMBLY (HC60 / HC72) Refe r to Figu re 4. 1. Remove br ace arm s (6), floa ting l ink (3), c ap screw (1 1), s pacer (7), and flange lock nut ( 9) from upper hole on A -frame b ars (5).
Operation 15 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) DRIVELINE INSTALLATION (TRACTOR PTO) Make sur e spring-ac tivated locking pin or collar slides free ly and is se ated firml y in tract or PTO spline groove. T o Install : Pull loc king collar back an d at the s ame ti me pus h the drivel ine on to tra ctor PTO shaft until lock ing de vic e engage s.
16 Operation MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) Figure 8 . Cut Shield 6. Place t he cu toff portio n of th e shield agai nst th e end of the sha ft and us e as a g uide. Mark a nd cu t the shaft. Figure 9 . Cut Shaft to Len gth 7. Repeat ste p 6 for the other half of the driv e.
Operation 17 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) SHR EDDI NG MATE RIAL For shreddi ng, set the cutter lowe r at rear . Determ ine how mu ch lo wer to s et the rear b y exper imenting in di f- ferent s ituatio ns. OPERATING T ECHN IQUE 1. Power for operati ng the cutt er is supplie d by th e tractor PTO.
18 Owner Service MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) OWNER SER VICE The info rmation in t his s ection i s written for oper ators who po ssess ba sic mec hanical skills.
Owner Servi ce 19 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) Figure 1 1 . Jackstand Placem ent and Lubricati on Points BLADE SERVICING Blade R emoval NOTICE If blade pin is seized in crossbar and extrem e force will be nee ded to re move it, support cr ossbar from below to prevent gea rbox damage.
20 Owner Service MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) 3. Align cr ossbar (8) with blade acce ss hol e in cutter frame. A pply a libera l coat ing of N ever Se ez ® or equival ent to blade pi n and crossbar hole. Mak e sure bl ade offset is away from cutter . Push bl ade pin thro ugh cros sbar .
Owner Servi ce 21 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) DRIVELINE SHEAR BOLT REPLACEMENT NOTICE Always use ap proved 1/2" NC x 3" grad e 2 shear bolt as a re placement part. Using a hardened bolt or shear pin may result in damage to driveline or gearbox .
22 T roubleshooting MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) TROUB LESHOOTI NG MOWING CONDITIONS PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Grass cut lo wer in cente r of swath than at ed ge Height of cutter l ower at r ear or front Adjust cutter heig ht and at titude s o that cutte r rear and front are within 1/2" of s ame he ight.
Dealer Service 23 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) DEALER SER VICE The info rmation in thi s se ction is written for de aler ser - vice per sonnel. T he repair desc ribe d here requ ires special skil ls and tools.
24 Dealer Service MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) V ert ical Shaft Rep air (Flat T op) (Figure 17) 1. Disconn ect and r emove the rear driveli ne from th e gearbox . 2. Remove v ent plug (27) a nd si phon g ear lub e from housing throug h this op ening. 3. Remo ve cros sbar (se e Crossbar Re moval, page 27 ).
Dealer Service 25 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) Figure 17 . Gear box Asse mbly (F lat T op Gear box) Reasse mble Gear box 1. Clean hou sing, paying spec ific at tention to ar eas where gas kets will be i nstalled. 2. W ash hous ing and al l comp onents thorough ly .
26 Dealer Service MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) 9. Secu re snap r ing (13) on in put sha ft (3) if not already s ecure. 10. Place gear ( 1) thro ugh top of h ousin g and align gear (1) and g ear (5) s o tha t gear te eth are a match. 11 . Wh ile h oldin g gear ( 1) in p lace, slide in put sha ft (3) through gear ( 1) and bear ing ( 8).
Dealer Service 27 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) Figu re 18 . Gear box Asse mbly (C ast/ Crown T op Gear box) CROSSBAR REMOVAL 1. It is neces sary to gain ac cess to bottom side of cutter fo r cros sbar r emov al.
28 Dealer Service MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) Figure 19 . Crossb ar Rem oval CROSSBAR INST ALLATION 1. Usi ng eme ry clo th ( 220 o r fine r), remove sur face rust, Loct ite ® and foreig n material from hub, splined gearbo x, verti cal sh aft, and cross bar as shown in Figu re 20.
Dealer Service 29 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) UNIVERSAL JOINT REP AIR Figure 22 . Univ ersal J oint P arts Brea kdown U-Joint D isassem bly 1. Remove ex ternal s nap ring s fro m yokes in four loca tions as shown in Fi gure 23. Figu re 23 . Remove S nap Ring 2.
30 Dealer Service MAN067 0 (1 1/16/2007) Figure 26 . Remove Cu ps U-Joint Assembly 1. Place s eals sec urel y on bea ring cups. I nser t cup into yo ke from outsi de and pr ess in wit h hand pressu re as far as pos sible. In sert j ournal c ross into bear ing cup with g rease fi tting away from shaft.
Assembly 31 MAN0670 (Rev . 6/27/2008) ASSEMBLY DEALER SET-UP INSTR UCTIONS Assemb ly of this c utter is th e resp onsibil ity of th e Woods dealer . It sh ould b e deliver ed to the own er co m- pletely as sembled, lub ricated , and adjuste d for normal cutting c ondit ions.
32 Assembly MAN06 70 (Rev . 6/27/ 2008) DISASSEMBLE SHIPPING UNIT Remove al l parts that are wi red and s trapped t o cutte r . Remove c ap sc rews (5) and flange lock n uts (6) tha t are secur ing tailwheel b racket (2) to the tailwh eel bracke t mounting holes (A).
Assembly 33 MAN0670 (Rev . 6/27/2008) Driveline S lip Clutch NOTICE ■ A grade 8 bolt must be used to a ttach clutch driveline to gearbox. A new sli p clutch , or one tha t has be en in stor age ov er the w inter , may se ize. 1. Befor e oper ating slip clutch , make sure i t will sl ip.
34 Dealer Check List s MAN06 70 (Rev . 6/27/ 2008) DEALER CH ECK LIST S PRE-DELIVERY CHECK LIST (DEAL ER ’S R ESPONSI BILITY) NOTICE ■ Gearbox w as not fill ed at t he factor y . It mus t be serviced befo re operati ng cutter . (See Fill G earbox, p age 33).
Part s 35 MAN06 70 (1 1/16/2007) HC48, HC5 4, HC60, HC72 A SSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - 37 GEARBOX ASSE MBLY (FLAT T OP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 GEARBOX ASSE MBLY (CAST/CROWN T OP)(HC72 ONL Y) .
36 Part s MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) HC48, HC54, HC60, HC72 ASSEMBLY 65 - SAFETY DECAL SET 66 - COMPLETE DECAL SET (Rev . 4/20/201 1).
Part s 37 MAN06 70 (1 1/16/2007) HC48, HC54, HC60, HC72 ASSEMBL Y PA RT S LIST REF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 2 58800 1 Gearbox HC48, HC54 (see page 38) 2 58801 1 Gearbox HC60 (see p age 38) 2 1026536 1 Ge.
38 Part s MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) GEARBOX ASSEMBLY (FLAT T OP) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 58800 1 Gearbox rep air as y (HC48, HC54) A 58801 1 Gearbox rep air as y (HC60) A 1026536 1 Gearbox rep air a.
Part s 39 MAN06 70 (1 1/16/2007) GEARBOX ASSEMBLY (CAST/CROWN T OP) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1032587 1 Gearbox rep air asse mbly (HC48 & HC60, Ball Bearing) A 1032588 1 Gearbox re pair as sem.
40 Part s MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) HC48 SHEAR BOLT DRIVELINE ASSEMB LY R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 10095 09 1 Complete 54 0 driv eline asy 1 1001300 1 Complete collar y oke C12 1-3 /8 - 6 2 38478 2 Cro.
Part s 41 MAN06 70 (1 1/16/2007) HC54 , HC60, HC72 SHE AR BOL T DRIVEL INE ASSE MBLY R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 10095 10 1 Complete 540 driveli ne (HC54, HC60) A 10242 17 1 Complete 54 0 driv eline.
42 Part s MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) HC48, HC54, HC60 SLIP CLUTCH DR IVELINE ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) R E F P ART Q TY DESCRIPTION A 10209 00 1 Complete 54 0 driv eline ass embly 1 1001300 1 Complete collar y o.
Part s 43 MAN06 70 (1 1/16/2007) HC72 SLIP CLUTCH DRIVELINE ASSEMBLY R E F P ART Q TY DESCRIPTION A 10242 18 1 Complete 54 0 driv eline asy 1 1001300 1 Complete collar y oke C12 1-3 /8 - 6 2 38478 2 C.
44 Part s MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) FRONT RUBBER SHIELDING (ST ANDARD) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1024665 1 Rubber shield k it - HC48 (inc lude s i tem s 1 -4) A 1024666 1 Rubber shield k it - HC54 (in.
Part s 45 MAN06 70 (1 1/16/2007) FRONT & REAR CHAIN SHIELDING (OPTIONAL) REF QTY P ART HC48 P ART HC54 P ART HC60 P ART HC72 DESCRIPTION 1 1 1018025 102 7362 102735 6 1027350 Right front cha in plate 2 1 1027363 5714 4 1027357 102735 1 Left front c hain pla te 3 2 1003644 100 3645 100364 5 1003646 .
46 Part s MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) QUICK HITCH HARDWARE (OPTIONAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 8 10380 1 1/2 NC x 4 Cap screw 9 1 1900 1 1/2 NC F lange loc k nut 10 33657 1 1/2 x 3/4 x 2-1 3/16 Sleev e 12 38214 2 .91 x 1.44 x 1.25 Slee ve 13 1003614 1 .81 x 1.
Appendix 47 Bolt T o rque & Siz e Charts (Rev . 3/28/2007) BOLT T ORQUE C HART Always tighten hardwar e to the se value s unl ess a di fferent torque valu e or ti ghtening procedur e is listed f or a spe cific applica tio n. Fasteners must al ways be rep laced with the s ame grad e as spec ified in the ma nual parts list.
48 Appendix Bolt T orque & Size Charts (Rev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOTE: Chart s hows b olt thr ead s izes an d corr espond ing he ad (wren ch) sizes f or standa rd SA E and metric bolts. ABBREVIATIONS AG ..... .......... .......... .......
Index 49 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) INDEX ASSEMBLY Dealer Set-Up Instr uctions 30 DEALER CHECK LI STS Delivery (Dealer ’s Respo nsibili ty) 33 Pre-De livery (Dea ler’s Re spons ibility ) 33 DEAL ER SER.
50 Index MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007) NOTES.
Index 51 MAN0670 (1 1/16/2007).
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F-8494 (Rev . 6/ 23/2005) ©2007 Woods Equipment Company . All rights reserved. WOODS and the Woods logo are trademarks of W oods Equipment Company . All oth er trademarks, trade names , or service mark s not owned by Woods Equipm ent Company that appear in this manual are the propert y of t heir respect ive companies or mark holders.
An important point after buying a device Woods Equipment HC60 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Woods Equipment HC60 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Woods Equipment HC60 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Woods Equipment HC60 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Woods Equipment HC60 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Woods Equipment HC60, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Woods Equipment HC60.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Woods Equipment HC60. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Woods Equipment HC60 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center