Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product V 37 ViewSonic
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8VHU*XLGH 3RFNHW3&9 9 LHZ6RQLF Cover Front Pag e i Friday, March 21, 2003 3 :31 PM.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 Y Copyright © ViewSonic Corporation, 20 03. All rights reserved. ViewSonic and the three birds logo are registered tr ademarks of ViewSonic Corporati on.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V37 1 1 Getting Star ted Congr at ulati ons on y our pur chase of t he Vie wSoni c P ock et PC V37. The V3 7 is a Windows ® P owered Pocket PC t hat en ables you to ke ep your mos t importa nt busines s and persona l inform ation up-to- date and close at ha nd.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 6HWWLQJWKH%DWWHU6ZL WFK The switch on the back of your P ocket PC V37 should be switched to the ON (down) position. If this is not the case, please set it to ON. Make sure that the V37 is turned off .
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 Plug the other end of the AC adapter into a grounded AC outlet. The battery-charging indicator lights amber when charging is in progress. Fully charging may require a coupl e of hours.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 IMPORTANT: • Before installation, make sure you have Microsoft Outlook installed on your PC. If you do not have Outlook, you can inst all Outlook 2000 from the pro vided ViewSonic Pocket PC V37 Co mpanion CD.
6 ViewSonic Pocket PC V37 Register Y our Product Go to www to r egister your V37 . Y ou will need to kno w the serial number of yo ur V3 7 (see the bac k of the V37). T o he lp with identi ficati on in the e vent of theft or lo ss, ke ep thi s User Guide as a permane nt reco rd of y our purch ase.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 +DUGZDUH)HDWXUHV The illustra tions below introduce y ou to the various buttons, connectors, ports, and other features of your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 986%&UDGOH The USB cradle provides a convenient way to charge your V37 and connect your V37 to a PC through a USB connection.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 %DWWHU&KDUJLQJ2SWLRQV :LWKWKHFUD GOH Slide your V37 into the cradle. Plug the appropriate end of the AC adapter into the power connector on the USB.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 Whenever possible, charge the batt ery by connecting y our V37 to an AC power source. This will keep the battery charge d and prevent data loss or damage to the battery in case the battery has be en kept in a discharged state for too long.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 3DQHO%DVLF6NLOOV This chapter introduces you to the basics of working with progr ams and documents on y our V37. 8VLQJWKH6WOXV Use the stylus to naviga te and select objects on t he V37 touch-screen.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 7 RGD6FUHHQ When you turn on your V37 for the first time each da y (or after 4 hours of inactivity), y ou will see the T oday screen . On the T oday screen, you can see at a glance important information for the da y .
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 6WDWXV,FRQV When the T oday screen is disp layed, you may see the following status icons on the Command bar or Naviga tion bar . I n most cases, you can tap a status icon t o display the associated control panel or mo re information related to the item.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 1DYLJDWLRQ%DUDQG&RPPDQG%DU The Navigation bar is located at the top of the screen. It displays the active program and current time, and allows you to switch programs and close screens.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 5XQQLQJ3URJUDPV Depending on the program you want to run, you can: •T a p o r t a p Start at the top of the screen and select from the menu. (Y ou can customize which pro grams y ou see on this menu.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 3RSXS0HQXV With pop-up menus, you can quic kly choos e an action for an item. F or example, you can us e the pop-up me nu in the contact list to qui ckly delete a cont act, make a copy of a contact, or send an email message to a contact.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 (QWHULQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ Y ou have several options for entering new infor mation: • Use the Input Panel to enter typed text, either by using t he soft (on-screen) keyboard or other input methods.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 it is inserted into your text at the insertion point . The more you use your V37, the more words it learns to antici pate. NOTE: T o change word suggestion options, such as the number of words suggested at one time, tap Setting on the Start menu.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 /HWWHU5HFRJQL]HU With Letter Recognize r , you can writ e le tters using the stylus just as you would use a pen on paper . T o type with Lette r Recognizer: T ap the arrow next to the Input Panel button, and then tap Letter Recogniz er .
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 :U LWLQJRQWKH6FUHHQ In any program that accepts writing— such as the Notes pro gram and the Notes tab in Calendar , Con tacts, and T asks—you can use your stylus to write directly on the screen.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 Y o u can cut, copy , and paste written te xt in the same way you work with typed text: press and hold the st ylus on the selected words and then t ap an editing command on the pop-up menu, or tap the command on the Edit menu.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 If the conversion is incorrect, you can select different words from a list of alternates or return to the original writing. T o do so, press and hold the incorrect word (tap one word at a time).
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 'UDZLQJRQWKH6FUHHQ Y ou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen. The difference between writing and drawing on the screen is how you select items and how they can be edited.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 5HFRUGLQJD0HVVDJH In any program where you can write or dr aw on the screen, you can also quickly capture thoughts, reminders, and phone numbers by recording a message.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 5HFRUGLQJ)RUPDWV Y our V37 sup ports sever al formats for voic e notes. The formats vary in both the quality of the recording and the si ze of the sound file.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 0DQDJLQJ< RXU9 This chapter tells you how to effectiv ely manage power and memory , and how to add/remove programs and back up y our data.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 • Suspend frequently. Use the Power control panel to shorten the length of continuous idle time before y our V37 auto-susp ends. Press the power button to turn off your V37 when i t is not in use, even for a short time.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 Memory Map for 64MB SD RAM : NO T E : The USA and European V37 models h a v e an additi o n al 36 MB of F l ash ROM memory a v a i lab l e for fi l e sto r a ge ca l led "My F lash D isk.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 )LQGLQJDQG2UJDQL]LQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ The Find feature on your V37 help s you quickly locate information. T o find a file, on the Start menu, tap Find . Enter the text y ou want to find, select a data type, and then tap Go to star t the search.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 &XVWRPL]LQJ< RXU9 Y ou can customize the settings of the V37 to your own preferences. Ta p Start , then tap Settings . Y ou can tap any of the icons on the Personal , System, or Connections tabs to customize your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 6HWWLQJD3DVVZRUG A password can safeguard your V37 against unauthorized use . T o set your password: Ta p Start , t ap Settings , then tap the Password icon on the Password tab.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 %DFNLQJ8S'DWD T o prevent loss of data, you should back up your V37 frequently . Y our V37 comes with two programs for backing up data: • Microsoft ActiveSync. ActiveSync en ables you to ba c k up d a t a t o y ou r P C .
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 5HVWRULQJ GDWDXVLQJ%DFNXS Close all running applications and insert a memory card with the backup data. Disconnect your V37 from your PC. On the Start menu tap Programs , then tap the Backu p icon.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 0LFURVRIW$FWLYH6QF This chapter t ells you what the Microsoft ActiveSync progr am is and what you need to do to use it. 8VLQJ0LFURVRIW$FWLYH6QF NOTE: ActiveSy nc is already installed on your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 6QFKURQL]LQJ'DWD Once you have created a synchronization partnership and comple ted the first synchronization, you can initiate synchronization from your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 &RQQHFWLQJWR< RXU3& CAUTION: Do not shut down or restart your PC w hile your V37 is connected. Turn off your V37 or di sconnect the USB cable before you shut down your PC.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 3RFNHW2XWORRN This chapter introduces you to the basics of Microsoft Pock et Outlook, including Calendar , Con tacts, T asks, Notes and Inbox. 6FKHGXOLQJ$SSRLQWPHQWV0HHWLQJV Use Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and other events.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 &UHDWLQJDQ$SSRLQWPHQW In Day or W eek view , tap the desired date and time for the appointment. Ta p New . When using the Input panel, tap first to select the field, and then enter a description and a location.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 8VLQJWKH6XPPDU6FUHHQ When you tap an appointment in Calendar , a summary screen displays. T o change the appointment, tap Edit . &UHDWLQJ0HHWLQJ5HTXHVWV Y ou c an use Calendar to set up meetings with users of Outlook or Pocket Outlook.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 0DQDJLQJ&RQWDFWV Contacts maintains a list of your friends and colleagues so that you can easily find the information you are looking for , whether you are at home or on the road.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 Ta p New . Using the Input panel, enter a name and ot her contact informati on. Y ou will need to scroll down to see all av ailable fields. T o assign the contact to a category , scroll to and tap Categories th en select a category from the list.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 • T o view the names of companies your contacts work for , in the contact list, tap View then ta p By Company . The number of contacts that work for that company will be displayed to the right of the company name.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 7 DVNV.HHSLQJD7 R'R/LVW Use T asks to keep tr ack of what you hav e to do.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 &UHDWLQJD7 DVN Ta p New . Using the Input panel, enter a description. Y ou can enter a start date and due date, or enter other information by first tapping the field.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 8VLQJWKH6XPPDU6FUHHQ When you tap a task in the task list, a su mmary screen displays.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 1RWHV &DSWXULQJ 7KRXJKWVDQG ,GHDV Quickly capture thoughts, reminders, ideas, drawings, and phone numbers with Notes. Y ou can create a writ ten note or a recordi ng.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 ,QER[6HQGLQJDQG5HFHLYLQJ(PDLO Use the Inbox to send and rece ive e-ma il messages with Microsoft Outl ook on your PC. 6QFKURQL]LQJ(PDLO0HVVDJHV Email messages can be synchronized as part of the gener al sync hronization process.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 When you receive a mes sage, tap it to open it . Unread mess ages are displayed in bold.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 T o compose a message, do the following: Ta p New . In the To field, enter an email of one or more recipients, separ ating them with a semicolon, or select a nam e from the contact list by tapping the Address Book button.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 &RPSDQLRQ3URJUDPV This chapter tell s you about Micro soft P ocket W ord and Microsoft P ocket Ex cel. 3RFNHW: RUG Microsoft Pock et W ord works with Microsoft W ord on your PC to give you easy access to copies of your docume nts.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 information on writin g and selecting wri ting, see “Entering In formation” in Chapter 2. NOTE: W ritten words are conv erted to graphic s (metafiles) when a P ocket W ord document is con verted to a W ord document on your PC.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 • Freeze panes on a worksheet. First, select the cell where you want to freeze panes. T ap View and then tap Freeze Panes . Y ou might want to free ze the top and furthest left panes in a worksheet to k eep row and column labels visible as you scroll through a sheet.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 0LFURVRIW5HDGHU Use Microsoft R eader to read eBooks on your V37. Download books to your PC from your favorite eBook W eb site. Use ActiveSync to copy the book files to your activated V37.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 8VLQJWKH/LEUDU The Library is your R eader home page. The home page displays a list of all books stored on y our V37 or storage card. T o open the Library: • On the R eader command bar , tap Library .
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 5HDGLQJD%RRN Each book consists of a cover page, an o ptional table of contents, and the pages of the book. Navigat ion options are listed in the bottom portion of the cover page.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 • Bookmarks. When you add a bookmark to a book, a color-coded bookma rk icon appears in the right margin. Y ou can add multiple bookmarks to a book. Then, from anywhere in the book, tap the book mark icon to go to the bookmarked page.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 2WKHU3URJUDPV The following programs are permanently installed in your V37: Y ou can also install the followi.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 3RFNHW,QWHUQHW([SORUHU This chapter tells you about Microsoft Pock et Internet Explorer , Mobile F avorites Folder and A vantGo Channels.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 9L HZLQJ0RELOH)DYRULWHVDQG&KDQQHOV Ta p t h e Favorites button to display your list of fav orites. In the list, tap the page you w ant to view .
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 )DYRULWH/LQNV During synchronization, the list of favorite links in the Mobile F avorites folder on your PC is synchronized with P ocket Internet Explorer on your V37. Both computers are updated with changes made to either list each time you synchronize.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 • Use ActiveS ync settings to turn of f pictures and sounds for the Mobile F avori tes information type or to stop some mobile fa vorites from being downloaded to your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 *HWWLQJ&RQQHFWHG This chapter e xplains how to connect yo ur V37 to the Inte rnet or to a network using a wireless conn ection. In addition, the chapt er explains how to connect to other mobile devices or y our PC using an infrared (IR) connection.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJDQG 0DLQWHQDQFH This chapter gives solutions to common V37 problems you may encounter when using the device. It also provides guidelines on taking care o f your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 Unscrew the cap at the top of the stylus. Use the pointed tip of the cap to press the reset button on the side of your V37.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 )ROORZWKLVSU RFHGXUHWRFOHDUWKHPH PRUIURPRXU9 Disconnect all cables, including the AC adapter , from your V37. Unscrew the cap at the top of the stylus .
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 0HPRU3UREOHPV If a warning message of not enough memory appears due to the memory allocation problem, try the following to free memory on y our V37. CAUTION: Be discre et when you delete files.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 6FUHHQ3UREOHPV 6FUHHQLVRII If the screen does not respond, ev en aft er you press t he power button, try the following until the .
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 • Make sur e that the cable is securely plugged into the USB por t on your desktop PC. Connect the USB cable directly to your desktop PC — do not run the cable throu gh a USB hub.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 &DUHDQG0DLQWHQDQFH T aking good care of your V37 will ensu re trouble-free oper ation and reduce the risk of damage to your V37. *HQHUDO*XLGHOLQHV • K eep y our V37 awa y from excess ive moisture and extreme temper atures.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 &XVWRPHU6XSSRUW For technical support or product service, see the table below or con tact your reseller . IMPORTANT : • You will need to provide the product serial number (on the back of the V37).
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 $SSHQGL[ 5HJXODWRUDQG6DIHW,QIRUPDWLRQ &ODVV%5HJXODWLRQV 86$ This equipment com plies with the limit.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 (XURSHDQ5HJXODWRU1RWL FH Products with th e CE mark comply with both the Electromagnetic Compatibili ty Di.
9LHZ6RQLF3RFNHW3&9 $ERXWWKH$&$GDSWHU CAUTION: Only use the AC adapter (PHIHONG, P SC0R-050) supplied with your Pocket PC V37. Use of another type of AC adapter will result in malfunction and/or danger.
9LHZ6RQLF 3RFNHW 3& 9 'DWD/RVV'LVFODLPHU Before sending the V37 out for service, be sure to backup all data and remov e all third party software.
9 LHZ6RQLF&RUSRUDWLRQ A - CD - P PCV3 7 - U G E n g l ish 04-01-03 Cover Back Page 8 8 Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:39 PM.
An important point after buying a device ViewSonic V 37 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ViewSonic V 37 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ViewSonic V 37 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ViewSonic V 37 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ViewSonic V 37 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ViewSonic V 37, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ViewSonic V 37.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ViewSonic V 37. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ViewSonic V 37 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center