Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PC V35 ViewSonic
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V iewSonic ® User Guide Po c k e t P C V 3 5.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 i Table of Contents Product Regi s tratio n ............... ............. ...... ....... ............. ...... ........... v For Your Records ................... ...... ............. ....... ...... ............. ....... .... v Getting Started Package Cont ents .
ii ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Entering Inf ormation ................ ............. ....... ............. ...... ............. ... 21 Entering Text Usin g the In put Pan el ......................... ............. ......... 21 Writing on the Sc reen ......
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 iii Creating a Task .... ............. ................... ............. ............. ........... 50 Using the Summary Scree n ..... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .... 51 Notes: Captu ring Thoug hts an d Ideas .
iv ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Restoring Fac tory Defaults ............. ............. ............. ................... ... 72 Power Prob lems ... ...... ............. ............. ............. ............. ....... ......... 73 Memory Problem s ......
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 v Copy right © V iewS onic Corp oration, 2 002 . All ri ght s res erved. ViewSo nic and the t hree bi rds log o are regi ster ed t radem arks of ViewSo nic C orpor a tion.
vi ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Page vi Monday, October 28, 2002 4:56 PM.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 1 1 Getting Star ted Congr at ulat ions on y our pu rcha se of the V iewSon ic P oc ket PC V3 5. The V35 is a Windows ® P owered Pocke t PC t hat ena bles you to keep your mos t impo rtant busines s and person al inf ormation up-t o-date an d close at hand.
2 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 QUICK ST ART Using the V35 f or the first time 1 Identifyi ng C omponents Po w e r Bu t to n Stylus SD Card Slot Infrared ( IR) Port T ouch S c reen Scroll Dial Recor d Butto.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 3 2 Setting the Battery Switc h The switch on t he back of yo ur P ocke t PC V35 should be switche d to t he ON (down) po sitio n. If t his i s not the cas e, pleas e set it to O N. 1 Make sure that t heV35 is turn ed off . 2 Unscrew the rear cap of your styl us.
4 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Plug the othe r end o f the A C ad apter into a grou nded A C outlet . The batter y-ch argi ng ind icato r ligh ts ambe r w hen c harg ing i s in pr ogre ss. 4 Fully charging may require a couple of hours. The amber battery-charging indica tor turns off when the b att ery is fu lly charg ed.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 5 IMPO RTAN T: • Before installation, make sure you have Microsoft Outlo ok installed on yo ur PC . If you do no t hav e Out look, yo u can i nst all Outlo ok 200 0 from the provided ViewSo nic Pocket PC V35 Compa nion CD. • Do not con nect your V3 5 to y our PC be fore Ac tive Sync is inst all ed.
6 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Register Y o ur Product Go to www to r egiste r your V 35. You will nee d to know the serial numb er of your V35 ( see the b ack o f the V 35). T o help with identi ficati on in the e vent of th eft or l oss, k eep th is U ser Gui de as a perman ent r ecord o f you r purch ase.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 7 Har d ware Fe atures The illus trations belo w int roduce you to t he vario us b uttons , conn ecto rs, p orts, and othe r features of your V35 . Fr ont Com pon ent s Ref Com po nent De scrip tio n T ouc h Scree n Selects m e nu command s or input text.
8 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Rear Components Ref Compon ent Descrip tion Battery Sw itch Restores your V35 to the f a c tory default settings and clears all data stored in RAM. NO TE : Alwa y s leave the switch in the ON (down) position unless you need to perform a hard reset.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 9 Right-Side Components Ref Co mpo nen t Des cri ption Stereo Headphone Connector Connects stereo headphones. 1 Page 9 Monday, October 28, 2002 4:56 PM.
10 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Left-Side Components Ref Compon ent Descrip tion Lany ar d Eyelet Lany ard attaches to th is opening. Scroll Dial Selects the highlighted item, or scrolls up or down in a document. Record Button Record voice notes by pressing and holding this bu tton.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 11 T op C omp on ent s Bottom Components Ref Co mpo nen t Des cri ption IR P or t Beams fi le s to or from other mobile d evices using infrar ed (IR) . SD Ca rd Accepts an optional Secure Digital card for extended memor y capacity or extended capabilities.
12 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 V35 USB Cradle The USB cr adle prov ides a conv enient way t o char ge you r V35 and connect your V35 to a PC throug h a U SB co nnection . Ref Component Descri ption USB Connector Connects to your PC f or data synchronization.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 13 Battery Chargi ng Op tion s With t he cradle 1 Slide your V 35 into the c radle. 2 Plug the ap propria te en d of the AC adapter into the pow er connec tor on the USB. 3 Plug the other en d of the AC ad apter in to an AC outle t.
14 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 • Allow th e batt ery to becom e f ully c har ged (a bout tw o hou rs). The ambe r Ba ttery C harg e Ind icato r turns off w hen the b attery is ful ly charged. When ever poss ible, char ge the batter y by con necti ng you r V35 t o an AC pow er source .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 15 2 Basic Skills This ch apter in troduce s you to the basics of wor king with programs a nd docume nts on y our V35. Using the Stylus Use th e stylus t o navig ate and s elect o bject s on the V35 to uch-scre en. NOTE : Y ou can extend the styl us to hold i t more comfor tabl y .
16 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 T oda y Screen When you turn o n you r V35 f or the firs t time each day (o r a fter 4 hours of inact ivity), you will s ee th e T oday scre en. O n the T oday s creen, you can see at a glance important i nformation f or th e day .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 17 Status Icons When the T oday screen i s displ ayed , you ma y see the follo wing st atus ic ons on the Co mmand bar or Na vig atio n bar . In mo st cas es, you ca n ta p a s tat us ic on to displa y the a ssoc iated con trol p ane l or mo re inf orma tion rela ted to the item .
18 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Navigation Bar and Command Bar The Nav igation bar is l ocated at t he top of the s cre en. It d ispla ys the act ive program and current time, and allows you to switch progr ams and close screens . The Navigati on bar and S tart me nu: Use th e Command bar at the b ottom of t he scree n to per form tasks in programs.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 19 Running Pr ograms Depen ding on the program you wa nt to run, you can: •T a p o r t a p Start at the t op of the sc reen an d sel ect fr om the menu. (Y ou can cus tomize which pr ogr ams you see on this menu. F o r in format ion, se e sec ti on “C us tom iz in g Y our V3 5” in C hap te r 3 ).
20 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 P op-up Menus With pop- up menus, yo u can quickly choose an action for an item. For exampl e, you can use th e p op-u p menu in the contac t list t o quickly delete a con tact, make a copy of a contact, or send an email message to a contact.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 21 Entering Inf ormation Y ou ha ve seve ral option s fo r ente ring n ew i nfo rmatio n: • Use the Inpu t panel to en ter typed text, eit her by using the s oft (on-sc reen) keyboar d or o ther input m etho ds. • W rit e dire ctly on the screen .
22 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 it is insert ed into your text a t the in se rtion point. The more you use your V35, the m ore word s it learns to anticip ate. NOTE : T o change word suggest ion opti ons, su ch as the number of w ords sugge sted a t o ne ti me, tap Setting on the Start menu.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 23 Letter Rec ognizer With Le tter R ecognizer , you can writ e letters usi ng th e stylu s just as you w ould use a pen on paper . T o type with Let ter Recognizer : 1 T ap the arrow next t o the Inp ut panel bu tton, a nd then tap Letter Recognizer .
24 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Writing on the Screen In any pr ogr am th at accepts wri ting—such as the Notes progr am and the Note s tab in C alendar , Cont acts, and T asks—you can use your stylus to write direct ly on t he screen . W rite the wa y you do on pape r.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 25 Y ou can cut, copy , and paste writ ten tex t in the same w ay you work w ith typed text: press and hold t he styl us on the select ed words and then ta p an editin g comm and o n the pop- up menu , or tap the co mman d on the Edit menu.
26 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 If the c onv ersion is incor rect, yo u c an selec t dif ferent word s from a li st o f alternates or return to the original writ ing. To do s o, press and hold the incorr ect wo rd (tap one word at a time). On t he pop- up menu, tap Alternates .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 27 Drawing on the Screen Y ou can draw on t he screen in t he same wa y that you writ e on the scree n. The diffe rence b etween w riti ng and dr awing on th e screen is how you select i tems and ho w they can be edi ted. For exa mple , selecte d drawin gs c an be res ized, while writin g canno t.
28 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Recor ding a Message In an y progr am w here yo u can wri te or dr aw on the screen, you can also quick ly capt ure thou ghts, remind ers, a nd phon e numbers by r ecordi ng a message. In Calendar , T asks, and Contacts, yo u can include a recording i n the Note s tab.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 29 Recording For mats Y our V35 suppor ts seve ral formats fo r vo ice notes. The format s vary i n both the quali ty of t he record ing an d the siz e of the sound fi le.
30 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Page 30 Monday, October 28, 2002 4:56 PM.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 31 3 Managing Y our V35 This chapter tells you how to effectively manage power and mem or y, and h ow to ad d/re move pr ogram s and back up your data . Manag ing P ower It i s import ant t o main tain a conti nuou s power su ppl y to the V35 to pr eve nt data or files stor ed in RA M from bein g dama ged.
32 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 • Suspend frequen tly. Us e the Power co ntrol pane l to sh orten t he length of continu ous idle time befo re your V35 auto-s uspends. Press the power butto n to turn off your V35 wh en it is not in use , eve n for a short t ime.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 33 Finding and Or ganizing Inf ormation The F ind feat ure o n your V35 helps you quick ly locate informa tion. T o find a file, on the Start me nu, tap Find . Enter the tex t you want to find , selec t a d ata typ e, and then tap Go to s tart th e s earch .
34 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Customizing Y our V35 Y ou can customiz e the setti ngs of the V35 to y our ow n prefer ences. Ta p Start , then tap Memo ry c ards Setti ngs . Y ou can tap any of the icons on the Personal , System, or Connect ions tabs to customize your V35.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 35 Setting a P assw ord A passw ord can sa feguard your V 35 agains t unauthorized us e. T o set your pass wor d: 1 Ta p St art , tap Settings , then ta p the Pa ssword ico n o n t he Password tab. 2 T ap the digi ts or char acters to se t your pass word .
36 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Bac king Up Data T o prevent loss of d ata, you should back up your V 35 frequentl y . Y o ur V35 comes with tw o programs f or backi ng up data : • Microsof t Acti veSync . ActiveSync enabl es you to back up data to your PC.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 37 Restoring data using Backu p 1 Close all running applications and insert a memory card with the backup data. 2 Disco nnect your V 35 f rom your PC . 3 On the Start menu tap Prog ram s , th en tap t he Backup icon. 4 Ta p Re store , then ta p Yes .
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ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 39 4 Micr osoft ActiveSync This ch apter tells you what th e Micro soft Act iveSync pr ogram is and wha t you need t o do t o use it. Using Micr osoft ActiveSync NOTE : ActiveSync i s alr eady ins talled on your V3 5. Y ou need to install ActiveSync o n your PC.
40 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Synchr onizing Data Once you have crea ted a synchroniza tion partne rship and complete d the first syn chron izatio n, you can ini tiate sync hron ization from your V3 5. Follow th is proc edure: 1 Conn ect your V 35 to your P C.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 41 Connecting to Y our PC CAUTIO N: Do n ot shut down or rest art yo ur PC while your V35 is connect ed. T urn of f yo ur V35 or disco nnect t he USB cable before you shut do wn your PC.
42 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Page 42 Monday, October 28, 2002 4:56 PM.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 43 5 P ocket Outlook This chapter intr oduces you t o the ba sics of Micros oft P ocket Outlo ok, in cludin g Calenda r , Conta cts, T asks, Notes and In box. Schedu li ng Ap po intments/Meeting s Use Cal endar to sc hedu le a ppoint men ts, incl udin g meet ings and oth er even ts.
44 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Creating an Appoin tment 1 In Day or Week view, tap the d esired d ate and ti me for the ap point ment. 2 Ta p New . 3 When usi ng t he Inp ut panel , ta p fi rst to select the field , and then ente r a descrip tion an d a lo cation.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 45 Using the Summary Screen When you tap an appointment in C alendar , a summary screen displa ys. T o change the appoin tmen t, ta p Edit . Creating Meeting R eq uests Y ou can u se Calend ar to set up me etings with u sers of O utlook o r Pocket Outlo ok.
46 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Managi ng Cont acts Contac ts mai ntain s a list of yo ur fr iends and coll eagu es so tha t y ou can easily find t he in formati on y ou ar e lo oking for , whether y ou are at home o r o n the road.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 47 1 Ta p New . 2 Using the Input p ane l, enter a nam e a nd o ther c ontact inf orm ation . Y o u will need to scro ll down to see all av aila ble field s. 3 T o assign the con tact to a cate gory , scr oll to an d ta p Categories then se lect a categor y from the lis t.
48 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 • T o view the names of c ompanies y our co ntacts work for , in the contact lis t, tap View then tap By Company . The num ber of con tacts t hat work for that comp any w ill b e disp layed to t he ri ght of t he com pa ny name.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 49 T asks: Keeping a T o Do List Use T as ks t o keep track of wha t you have to do. Select the cat egor y of t asks you want to displa y in the list. Select the so rt order of the list. ! Indicates high prio rit y. T ap to display or e dit the task detail s.
50 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Cr e ati ng a T a sk 1 Ta p New . 2 Using the Input p anel, en ter a d escrip tion. 3 Y ou can ent er a start date and due date, or enter other information by first tapp ing the field . If the Input panel is op en, you wil l need to hide it to s ee all avai labl e fields .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 51 Using the Summary Screen When yo u tap a ta sk in the ta sk l ist, a summa ry s creen di spl ays. T o change the task, t ap Ed it . View task details . T ap to s how or hide additional sum mar y information. View notes. T ap to c hange task.
52 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Notes: Capturing Thoughts and Ideas Quick ly capt ure th ough ts, re minde rs, i deas, dra win gs, an d phone n umbers wi th Notes. Y ou can creat e a written not e or a record ing. Y ou can also includ e a recording in a note.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 53 Inbo x: Sending an d Receiving Email Use the In box to sen d and re ceive e-mai l mes sages wi th M icrosoft Out look on your P C. Synchr onizing Email Messages Email m essa ges can be s ynchronize d as part of th e general s ynchr onizat ion proce ss.
54 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 When you receive a message, tap it to open it. Unread messages are displayed in b old. IMPOR TANT : When you synchr onize w ith your PC , by def ault, you will rec eive message s from the la st three d ays onl y, the first 100 lines of each new message, an d file attachmen ts of less than 100 KB in size.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 55 T o compose a messa ge, do t he follo wing: 1 Ta p New . 2 In the To field , enter an email of one or more rec ipien ts, se par ating them with a s emicolo n, or selec t a name fro m the contac t list by tappi ng the Addre ss Book b utto n.
56 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Page 56 Monday, October 28, 2002 4:56 PM.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 57 6 Companion Pr ograms This ch apter tell s you about M icroso ft Pocket W o rd an d Micro soft Pocket Excel. Po c k e t W o r d Micros oft Pocket Word works with Micro soft Word on your PC to give you easy access to copi es of your d ocumen ts.
58 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 info rmati on on wr iting a nd selec ting wr iting, se e “ Enter ing In forma tion ” in Chapt er 2 . NOTE : W ritten words are conv erted to grap hics (metafiles) when a Po cket W ord do cument is c onverted to a Word document on you r PC.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 59 • Freez e pane s on a wo rksheet. First , sel ect th e cell where y ou w ant to free ze panes. T ap Vi ew and then ta p Freez e Panes . Y ou mi ght wan t to fr eeze the top and f urthest left panes in a worksh eet to keep row and co lumn lab els visibl e as you scroll thr ough a sheet.
60 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Micr osoft Reader Use Micr osoft R eader to r ead eBoo ks on your V35. Down load book s to y our PC from your favorite eBoo k W eb site . Use Active Sync to copy the b ook files to your activ ated V35. The books appear in the R ead er Librar y , wher e you can tap them in the list to ope n them .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 61 Using the Lib rar y The L ibrary is your Reade r home page . The home page di spla ys a list of all books st ored on your V35 or storage ca rd. To o p e n t h e L i b r a r y : • On the Reader command ba r, tap Libr ary .
62 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Reading a Book Each bo ok c onsists of a cover p age, an op tional tabl e of cont ents , and the pages of the boo k. Navigat ion options ar e lis ted in the bot tom po rtion of the cover p age.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 63 • Bookmarks. Whe n you a dd a boo kmar k to a book, a color -cod ed bo okma rk icon a ppe ars in the righ t mar gin. You can ad d m ultiple bo okmar ks to a bo ok. Then , from an ywhere in th e book, t a p the bo okmar k icon to g o to the bookma rked pa ge.
64 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Other Pr ograms The follow ing p rogra ms a re p erm anen tly i nsta lled in your V35 : In additi on, you can i nstall the follow ing prog r ams from th e Poc ket PC V 35 Compan io n CD: Pr ogram How to Access the Pr ogram Infrar ed Receiver On the Start menu, t ap Progra ms and then tap the Infrare d Receive icon.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 65 7 P ocket Internet Explorer This ch apter tells you abo ut Micr osof t Pocket Internet Exp lorer , M obile Favorites Folder and A vantGo C hannels.
66 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Viewing Mobile Fa vorites a nd Channels 1 Ta p t h e Favorite s button to di splay your list of favorites. 2 In the list, tap the pag e you want to view. Y ou will see the page tha t was do wnload ed th e la st time yo u synch ronized wit h your PC.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 67 Fa v orite Links Durin g sync hroni zatio n, th e list of favori te link s in th e Mobi le Favorites fold er on your PC is synchron ized with Pocket Internet Ex plorer on your V3 5. Both computer s are updated wi th chang es made to either l ist each time you synch roni ze.
68 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 • U se Activ eS ync sett ings t o turn off pic tures an d sounds for t he Mobile Fa vorites infor matio n type or to stop some mo bile favorite s from being dow nloade d to your V3 5. For more inform at ion, s ee Ac tiveSync He lp.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 69 8 Getting Connected Using inf rared (IR), you use your V3 5 to exchang e inf ormation ( such as contacts and appoint ments) with other mobile devices as well as your PC. (F or more info rmation, see “ Using Microsoft ActiveSync” in Chap ter 4.
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ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 71 9 T r oub leshooting and Maintenance This chap ter g ives solut ions to common V35 p roblems you may enc ounter when using t he devic e. It als o provide s gui delin es on ta king ca re o f your V3 5. NOTE : If you e ncounter a p roblem you cannot solve , contact your rese ller or ViewS onic Cu stome r Support.
72 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 2 Unsc rew the tip of you r stylus. Use the tip to press the reset button on the side of your V35. Restoring F actory Defaults In some c ases , you m ay n eed to restor e yo ur V35 to th e fact ory de fault setti ngs by clea ring t he memory (RAM ) fro m your V35.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 73 Follow th is pr ocedure to c lear the memory fr om y our V35: 1 Disconnect all cables, including the AC adapter , from your V35. 2 Unscr ew the tip of the stylus. Use th e tip to p ush the b attery switch t o the OFF ( up) po sitio n.
74 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Memory Pr o b le ms If a warnin g mes sage o f not e nou gh mem ory app ears d ue to t he m emory alloca tion pr oblem , try the f ollow ing to f ree m emo ry on your V3 5. CAUTION: Be discreet when you d elete files. Deleting files of wh ich the functi on is u nknown can ca use p rograms or fea tures to mal function .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 75 • Set pro grams s uch as No tes, P ock et W ord, and P ocket Excel to auto matically save n ew it ems o n th e SD me mory card.
76 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Connecti on Problems USB Cradle Connection P roblems • M ake sure that you have insta lled th e correct ve rsion of Act ive Sync o n you r desk top PC. Install the version ActiveSync included with your V 35. • Make sure that your V35 and your desktop PC are turned on.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 77 • Store your V35 in a prot ecti ve case w hen not in use. • The sc reen surfac e is eas ily scr atche d. U se only the s tylu s to t ap on t he screen. Avoid touc hing it with your finger s, pens, or penc ils. • Never clean y our V3 5 with t he power on.
78 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Customer Support Fo r technic al sup port or produ ct servi ce, see th e table below or con tact y our rese ller . IMPOR TANT : • You will need t o pro vide the p roduct s erial nu mber (on the b ack o f the V35) .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 79 10 Appendix Regulatory and Safety Inf ormation Class B Regulations USA This eq uipm ent c omplie s w ith the lim its for a cl ass B di gital de vice as s pecified in Part 15 of F CC Ru les whic h prov ide reas onable p rotect ion aga ins t harm ful interf erence in a resid ential area.
80 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Eur opean Regulator y Notice Produc ts with the CE mark co mply with both th e El ectrom agn etic C omp atibili ty Direc tive (89/ 336/EEC ) and the Low V oltage Direc tive (73/23 /EEC) - as manda ted by D ire cti ve 93/68/E CC - i ss ued by th e C o mmission of t he Europ ean Community .
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 81 About the AC Adapter CAUTIO N: Only use the AC a dapter (PHIHO NG, PSC0R-050 ) supplied with your Pocket PC V35. Use of another type of A C adapter will result in malfunction and/or danger.
82 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 Limited W arranty P ocket PC Pr oducts What the w arra nty covers: ViewSo nic ® warrants it s Poc k et PC produ cts to be free fr om defects in mate rial a nd wor kma nship du ring the wa rranty per iod.
ViewSonic Po cket PC V35 83 Specifications Pr oces sor Processor Speed Cache Intel X-Sc ale PX A250 300 MHz 32 KB Data, 32 KB I nstruction Memory RAM ROM 64 MB SDRAM, 10 0 MHZ, 32-BI T 32 MB M-Syste m.
84 ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 SDRAM M emory Alloc ation The V3 5 has 64 MB o f SDRAM me mory: • 27.5 MB is used by the Pocket PC 20 02 Operating System , applic ations, and drive rs. • The r emaining me mory is av ailable f or user app lications and file storag e: 36.
V iewSonic Corporation A-CD-PPCV35-UG English 10-22-02.
An important point after buying a device ViewSonic PC V35 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ViewSonic PC V35 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ViewSonic PC V35 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ViewSonic PC V35 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ViewSonic PC V35 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ViewSonic PC V35, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ViewSonic PC V35.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ViewSonic PC V35. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ViewSonic PC V35 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center