Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DXP Series Vertical Communications
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CERTIFIED ISO 9001 Accredited by the Dutch Council for Accreditation for certification and registration activities. C E R T I F I C A T I O N Comdial's Quality Management System Is Certified T o The ISO 9001 Standard.
Contents 1 Introducing The Telephone ........................... 1 – 1 1 . 1 U n d e r s t a n d i n gW h a tT h eL i g h t sM e a n ............... 1 – 1 1 . 2 U s i n gT h eL C DA b b r e v i a t i o n s..................... 1 – 3 1.3 Using Y our Speakerphon e .
6 T r a n s f e r r i n gC a l l s ................................... 6 – 1 6 . 1 T r a n s f e r r i n g O u t s i d eC a l l s ........................ 6 – 1 7 C o n f e r e n c i n gC a l l s .................................. 7 – 1 7 . 1 C o n f e r e n c i n gS t a t i o n sT o g e t h e r .
10 Operating Your Telephone With A DSS/BLF Console 10.1 Operating Y our T elephone W ith A DSS/BLF Console . . 10–1 P u b l i c a t i o nI n d e x ................................... I ndex–1 Q u i c kR e f e r e n c eG u i d e ...................
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Intr oducing The T elephone Congratulations and thank you for using a Comdial telephone! This manual serves as a helpful guide for using your new telephone’ s many functions.
– Next to a fixed feature or prog rammable feature button: • Steady red = the feature is on. • Steady off = the feature is off. – Next to an INTERCOM button: • Steady gree n with a quick flash = you are using your inter com. • Winking red = an LCD message is set on your telephone for others to rec eive when callin g.
1.2 Using The LCD Abbreviations The follo wing chart identifies the abbrev iations on your LCD screen and provides a brief definition of each feature. Abbr evia tion F eatur e Def inition A CCT Account Stores a button that enables account code entry .
Abbr evia tion F eatur e Def inition CAMP Camp On Has system call you when busy station becomes idle. When chosen as a feature, stores a button that enables the function. CALLBK IW i l lC a l l Back Respond to a SOHV A call with a non-verbal message. CLEAR Clear Features Stores a button that c lears a currently acti v e or engaged feature.
Abbr eviat ion F eature Def inition HA VE HOL D Ask Caller T o Hold Send a non-verbal response to a SOHV A caller so he or she will kno w to place the outside caller on hold. LIGHT Light (contrast) Makes the LCD screen lighter . MSG Message T urns on message-waiting light at another station.
Abbr eviation F eature Def inition PRIV Pri v ac y When chosen as a featu re, stores a butto n that releases pri v acy for a current call. QUERY Button Query Displays pro gram status of any b utton. RECON Reconnect Reconnects you to a transferred call.
1.3 Using Y our Speakerphone When using your speakerphone, the microphone and loudspeaker are farther aw ay from you than when you use a handset. Both the signal from the loudspeaker and the signal to the microphone must be strengthened.
1.3.2 Speaker phone User Guidelines NO TE: The speak erphone user guidelines in this section do not apply to the Impact SCS 8324F-** when it is operating in full-duplex mode. Ho wev er , when the 8324F-** is in half-duplex mode or in “speech training” mode, the follo wing guideline are applicable.
• To manually place a call using your speakerphone, 1. Press the INTERCOM or line b utton. 2. Dial the number . 3. When party answers, speak tow ard the telephone. • To automatically dial a number using your speakerphone, 1. Press the preprogrammed speed dial or DSS b utton and speak to ward the telepho ne when your party answers.
Interactive Buttons (NOT programmable) LCD Alphanumeric Display T ransfer/ Conference Button Hold Button Intercom Button Programmable Buttons MUTE SHIFT SPEAKER INTERCOM TRNS/CNF TAP HOLD OPER TUV PRS.
2 ABC 1 3 DEF 6 MNO 5 JKL 4 GHI 7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY # 0 * SHIFT MUTE SPEAKER TRNS/CONF HOLD TAP MESSAGE T elephone Speaker Dialpad Handset Programmable Buttons Speaker Button* Microphone Opening Interco.
1.4 Adjusting The T elephone P edestal (Models 8312S , 8324S, and 8324F onl y) Y our telephone has an adjustable pedestal to allow you to select the most comfortable viewing ang le. When you recei ve the telephone, the pedestal is in its lowest position—flush against the pedestal.
Ans wering Calls NO TE: Throughout this book, all references to fix ed buttons are printed in upper case bold type, for example “Press the INTERCOM bu tt o n . ” All references to interac tive b uttons are printed in upper case bold italic type, f or example “Press the OPTIONS button.
• To answer a call that is ringing the loud ringer or night transfer station, 1. Hear ringing. 2. L ift handset. 3. Press INTERCOM . 4. Dial 65 through 68 to select ringing zone (1–4) where the bell is located, or dial 69 to answer any ringing zone.
2.3 Forwarding Calls • To forward calls made to your station, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until the CFWD option appears. 3. Press CFWD . 4. Press SET .
• To cancel call f orwarding, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until the CFWD option appears. 3. Press CFWD . 4. Press CL R to disable call forward ing.
Making Calls 3.1 Makin g A Call • To make a call, 1. L ift handset or press SPEAKER , select line (unless your telephone selects it for you) or select INTERCOM , and listen for dial tone. 2. E ither dial number , use speed dial feature, use redial feature, or press Direct Station Select (DSS) if making an intercom call.
• To queue for a line group if all lines ar e busy, 1. Press INTERCOM and dial line group access code ( 9 , 80–89 ,o r 60–64 ). 2. Hear busy tone and dial ✳ 6 . 3. Hang up and wait for queuing ring-back. • To answer queuing ring-back, 1. Lift handset and hear dial tone for line.
3.3 Using Last Number Redial • To redial the last number that y ou dialed at yo ur telephone, 1. Press SPEAKER (or hang up handset) to dis connect current ringing or b usy tone. 2. Dial # . 3. L isten for ringing or busy tone o ver the telephone’ s speaker .
3.3.1 Using The A utomatic Redial Feature If your station has the multiple automatic redial feature enabled, you can place up to 10 numbers in your telephone’ s redial queue.
• To interrupt the redialing procedure so that you can scroll through numbers in your re dial queue, NO TE: Y ou can only do this if the multiple automatic redial numb ers feature is enabled and you currently hav e more that one number in your redial q ueue.
3.4 Using Speed Dial • To dial a speed dial number from a preprogrammed DSS button, 1. Press preprogrammed button. If you ha ve prog rammed the number at the second le vel of a DSS button, press SHIFT befor e pressing but to n. 2. When called party answers, lift handset.
3.5 Using Dial By Name The Dia l By Name f eature pr ovides an index of names for you t o search through. When you select a name in the inde x, the system will automatically dial t hat person’ s extension num ber . • To use Dial By Name, 1. Press OPTIONS to enter the dial by name menu.
3.6 Making A Subdued Off-Hook V oice Announcement (SOHV A) • To make a SOHVA announcement using the preprogrammed SOHVA button, 1. Make intercom call and hear busy tone. 2. Decide whether to i nterrupt. 3. If you decide not to interrupt the called pa rty , hang up.
3.7 Making A P aging Announcement • To send a paging announcement, 1. L ift handset. 2. Press INTERCOM ,t h e nd i a l 70–77 for zones 1–8 [in the default mode code 70 (zone 1) pro vides an all-call function], —OR— press a preprogrammed P AGE button.
3.8 Camping On At a Busy Station And W aiting For An Answer (Call W aiting) If the telephone you ha ve c alled is busy , you can send a call-waiting message to the telephone and wait on the line for an answer (you must be using the handset for this feature to work.
3.9 Camping On At An Idle Station And W aiting For An A utomatic Callbac k If you call another station and hear ringing b ut recei v e no answer , you can press a button that will cause the system to ring your telephone when the user at the called sta tion initiates any teleph one acti vity .
3.10 Camping On At A Busy Station And W aiting For An A utomatic Callbac k • To camp on at any busy station, 1. Press CAMP . 2. Y our telephone immediately disconnects. When the station you called becomes av ailable, your telephone will ring with fi ve short tone bursts.
Placing Calls On Hold 4.1 Holding Calls • To place a call on hold, 1. Press HOLD . 2. Hang up handset. • To return to a call that is on hold, 1. L ift handset and press line button with f lashing light, —OR— press TA P . • To place a call on exclusive hold, 1.
• To retrieve a held call at anothe r station, 1. L ift handset. 2. Press INTERCOM and dial #9 0 . 3. Dial extension number of station that has the held call, 4. Answer call. • To answer a call at the extension receiving held call, 1. L ift handset.
4.2 Using Call P ark • To park a call, 1. When on a line, press INTERCOM . 2. Dial ✳ , then dial park orbit access code ( 91–99 for orbi t 1–9 ). If chosen orbit is b usy , dial a dif ferent orbit number . 3. Hang up handset. 4. Remember the code for later use or make it kno wn to those who need to kno w it in o rder to retrie ve the call.
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Sending And Receiving Non-V e rbal Messages 5.1 Using the Messaging Feature • To turn on the message-waiting light and broken dial tone at an idle telephone, 1. Press INTERCOM . 2. Dial ✳ 3. 3. Dial extension number of the station you want to alert.
5.2 Using LCD Messa ging NO TE: Y ou can set system-supplied messages to display at any calling LCD speak erphone. • To turn on LCD messaging, 1. Press INTERCOM . 2. Dial ✳ 02 . 3. Press # to clear current message if you hav e one stored. 4. Dial mess age code number ( 01–30 ).
5.3 Sending An LCD Messa ge • To send an LCD messa ge when you call and receive busy signal or no answer, 1. While still on the call, press the appropriate f ixed RESPONSE MESSA GE button to send a preselect ed message ( Call [your name] , for example) to the other telephone, —OR— 1.
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T ransf erring Calls 6.1 T ransferring Outside Calls • To announce a call before transferring it, 1. Answer outside call. 2. Press TRANSFER/CONFERENCE (this places the call on hold). 3. Dial s tation number , or press DSS button for that station. 4.
• To make a hot transfer, 1. Answer call. 2. Press TRANSFER/CONFERENCE (this automatically places the call on hold). 3. Dial extension number of telephone to recei v e the transfer or press the DSS button for that e xtension. 4. Announce call. 5. Press TRANSFER/CONFERENCE .
Conferencing Calls 7.1 Conferencing Stations T ogether • To set up a conference call that includes any combina tion of outside lines and inte rcom parties, 1. Make first call. 2. Press TRANSFER/CONFERENCE (this places the on hold). 3. Select next line and make n ext call.
• To continue conversatio n on remaining line after other outside lines have dropped out of confer ence, 1. Press the line button of the remainin g party . • To drop out of a conference call between you and two outside lines (creating a n unsupervised confe rence), 1.
Pr ogramming Y our T elephone 8.1 Storing DSS Number s • To store exte nsion numbers at DSS buttons, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until DSS option appears, 3. Press DSS . 4. Press programmable button to choose stor age location. 5. Dial extension number .
8.2 Storing Feature Buttons • To store special-pur pose feature buttons, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until FEA T option appears. 3. Press FEA T . 4. Press NEXT until the feature you want is displayed. 5. Press desired feature bu tton. 6. Press programmable button to choose stor age location.
4. Dial mess age number ( 01-30 ) from list of messages provid ed by your system attendant or installer . 5. Press # to save programming. 6. Press SPEAKER to end. 7. Label button location. 8.4 Pr ogramming Speed Dial Numbers • To store an outside number a s a speed dial number, 1.
• To store an inter com number as a speed dial number, 1. Press INTERCOM . 2. Dial ✳✳ 1 . 3. Press the button you want to program. 4. Press INTERCOM , —OR— press 8 to preselect intercom. 5. E nter the intercom number you want to store (up to 16 digits that can include # and ✳ ).
8.5 Setting A Reminder Aler t • To set a reminder a lert at your telephone, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until the ALERT option appears. 3. Press AL ER T . 4. Press 1 or 2 to select av ailable alert designation; if you ha ve already programmed an alert for 1, press 2 to set a second alert condition.
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Using The Other T elephone Features 9.1 Adjusting The Display Contrast • To adjust the display contrast, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until the DISP option appears. 3. Press DISP . 4. Y our display will read “ Contrast Lev el .” 5. Press LIGHT or DARK on ce for each de gree of change desired.
9.3 Displa ying Status Of Busy Lines And Stations (Busy Button Inquiry) • To identify the station that occupies a busy line, 1. Press button for busy line. 2. Read your display for intercom number of station that is busy on line. • To identify the line that a busy station occupies, 1.
9.5 Diverting Incoming Calls T o Another S tation Call di ve rting permits you to send a n incoming call to anot her station that you hav e pre viously designated. Y ou can di v ert an incoming call to the designated station whether you are busy or idle.
9.7 Muting Y our T elephone • To mute your telephone, 1. Press MUTE (MUTE light turns on). Y ou can still hear distant callers, b ut the y cannot hear you. • To speak to the distant party, 1. Press MUTE again (MUTE light turns on). 9.8 Setting A Do Not Disturb Condition • To enable DND, 1.
9.9 Overriding A Call Or A Do Not Disturb Condition At Another T elephone (Executive Override) • To override an in-progress call a t another telephone, 1. Make intercom call and hear a b usy signal. 2. Dial ✳ 03 (all parties will hear sev eral tone bursts).
9.10 Setting The V olume Contr ol The volume control on you r telephone is a multipurpose control you can use to set the volume of the ringer , speaker , handset, headset, background music, and the group lis tening mode. Y ou can press the VO L U M E U P or VO L U M E D OW N button once for each change in loudness you desire.
• There are four ringer loudness levels (plus an off position). Set the level as follows: 1. While your telephone is on hook and idle, press the VO L U M E U P or VO L U M E D OW N button once for each change in loudness you desire. The ringer sounds once for each change as an example of the current setting.
• There are eight headset loudness levels. Set the level for the current call as follows: 1. While on a call and in headset mode, p ress the VO L U M E U P or VO L U M E D OW N button once for each change in loudness you desire.
9.11 Setting Y our P er sonal Ringing T ones • To select one of the ringing tones, 1. Press OPTIONS . 2. Press NEXT until the RING option appears. 3. Press RING . 4. Press UP or DO WN to choose ring tone in display (a ne w tone will sound at each up or down press).
9.13 Using The IMIST M odule Impact SCS 8324F-**, 8324S-**, and 8312S-** speakerphones equipped with the optional IMIST module can support an IST de vice (modem, F AX machine, i ndustry-standard telephone, etc.
9.14 Using The Caller ID Feature The Caller ID feature allows yo u to vie w incoming call numbers before you answer them. Incoming call numbers flash in t he lower half of the LCD. If you answer the call, the number app ears in the upper half of the LCD.
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Operating Y our T elephone With A DSS/BLF Console 10.1 Operating Y our T elephone With A DSS/BLF Console The IB64X, IB48X, and IB24X DSS/BLF consoles ha ve add itional butto ns and status lights that extend the memory button capability of an adjacent companion telephone.
10.1.1 Accessing The Button Levels The IB24X and IB48X DSS/BLF consoles have four le vels of buttons, quadrupling the consoles’ button capacity . The four buttons at the bottom of each console allo w you to select which button le v el is currently activ e.
T r oubleshooting Y our T elephone Symptom Possible Cause INTERCOM light flashin g. Your messagin g is set. Press INTERCOM, then dial # 02 and hang up. HOLD light flashing with no line on hold. Another telephone has activated your message waiting light.
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Index A Section A c c e s s i n gL i n e s ....................................... 3 – 1 A d j u s t i n gD i s p l a yC o n t r a s t .............................. 9 – 1 A d j u s t i n gT h eT e l e p h o n eP e d e s t a l ....................
D oN o tD i s t u r b ,S e t t i n g ................................. 9 – 4 D S S / B L FC o n s o l e .................................... 1 0 – 1 D S S / B L FC o n s o l e ,A c c e s s i n gB u t t o n sL e v e l s .............. 1 0 – 2 F F o r w a r d i n gC a l l s .
Personal Ringing T ones, Setting .......................... 9 – 9 P r o g r a m m i n gS p e e dD i a l N u m b e r s........................ 8 – 3 P r o g r a m m i n g Y o u r T e l e p h o n e ............................ 8 – 1 Q Q u i c kR e f e r e n c eG u i d e .
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Appendix A Quic k Ref erence Guide This chart provides you with a Quick Reference Guide of the feature dialing codes. If you wish, you can detach these pages and keep them near your telephone to serve as a stand alone reference.
Feature Enable Code Disable Code Button Mnemonic Call Forward, Ring-No Answer, All Calls INTERCOM ✳ 54 + extension number INTERCOM # 5 FWDRA Call Forward, Ring-No Answer, Personal Calls INTERCOM ✳.
Feature Enable Code Disable Code Button Mnemonic Line Group 1 INTERCOM 9 LNG01 Line Groups 2-11 INTERCOM 80-89 LNG02-11 Line Groups 12-16 INTERCOM 60-64 LNG 12-16 Line Pick Up From Any Station, Zones .
Feature Enable Code Disable Code Button Mnemonic Personal Ringing Tones INTER COM ✳✳ 4+t o n e code (1-8) Redial Last Dialed Numb er # Remote Station Disable INTER COM ✳ 05 + ext ensi on numbe r.
The following table details several unique dialing cod es that are only applicable to single line proprietary and industry-stand ard telephones. Feature Enable Code Pick Up Last Line ✳ 08 Broker’s.
This manual has been de veloped by Comdial Corporation (the “Company”) and is intended for the use of its customers and service personnel. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Charlottesville, V irginia 22901-2829 R World Wide W eb: http://www Printed in U.S.A. GCA70–258.08 8/97.
An important point after buying a device Vertical Communications DXP Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Vertical Communications DXP Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Vertical Communications DXP Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Vertical Communications DXP Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Vertical Communications DXP Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Vertical Communications DXP Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Vertical Communications DXP Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Vertical Communications DXP Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Vertical Communications DXP Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center