Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product X32 Behringer
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U ser Manual X3 2 C OMP A CT DIGIT A L MI X ER C om pa ct 40 - I n pu t, 2 5-Bus Di g i tal M ixi n g C o n sol e wi t h 1 6 P rogr a mm a ble M ID AS P r e am p s, 1 7 Mot or iz ed F ad ers , C ha n .
2 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual T able of C on ten ts Important Safet y Instructions ...................................... 3 Legal Disclaimer ............................................................. 3 Limited warranty .............
3 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Impor tant Safety Instructions LEGAL DISCLAIMER LIMITED W ARRANTY T erminals marked with this symbol carr y electrical current of su cient magnitude to constitute risk of electric shock. Use only high-quality professional speaker cables with ¼" TS or twist-locking plugs pre-installed.
4 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Introduc tion Welcome to the X32 COMP AC T User Manual! After year s of intense developme nt, we are proud to o er a mixer that combine s tremendous power an d exibilit y with a ver y user-frie ndly layout and intuiti v e work ow that allow you to get up-an d-running ri ght awa y .
5 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 1. Operational Overview (4) (5) (2 ) (1) (3) View buttons r ule Throug hout the top panel o f the console, youwillnd small bu ttons labele d View.
6 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Input Channel Bank s Y ou will nd a sele ct but ton on top of ever y channel that is u sed to direc t the contro l focus of the us er interf ace, including all channel re lated parameter s ( channel s trip and main display) , tothat channel.
7 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Ch01 F atSnare OpeningScene 02: next 0:00 - 0:00 A: S16 A: 48K B: - C: X-U S B : 15 01 15:33 home cong gate dyn eq sends main Main D isplay Area The main color d isplay presents i nformation ab out various s ectio ns of the console.
8 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual The “Sends on F aders” F unction The X32 COMP A CT cons ole features a ver y usef ul func tion thatc an be accesse d by pressing the de dicated Sends o n F aders but ton, located b etween t he t w ofader s ect ions.
9 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Link Lo Cut Ch01 01: 01 0:00 - 0:00 A: S16 A: 48K B: - C: X-U SB : 37 14:11 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip home gate dyn eq sends main cong Gain Gain 48V In Pre Post Ins Delay dB +0.00 Link Lo Cut Lo Cut Hz 20 Lo Cut Input Select Source PRE Insert Ins Pos InsF Connect Insert ms 0.
10 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Inputs -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip Link Gain dB 00.00 Send Pos. Insert Pos. Insert Link Bus Sends Insert Connect Pre LeOnde.
11 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual iPad App for X 3 2 COMP A CT Many func tions of th e X3 2 COMP AC T console can b e remotely controlle d by a dedic ated iPad app. Details abo ut the app’ s download, se tup and operati on are available on the X 3 2 COMP AC T produc t page.
12 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 2. Callout s 2 .1 Channel Strip and Monitoring (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (3) (1) (1) Preamp – Adjus t the preamp gain fo r the selec ted channel wi th the Gainkno b .
13 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 2. 2 Input C hannel Banks (11) L a ye r Select – Selec t either the c hannels 1 -8, 9- 1 6, 1 7- 24 , 25-3 2, Aux in 1 -6/USB REC, Ee ct s Returns, Bus 1-8, or Bus 9 - 1 6. Thecur rently ac tive layer will light.
14 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 2.4 Group/Bus Banks (23) DA W Remote – Pre ss this to enable DA W remote control. (24) Group/B us Lay ers – Selec t bet ween DC A groups 1-8, Buses 1-8 or 9- 1 6, or Matr ices 1 -6 and th e main center bus with the se but tons.
15 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 2.6 Rear Panel Connect ions ( 46) ( 47) ( 40) ( 42) ( 43) ( 44) ( 41) ( 45) (40) MON OUT - Connec t a pair of s tudio monitor s using balanced ¼ " cable s. (41) O utputs 1 -8 – Send audio to e xterna l equipment using XLR c ables.
16 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 3. Ho ok - Up Diagrams B1800D-PRO B215D F1320D B3031A Laptop GTX30 Keyboard XM8500 2-TRACK HARD DISK RECORDER FCB1010 MIDI Pedal P-16 D P-16 M S16 Digita.
17 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Note - Shielde d CA T - 5e cable shou ld always be used fo r AES50 connec tions bet ween X32 and S 1 6 units.
18 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 4. FX Descriptions FX Descriptions Here is a lis t and brief des cription o f the eec ts available on t he X32 C OMP A CT . WhenStereoand Dua l v ersio ns of an eec t are oere d , use the Stere o v ersio n when the le ft and r ight signal are to be altere d together (e.
19 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual up. DIFF( USION) controls the ini tial reec tion densit y . SPREAD controls h ow the ree ction is d istribu ted through the envelop e of the reverb. The LO CUT knob set s a low frequen cy beneat h which the source sig nal will not pass thro ugh the reverb.
20 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual When Layer 1 is se lecte d , the far le ft enco der push but ton allows you to selec t bet ween vir tual fro nt and rear output s. Rear is suitab le for drums due to i t being less re ect ive . Front is well-sui ted for vocals and ot her dynamic inst ruments.
21 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual T r emolo / Panne r Stereo T remolo cr eates an up and down volume chang e at a constant and even tempo jus t like the guitar amps of ye steryear. Use X32’ s S tereo T remolo to add a unique “sur f-music” tex ture to a voc al or instr ument track .
22 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Mood Filter The Moo d Filter uses an LFO gene rator and an auto- envelope generator to co ntrol a VCF ( voltage -controlle d lter ) , as well as a side chai n func tion where the channel B sig nal controls the envelope of c hannel A.
23 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Del a y + Chorus This combinat ion eec t merges a us er -denab le Delay ( echo ) with a s tudio- qualit y Chorus sure to f atten up even th e “ skinniest ” tr ack.
24 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5. T opic G uide 5 .1 Start ing up, shutting down, and rm ware updates We recommend sw itching the X32 COMP A CT on b efore any ac tive sound reinfo rcement system is co nnecte d.
25 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5.4 Ho w do I add one of the 8 inter nal eects to the sound? There are t wo ty pes of ee cts t hat are commonly use d : • “Eec ts Loo p.
26 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 3. Selec t an input chann el la yer ( Ch 1-8, 9- 16, 1 7- 24 , 25-3 2, or Aux/USB) . 4. Adjus t the 3 2 channels of inpu t faders on t he lef t side of the console.
27 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5. 8 Using Mute Groups The X32 COMP A CT has 6 s eparate “mute groups” . Individual channels c an be assigne d to these mute gro ups, allowing you to mute multip le channels with a single but tonpush.
28 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5 . 11 How do I share sig nals o v er AES 50S upermac network ? In many live sound sit uations, a single mixin g console is used to cover bot h the fr.
29 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual • T o load a pres et from the UT I LITIES sc reen, adjust th e rst encod er to selec t which asp ect s of the selec ted channe l y ou wish to re call, then press the 2nd encoder.
30 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5 .1 4 Using the X 3 2 C OMP ACT in recording and produc tion studioenvironments While the X 3 2 C OMP ACT is primar ily targeted at a live s ound environment, i t also can wor k as an ext remely full -featured and power ful s tudio conso le as well.
31 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5 .1 5 Re mote con trol The X32 COMP A CT hos ts an Ether net por t on its rear p anel which can b e used to connec t and remote cont rol it over a net work via the X32-Mix on an iPad or the X32-Edit applicat ion on a PC.
32 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 6. USB Interface Ope r ation Guide Host system requirements for X -USB in terface expansion card Check t he BEHRINGER w ebsite at beh ringer .
33 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual This mode o bviously allows the f ull potential of the inter face to be t apped. Notethat the comp uter needs to be ab le to handle that amount of conc urrent I/O str eam without any glitche s.
34 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 32 in / 8 out This mode i s tailored to suit a t ypica l studio and overdub r ecording situat ion, withmany inpu t channels but only a f ew output chan nels for monitor ing of previously recorded tak es.
35 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 6.2 C onguring the PC to Interface withtheX -USB Card Please watch behringer .com for fur ther advice on the sof tware conguration of X-USB interf ace card.
36 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual The ’Outp ut Channels’ scr een allows you to name each ou tput channel fo r more organized mix ing. The ’Synchronisat ion’ screen allows manual selec tion of the s ample rate and cloc ksource.
37 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual The ’Set tings’ s creen allows the s tream, ASIO, and WDM sound bu ers to be set . Any detec ted drop ou ts will be doc umented as well, in which c ase a larger bue r should be s electe d.
38 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. Main D ispla y 7. 1 Over view 7 .1.1 Displa y and Navigation C ontrols The contr ols in this sec tion are use d in conjunct ion with the colo r screen, in orde r to navigate and contr ol the graphic al elements it cont ains.
39 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Main Conte nt Link Lo Cut 01: 01 0:00 - 0:00 B: - C: XUF : 37 14:11 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip home gate dyn eq sends main cong Gain Gain 48V In Pre Post Ins Delay Lo Cut Lo Cut Source Ins Pos Insert Delay Delay dB +0.
40 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 1 . 3 Navigation Methods Following is an over view of how to navigate to the d ierent conso le screens, scre en tabs, and set s of encoder par ameters.
41 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 2 H ome Screen The home s creen contain s a high-level over view of the sele cted inp ut or output channel, and oe rs various a djustment s not available through t he dedicated top-panel control s: The home s creen contain s the following sep arate tabs: 1.
42 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 2 . 3 Home S creen: G ate T ab The gate tab disp la ys all aspec ts of t he channel noise gate and a llo ws for ver y deep cont rol of the gate ee ct.
43 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual • Linear: In t his mode, the rate of gain chang e is constant (as set by the timing cont rols ) . Therefo re , the greater th e signal dynamic excur sion, the longer t he compresso r will take to complete a gain chang e .
44 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 2 . 6 Home Screen: Sends T ab The send s tab displays and contro ls all aspect s of the channel s ends to the six teen mix bus es.
45 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 3 Meters Screen The meter s screen d isplays dierent gr oups of level meter s for various si gnal paths of t he console, and is usef ul for quick ly ascer taining if any channels ne ed level adjus tment.
46 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 4 Routing Screen The rou ting screen is w here all signal patching is do ne , allowing you to rou te internal signal p aths to and fro m the physical inpu t/ output co nnector s located o n the conso le’ s rear panel.
47 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 4 . 2 Routing Screen: Analog Out T ab The rou ting screen’s analog out tab allow s the user to patch the co nsole’ s various internal signal p aths to the 1 6 analog XLR out puts that ar e located on the co nsole rear panel.
48 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 4 . 3 Rou ting Scre en: Aux Out T ab The rou te screen’s aux out tab allows the us er to patch an internal signal path (such as a mix o utput use d as an eec ts send) to t he 6 separate ¼ " /RC A auxiliar youtpu ts.
49 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7 .4.4 Routing Screen: P 1 6 T ab The rou ting screen’s P1 6 tab allows the user to rou te various conso le signal paths to the rear pan el P 1 6 Ultrane t output.
50 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 4 . 6 Ro uting Sc reen: AES50 -A and AES50 -B T abs: The rou ting screen’s AES50-A and AE S50-B tab s allow the user to patch var ious console ou tput paths to t he output s of the dual AES50 connec tors.
51 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 5 Setup Sc reen The set up screen o ers vario us controls for gl obal, high-level f unctio ns of the conso le such as display adjust ments, samp le rates and sync hronizatio n , userse ttings, an d networ k conguration.
52 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 5 . 2 Setup Screen: Cong T ab: The set up screen’s cong tab allows adjus tment of vario us audio-r elated set tings, such as the co nsole’ s base s ample rate and use of an inter nal or ex ternal digital cloc k.
53 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7 .5 .3 Setup Screen: Remote T ab: The set up screen’s remote tab allows se tting up t he console as a contr ol surf ace for var ious DA W r ecording sof t ware on a connec ted computer.
54 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7 .5 .5 Setup Sc reen: Scri bble Strip T ab.
55 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual The Sc ribble Strip tab allow s the color , icon and name that appear s in the small LCD display of a channel, bus, matri x or DCA gro up to be adjusted. 1. Adjus t the 1 st encoder to sel ect the c hannel, bus, matrix, D CA group, etc.
56 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 6 Libraries Screen The librar ies scre en allows loading and savin g of commonly used s etups for t he channel inp uts, ee cts p rocessor s, and routing s cenarios. The librar ies scre en contains the follow ing separate tab s: 1.
57 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 7 Eec ts Screen The e ect s screen cont rols various asp ect s of the eight inter nal eec ts proce ssors.
58 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 8 Mute Group Screen The mute gro up screen allows f or quick assignm ent and control of th e console’ s 6mute group s, and oers t wo separate f unct ions: 1. It mute s the acti v e scre en during the pro cess of assigning c hannels to mute groups .
59 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 9 Ut ility Screen The utili ty scr een is a supplement al screen de signed to work in conjunc tion with t he other scre ens that may be in view at any par ticular moment . The utilit y scre en is never seen by it self, it always exis ts in the contex t of anothe r screen.
60 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual “View ” Based Screens The sc reens descr ibed in the fo llowing sec tions are all “ View” bas ed screen s. Theyare navigate d to b y pressin g the “View ” but ton in various se ctions o f the console top p anel.
61 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 1 0 . 2 Monitor/T alk back Screen: T alkback T abs : The talk back tabs o er various adjus tments f or the talkbac k paths of the cons ole , such as de stination of th e talkback signa l and more. T o adjust the v arious set tings on the Talkback A tab, per form t he following step s: 1.
62 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 11 USB Screen The USB scre en controls variou s aspec ts of the conso le’ s onboard audio le player /recorder , allowing the us er to record ster eo audio to an at tached USBdrive, as well as playback au dio les from t he drive through t he console.
63 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5. Rotate the 4th en coder to selec t the spec ic signal source to fe ed the curr ently selec ted channel o f the stereo re corder .
64 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 12 . 2 Assig n Screen: S et A T ab The “Se t A ” tab allows mapping of spe cic console p arameters to th e 8 assignable but tons. Using this scr een, the user ca n map the exac t parameter s that are most usef ul to them to the desir ed controls, in the d esired order.
65 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 1 3 Scenes Screen The scene s screen allows s etup for savi ng and recalling di erent memor y scenes of the cons ole. The comprehensive re callabilit y of the console (includi ng gain set tings for t he digitally cont rolled mic preamps) is one of the mos t powerf ul aspec ts of t he console.
66 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 13 . 3 Scenes Screen: Parameter Safe T ab The scene s screen’s “ parameter s afe” tab congur es which conso le parameter s are and are not s aved/ swi t ched wi th the console s cenes.
67 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 8. Spe cic ations Processing Number of p rocessing channe ls 32 input channels, 8 aux c hannels, 8 FX retur n channels, 1 6 aux buse s, 6 matrices, main LRC Internal e ect s engines, tr ue stereo / mono 8 / 1 6 Internal tot al recall scenes (inc l.
68 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Input/Output Characteristic s Frequenc y range, @ 48 k Hz sample rate, 0 dB to - 1 d B 10 Hz - 22 kHz Dynamic r ange, analog in to analog out (ty pical) .
69 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Block Diagram.
70 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual X3 2 MIDI Impl ementatio n MID I RX > SCEN ES Whenever pro gram change mes sages in the r ange 1 - 100 are recei ved on MIDI CH01 , the correspo nding scene of the X 3 2 internal show memor y will be loa ded.
71 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual MID I RX/ T X > REMOTE Enables a spe cic for m of bi-dire ctiona l MI DI communic ation for remote controllin g a computer DA W application usin g control element s of the X32 console.
72 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Dimensions 512,13 [20,1625] TO P SIDE REAR.
W e Hear Y ou.
An important point after buying a device Behringer X32 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Behringer X32 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Behringer X32 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Behringer X32 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Behringer X32 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Behringer X32, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Behringer X32.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Behringer X32. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Behringer X32 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center