Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product X32 Behringer
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User M anual X32 D IG IT AL M IXE R 3 2 - C ha n nel , 1 6 -Bus , 40 -Bit D ig i tal M ixi ng C on so le wi t h Programmab le MID AS Preamps, Motoriz ed F ad ers , 3 2 - C ha n nel A ud io I n t erfac e a nd i P ad Re mo t e Con tr ol Ve r s i o n 4 .
2 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual T able of C ont ents Important Safet y Instructions ...................................... 3 Legal Disclaimer ............................................................. 3 Limited W arranty ...........
3 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Impor tant Safety Instructions LEGAL DISCLAIMER LIMITED W ARR ANTY T erminals marked with this symbol carry electrical current of su cient magnitude to constitute risk of electric shock. Use only high-quality professional speaker cables with ¼" TS or twist-locking plugs pr e-installed.
4 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Introduc tion Welcome to the X32 User Manual! Af ter years of i ntense develop ment, we are proud to o er a mixer that com bines tr emendous p ower and ex ibilit y wit h a ver y user-frie ndly layout and intu itive work ow t hat allow you to get up -and- running r ight away .
5 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 1. Op erational Over view VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW – 5 5 0 – 10 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 00 – 5 5 0.
6 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual – 5 5 0 – 10 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 00 – 5 5 0 – 10 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 00 – 5 5 0 – 10 10 – 20 .
7 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Ch01 F atSnare OpeningScene 02: next 0:00 - 0:00 A: S16 A: 48K B: - C: XUF : 15 01 15:33 home cong gate dyn eq sends main Main Display Area The main color d isplay prese nts inf ormati on about v arious s ec tions o f the console.
8 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Various Assignments ( DCA groups, mute groups, custom assignable controls) • Assigning DCA Groups Thank s to the t wo dist inc t fade r groups (inpu ts on t he lef t, ou tput s on the r ight), the task o f assigning c hannels or bus es to a vir tua l DCA G roup is a br eeze on the X 32.
9 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Ch01 01: 0:00 - 0:00 A: S16 A: 48K B: - C: XUF : 19 01 home aux out analog out p16 out card out a es50-a aes50-b 13:45 Inputs 1-8 Inputs 17-24 Inputs 9-.
10 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Link Lo Cut Ch01 01: 01 0:00 - 0:00 A: S16 A: 48K B: - C: XUF : 37 14:11 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip home gate dyn eq sends main cong Gain Gain 48V In Pre Post Ins Delay dB +0.00 Link Lo Cut Lo Cut Hz 20 Lo Cut Input Select Source PRE Insert Ins Pos InsF Connect Insert ms 0.
11 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Inputs -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip Link Gain dB 00.00 Send Pos. Insert Pos. Insert Link Bus Sends Insert Connect Pre LeOnde.
12 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 2. Callout s 2 .1 Channel Strip VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW (3) (6) (4) (2) (5) (1) (1) PRE AMP – Adjus t the pream p gain for the s elec ted c hannel wi th the Gainkno b.
13 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 2. 2 Input Channel Banks (7) L AYER SELEC T – Selec t ei ther the c hannels 1- 16, channels 1 7 -3 2, Aux In/USB/FX Re turns, o r Bus Maste rs layer with t hese 4 bu t tons. Thecur rently ac t ive layer will light.
14 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 2. 3 Display and Monitoring VIEW VIEW (16) (23) (20) (26) (25) (17) (22) (27) (21) (19) (18) (15) (24) (15) PUSH ENC ODERS – The se 6 contr ols adjus t the param eter s presen ted at the bot tom of t he Main Display.
15 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 2.4 Group/Bus Banks (28) GROUP / BUS LA YERS – Se lec t bet we en DC A groups 1-8, Buse s 1-8 or 9- 16, or Matr ices 1-6 and the main ce nter bus wit h these b ut tons. The c urren tly ac tive layer will light.
16 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 2. 5 Scenes, Assign, Mute Groups (41) MUTE GRO UPS – Press on e of thes e but tons to ac tiv ate one of the mu te groups . See th e T o pic Guide f or det ails. (42) SE T SELEC T BUT TON S – Press on e of thes e but tons to ac tiv ate one of the 3layers of cu stom assi gnable contr ols.
17 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual ( 50) ( 51) ( 49) ( 56) ( 52) ( 53) ( 54) ( 55) ( 47) ( 48) ( 57) (52) MIDI IN/OUT – Send and r eceive MIDI commands v ia 5-pin DIN c ables . (53) AE S/E BU OUT – S end digi tal audio v ia 3-pin AES/EBU XLR c able.
18 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 3. Ho ok - Up Diagrams B1800D-PRO B215D F1320D B3031A Laptop DI Box GTX30 Keyboard XM8500 2-TRACK HARD DISK RECORDER FCB1010 MIDI Pedal P-16 D P-16 M S.
19 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimi nar y User Manual B1800D-PRO B215D F1320D B3031A Laptop DI Box GTX30 Keyboard XM8500 2-TRACK HARD DISK RECORDER FCB1010 MIDI Pedal P-16 D P-16 M S16 Digital Snake iPod F.
20 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 4. FX Descriptions FX Descriptions Here is a lis t and brie f desc ripti on of the e ec t s available on the X 32. WhenStereoand Dua l versions o f an ee ct a re oere d, use the Stereo ver sion when the le f t and ri ght signal are to be al tered toge ther (e.
21 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual up. DIFF( USION) controls the ini tial ree c tion densi t y . SPREAD contro ls how the ree c tion is dis trib uted thr ough the envelop e of the rever b. The LO CUT knob set s a low fr equenc y ben eath which t he source si gnal will not pa ss throug h the reverb.
22 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual When Layer 1 is se lec ted, the f ar lef t e ncoder push b ut ton allows you to se lec t bet ween v ir tual f ront and rear o utput s. Rear is su itable f or drum s due to it being less re ec tive. Front is well- suited f or vocals and o ther dy namic inst rument s.
23 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual T re molo / Pann er Stereo T remolo cr eates an up and dow n volume change at a co nstan t and even tempo jus t like the guit ar amps of yes ter year . Use X32’ s Stereo T r emolo to add a unique “sur f-music ” tex tur e to a vocal or i nstr ument tr ack.
24 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Mood Filter The Moo d Filter use s an LFO generato r and an auto -envelop e generator to co ntrol a VCF ( voltage -con trolled lter) , as well as a side chain f unc tion w here the channel B sig nal controls t he envelope of chann el A.
25 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Del ay + Chorus This combinat ion ee c t merge s a user-de nable Delay (echo ) with a s tudio - qualit y Chor us sure to f atten u p even the “skinnies t ” trac k.
26 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 5. T opic Guide 5 .1 S tart ing up, shutting down, and rm ware updates We recommend sw itching th e X32 on befo re any ac tive soun d reinfor cement sys tem is connec te d.
27 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 5.4 How do I add one of the 8 in ternal eects to the sound? There are t wo t yp es of e ec ts t hat are common ly used: • “Eec t s Loop.
28 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 3. Selec t one o f the thre e input chan nel layers (CH 1 - 16 , CH1 7 - 3 2, Line -Aux/ FXRe t) 4.
29 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 5. 8 Using Mute Groups The X32 has 6 sep arate “mute groups ” . In dividual c hannels can b e assigne d to these m ute group s, allowing you to mute mult iple channe ls with a singl e but tonpush.
30 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 3. Press any of encod ers 1-5 to switch to th e edit sc reen f or the spe cic c ustom contro l that you have highlighted. T he main scr een will s witch to an e diting scre en where yo u can assig n a console p arameter to th e cus tom contro l.
31 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual • T o load a pres et f rom the UTILITIE S scre en, adjust t he rs t encod er to selec t which asp ec ts o f the sele c ted channe l you wish to rec all, then pre ss the 2nd encoder.
32 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 5 .15 Remote control The X32 hos ts an Ethe rnet p or t on it s rear panel w hich c an be use d to connec t and remote cont rol it over a ne two rk via the X iControl o n an iPad or the X-remote applic ation on a PC.
33 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 6. XUF F ire Wire40 0 / USB Interface Ope ration Guide Host system requirements for XUF F ire Wire/USB interface expansion card Check t he BEHRINGER website at behr inger. com for up dates of XUF rmwar e or system requirements.
34 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual This mode o bviously allow s the fu ll potential of th e inter face to be t appe d. Notethat the com puter nee ds to be able to hand le that amount of co ncur rent I/O str eam witho ut any glitches .
35 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 1 6 i n / 1 6 o ut 32 in / 8 out This mode is t ailore d to suit a t ypic al st udio and overdub r ecordin g situation, withmany inpu t channels bu t only a few o utpu t channels fo r monitor ing of previously recorded tak es.
36 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 6.2 Congur ing the PC to Inter face withtheXUF Card Please watch behringer .com for fur ther advice on the soft ware conguration of XUF inter face c ard.
37 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual The 'Out put Channels' sc reen allows you to nam e each out put channe l for mor e organized mix ing. The 'Synchronis ation' screen allows manual sele c tion of the s ample rate and clocks ource.
38 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual The 'Se t tings' scre en allows the s tream, A SIO , and WDM sound b uer s to be se t. Any detec ted dr op out s will be do cumente d as well, in which c ase a larger b uer should be s elec ted.
39 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. X3 2 Main Displa y 7. 1 O verview 7 .1.1 Disp lay and Navigation Con trols The contr ols in this se c tion are us ed in conjunc t ion wit h the color s creen, in or der to navigate and contr ol the grap hical ele ments i t contains.
40 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Main Conte nt Link Lo Cut 01: 01 0:00 - 0:00 B: - C: XUF : 37 14:11 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip home gate dyn eq sends main cong Gain Gain 48V In Pre Post Ins Delay Lo Cut Lo Cut Source Ins Pos Insert Delay Delay dB +0.
41 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimi nar y User Manual 7. 1 . 3 Na vigation Methods Following is an over vi ew of how to navigate to the di erent cons ole sc reens, scre en tabs, an d set s of encoder p arameter s.
42 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimi nar y User Manual 7. 2 Home Screen The home s creen co ntains a high -level over vie w of the sele c ted inpu t or outp ut channel, and o ers var ious adjus tmen ts not available t hrough t he dedic ated top-panel control s: The home s creen co ntains the f ollowing s eparate t abs: 1.
43 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7 .2.2 Home Screen: Cong T ab The congu ration t ab allows sele c tion of signal s ource/desti nation for t he channel, congu ration of in ser t point , and other se t tings, as well as con gurati on of the chann el delay .
44 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 2 . 4 Home Screen: Dynamic s T ab The dyna mics t ab displays all aspe c ts of t he channel com press or and allows fo r ver y deep cont rol of the e ec t.
45 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 2 . 5 H ome Sc ree n: EQ T ab The EQ tab disp lays all aspec t s of the c hannel equalizer an d also displays a detai led visual gr aph of the c urrent EQ c ur ve. This tab c an also be acces sed direc t ly by pressing t he “V iew ” but ton in the to p panel Equalizer s ec tion.
46 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 3 Meters Screen The meter s sc reen disp lays diere nt groups o f level meter s for var ious signal paths of t he console, and is us ef ul for quic kly as cer taining i f any channels nee d level adjus tment.
47 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 4 Routing Screen The rou ting sc reen is whe re all signal patchi ng is done, allowing you to rou te internal signal p aths to and f rom th e physical inp ut / outpu t connec tor s loc ated on the conso le’ s rear panel.
48 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 4 . 2 Routing Screen: Analog Out T ab The rou ting sc reen’s analog out tab allows th e user to patch t he console ’ s various internal signal p aths to the 16 analog XLR out put s that are loc ated on th e console rear panel.
49 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimi nar y User Manual 5. Adjust the 3rd enco der to sele c t for coar se r ange • Inser t • Main (LRC) • Mix Bus • Matrix • Direct Out • Monitor 6. Adjust 4th e ncoder to se lec t spec ic signal p ath to fee d the sel ec ted physic al output.
50 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 4 . 5 Routing Screen : Card Output T ab: The rou ting sc reen’s card tab allows the u ser to patch v arious sig nal paths to the physic al input s and out put s of the XUF c ard. The XUF’s signal path provide s 32channels of input s and 32 channels of out put s.
51 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 5 Set up Screen The set up scr een oe rs var ious cont rols for g lobal, high- level func t ions of the conso le such as disp lay adjustm ents, s ample rates a nd syn chroniz ation, userse t tings, and ne two rk congur ation.
52 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimi nar y User Manual Note that the gr aphic s at the top of t he scre en will always disp lay a green led when the con sole has ac hieved prop er “digital lock ” , f rom eithe r its ow n internal cloc k or a valid ex ter nal cloc k.
53 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7 .5 .5 Setup Scr een: D CA T a b The set up scr een’s DCA tab allows s etup of t he console ’ s digitally co ntrolle d amplier s gro uping feat ure, also know n as DC As.
54 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 6 Libraries Screen The librar ies sc reen allows lo ading and s aving of commo nly used s etup s for the channel inp uts, e ec t s proce ssor s, and rou ting scenar ios. The librar ies sc reen cont ains the f ollowing sep arate tab s: 1.
55 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 7 E ects Sc reen The e ec ts s cre en controls v arious asp ec t s of the eight in ternal e ec ts proce ssor s.
56 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 8 Mute G roup Screen The mute gro up scr een allows fo r quick assi gnment and cont rol of th e console’s 6mute group s, and oer s t wo separ ate func t ions: 1. It mutes the ac t ive scre en during t he proce ss of assig ning channels to mu te groups .
57 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 9 Utility Screen The utili ty s cre en is a supplem ental sc reen de signed to wor k in conjunc tio n with t he other sc reens t hat may be in view at any par t icular momen t. The utili ty scre en is never se en by its elf, it always exi st s in the conte x t of another s creen.
58 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual “View ” Based Screens The sc reens de scri bed in th e following s ec tions ar e all “Vi ew” b ased s cree ns. Theyare navigate d to by pressing t he “V iew ” but ton in var ious se ct ions of the console top p anel.
59 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimi nar y User Manual 7. 1 0 . 2 Monitor/T alkback Scre en: T alk back T abs: The talk back t abs oer v arious adju stm ents f or the talk back p aths of the co nsole, such as de stinat ion of the t alkbac k signal and mor e.
60 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 11 USB Screen The USB scre en controls v arious asp ec t s of the conso le’ s onboar d audio le player /recorder, al lowing the u ser to reco rd stere o audio to an at tac hed USBdrive, as well as playback au dio les f rom the dr ive throu gh the cons ole.
61 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 5. Rotate the 4th en coder to sele c t the spe cic sig nal source to fe ed the curr ently se lec ted chann el of the s tereo re corder.
62 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 1 2 Assign Screen The assing s cre en allows set up for the 4 u ser-assignable rot ar y encoder s and eight user-assignab le but tons. Using th is scre en, the conso le operato r can assig n 3 set s of 1 2 cus tom contro ls to be available for ad justm ent at all times .
63 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 1 3 Scenes Screen The scene s scre en allows se tup for s aving and re calling di erent me mor y scene s of the cons ole.
64 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 7. 1 3 . 3 Scenes Screen: Parameter Safe T ab The scene s scre en’ s “parameter saf e” tab con gures w hich conso le parame ters are and are not s aved/switch ed wit h the conso le scenes.
65 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Block Diagram MAIN L R C L R SOLO MATRIX 1 2 5 6 MIX BUS 1 2 15 16 FADER MIX 1–16 INSERT 6-BAND EQ INSERT COMP/ EXPAN KEY-IN Pre EQ Post EQ EQ Pre Fa.
66 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual 8. Spe ci cat ions Processing Number of in put pro cessing cha nnels 32 input channels, 8 aux c hannels, 8 f x ret urn chan nels Number of mi x buse s with f ull proce ssing 1 6 aux b uses, 6 mat rices, main LRC Signal proce ssing 40 -bit o ating point A/ D-D/ A conversion 2 4-b it @ 4 4.
67 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual Dimensions 22.00 mm 169.46 mm 221.33 mm 527.05 mm 900.23 mm T op view 22.00 mm 169.46 mm 221.33 mm 527.
68 X3 2 DIGIT AL MIXER Prelimin ar y User Manual FEDERAL C OMMUNICA TIONS C OMMISSION C OMPLI ANCE INF ORMA TION Responsible Par t y Name: MUSIC G rou p Ser vi ces US In c. Address: 1 89 1 2 No rt h Cree k Park way, Suite 2 00 Bo the ll, WA 9801 1, USA Phone/Fax No .
W e Hear Y ou.
An important point after buying a device Behringer X32 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Behringer X32 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Behringer X32 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Behringer X32 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Behringer X32 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Behringer X32, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Behringer X32.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Behringer X32. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Behringer X32 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center