Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product OHFA199DV5B Thermo Products
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ii Model Number D igit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fuel Configura tion Heat Exchan ger Identifie r Flue Feature Capacity Capacity Capacity Blower Typ e Clg Airfl ow Cap.
1 I. SA FETY SECTION This page and the following c onta i ns v arious war ni ngs and cautions found throughout the Oil Furnac e Manual. Please read and compl y with the statements be low . WARNING AND C AUTIONS: WARNING: This furnace is not to be used as a construc ti on heat er.
3 The entire text of these instructions must be read and unders tood, before installing the appliance. It is the in staller's respon sibility to do the following: 1.
4 b. Non - combust ibl e mater i al: “...m aterial that is not capa ble of being ignited a nd burned; suc h as m aterial consistin g entirel y of, or a c ombinatio n of, stee l, iron, b rick, concrete, slate, asbestos, glass, an d plaster .
5 II. GENERA L INSTRUCTIONS - READ BEFORE S T ART OF INSTALLATION 1. The he ating outp ut capa city of the f urnace pro posed f or installatio n should be based on a heat los s calculati on made ac co.
6 A. CHIMNEY : The f urnace mus t be conne cted to an ade quate chim ney or an approved vent in ac cordance with t hese instructio ns. An a dequate chim ney is one that is sea led and l ined with t he capab ility of produc ing a ( - ).
7 2. PROPER CHI MNEY HEIGHT: The chim ney shall term inate at least 3 feet above the highes t point where it passes through th e roof of a building a nd at least 2 feet higher than an y portion of a buildi ng within a hori zontal distanc e of 10 feet.
8 4. PRO P ER CHIMNEY BO TTOM LEVEL: In cases where the c himney exte nds to the basem ent floor, the draft c an usuall y be improve d by filling t he base of the chim ney with sand t o within 1 2 inches of the vent connect or pipe af ter relocat ing the clea n - out door.
9 Fig. 7: Alternate construction s that allow reduced clearances to combusti ble materi als. REDUCTION OF CLE A R A NCE S WITH SP ECIFIED FORMS OF PROTE CT I ON: T y pe of protection ap plied to and c.
10 B. VENTING: NOT E: On the OH6 & OH8 it is possible t o rotate t he flue e lbow (wh ich is factor y instal led for vertic al discharge) 90° co unter c lock wise from the vert ical posi tion to ada pt to var ious ven ting system s. T he OH8 flue elbo w can also b e rotat ed 90° clockwise.
11 C. DRAFT REGUL ATORS: Note: Do not use with Direct Vent a pplication. A draft regul ator is sup plied with the f urnace and should be ins talled acc ording to the regu lator manuf acturers rec ommendations . W ith the burner ope rating, us e a draft gauge t o adjust the reg ulator to the proper s etting.
12 1. S up ply and ret urn air d ucts have to be furnis hed by the installer an d run bet ween the a ppliance, which m ust be instal led out doors, and th e inter ior of the s tructure th e applianc e serves. T hese ducts must be s ealed to t he casin g of the app liance.
13 g. Using the s electe d air flo w rates for each com ponent of the duct s ystem and m anufactur er’s literature, or publis hed liter ature on d uct system pressur e drops, the pressur e drop for each component in the duc t system can be estim ated.
14 Table 3: Suggested Duct Sizes for Homes, Quiet Offi ces, Or Similar I nstallations (Based on a 0.1 in. W.G. static pressure drop per 100 ft. of duct.) 7. The s upply and ret urn air duc ts, or flex ible joints , should be c arefull y secured and seale d to the applianc e housing t o prevent a ir leak age from , or into, the duc t system .
15 SIZING THE DUCT W ORK FOR A COM BINA T ION HE A T ING AND COOLING S YSTEM: Two form ulas m ust be used in det erm ining the CFM r equirem ents of a combustion h eating and cooling s ys t e m . 1. HEATING CFM : H E AT OUTPUT OF FURNACE (BTUH) 1.1 X T R (T EMPER ATURE RI SE, °F) = HE A T ING(CFM) EXA MP LES: A.
16 Co nnect th e ret urn air p lenum to t he filter rack and sl ide t he fil ter into plac e. Dim ens ions f or ada pting t he return air plenum to the filter rack are pr ovided (S ee Fig. 10 a & 10b). Fig. 10a: A typical filter rack and dimensions for the OH6 furnace.
17 Filter Ty pe Maxim um Air Velocit y (ft/min) Model Number OH6 OH8 *Therm o Products Supplied Permanent 600 384 in² 480 in² Standard Perm anent 500 461 in² 576 in² Disposab le 300 768 in² 960 i.
18 G. BURNER INS T ALLATION: NOTICE: Rem ove all card board pack ing from around c hamber bef ore installi ng burner . The oil bur ner will m ount on thr ee stud m ounting bo lts on the lower mounti ng plat e coverin g the open ing in the fr ont of the he at exch anger.
19 Fig. 1 3: Bur ner insertion i llustration (T op view) W hen mounting the b urner, the m ounting plate (Fi g. 12) m ust be rem oved to pro vide access to the ar ea in front of the com bustion c hamber. A f iber insul ating slee ve or am ulet is prov ided on th e burner tu be of specif i c Therm o Pride burn ers.
20 Table 7: Oil nozzle capacit y All rates s hown ac hieved with 120 PSIG pum p pres sure for Bec kett and 140 PSIG pum p pressure f or Riello . * Based o n #2 dom estic heatin g fuel oil h aving he ating value of 140,000 BTU per gallon. ** Based on therm al effic iency of 84% - 8 5%.
21 For m ore specif ic burner infor mation, spec ifications or ser vice inform ation, ref erence the tra ining m anual enclosed with each R iello b urner or cont act: Riello Cor poration of Am erica, .
22 Verif y that the insta lled bur ner is lig htly leaned toward s the butto n. (See figur e 14 - 1) The burner is designed to allo w entr y of the flexible oi l - l ines on eith er side of the burn er.
23 the pump. Pitching the line upward towar d the tank will hel p prevent the f ormation of air pockets in the line. NOTIC E: A n oil safet y valve or a d elayed - action, solenoid valve should be installed in t he oil su pply line of all grav it y - fed sy stems.
24 T y pica lly, cont rol wiring between the applianc e and the indoor ther mostat , and if used, e lectronic air cleaner or humidifier , will b e required.
25 in conju nction with a humidi stat to contr ol a hum idifier. These term inals are en ergized whenever the blower is ac tive. Figure 15: The Fan Control Module NOTICE: It is i mportant to confir m that the operating voltag e of the humidifier or EAC bei n g install ed matches the output of thi s control.
26 Figure 16: Heat Anticipator Adjustme n t S c ale In man y cases, this setting c an be found in the ther mostat inst allation ins tructions . If this inf orm ation is not availab le, or if the c orr.
27 This f ormula can be us ed to c alculate the correct setting for the adjustab le heat a ntici pator: Amm eter reading = Anticipator Setting. No. of wire loops Or in this case, _ 2.5 A. = 0.25 A. ( Anticipator Setting ) 10 4. Adjus t the positi on of the ant icipator indicator t o match th e calculat ed amm eter setting.
28 Heating Speed Set - ups OH6F A 0 72DV 4 Furnace Motor Current Draw ( Amps/ / Watt s) vs. External Static Pr essure ( in W.C.) Low Fire Med Fi re Hi gh F ir e Static Pressure (Amps/Watts) BTUH 60,000 72,000 90,000 Fan Control SW 1 Sw it ch Setting s Heatin g CFM Aprox.
29 He ating Speed Set - ups OH8F A 1 19DV 5 Furnace Motor Curr ent Draw ( Amps / Watt s) vs. External Static Pr essure ( in W.C) Low Fire Med Fi re Hi gh F ir e BTUH 101, 000 119, 000 132, 000 Fan Control SW 1 Sw it ch Setting s Heati n g CFM Aprox. Rise (F 0 ) Aprox.
30 Heating Sp eed Set - ups ( 2 – Stage ) OH6FX072D V4 Figure 18 - 2: E CM 2 - stage blower mot o r sp eed chart.
31 Cooling Sp e ed Set - ups OH6F*072D V4 Furnace Motor Curre nt Draw ( Amps / Watt s) vs. External Static Pr essure ( in W.C) Air F low Static Pressure (Amps/Watts) Fan Control SW 1 Sw it ch Setting s Clg. Ton a ge Cool Continuous 0.2 0.5 6- OFF 5- OFF 4- OFF 2 799 5 00 1.
32 Cooling Sp e ed Set - up s OH8F A 1 19DV 5 Furnace Motor Current Draw ( Amps/Watts) v s. External Static Pr essure ( in W.C.) Air F low Fan Control SW 1 Sw it ch Setting s Clg . Tonn age Cool Continuous Dehum .02 .05 6- OFF 5- OFF 4- OFF 2 800 500 557 1.
33 For PSC s ystems , the ½ hp m otor is eq uipped with 4 spee ds. The un it is set f or m id - fire tem p rise @ 65ºF. Se e table f or proper blo wer m otor set up: OH6F A 0 72D48 ALTERATIONS RE Q.
34 OH8F A 1 19D60 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L S TATIC PRESS URE COOLING UNIT HTG Speed by Input Low Mi d High Fire Fire Fir e Recommended CLG Speed 36,000 L/ML ML/MH MH/H Low (L) 42,000 L/ML ML/MH MH/H Med Low (ML) 48,000 L/ML ML/MH MH/H Med High (MH) 60,000 L/ML ML/MH MH/H High (H) Figure 19B: Heating speed by input Speed vs .
35 M. BLOWE R CO NTROLLER INFORMATION FOR P S C MOTOR (Note: for E CM blower controll er informati on see: ECM Operation Manual d ocument # Mo- 440) TERM INAL DEFINIT IONS & FIELD WIRING Burner Har ness Co nnector P1 Pin 1 - Limit s witch connec tor.
36 A . Inputs Power su pplies Line volt age is app lied bet ween the “ S1” and “N1” quick connect term inals. 2 4 VAC C lass II Transf ormer s econdary voltage s upplied to X and C Lim it switc h The 120 VAC optical ly isola ted limit s witch input is connec ted on pin P2 - 1 & 9.
37 EAC (electr onic air cleaner) The control provides a 12 0 VAC output f or an elec tron i c air c leaner. T his output is energ i zed whene ver the fan m otor is energi zed ( eith er lo w, heat or cool s pe ed). C onn ec tion is m ade via male quic k c onnec t term inal labeled “ EAC”.
38 Heat Mode W hen a call for he at (“W ” ) is received f rom the therm ostat , if the “Co ol” m ode is n ot alr ead y active, t he “T - T” term inal is energi zed and the blower on d elay is started. T he on - off pattern of DIP switc h SW2 (positions 1 and 2) select o ne of four blower on de lay values (s ee Table 11).
39 PSC TROUBLE S HOOTING DIAGNOSTIC FE A T URES The cont rol board is eq uipp ed with 4 green In put Stat us LEDs and 1 red Boar d Status LED. Thes e are intended to provide a quick view into fur nace perf orm ance without req uiring a v oltm eter.
40 N. STARTUP PROCEDURE S: A. Heatin g System 1. Initial S ta rtup: : Turn off po w er to furnace . Before the oil pipi ng syste m is placed i nto service, i t must have been l eak te sted by a qua lified heati n g c ontractor.
41 To Turn Off Oil to Applianc e: i. Set the t herm ostat to the lo west setti ng and se t the operatin g mode switch to “OFF”. ii. If s ervice is to be perform ed, turn of f the electr ical power to the appl iance. iii. Tur n the manual o il shutoff valve to t he “OFF” pos ition.
42 Figure 19: Preliminary Adjustment of B urner A ir Band and A ir Shutter i. W hen ignition is establish ed, m ake a prelim inary bur ner air adj ustm ent to attain a clean combus tion flame.
43 The set ting of the f an outpu t according t o the inst allatio n should be done onl y through the air dam per. Shoul d you want to a djust the se tting of the com bustion head, with the burner ru .
44 Figure 22 1 st STA GE ADJUST MENT: A djustment of air shutter: place the s mall plug ( 9) of t he econom izer (10) int o the posi tion I (It em A). In this way the bur ner will r emain perm anentl y in the 1 st s tage. Loosen the nut (2), tur n the s crew (3) unti l the air s hutter (1) r eaches the p osition desired.
45 ii. C A R BON DIOXIDE (CO 2 ) OR OXYGEN ( O 2 ): Tak e a CO 2 sam ple from f lue passage way. It is possible to achieve r eading s of up to 1 4% CO 2 ( or 2% O 2 ) , but it is bet ter to ha ve a slight ly lower CO 2 (or higher O 2 ) re ading with zero sm oke meas ured.
46 a. W ith the oil shut off, remove the 1/8 in . NPT thre aded pipe plug locate d on the l ower rear si de of the o il pump, r efer to Figure 22. Attac h a press ure gage, ca pable of measuring pressure i n pounds p er squar e inch gage , PSIG, in t his op ening, on t he discharge side, of the oil pum p.
47 5. Checkout Procedure: Before an y system of oil pipin g is finall y put into s ervice, it s hall be car efully tes ted to as sure that it is “gas - tight”, as in dica ted in t he Heating System Initial Startup section of this m anual.
48 III. USERS INF ORMATION SECT ION A . OIL SUPPLY : Do not allo w the fuel ta nk to run c om pletely empt y. During th e summ er, keep the tank f ull to prevent c ondensat ion of m oisture on t he inside sur face of the tank . If the fuel t ank runs complete ly dry, it m ay be nec essar y to purge the l ines of tr apped air.
49 D. STARTING THE B URNER: 1. Turn the m ain serv ice switc h to "OFF" position. 2. Set ther mos tat substantiall y above room tem perature. 3. Open s hut - off val ves in o il suppl y line to burner . 4. Turn s ervice sw itch to fur nace "ON".
50 IV. INS T A LLE R'S INSTRUCTIO NS TO USER: Af te r c ompleting the installa tion, the ins taller shall inform and/or demonstrate to the homeowner the follo wing ite ms: 1. The locat ion of thes e inst ructions. T he instruct ions mus t be kept alon g with ins tructions for an y access ories in the plastic p ouch with t he appli ance.
51 V. DE A LE R MAINTENANCE: SAFETY DURING SER VICING AND INSPECTION : Personal injury or property d a mag e coul d re sult from repa ir or service of this applianc e by anyone other th a n a qualified heating contr a ctor. T he u ser may only perform the activitie s described i n th e Home ow ner/Us er Routine Maintenance section of this ma nual.
52 B. HEAT EXCH ANGER: WARNING: A qual ified heating contrac tor must clean the he at exchanger. At least o nce a y ear, i nspect the h eat exc hanger f or evidence of corros ion, pitting , warpage, deteriorat ion, and carb on (soot) bu ild - up.
53 Figure 24: Heat Exchanger Clean - Outs Vacuum Hose Length OH6 8FT OH8 8FT Fig. 25: Recommended meth od and dev i ce for cleaning i nside of he at exchange r.
54 4. Opera tional Chec k: CAUTION: Before trouble shooting, familiarize y ours e lf with the start up and check out procedur es NOTIC E: A fter reasse mbling the app liance, check fo r fuel o il le akage f rom the supply piping. a. Check proper oper ation of t he ignition s ystem and for proper combus tion.
55 Figure 26: Locatio n of Supply /Return A ir Filter Filter r eplace ment: To ensur e an adequat e replacem ent filter is s elected, s hould the filter require re placing, ref er to Table 4 , in Air Filters section of this manual, f or the minim um filter areas requir ed for diff erent types of available filter s.
56 ON STARTUP: 1. Have s ystem inspec ted and st arted by a q ualified he ating c ontractor. 2. Check oil level in tank. If the tank has no t been fil led with f resh oil, ins pect the remaining oil for signs of contaminat ion with water, alg ae, dirt or other im purities.
57 : Do not use this appl iance if any part has been u nder water. Im mediately call a qualifi ed s ervice techn ician t o inspect t he furn ace and to replace any part of the control s y s te m a nd any oil control that has bee n under wa ter.
58 If this ac tion does no t react ivate the un it, contac t a qualif ied service agenc y for assistanc e. In genera l, if the th ermos tat is set i n the heat ing mode, the heating system functions entirely automat ically. Ho wever, un der certai n circum stances, the a pplianc e ma y not be a ble to fire th e burner.
59 2. Make s ure therm ostat is cal ling for burner operati on. 3. Check oil suppl y and mak e sure all va lves are ope n. A. DIAGNOSTICS : To ass ist in troublesh ooting this app liance, it is equipp ed with an integrate d safet y and ignition control with diagn ostics.
60 3. Check the resis tance across the c ad cell p ins with the cell co vered (pr otected f rom ex posure to ambient l ight). T he resistan ce should b e greater th an 20,00 0 ohms . 4. If cell r esis tances are different f rom above, rep lace the plug - i n portion of cell, (Hone ywell Part N o.
61 VIII. Seq uence of Op erations Flo w Ch art:.
63 IX. Trouble Shooting Flow Cha rt:.
68 COM B US T I ON AN D EFF I C I ENCY T ES T I NG F OR T H ERM O P RI DE OI L FI R ED CENT RAL FUR NACES . Com pl e t e t hi s f or m f or e a ch T he r mo P r i de f ur na ce i ns t a l l e d . Re a d i ns t r uct i on CUS T OM ER NA M E A DDR E S S C I TY , S TA TE H EAT I NG SY ST E M BUR NE R M O DE L NO .
69 A ppendi x – A Replace ment Part s: Replacem ent Parts f or OH6FA0 72D**.
70 Replacem ent Parts f or OH8FA1 19D**.
71 A ppendi x – B Wiring Diagram s OH6FA072D 48 PSC W iring Diagram.
72 OH6FA072D V4 ECM W iring Diagram.
73 OH6FX072D V4 ECM 2 - Stage W ir ing Diagram.
74 OH8FA1119D 60 PSC W iring Diagram.
75 OH8FA1119D V5 EC M W iring Diagram.
An important point after buying a device Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Thermo Products OHFA199DV5B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center