Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TT1260 TANDBERG
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ST.TM.E10100.1 Issue 1 ENGLISH (UK) INSTRUCTI ON MANUAL TT1260 Standard Definition Professional Rece iver/Decoder Software Version 2.1 (and later) TT1260/DIRBAS and Options Typical TT1260 Satellite Re.
Preliminary Pages Page ii Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd D efini tion P rofessi onal Recei ver/De coder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Issue 1 first publ ished in 2002 by : T ANDBERG T ELEVISION L TD R EG.
Preliminary Pages Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page iii ST.TM .E 10100. 1 List of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter identi fi es th.
Preliminary Pages Page iv Instruct ion Man ual: T T1260 St a ndard De finiti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Index Forms Service/Repair Order Form.
Preliminary Pages Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page v ST.TM .E 10100. 1 About this Man ual Th is ma nua l p ro vid es ins tru ct ion s a nd info rma tio n f or th e in st al latio n an d operation of the T T1260 1U digita l integrated Rece iver/Decoder ( IRD).
Preliminary Pages Page vi Inst ruction Manu al: TT 1260 St anda rd De finit ion P rofession al Receiv er/De coder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes Heed Warnings Al l war ni ngs on the pr odu ct and in the op era tin g inst ruc t ions sh ou ld be adhered to.
Preliminary Pages Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standa rd De finit ion Pro fession al Receiv er/De coder Page vi i ST.TM .E 10100. 1 Contact Information TANDBERG Television Custom er Servic es Support .
Preliminary Pages Page vi ii Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/De coder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Technical Training Training Course s TANDBERG Televisi on provides a wide range of training courses on the operation and maintenance of our products and on their supporting technologies.
Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Chapter 1 1. Introduction Contents 1.1 Scope of this Manual................................................. 1-3 1.1.1 Who Should Use this Manual .
Introd uction Page 1-2 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 List of Tables Table 1.1: Hardware Marketi ng Codes ...........................................1-4 Table 1.2: Software Ke y Marketi ng Codes .
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.1 Scope of this Manual 1.1.1 Who Should Use this Manual This manual is wri tten for operato rs/users o f the TT1260 Profes sional Receivers and Decoders.
Introd uction Page 1-4 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Marketing Codes Table 1.1 gives a description of each hardware Marketi ng Code and Table 1 . 2 gi ves a descripti on of each software key Marketing Code.
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table 1.3: Main Features of the Decoder Range Marketing Code Inputs Input D ata-rate Coding Digital Outputs TT1260/HWO/ASI 2 x ASI 0.
Introd uction Page 1-6 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.2 Summary of Features 1.
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-7 ST.TM .E10100. 1 · Co ndit iona l Ac ce ss /S cra mblin g: ² Remote Authorisati on System (R.
Introd uction Page 1-8 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 · Control Methods: ² Front Panel User Interface ² Asynchronous serial remote control ² Over-air remote control (TANDB ERG Director system) (opti onal) 1.
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-9 ST.TM .E10100. 1 There is a 25-way D-type connector on the optional Al arm Relay Card (TT1260/ HDC/ALRM ) with six relays for fail ure monitoring for NCP over-air.
Introd uction Page 1-10 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.3 The Sat ellite Receiver 1.3.1 Typical Satellite System The TT 1260 Sate llite R ece iver is a comp onen t of t he M PEG- 2/DV B compliant range of TANDBERG Television equipment.
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-11 ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.3.2 Input Connections Th e S ate llite Re ce iver inte rf ace s d ire ctl.
Introd uction Page 1-12 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.3.4 Over-air Software Download (TANDBERG Director Systems) The TT 1260 Sa.
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-13 ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.4 The Decoder 1.4.1 Typical Decoder System The Decoder is a comp onent of TANDBERG Tel evisi on’s range of equipment. It is designed for use by broadcasters and distributors of video and audio servi ces.
Introd uction Page 1-14 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.4.2 Input Connections Th e D ec ode r h as t he follo win g inp uts : Two ASI copper interfaces for operation up to 160 Mbit/s fo r 188 byte packets and 160 M bit/s for 204 byte packets .
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-15 ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.5.2 Front Panel (Local) Modes Ope ra ting the IR D f rom the Fr on t Pa nel is via t wo main ope ra ting mod es : Navigate and Ed it .
Introd uction Page 1-16 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.6 Guided Tour 1.6.1 Construction The TT 1260 is constructed using a scre ened self-ventilated modular sy ste m; all op er atio nal in pu ts a nd outputs are via rear-panel connectors.
Introd uction Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 1-17 ST.TM .E10100. 1 1.6.5 Conditional Access and Scrambling Options VideoGuard Dire ctor Th er e is a slo t o n th e r ear pan el t o allo w t he in se rt ion o f a Con ditio na l Access (CA) card for the VideoGuard Di rector CA system.
Introd uction Page 1-18 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 BLANK.
Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Chapter 2 2. Installing the Equipment Contents 2.1 Read This First! ......................................................... 2-3 2.1.1 Handling.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-2 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 List of Figures Figure 2.1: Air fl ow Through the E quipment ...................................2-4 Figure 2.2: AC Powe r Inlet Assembly .
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 2.1 Read This First! 2.1.1 Handling The TT 1260 must be handled and install ed carefull y and thoughtful l y to prevent safety hazards and damage.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-4 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 2.3 Installin g the Equipment 2.3.1 Fixing The TT 1260 is designed for fixed use only and has been s hipped with fi xing brackets suitable for a standard 19 i nch rack.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Protecti on from Mois tu re Do no t ins tall t his equ ipme nt in ar eas of high hu midity or whe re the re is a danger of water ingress.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-6 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 WARNINGS… 1. THE TT1260 SHOUL D ONL Y BE OPERATED FROM THE T YPE OF POWER SOURCE INDICATED ON THE MARKING LABEL .
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-7 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table 2.2: Supply Cord Wiring Colours UK (BS 1363) EUROPE (CEE.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-8 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Figure 2.3: Location of the Technical Earth 2.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-9 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Figure 2.5: TT1260 Signal Connections FRAME SYNC HI-Z RS232/RS.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-10 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 2.7.2 TT1260 Base Unit (TT1260/DIRBAS) Rear Panel View Figure 2.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-11 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table 2.5: Audio Decoding Pin-outs Item Specification Connec.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-12 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Frame Synchronisation A BNC socket is used b y the Decod er to fram e lock to an external vi deo source.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-13 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Remote Contr ol Connect to a PC and use the System Menu #6.1.2 to switch betwee n the RS-232 and RS-485 input standards.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-14 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 RS-232 Low-speed Asynchronous Data Output A 9-way, D-type female connecto r provides an asynchronous serial comm uni cations i nterface for the reception of l ow-speed data.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 2-15 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Connector Details Alarm Option Th e s pec ific atio n f or t his co nne ct or is give n in Annex B, Section B.5.
Installing the Eq uip m e nt Page 2-16 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 2.8 Option Card Connectors Option cards are descri bed i n Chapter 5, Options .
Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Chapter 3 3. Operating the Equipment Locally Contents 3.1 Powering the Equipment ........................................... 3-3 3.1.1 Switching On .
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-2 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 List of Tables Table 3.1: Navigate Mode ..............................................................3-5 Table 3.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.1 Powering the Equipment 3.1.1 Switching On CAUTION... This equipment should not be operated unless the cooling fan is working and there is free-air flow around the unit.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-4 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.1.2 Power-up Operating Modes No TT1260 INITIALISING i s displayed during powe r-up.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.2 Front Panel Controls and Pushbuttons Fr ont Pan el it ems ar e de sc ribe d u nde r Sectio n 1.6, Guided Tour .
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-6 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.3.3 Edit Mode Edit mode edi ts the ri ght displ ay area an d al l ows the user to alter control parameters that define the T T1260 behaviour.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-7 ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.4 Using the L ocal Controls 3.4.1 LCD Menu De scriptions De taile d L CD m en u de sc ript ion s ar e g iven in Annex C, Menus .
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-8 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.5 Setting Up the Input ( M e nu # 2) 3.5.1 Satellite Receiver Use Table 3. 5 to s tep thr ou gh t he set up pro ce dur e o f th e S ate llite Receiver usi ng Menu #2.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-9 ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.6 Service Confi gurati on (Menu #3) 3.6.1 Selecting a Service Setting Up a Service Each transport stream may contain many Services.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-10 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 5 Scroll down to Menu #3.1.7 and edit the parameter for framesync enable (ENABLED or DISABLED). Press SAVE.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-11 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Selecting the Audio Manually It is possi bl e to manual l y sel ect any audio comp onent from the acti ve service by using the front panel co ntrol s or vi a th e remote control interface.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-12 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.6.5 Setting Up Teletext The teletext data is transmitted i n te letext P E S pack ets. It uses i ts own PID to extract the teletext PES pa ckets from the transport stream.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-13 ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.6.7 Viewing th e PCR PID Menu Table 3.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-14 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 · Periodi c control word changes during transmi ssion. VideoGuard, RAS and BISS The process fo r setting thi s up is as for the RAS CA.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-15 ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.6.10 Setting up the Transpor t Stream Output (TSO) Set-up Proc edure Use Table 3. 5 to s tep thr ou gh t he set up pro ce dur e o f th e S ate llite Receiver usi ng Menu #2.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-16 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.7 Setting Up the Al arms ( M e nu # 5) Me nu #5 a llows a s ele ctio n o f A larm s to be edit ed . Table 3.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Instruct ion Ma nual : TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 3-17 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Step Action Result 5 Scroll down to Menu #6.1.4 and edit the Subnet Mask. Press SAVE. Edits the Subnet Mask.
Operating th e Equipment Locally Page 3-18 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 3.10.2 Setting up a Preset Service Fo llow the st eps in Table 3.22 to store the current Service as a p reset.
Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 4-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Chapter 4 4. Alarms Contents 4.1 Introduction ............................................................... 4-3 4.2 Location of the Alarm and Indication LEDs .
Alarms Page 4-2 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 BLANK.
Alarms Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 4-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 4.1 Introduction There are two Front Panel LEDs that indicate the status of the TT1260. These are used to indi cate ab normal performance of the unit.
Alarms Page 4-4 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 4.4 Relays In addition to the one summary al arm, there is an Al arm Rel ay Card (TT1260/ HDC/ALRM ) with additi onal six relays.
Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 5-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Chapter 5 5. Options Contents 5.1 Option Card Locations .............................................. 5-3 5.2 ASI Input Card (TT1260/HWO/ASI) .
Options Page 5-2 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 BLANK.
Options Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 5-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.1 Option Card Locatio ns The functionali ty can be enhanced with the i nclusi on of option cards. Each card consists of a horizontal ly mo unted PCB wi th rear panel connector(s).
Options Page 5-4 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.2.3 Connector Details Provi des a DVB-compl i ant copper connecti on. The input supports both byte-mode and single packet burst mode and is ac tiv ate d thr oug h the In put Me nu (#2 ).
Options Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 5-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.3.3 Connector Details L-band Inputs Connect the L-band output of a suitabl e LNB .
Options Page 5-6 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Audio Outputs A pair of 9-way female D-type connectors provide two stereo channels. Each connector carri es a sin gle c ha nne l of a st er eo pair in bo th a na logu e and digital form.
Options Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 5-7 ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.4.3 Connector Details The active input i s chosen using the Input Status Me nu (#2 ). T he sp ec ifica tio n fo r th is c on nec to r is given in Annex B, Section B.
Options Page 5-8 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.5.2 Rear Pane l View Figure 5.5: High Speed RS-422 Data Enabler Card R ear Panel 5.5.3 Connector Details High-speed data (synchrono us data) is carried i n a transport stream as pri vate data.
Options Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 5-9 ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.6 QPSK/8PS K/16QAM (TT1260/S WO/16QAM) This option provides a software key license for TT1260/ HWO/HM, enabling QPSK, 8P SK, and 16QAM.
Options Page 5-10 Instru ction Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 5.10 VideoGuard Director CA/TAN DBERG Director NCP (TT1260/S WO/DIR) This opti on provi des a software key to enabl e VideoGuard Di rector CA/TANDBERG Director NCP.
Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 6-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Chapter 6 6. Preventive Maintenance and Fault-finding Contents 6.1 Routine Checks ......................................................... 6-3 6.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Page 6-2 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 6-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 6.1 Routine Checks 6.1.1 Cooling Fan There are no routine checks associ ated wi th this equi pment other than to ensure that the unit i s ad equatel y cool ed.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Page 6-4 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 6-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 6.4 Fault-finding 6.4.1 General Th e in for mat ion con ta ined in th is c hap te r is in te nde d to iso lat e th e u nit a s the faulty equipment if a system fai l ure occurs.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Page 6-6 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table 6.1: Fuse Information Item Specification Fuse Si ngle pole, fitted in l ive conductor in power i nput filter at rear of unit.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Instruct ion Ma nual: TT1260 Stan dard Defini tion P rofessional Receiver/ Decoder Page 6-7 ST.TM .E10100. 1 6.6 Disposal 6.6.1 Moulded Plugs If the moulded plug fitted to the mains cable suppli ed with thi s equi pment is not required, use another cable.
Preve ntive Maintenance and Fault-find ing Page 6-8 I nstruc tion Manu al: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessiona l Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100.
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/De coder Page A- 1 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 Annex A A. Glossary The followi ng list covers most of the a bbreviations, acronyms and terms used in TA NDB ERG Tele vis ion Li mit ed M an uals .
Glossary Page A-2 Instructio n Manual: TT1260 S tandard Definitio n Pr ofess ional Rec eiver/Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 B3ZS Bipola r with Thre e Zero Su bstit ution: A method of eliminati ng long zero st rings in a t ransmission.
Glossary Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/De coder Page A- 3 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 COFDM Code d OFD M: COFDM adds forwa rd error co rrection to the OF DM trans mission cons isting of Reed-Solom on (RS) coding fol lowed by c onvolutional codi ng to add extra bi ts to the trans mitted signal.
Glossary Page A-4 Instructio n Manual: TT1260 S tandard Definitio n Pr ofess ional Rec eiver/Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 DVB SI Digital Video Bro adcasting Service In formation.
Glossary Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/De coder Page A- 5 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 ICAM Integrated Condi tional Access Module: Embedded in the IRD and responsi ble for descram bling, plus pac ket filtering and reception.
Glossary Page A-6 Instructio n Manual: TT1260 S tandard Definitio n Pr ofess ional Rec eiver/Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 LO Local Oscillato r. LSB L east significan t bit. Luminanc e The televisi on signal representi ng brightnes s, or the amount of light at any p oint in a pictur e.
Glossary Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/De coder Page A- 7 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 nm Nanometre : a unit of length equal to one t housand m illionth (10 -9 ) of a metre.
Glossary Page A-8 Instructio n Manual: TT1260 S tandard Definitio n Pr ofess ional Rec eiver/Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 PPV Pay Per View: A system of paym ent for viewing services based on a us age / event basis rather than o n on-going subscription. Subscribers must purc hase viewing rights for eac h PPV event that they wi sh to view.
Glossary Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/De coder Page A- 9 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 SFN Single Fre quenc y Ne t work: The SFN t echnique allows l arge geogra phic areas to be s erved with a common transmissi on multiplex.
Glossary Page A- 10 Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd Defin ition Professi onal Re ceiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 TSDT Transpo rt Stream Descriptor T able: A component o f the MPEG-2 PSI data. Thi s table desc ribes which type o f Transport st ream it is in (i .
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page B-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Annex B B. T echnical Specification Contents B.1 Output B-3 B.1.1 International Television Standards ............... B-3 B.1.2 Video...........
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B- 2 Instructi on Man ual : TT1260 St andard D efini tion Profession al Receiver/ Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table B.7: Supported Audio Data Bi t-rates (MPEG-2) .................. B-8 Table B.8: Analogue Audi o Performance .
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page B-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.1 Output B.1.1 International Television Standards Two composite vi deo outputs are prov i d ed at the rear panel . These carry identical video.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B- 4 Instructi on Man ual : TT1260 St andard D efini tion Profession al Receiver/ Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.1.2 Video Supported Video Resolutions The TT 1260 supports MP@ ML and 4:2:2P@M L with vi deo resolutions de sc ribe d in Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page B-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Vertical Blanking Signals The TT 1260 range of Rece ivers and Deco.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B- 6 Instructi on Man ual : TT1260 St andard D efini tion Profession al Receiver/ Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.2.2 MPEG Audio The TT 1260 supports deco ding of MPEG audio as follows: · Compression l ayers: MPEG-1 l ayers I and II · Sampling rates (kHz): 32, 44.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page B-7 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.3.2 Analogue Audio The TT 1260 supports level control of the audio outputs . Independent control of each output of each st ereo pai r i s p r ov ided v ia the User Interface and remo te interfaces.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B- 8 Instructi on Man ual : TT1260 St andard D efini tion Profession al Receiver/ Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 · Right to both (right si gnal to l eft and right outputs) B.3.6 Dual Mono Where a dual mono servi ce i s avail abl e (i .
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page B-9 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.3.10 Analogue Audio Performance Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-10 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.5 Inpu t Specifications B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Stan dard Definit ion Profession al Receiver/D ecoder Pa ge B-11 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table B.11: QPSK L-band Satellite Input — Eb/N 0 Ratio Convolutional FEC Rate Receive Eb/N 0 Ratio (dB min) in IF Loop for Correct MPE G-2 System ½4 .
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-12 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.5.2 8PSK/16QAM Satellite Receivers Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Stan dard Definit ion Profession al Receiver/D ecoder Pa ge B-13 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Table B.1 4 shows the Eb/No requ i rements to ensure error fr ee demodulati on for al l supported FEC rates. Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-14 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 16QAM/8PSK LNB C ontrol The IRD supports voltage control led LNBs on ly. T he a vaila ble volt age s a nd current are shown in Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Stan dard Definit ion Profession al Receiver/D ecoder Pa ge B-15 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.5.4 Frame Sync Connector The Decoder can frame lock to an external vi deo source. The frame info rm atio n is inpu t as a c omp os ite s yn chr on ous sig nal, with or w ith out active video.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-16 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Digital Video These connectors are located on the mothe rboard of the TT1260 Bas e Unit (TT 1260/DIRB AS). Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Stan dard Definit ion Profession al Receiver/D ecoder Pa ge B-17 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.6.3 Data Outputs RS-232 Asynchronous (Low-speed) Data This connecto r is located on the motherbo ard of the TT1260 Base Unit (TT 1260/DIRB AS).
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-18 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.6.5 Alarm Connectors Table B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Stan dard Definit ion Profession al Receiver/D ecoder Pa ge B-19 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.7 Environmental B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-20 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Item Specification Rated frequency 60 Hz ± 3 Hz (100 – 120 Vac) 50 Hz ± 3 Hz (200 – 250 Vac) Voltage selec tion Auto-ranging Rated current (max) 1.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Stan dard Definit ion Profession al Receiver/D ecoder Pa ge B-21 ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.9 Compliance 14 B.
Technical Sp ecificatio n Page B-22 Instruction Man ual: TT1260 Sta ndard De finit ion P rofessional Receiver/D ecoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 B.9.3 CE Marking The CE mark is affixed to indicate compli ance .
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-1 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 Annex C C. Menus Contents C.1 LCD Menus ...............................................................C-3 C.1.1 Using the Menus .........
Menus Page C-2 Instruction Manual: TT1 260 Standard Definition Pr ofessional Re c e ive r/Decoder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Table C.24: Alar ms Menu ............................................................ C-16 Table C.25: Satellite BER Alarm Setup Menu .
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-3 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.1 LCD Menus C.1.1 Using the Menus Detailed descri p ti on of the use of menus is given in Chapter 3, Operating the Equipment Locally .
Menus Page C-4 Instruction Manual: TT1 260 Standard Definition Pr ofessional Re c e ive r/Decoder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.3 The Menu Tree Figure C.1: Menu Tr ee Presets M enu TT1260 Initialisin g SWITCH ON Boot Sc reen 5.1 S atellite BER al arm setup 5.2 Transport Stream alarm setup 5.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-5 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.4 Preset s Menu It ems (#1) The Presets menu contains up to 40 edita ble preset numbers in the range 01 – 40. Se lecting a Serv ice via the Prese ts menu automatically reconfigures the T T1260.
Menus Page C-6 Instruction Manual: TT1 260 Standard Definition Pr ofessional Re c e ive r/Decoder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.5.2 QPSK Satellit e Menu The QPSK Satellite submenu accesses th e QPSK parameters. Table C.5: QPSK Satellite Menu Display title: QPSK Satellite Description Quality PV BER -1 -3 -5 1.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-7 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.5.3 8PSK/16Q AM Menu The 8PSK/16QAM submenu accesses the 8PSK/16QAM parameters. Table C.6: 8PSK/16QAM Menu Display title: 8PSK/16QAM Description Quality Eb/NO XXX.
Menus Page C-8 Instruction Manual: TT1 260 Standard Definition Pr ofessional Re c e ive r/Decoder ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Display title: Service Description Section Teletext The Teletex t submenu contains information abo ut the audio format and qual ity of the cu rrently decoded a udio stre am on the primary o utput.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-9 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 Display title: Video Description MAGENTA STEP & FLAT (NTSC) FLAT FI ELD RED (.
Menus Page C- 10 Instruction M anual : TT12 60 Stan dard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.6.3 Audio 2 Menu The Audio 2 signal status submenu contains information about the audio format and quality of the currently decoded audio stream on the secondary audio output.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-1 1 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 Table C.12: Sync Dat a Menu (H igh Speed RS-422 D ata Enabler C ard Fitted) Dis.
Menus Page C- 12 Instruction M anual : TT12 60 Stan dard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 Display title: VBI Description Video Index XXXXXXXXXXX YYYYYYY ZZZZ XXXXXXXXXX.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-1 3 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.7 Conditional Access M enu (#4) The Conditional Access submenu contains the current status of the smart card, and also lists the effect the smart card has for the currently selected components.
Menus Page C- 14 Instruction M anual : TT12 60 Stan dard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.7.3 Director Menu The Director submenu di splays all Director status and vers ion informati on and al low s e dit ing of t he cu sto me r ID an d loc a l loc k p in s.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-1 5 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.7.4 BISS Mo de 1 Menu The BISS Mode sub men u al low s e dit ing of t h e co nt ro l wor d ke ys for the BISS user IDs. Table C.
Menus Page C- 16 Instruction M anual : TT12 60 Stan dard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.8 Alarms Menu (#5) The Alarms menu provides a summary of the alarm status. Table C.24: Alarm s Menu Display title: Alarms Descr iption Section Satellite BER Alarm Setup Satellite BER alarm and relay settings.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-1 7 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.8.2 Transport Stream Alar m Setup Menu Table C.
Menus Page C- 18 Instruction M anual : TT12 60 Stan dard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.8.4 Audio 1 Alarm S etup Menu Table C.
Menus Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St anda rd De finit ion Pro fessional Receiv er/Decod er Page C-1 9 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 C.9 System Menu (#6) Table C.30: Syste m Menu Display title: System Description.
Menus Page C- 20 Instruction M anual : TT12 60 Stan dard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/ Decod er ST.TM .E101 00. 1 C.9.2 IRD Details M enu The IRD Details submenu diplays the softw are, firmware, hardware, PLD version and electroni c serial number of the IRD.
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page D-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Annex D D. Using the TT1260 with the T ANDBERG Director System Contents D.1 Configuring the TT1260 for Use With Director ..........D-3 D.1.1 Getting Started.
Using the TT1 260 w ith the TA NDB ER G Directo r System Page D- 2 Inst ructi on Ma nual : TT 1260 Standa rd Defin iti on Profession al Recei ver/Decoder ST.
Using the TT1 260 w ith the TA NDBERG Dire c to r Sys te m Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page D-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 D.1 Configuring the TT1260 fo r Use Wi th D i re c to r D.1.1 Getting Started You must have VideoGuard CA, a Dire ctor Smart Card and be tuned to a Director stream.
Using the TT1 260 w ith the TA NDB ER G Directo r System Page D- 4 Inst ructi on Ma nual : TT 1260 Standa rd Defin iti on Profession al Recei ver/Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 D.2 Response to Over-air Commands D.2.1 General This secti on descri bes the Recei ver ’s response to over-ai r com m a nds.
Using the TT1 260 w ith the TA NDBERG Dire c to r Sys te m Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page D-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 D.2.6 Force Service Selection Forces the Re ceiver to decode a diffe rent service or stored channel (which may require a retune).
Using the TT1 260 w ith the TA NDB ER G Directo r System Page D- 6 Inst ructi on Ma nual : TT 1260 Standa rd Defin iti on Profession al Recei ver/Decoder ST.
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page E -1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Annex E E. Language Abbreviations The TT 1260 supports the following languages.
Language A b brev iatio ns Page E- 2 Instruct ion M anu al: T T1260 Stan dard Defi nit ion Professi onal Receiver/Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 The followi ng non-ISO languages are supported: LANGUAGE ABBR.
Page F-1 Inst ruction Man ual : TT1260 St anda rd Defin ition Profession al Recei ver/Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Annex F F. Factory Defaults Units are shi pped wi th the foll owing factory defaul t parameters. These can be restored at any time usi ng the System Menu.
Factory D efau lts Page F-2 Instru ction Man ual : TT1260 St andard D efini tion Profession al Receiver/ Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 Menu Page Description Default 3.2.3 ROUTING STEREO 3.2.4 CLIPPING LEVEL 18dB 3.2.5 AC3 DOWNMIX MET HOD SURROUND STEREO 3.
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page G-1 ST.TM .E10100. 1 Annex G G. Quick Reference Guide Contents G.1 Setting Up the Input ................................................. G-3 G.1.1 Satellite Receiver .
Quick Re f erence G uid e Page G- 2 In struct ion M anu al: T T1260 Stan dard Defi nit ion Professi onal Receiver/Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 BLANK.
Quick Re f erence G uid e Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page G-3 ST.TM .E10100. 1 G.1 Setting Up the Input G.1.1 Satellite Receiver Table G . 1 ste ps t hro ug h th e s et ting up t he S at ellite Re ce ive r us ing Menu #2 Input, and the QPSK 1 and 2 inputs.
Quick Re f erence G uid e Page G- 4 In struct ion M anu al: T T1260 Stan dard Defi nit ion Professi onal Receiver/Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 G.2 Service Configurat ion G.2.1 Setting Up a Service Each transport stream may contain many Services. Menu #3 all ows a Service to be chosen as current an d the parameters of its components to be spe cif ied.
Quick Re f erence G uid e Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 Standard D efinit ion Profession al Receiver/Decoder Page G-5 ST.TM .E10100. 1 G.2.3 Setting up a Preset Service Fo llow the st eps in Table G.5 to store the current Service as a p reset. Table G.
Quick Re f erence G uid e Page G- 6 In struct ion M anu al: T T1260 Stan dard Defi nit ion Professi onal Receiver/Decoder ST.TM .E10100. 1 BLANK.
Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St andard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/D ecod er Index-1 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 Index The followi ng conventions are used i n this manual: a page number entry in bold i.
Index Index-2 I ns tr uction Manual: TT126 0 Standard Definition Prof essional Receive r /Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 connector information, B-17 , B-18 front panel, 1-16 methods, 1-8 modem baud rate, .
Index Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St andard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/D ecod er Index-3 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 L language non-ISO languages, E-2 language, foreign manuals, ii L-band input frequ.
Index Index-4 I ns tr uction Manual: TT126 0 Standard Definition Prof essional Receive r /Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 operation modes, 3-5 setting up preset service, 3-17 preset services preset menu (#1) pages, C-5 setting up, 3-17 programme delivery and control (PDC), 1-7 PSU.
Index Instruct ion Man ual: TT1260 St andard Defi niti on Professi onal R eceiver/D ecod er Index-5 ST.TM .E 10100. 1 QPSK input card, 5-5 remote control connector, B-17 , B-18 RS-422 data input modul.
Index Index-6 I ns tr uction Manual: TT126 0 Standard Definition Prof essional Receive r /Deco der ST.TM .E101 00. 1 BLANK.
Side 1 av 1 TANDBERG Television System s AS , Phil l ip Pedersens vei 20, P .O.BO X 322, N- 1326 LYSAKE R, Norway Tel: + 47 67116200,Fax: + 47 67116201 R epair/ser vice Or der F or m (Non Norwegian Custom ers) Delivery is to be done by TNT . TANDBERG Television's TNT account is 237067.
An important point after buying a device TANDBERG TT1260 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought TANDBERG TT1260 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data TANDBERG TT1260 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, TANDBERG TT1260 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get TANDBERG TT1260 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of TANDBERG TT1260, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime TANDBERG TT1260.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with TANDBERG TT1260. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device TANDBERG TT1260 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center