Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product UP-DR100 Sony
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3-206-136- 43 (1) Digital Color Printer © 2001 Sony Corporation UP-DR100 Instructions f or Use.
2 Owner's Recor d The model and seri al numbers are located at the rear . Record these number i n the space pro vided belo w . Refer to these numbers whene ver you ca ll upon your Sony d ealer re garding thi s product. Model No . _____________ _______ Serial No.
3 T able of Cont ents Introduction Fea tures ........... ........................... ........................... .. 4 Basic Applicat ion Example ............ ....................4 Part Names and Func tions ................ ....................4 Preparation Supplied Acce ssories .
Introduc tion F eatures / Part Names and Funct ions 4 Introduction Featur es The UP-DR 100 Digit al Color Pr inter is a dy e sublimati on thermal tran sfer printer providi ng high quality , hi gh resoluti on (334 dpi), and high speed printing of computer ima ge data on four si zes of paper in full c olor (256 gradations and 16 .
Introduc tion P ar t Names and Func tions 5 A ALARM indicator (25) Ligh ts in green whe n the syste m is initia lized, or in red when an error , such as a paper jam, occ urs. B Inf ormation Di splay (14, 18, 25) Displays the numbe r of pages pr inted, or the amount of paper and ink ribbo n remaining.
Prepar ation Supplied Access ories 6 Preparation Supplied Accessories Make certa in you hav e recei ved the foll owing accessories: Notes • When taki ng out the printer , be caref ul not to hurt yo ur back. • The packaging materials are needed when transport ing the prin ter , so we suggest you keep them.
Prepar ation DIP Switch Settings 7 Pa pe r and ink ribbon For detailed inf ormation on ho w to instal l the ink ribbon and paper , see “Loadi ng the Pap er and Ink Rib bon” on page 9. DIP Switch Settings Set t he SC SI ID w ith the D IP swit ches o n the si de pa nel.
Prepar ation Connecti ons 8 Connections The UP-DR100 ca n be conne cted to comput ers and peripheral de vices equipped with a SCSI in terface . Notes • Before making connections, al ways tur n off a ll connected d evices. • Connect the po wer c ord last.
Operat ion Loading th e Pa per and Ink Ribbon 9 Operation Loading the P aper and Ink Ribbon Before usin g the print er for the first time, confirm that you ha ve all o f the accessories, and a ssemble them as described on p age 6.
Operat ion Loading t he P aper and Ink Rib bon 10 1 Pull the top of t he front door to open i t. 2 Pull t he cover up. 3 After remo ving the labels attac hed at both si des of the paper roll, place the paper r oll in the paper holde r .
Operat ion Loading th e Pa per and Ink Ribbon 11 Note Be sure to remove all of the seals attac hed to the paper ro ll. A sea l rema ining in side the printe r may cau se pr oble ms. 5 Close the co ver . If the ti p of the pap er protrudes fr om the plate n roller , be sure to insert t he tip of the pape r under the roll ers.
Operat ion Loading t he P aper and Ink Rib bon 12 8 After con firmin g that the sp ools hav e been prop erly inserted, remov e any slackness fr om the ink ri bbon.
Operat ion Loading th e Pa per and Ink Ribbon 13 If the ri bbon breaks d uring use The remai ning ribbon can be use d after repairing i t with adhe sive tape.
Operat ion Printing from th e Computer 14 5 Push the ri ght pin k spoo l to th e left a nd pull it to ward you to remo ve t he pink spool o f the in k ribbo n. Attach b oth pink and b lue spools of the ink ribbo n. 6 Remo ve the paper . 1 Pull the co ver up.
Operat ion Printing from t he Computer 15 Ident ificat ion of th e prin ting pa ck cur rentl y being us ed on th e info rmati on displ ay Notes • T urn th e printer on fi rst. • Don’t tur n the prin ter on ag ain within 5 seconds afte r turn ing it o f f.
Operat ion Adjusti ng Gra y Balance 16 If the printe r does n ot pri nt The printer cannot prin t in the follo wing cases: • When the remai ning amount o f ink rib bon or the quantit y of prin ting .
Operat ion Adjusting Gra y Balance 17 4 Look at the pr intout of Grou p A to determi ne the best gray bala nce from this group. 5 Next, l ook at the p rintout of Group B to determin e the best gr ay balance fro m this group, t oo. 6 Press the CALIBR A TION button.
Operat ion Displa ying the T otal Quantity of Pa ges Printed and Remai ning Amount of Ink Rib bon or P aper 18 Displ a yin g the T otal Quan tity of P ag es Printed and Remaining Amount of Ink Ribb on or Pa p e r Displa ying the Quantity of P ages Printed The tota l number o f pages prin tings done sinc e turning on the print er can be displ ayed.
Operat ion Displa ying the Firmware V ersion of the Printer 19 T o display the remai ning am ount of the ink ribbon : Select “RIBBON REMAIN. ” T o display the remai ning amo unt of pape r: Select “P APER REMAIN”. 3 Press the MENU button a fter confirmi ng.
Miscel laneous Precaut ions 20 Miscellaneous Precautio ns Saf ety • Operate the printer using the po w er source specif ied in “Specif ications” (p age 24) • Be careful no t to damage the po wer cable by placing or dro pping heavy ob ject s on it; it is da ngero us to u se the unit with a damaged p ower cab le.
Miscel laneous Precau tions 21 On T ranspor ting the Printer Do not tra nsport th e printer w ith the sup plied accessories attach ed. Doing so may cause a malfunction.
Miscel laneous Precaut ions 22 Note The surf ace of the rubbe r roller is soft and easily scratched. When cleaning it, be careful l not to scrat ch and not to pul l the surface of the rubber roller .
Miscel laneous Ink Ribbon and P aper 23 If whi te st ripe s or scra tches ap pea rs on the prin tout: When you mak e prin touts usin g the UPC-R46/ R46A/ R68A self-laminat ing color pr inting pack , a.
Miscel laneous Specifications 24 Specif icati ons Po wer requirement s 100-120 V/220-240 V A C, 50/60 Hz Curr ent c ons umpt ion Max. 2.7 A/1.2 A (while printing ) Operating temperature ran ge 5 to 35°C Operatin g humidity rang e 20 to 80% Extern al dimensions Approx.
Miscel laneous Error and W arning Messages 25 Err o r and W arning Messa ges Error a nd warning messages appear on t he information display u nder the foll owing c onditions. P lease tak e the remedial acti ons sho wn next t o the message to correct the condi tion.
Miscel laneous T roubles hooting 26 T r oubleshooting Before submitting the product for repair , please rech eck the foll owing. If the uni t still do es not operat e properly , contact your supp lier or nearest Son y Service Center .
Inde x Inde x 27 Inde x A Accessories supplied assembly 6 confi rmati on 6 Paper Scrap T ray 6 Po wer Cord 6 Adjusting g ray balance 16 B Basic Application Example 4 C Cleaning cabinet 21 cleaning rol.
Sony Co r porat ion.
An important point after buying a device Sony UP-DR100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony UP-DR100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony UP-DR100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony UP-DR100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony UP-DR100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony UP-DR100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony UP-DR100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony UP-DR100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony UP-DR100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center